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S10.E13: There's No Place Like Rome

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13 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Ah, that isn't what I meant. I wasn't thinking beyond this and the last seasons in that post.

Here's what I think of the situation

- one, Aaron is creepy and two, there's a chance Denise did have sex with Brandi. I think the women got pissed off at Denise's party because they had a plan to out her there. They were vollying the talk a lot. Rinna looked like a cat who ate the canary, Erica looked smug, Kyle nervous, Dorit conflicted, and Teddi bullheaded. I don't think the other women were in the conspiracy.

Denise realized they were fishing. She tried to cut it off. The other women wouldn't have it and ended up showing their asses. Then and in the confessionsls. I think they were embarrassed and angry that they were foiled and "made to look bad" and then they got mean. It became personal. And yeah, I think they wanted to really hurt her. And they are all coming off as bullies

Thank you, my childhood is mostly dealt with, but one thing I try to keep in the forefront is having empathy for others. I don't ever want to fall into a trap of self pity.

I see where you and others are coming from.  

I do believe that Brandi’s confession on camera was orchestrated by production, and that Kyle was probably a willing participant.  (I am on the fence about what Teddi knew in advance, I could go either way.)  I believe production got pissed with the multiple “Bravo, Bravo, Bravo” moments with Denise, and decided to show her who is boss.  It did not come up organically, and so that was cold and cruel.  Where it ranks is up to Housewives Historians to decide.

Also, having been spoiled on the Brandi thing, I also did think that the Lesbianism/threesome conversation at Denise’s house was a remarkable coincidence, and that Denise’s real reason for wanting to shut it down was because she was worried about where it would go, and what her kids might hear directly about their mom.

But I think at Denise’s dinner, the other girls weren’t really after Denise.  I believe Dorit, Rinna and Erika decided in the beginning of the season to go after Kyle and Teddi’s closeness, and speculate openly that they were lesbians for a storyline.  The pivot to Denise only came afterwards.  Personally, I think Dorit is still a little miffed that the original plan got shelved.

  • Love 6
45 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I’m just curious; how was, say, Dorit more defensive than Garcelle?  I think each of the women has a different level of accountability, but Garcelle’s hands aren’t clean either.  She has been getting in remarks all season—she just says them with a smile.  The only OG is Kyle, so I’m just not seeing a delineation between Garcelle on one hand, and the other women on the other.  Sutton seems to be in a different category than Lisa.  I think everyone is running their own race with regard to Denise.  

Aside from that, responding to another oft-made assertion, I can’t understand when it is postured that these women “don’t eat.”

Are you asking about the defensiveness as expressed in the "mom shaming" accusations? If so, I don't think either Dorit or Garcelle was defensive. Kyle was, Rinna was, Erika was, Teddi was -- that's 80% of the more-than-one-season-ers.  So when I said "these OGs", it was shorthand for "people who are not on their first season", or "women who have been on the show for a few years", with rounding. To my mind, the line is pretty clear: "women who are one their first season" vs. "those who have been on for more several seasons, and who a) have established relationships and b) know the ropes."  I thought that would be well-understood, mea culpa.

I disagree that everyone is running their own race with Denise. Sutton and Garcelle, who really don't know the group very well may be, but Rinna, Kyle, Teddi and Erika seem to be running a relay.


  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Jel said:

I think Housewives Historians (is that a job, btw, and where do I apply?) will judge this as one of the more cruel episodes, as opposed to silly spats the HWs often get into (like wineglass gate or lategate between Teddi and Dorit, for example).

The whole vibe that evening was confrontational. Denise was accused of doing "bad, really bad" things. It became obvious to her that she'd been discussed beforehand. It was clear her so called friends (co=workers) were giving credence to someone who was, under normal circumstances, considered a liar, but in *this* case, and only in this case, was suddenly the voice of authority. 

It went past a "I heard a rumor. OMG is that true?" kind of thing, where Denise could have rolled her eyes and denied it. She was already deep in the hot seat that that point, and things had elevated to such a confrontational level that even when she did try to deny it, the others wouldn't let it go. 

Not a single one of them had been wronged personally by Denise -- if she cheated on her husband, that's between Aaron and Denise -- so not a single one of them had any reason to care that much. But the way they approached it and carried on, telling her to own it and admit it and just get the truth out there, when it was none of their business, showed me that they were clearly out to get her.  That's what makes it so bad.

Here’s the thing.  I think that, in real life, women are infinitely capable of handling confrontational situations where multiple people are against us.  In our work, with our families and friends, we all face situations where multiple people disagree with us about something, and we calmly, patiently but determinedly bring these people around to our way of thinking.

But on this show, the women often overreact (Erika, Rinna with Kim Richards).  Or they just kind of sulk and try to run away.  

I think there was a way for Denise to handle that evening that would have left everyone convinced that Brandi is lying to get on the show.

One thing I will agree with Denise on.  Lisa Rinna is a bad friend.  I think if Rinna had given her a little heads up, a text, whatever, Denise would have been forewarned and probably handled it all much better.

Edited by Set Them Free
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29 minutes ago, Set Them Free said:

Here’s the thing.  I think that, in real life, women are infinitely capable of handling confrontational situations where multiple people are against us.  In our work, with our families and friends, we all face situations where multiple people disagree with us about something, and we calmly, patiently but determinedly bring these people around to our way of thinking.

But on this show, the women often overreact (Erika, Rinna with Kim Richards).  Or they just kind of sulk and try to run away.  

I think there was a way for Denise to handle that evening that would have left everyone convinced that Brandi is lying to get on the show.

One thing I will agree with Denise on.  Lisa Rinna is a bad friend.  I think if Rinna had given her a little heads up, a text, whatever, Denise would have been forewarned and probably handled it all much better.

So. You are condeming her for not knowing how to react in the moment when the other women orchastrated a gangup. That's your real problrm. Okay.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, Set Them Free said:

Here’s the thing.  I think that, in real life, women are infinitely capable of handling confrontational situations where multiple people are against us.  In our work, with our families and friends, we all face situations where multiple people disagree with us about something, and we calmly, patiently but determinedly bring these people around to our way of thinking.

But on this show, the women often overreact (Erika, Rinna with Kim Richards).  Or they just kind of sulk and try to run away.  

I think there was a way for Denise to handle that evening that would have left everyone convinced that Brandi is lying to get on the show.

One thing I will agree with Denise on.  Lisa Rinna is a bad friend.  I think if Rinna had given her a little heads up, a text, whatever, Denise could have forewarned and probably handled it all much better.

I'd wholeheartedly agree with that if you added the word "some" before women because women are a collection of individuals. I know women who are fine with confrontation, and I know others who avoid it at all costs.  And I know plenty who fall somewhere in between.

If you are calmly, patiently yet determinedly bringing people around to your way of thinking, then my hat's off to you.  Lots of people would envy that ability because, imo, few people have it. 

If there's a way that Denise could have handled that situation to turn it and leave everyone convinced Brandi was lying, I would sincerely love to hear it.  :)

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Jel said:

If there's a way that Denise could have handled that situation to turn it and leave everyone convinced Brandi was lying, I would sincerely love to hear it.  🙂

By the time the conversation happened in Rome, Kyle, Teddi and Rinna had already made up their minds about Denise and Brandi.  There is nothing Denise can do to change that.  And I think Denise knows it as well.  All Denise can do is persuade Dorit, Erika, Garcelle and Sutton that Brandi is lying while trying to protect her family from any backlash.  Of course, Denise does not know what Erika has said about her daughters at this point.  She now does though.  

Interestingly, I do see Dorit wavering.  I don't think she had anything to do with the cabal and Brandi, and her brain is working overtime trying to figure out which side she should be on.  Denise was the one who confronted Camille last season for talking about Dorit's money issues on camera.  While Dorit must know what Kyle and Rinna do to those not on their side.  

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Yes, if you decide to make a living by being on a show like this, it is on you to handle yourself.  If you can’t, find another way to support yourself and your family.

But then again, maybe what Denise is doing is working.  Certainly a lot of people are on her side. 

For me, personally, if I was at a dinner table and multiple women said that a mutual friend told them I was trashing them, and then I slept with her, I would first want to know exactly what this girl had said about me, word for word (This is where Denise lost me, saying none of it was true without even knowing or wanting to know what was said, even after she found out it was already on camera).  Then I would thank them for bringing this to my attention, let them know that none of it was true because anything Issues I have with them, I would bring up with them one-on-one and not talk about them behind their back (to Denise’s credit, she did this).  Finally, I would confront that person that was spreading lies about me and get them to apologize (If Denise does this, I will probably retract my current opinion.)

Pretty much every woman I know in real life would do something similar.  To me, it seems like the natural response.

As to the motivations of the women who were reporting this to me?  Who gives a shit?  They are just the messengers.  Denise’s real problem is Brandi, and that is who she should be dealing with.

Edited by Set Them Free
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16 minutes ago, Set Them Free said:

Yes, if you decide to make a living by being on a show like this, it is on you to handle yourself.  If you can’t, find another way to support yourself and your family.

But then again, maybe what Denise is doing is working.  Certainly a lot of people are on her side. 

For me, personally, if I was at a dinner table and multiple women said that a mutual friend told them I was trashing them, and then I slept with her, I would first want to know exactly what this girl had said about me, word for word (This is where Denise lost me, saying none of it was true without even knowing or wanting to know what was said, even after she found out it was already on camera).  Then I would thank them for bringing this to my attention, let them know that none of it was true because anything Issues I have with them, I would bring up with them one-on-one and not talk about them behind their back (to Denise’s credit, she did this).  Finally, I would confront that person that was spreading lies about me and get them to apologize (If Denise does this, I will probably retract my current opinion.)

Pretty much every woman I know in real life would do something similar.  To me, it seems like the natural response.

As to the motivations of the women who were reporting this to me?  Who gives a shit?  They are just the messengers.  Denise’s real problem is Brandi, and that is who she should be dealing 

Teddi, Erica, and Kyle then have reacted perfectly, every time shit goes down, when under stress. Oh they havent? I guess they should find other work then. Dorit actually, ... she handles these situations well. 

All of this back and forth to justify not liking Denise. It's okay not to like her. 

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Set Them Free said:

Yes, if you decide to make a living by being on a show like this, it is on you to handle yourself.  If you can’t, find another way to support yourself and your family.

But then again, maybe what Denise is doing is working.  Certainly a lot of people are on her side. 

For me, personally, if I was at a dinner table and multiple women said that a mutual friend told them I was trashing them, and then I slept with her, I would first want to know exactly what this girl had said about me, word for word.  Then I would thank them for bringing this to my attention, let them know that none of it was true because anything Issues I have with them, I would bring up with them one-on-one (as I have) and not talk about them behind their back.  Finally, I would confront that person that was spreading lies about me and get them to apologize.

Pretty much every woman I know in real life would do something similar.  To me, it seems like the natural response.

If Denise had done that, I would believe her.

As to the motivations of the women who were reporting this to me?  Who gives a shit?  They are just the messengers.  Denise’s real problem is Brandi, and that is who she should be dealing with.

I want to say, "You and the women you know are clearly not Canadian." but then some Canadian outlier will pop in to disagree.  ;)  

I think motivation is important and often wonder why someone is saying what they are saying, especially on these shows. What they choose to reveal often seems weaponized. What they choose to keep mum seems like an expression of their loyalty to a particular HW. In fact, I think you could make a case that any HW could evaluate her standing in the group based solely on which of her secrets are kept and which are revealed.



  • Love 9
36 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Denise doesn’t need to convince these women of anything. 

She needs to attack them in the same manner she was attacked.

Never apologize or explain. The best defense is a good offense.

You win the game by keeping your defense off the field.

People say "defense wins championships!" and my husband (former offensive line high school hockey player) always says "Says the guy who wasn't good enough to play offense". 

And I've never passed that on to his loser, defense-playing friends ;) 

(Triple winky face kidding)

All I know about sports is that by the end of the game, that basket ball is coming for my head. No skills. None.

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First off, thank you both for engaging with me.  I did not realize how much I missed debating things with human beings.

23 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Teddi, Erica, and Kyle then have reacted perfectly, every time shit goes down, when under stress. Oh they havent? I guess they should find other work then. Dorit actually, ... she handles these situations well. 

All of this back and forth to justify not liking Denise. It's okay not to like her. 

No, Teddi, Erika and Kyle do not react well in many situations.  But they get called out on it by the audience.

And I actually like Denise.  I just don’t feel sorry for her.  I don’t feel sorry for Teddi, Erika and Kyle either when their crap comes to light.  If they don’t want their private lives on TV, don’t do the show.  

14 minutes ago, Jel said:

I want to say, "You and the women you know are clearly not Canadian." but then some Canadian outlier will pop in to disagree.  ;)  

I think motivation is important and often wonder why someone is saying what they are saying, especially on these shows. What they choose to reveal often seems weaponized. What they choose to keep mum seems like an expression of their loyalty to a particular HW. In fact, I think you could make a case that any HW could evaluate her standing in the group based solely on which of her secrets are kept and which are revealed.

We all speculate so much on motivations.  You can believe the best of people, or the worst of people.  But you can’t know for sure, so too much pondering of motivations can drive you crazy.

Denise can believe Teddi is out to get her.  Or she can believe Teddi is just trying to warn her.  Or that Teddi succumbed to pressure (which seems to be what Denise actually believes).  But it doesn’t change the fact that her real problem is with Brandi, does it?



  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Set Them Free said:

First off, thank you both for engaging with me.  I did not realize how much I missed debating things with human beings.

No, Teddi, Erika and Kyle do not react well in many situations.  But they get called out on it by the audience.

And I actually like Denise.  I just don’t feel sorry for her.  I don’t feel sorry for Teddi, Erika and Kyle either when their crap comes to light.  If they don’t want their private lives on TV, don’t do the show.  

We all speculate so much on motivations.  You can believe the best of people, or the worst of people.  But you can’t know for sure, so too much pondering of motivations can drive you crazy.

Denise can believe Teddi is out to get her.  Or she can believe Teddi is just trying to warn her.  Or that Teddi succumbed to pressure (which seems to be what Denise actually believes).  But it doesn’t change the fact that her real problem is with Brandi, does it?



I'm not going to lie, debating about something other than politics is a pure joy.  Thank you as well.

I don't feel sorry for Denise. I just really hate unfair situations, no matter what the stakes are. And I don't like bullies. They infuriate me. This entire situation is unfair. And I know life is unfair, but I'd like an entertaining respite at times. And RH is not providing this.

What I'd be kicking myself over if I was one of the conspirarors is that Denise was well on her way to being unlikeable without interference. She was rude, snappish, and condenscending those first couple of episodes. I was thinking, wooh another side of DR. I'd watched her reality show, after her divorce, which painted her as the earth-mother-wonder-daughter, that she had a bunch of control over content with, so this was interesting. 

Then Kyle, Erica, and Rinna concocted this mess. Now they look like the assholes a second year in a row. No one likes a bully.

The surprise for me is how Dorit has somehow managed to redeem herself this year, because all the whining and dog abandoning last year made me despise her. It's not that she's really likesble, but she can be funny and so far is one of the least offensive. I also like her over the top fashion.

Teddi, as usual, is a pawn.

G, because she's barely around and S because they cut so much of her real life, are non factors in my mind.

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm not going to lie, debating about something other than politics is a pure joy.  Thank you as well.

I don't feel sorry for Denise. I just really hate unfair situations, no matter what the stakes are. And I don't like bullies. They infuriate me. This entire situation is unfair. And I know life is unfair, but I'd like an entertaining respite at times. And RH is not providing this.

What I'd be kicking myself over if I was one of the conspirarors is that Denise was well on her way to being unlikeable without interference. She was rude, snappish, and condenscending those first couple of episodes. I was thinking, wooh another side of DR. I'd watched her reality show, after her divorce, which painted her as the earth-mother-wonder-daughter, that she had a bunch of control over content with, so this was interesting. 

Then Kyle, Erica, and Rinna concocted this mess. Now they look like the assholes a second year in a row. No one likes a bully.

The surprise for me is how Dorit has somehow managed to redeem herself this year, because all the whining and dog abandoning last year made me despise her. It's not that she's really likesble, but she can be funny and so far is one of the least offensive. I also like her over the top fashion.

Teddi, as usual, is a pawn.

G, because she's barely around and S because they cut so much of her real life, are non factors in my mind.

Well, I can’t disagree with any of this. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Jel said:

I want to say, "You and the women you know are clearly not Canadian." but then some Canadian outlier will pop in to disagree.  😉

....oh oh oh can I be the outlier?? 

3 hours ago, Set Them Free said:

For me, personally, if I was at a dinner table and multiple women said that a mutual friend told them I was trashing them, and then I slept with her, I would first want to know exactly what this girl had said about me, word for word.

I actually agree with Jel (but I'm still an outlier!)  and I wonder if your analogy isn't a fair comparison (as in, these women aren't friends/mutual friends).

Imagine your dinner-among-friends is actually a working dinner in a vicious corporate culture -  Succession meets Escape From Bitch Mountain -  with you being one of the corporate stars. And imagine you know the work culture is to bait and destroy the most popular employees.  And you look up from your dinner, only to realize that the same people who have been reviled and loathed on social media for over a year (what we here at the the PrimeTimer Head Office refer to as The Accuntability Crowd)  are out to get you.  Knowing that video of you responding will be edited, misrepresented & replayed until the end of time, do you:

1) Demand every ugly accusation be listed, in great detail.

2) Immediately discount the credibility of the subhuman weasel providing those ugly details to your co-worker.

My attack will be focused on the liar, not the lies.  Gossip is in the details, and letting them repeat what's already been said in another scene only gives Bravo-Bravo-Bravo more tape to play with, Teddi more screen time, the discussion more oxygen, and Brandi more credibility, not less.


Edited by film noire
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5 minutes ago, film noire said:

....oh oh oh can I be the outlier?? 

I actually agree with Jel (but I'm still an outlier!)  

I wonder if your analogy isn't a fair comparison (as in, these women aren't friends/mutual friends).

Imagine your dinner-among-friends is actually a working dinner in a vicious corporate culture -  Succession meets Escape From Bitch Mountain -  with you being one of the current corporate stars in the company.  And imagine that you know the corporate culture is to bait and destroy the most popular employees.  And you look up from your dinner, only to realize that the unpopular employees, the same people who have been reviled and loathed on social media for over a year (what we here at the the PrimeTimer Head Office refer to as The Accuntability Crowd)  are out to get you.  Knowing that video of you responding will be edited/misrepresented/replayed until the end of time, do you:

1) Demand every ugly accusation be listed, in great detail.

2) Immediately discount the credibility of the subhuman weasel providing those ugly details to your co-worker.

My attack will be focused on the liar, not the lies. Because gossip is in the details, and letting them repeat what's already been said in another scene only gives Bravo-Bravo-Bravo more tape to play with, and Teddi more screen time, and the discussion more oxygen. 

Ok.  I see what you are saying.  I see the logic of not letting the conversation on what was said get started.  

But, fact is, I did not believe a word of what Brandi was saying when she was talking to Kyle and Teddi.  I only started to believe it somewhat after I saw Denise’s reaction.  But maybe I am just being hard on the wrong person.


  • Love 4

On WWHL, when Andy asked Kyle why she currently believes Brandi doesn't lie, when she accused Brandi of lying in previous seasons, I think (I'm not 100% sure; I was falling asleep) Kyle said that Brandi wasn't lying in previous seasons, because, Brandi believed, at the time, what she was saying was true. (Can anyone else confirm this?)

1 hour ago, Wicked said:

Brandi has definitely been a horrible person on the show, but I can't think of an example where she was caught in a lie.  Isn't it more her thing to expose things that others want to keep private?

I think Kyle forgot she said Brandi is a liar. Or she thinks we forgot. 

FEBRUARY 4, 2015, 10:35 AM ET


Kyle: Brandi Puts Out Lies, Hoping They Will Stick

Brandi always puts out lies about people, hoping they will stick. Just because Brandi says something doesn't make it true. She has a tendency to believe her own lies.

As Brandi threw out her last dagger, her vicious comment about my husband not wanting me, I lost it. It was so mean and coming from someone who is so concerned about "reckless" comments. What about my children? Brandi has proven time and again she doesn't care about hurting anyone... including their family.


Edited by suomi
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4 hours ago, suomi said:

I think Kyle forgot she said Brandi is a liar. Or she thinks we forgot. 

FEBRUARY 4, 2015, 10:35 AM ET


Kyle: Brandi Puts Out Lies, Hoping They Will Stick

Brandi always puts out lies about people, hoping they will stick. Just because Brandi says something doesn't make it true. She has a tendency to believe her own lies.

As Brandi threw out her last dagger, her vicious comment about my husband not wanting me, I lost it. It was so mean and coming from someone who is so concerned about "reckless" comments. What about my children? Brandi has proven time and again she doesn't care about hurting anyone... including their family.


Thank you for posting this. Did Kyle care about Denise and her family this season? I think not. 

  • Love 9
On 8/11/2020 at 11:55 PM, ShawnaLanne said:

Here's what I think of the situation

- one, Aaron is creepy and two, there's a chance Denise did have sex with Brandi. I think the women got pissed off at Denise's party because they had a plan to out her there. They were vollying the talk a lot. Rinna looked like a cat who ate the canary, Erica looked smug, Kyle nervous, Dorit conflicted, and Teddi bullheaded. I don't think the other women were in the conspiracy.

Denise realized they were fishing. She tried to cut it off. The other women wouldn't have it and ended up showing their asses. Then and in the confessionsls. I think they were embarrassed and angry that they were foiled and "made to look bad" and then they got mean. It became personal. And yeah, I think they wanted to really hurt her. And they are all coming off as bullies

This is what I mostly think happened too.

On 8/12/2020 at 1:25 PM, Set Them Free said:

But I think at Denise’s dinner, the other girls weren’t really after Denise.  I believe Dorit, Rinna and Erika decided in the beginning of the season to go after Kyle and Teddi’s closeness, and speculate openly that they were lesbians for a storyline.  The pivot to Denise only came afterwards.  Personally, I think Dorit is still a little miffed that the original plan got shelved.

On the other hand what kind of weird coincidence is it that everyone was going after "lesbian" storylines this year? 😄 


On 8/12/2020 at 12:31 AM, RealHousewife said:

I agree you have a point about how dark the show has been at times. When LVP talked about her terribly she had been treated years ago and said how great and light the show used to be, I'd be like what?! Being accused of selling stories and compared to Bobby Fischer paled in comparison to things like private information regarding kids being outed, the world finding out you're an addict, Russell's suicide, and all the rest of the stuff you mentioned.

It was light for Lisa because she's a narcissist and at the time was having a fabulous time swanning around as Queen Bee and snarking on the others 😄 

On 8/12/2020 at 2:28 PM, Set Them Free said:

Here’s the thing.  I think that, in real life, women are infinitely capable of handling confrontational situations where multiple people are against us.  In our work, with our families and friends, we all face situations where multiple people disagree with us about something, and we calmly, patiently but determinedly bring these people around to our way of thinking.

Or we get in a fight and then make up and get over it.  Or we find people who like us to hang out with.  That's where these shows have the biggest problem coming off as "real" IMO

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, princelina said:

It was light for Lisa because she's a narcissist and at the time was having a fabulous time swanning around as Queen Bee and snarking on the others 😄 

I like her, but lol. This kind of reminds me of older people who'd (prior to pandemic & recent riots) talk about how great the US and life used to be. Yeah, you were more free to be homophobic, racist and to mistreat women and not get canceled. Life wasn't better in reality, you were just oblivious to many problems because they did not personally affect you. 

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On 8/10/2020 at 5:12 AM, Choco9 said:

Did you watch the talking head when she did it?  She was completely referencing his disease and making a joke.  It slid under the Radar because we as the audience were geared to only pay attention to Puppy Gate that season.  I have no narrative and it’s pretty strange that you think you know the “truth” of her comment if you didn’t even view or remember it.  Also, this is a board for discussion of a reality show, please refrain from the zealous “Stick to the facts” direction - I’ll post what I want about the show, thanks.

Who are you talking about with this HIV discussion?

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On 8/6/2020 at 2:19 AM, swankie said:

I for one believe people should have the right to eat their food the way they like it.  I get that from people sometimes too and for the life of me don't understand why my food preference annoys them.  I give Kyle a pass on this one.  You like it the way you like it.  It's as simple as that. 

Agreed, I eat my steak very rare, but like my fish cooked med well. 

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