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S35.E14: Your Time is Gonna Come

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What the hell was Cory’s problem? He was totally safe considering there were two guys who wanted to go into the elimination. There was no need for him to be on the Tribunal. If you want to be in the Tribunal then earn it by winning, you dope. Don’t quit and then whine when you don’t get the reward.

I’m so sad that Aneesa was eliminated. Fucking Josh, I hate that guy. Glad to see his stupid, whiny, crybaby face get knocked out of the game. I can’t help liking Kyle so it was good to see him get his red skull, especially at the expense of that total dipshit, Josh.

  • Love 13
Just now, Michichick said:

What the hell was Cory’s problem? He was totally safe considering there were two guys who wanted to go into the elimination. There was no need for him to be on the Tribunal. If you want to be in the Tribunal then earn it by winning, you dope. Don’t quit and then whine when you don’t get the reward.

I’m so sad that Aneesa was eliminated. Fucking Josh, I hate that guy. Glad to see his stupid, whiny, crybaby face get knocked out of the game. I can’t help liking Kyle so it was good to see him get his red skull, especially at the expense of that total dipshit, Josh.

Fuck Josh for putting in Aneesa!

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Michichick said:


What the hell was Cory’s problem? He was totally safe considering there were two guys who wanted to go into the elimination. There was no need for him to be on the Tribunal. If you want to be in the Tribunal then earn it by winning, you dope. Don’t quit and then whine when you don’t get the reward.


I’m in total agreement but I suspect he wanted to be in the position to make sure Aneesa was the one who went in for the ladies. There was no other reason for him to need to be there than to have that decision-making power. And I bet he was relieved in the end that he could still look like a stand-up guy to her.

I’m gutted for Aneesa. It must feel so awful to be there and have earned your place in the final just to have everyone in the house talk about you like you’re dead weight and completely incapable. I really hope she didn’t watch this episode and have to go through it again. I also hope every person that complained about potentially having to partner with her gets either eliminated next week or gassed out in a final.

Just when these people think they’ve got the fame figured out, they get a curveball. They can’t possibly have thought that many people would be running a final. They have to have multiple people eliminated next week. There’s just too many of them.

  • Love 4

Aneesa got screwed over by Josh who was clearly doing Johnny's work. I'm glad he got eliminated. It would have been worth it to see him be the first person to gas out during the finale (there's always one) but I rather he didn't even make it to the finale. Josh did the impossible. He made me root for Kyle.

Cory would have never put Aneesa in that elimination.

I don't understand why Dee wasn't an option to go in. I thought both Josh and Jenny wanted her out? Also why is everyone so concerned about who they might get paired up with in the finale? TJ says it's an individual game. It's not the top guy and girl winning. It's one person winning. There's no reason to believe you have to make sure you have a "strong" girl on your side. And by the way, wouldn't you want a weaker girl in the finale running against you? Why would you let the likes of Jenny and Dee get in there? These people are idiots who never understand how to play the game.


  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

I’m in total agreement but I suspect he wanted to be in the position to make sure Aneesa was the one who went in for the ladies. There was no other reason for him to need to be there than to have that decision-making power. And I bet he was relieved in the end that he could still look like a stand-up guy to her.

I’m gutted for Aneesa. It must feel so awful to be there and have earned your place in the final just to have everyone in the house talk about you like you’re dead weight and completely incapable. I really hope she didn’t watch this episode and have to go through it again. I also hope every person that complained about potentially having to partner with her gets either eliminated next week or gassed out in a final.

Just when these people think they’ve got the fame figured out, they get a curveball. They can’t possibly have thought that many people would be running a final. They have to have multiple people eliminated next week. There’s just too many of them.

I thought Aneesa had great points during the Tribunal interrogation and that they would actually take her positions into consideration.

Let's say they would be paired at some point during the final, what about the people that can't swim? What about the people that can't do math or a puzzle? Generally, from my view, you can have all the endurance and strength in the world but if you can't do a puzzle, you're going to lose unless you're paired with someone that can do puzzles.

On your last point about the amount of people... they have participated on this show long enough to know there's too many of them, yet it still doesn't click.

4 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

I don't understand why Dee wasn't an option to go in. I thought both Josh and Jenny wanted her out? Also why is everyone so concerned about who they might get paired up with in the finale? TJ says it's an individual game. It's not the top guy and girl winning. It's one person winning. There's no reason to believe you have to make sure you have a "strong" girl on your side. And by the way, wouldn't you want a weaker girl in the finale running against you? Why would you let the likes of Jenny and Dee get in there? These people are idiots who never understand how to play the game.


Agreed! I was thinking that while they were talking. Why was Dee not an option? She's an easy person to nominate and an easy person to throw down there and not feel bad about it.

It's possible they discussed her but they cut that out.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 4

Some days, I hate this series.

If The Challenge had a definitive image, it would be Johnny smirking about "all's fair in love, war and Challenges." It's not meant to be a fair game. Watching Aneesa get thrown under the bus for shit that happened ELEVEN FUCKING YEARS AGO was painful. Yes, her performance basically doomed Marky Mark Long to a third-place finish in Duel II. That aired in 2009. For God's sake, the series was Real World/Road Rules Challenge back then. And I don't think finalists have been partnered up since Dirty XXX. But no, let's watch Johnny and others talk about the horror of possibly being shackled to Aneesa at a crucial point in the finale, and then see her come up short yet again at the hands of a third-stringer like Bayleigh.

Bayliegh got a shot at a Skull. So did Josh and Kyle. The irony is that the players basically let Bayleigh and Kyle volunteer for the losers' nomination with no fuss. With the prospect that the final mission was close at hand, you would think everyone would get cutthroat and deny slots to those without Skulls. Nope . . . fair play, all the way. And Josh gets an unearned spot on the Tribunal when Fessy talks Jenny into letting him on board.

It was so predictable to see Josh and Kyle face off. I kept hoping someone would go off-script and make things interesting. I was hoping that Fessy decided to ease Cory's inexplicable butthurt at not getting on the Tribunal by taking on Kyle, denying Josh his shot. And before Josh stepped down, he was the deciding vote to send Aneesa into Purgatory. Yep, that was fair. I really hope she beat the shit out of Josh once they got away from the cameras.

Oh, yeah. Josh lost. That was the only real good news of the episode. And he cried like a punk several times.

The real kicker: this wasn't the penultimate mission. Everyone has a Skull. but there looks to be one more round before the finale. Seriously, part of the antiicpation of the Skulls format was that someone would get left out in the cold. Fat chance of that now.

ETA: At least the mission and Purgatory were interesting. As was bringing in Rob Zombie and Cake on the soundtrack.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 5

Josh is so annoying! When he kept prattling on about his game and not wanting to risk being paired with Aneesa during a final, I said out loud, alone in my house, don’t worry about it Joshy, you aren’t going to make it to the final. And TJ wins again with his comment to Kyle... “and you... beat a guy that cries a lot.” Never change Teej. 

  • LOL 4
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Tough for Aneesa but it's happened so many times, other players not wanting to be paired up with her in the Finals.

If she really expects to compete for a Final, she's got to show the others that she can do stamina challenges like both the challenge and the elimination in this episode.

It's unfair but she doesn't look like she can do anything demanding sustained cardiovascular effort and she isn't able to disprove that notion in any of the challenges or eliminations.  It's a prejudice against large people and Eric had to deal with that as well -- and he couldn't disprove those perceptions either.

The elimination required stamina and agility.  It hurt the bigger players, Aneesa and Josh.  They could probably count the number of times each of the 4 players went through the car pulling the rope through and probably the winners were able to loop the rope through more times than their competitors.

Melissa would have been able to go through the car easily but her arms and upper body might have had difficulty carrying and pulling that rope.


Ha, it's great that there will be more eliminations before the Final.  However, it's getting close to the end of the season.  They will try to avoid getting in that last elimination but especially against bigger, stronger opponents, because they know they haven't had Hall Battle yet.


It was interesting seeing all those ruins and abandoned buildings.  I wonder if it's safe in some of those buildings, like there might be toxic waste left over.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

DANG IT! Why'd it have to be Aneesa?

My feelings exactly.

3 hours ago, Michichick said:

Seriously, didn’t Josh have a big fight with Melissa earlier this season? Why not put her in?

Because Josh is a sheep and he always wants to fit in with the "cool kids".

2 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Aneesa got screwed over by Josh who was clearly doing Johnny's work. I'm glad he got eliminated. It would have been worth it to see him be the first person to gas out during the finale (there's always one) but I rather he didn't even make it to the finale. Josh did the impossible. He made me root for Kyle.



Yup Johnny planted the seed and everyone else followed along.  I often wonder what Charles Manson like grip does he have over these people. Why are they so willing to do what he asks them to do?

28 minutes ago, angelamh66 said:

 And TJ wins again with his comment to Kyle... “and you... beat a guy that cries a lot.” Never change Teej. 

You can tell that TJ does not respect Josh just like the rest of us.

28 minutes ago, Fretful said:

With Aneesa out,  I'm really out people to root for.  I begrudgingly like Bananas and Kyle, and Fessy and Kaycee seem like decent enough people, but I don't care who wins or moves forward at this point.

I could be way off but I wonder if tonight's episode is setting us up for a Fessy win.  I would not mind seeing that.  Him and Haleigh were the only two members of that alliance that I liked.

2 minutes ago, scrb said:

It was interesting seeing all those ruins and abandoned buildings.  I wonder if it's safe in some of those buildings, like there might be toxic waste left over.

I honestly think that is just what Prague looks like.  Every time I see footage or pictures of the place it looks gloomy.

I forgot to mention this last week, but Kyle saying that Melissa is training in MMA makes her even hotter to me. 

  • Love 4

How these challengers treat Aneesa has never sat right with me.  By all accounts she is a great competitor, supportive of those around her, and brilliant in ways that other challengers aren’t.  She earns her way but when she gets too close to the final they start thinking of reasons she can’t go with them, as if half of them haven’t gassed out during said final. 

A big part of their hangup seems to be that she’s not built like some of these tiny women parading around the house, but those tiny women aren’t necessarily any healthier than she is. Aneesa just happens to be built...well like a woman in her thirties.  She’s built very much like my cousins (black and biracial women) and friends who still kill it in marathons and at the gym every day.  Things fall differently, but it doesn’t make her weak or dead weight. There’s a perception that if you carry any kind of weight on your body that you’re weaker or unfit and that’s simply not accurate. 

Oh and Josh is an insecure idiot. That’s all. 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
  • Love 10

Well Aneesa says she just wants to be given a chance to run the final and prove her worth at least.

However, look at how she performed in the challenge in this episode, all the way at the back, unable to keep up with others.

They touted how she's a great competitor who's won so many eliminations.

She's bigger and stronger than most of the women so she wins in these physical eliminations or people avoid putting her in early in case they get something like Hall Battle.  That would be part of the reason she usually lasts long but not long enough.

I can't tell how many people were left but there was still around a dozen.  Can they have more than 8?  Maybe if it's a two-stage thing where you get 4 or 5 pairs and only the top 4 make it to the second stage.


  • Love 1

Being rated the 30th tight end is not a thing.  There are not more than 10 or so TE’s drafted in any given year so I hope Faysal was not pinning all of his hopes on the league when he read that rating.

I get Cory was apparently bummed that he couldn’t save Aneesa, but the way he was going on and on and ON about not getting to sit in that fifth tribunal got old fast.  Sitting on Tribunals doesn’t get you shit except one time when it got you money and Burger King.  Otherwise, who fucking cares.

Same with Nelson bellyaching that he had to sit in the chair.  He was safe and everyone knew it so have fun with it, don’t be a big whiny baby.

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7 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Josh is so annoying! When he kept prattling on about his game and not wanting to risk being paired with Aneesa during a final, I said out loud, alone in my house, don’t worry about it Joshy, you aren’t going to make it to the final. And TJ wins again with his comment to Kyle... “and you... beat a guy that cries a lot.” Never change Teej. 

The funny thing is... the same thing Josh said about Aneesa is what people think about him.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, mojoween said:

I get Cory was apparently bummed that he couldn’t save Aneesa,

Ohhhh. They needed to make that much, much clearer. I kept saying, "you're safe, you're not being called in, get over yourself!"

An interesting side effect of editing Dee out is that it's cut Rogan's screen time down to nothing (yet has had little effect on Jenny). The rest of the contestants seem paired up off-screen (or at least not hooking up with anyone onscreen), so it's interesting to force an edit nearly devoid of hook-up drama. I like it better. I don't know how much of Dee and Rogan's crap got edited out, but these last few episodes have focused on other interpersonal relationships, past friendships, growing bonds. Even Kaycee and Nany were entwined in the pre-existing Kaycee and Bayleigh friendship/whatever that was.

Memo to the Challenge: More of this, please. I don't need this to be a dating show. There's much more drama to be mined from alliances and friendships and, you know, the actual competition than Dee and Rogan-type "he screws me, he screws me not" antics.

I'm biased, but I think this is a pretty impressive rookie class for an individual season. The first season I watched was 33, but seeing as they were partnered up, I thought it wasn't as good of an evaluation of their individual talent, since it was partnered eliminations for the first half.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 5

They better keep that same energy going. Cory has to go because he sucks at math and puzzles, Nelson has to go because he sucks at swimming, math, puzzles and he's a fuckin' idiot. Although, it's good that he gave Aneesa that heads up about possibly going in.

Cory came in second place on Bloodlines. Cory's cousin was good at puzzles and math, not Cory. Cory came in third place on Invasions because he was bad at puzzles.

Same goes for Nelson. Nelson came in second on Invasions because he was also bad at puzzles.

Lastly, correct me if I'm wrong, the pairs on final challenges only took place when there were both a male winner and a female winner. Have there been pairs on individual final challenges where a sole winner takes the top prize?

  • Love 3

Nelson didn’t win Invasion because he was a slower swimmer than CT, and even then that was a wonky final that had people wondering if they didn’t fudge the numbers to give CT the win. 

Fessy is starting to get a lot more screen time. I may have to switch my winner pick from Johnny to him. Cory has been featured heavily all season too. If a male wins, I’d be shocked if it wasn’t Johnny,Fessy, or Cory. 

11 minutes ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Nelson didn’t win Invasion because he was a slower swimmer than CT, and even then that was a wonky final that had people wondering if they didn’t fudge the numbers to give CT the win. 

Fessy is starting to get a lot more screen time. I may have to switch my winner pick from Johnny to him. Cory has been featured heavily all season too. If a male wins, I’d be shocked if it wasn’t Johnny,Fessy, or Cory. 

Yes! I didn't know if I was misremembering the swimming portion of the Invasions final... and it was a pretty weird final. I only remember Ashley on the beach yelling for Nelson to hurry up... if I'm remembering that right.

One thing I do remember that I thought was funny was the producer explaining how to solve the triangle-puzzle-math part to Cory.

Edited by AntFTW

Nooooooooooo! Not Aneesa! Curse you, Jenny and Josh!

4 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Ohhhh. They needed to make that much, much clearer. I kept saying, "you're safe, you're not being called in, get over yourself!"

Yeah. If that was why Cory was upset, I didn't pick that up either. I wasn't sure what he expected Fessy to do: shake Jenny til she agreed to Cory instead of Josh? It clearly wasn't happening.

Do people get bonus pay if they make the tribunal or something? 

Also, I actually found myself liking Nelson this episode. The last few episodes have shown him in a much better light than his previous ranting idiot edit.

Edited by simplyme
  • LOL 1
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7 hours ago, simplyme said:


Do people get bonus pay if they make the tribunal or something? 

Also, I actually found myself liking Nelson this episode. The last few episodes have shown him in a much better light than his previous ranting idiot edit.

1. wondered the same thing--what was Cory's deal?

2. I found myself puzzled by the urge to like Nelson. Who is this guy

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, scrb said:

Prague has beautiful tourist attractions, with historic buildings which go back several centuries.

This bunker doesn't seem like it's near Prague city center.

Seems like an abandoned military facility which may or may not be fit for humans to be traipsing around in.



Every time I see Prague I think of the video for INXS' Never Tear Us Apart.  It just looked so depressing and as I said in other stuff based in Prague it always looks really depressing.  Now granted I have never been there so I am not going by first hand knowledge.   

10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

It just looked so depressing and as I said in other stuff based in Prague it always looks really depressing.   

It doesn't look depressing in general on Blindspot. Although, the characters are living in a desolate, abandoned building so!

12 hours ago, AntFTW said:

It's impossible for me to like Nelson for the reason that he keeps saying "theirselves."

That's part of his weird, unsettling charm this season lol!

  • LOL 1
On 7/2/2020 at 8:24 AM, AntFTW said:


Lastly, correct me if I'm wrong, the pairs on final challenges only took place when there were both a male winner and a female winner. Have there been pairs on individual final challenges where a sole winner takes the top prize?

Cara Maria won against Zach I believe when the final stretch of the Final involved solving a puzzle.

But I can't recall if at some point they were in pairs and then broke up into individuals for the final stage.  They were running back and forth in some castle-like building, memorizing the key and then running to where the puzzle was.

  • Love 1
On 7/2/2020 at 2:21 AM, mojoween said:

Being rated the 30th tight end is not a thing.  There are not more than 10 or so TE’s drafted in any given year so I hope Faysal was not pinning all of his hopes on the league when he read that rating.

There might not be 30 TEs drafted but there may be almost that many signed in a given year.  Many college players get signed as unsigned free agents or UDFAs and some of them do make teams or at least the practice squad.

Corey and Zach also had football aspirations.

Zach vs. Fessy could be quite a match in Hall Battle.  Though if they're not weight training constantly, they lose muscle mass and maybe Zach doesn't want to lay out his body.  In many of the Hall Battles, they're not trying to truck or run into then opponent at full speed, unless they have a big weigh advantage.  Even then, most people aren't conditioned to running full speed into a mass, which would be at least 180 pounds.



4 minutes ago, scrb said:

There might not be 30 TEs drafted but there may be almost that many signed in a given year.  Many college players get signed as unsigned free agents or UDFAs and some of them do make teams or at least the practice squad.

Corey and Zach also had football aspirations.

Zach vs. Fessy could be quite a match in Hall Battle.  Though if they're not weight training constantly, they lose muscle mass and maybe Zach doesn't want to lay out his body.  In many of the Hall Battles, they're not trying to truck or run into then opponent at full speed, unless they have a big weigh advantage.  Even then, most people aren't conditioned to running full speed into a mass, which would be at least 180 pounds.



That reminds me of what I thought was the best hall brawl on Battle of the Seasons, with Zach vs CJ from RW: Cancun.

I think Zach has lost some muscle mass. He doesn't appear to be as large as he once was.

Edited by AntFTW
On 7/2/2020 at 12:17 AM, angelamh66 said:

Josh is so annoying! When he kept prattling on about his game and not wanting to risk being paired with Aneesa during a final, I said out loud, alone in my house, don’t worry about it Joshy, you aren’t going to make it to the final. And TJ wins again with his comment to Kyle... “and you... beat a guy that cries a lot.” Never change Teej. 

 And let's not forget TJ's "Aneesa you’re one of the best and a great competitor. Josh you.....spent a lot of time in the bunker….." 



Josh panicked and froze over knots.  And he thought he would make it through a final?!?! He doesn't need to worry about Aneesa bringing him down when he's his own dead weight.  



  • LOL 4
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On 7/1/2020 at 10:08 PM, TiffanyNichelle said:

TJ says it's an individual game. It's not the top guy and girl winning. It's one person winning. There's no reason to believe you have to make sure you have a "strong" girl on your side. And by the way, wouldn't you want a weaker girl in the finale running against you? Why would you let the likes of Jenny and Dee get in there? These people are idiots who never understand how to play the game.

I think they don’t ever really know until they get to the final whether it will be one winner or the top man and the top woman. They seem to like to change it up. I also find myself puzzled over how much time these people spend, season after season, worrying about who they would want to “run with” in a “partner final.” You would think that every other season has been a partner final. In fact, I can only think of a couple in which individual players had to team up with other individual players—Duel II (where, granted, Aneesa was a liability) and Free Agents (where Devyn and Zach were the weak links). It seems to be a huge part of strategizing for something that rarely every happens. Vendettas had that one piece where you had to play against someone so you had to wait for the next person, but that shouldn’t really count. 

I feel bad for Aneesa, but I also think there’s a reason she doesn’t make finals. She’s not reliable in eliminations, and she definitely has issues with endurance. I also think her elimination against Jenna was the free pass Tori hoped to get and didn’t. I absolutely think Jenna threw that after setting herself up to be voted in, and I think Aneesa knew it was going to happen. The mission where they were dragging the heavy things and she couldn’t finish really put her in a bad position. It was a reminder to people that she could easily run out of gas. 

Josh is never going to win an elimination, right? We’re just going to do this same thing every season?

Poor Fessy. Still incredibly athletic. Still dumb. 

When Nelson isn’t losing his mind and verbally abusing women in anger, I agree that he’s quite likeable. Unfortunately, he can only sustain that state so long before reverting back to the other. 

Regarding Zach—for such a big guy, he has been extremely lackluster in eliminations. 


1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

I think they don’t ever really know until they get to the final whether it will be one winner or the top man and the top woman. They seem to like to change it up. I also find myself puzzled over how much time these people spend, season after season, worrying about who they would want to “run with” in a “partner final.” You would think that every other season has been a partner final. In fact, I can only think of a couple in which individual players had to team up with other individual players—Duel II (where, granted, Aneesa was a liability) and Free Agents (where Devyn and Zach were the weak links). It seems to be a huge part of strategizing for something that rarely every happens. Vendettas had that one piece where you had to play against someone so you had to wait for the next person, but that shouldn’t really count. 

I feel bad for Aneesa, but I also think there’s a reason she doesn’t make finals. She’s not reliable in eliminations, and she definitely has issues with endurance. I also think her elimination against Jenna was the free pass Tori hoped to get and didn’t. I absolutely think Jenna threw that after setting herself up to be voted in, and I think Aneesa knew it was going to happen. The mission where they were dragging the heavy things and she couldn’t finish really put her in a bad position. It was a reminder to people that she could easily run out of gas. 

Josh is never going to win an elimination, right? We’re just going to do this same thing every season?

Poor Fessy. Still incredibly athletic. Still dumb. 

When Nelson isn’t losing his mind and verbally abusing women in anger, I agree that he’s quite likeable. Unfortunately, he can only sustain that state so long before reverting back to the other. 

Regarding Zach—for such a big guy, he has been extremely lackluster in eliminations. 


I don’t consider Aneesa’s elimination against Jenna to be a free pass because Jenna actually did pretty good. Jenna looked like she actually tried. Jenna was actually pretty close to Aneesa in that elimination.

Now, Kaycee on the other hand... Kaycee’s elimination against Kailah was a free pass.

...but also I wanna bring it back to the fact that Aneesa made a good point, which I’m sure we all can agree with because we’ve time and time again. The final is never ONLY endurance. You won’t win a final having endurance and nothing else... and I really wish she would have pushed that point harder to everyone.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 1
On 7/3/2020 at 10:01 AM, peachmangosteen said:

It doesn't look depressing in general on Blindspot. Although, the characters are living in a desolate, abandoned building so!


That is messed up what they did to Patterson.  She was my favorite character on the show.

13 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Regarding Zach—for such a big guy, he has been extremely lackluster in eliminations. 


That is why I never got the hype about him.  I am too lazy to look it up but he has only won Battle of the Seasons and that is it.   I recall one final when he was on the ground crying and it is like, "Dude I thought you were supposed to be this alpha athlete."

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