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S05.E17: Deus Lex Machina


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I did not call Lex being responsible for Jeremiah's death. But the way he loves killing Supermen, I should've. Plot twists that make me feel like an idiot for not seeing them coming, how I love thee.

I would say Tessmacher should go to Supergirl and confess what happened, but Lex would probably see and kill her mother. 

I'm glad Lena was sincere when she approached Kara. I mean, of course it couldn't last, but still. 

What kind of idiot puts on VR lenses and just checks out of the world in a crisis while leaving your body sitting in traffic?! And you know what? The fact that only people on Supergirl are using these just makes it seem stupider because now I think everyone in Central City and Gotham are smarter than them.

That said, I liked it. Someone is really having fun picking music for this show.  

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 10

Add me to the " why are they putting on the lenses now" team... That one lady in Tokyo was in a car when she decided to check out... I'll admit Lex worked well today.. I'm still tired of him being all up in the episodes and I'll be glad when he's gone.. But this plan... He did it right... Oh Lena... Ugh... First off you shouldn't still be trying to mind control aggression away from everyone... Secondly myriad isn't yours.. How you gonna tresspass into the FOS.. And pitch a fit like you're actually owed something... And maybe if you weren't busy being the worst you woulda been there planning to help the ppl with an idea that wasn't myriad... But nope.. Ugh if she's gone next year I'm good with that to

  • Love 4

Basically, an hour of Lex Luthor: Magnificent Bastard. Well, except for the flashback where he tried to step to Farmer Kent directly, as opposed to using the Book of Destiny on him. That was stupid. And funny.

It's fun to watch Lex basically make himself the hero of Earth-Prime, and yet still work hard to keep one step ahead of his opponents . . . up to and including putting on a beard and wig to play a bartender.

I like to think Tess didn't actually kill Jeremiah. No, I think she pointed a gun at him, he laughed really hard at the idea of her trying to kill him, and he wound up having a heart attack. It's not that she's a cream puff. She was actually doing well until she handed in her resume for the Mrs. Luthor position. "Oh, I'm so sorry. That position does not exist. Also, the guys protecting your mom from Leviathan? They're still there, but now they'll kill her if I say the word. Wow, this is a great spread, Ms. Tessmacher!"

Never thought we'd get a Sun Eater on TV.

  • Love 6

Cool that Melissa Benoist directed this one, although it felt like they made sure to make it easier for her, with it being so Kara-lite and incorporating a decent amount of flashbacks/scenes from former episodes.  Still, curious to see if she'll direct more going forward.

So, while the show might be called Supergirl, this episode really was The Lex Luthor Show, which might displease some, but I enjoyed it, since I enjoy Jon Cryer's take on the role, and it was interesting seeing how devious he is.  Totally didn't see him being behind Jeremiah's death.  And he tricked Teschmacher into doing it!  Man, he really screwed her over.  But despite his schemes, he still can be petty as hell, as he pretty much revamped the original plan just because he got jealous that Lena might be getting closer to Kara again.  Classic Lex!

Still, they just had to tease that Lena might finally be coming around, only to make her at odds with Kara again, thanks to a combination of her being an easily manipulated idiot.  Granted, Kara probably didn't do herself any favors by coming off dismissive and hypocritical in that scene, but I almost can't blame her at this point.  Still, it feels like the villains on the D.C. shows really don't have to work hard, because the heroes themselves tend to be their worst enemies.

Awesome seeing M'gann again.  And Lillian!  Brenda Strong continues to be the best.


Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 7

Wow, Lex's plans were almost too convoluted, but at least that means that the writers planned stuff out - some shows don't do that....

Two big nitpicks: 1) No - a global crisis seems like the exact WORST time to "escape" into virtual reality! Like, what even??

2) Um, random Luthors should not be able to just waltz into the smeggin' FORTRESS of Solitude whenever they feel like it. Can someone fix that please?

LOL at Jason Mewes, but why is he here if Kevin Smith isn't? (Unless this is their way of inviting him back?)

Yay!! I liked seeing M'Gann again, but this was essentially a cameo, if they were going to have her back, I wish it had been a more substantial part. (Maybe she's in the next episode??)

Aw, William bakes, too! That's totally boyfriend material. Give him a chance, people! 😉

  • Love 5

Lots to process here, and overall a surprisingly solid episode. Melissa did a great job in directing a busy script with lots of actors and moving parts; she may have a big future behind the camera. Man, Lex gives new meaning to the phrase Machiavellian, doesn't he? I too, didn't see Lex being behind Jeremiah's death, but it makes sense. Does anyone else think Lex screwing Ms. Tessmacher over is going to bite him in the ass eventually? I can see Eve and Lena once again joining forces in the future to help Kara (and maybe even Kal-El) take him down once and for all. The only part of this S/L still not quite working for me is Brainiac as a double agent. Otherwise, this has suddenly shaped-up as this series' strongest arc to date.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

The only part of this S/L still not quite working for me is Brainiac as a double agent.

I do buy that he weighed the options and knowing what he and the other brainies knew of leviathan.. Working with Lex was the best way to come at them with the least amount of collateral damage... What I don't buy.. And what hasn't totally been explained is brainy not seeing thru Lex' machinations

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Trini said:

LOL at Jason Mewes, but why is he here if Kevin Smith isn't? (Unless this is their way of inviting him back?)

May have just been Melissa getting a spot for a friend.

I feel so bad for Eve.  Everybody makes her do what she doesn't want to, by threatening her family.  Poor Eve, she deserves a break.

I still think Lena wants to be friends with Kara.  Hopefully they do work out their differences, and Lena helps take down her brother and Leviathan.

That Sun Eater being unleashed as a villain was not cool.  Sorry, just thinking of All Star Superman.

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 2

Wow, they have really made sure that Andrea Brooks has gotten a whole range of characters to play on this show. Eve 1.0 was an antagonist by her own choice. Hope was an android. Eve 2.0 was unwittingly an antagonist but has a conscience. Cool! 

For an episode centered around a recurring character, it wasn't half bad. It's probably the best use of Lex all season since they actually spent time uncovering his plan to the audience and, from what I paid attention to, it seemed to be a solid one. I do like that Lex didn't account for Lena/Kara bonding again so he had to make sure that it didn't continue to happen. No surprise that Lena would freak out about Myriad being used, even just to find people. And the way Lex got it to happen makes sure that the blame is also put on Brainy.

Eve 2.0! I like you, but you need to stop falling for these Luthors. Hopefully, Eve DOES turn on Lex and decides to just say "screw it, I'll go tell Supergirl before HE can and she can go save my mom!"

It sucks that Eve killed Jeremiah, though, just for blackmail purposes. 

I still would have rather this Melissa-directed episode centered around any of our ACTUAL main characters but, at the same time, since they decided to dedicate all season to Lex in the first place and have him basically be in the center of all of this, we NEEDED to know what he was actually up to so this was probably the best time to showcase him. 

But yeah, idiots going to escape in VR when a crisis is happening? I get why, but they're still idiots.

I don't know if I fully understood all of Lex's plan (I need to rewatch) but it was a solid episode.

  • Love 4

We return to Supergirl, or as its called this week, The Lex Luther Power Hour! I admit that I got rather over Lex during Crisis, but I thought that this episode did a much better job with him, probably because its been a bit since we saw him last, even if we now see that he has been pulling the strings all season. His plan seems to make sense and be suitably brilliant and evil, but, as always, Lex is his own worst enemy. He might be a criminal mastermind, but his petty hatred for Superman (and everyone associated with him) will inevitably be his undoing. In a lot of ways, thats always been the story of Lex Luther, this man who is so brilliant, but also is constantly undermining himself with his own pettiness and hatred, 

I thought that Melissa did a good job with directing, especially with incorporating various plots from the season into the background, except for that sequence of Lex giving his speech in various countries, where some of the background shots looked a bit...silly. I mean, the one with the pyramid and the camel just chilling? It looked like something I would put behind me as a background on Snapchat! 

 Eve is just always getting manipulated by someone or another, and this poor Eve is being messed with just because another Eve screwed Lex over. Of course, Lex practically has a super power when it comes to manipulating otherwise really smart people and getting them to not only trust a guy that they know is bad news, but also generally act rather stupid about it. Eve, Brainy, Lena, its uncanny. 

I dont know why I am surprised that Lex had Jeremiah killed, but I was. I mean really, it seems painfully obvious in hindsight. 

I was really glad that Lena was actually being sincere when she came to see Kara and give her condolences, for a second she actually acted like the old Lena again, the one that was morally ambiguous but also a good person who wanted to move past her screwed up family. I also realized that I miss their friendship a lot, it sucks that Lena was back to being pissed off by the next scene, both because she continues to be easy pickings for Lex and his manipulations, but also because Kara handled their little confrontation at the fortress rather badly. Of course, I cant really blame Kara for brushing her off at this point, even if they had a nice moment. If Lena doesn't want to be treated like a villain, maybe dont act like one? 

I thought that, at first, that people were being mind controlled to turn their VR on during the sun attack, it looked like they all saw the "Escape Into VR" message before they all turned them on during the crisis, but maybe there are just that many people who are that stupid? 

Whos a cute little sun eater?! Also, M'Gann! I hope that she sticks around for at least an episode, its been so long since we saw her and while her cameo was fun, I would like to see more of her if we are going to have her pop up again. Maybe see how Mars is doing post crisis? 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I thought that, at first, that people were being mind controlled to turn their VR on during the sun attack, it looked like they all saw the "Escape Into VR" message before they all turned them on during the crisis, but maybe there are just that many people who are that stupid? 

I still believe this was the case; the actors seemed hypnotized as they went for their lenses. If you don't see the fnord it can't hurt you.

  • Love 1

I'm glad this was a little different than the Lex-centric flashback last year, in that we were working our way back up to events that we hadn't seen yet (Lex killing the Leviathan lady and "saving" the trapped Obsidian users), so that we were able to incorporate new scenes with other main characters in the second half of the episode. I enjoy Lex, but early on, I thought, "Is this whole episode going to be Lex-Eve scenes with the occasional cameo from Lillian and Lena, plus a bit of old footage?" This way, we were able to bring in the other regulars in trying to find the trapped users, fighting the sun eater, etc.

I was a little annoyed that Lena apparently remembered the old world as a matter of course (since she wasn't one of the Protectors in Crisis, she would've have been included in that group,) rather than Lex specifically designing Earth Prime with her remembering. There was something so petty and so LEX about the idea of him creating a new world where he's a hero and working alongside his sister but also deliberating choosing to have her remember that he's an evil bastard and she murdered him. Instead, it was just another factor for him to incorporate into his plans.

I guess William is finally figuring out out to win Kara's heart. Multiple Tupperware containers of homemade baked goods, yes!

Nice to see M'gann again for two seconds. Hey, M'gann!

Poor Brainy. I know he's bringing it on himself with this dumb work-with-Lex plan, but I still feel for him and root for him to get his head out of his ass. I did laugh out loud when he quietly informed Alex that J'onn calling M'gann Han Solo was a Star Wars reference.

  • Love 2

Sending Eve to kill Jeremiah was wonderfully evil so I hope Alex and Kara rip him a new one. Poor Eve is being punished for the actions of Earth 38’s Eve.

 I’ve been pretty lost about what has been happening this season so having this episode which laid out Lex’s plan as it recapped the season was helpful. This season finally seems like it’s going somewhere and now there’s only two episodes left. 

Damn it Lex, we were so close to a Kara/Lena reunion and he had to stop it. It wasn’t necessary for the writers to draw out Lena and Kara’s rift all season, but since they did I feel like we should have had an episode of them  trying and failing to renew their friendship earlier in the season rather than cramming everything into the final episodes.

7 hours ago, angora said:

I was a little annoyed that Lena apparently remembered the old world as a matter of course (since she wasn't one of the Protectors in Crisis, she would've have been included in that group,) rather than Lex specifically designing Earth Prime with her remembering.

The reason Lena remembered the old world was because Lex asked that the Monitor keep Lena’s memories intact in exchange for his help in Crisis. That what Lex told Lena in the first post Crisis episode of the season.

  • Love 4

Lillian's complete non-reaction to her son (and daughter) having been replaced by doppelgangers from another Earth was actually one of the scariest villain moments in the series for me.

If nothing else I would expect some sort of reaction to how much worse her quality of associates is now.

She went from a Lena that happily worked with Lex and a Lex that was smart enough to befriend and manage Superman and Supergirl, to a Lena who is a constant threat to flip on them and a Lex who is a constant threat to put on his robot suit and deliver a villain speech on national TV just because he can.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

The reason Lena remembered the old world was because Lex asked that the Monitor keep Lena’s memories intact in exchange for his help in Crisis. That what Lex told Lena in the first post Crisis episode of the season.

Thanks for reminding me of that scene - I knew there was a reason I went with my initial interpretation. But here, IIRC, Lillian was all, “But darling, if Supergirl remembers the old world, Lena will too. What are you going to do about that?” Maybe it was an oversight or they just didn’t want to recap how that came about again (it would be clunky to re-explain as exposition,) but to me, it seemed to downplay the idea of Lex doing it deliberately. I loved that petty-Lex move so much in the first post-Crisis episode, so I didn’t like anything that suggested it wasn’t completely purposeful on Lex’s part.

  • Love 1
On 5/4/2020 at 5:23 AM, bettername2come said:

What kind of idiot puts on VR lenses and just checks out of the world in a crisis while leaving your body sitting in traffic?! And you know what? The fact that only people on Supergirl are using these just makes it seem stupider because now I think everyone in Central City and Gotham are smarter than them.

That's why I never will understand the merging of the Earths, if every show lives in its own separate world with its own rules on how everything is and only acknowledges one another on very special occasions.

  • Love 1
On 5/3/2020 at 10:23 PM, bettername2come said:

I did not call Lex being responsible for Jeremiah's death. But the way he loves killing Supermen, I should've. Plot twists that make me feel like an idiot for not seeing them coming, how I love thee.

I would say Tessmacher should go to Supergirl and confess what happened, but Lex would probably see and kill her mother. 

I'm glad Lena was sincere when she approached Kara. I mean, of course it couldn't last, but still. 

What kind of idiot puts on VR lenses and just checks out of the world in a crisis while leaving your body sitting in traffic?! And you know what? The fact that only people on Supergirl are using these just makes it seem stupider because now I think everyone in Central City and Gotham are smarter than them.

That said, I liked it. Someone is really having fun picking music for this show.  

The problem with the way the show overuses Lex is it makes it obvious that the writers of the show are presenting "genius" as a convoluted plan that is executed perfectly because that's the way it was written over the course of the season. Because he's Lex Luthor, eventually Super(Man) Girl eventually finds a way to stop him at the last minute.

At least in this iteration, it looks like Lex's prejudice against aliens is making him do dumb(er) things with less forethought, which is kind of his downfall anyway.

  • Love 1
On 5/8/2020 at 8:24 AM, ketose said:

The problem with the way the show overuses Lex is it makes it obvious that the writers of the show are presenting "genius" as a convoluted plan that is executed perfectly because that's the way it was written over the course of the season. Because he's Lex Luthor, eventually Super(Man) Girl eventually finds a way to stop him at the last minute.

At least in this iteration, it looks like Lex's prejudice against aliens is making him do dumb(er) things with less forethought, which is kind of his downfall anyway.

Well, as Lena pointed out, the problem with narcissists is that they're too self-absorbed to recognize when they're the ones who are being played. Isn't that right, Lena?

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Well, as Lena pointed out, the problem with narcissists is that they're too self-absorbed to recognize when they're the ones who are being played. Isn't that right, Lena?

Or maybe they are going the Smallville Route, ala Lana-Lex relationship where neither till the end realises that they are playing each other. I mean, Lena can't be that dumb (can she)?

11 hours ago, Rushmoras said:

Or maybe they are going the Smallville Route, ala Lana-Lex relationship where neither till the end realises that they are playing each other. I mean, Lena can't be that dumb (can she)?

It took her how long to understand that Kara Danvers and Supergirl are the same person, when Lex and even Lilian knew before she did -- and only because Lex spelled it out for her?

  • LOL 1
2 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

It took her how long to understand that Kara Danvers and Supergirl are the same person, when Lex and even Lilian knew before she did -- and only because Lex spelled it out for her?

And, yet, in previous season she chose to thwart Lex's plan and even put a bullet in his head. And, knowing full well (post-crisis scene where they talk about betraying one another) that when all is said and done Lex is going to turn on her, she still chose to work with him. Nah, something else is going on, in my opinion.

On 5/14/2020 at 1:25 PM, Avabelle said:

I think I’m just lost because I watch the show sporadically throughout the season and now I’m binge watching the last few episodes. I thought Eve was always being blackmailed even in the old world so no version of her is fully evil? God I’m so confused..

Don't be ashamed, so is Andrea Brooks so far as I can tell from interviews.

  • LOL 1
On 5/28/2020 at 8:25 AM, Delphi said:

Soooo.... the entire universe was rewritten and no one bothered to tell Clark Kent that Lex Luthor was evil so he could set up defenses for the fortress?  That checks out considering how terrible these people are at their jobs. 

Three words: Book of Destiny. "Oh, and bee-tee-dubs: Lex Luthor can visit the Superman-cave a lot easier than ever before."

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