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S12.E21: Moving Up and Moving On

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Kenya takes her separation from Marc one step further, while Cynthia struggles to decide if she should make the big move to Los Angeles. NeNe and Gregg celebrate their 23rd anniversary in a very unconventional way, and Eva finally moves into her new dream home. Porsha and Dennis disagree about their living arrangements, and Kandi and Todd take time out of their busy schedules to meet with a couples counselor.

Airdate 04.12.220

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Just when I was waiting for something to happen, on the previews for next week, Kandi announces it’s the season finale.  I don’t see a need for a reunion since nothing happened this season.

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Now that Kandi broke her schedule down to Kenya, it’s my firm opinion that Kandi doesn’t spend enough time with her family, and if she was a man, I’d be saying the exact same thing, or worse.  Someone made a good point last week:  if Riley and Ace don’t feel like she spends enough time with them, why is she bringing in a new baby?  When Kandi first came on the show, the way she described having Riley was strange, but I wrote it off as her just being nervous, but I found myself thinking about it again:  She said that she had Riley several years back when she was very famous and it was fashionable for a rich, successful woman to have a child on her own.  I don’t think that’s a healthy outlook, and I feel like she’s repeating it with this new baby—“baby by surrogate” is just another thing to check off the chit list of something she’s achieved in life, not because she is so moved to grow her family.

She has two days to spend with her family, but Don Juan wants her to host something, so she does that instead?  I think it’s bullshit when she says she has a lot of responsibilities.  So many people bite off more than they can chew, not because they need the money, and she’s one of them.  I think a lot of it can be chalked up to FOMO, she also wants things how she wants them, and she’s very comfortable in the limelight.  It’s selfish with regard to the children.  Todd is on his own.  I’m not very sympathetic toward him.

Neither Kandi nor Todd wanted to put away Todd’s hookah and two dozen bottles of hard liquor before Machel came over?  They’re obviously not Kandi’s, because she has nothing to do with smoking or drugs.  They’re obviously not there for display purposes, because they were placed there so artlessly next to a sink.  I dunno, I don’t think it’s a good impression to give off to the viewers or a professional visitor.  I wonder what Freud would say about leaving things out in the open for the first time that I can remember for the therapist to see...

Todd is in complete competition with Kayla for Kandi’s coin and it’s disgusting.  “Fuck that shit” about her birthday??  I know this opinion doesn’t share wide support, but I feel like that’s the way he would be talking to Kandi as soon as the green stopped pouring in.  My view on it is that Kandi and Kayla are both adult women, and if Kandi wants to give her some money, she should.  Todd called himself “cheap” at the beginning of the ep, when he was walking the grounds of the baby shower.  Dude.  True story.  

Machel sounded exactly like Lennox Lewis, like a 3/4s British, 1/4 American accent.  That was all I could think of when he was speaking.  That, and that he seemed like a very decent therapist, and I wish they would all start going to see him, Porsha first.  

Cynthia fashions herself a businesswoman, but she’s asking Mal if she’s offering an “incenative” deal?  I’ve never did think there was too much brain wattage going on there, and I’ve noticed it’s on a downward trend since she joined the show.  Even if Noelle’s not in school, at least she’s doing something, and at least Leon is laying down the law.  

OMG, Porsha and Dennis still haven’t decided on a living space and they share a child and they’re engaged?  Holy shit.  I feel like I fully watched this fight play out already a year ago with Porsha’s spin-off.  Dennis, you should be crawling on broken glass to be back in “the marital home.”  IMO, if he’s living separately in the city, he’s still cheating.  I think she would have been better off having the stupid baby nup with that guy Todd who was decent looking.  I can’t even stand to look at Dennis in his tye-dyed t-shirt with the cannabis leaf on it.  I don’t know how Porsha puts up with him.  He’s ignorant and gross.  

I find it so strange that Nene and Gregg are both native English speakers, have enough income to live in a mansion, he is educated (?) and was an earner when this show began, she is at least sharp enough to have been able to hustle up jobs in Hollywood and entertainment (and I have a feeling there’s a book in there, but I’m too lazy to google it)...yet their son needs subtitles and has no ambition whatsoever.  And he’s not a one-off, because Bryson ain’t lighting up the world either.  Last I heard of him, he was stealing razors out of Wal-Mart.  What ever happened to Nene’s granddaughter, or do I not want to know?  I assume her mom—Bryant’s baby mama—won’t let her film.  Maybe Nene should spend a little less time on cocktails and fashion and figure out where she went wrong with her kids, and whether that can be righted at all at this point in time.  Same for Gregg.  Worry less about your sex life and more about your kids.  

Kenya is the only one who is keeping her wits about her and keeping healthy boundaries with Marc.  That relationship was (is?) so unhealthy.  He can pay for movers to move his shit though.  I don’t know why Kenya was even touching it, unless she was looking to tamper with it a little (which should never be done on camera, obvi).  I never met my in-laws?  I wonder how your $5,000 suit got all those bleach stains.  You didn’t like either of the ties I picked out for the charity benefit?  Guess what, they all got ‘misplaced.’  I wouldn’t go full Angela Bassett, Waiting to Exhale, but I’d manage to passively-aggressively destroy a few choice items, because I’m petty like that.

Glad to see Eva for the first time for what feels like all season.  Her new home is pretty nice, although it’s kind of a Mc-something (it’s not even quite a McMansion).  Very generic craftsmanship.  Eva seems like a good mom though, and it’s nice to see.  I don’t think she’s putting that on for the cameras at all.  

I was glad not to have the friends-of this week.  I’m glad Nene and Eva had to pull a little weight for their gigantic salaries, and the women who don’t have peaches just weren’t part of the narrative.  I would generally like friends-of to be relegated to parties and major group gatherings.  I always feel, with friends-of, if Bravo didn’t think they were important to cast as full-time, why are they such a big part of the story?  So that was a nice change this episode.  Just the original recipe cast.  

Finally next week is the finale!  I feel like I’ve been riding this ride for a year now, and, like the Disney Teacups, it’s making me kind of nauseous.  

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So many of Mark's clothes still had tags on them. I'm not sure what to make of that. Kenya still had a bad vibe with Cynthia. But what was most surprising was Kenya acted like a real human being when Kandi came over. One of the few times she sounded genuine.

In her talking head Kandi makes it clear she is supporting everybody and their mama. She mentioned kids. I wondering if she's supporting the kids of her late fiance? But Joyce hated the prospect of Kandi giving a dime to those kids so maybe the kids Kandi mentioned are part of the coven clan. Anyway Joyce rears her head next week talking about Kandi's money again.

Edited by Iguessnot
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Todd is an asshole and him not letting Kandi give money to his daughter seemed so harsh. He is so hard on Kayla and he will regret it in the future. Thank god, Kandi will have a say on how he treats their daughter. If I was Kandi I would have given Kayla the money anyway. 

Kenya just seems so weird and I don't think she cares for Cynthia because she looks down on her. Her atrocious behavior in Greece regarding Cynthia's knowledge of wine was proof of her disdain in my opinion.  She had more of a good vibe with Kandi. 

On a shallow note, the ladies of the show are just beautiful.. Portia  Shamea, Kenya , Eva, Cynthia,Tanya are just breathtaking.. Even Andy Cohen commented on their beauty as a group on a reunion show in comparison to the other housewive franchises..

Edited by Pearson80
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Cynthia doesn’t think her employees should have two days off a week?  Good luck with that Cynthia.  

And, Porsha?  You absolutely HAVE TO stop calling your daughter PP!!!

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10 hours ago, Axie said:

And, Porsha?  You absolutely HAVE TO stop calling your daughter PP!!!

PJ, but yeah. Pilar is such a pretty name.

The men on this show are something else. Marc was "there" every week building his closet, but the clothes still had tags? Dennis with that tie-dye shirt looking like he smoked a bowl before arguing with Porsha, and Todd continuing to be an ass about Kayla.

Going back to Dennis, he had this same-ass fight with Porsha last year. He's a cheating-ass mess, but I don't blame him for not moving out to the sticks only to have his shit be in the basement again. I did roll my eyes when he told Porsha that she "threw him out like a motherfucker." Sir, you cheated on her, did you really think you could stay?

And Porsha, no matter what you do, things will never go back to how it was before the cheating. That time is gone.

I liked Machel. It was nice to see a competent therapist. Now it makes sense why Kandi stretches herself so thin. She's taking care of everyone!  Kandi needs to discuss why she lacks boundaries. She's an ATM for her family and friends.

Edited by Sheenieb
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Kandi & Todd:

Todd is pretty much putting it out on a billboard that he feels neglected by Kandi. Kandi feels she paid for Todd so he's always going to be there.  If she doesn't stop taking on projects she really doesn't need to do at this time and start spending more time with her husband and their kids, next season we will see Kandi billy goat crying, wondering where it all went wrong while Mama Joyce cackles that she knew Todd was a low down golddigger only after her money.

IMO women (especially black women and especially in entertainment) should not marry men who make significantly LESS than them.  Be like Oprah & keep him in the guest house for an occasional d*ck appointment.  These men out here get resentful of your coins and the next woman they get is significantly less than you but they can impress her because you had to break off a portion of your coins to him.

Kandi may love Todd and vice versa but she settled for him because she knew no man with her money (or more) or status would ever marry her.  She told that to Mama Joyce.  Someone with the money/status Kandi has wouldn't marry her, they'd marry someone like Porsha (or Cynthia).

Having said that, if Todd or any other guy wants to be The Man in the relationship, they need to go find themselves a nice little administrative assistant or little saleswoman from the get go that they can be The Man with.  It's not going to happen with someone like Kandi.

I don't understand why you would bring another child into the earth knowing you don't have time to spend with the 1st two kids.  It's not like Kandi is Angela Bassett.  It was a bit role on a tv show; she could've done another role later.


Now it makes sense why Kandi stretches herself so thin. She's taking care of everyone! 

Unfortunately a lot of black people who make it, whether they're a Grammy winning songwriter or the family member who was the first to graduate college and get a good government job, end up having to take care of ne'er do-well family and friends.  It's why black women are one of the most highly educated groups in the country, but also one of the poorest.  Any extra money you get, Momma, sister Denise & her kids, cousin Sandi, BFF Patrice, cousin Lonnie, etc all have their hands out.

That's one of the reasons why MC Hammer went broke & probably why Toni Braxton went broke (the first time), because they're taking care of everybody.  Kandi doesn't want to be broke so she's working herself to the bone to keep money coming in.  Todd has only known Kaela for about 5 years so he probably sees her as competition for Kandi's money because I doubt seriously he would deny Ace or the new baby any of Kandi's money.

Edited by drivethroo
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42 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Kandi may love Todd and vice versa but she settled for him because she knew no man with her money (or more) or status would ever marry her.  She told that to Mama Joyce.  Someone with the money/status Kandi has wouldn't marry her, they'd marry someone like Porsha (or Cynthia).


This part of your post made me sad because it is true.  

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I can’t stand Todd. And Dennis is trash, but Porsha is hellbent on turning that ho into a husband.

Nene’s song didn’t sound any better on the show. I wish that boring-ass scene with Gregg had been left on the cutting room floor.

I couldn’t believe it when I saw that next up is the finale — I had to look at the episode count to be sure. Maybe it’s all the real-life craziness that’s been going on, but the season felt super short to me.

So I guess it’s going to be an online reunion. Andy can’t properly moderate in person, how the hell is he supposed to do it on Zoom?

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6 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Kandi & Todd:

Todd is pretty much putting it out on a billboard that he feels neglected by Kandi. Kandi feels she paid for Todd so he's always going to be there.  If she doesn't stop taking on projects she really doesn't need to do at this time and start spending more time with her husband and their kids, next season we will see Kandi billy goat crying, wondering where it all went wrong while Mama Joyce cackles that she knew Todd was a low down golddigger only after her money.

IMO women (especially black women and especially in entertainment) should not marry men who make significantly LESS than them.  Be like Oprah & keep him in the guest house for an occasional d*ck appointment.  These men out here get resentful of your coins and the next woman they get is significantly less than you but they can impress her because you had to break off a portion of your coins to him.

Kandi may love Todd and vice versa but she settled for him because she knew no man with her money (or more) or status would ever marry her.  She told that to Mama Joyce.  Someone with the money/status Kandi has wouldn't marry her, they'd marry someone like Porsha (or Cynthia).

Having said that, if Todd or any other guy wants to be The Man in the relationship, they need to go find themselves a nice little administrative assistant or little saleswoman from the get go that they can be The Man with.  It's not going to happen with someone like Kandi.

I don't understand why you would bring another child into the earth knowing you don't have time to spend with the 1st two kids.  It's not like Kandi is Angela Bassett.  It was a bit role on a tv show; she could've done another role later.

Unfortunately a lot of black people who make it, whether they're a Grammy winning songwriter or the family member who was the first to graduate college and get a good government job, end up having to take care of ne'er do-well family and friends.  It's why black women are one of the most highly educated groups in the country, but also one of the poorest.  Any extra money you get, Momma, sister Denise & her kids, cousin Sandi, BFF Patrice, cousin Lonnie, etc all have their hands out.

That's one of the reasons why MC Hammer went broke & probably why Toni Braxton went broke (the first time), because they're taking care of everybody.  Kandi doesn't want to be broke so she's working herself to the bone to keep money coming in.  Todd has only known Kaela for about 5 years so he probably sees her as competition for Kandi's money because I doubt seriously he would deny Ace or the new baby any of Kandi's money.

Well said and so true.  Kandi has a problem setting boundaries as evidenced by the way Mama Joyce feels so damn entitled to her money.  I also notice like with a lot of successful men, Kandi shows love with expensive gifts. Also, like a lot of people who grew up poor, no amount of money will make her feel secure. 

5 hours ago, Hiyo said:

And more sad because with Kandi, you'd get a financial equal and at least someone who would keep those coins coming in a major way.

I was told to get an education and a good job so that I will never have to depend on a man for coin. I was never told that would really kill my dating prospects.

I have a friend who is a successful corporate executive. She has worked hard building her career over the past decade. Her husband is a musician who works when he gets a gig. She literally makes over 3 times the money he does. The crazy part is that their daughters think he makes as much or more than their mother. She wanted to protect her husband’s frail ego and not emasculate him.

In contrast, I know a lady who is a photographer that married a doctor. All their kids know that he is the one making most of the money and they should be grateful that they have nice things. He works long hours and she never complains about almost having to raise the kids on her own.

The corporate executive lady always has her family dogging her for marrying a bum. The photographer lady always had her in laws telling her how lucky she is and some of them thinks she is a bit of a gold digger. As women we are often damned if we do or damned if we don’t.

Edited by qtpye
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I was told to get an education and a good job so that I will never have to depend on a man for coin. I was never told that would really kill my dating prospects.

Sadly, as others pointed out, Kandi's bank account and "status" wouldn't make her a catch to men of a certain wealth, which is sad.

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12 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

So many of Mark's clothes still had tags on them. I'm not sure what to make of that. Kenya still had a bad vibe with Cynthia. But what was most surprising was Kenya acted like a real human being when Kandi came over. One of the few times she sounded genuine.

In her talking head Kandi makes it clear she supporting everybody and their mama. She mentioned kids. I wondering if she's supporting the kids of her late fiance? But Joyce hated the prospect of Kandi giving a dime to those kids so maybe the kids Kandi mentioned are part of the coven clan. Anyway Joyce rears her head next week talking about Kandi's money again.

I know what to make of the tags on "Mark's" clothes.

They were props to be returned to the store after her shooting her scene for this weeks show.



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12 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Was it my imagination or did Dennis have a hotdog tattooed on the back of his head?????

He’s about as slippery as a hotdog - and as bad for Porsha’s health.

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13 hours ago, Axie said:

Just when I was waiting for something to happen, on the previews for next week, Kandi announces it’s the season finale.  I don’t see a need for a reunion since nothing happened this season.

I know that time is standing still generally right now, but this season REALLY feels like it has lasted about 5 years.

21 minutes ago, dosodog said:

I know what to make of the tags on "Mark's" clothes.

They were props to be returned to the store after her shooting her scene for this weeks show.

Yep!  Which is also why she seemed freaked out by Cynthia acting like she was going to cut the sleeves off.

I never want to see any housewife do the staged romantic bedroom gesture with their spouse. But I ESPECIALLY don't want to see Nene do it.  Her hiding and shrieking as Greg opened the champagne bottle - lord, help me.

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1). Kenya is the sole owner of the men’s clothing on her closet. No way Marc kept that many clothes in ATL

2). Why are Todd’s fingernails always dirty? Makes me sick and I think it’s makes the cameraman sick too because they show them a lot. 

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I already told my husband to never sprinkle rose petals on the floor or bed and expect me to be excited.   I just know I'd be the one cleaning it up.

I like Greg, Nene was lucky to get him.  Most men would have killed her by now.

Can't Porsha move closer to the hotdog business?  Traffic in Atlanta is a bitch.  Yes, he cheated, he is lucky to be around, but she wants him, so why not move to a nice place closer to his job.   I like Porsha, I think she is beautiful and can do better, but she chose him.  The man has to work.

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Even little PJ is over it all. I was cracking up at her refusing to smile at her hot dog king daddy and sweet but dim mother. She’s just wants them to get it together.

I honestly didn’t have a side in the Todd/Kandi argument. Kandi is probably so used to operating at this pace for so long, she doesn’t know how to slow down. Todd may have a point, but his bruised ego is speaking volumes as well. I still can’t understand him not wanting Kandi to give his daughter money for HER BIRTHDAY. Even if Kandi wasn’t well off, giving her money for her birthday shouldn’t be an issue. I really feel for Kaela in that regard because she knows he’s not going to treat Ace and Blaze (🤦🏾‍♀️) the same way when they’re older. Kandi wouldn’t let him.

Not going there with Nene...

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5 hours ago, dosodog said:

I know what to make of the tags on "Mark's" clothes.

They were props to be returned to the store after her shooting her scene for this weeks show.



Exactly!  She didn't even bother to hide the tags.   Kenya is always so obvious in her manufactured stories (remember the season she rented a serious boyfriend)    I'm kind of surprised the baby is real.  Haha. 

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6 hours ago, watcherwoman said:

I like Greg, Nene was lucky to get him.  Most men would have killed her by now.


Nene is too Alpha to deal with some men. Greg is her purseholder and we all know it.  Nene wears the pants in that marriage. I have no doubt during his vulnerable moments during his illness she let him how lucky he was to have her.  I am just speculating but narcissists like Nene view the world as being all about them. 

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Kenya is always so obvious in her manufactured stories

Yeah, as much as we're supposed to feel sympathy for Kenya during all of this, I can't help but sometimes feel how...manufactured? her scenes of her attempting pour out her hear heart and crying are.

Whereas with Kandi, you know it's more real because her Quiver Voice comes out.

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23 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Kandi & Todd:


I don't understand why you would bring another child into the earth knowing you don't have time to spend with the 1st two kids.  It's not like Kandi is Angela Bassett.  It was a bit role on a tv show; she could've done another role later.


That's one of the reasons why MC Hammer went broke & probably why Toni Braxton went broke (the first time), because they're taking care of everybody.  Kandi doesn't want to be broke so she's working herself to the bone to keep money coming in.  Todd has only known Kaela for about 5 years so he probably sees her as competition for Kandi's money because I doubt seriously he would deny Ace or the new baby any of Kandi's money.

To the first bolded, I have been watching past seasons and it seems that last season, Todd and Kandi discussed having two embryos left.  They both were basically saying that they did not want to "leave any soldiers behind".  When meeting with Dr. Jackie about the surrogate, Todd was giddy about using both embryos.  So despite both knowing that they didn't really spend time with their current children, they decided that this was a storyline that they should see to completion.

As for the second bolded, I think you have the wording wrong.  It seems Todd found out about Kaela when she was around 5 years old, not five years ago.

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22 hours ago, dosodog said:

I know what to make of the tags on "Mark's" clothes.

They were props to be returned to the store after her shooting her scene for this weeks show.



I also peeped that the closet seemed to have a lot of women's clothes in it (unless Mark is wearing floral ruffles, and yellow cap sleeves with string ties) 🙂 Re-watch and pay attention to what's hanging behind Kenya 

Is it really emotionally taxing to go through clothes that your husband's never worn????

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Is it really emotionally taxing to go through clothes that your husband's never worn????

Shhh, don't get in the way of Keny's storyline obvious and entitled emotional pain.

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57 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

I also peeped that the closet seemed to have a lot of women's clothes in it (unless Mark is wearing floral ruffles, and yellow cap sleeves with string ties) 🙂 Re-watch and pay attention to what's hanging behind Kenya 

Is it really emotionally taxing to go through clothes that your husband's never worn????

See, that made it weirder for me. Almost all the closet was men's clothes except for a few frilly items hanging in the background. This is obviously not a shared closet so why did she place those frocks there?

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On 4/13/2020 at 5:36 AM, link417 said:

So I guess it’s going to be an online reunion. Andy can’t properly moderate in person, how the hell is he supposed to do it on Zoom?

Amen to that. 

How are they going to get Nene on camera? There is no way a cameraman or producer would go to her because he or she would not likely survive. (Luckily, Gwinnett Medical Center ER) is close, but they’re a bit busy right now ...


10 hours ago, Hiyo said:

Shhh, don't get in the way of Keny's storyline obvious and entitled emotional pain.

On 4/13/2020 at 2:15 PM, watcherwoman said:

Can't Porsha move closer to the hotdog business?  Traffic in Atlanta is a bitch.

Traffic in Atlanta is indeed a bitch. I live not far from Porsha and Nene (but a very different neighborhood) and I used to work in downtown Atlanta - it was an awful commute. OTP (outside the perimeter) you can get a lot of land/house for the buck. 

However, I think Dennis is using this as an excuse since he has more flexibility in his schedule being a business owner versus commuters who have regimented hours. 
Porsha doesn’t want him back because if she did she would let him move his clothes into an actual closet. I feel like she is so conflicted - wanting a traditional family but not really wanting him. Porsha, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a catch in other ways. Dennis is not a catch in any way, shape, or form (especially his form).


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2 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Porsha, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a catch in other ways. Dennis is not a catch in any way, shape, or form (especially his form).

Please be more careful: Hospitals are overwhelmed as it is, you can’t just go around burning people like this!

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7 minutes ago, link417 said:

Please be more careful: Hospitals are overwhelmed as it is, you can’t just go around burning people like this!

Huh? Not sure what you are referring to. 

Hospitals are extremely overwhelmed and and I was being sarcastic talking about how Nene might send a a camera person or producer to the hospital - I was just trying to be funny.

Ive been making mask covers and providing meals for the workers of the hospital I mentioned (everything I cam capable of doing while stuck at home).

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2 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

Huh? Not sure what you are referring to. 

Hospitals are extremely overwhelmed and and I was being sarcastic talking about how Nene might send a a camera person or producer to the hospital - I was just trying to be funny.

Ive been making mask covers and providing meals for the workers of the hospital I mentioned (everything I cam capable of doing while stuck at home).

LOL, that was just my roundabout way of saying you read Dennis for filth, and that I was living for it! You had me laughing out loud when I’m supposed to be working 🤣

6 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

Huh? Not sure what you are referring to. 

Hospitals are extremely overwhelmed and and I was being sarcastic talking about how Nene might send a a camera person or producer to the hospital - I was just trying to be funny.

Ive been making mask covers and providing meals for the workers of the hospital I mentioned (everything I cam capable of doing while stuck at home).

And thank you for all you’re doing to help in this crisis!!!!

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35 minutes ago, link417 said:

LOL, that was just my roundabout way of saying you read Dennis for filth, and that I was living for it! You had me laughing out loud when I’m supposed to be working 🤣

And thank you for all you’re doing to help in this crisis!!!!

I’m very tired and so glad I made you LOL at work - I aim to please 👍😻

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4 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Amen to that. 

How are they going to get Nene on camera? There is no way a cameraman or producer would go to her because he or she would not likely survive. (Luckily, Gwinnett Medical Center ER) is close, but they’re a bit busy right now ...


Traffic in Atlanta is indeed a bitch. I live not far from Porsha and Nene (but a very different neighborhood) and I used to work in downtown Atlanta - it was an awful commute. OTP (outside the perimeter) you can get a lot of land/house for the buck. 

However, I think Dennis is using this as an excuse since he has more flexibility in his schedule being a business owner versus commuters who have regimented hours. 
Porsha doesn’t want him back because if she did she would let him move his clothes into an actual closet. I feel like she is so conflicted - wanting a traditional family but not really wanting him. Porsha, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a catch in other ways. Dennis is not a catch in any way, shape, or form (especially his form).


But good business owners are usually the first ones there. If he usually stays until closing,  Porsha will have to get used to not seeing him often.

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On 4/13/2020 at 12:01 AM, Sheenieb said:

I liked Machel. It was nice to see a competent therapist. Now it makes sense why Kandi stretches herself so thin. She's taking care of everyone!  Kandi needs to discuss why she lacks boundaries. She's an ATM for her family and friends.


Kandi has been made to believe that she has to take care of everybody and they mama. Seems as though she is the one who has “made it “ in her family and thy all come to her for money.  She needs to set some boundaries. 

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On 4/14/2020 at 1:31 AM, AyeshaTheGreat said:

As for the second bolded, I think you have the wording wrong.  It seems Todd found out about Kaela when she was around 5 years old, not five years ago.

That's what I thought too. Todd and Kandi have been together longer than 5 years and Kaela has been in the picture at least since they've been together.

On 4/13/2020 at 2:12 AM, drivethroo said:

she knew no man with her money (or more) or status would ever marry her.  She told that to Mama Joyce.  Someone with the money/status Kandi has wouldn't marry her, they'd marry someone like Porsha (or Cynthia).

I remember her saying she'd dated men with millions before and they treated her like shit. And yeah - actually, we saw that with Porsha. Porsha was raised to be a trophy wife, and that's what she was. And then when she got a little ambition of her own, Kordell wasn't here for it. That wasn't what Kordell wanted - he wanted a true housewife. Kandi is way too ambitious for someone like Kordell. I think even without the fact that she takes care of a lot of people, she has a natural drive to her that isn't going to work for someone who wants to run the household.

Kandi and Todd's therapist could get it. Call me, Machel.

I can't understand how Kenya isn't allowed to speak to her in-laws. That is insane, and I would not marry someone who had that rule unless it was a "my abusive parents are dead to me" situation - but in that case, he would have said so. Like Cynthia said, what if something happens to Marc? Does Marc have another family (aside from his two other kids that we know about) and keeps his parents cut off from Kenya and Brooklyn so his parents don't blow up his spot?

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