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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sigh, Tucker. At this point you probably need to be coming across with some  eye-opening jewelry. I bet Audra would love a little something around 3 carats in a Tiffany setting. Just sayin', put your money where your mouth is.

I was surprised Nick hadn't already tattled to Victor about Connor, before Adam could dash out to the ranch to inform Daddy Dearest himself.

Victor was completely on board regarding Connor going away for treatment of his OCD. It seems to have been due to Victor's regrets for not being there during Adam's troubled childhood. Ehh, something about it didn't ring entirely true to me.

I liked Summer's mini dress today, but meh on the color. IMO it wasn't a fresh springtime look for the CEO of an upscale fashion company.

Audra. You gave in too easily. A boss bish like you should've made Tucker grovel longer. And harder.

Wait, what? Ashley's main alter admitted she's running a game on Tucker. Why? Also, interesting how she was speaking of Ashley in the third person and Traci didn't pick up on it.

Adam was supposed to be in a hurry to take Connor back East so I didn't get why he had time to stop and spar with Victoria. Again.

Claire trying hard to sell herself to Summer. Good luck with that, hon. The big mistake you made was putting innocent Harrison in your sights. Summer will go into mama bear mode for her stepson.

Jordan disguised as a man. AYFKMWTS? 🤮🤬💩

No way is Diane willing to give up her co-CEO job for Kyle. I think she knew Jack would kibosh the idea. Now she can throw that in Kyle's face the next time he steps on her toes at Jabot.

Oh come on, how does Ashley keep getting into Tucker's room? The GCAC has the WORST security!

The security at GCAC is probably Victor's security team's day shift crew. They moonlight all night at GCAC. Could exhaustion explain why they're always so incompetent?

Edited by Julyolo
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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

I still don’t understand why everyone is treating Connor like he has terminal cancer?  Ad I don’t blame Summer one bit for not trusting Cleve. Even if Summer is Phylthy’s daughter, she’s right to question Cleve. 

Oh I believe Claire is not what she is portraying herself to be. Do I think she is still working with Auntie Jordan? Unsure, but her demeanor is off. Summer and Adam are right about being cautious. Maybe they’ll team up & compare notes. Summer just annoys me.

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I swear on my brand new $59.99 bible that nobody could be gullible enough to be fooled by Jordan's disguise. 🧔

Maybe whatever is happening with Ashley is the result of the experimental treatment she had for her aneurysm.  The car accident might have jostled something up there.  Paging Dr. Neville!

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sigh, Tucker. At this point you probably need to be coming across with some  eye-opening jewelry. I bet Audra would love a little something around 3 carats in a Tiffany setting. Just sayin', put your money where your mouth is.

Wait, what? Ashley's main alter admitted she's running a game on Tucker. Why? Also, interesting how she was speaking of Ashley in the third person and Traci didn't pick up on it.

Claire trying hard to sell herself to Summer. Good luck with that, hon. The big mistake you made was putting innocent Harrison in your sights. Summer will go into mama bear mode for her stepson.

Jordan disguised as a man. AYFKMWTS? 🤮🤬💩

Had a few chuckles today-

Ashley's personality today -- I'll call her Smug Ashley -- calling Audra "a yappy little bitch"  Mmmm, OK.

Adam having trouble getting into the Newman ranch cuz as Vic put it -- they don't like him.  Who does, Vic, who does?  I'm thinking roaches scamper in the opposite direction when they see Adam coming!

And Jordie in man drag -- er, that disguise is supposed to be inconspicuous & hard to spot in a crowd?  Yeah, right.  Did give me a giggle at first sight.

Smug was the theme of the day in GC, eh?  We had Smug Ashley, and smug Claire, acting so overly confident & getting way too aggressive in her approach with Summer.  I don't trust her for a second!  Oh, then there's smug Summer.  She is really bugging the piss outta me.  OK, Summer, you have the hottest guy in soapland, but he's also dull & dumb as a rock, and you'll certainly screw it up & not last long with him anyway, so get over yourself, hun.

And Tuck?  Every time I see that crappy little room of his, I can't believe he's supposed to be some sort of mogul.  Between the tiny room, how pathetic he was, begging for Audra to forgive him & how terrible his face looks in closeups, he's coming off like such a loser.  And what is it with the doors in the GCAC?  Are they made of paper, that Ashley can just walk in whenever?  And why does nobody use the elevator there -- or is there one?

I know I'm not supposed to ask this, but where is Jordie getting the wigs, makeup, outfits & money?  Even a fleabag motel costs something.  And how does she get around?  Is she able to walk everywhere or does GC have extensive bus lines?  Not likely.  I know, silly me for asking these questions . . .

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6 hours ago, pvandal said:

her demeanor is off.

Is this a case of the powers-that-be at Y&R not being able to decide what kind of catalyst they want the character to become - - are they waiting for viewer reaction to decide that?

4 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Jordan's disguise

What kind of cleverly hidden resources does Auntie Jordan have that she can come up with those disguises - how the F is she financing all this, like transportation, or a roof over her head, or buying disguises?????

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The security at GCAC is probably Victor's security team's day shift crew. They moonlight all night at GCAC. Could exhaustion explain why they're always so incompetent?

Crack. Victor's crack security team is totally on crack. They're constantly distracted from worrying about when they'll get their next hit of crack.


smug Claire, acting so overly confident & getting way too aggressive in her approach with Summer.

Right? What was that all about? Someone's gonna mess around and get schooled and I think it'll probably be Claire unless Aunt Jordan gets involved.


OK, Summer, you have the hottest guy in soapland, but he's also dull & dumb as a rock,

I ain't mad at her. Or him. Get it, girl, get all that. Tough job but someone has to do it. 😻


Paging Dr. Neville!

Oh yes please. Is Michael E. Knight still on GH or could he come back to visit GC for a while? Also, I think maybe he and TSJ (Tucker) briefly crossed paths on OLTL back in day so that would be a nice reunion.

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18 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Escapes from the hospital in what I would expect to be in a hospital gown but shows up at a fleabit hotel with a new set of clothes with additional clothing in hand. 

I know! Where is she getting the money for all this?  A ticket to Texas?  More clothes-and how did she get them?  Walk into a store in a hospital gown and no one notices?  

continuity rant:  didn't the drink from the man at the bar to Nikki at Society happen before Jordan checked in to I'veStayedinWorse Manor with her new set of duds?

16 hours ago, pvandal said:

Oh I believe Claire is not what she is portraying herself to be.

I have had that feeling every time she asserts/insists that Jordan can no longer hurt her and that her treatment worked.  She pushes too hard, just as Phylth does about her 180 moral turnaround.  So either she is going to take up with Jordan again and mow down the Newmans or she is going to take out Auntie Jordan and probably herself in the process.  I opt for the latter since I really don't like either one of these characters.

Enough with the Assley Alters showing up in Tucker's room.  Get another room, Tuck.  Or start staying in Audra's.  Or even move to another hotel.  Sheeesh!

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Oh, thank goddess - this incredibly boring storyline with Claire (made boring by The Moustache, Nikki's 'horrified' facial expressions, BananaBreath lurking around the corner like a vulture, and Victoria and Cole) is FINALLY addressing the fact that the seemingly single Cole and definitely single Victoria haven't even looked twice at each other. I just wish that someone would style J. Eddie Peck so that he doesn't look like he's living in a cabin with no running water or electricity.

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4 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Oh, thank goddess - this incredibly boring storyline with Claire (made boring by The Moustache, Nikki's 'horrified' facial expressions, BananaBreath lurking around the corner like a vulture, and Victoria and Cole) is FINALLY addressing the fact that the seemingly single Cole and definitely single Victoria haven't even looked twice at each other. I just wish that someone would style J. Eddie Peck so that he doesn't look like he's living in a cabin with no running water or electricity.

Cole looks to me like he lives in a van down by the river. You know, the guy everyone warns their kids not to be when they grow up? He's another one saying that he's giving up his "old life." Anybody know what that was yet?




Edited by Julyolo
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I admit I’m a goober who loves the flashback scenes. I was sorry there could be none for Victoria & Cole since they’d all have Heather Tom in them. Which I’d be fine watching anyway. I mean if we have to suspend disbelief in the whole Jordan mess, we can just pretend It’s the same actress…

I did like Billy’s silent stare at Phyllis when calling Lily out for her pettiness. At least she acknowledged it. Her one moment of self awareness.  

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Why was Billy hanging around in the jazz lounge like he was waiting for Phyllis to show up? Chelsea hasn't even been gone a day and already Billy's looking for trouble.

Heather, the plan moving forward is for you to start looking for a new job. Can you stop belaboring the obvious for even a minute? Gah you're tiresome.

Lol, Mariah and Tessa had a momentary case of foot-in-mouth disease, gushing over their new house to Victoria.

Phyllis is utterly self-absorbed. She had no idea how much Daniel's life had just blown up. Odd though that Daniel hadn't yet told Phyllis what was going on with him, Heather, and Lily since she also works at OmegaSphere.

So did Cole coordinate his purple shirt with Claire's purple skirt or was it a happy new daddy-daughter accident, tee hee?

Heather itching for legal fight with Lily and C-W. Apparently she's never met Lily before. Or Jill. Or Aunt Mamie. Bring it on, sweetie. You and your ridiculous vocal fry.

Billy's "bish whet?" face when Phyllis went on her rant about how seeking vengeance over a failed relationship is so petty and childish. Hysterical.

Aria is so big now! She's still got those bitable apple cheeks.

Claire trying to act abashed when Victoria offered her the Tack House. Yeah, no, Claire. It's turning into an early Newman Christmas for you and you know it.

Oh wait, Victoria will be Claire's roommate at the Tack House. Having her mommy underfoot might cramp Claire's style when Kyle comes a-courtin', ha ha.

The ranch has a makeout bench in the front yard. OMG, I'm crying over here. 😂 What the actual fuh was with the staging of that scene?

Right, Billy, like you don't have enough problems with Lily and Devon. Jumping on Daniel and Heather's bandwagon is for sure a winning move. 🙄🙄🙄

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This is basically for my own amusement but I find it funny that Heather has a large cup of coffee while Daniel has a small cup of coffee. Does this signify that Heather is the alfa in their relationship. 

Question:  if OmegaSphere was signed over to CW, wouldn’t you think that Danny was compensated?  

Leave it to Mariah and Tessa to have a no judgment zone. They are very self aware of whence they came.  As I said before, Mariah and Tessa only move out of the Tack House so Victoria and Claire/Eve can move in. 

Last but not least, Aria is absolutely adorable. Is Claire/Eve going to be Aria’s nanny since Sunmer❄️❄️❄️❄️ finds Claire/Eve unfit to be Harrison’s nanny?  


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22 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I swear on my brand new $59.99 bible that nobody could be gullible enough to be fooled by Jordan's disguise. 🧔

Maybe whatever is happening with Ashley is the result of the experimental treatment she had for her aneurysm.  The car accident might have jostled something up there.  Paging Dr. Neville!

If only. He would be adorable with Tracy /

47 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

This is basically for my own amusement but I find it funny that Heather has a large cup of coffee while Daniel has a small cup of coffee. Does this signify that Heather is the alfa in their relationship. 

Question:  if OmegaSphere was signed over to CW, wouldn’t you think that Danny was compensated?  



Wana bet Lily calms down and rethinks ONLY to have Daniel and his mistake Ex barge in waving lawsuit papers aggressively/ 

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How did the Tack House morph from a Honeymoon Cottage to a 4 bedroom house ??  AND...who is this 5th person whereof they speak ?? Johnny- Katie- Claire - Victoria = 4 , thus 4 bedrooms. AND...5th person means potentially a 5th bedroom . 

I'm guessing AH just misread her script for the day.

Cole -"I never want to go back to the way things were." What ?? like when they were married ?? Don't get your hopes up ?? WTF did that mean ?? What does ANY of this mean ?? 

Hoping CZ is enjoying the campy, over the top writing for her new role. I sure am. Too much dull lately.

Heather & Daniel just realizing that they are unemployed...Duh. He's Dummer's brother for sure. Didn't take H very long to shift from job applications to "Sue their azzes". Michael Baldwin needs to set that contract in stone and whack Ms. straggly extensions over the head with it. Used to like Heather when she was just Paul's little daughter, but now she's a tad too bitchy.

BTW...Danny is the big boy...Daniel is the little boy. Jes' clarifyin'.

And Aria is just so cute !!  👶

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Oh yeah, Princess Louisa, the life changing game that remains just undefined enough so that none of us can understand exactly how the actual fluck a video game is supposed to be changing/saving lives while sorting our garbage into recyclables and non-recyclables.  Isn't this the same stupid game that brought Chelz and her amazing insights into the gaming world, too?

Also, isn't this the same game that wouldn't exist without LILY pushing Daniel to do, convincing CW to hire him to do and boosting his flat ass every single step of the way??  If that ridiculous game is Daniel's baby then Lily is the midwife who delivered it.

I'm resisting Show's attempt to make Heather the Svengali who leads Daniel to fight Lily after he's the one who lied and went behind her back so disgracefully because Show always makes women the bad guys.  But Heather's showing herself to be every bit Daniel's equal in being a viper, first class.  

I forgot, they're doing this all for Lucy.  Best thing they could do for Lucy is put her back up for adoption.

Isn't it counter-productive for ButtBiscuit to encourage a fired employee to go after the company he works for?  Wouldn't that be bad for the business?  Wouldn't Jill frown on that?  Every time ButtBiscuit opens that Hell Mouth of his, more vampire bat thoughts fly out.  I hope him stirring Phyllis up comes back to bite him in his proboscis.  Also, it seems pretty ButtBiscuitian of him to encourage Heather and Daniel to go after Lily, who treated him really well and let him dump her without any repercussions.  He's such an ass.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The ranch has a makeout bench in the front yard. OMG, I'm crying over here. 😂 What the actual fuh was with the staging of that scene?

Wasn't the fakest backdrop ever?   Almost as fake as Victoria trying to show human emotion.

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4 hours ago, Julyolo said:

Cole looks to me like he lives in a van down by the river. You know, the guy everyone warns their kids not to be when they grow up? He's another one saying that he's giving up his "old life." Anybody know what that was yet?

Isn't Cole supposed to be on sabbatical from Oxford?  He'll probably get a professorship at the much more prestigious GCU.

Where is Cole staying?  I'd love to see him in a van down by the river, with Ian Ward (Ray Wise) in his RV as a neighbour.

And bringing back Dr. Neville to snap Ashley's brain back into shape would be much more entertaining than the drivel we are seeing now. They had a good, humourous rapport when he was last in town.

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So glad I took a break from building my ark to watch Show today, since Mariah and Tessa sightings are so rare lately.  It's so weird to me that Phyllis would be such a Heather fan.  I'm pretty sure Heather was the only prosecutor in GC who successfully put Phyllis behind bars.

38 minutes ago, Peppermint said:

How did the Tack House morph from a Honeymoon Cottage to a 4 bedroom house ??  AND...who is this 5th person whereof they speak ?? Johnny- Katie- Claire - Victoria = 4 , thus 4 bedrooms. AND...5th person means potentially a 5th bedroom . 

I'm guessing AH just misread her script for the day.

Cole -"I never want to go back to the way things were." What ?? like when they were married ?? Don't get your hopes up ?? WTF did that mean ?? What does ANY of this mean ?? 

Hoping CZ is enjoying the campy, over the top writing for her new role. I sure am. Too much dull lately.

Heather & Daniel just realizing that they are unemployed...Duh. He's Dummer's brother for sure. Didn't take H very long to shift from job applications to "Sue their azzes". Michael Baldwin needs to set that contract in stone and whack Ms. straggly extensions over the head with it. Used to like Heather when she was just Paul's little daughter, but now she's a tad too bitchy.

BTW...Danny is the big boy...Daniel is the little boy. Jes' clarifyin'.

And Aria is just so cute !!  👶

Maybe the fifth person is Reed, although Victoria never mentions him anymore.

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What is it about Cole that's so off?  The weird facial growth on J. Eddie?  It's not quite a beard, but looks like a shadow on his face & gives a kinda scary appearance, like the mountain men in Deliverance.  When J. Eddie first started back he had a gray/white streak & now that's gone & he's been fully dyed (which actually makes him look better), but that shit on his face makes him look creepy.

And yeah, there is zero romantic chemistry between J. Eddie & Amelia -- just looked very uncomfortable trying to force that.  Not sure if it's Amelia or the character, but I've thought of Victoria as a total cold fish.  Not so when Heather Tom was playing her.

Yeah, yeah, I know -- wink, wink, nudge, nudge, we were supposed to laugh ourselves silly when Phyllis says (like she's 12) that vengeance against an ex is soooo petty -- 3 seconds after she pulled the fire alarm while her ex is having sex with someone else.  Meh to the writers on that one.  More stupid than funny.

Heather continues to annoy the piss outta me.  I really can't stand how Vail "acts" with her hair.  Kinda makes me wanna dump pancake syrup on her just to stop that fucking hair-acting.  But then again, I wanted to dump pancake syrup on that whole awful group -- including Daniel, Phyllis & Billy.  Intolerable assholes, every one of 'em!!

You know, they really should be showing us what Claire is thinking to herself.  My guess would be she's saying -- Awesome, now I'm an heiress, and I'm gonna play all these idiots as long as I have to, to get as much dough as I can, and Jordan can fuck off if she tries to disrupt my plans for being rich . . .


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On 4/1/2024 at 9:17 PM, Snaporaz said:

I swear on my brand new $59.99 bible that nobody could be gullible enough to be fooled by Jordan's disguise. 🧔

Maybe whatever is happening with Ashley is the result of the experimental treatment she had for her aneurysm.  The car accident might have jostled something up there.  Paging Dr. Neville!

This show is just freaking STUPID!!

enough with the Jordan storyline. A first grader could see she's dressed as a damn man! And Jack acting like nothing is wrong with Ashley! I think I'm done with this stupid show!! LOL

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15 hours ago, boes said:

Isn't this the same stupid game that brought Chelz and her amazing insights into the gaming world, too?

And look how well that worked out.  She's the model of mental stability.


15 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

It's so weird to me that Phyllis would be such a Heather fan.

But now Heather's the Mother of her Grandchild.  (Funny how bio mothers get dropped like hot rocks when it's convenient.)


15 hours ago, Denize said:

Isn't Cole supposed to be on sabbatical from Oxford?

I thought he lived in California and was writing a book.

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I loved Jack (not) for advocating that his sister be left to her own devices "Shes an adult, Traci!" only to run off to prop up Nikki, and feed her insatiable entitled ego. He's being portrayed as a total buffoon. It seemed like today was part of the lead up to Tucker being murdered or disappearing. It's hard to say, either way the GC PD has been dismantled, there's no one even left to answer a 911 call.  Yesterday Tucker was all in earnest while warning Jack about Ashley. Today, he is yearning to reunite with Devon, and professing his undying love for Audra. Not one iota of his trademark snark, or irrepressible rascal self remains to be seen. If TSJ is taken off the show, that will be one less reason for me to watch. I'd say that JG has put this whole show into a state of inertia, but that would be giving him way too much credit for what amounts to be no action at all.

Edited by Julyolo
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I tuned in just as Devon (I would call him Deathly Dull Devon but that would be an insult to deathly and dull people) was sleepily trash talking Tucker.  I had to wonder what Tucker must think of his son. Sweet Jesus, what an entitled, pain-in-the-ass, self-righteous character he is. He sleepwalks through every scene, the tone of his voice never changes.  What do Abby, Elena, Hilary, etc. see in him. The money? Which brings me to this conclusion....

Do any of the male characters on this soap have any testosterone at all?  Any? Tucker used to; Ashland used to, Adam used to, Jack used to, many many many moons ago.  Daniel looks good but there is no "there" there with Heather. Nick fakes it. Epic fail. 

Sorry, I am really crabby - stressful family stuff going on.  It shouldn't be too much to ask for just one couple who is considered "hot"  or intriguing.  Or even interesting. Or fun.  I am with the poster above who said that Show has ruined Tucker.  We hardly knew ye. 

I just edited this to add: When it comes to testosterone, Phyllis and Audra have more than Show's leading men. 😁

Edited by Kemper
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Auntie Jordan’s disguise looks more fitting to be in an Agatha Christie mystery novel than in GC.

Another bollix by Victors crack security team. They were looking for Auntie Jordan without thinking she could be in any type of disguise.  If they were standing in Society instead of outside you would think they would realize that a “man”, at the bar, kept looking over at Nikki. 

I’m still waiting for Ashley to start chewing gum. 

Lily, what is your malfunction?  You and Nostrils were actually living together for a while.  Daniel and you didn’t live together and occasionally had sex with your “friend”.  To me what Nostrils did was far worse than not telling you about Heather, but Lily can see Nostrils everyday but not Daniel. 


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O noes, Ashley didn't come home last night. Gee, Traci, how old is your big sis, 12? Jack better ground her and take away her toys, huh?

Nikki told Tessa there's a pony waiting for Aria at the ranch when she's old enough to ride.  But, but, but Aria's not a Newman!

Wait, was that a weird chem test between Lily and Tucker? 😱😱

Disguised Jordan sitting at the bar wearing leather gloves. Nah, nothing seemed suspicious about her at all. Just another paying customer, I guess. 🤔

What a sweet note Tucker left for Audra. Hope he meant it and wasn't just trying to placate her for his having skipped out on the afterglow.

IMO Ashley looked awfully rough for merely having spent the night in a motel. Maybe her alters were beating each other up, lol.

Audra back in black. 1980s AC/DC sends their regards, Miss Charles.

Hey Devon, shut up. What an ungrateful tw*t you are.

Poor Tucker. Even when he's making a grand romantic gesture he can't leave the GCAC.

Oh, okay, Jordan apparently wanted to make sure Nikki decided to go away on vacation with Victor. Definite trouble ahead.

Pinky swear. Do teenagers still say that or is Ashley's alter sort of living in the past?

Alrighty then, Tucker! You followed my advice on the expensive jewelry. Meh on the ring though, sorry. I would've gone with more classic styling.

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@MsMalin...Rumor has it that the Genoa City Journal offices were raided by the Thought Police on or about March 1st. Copies of the ButtBiscuit Advice Column were seized and destroyed. The Journal has since stopped publication for the time being. NP has apparently relocated to LA, where NP is currently active in reporting on Fashion House Follies.

NP's return to Genoa City is devoutly wished for, as the astute and pithy advice is much needed and appreciated. 

If a Newman jet is not offered to expidite NP's return, then perhaps a GoFundMe page is in order.

"Free The Penguin " 🐧

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Auntie Jordan’s disguise looks more fitting to be in an Agatha Christie mystery novel than in GC.

Another bollix by Victors crack security team. They were looking for Auntie Jordan without thinking she could be in any type of disguise.  If they were standing in Society instead of outside you would think they would realize that a “man”, at the bar, kept looking over at Nikki. 

I’m still waiting for Ashley to start chewing gum. 

Lily, what is your malfunction?  You and Nostrils were actually living together for a while.  Daniel and you didn’t live together and occasionally had sex with your “friend”.  To me what Nostrils did was far worse than not telling you about Heather, but Lily can see Nostrils everyday but not Daniel. 


Heather is a waste of space who will dump daniel first bump in the road.

Phuuuulease don't go the Lily/Daniel route again.

Bring back little Hairboy's mom to complicate Kyummers lives. Let's fake a reunion to fool the judge and because they are fools they end up in bed.

I want my WTD story with Dummer assuming the kid is Kyle's as Abby anounced to all of GC that Chances fish don't swim.

I ment Lily/Billy. I like her with daniel even if he;s a twit.

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So Jordie has super powers too?  We already know she can break out of anywhere & has the ability to get unlimited access to makeup, wigs, clothes & money.  Now we see that she can clearly hear conversations from 10 feet away?  Mmmm, OK, sure, that's real believable . . . 

Tuck looked better today.  The makeup people must be saving some of the shit they're painting over Jack with & spackling a ton of it under Trevor's eyes to cover up those dark circles.

The ring?  Looked like something you could get off HSN or JTV for 50 bucks.  OK, Audra, enjoy the cheap shitty ring, but are ya really gonna cram yourself into Tuck's crappy little room?  Sounds like a crummy deal to me, but she's got nothing else going on.

So I liked Tessa's dress, but then she turned around & we see it's backless down to her tush!  Er, huh???  Is this a trend in LA now?  To wear something like that in the Midwest now is nuts -- unless you're Audra, that is.  But then again, Audra has very different reasons for wearing backless (and frontless?) dresses . . . 

On a serious note, given Ashley's description of memory loss and her age (I know we're not supposed to acknowledge that half the cast is eligible for AARP & some for Medicare), if I were Traci, I'd be concerned about Ashley exhibiting the signs of Alzheimer's or Dementia.  And no, I wouldn't honor some idiotic pinky swear.  Sheesh, it's really bugging me how the 50-something & 60-something characters on here are acting & speaking like they're children.  It's annoying & dumb!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Nah...My Darling Tucker only produced that ring for Audra as protection against his unquenchable adoration for Ashley. He is SO close to giving in to her wiles that he needs protection by putting another in between them. Audra will soon find that she is a faint pale imitation of a true love. 

Sharon and Tracy will solve Ashley's "3 Faces Of Eve" issues and Tucker & Ash will be happily ever after.


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Gosh, Auntie Jordan's disguise was so good nobody but nobody would have known it was her!  An escapee from a Cosmetology Clinic for the Criminally Insane or an attendee at a Sherlock Holmes convention who got out of his manacles, sure, or maybe Simon Legree on his day off, sure.  

Nobody would give a man dressed up like a Jack the Ripper lookalike a second glance sitting at a bar in Genoa City, not anyone.

I guess she'll start choosing her disguises from horrifically bad movies from the 1970's next.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the Killing Fields, next on The Young and the Restless.

Lookin' good, Auntie Jordan!

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6 hours ago, boes said:

Gosh, Auntie Jordan's disguise was so good nobody but nobody would have known it was her!  An escapee from a Cosmetology Clinic for the Criminally Insane or an attendee at a Sherlock Holmes convention who got out of his manacles, sure, or maybe Simon Legree on his day off, sure.  

Nobody would give a man dressed up like a Jack the Ripper lookalike a second glance sitting at a bar in Genoa City, not anyone.

I guess she'll start choosing her disguises from horrifically bad movies from the 1970's next.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the Killing Fields, next on The Young and the Restless.

Lookin' good, Auntie Jordan!

This is one of those posts that deserves almost all of the emojis.  Applause, Fire and Laugh just to start.

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Someone needs to clue Jack in that before he decided to cape for Nikki, he needed to inform her that she owed his wife an apology for the way she and her coven treated Diane's return to GC. Retrospectively, it was all for naught, wasn't it? No one seems to be holding the feet of Phyllis, Lauren, Ashley, or Nikki to the fire for that, do they? Now today, when Nikki went all "nose up" and talked down to Diane, Jack should have slammed her face into that table, and told her, "Help yourself, Sicki. You can't respect help from me very much, while you disrespect my wife." Sorry, but while Jordan may have got Nikki back on the sauce, it's Nikki's entitled and megalomaniac mindset that is keeping her on it.

Edited by Julyolo
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17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Disguised Jordan sitting at the bar wearing leather gloves. Nah, nothing seemed suspicious about her at all. Just another paying customer, I guess. 🤔

Or just another English country gentleman out for a spot of tea.  Totally dressed for the occasion. Why would that draw any attention in GC?


11 minutes ago, Julyolo said:

Nikki's entitled and megalomaniac mindset that is keeping her on it.

So true.  She must be aware of her problem since she tells everyone about her Sobriety issues.  How about ya shut up, Drinnki, and concentrate on just not taking a drink?  The best way to quit is to quit.  

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Does Jordan just sit all day waiting for Nikki to show up? Plus how does she know whether to wait at Society or the GCAC?

I just saw a video of someone disguised as a trash bag stealing a package on a porch. It was hysterical. Maybe that should be Jordan's next disguise. It would be much easier and cheaper and there are plenty of dumpsters around although she is likely to witness Phyllis with a love interest there.

Disappointed that Nikki hit the bottle again today. For gosh sake, get her to a good rehab.

Edited by MsMalin
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What I wouldn’t have given for Diane to put Nikki in her place after the way Nikki spoke to her today! News flash: you’re in DIANE’s home. You don’t have to like her but you do have to be cordial. Didn’t  Victor’s team teach you manners while making you over? And Jack is so fucking naive it isn’t funny! You can be a friend and a sponsor without being on call 24/7!

so Nikki leaves Jack WITH A BODYGUARD and still manages to buy a bottle of vodka. Either Victor needs better security or they’re all just so sick of her at this point that they’ll let her do what she wants. Personally I’d be fine if she drank herself into a coma and put us out of our misery for a while. 

so Audra is just in it for the sex? I don’t blame her for being suspicious of the timing of Tucker’s proposal but she seemed sick by the mere notion of getting married. If that’s the case, what has this been all about? She’s been all over the map WRT him. She loves him, she hates him, they’re perfect for each other…she’s insanely jealous of Ashley and will fight her to the death for Tucker (why?) but when he asks her to marry him, she says they’re unconventional and not bound by societal norms…pick a lane please!

Once again Lily has to be the grownup in the room and put both Billy and Devon in separate corners. ‘It’s not my fault, it’s HIS!’ Maybe she can throw them both out of the company?

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Cole's facial hair reminds me of Spanky & Our Gang with dirt smeared on their faces when they were pretending to be adult male hobos.  I'd love to see Cole & Jordan sitting side-by-side at the bar comparing their beards and to see if Cole can recognize his begloved Auntie.

Did TPTB think viewers couldn't tell the weird man at the bar was Jordan unless she took off the glasses?  That just made it more obvious that they were part of a disguise.

Edited by Denize
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