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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Per Chelsea to Johnny & Connor: "Billy's hit a snag" about showing up with the dinner pizza. Picky me thinks with his child present, Chelsea should say,"Johnny's dad hit a snag." It seems like she feels "bio" mom is the premiere role in both of these boys' lives. BTW, show stylist, the shoulder pads on Chelseas's sweater needed to stop on her shoulders, not on her upper arms. So a spectre of Neil, in the form of his photo, sat in on Lily and Devon's discussion. About Jill's going forward with this star crossed IPO, how is that going to work? What Lily and Jill are contemplating is selling stock to investors that will consider Devon as a determining  factor, until the IPO is complete, and then he disappears? I don't know a lot about business but that sounds like "bait and switch" to me. Having a hard time with this "hope springs maternal" narrative today with Sharon, Abby, Mariah and Tessa. Why do I feel the MWT's are busy dissecting all of the scripts from the "Surrogacy of Baby Dom" for recycling? Peculiar that Billy,who is perpetually searching for has authentic self, is considered by Lily and Chelsea to be a credible source of validation for how they are progressing in their lives, when IMO, he'd be the least person qualified to judge.

Edited by Julyolo
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Lily: Give me everything I want and start over. Neil would want that.

Devon: Behold the field where I grow my fucks. ‘Tis barren.


Abby: I can sure be an asshole sometimes. My bad.

Sharon: Don’t worry. I’ll never give you the cold shoulder. Haha.

Abby: I’m so happy for you guys, Mariah. Chance and I are getting a divorce. Thanks for not asking why. Let’s just say he caught Devon and I working on a merger.


Lily: Can anyone possibly relate to my stunning lack of self awareness, unearned self-regard and - oh, hey Billy!

Billy: No regrets, baby! Stay on this path. Devon will forgive and forget, and if you need advice on how to hurt and humiliate your brother, you got my digits.


Victoria: If I was any more tense, I could swallow a lump of coal and shit diamonds.

Chelsea: Is it about me? I mean, everything is about me. Is it because I’m glomming on to your son and your ex and playing house with them? I understand your reservations, but when you try to off yourself, the world becomes your oyster. Step off my oyster.

Victoria: We could always continue this conservation on the roof.

Billy: Here I am with a single pizza to feed us all. It’s an amazing new pie from Society that leaves your table looking like no one ate at it.

Connor: Maybe mom could glom onto Katie too!

Victoria: Toodles!


Chelsea is just so insufferable to me, with her little smug smirks as everything goes her way. When she gets obvious signals to back off, whether it’s an awkward run in with Lily and Daniel or Victoria being clearly uncomfortable, she just keeps on trucking. 

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So I want to talk about Sharon's top today. Aesthetically I thought it was very pretty. Nice color, fit her well, looked good with her outfit. But practically, I can't stand "confused sweaters." lol One arm is covered by a nice, chunky knit...and the other one is completely bare? I had a short-sleeve sweater many years ago, and I could never figure out when to wear it. When it was warm enough to wear short sleeves, the body part was too warm. When It was cool enough for the body part, my arms were cold. 😂

As for Lily's proposal, I'm not sure if it matters if Devon is gone along as the HW company is still part of the Chancellor portfolio. 

And I know I'm a party of one, but I'm bummed that Lily and Billy split. I thought they had good chemistry and seemed like a believable couple. 

Edited by tanyak
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Lily: Give me everything I want and start over. Neil would want that.

Devon: Behold the field where I grow my fucks. ‘Tis barren.

Whee! I haven't watched today's show yet but I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes down. Never thought I'd see the day when I'd be calling Lily a C U Next Tuesday but I guess it has arrived.  At least when she killed Devon and Hilary's unborn child it was an accident; this thing with the IPO is deliberate.

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Lily and Jill actually don’t give 💩💩 about Devon’s feelings. This is even more evidence how Devon has lost control of his company because it will always be at least two against one, on the board, and having to answer to stockholders.  Lily your proposal is ridiculous.  So you buy out Devon but you still retain control over what H/W has brought to CW. Lily wants Devon to create a brand new Hamilton/Winters. Isn’t that like starting all over again and now have to compete against Chancellor World Wide. The only way this works is that you sell H/W back to Devon with everything that was there pre merger. No Lily its only a win win for you and Jill. Devon, don’t be an Elmer Fudd and be bamboozled by Bugs Bunny.  Lily is trying to pull the sibling card but why should their relationship be damaged?  It took a while but their relationship was not damaged when Lily was mostly responsible for Hilary’s death.  

Portland, Oregon of all places?  Not to disparage Portland but couldn’t the monkeys with a key board where Sharon can actually pronounce the name of the state properly. Sharan pronounced it Or-A-Gen.  I was told by numerous people, while I was in Oregon, that it’s pronounced aw-rug-gn. No e sound between the g and the n.  In addition, Tessa also mispronounced Oregon. 

So it looks like Mariah and Tessa are going to adopt a baby but there is no mention of how they are going to be able to afford the costs associated with the adoption. Christine could be working for free but the birth mother will have legal fees plus medical bills to say the least.  I hope they have a big savings account. Yes Mariah, you want to be a mother because of Bowie so why don’t you want to be a birthing mother?  

Devon Devon Devon taking advice from Abby is like taking advice from Copperhead on how to be calm, collected and reserved or Summer on how not to be a snowflake.  Abby put a sock in it. Just because you are starting over, with Devon, don’t be the same nagging control freak as you were with Chance, in urging Devon to start when he really doesn’t want to. 

Yes Nostrils get it while the pizza is hot 😂.  You noticed that Mariah mentioned all the relatives but Summer 🤔

Yes Nostrils you can drop off Johnny later at Victoria’s house but don’t stop for ice cream first 😉

Who wears leather pants best?  My vote is for Sally. 

Every time Devon and Abby kiss, an angel looses its wings. 


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Gee Chelsea, I wonder why Victoria seems like something is bothering her. Could it be because despite not wanting to reveal you as his birth mom, she got talked into it and now gets to watch you and Billy play house?  
Why hasn’t Chelsea or Billy painted that ugly front door in her apartment? It’s not like either of them have jobs. I hope Katie comes over and is an absolute brat to Chelsea. 
 Give Sharon an entire sweater to wear in her coffee shop in January. It’s not too much to ask.

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Let's not underestimate the hypocritical side of Lily's behavior today: Billy didn't want to stay in the company, she set him free to find his bliss as soon as the words were out of his mouth! Devon wants to be set free with his company, and Lily is like, he can go only when it's convenient for her, and then start over with nothing? Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Edited by Julyolo
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Heh, Sharon was acting awfully nervous with Abby, like Abby had nearly caught her writhing naked under Chance on a couch.

Great news for Mariah and Tessa about the adoption. Fingers crossed for it to go relatively smoothly.

OMG, I don't have enough bad words in my vocabulary for what I'd like to call Lily. And then she had to nerve to throw Neil's name at Devon. What makes her think Neil would've wanted to sell H/W to Chancellor? The main reason Neil built his own company was so he wouldn't be on Chancellor>Newman>Abbott employment merry-go-round for the rest of his life. He knew at the end of the day he'd only be a worker, not an owner in those long-established family businesses.

So where is Billy living now, the Ninth Circle of Hell known as Chelsea's apartment?

Victoria, trust your instincts. Chelsea may say you and she are on the same side wrt Johnny but I'm betting she's not going to settle for random visits on school nights. She's using Connor to pull Johnny away from you, with a big assist from Billy.

What the what? Just because Lily doesn't regret what she's done that doesn't mean any of it was/is right. But of course Billy would see it that way because he's even more self-indulgent than she is.

Daniel and Billy have both propped Lily's position in the disagreement with Devon. Hmm. Hope this doesn't mean TPTB have already decided she's the winner. Ugh.

TMW you realize you've walked into a moment between your two baby mamas. Looked like Billy was disappointed he wasn't going to get to have Chelsea and the boys all to himself.

Geez, now Abby is telling Devon to take Lily and Jill's deal. No! Bad Show!

Vikki's icy eyeroll = kill me now with this "it takes a village" crap. This is not the Newman way. I don't know why she's determined to behave calmly as she watches Chelsea steamroller her.

"Cubano pizza." Ehhh, I'm not much of a fan of putting tomato sauce, cheese, and other stuff on a flatbread and calling it pizza. That makes about as much sense to me as taco pizza or pizza bagels. Just eat a pizza.

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Hey Lily, if its such a great idea, why don't you start your own damn company from scratch instead of riding Devon's coattails?

Kudos to the writers as they have done the impossible: taken Lily, my favorite character and made me dislike her AND taken Devon whom I have despised for the last year and made me root for him.

7 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Billy: Here I am with a single pizza to feed us all. It’s an amazing new pie from Society that leaves your table looking like no one ate at it.

Do you believe what a cheapass he is? 1 pizza for 5 people? I'd push him off the roof for that.

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Does Devon have enough money to buy up controlling interest?  If not, Tucker apparently does and is eager to make amends and work with him.  

Abby was wearing a one-shouldered (is that a word?) sweater, too.  I never even knew that was a thing, and I've seen two in one day!

Does Y&R have some real-life connection to Portland? That's where Kevin and Chloe lived when they were in hiding.   Didn't we learn with the whole Dominic fiasco that those legal adoption agreements aren't worth the paper they're printed on?  

Edited by Snaporaz
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Jack: Well, we did it. We bested Jeremy Stark. Never again will he dare to sit in Genoa City clubs and restaurants, menacing glasses of whiskey.

Chance: Buddy, you’re about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Nikki: Even I smell a rat, and I haven’t been able to detect odors since Victor’s Colon Blow incident in ‘77.

Diane: It makes total sense that a dangerous criminal who wants vengeance against me would suddenly risk his freedom to travel to another state, steal a single necklace out of my rival’s safe and conveniently have it in his hands when the fuzz arrives.

Chance: Rich motherfuckers always be lyin’ to my face. Maybe Sharon can cheer me up with comically bad advice and awkward dancing.

Sharon: Explore a new field, Chance. My lady meadow, perhaps.


Chloe: Yeah, so, we’ve got an important meeting and Sally needs to get ready, so, not to be rude, but fly your happy ass outta here.

Sally: Both of you could leave. 

Nick: I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t read. Books, signs, even rooms. I’m emotionally illiterate. But I’m also a super nice guy who shows how much I care by wearing you down with my presence.

Sally: I wish I actually had explosive diarrhea. Bet you’d respect my boundaries then.

Nick: You knocked up? I’ve been through this before. Condoms lol.

Sally: Yeah, can’t you see how excited I am?

Nick: Not only will I not back off, I’mma need to know why you didn’t tell me sooner.

Sally: It’s just that I’m in denial that Adam’s the fa-, uh, all these other reasons.


Victor: Kyle, ditch your mom. And help me fuck over my son and your dad. Yougotthat?

Kyle: *drools* 

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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So what do you think? 200? No, I'm not talking about Victors age. I'm talking about the thread count on Jacks sheets. My God they looked cheap.

Its pretty bad when even dumb Nikki is suspicious of a story. But Jack and Diane are so turned on by their life of crime that they can't think straight. 

And what kind of a dumb criminal would leave the safe open and his reading glasses? They think they are so slick.

And how did they trace the reading glasses to Stark?

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I was delighted that the Widow Rosales had on an entire sweater today but what the hell was with the awkward dance? Is that a mating ritual?

Why does Victor have to go to his grandson in law to lure Adam away from Jabot? How about inviting Adam over to watch the NFL playoffs?

Jacks back in the sack! 

Maybe Chance could team up with Chase from Paw Patrol to fight these odd Genoa City crimes.


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Oy, I don't know about Chance discussing an active case with Sharon, especially since she's one of the biggest gossips in town.

Victor claiming to be looking out for Harrison's future is b.s. IMO. Harrison is an Abbott; his future is well-covered by them and he doesn't need Victor's nose in it. I haven't seen Victor displaying such concern about Dominic, a child he's actually related to biologically. So stupid.

FFS, Nick showing up unannounced at Sally's room AGAIN. 😡😡😡

Summer's two-toned coat. Eek, fashion don't.

Hah, hah, Jackie. Looks like your old pal Nikki isn't as gullible as you expected. That story you and Diane cooked up about Jeremy has holes big enough to fly a space shuttle through.

Sharon will help Chance find a new career. Sure, Jan. Let's see, what profession would involve his staying in her bed 24/7?

Diane, you never learn. Taunting Nikki is not what you want to be doing right now. Gah.

Lol, as Chance was leaving the coffeehouse Sharon was ogling him and practically licking her lips. She is gonna turn him out when things finally get to that level between them.

Jack needs to settle his distractions and get back on his job at Jabot. Victor feeling entitled to sit in his office trying to mindfcuk Kyle is borderline outrageous to me.

Does Nick not know Sally had a night of farewell secksay times with Adam? He seems to have assumed Sally's bun in the oven is his. (And it appears Sally is letting him. Girrrrllll.)

Jack, sigh, there's no fool like an old fool. Gotta give Diane credit though for her patience. This has been a long wait for her to get him to trust her enough to be intimate with her again.

Adam you better get over to the Abbott manse and clue your buddy Jack in on what Victor and Kyle are doing. Pronto.

Re the previews: It's Fen Baldwin! But who was the guy with him? He looked too young to be Lauren's older son. Does Fen have a boyfriend?


And how did they trace the reading glasses to Stark?

Fingerprints. Jeremy's prints are in national law enforcement databases.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Am I the only one seeing potential for an Adam/Summer tryst?

It  would be one way to get back at Kyle who has been acting like a big idiot lately. Why would he even entertain Vic’s proposal? His father can’t stand him, for very good reasons. 

Wanna start feeling better quickly, Sally? It starts with an A and ends with an N.

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15 minutes ago, Desperado said:

Am I the only one seeing potential for an Adam/Summer tryst?

It  would be one way to get back at Kyle who has been acting like a big idiot lately. Why would he even entertain Vic’s proposal? His father can’t stand him, for very good reasons. 

Wanna start feeling better quickly, Sally? It starts with an A and ends with an N.

Except that Summer is Adam's niece, Nick being her father and Adam's brother.

Now, if this was DOOL, that might work......

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

I was delighted that the Widow Rosales had on an entire sweater today but what the hell was with the awkward dance? Is that a mating ritual?

Why does Victor have to go to his grandson in law to lure Adam away from Jabot? How about inviting Adam over to watch the NFL playoffs?

Jacks back in the sack! 

Maybe Chance could team up with Chase from Paw Patrol to fight these odd Genoa City crimes.


I was thinking that Chance or no one that works for the GC Police Department will ever solve any crimes at the precinct offices, or by patrolling the mean streets. There is no possibility of confidential informants ever ratting anyone out for chump change, because all the perps are rich. Chance needs to tell everyone he has quit the PD, and work undercover. He should be a barista at Crimson Lights from about 8am til noon, then scoot over to Society and wait tables. He could finish up his workday at the Scam Club having an after-work drink. All crimes are plotted and/or discussed  in these three establishments, all Chance has to do is hang out and listen. Actually, once word gets out about his new jobs, everyone will probably seek him out to consult about plans feasiblity, or ask his advice on any fine-tuning he would suggest.



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4 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Jack: Well, we did it. We bested Jeremy Stark. Never again will he dare to sit in Genoa City clubs and restaurants, menacing glasses of whiskey.

Chance: Buddy, you’re about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Nikki: Even I smell a rat, and I haven’t been able to detect odors since Victor’s Colon Blow incident in ‘77.

Diane: It makes total sense that a dangerous criminal who wants vengeance against me would suddenly risk his freedom to travel to another state, steal a single necklace out of my rival’s safe and conveniently have it in his hands when the fuzz arrives.

Chance: Rich motherfuckers always be lyin’ to my face. Maybe Sharon can cheer me up with comically bad advice and awkward dancing.

Sharon: Explore a new field, Chance. My lady meadow, perhaps.


Chloe: Yeah, so, we’ve got an important meeting and Sally needs to get ready, so, not to be rude, but fly your happy ass outta here.

Sally: Both of you could leave. 

Nick: I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t read. Books, signs, even rooms. I’m emotionally illiterate. But I’m also a super nice guy who shows how much I care by wearing you down with my presence.

Sally: I wish I actually had explosive diarrhea. Bet you’d respect my boundaries then.

Nick: You knocked up? I’ve been through this before. Condoms lol.

Sally: Yeah, can’t you see how excited I am?

Nick: Not only will I not back off, I’mma need to know why you didn’t tell me sooner.

Sally: It’s just that I’m in denial that Adam’s the fa-, uh, all these other reasons.


Victor: Kyle, ditch your mom. And help me fuck over my son and your dad. Yougotthat?

Kyle: *drools* 

Well, I think we can shut the internet off today☺️

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Chance, the bloodhound, is not convinced that Stark was the perpetrator as he wasn’t convinced that Victor was not responsible for staging Locke’s accident. As I thought, we are not through with Stark as of yet.  How far is Chance going to take his doubts?  Of course Nikki also has her doubts.  I’m sure we will hear more from her in a few days.  

Banana Breath, that dumb ass arrogant tool, just walks in without being asked to come in and stays even though he’s asked to leave.  

Victor mentions Harrison and Connor quite a bit but he hardly mentions Johnny and Katie and actually Christen doesn’t even exist.  

Sally finally tells Banana Breath that she is pregnant. Banana Breath is upset that she didn’t tell him sooner and Sally said she wanted to be sure first. Yes Sally, you wanted to be sure it’s not Adam’s baby. Of course, Sally will not mention that fact.  I can see in my crystal ball that when Adam finds out Sally is pregnant, he will insist on a paternity test to see who’s the father. In true the monkeys with a keyboard fashion, we will have to decide who tampered with the paternity test. 

As for coming attractions, Fen is back. I’m just speculating on what that means for the future of Kyle and Summer.  Fen is back does that mean Tara is not that far behind?  

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What’s with all the bad advice given out on this show? Yesterday Abby was nudging Devon toward accepting Lily’s one-sided deal, and today Sharon is advising Chance to quit a job that he’s actually quite good at. I mean, if he’s honestly burnt out, fine. But it seems like Genoa City could use an investigator who doesn’t feel the upper crust should get a free pass to commit crimes.

Victor the one-note domestic tyrant is so fucking tiresome. His gaslighting of Adam is bullshit and Adam should have his dusty old ass escorted from the building. Kyle, ever the dolt, tugs his forelock and bows and scrapes, calling Victor “sir.” Stick your sirs in a sack, dummy. Look at how he treats his own son. You don’t even rate that high, moron. Golly, I wonder what Kyle wants in return for being Victor’s lackey. I wonder if I even care.


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Chance mentioned Stark was out on parole. If that was the case, stalking and threatening someone who had been a witness at your trial would be a violation of parole.  All Diane would have had to do is go to the police and he would have been arrested. My guess is that she wasn’t a witness. She just told Jack that to make herself appear more worthy. In reality, she took Stark’s I’ll gotten gains and laid low until he was convicted.

Am not sure about Jack, but Diane left her DNA and fingerprints all over the evidence she planted in Stark’s room and the necklace. Nowadays forensics can find minute amounts.

Since when do police detectives go alone to confront and arrest a potential criminal? Don’t cops usually have a partner?

This whole storyline is so stupid. I hope this is the end of it, but I doubt it is….

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13 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Golly, I wonder what Kyle wants in return for being Victor’s lackey. I wonder if I even care.

I'm hoping that Kyle only agrees to be Victor's chump if Victor puts his hair in a high bouffant like his.  I want all of Genoa City to see Mr. Mumbles walking around town with hair so high it gets snagged in those lights at Society.  If Victor balks, I'm hoping Kyle won't help him till he at least gets a mullet.

With all these family businesses and how important they are to all involved, you'd think the qualifications to take part would involve more than proving you don't walk into closed doors on a regular basis and have at least been paper-trained.  Genoa City's finest can barely manage stairs, much less any sort of company.

Also, does anyone know why Lily gets a vote regarding the Chancellor/Winters nonsense?  Jill owns Chancellor and Devon owns Chancellor/Winters, while Lily barely even owns her bad decision to date ButtBiscuit, much less a share in either company.  She's just Jill's employee, isn't she?

Show seems to be setting Chance and Sharon up.  That's a great way to get Nina to come back to town, with a loaded pistol and a shovel.

Jack and Diane!  Here's hoping Diane filmed it all on her phone and is sending it to Phyllis as we speak.  I don't think she'd respond well.


Dem's the breaks!

Nikki's looking better with the new haircut.  Now if she' do something to get her nose out of the air and her head out of Victor's behind...


Edited by boes
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Oh, Sally… when do you plan on mentioning to that dopey idiot that the baby could be Adam’s? Not that he’ll accept that. The fact that he automatically assumed that the baby was his (let alone that she wanted this) is Peak Meathead.

Victor’s really going hard after the “World’s Worst Father” Lifetime Achievement Award. Also, his power of persuasion knows no bounds… “Listen, your mother sucks and I hope she drops dead, but I need you to do something for me.”

I’m glad that Abby & Devon were sitting on the couch during their scene. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to unsee her bending down to hug him.

I’m FastForwarding through so much of the show now. Stark nonsense, Shance, Chelsea, and a whole lot more.


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The ruination of Chance begins. One of the best things (besides his gorgeousness)  he had going for himself was that he wanted to be an honest cop. Now he is stuck with investigating The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight. And an ill-conceived romance with Sharon. Show doesn’t seem to know what to do with her. Hello Tucker.

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16 hours ago, boes said:

Am I the only one seeing potential for an Adam/Summer tryst?

I think you're probably the only one who thinks that Y&R is ready for an uncle/niece incest story line - in case you've forgotten, Summer's parents are Phyllis and Nick, and Nick and Adam are brothers.

7 hours ago, nasir jones said:

Oh, Sally… when do you plan on mentioning to that dopey idiot that the baby could be Adam’s?

Well, since Adam and Nick are brothers, either way the kid will look like a Newman.

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1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

I think you're probably the only one who thinks that Y&R is ready for an uncle/niece incest story line - in case you've forgotten, Summer's parents are Phyllis and Nick, and Nick and Adam are brothers.

You quoted and replied to the wrong person.  That belongs to another post, one which I replied to, pointing out just what you did.

Edited by boes
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16 hours ago, Stpauliegirl said:

Chance mentioned Stark was out on parole. If that was the case, stalking and threatening someone who had been a witness at your trial would be a violation of parole.  All Diane would have had to do is go to the police and he would have been arrested. My guess is that she wasn’t a witness. She just told Jack that to make herself appear more worthy. In reality, she took Stark’s I’ll gotten gains and laid low until he was convicted.

Am not sure about Jack, but Diane left her DNA and fingerprints all over the evidence she planted in Stark’s room and the necklace. Nowadays forensics can find minute amounts.

Since when do police detectives go alone to confront and arrest a potential criminal? Don’t cops usually have a partner?

This whole storyline is so stupid. I hope this is the end of it, but I doubt it is….

Diane turned states evidence but somehow she didn’t have to testify at the trial.  
As for Diane’s fingerprints, the monkeys with a keyboard would consider that irrelevant. 


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Sometimes I think I am watching Cat On A Hot Tin Roof.

Nick:  standing outside in the hallway of the Gritty Pit: "SAAAAALLLLYYYY"

Does this moron ever knock on the door and wait for it to be answered? Or does he ever call first?  And if she is not there does he just keep screaming for her?

Way to grow Nick. You go over to wish her luck on her big presentation and boost her confidence by telling her she looks like shit. Then you start a pregnancy discussion because she needs that before her presentation too.


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Diane really shouldn’t be so smug with Nikki Nikki may have her nose in the air but it doesn’t take much to see right through Jack and Diane’s story. I’m actually surprised Jeremy was held without bail. I expected him to show up at the Abbot mansion and ask just how stupid they thought he was? 

As for Kyle, don’t even get me started. He seems to care nothing for his father, who WANTS Adam at Jabot. Kyle has decided that whatever he wants, he gets, and he’s only too happy to throw Adam under the bus to make it happen. And BTW Victor, Harrison is NOT a Newman. There isn’t a drop of Newman blood in him so don’t even think about grooming him to take over NE. Jack will provide just fine for the next generation of ABBOTS.  Geez, he’s as bad as GH’s Carly, hoarding every kid in town. 

Speaking of Victor, why exactly is he so eager to have Adam ‘back in the fold?’ No one wants him at NE, least of all Victor. he had every opportunity to keep Adam there when he made Adam CEO of NE. And then as soon as Victoria came running back, daddy dearest yanked the job away from Adam and gave it to Victoria. why in the world would Adam go back to work there? And in what capacity? Victoria wouldn’t even trust him to be a janitor, never mind have any actual authority. 

and Summer, considering you caused Adam to lose his unborn child AND got a new car out of the deal, maybe you don’t want to be so pissy toward your uncle.

I certainly can’t blame Sharon for ogling. chance as he walked away. Lord knows there’s a serious shortage of real men in that town, and Chance is one FINE specimen. If she doesn’t jump on that, I will! 🤣

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I certainly can’t blame Sharon for ogling. chance as he walked away. Lord knows there’s a serious shortage of real men in that town, and Chance is one FINE specimen. If she doesn’t jump on that, I will! 🤣

Hee, I'd recommend packing a lunch and some bottled water before preparing to jump on Chance. There appears to be a line forming to get some of him. Poor guy is gonna be exhausted. 🤠

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hee, I'd recommend packing a lunch and some bottled water before preparing to jump on Chance. There appears to be a line forming to get some of him. Poor guy is gonna be exhausted. 🤠

Sacrifices must be made…

2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Speaking of Victor, why exactly is he so eager to have Adam ‘back in the fold?’

I honestly think Victor just wants all his children (or, in his mind, property) to be under his watchful eye and grinding away at preserving his post-orphanage legacy. It also makes it easier for Victor to set them against each other, fighting for his worthless love and toxic attention. It’s harder to abuse Adam when he’s having success at Jabot and not at the mercy of his professional whims. The comparatively healthy relationship Adam has with Jack also bruises Victor’s ego, never mind that the Ol’ Scratch has been trying to hoard Kyle for years.

In addition, Victor is a narcissistic fuckface. I notice he took a jab at Adam for selling cosmetics. What the hell does Newman Enterprises even do? Fertilizer? Whoopie cushions? Asbestos? Subprime mortgages? Victor could spend time with the children who want him around and are willing to work for him, but his massive ego compels him to stalk and harass Adam.

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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hee, I'd recommend packing a lunch and some bottled water before preparing to jump on Chance. 

Wouldn't help. I'm only hungry for him.

3 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

What the hell does Newman Enterprises even do?

That is a great question. I'd guess something to do with proctology. Their logo is Victors face.

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So Victor wants Adam set up by Kyle to be fired from Jabot, so Adam can come back and work at Newman Enterprises? Who does Grampire think he is, Chairman of Finding Potentially Miserable Employees? Nate's head is so swollen with faux esteem right now plans need to be made for him to be shipped out to Arizona to fly over the Superbowl as the Newman Enterprises blimp  Sharon obviously detests Audra. Audra, do you consider it wise to let someone that dislikes you make a drink for you? Tracy sitting there congratulating two adults on starting a relationship? Jack and Diane acting like they are fifteen, so age inappropriate. Jack portrayed as the popular boy who has hooked up with the "girl no one likes " He should be used to that by now, from being with Phyllis  

Edited by Julyolo
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Good grief, Nate is never going to stop being butthurt about Devon. And I don't know about Audra's outfit. Looked more to me like she was headed to happy hour than to her first day as COO of a major company.

Jack couldn't take his watch off while he was getting busy with Diane? Devon also kept his on when he was with Abby last week. I don't know why that annoys me so much.

Nick doesn't seem particularly excited about becoming a new daddy again. Hmmm.

Elena keeps dropping in on Nate at his job. Does he show up at the hospital while she's tending to patients? Grrr.

Nikki's suit was nice, I thought. Good color for her and it fit well.

Ehh, Audra you maybe don't want to be trying to get in Sharon's face. She has a lot of support in GC and you are no match for all of them.

Summer, if you're worried about widdle Kyle getting tripped up in Victor's scheme against Adam, just tip off Adam. He can take it from there.

I see Diane lowkey laying the groundwork for Jack to remarry her. He'll want to lift her up and make her "an honest woman again" as Mrs. Jack Abbott, society maven.

Yeah, Victor making a business deal with Kyle behind Victoria's back won't end well. Sounds like three of Victor's kids are about to have reason to get real fed up with his interference and manipulations.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Not knowing Diane’s history from before she faked her death until she returned but was Diane, in the past, the antagonist or the reactionary?  Currently I see Diane reacting to a situation, once again, caused by Copperhead.  Copperhead, Nikki, and Ashley love to mark their territory and unless a person gets their approval, they are considered an interloper.  Even family members like Adam is considered an interloper and of course there is Sally.  To a now lesser degree there is Chelsea. 

It’s nice to see that Natey Nate Nate and Audra are not only on the same page but are also color coordinated.  Natey Nate Nate with his tie and Audra with her jacket.  Did Audra have to be so condescending to Sharon?  I guess it’s part of her nature. 

Nikki please tell me how you are going to put Diane behind bars without Jack, Kyle, and Summer being behind bars also?  Jack as the thief and Diane, Kyle, and Summer as co-conspirators. 

I’m conflicted about Jack and Diane going public with their relationship. On one had, I’m happy that Jack is finally at piece but he’s going to have to suffer the slings and arrows of Copperhead, Nikki, Ashley, and Lauren.  To a lesser degree, the ire of Kyle and Summer.  

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Kyle is acting like a spoiled 12-yr old to me, with no capacity for insight. Totally #TeamSummer here. He’s delusional to think Adam will never found out he helped to sabotage his job. Not to mention he’s screwing his father Jack in the process, just to help his little company? Jabot owns Marchetti now, right? The business storylines hurt my head.


4 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Victor is such a manipulative prick.  I hope Jill tells him to fuck off and die.


It was nice to see Elena again, I just wish she was out of Nate’s orbit.

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What in the holy hell was Victoria wearing today?????

Kyle: don’t worry, I’ve taken care of all the risks.

me: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

why is Audra so intent on antagonizing Sharon?

Jack is living in a fantasy land if he thinks anyone is going to be happy that he and Diane are together.

I'm actually surprised Nick didn’t tell Victor that Sally is pregnant. So instead he tells Victor that Sally is meeting with Jill, and Victor is about to put the kibosh on that possibility so as to get Sally out of town. I’d ask just how stupid Nick could be, but we all know the answer. 🙄

Edited by Sake614
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