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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Sally waving the Newman pom poms is really hard to watch, and it's making me really not like her (and I've freaking loved her since her first day on B&B).  I thought Adam explained the family dynamics pretty clearly and accurately to her. That, yes, the Newman's do go to the mat for each other.  They just never included Adam in the "each other" part.  And the Newman Family Motto is "What Have You Done For Me Lately?".  Just wait until another one of Nick's or Victoria's kids need an organ and none of the Abbotts are a match.  Expect to hear, "C'mon, Adam. You need to step up and do the right thing, Adam."

I just can't with this reporter.  Is she some real Entertainment Tonight or Real Housewife person?  How does anyone have a conversation with Phyllis and not immediately notify the authorities that a crazy person is on the loose and needs to be put in restraints?  And how can Phyllis bring up Grand Theft Sperm and not implicate her co-conspirator Ashley?  I hope this investigation just blows up in Nikki's and Phyllis' faces.

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Between Sally's cheerleading and all the odes sung about them (off freaking screen), it still managed to be a Newman tongue bath day.   

Noah, your grandmother "hard as nails"?  FOH.  She literally does whatever her husband tells her to do.   

Again, whether she's meant to be a villain or not, I'm just really enjoying SW as Diane.  Her episodes have been the most fun, mostly because of her alone lately.  

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13 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Sally waving the Newman pom poms is really hard to watch, and it's making me really not like her (and I've freaking loved her since her first day on B&B). 

Yep.  Double Yep.  What bothers me the most is that she's giving a Newman tongue bath to NICK of all Newmans.  She could make him follow her anywhere by using a feather on a stick or by giving him a bacon flavored chewy toy, she doesn't need to tell him his family are the hoityess and toityess DNA grouping since that Flowers in the Attic bunch.  Sally seems to have a tendency to toss her dignity away these days and I don't like it.  

But, I still love her and feel sorry for that inevitable day when she lets Nick show her his favorite drop cloth and she learns that board shorts really DO make the man.

Again, rhetorical question, but WHY is Nick "approving" plans developed by two women who are not only 100 times smarter than him, but also aren't flummoxed by how buttons work or think soap is the work of the Devil?

I was so hoping that after Nikki's nose-in-the-air performance with Diane that when she got up to leave Society, she'd have had her panty hose tucked into her neckline and one of Victor's sex toys would fall out of her purse.

You have a nice day, now.

Katherine would have wanted that.  Neil, too.

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I just can't with this reporter.  Is she some real Entertainment Tonight or Real Housewife person

She's one of the co-hosts on The Talk. CBS is doing more cross-promotion I guess. Too bad she can't act to save her life, IMO.


Sally waving the Newman pom poms is really hard to watch, and it's making me really not like her (and I've freaking loved her since her first day on B&B). 

Yeah, sadly I'm feeling the same way and I'm mad about it. This better be only a temporary thing she's going through.


one of Victor's sex toys

There's a visual I didn't need. 🤢

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If Nick is going to pick a sibling, can he just go ahead and pick Adam? Victoria's entitlement is off the charts, And I'm still irritated that she asked him to leave New Hope, a position that he loved and was thriving in, to come back to the family business. Because it's what she and Victor wanted, not Nick. It looks like he's starting to see the light, but of course, they are shipping him with Sally, which will be another obstacle to his and Adam's relationship.

Minor point, but if Devon hadn't come back, was Abby cleaning up the entire party herself? lol 

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Sally and Diane need to start a Lowkey Starting Unnecessary Sh!t in Public support group. Did she actually follow Adam and Chelsea to the coffeehouse? My gosh, Sally. The last time you went down this jealousy road you ended up tying your rival to a radiator--among other looniness. Stop before this gets out of hand!

And now it begins. Victoria could give a hoot about Sally's declared loyalty to the Newman family wrt the Ashland cover-up. She'd happily use Sally in some counter-scheme against Adam. Ugh.

Why were they having Dominic's birthday party in a public park? Surely the grounds at the Chancellor Estate are big enough, and it's not as if there were other kids his age invited. Furthermore, strangers passing by might feel a way when they gazed upon all the loot piled up for one little boy. Even if his parents are wealthy, why rub it in everyone's face?

I liked Abby's dress. Not sure why Dom was dressed like a 1920s newsie though. Halloween is a couple of months away. 😏 Maybe Abby should let Chance pick Dominic's clothes.

FFS, you can't try to shoo someone off your territory if it's no longer yours. Show, how are you making me side with Chelsea and against Sally on anything??!!!??? Stop!!!

Victor sure knows how to bring down the temperature of a room. I'm almost thinking he should be wearing a cape, like Bela Lugosi's Dracula. 🧛‍♂️

Something about Sharon's advice to Sally didn't ring completely caring and true to me. IMO she came across like she was glad Adam had dumped Sally.

Wait, please tell me Sharon wasn't nudging Sally toward Nick. Noooooooo!!!!! Do not want!

Real talk from Adam to Nick there at the end but what was the point? It's not as if Nick's suddenly going to grow a spine and go against daddy's wishes.

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Wow has it been a year already since Bowie was born?  Kind of a Lame 1st birthday party Abby put together with only 5 people. You would think that Abby would close Society and through Bowie a birthday bash.  I wonder why Chance 2.0 seemed not to write anything.  Everyone else read what they wrote. 

Just when I started to really liking Adam again, he pulls not one but two really 💩y moves involving Sally. First he breaks up with Sally, for her sake, to take revenge on Victor. Second Chelsea becomes Adam’s cooler, over Sally, to talk sense into Adam not to take revenge on Victor. Adam slapped Sally in the face to recognize Chelsea over Sally.  

Olive is terribly disingenuous because she’s the one who’s jealous of Adam but Adam is not jealous of Olive. He’s jealous in the way Victor treats her over him. Olive whole purpose, in life, is making sure she’s Victor’s number one child. 

The Newman administration society only has Newmans blowing smoke up their collection asses. 

Chelsea sitting at the bar, lost and forlorn   was a reminder, for me, of how many bars she sat at before looking for a mark. 

Sally and Sharon have so much in common when it comes to Adam. Mainly how hard it was for the both of them to let Adam go. I don’t care what Chelsea thinks, she’s not Adam’s greatest love of his biggest connection, it’s Sharon. The same goes for Sharon.  I also believe that Adam is her greatest love. 

Banana Breath and Adam also have a lot in common. They have both killed a man that was covered up by Victor and have almost the same love hate relationship with Victor. Both Banana Breath and Adam have been pushed aside, by Victor, for the benefit of Olive. 

OK, at the end of today, Adam redeemed himself with his conversation with Banana Breath.  I hope Banana Breath will now give Adam credit where credit is due and they can find “brotherly love”. 

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I need Sally to stop running up to Chelsea. She shares a kid with Adam so they will be seen together at times.  I fear she will get with Nick while still carrying a torch for Adam. 
Why was Victor out with Victoria and Nick for a champagne lunch instead of stopping at his grandsons birthday party? Was it mentioned at all?  It always feels like he and Victoria are flaunting their outings at Adam. I can’t include you at lunch son, you chose to leave Newman. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Not sure why Dom was dressed like a 1920s newsie though. 

Have they ever explained why Dom has been wearing a hat, even indoors, for the entire year?  Does he have a bad case of cradle cap from always wearing a hat?

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So Victor "family is everything" didn't show up for his Grandsons first birthday. No, instead he was celebrating once again that he pulled a fast one on the cops. None of Abby's family was there. I wonder if Victor ever found out about the bone marrow transplant or the custody battle.

Speaking of the custody battle, did anyone notice that Devon signed his time capsule message "Devon" instead of Daddy , which is how he always referred to himself? I wonder if the writers realized how hated Devon became to the audience and are trying to backtrack. He also defended Chance when dizzy Abby was upset because her husband is the only one in GC who takes his full time job seriously.

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I would really like it if Chance would just once tell Abby during one of her incessant "the Newman family comes first" rants that the only reason they're living in the Chancellor mansion is because he is Phillip Chancellor IV and as such, his loyalty is to the Chancellor family, with the Newman and Abbot families deserving of his consideration as his in-laws.

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2 hours ago, MsMalin said:

So Victor "family is everything" didn't show up for his Grandsons first birthday. No, instead he was celebrating once again that he pulled a fast one on the cops. None of Abby's family was there. I wonder if Victor ever found out about the bone marrow transplant or the custody battle.

He knew.  For whatever reason that one wasn't interesting to him though, so he didn't give a shit.  

And yeah, I think they are trying to make us all forget the custody fight.  They wrote themselves into a corner to the point where the optics looked increasingly bad had they continued.  

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On 8/5/2022 at 5:09 AM, Zemiar said:

And, it takes a true psychopath to even consider putting brown and peach together.

Especially when they are also competing with the blotchy fake tan

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The only thing worse than being a guest at a 1 year old's birthday party is.........well, there is nothing worse than being a guest at a 1 year old's party.

Though I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall when this kid turns 18 and Abby decides to give him this box filled with sentimental cards, half of them from people he doesn't even know anymore and Mommie expects him to do anything but give her a withering glance as he stomps away to do whatever those crazy kidz in the future do.  

As far as I'm concerned, Chance being bored had the most authentic response to the whole clusterfark.  

I like Abby but man does she make it hard sometimes.  If her family's credo is "there's nothing more important than family" then why weren't they there??  Or maybe more importantly, why didn't Abby invite them?  I enjoyed Abby's conversation with Devon today.  For the first time in a long time, they interacted as friends without any tension and he advised her well on Chance.  Too bad that advice went through one ear and whistled out the other.  Sometimes I think that if you were to hold Abby's head up to your ear, you could hear the ocean.

Chelsea, Adam?  Really? AYFKM?  The woman has become creepier than an escapee from Pennywise the Clown convention and she's not dressed half as well.  When he was telling her his woes I fully expected her to put on that scary as fuck smile and say "We all float down here".

Run, Sally, Run.

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Speaking of the custody battle, did anyone notice that Devon signed his time capsule message "Devon" instead of Daddy , which is how he always referred to himself? I wonder if the writers realized how hated Devon became to the audience and are trying to backtrack.

I think it's probably that when Dom reaches age 18 he's unlikely to be calling Devon "Daddy." And, while many viewers disliked Devon's actions during the surrogacy story arc, he was not universally hated.


I would really like it if Chance would just once tell Abby during one of her incessant "the Newman family comes first" rants that the only reason they're living in the Chancellor mansion is because he is Phillip Chancellor IV and as such, his loyalty is to the Chancellor family, with the Newman and Abbot families deserving of his consideration as his in-laws.

This. It's absurd the way the Newmans act like everyone should bend the knee to them when the Chancellors and the Abbotts are actually the old money elites of GC. Said it before and I'll say it eleventy zillion more times: the Newmans are new money trash who think they're a freaking royal family. If only Chance would set Abby straight on where his true loyalties lie and why. Seems like he's kind of scared of her though since she often treats him like a kid.


Chelsea, Adam?  Really? AYFKM? 

Yeah, it seems to me like the writers don't know what to do with Chelsea. Another round with Adam probably isn't the way they want to go though. Maybe she's going to be mixed up with this new guy that's coming.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, it seems to me like the writers don't know what to do with Chelsea. Another round with Adam probably isn't the way they want to go though. Maybe she’s going to be mixed up with this new guy that’s coming.

Oh good! Then I can FF thru both of them at the same time  🤣

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Was Chelsea just wandering all over town? First she was at the GCAC rooftop bar, next in the park, then she was at the coffeehouse, now she's back at the rooftop bar. Geez.

Sure hope noise doesn't travel well inside the Abbott manse. Or neither of the horny lovebirds are loud in bed. Noah & Allie, Janet called and said you two better call her Miss Jackson. 😏

Bet Billy's wishing he hadn't dumped his podcasts. For sure he would've unclenched his jaws and produced a major crapfest on Jabot's new co-CEO.

Shut up, Abby. There is zero, zip, nada integrity in Chance letting your father get away with a crime.

Ehhh, I think Allie picked a weird moment to ask about Noah's ex back in London. Seems to me she would've wanted to have the history discussion before they hit the sheets. What if Noah had called the woman all kinds of awful names and said she was crazy? That revelation might've been quite an eye opener for Allie trying to bask in the afterglow.

Guess Chance can quit the GCPD now that he's closed all of Rey's cases. He could go be in charge of rebuilding Victor's crack security team. Minus the crack. 😉

I was today years old when I learned shortbread cookies are a Cuban delicacy.

Nick and Abby sure were unpleasant about Adam's job news. Snotty much? But Jack handled it with the calm diplomacy he is known for. <golf claps>

Good thing Noah doesn't embarrass easily, lol. I pray he and Allie took a shower though before he left. No need for Traci to catch a whiff of their postcoital eau de sex. 😐

I thought Traci's dialogue during her talk with Allie was wonderful. Kudos to whoever wrote it. But Traci said she's known Noah since the day he was born. Was she exaggerating because I don't see why or how that would've happened.

Boo effing hoo, Chelsea.

Sharon: gosh, Noah, you certainly are in a good mood.
Nick: yeah, son, what's that all about?
Noah: oh nothing much. I just spent a few hours jackhammering Allie like her cooch was made of cement. Boy am I craving some espresso!
Sharon and Nick: <blush>

Chance, Abby's the one who needs to be apologizing. To YOU.

Adam sitting in the Jabot CEO chair. Okay, here we go...

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Said it before and I'll say it eleventy zillion more times:

And that's how many times Victor has told the "I'm a self-made man. A New Man. I was an orphan in the 1800s."

4 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sharon and Nick: <blush>

If Sharon weren't there, Neanderthal Nick would have high fived him. 

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Did we have to see Allie and Noah in bed together?  Couldn’t of the monkeys with a keyboard leave it to our imagination?  

Also, does the monkeys with a keyboard have to chem test almost every male, in GC, with Chelsea?  Believe me, that have to stop trying because it isn’t going to happen. 

Why does Abby keep saying that Chance 2.0 was standing by his family when he closed the King Kong case. Chance 2.0 could spend years and years and still have only circumstantial proof. Until there is an eye witness or a confession by the security  guards, Victor could be charged. 

Banana Breath are you that dense?  Is Co-CEO at Jabot really a lesser position?  I would imagine Adam’s position, at Jabot, is equal to your position at NE, especially when your nothing more than a yes man to Olive.  I also imagine that Jabot is larger than NM which is only a division of NE. 

I’m still wondering how Chance 2.0 would feel about Rey, his idol, if he knew he gave Mia a pass because she was family.  Would that ease his mind over what he did for “family”?  

Allie Allie Allie it’s too late to be cautious. The snake has already attacked 😜, or should I say the inch worm.  Come on, really, Noah is never boring?  Never boring in comparison to what?  Watching paint dry, waiting for water to boil, or having a conversation with Chelsea?  

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Guess Chance can quit the GCPD now that he's closed all of Rey's cases. He could go be in charge of rebuilding Victor's crack security team. Minus the crack. 😉

That's exactly what I thought.  Chance, be sure to tell Abby that you had to quit your dream job because she and Victor forced you to compromise your integrity for "family" and won't have a fixer in the GCPD anymore.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nick and Abby sure were unpleasant about Adam's job news. Snotty much? But Jack handled it with the calm diplomacy he is known for. <golf claps>

Good thing Noah doesn't embarrass easily, lol. I pray he and Allie took a shower though before he left. No need for Traci to catch a whiff of their postcoital eau de sex. 😐

My goodness, even the two Newmans who’re supposedly decent towards  Adam turned on him quickly there. Then they wonder why he can’t stand them. Not sure what I enjoyed more… Jack sticking up for Adam with the Newman siblings or Jack pissing in Billy’s cornflakes. Oh, who am I kidding? I hate Billy. 

All I could think about during the Allie-Traci convo was that Allie was funking up the Abbott family couch with Badussy. I doubt there was a shower.

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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Bet Billy's wishing he hadn't dumped his podcasts. For sure he would've unclenched his jaws and produced a major crapfest on Jabot's new co-CEO.

Joimiaroxeu, brilliant post!  This line is a thing of beauty.  Delicious, appetizing, fingerlicking, ButtBiscuit destroying beauty.


I thought Traci's dialogue during her talk with Allie was wonderful. Kudos to whoever wrote it. But Traci said she's known Noah since the day he was born. Was she exaggerating because I don't see why or how that would've happened.

Thanks for mentioning this, I thought so too.  Most of the time Traci is reduced to cheerleading or being so all-embracing she cancels herself out, but today's dialogue in her conversation with Allie was 10 steps above the usual.  It made me think of all the storylines and moments we missed when Show decided to kill off Colleen and how different both the show and Traci might have been if that decision hadn't happened.

I liked Allie a lot today, though Noah remained a cipher.  Allie is, I think, a bit of a throwback to older soap days and I like it.  There's room for a quieter, smart but strong character on the canvas as long as she's not overshadowed and shouted down by all the foghorns, both male and female.

I don't get - at all - the pleasure that everyone seems to feel when they see Chelsea.  She sure wasn't this popular before she went nutz and tried to frame Adam.  It's not working, at least not for me.

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14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ehhh, I think Allie picked a weird moment to ask about Noah's ex back in London. Seems to me she would've wanted to have the history discussion before they hit the sheets. What if Noah had called the woman all kinds of awful names and said she was crazy? That revelation might've been quite an eye opener for Allie trying to bask in the afterglow.

LOL yeah, she sure knows how to spoil a mood. However, if she would have asked before they did it, it would have been a cock blocker for sure. Or maybe she was just fishing for a compliment, hoping he would say Allie was a far superior lover.

Either way, I'm sure Miss London will be winging her way to GC soon.

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Either way, I'm sure Miss London will be winging her way to GC soon.

Yep. Allie and Noah need to have a stumble in their seemingly perfect relationship. They'll likely break up for a minute until Miss London is sorted out and then they'll get engaged. The scripts write themselves!

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I really liked Abby’s pink dress yesterday. Most times, I can’t figure out what she’s thinking with her clothes. That woman from “The Talk” needs to make sure she doesn’t leave her day job. She’s AWFUL! Last but not least, SHUT UP CHLOE!

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I really liked Abby’s pink dress yesterday. Most times, I can’t figure out what she’s thinking with her clothes. That woman from “The Talk” needs to make sure she doesn’t leave her day job. She’s AWFUL! Last but not least, SHUT UP CHLOE!

While watching that god awful woman from “the talk” for the last few days, she looks to be wearing a navy blazer with what looks like something with netting underneath it ....and I am very certain that that’s the same dress that Victoria has worn and is wearing in the pictures that pop up after the first few scenes....

Although it seems a little crazy that the two of them wear the same size but maybe.......so this is what I’ve been reduced to .....spotting clothes worn by someone in the past because God knows the story lines don’t keep me riveted anymore

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Chloe has been wearing that black doily top for several weeks now.  And I recall her (and/or someone else) wearing it in the past.  TPTB must be saving money by having minor characters shoot a month's worth of scenes in a day or two and skimping on wardrobe changes.

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I hope the spumors are true about the impending new guy being a recast Dylan because I am tired of seeing Adam having to cheer up Chelsea. Let Dylan deal with her again.

So Phyllis did still owe Nick money for the hotel loan. Lucky for them that transaction didn't end as badly as it could've.

Ehh, Chloe, maybe you need to find different people to hang out around. Your issues with Adam have been duly noted so you can stop trying to cockblock him with every woman in his vicinity. Especially your boss.

The voice of reason keeps coming from Nick of all people. Oy. Phyllis won't ever listen to sane advice about Diane though.

Diane was shining this reporter Talia on, right? Surely she's not so starstruck or gullible to buy the Ashland excuse. Besides, Diane barely knew Ashland.

Really, Phyllis? If it weren't for Sally, your precious dotter likely wouldn't even know what a Marchetti is, much less have been a position to enable her husband's family to buy the company. You stay being a whackadoodle over old tired grudges. 🙄

OMG, Chloe, you are not the boss of Adam, nor Sally's designated protector. Delia does not become any less dead each time you get on Adam's @$$ about something he's doing that you don't like. STFU!

Wait, so Talia thinks the thing that broke Ashland was finding out Harrison wasn't his child? I dunno, she might not be very good at her job. Or, she's just working Diane.

Do big-time investigative journalists actually do their own research, in person? I thought they had staff and interns to do it for them, and then they pretty much only claimed the byline and stood in front of the TV camera.

Another scene of Chelsea moping alone in her room. Please, someone make it stop. 💩

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Come on now, GC is a luxury destination?  What to call the Grand Albatross now that Rodan doesn’t own it anymore?  

Rodan blowing her own horn to Banana Breath 🤢🤢🤮🤮. It’s a good thing her wings are so long so she can pat herself on the back. Rodan, self praise stinks. 

I think that Chloe jumps to conclusions about Adam because of her bias. Chloe sees Adam here there and everywhere.  Mrs Chipmunk, please stop, Mr Chipmunk is no saint. Mrs Chipmunk can you please stuff Mr Chipmunk’s “acorns” in your mouth and just shut the fuck up. Yes Chloe , all about you. Adam, with all his faults, is a hell of a better catch than Mr. Chipmunk. Beside Chloe, your choice in men suck. 

Rodan and Chelsea should take their act on the road and instead of calling it Dumb and Dumber they should call it Phony and Phonier.  Acting like phonies are what Rodan and Chelsea do best.  

Now to the monkeys with a keyboard. Why-0-Why did they have to make Chelsea Adam’s savior and pushed Sally out of Adam’s orbit.  

Rodan is as subtle as a fart in an elevator. Yes Rodan you are having a private conversation but that doesn’t out trump a employee employer meeting.  Working at Marchetti is not as important as CEO of NM.  Than Rodan and Nikki walk in on Talia and Diane at Society. Rodan puts her hand over her face so she wouldn’t be recognized. It’s not like her hair and voice could hide a tree in a forest. I’m not so sure Talia was talking about Diane when she said that by pushing the right buttons they give themselves away.  I still don’t understand why a well published journalist would find Diane such an interesting character to write about, that’s why I think she would be more interested in Nikki as the wife of a billionaire. 

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Today’s show was just so awful in every regard. One comment: I have liked Sally Spectra since she first appeared on B&B. I really think she’s one of the best actors on this show by far. I would, however,would like to suggest that she modify her speaking style. She’s very staccato in her speaking. I think a smoother style would make her easier to take. I know she’s supposed to be this high powered career woman but she doesn’t have to be so harsh and jerky when she’s talking to other people.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Rodan and Chelsea should take their act on the road and instead of calling it Dumb and Dumber they should call it Phony and Phonier.  Acting like phonies are what Rodan and Chelsea do best.  

Take it on the road and never come back!

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Is the robotic reporter playing herself, i.e., is Talia Morgan her real name?  I know I could Google this information myself, but I don't want to inflate her ego by letting her know somebody was curious enough to do a search on her.  So I'm putting the onus on y'all! 😉  She's almost as annoying as that Bethany Frankel troll, who also refuses to go away.  I'm having a visceral reaction to her, much like that person years ago who claimed to have an epilectic seizure everytime they heard Mary Hart's voice.   It's not quite that dramatic, but I need them to wrap this crap up quickly and send her back to her dumb talk show.

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8 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

Is the robotic reporter playing herself, i.e., is Talia Morgan her real name?  I know I could Google this information myself, but I don't want to inflate her ego by letting her know somebody was curious enough to do a search on her.  So I'm putting the onus on y'all! 😉  She's almost as annoying as that Bethany Frankel troll, who also refuses to go away.  I'm having a visceral reaction to her, much like that person years ago who claimed to have an epilectic seizure everytime they heard Mary Hart's voice.   It's not quite that dramatic, but I need them to wrap this crap up quickly and send her back to her dumb talk show.

Natalie Morales plays Talia. She was on the Today Show for years, and she and Willie Geist were kind of downsized at the same time. It was a "thing" because the news about it was leaked, was denied, then came true. She was sent out to be the correspondent in Hollywood for the Today Show, did red carpet events, Dateline, etc. It's kind of sad what's become of her. She was quite engaging on Today, then when she went to Hollywood she started with the cosmetic facial tweaks. IMO the results have not enhanced her looks. She left NBC in October 2021, is now with "The Talk" on CBS. Her career appears to be floundering. She clearly has zero acting experience or chops. She was a good news correspondent. Sad to say, she seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle.

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12 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Is the robotic reporter playing herself, i.e., is Talia Morgan her real name? .......  I'm having a visceral reaction to her, much like that person years ago who claimed to have an epilectic seizure everytime they heard Mary Hart's voice.  

I feel the same way!

She almost as cringe worthy as



(Chance really should done a google search before he married Abby.)

Every time Phyllis gives anyone attitude, or any time I start to weaken and give Nick the benefit of the doubt, I remember how just this alone, regardless of all the other decades of ridiculous choices made by Phyllis,


makes both her and anyone who finds her charming or smart or successful at least 3 cans short of a six pack.

Next time you see her, Sally, just remember, "Phyllis wants a cracker".  And before you get starry-eyed about jockstrap boy Nick, remember how many times he was entranced by that trainwreck.

Newman men are the original "assembly required".   And there's always a piece or two missing.

Edited by boes
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I took a break for a few days because of the direction this stupid show was taking with Sally and Adam, on top of too much Phyllis slithering around.

Tuning in today only made me angrier, especially wrt Victor.  This dickhead blames Sally for Adam's behavior, claims that business shouldn't involve personal feelings, and then instructs Nick to fire Sally for purely personal reasons!  The hypocrisy and complete lack of self awareness for these characters is ridiculous.

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I hate what someone has done to the color of Tessa's hair. She was lovely as a porcelain brunette. I am hoping Nikki and Phyllis crowings about the Diane "hit" piece come full circle to expose how those two pretending to represent two of GC's "finest," are actually current practitioners of the worst qualities any women in the world could: pettiness, hypocrisy. vindictiveness, duplicity.....need I go on? I find Phyllis and Nikki revolting right now. Glad they put Adam back on some kind of redemption road today!

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2 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Tuning in today only made me angrier, especially wrt Victor.  This dickhead blames Sally for Adam's behavior, claims that business shouldn't involve personal feelings, and then instructs Nick to fire Sally for purely personal reasons!  The hypocrisy and complete lack of self awareness for these characters is ridiculous.

Victor, the same guy who would hire an ashtray as CEO if it had Newman DNA in it ( and I bet there's more than one of those from the early days of Victor's presence in Genoa City, so that's another reason to quit smoking) says business shouldn't involve personal feelings?????

I wish his parents hadn't dropped him off at that orphanage, I wish they'd tossed him out of a moving car.

You have a nice day, now.

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18 hours ago, Julyolo said:

Natalie Morales plays Talia. She was on the Today Show for years, and she and Willie Geist were kind of downsized at the same time. It was a "thing" because the news about it was leaked, was denied, then came true. She was sent out to be the correspondent in Hollywood for the Today Show, did red carpet events, Dateline, etc. It's kind of sad what's become of her. She was quite engaging on Today, then when she went to Hollywood she started with the cosmetic facial tweaks. IMO the results have not enhanced her looks. She left NBC in October 2021, is now with "The Talk" on CBS. Her career appears to be floundering. She clearly has zero acting experience or chops. She was a good news correspondent. Sad to say, she seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle.

I remember Natalie Morales from back in her Today Show days.  I agree, her career seems to be floundering now.  

Edited by Crashcourse
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I’ve seen the commercial for “The Talk” where she says something like she talked for years on TV but it wasn’t until she came “here” that she found her voice. Blech.

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5 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I’ve seen the commercial for “The Talk” where she says something like she talked for years on TV but it wasn’t until she came “here” that she found her voice. Blech.

Yes, I think she's tried to transition from "news" to "entertainment" and it's just not working. 

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No mention of Moses going to college with Faith so is this another case of out of sight out of mind?  Will Faith be back in the fall already graduated from college and ready to take over NE?  I do believe that dress Faith is wearing is going to alienate her from her fellow freshman on their first day. I do believe that college women are dressing more casual. 

Why are the monkeys with a keyboard so intent on forcing us to believe that the story of Diane resurrection more compelling than the death of a business mogul?  Why would Talia waist her time on writing an exposé on a person that maybe 10 people in GC know who Diane Jenkins is?  Are we to believe that Talia came up with new dirt on Diane that nobody else could find?  To think of it, are we to believe that Summer wouldn’t know that her mother had nothing to do with the exposé of Diane?  

Summer is the driving force behind the miraculous resurgence, of Marchetti, under Jabot 😂😂😂😂. That’s a knee slapper.  

Does Rodan have to talk and eat at the same time?  Her animated movements are bad enough with out watching her chew.  

For the first time in a long time I have to say, Victor go fuck yourself in disparaging Sally. First of all Sally in no way convinced  Summer to move to Milan. Second of all Sally’s personal feelings has nothing to do with running a company?  Victor, Olive’s personal feeling could have destroyed NE.  

Can we cut to the chase on the adoption problem and let Mariah have another baby?  It’s been a year since Mariah gave birth to Bowie.  The monkeys with a keyboard can even make Devon the sperm donor once again. 

Have the monkeys with a keyboard once again realize that Adam and Sally bring the 🔥 and are ready for them to reunite?  Let’s hope so because Adam and Chelsea 🤢🤮

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Shut up, Victor. If this Talia person is any kind of investigative journalist, she'll be sure to include the part of Diane's story where you tossed her out of a moving ambulance. And that you and Nick both slept with her. Sloppy seconds much?

Yet you're willing to hurt an innocent little boy by destroying his grandmother in the media and running her out of town, Phyllis. Do you ever listen to yourself?

Were those miniature tuning forks Summer was wearing in her ears? And does Phyllis take all her meals at Society now? Whatever, her European way of holding her eating utensils looked practically feral.

What's Kyle's beef with Adam?

I liked the fabric of Sharon's suit jacket. But wow is she a busybody, stirring the pot between Adam and Sally. Do people realize when they bare their souls to her that she won't respect any kind confidentiality?

A wedding at the Abbott Mansion. Meh, I was hoping Allie and Noah would be the next ones to have that honor. Wonder if all the Newmans will show up for Summer and Kyle's encore nuptials? Guess Sally won't need to design the bridal gown this time, ha ha.

Sally, you should've followed your instincts and told Adam to go DIAF. How many times are you going to let him break up with you? Grrr.

Diane back in black. Sigh. Even AC/DC was rolling their eyes.

Wait, Tessa and Mariah can't adopt a child because they have rap sheets? Yet hardcore felons Chelsea and Chloe can pop out as many kids as they want.

Nikki actually mentioned Dominic. Wow. But who gives a one-year old a birthday gift wrapped in black and white paper with a black ribbon? To me it almost seems like Nikki has some unspoken hostility towards him. Or his parents. 😐

Summer's getting lied to by both her husband and her mommy. Sucks for her, though at least Kyle isn't doing it to protect his ego in service of middle-aged mean girl ish. Looking at you, Red.

FFS, Phyllis was dang near orgasmic when she was telling Diane about the trash piece published by Talia. Meanwhile, Jack did his trademarked grimace when he saw the article about Diane. Look out, world, he's going to give somebody a stern talking to!

I can't. Victor blames Sally for Adam's refusal to return to the toxic NE fold. You can go DIAF too, you hateful old coot. And take your kool-aid-chugging "family" cult with you.

Whee, Adam veered left when Sally was looking right. Bet she never saw an apology coming from him. Seemed like he was sincere too.

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12 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

But who gives a one-year old a birthday gift wrapped in black and white paper with a black ribbon?

He is the grandson of Ashley, her once rival for Victor. I bet Nikki doesn't give her bio grandchildren Addams family wrapping paper. 

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