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SNL Classic: Re-Airings, Past Casts, Past Sketches, Past Hosts, the Past

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So far there are 3 episodes from this season that originally aired before February that haven't been rerun yet.

They haven't rerun the Larry David episode, the James Franco episode, or the Jessica Chastain episode.

The first two are pretty explainable- the Chastain one seems more like a "taste" decision. Maybe it was decided that it wasn't a very good episode? They skipped over it when they reran the Sam Rockwell episode and then the Will Ferrell episode on successive weeks.

The last two weeks they've rerun John Mulaney and Donald Glover, two of the more critically acclaimed episodes of the season. Now next week they're picking back up where they left off with a rerun of Natalie Portman. I wonder if we'll see the David, Franco, or Chastain episodes ever get a rerun.

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Where can you see what reruns are scheduled? For some reason they don't show up in my TV Grid anymore, so I can never tell which episode is scheduled to be rerun.  I find it really annoying.

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The episode that reran last Saturday for some reason wasn't showing on my TV guide either, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't announced the week before during the Mulaney rerun either. Maybe it was a really last-minute decision to rerun Glover (probably to tie in with "Solo" being in theaters).

Generally you can track which episodes have been rerun here.

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On 6/4/2018 at 12:30 PM, Phishbulb said:

So far there are 3 episodes from this season that originally aired before February that haven't been rerun yet.

They haven't rerun the Larry David episode, the James Franco episode, or the Jessica Chastain episode.

The first two are pretty explainable- the Chastain one seems more like a "taste" decision. Maybe it was decided that it wasn't a very good episode? They skipped over it when they reran the Sam Rockwell episode and then the Will Ferrell episode on successive weeks.

The last two weeks they've rerun John Mulaney and Donald Glover, two of the more critically acclaimed episodes of the season. Now next week they're picking back up where they left off with a rerun of Natalie Portman. I wonder if we'll see the David, Franco, or Chastain episodes ever get a rerun.

Well, they are rerunning Chastain this week so she will not receive the ignominy of a January Jones or a Felicity Jones (hey, maybe it's just a problem with women with the last name Jones) of not having her episode rerun.

The next week on June 30th they're rerunning Tiffany Haddish, which will be the first episode so far this season to receive a second rerun. I think they probably picked it because Haddish is in the movie "Uncle Drew" which comes out June 29th. 

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This week they're rerunning Kumail Nanjiani (for the second time); next week is Gal Gadot (for the second time).

After that they'll have 6 more weeks of reruns until the season premiere which will most likely be September 29th.

It's looking more and more like Larry David and James Franco's episodes will not be rerun. 

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On 8/4/2018 at 12:37 PM, Phishbulb said:

This week they're rerunning Kumail Nanjiani (for the second time); next week is Gal Gadot (for the second time).

After that they'll have 6 more weeks of reruns until the season premiere which will most likely be September 29th.

It's looking more and more like Larry David and James Franco's episodes will not be rerun. 

Why do you think that might be, Phish? Anyone? 

Senator McCain showed great good humor in his episode. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it.

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18 hours ago, bref said:

Senator McCain showed great good humor in his episode. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it.

Politicians ability to ridicule themselves and their colleagues has always been one of the best things about this show.

I had to wince at the "Meet The Press" skit when Tim Russert wouldn't quit hounding him about running for president again.

"What about in 2020?"

"I'll be 90!"

No, you won't, sir. ☹️

And to think that Russert himself would be dead in a few years too.

On a positive note, McCain insisting that he wouldn't run in 2008 is funny to laugh at now.

I love that this show honors non-cast people who have passed away by re-airing episodes that they either hosted or were musical guests on. I'm still blown away over the one they did for Prince.

Edited by Camille
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On 9/2/2018 at 1:53 AM, bref said:

Why do you think that might be, Phish? Anyone? 

I think the Larry David episode hasn't been rerun probably because of the bit in his monologue about a guy trying to hit on a woman during the Holocaust- it got a lot of complaints from people at the time. There's probably not an easy way to edit that bit out of the monologue.

Franco's episode might be because of the Me Too allegations that surfaced about Franco shortly after the episode aired- although I guess he's back to working in movies again, he is in the movie "Kin" which came out last weekend. It also had a lot of Christmas-themed material in it so they probably figure it's not worth the trouble to rerun at this point. 

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I think he's still doing The Deuce on HBO as well.

The unfortunate thing for me about that one not being rerun is that I would like to see the sketch again where the fake blood squirted in Leslie's mouth. She said she almost vomited on live TV.

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On 9/2/2018 at 12:53 AM, bref said:

Senator McCain showed great good humor in his episode. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it.

I love him singing the Barbara Streisand songs -- he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket!  And he's a good sport for being game to look so ridiculous.

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Burt Reynolds actually did host the show in 1980, but it wasn't during a very successful era of the show and it featured a sketch set in a Roman vomitorium which was pretty tasteless even back then. I don't know if they're going to be rerunning that one. 

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Was that anywhere as bad as the mid-Nineties SNL, with the vomit coming out of the tubes in the sleeves? I think that happened a lot.

I checked the schedule. John Mulaney/Jack White. Le Miz Diner sketch, which makes the episode a classic.

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“He said no,” Chase recounts. “ ‘Come on, Lorne.’ ‘No.’ ‘Why?’ ‘You’re too old.’ I said, ‘And Helen Mirren’s pretty and young?’

Wow.  Chevy, way to make people forgive your asshat behavior. 

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55 minutes ago, M. Darcy said:

The 10 pm repeats are back! Tonight is Christopher Walden and Arrested Development from 1992. 

They seemed to have more featured than regular players on this one.  Was that a regular thing?

And it’s NOT the more cowbell one! That was several years later. 


So, was this the first “Pat” sketch?  Now, couldn’t we  say “hi Pat. What are your preferred pronouns?” and be done with it?

Edited by SoMuchTV
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Flipped to see Jan as Sinead O'Connor. Man, times have changed, huh?

Flipped again to see the prelude to a Pat sketch. I hated Pat. Nothing against Julia Sweeney, but did Pat have to do that weird groaning thing at the end of every sentence? So unappealing.

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On 10/6/2018 at 10:00 PM, vb68 said:

That's a good one!

Oh yeah, the penultimate ep before the wild and crazy 1992 election, for which I have considerable nostalgia*.  Melanie Hutsell doing Jan Brady, Walken as "The Continental."  [must be written with quotation marks,imho]

*FWIW on a personal note, on election night I happened to be at the same hotel in mid-MO that was hosting the state Republican dealio, as well as those of the Republican senatorial and gubernatorial candidates, who both lost.  It was a great time and place to be a Democrat in Missouri.  Times sure have changed.

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1 hour ago, stonehaven said:

My scheduler thingy says Paul Simon/George Harrison..If it's the one I'm' thinking of, the music will be amazing.

oooooo...thanks.  I was just about to delete it on my scheduled recordings.  I won't now! 

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It’s all coming back to me now!  Turkey suit! And negotiating with 20(?)something Lorne about Beatles payments. 


Homeward bound.   No there’s not something in my eye! Why would you say that??

Edited by SoMuchTV
because Lorne deserves to have his name capitalized, even if my device is determined to make it difficult
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4 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

And negotiating with 20(?)something lorne about Beatles payments. 

I love how low key the delivery was on this.  Lorne and George Harrison both had the best deadpan delivery for it.

Paul and George performing two iconic songs together was really special.  I don’t think I had ever seen that performance, or even Paul’s intro with Chevy Chase busking that led into the turkey suit monologue.  That was quite funny. 

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19 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

I love how low key the delivery was on this.  Lorne and George Harrison both had the best deadpan delivery for it.

And when Paul first walks up to them, he looks at Lorne and says, "Hi, George," then at George and says, "Hi Lorne." The audience didn't seem to pick up on it.

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"Crackerbox Palace" has apparently lost none of its ability to get stuck in my head since 1976. 

That was a bittersweet hour of nostalgia (RIP George, John and Gilda), and a nice set-up for the Paul Simon appearance on the new show. Not a lot of laughs but some great music, and of course, the classic Lorne/George hallway exchange about the $3000 fee. :) 

Edited by bref
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NBC is showing the Tom Hanks/Lady Gaga episode from  2016 right now. Aka the David S Pumpkins episode!

One of the very best episodes in so many years. The first two sketches they showed - Black Jeopardy* and David S. Pumpkins - are two of my absolute favorites.

*In part because Tom Hanks and Kenan Thompson do AMAZING work playing off of each other and everything about the writing of that sketch is gold, but also because the last clue before Final Jeopardy is something about what are skinny women good for and before Hanks said the answer I yelled "NOT A DAMN THING" in my living room and just about died when I got it right. 

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Dammit why do they always have to cut stuff from the reruns? They could have aired the whole episode with less commmercials, but noooooooooooooooooo!

Loved how Belushi could just saunter in the Theodric of York sketch and crack the audience up without having a single line. His facial expressions were priceless.

I loved his WU rant about voting. Man, if he were around now...

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1 hour ago, ktwo said:

Colonel Lingus joke in Weekend Update! To be expanded upon in the Colonel Angus sketch many years later.

Announcer: And now, “Weekend Update”, with the “Weekend Update” news team. Brought to you by Colonel LingusFried Chicken, the southern-fried chicken that takes a licking. Here are Bill Murray and Jane Curtin.

Source: SNL Transripts

Here's the sketch many years later from 2003.

A southern family (Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch, Chris Parnell) welcomes the uniquely named Colonel Angus (Christopher Walken) to stay at their Shady Thicket Plantation. [Season 28, 2003]

Edited by Jaded
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On 11/8/2018 at 10:49 AM, Writing Wrongs said:

I have searched unsuccessfully to find a clip of the Brady Bunch vs. Partridge Family skit from the 80s when Susan Dey hosted. Has anyone seen this anywhere?


Happen to have it on video! Enjoy! 


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12 minutes ago, Kimnet said:

Oh wow. Can't even share a video of a video lol.  They should make them all available then. That's crazy! 🙄

They went on a tear a few years ago copyright claiming really old clips of Days of Our Lives most of which had been on YT for years before that. 

Edited by Jaded
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