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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Now that we've gotten to know the HGs is it time to speculate what the Zingbot will say? Please God Devin will still be in the house and Zingbot makes a crack about Devin's insistence on mentioning his daughter at any given opportunity.


I think Zingbot will hit Caleb for the Amber obsession, Nicole for the ghost/pee weirdness, Jacosta for her stupid bow-ties, Donny for his beard/accent, Zach for all his naps, Paola for her spelling fail, Frankie for his hair or floater gameplay, and Devin for never shutting up.


I don't know what to expect re: the rest. 

I guess so, Morbs, I'm just wondering if there's something more than that. I mean Zach has promised to blow up if he goes up and I'm not sure why that's better for Frankie than Zach blowing up at some other time. When Frankie was talking to Devin most recently, he seemed to be trying to drive a wedge between Devin and Caleb or at least help it along and I was wondering if Frankie is counting on the fact that if Devin nominates Zach, Caleb might turn his back on Devin? Or maybe it's just that getting of Zach would weaken Derrick and Cody?

I wonder if Frankie wanting Zach to blow up is to accomplish multiple things - throw a wedge between Caleb and Devin, get rid of a strong competitor like Brittany (or another wildcard since Devin is unpredicable) knowing Zach will be safe. I think he's making Devon paranoid because he knows the house is all united in Devon hatred so Devon is likely gone next week. Once Devon is gone, he'll likely start in on Caleb or Hayden. I think he'll use Derrek for a bit since Derrek is dangerous but so smart you need him until you can backdoor him.


In the conversation this morning with Zach and Frankie, Frankie straight up told Zach that he is playing the middle and Zach acknowledged he had to play the game since he was excluded from the Derrek, Cody, Zach alliance. I can see having a pact with Zach where it appears you are not completely loyal to eachother because you can pick off more people that way from different groups. I think Frankie knows he needs to have people in final 4 that he can beat. If Zach is as ride or die as he says and is not playing him then he has better chances for final 2.


Otherwise, I don't know why Frankie is going so hard in all his little side deals (I wonder if he has Christines's number). Frankie seems a little smarter than to be tipping his hand so early. Or he's an overconfident idiot at this point.

I wish I understood how production, the staff, whoever runs that house. I've been hearing about how they keep getting these big, expensive pieces of fish in their groceries for dinner, but Jocasta was saying that when she was given allergy meds in the diary room the other day, they were expired by a year. I know they have to save money in places. They reused the bathroom door from last season, because they were talking about etchings that were painted over but readable from Amanda, McCrae, and Judd. But really? Keeping medication from the year before?


Or he's an overconfident idiot at this point.


It's that, IMO. Frankie is very arrogant, but he's a bit better at hiding it than Devin and Caleb


Whatever Frankie's scheming is about, I'm not sure it's a good idea, since I read Cody has already started pointing out that Frankie is just playing both sides.


Derrick is also onto Frankie. The Frankie/Derrick convo was so fun because they both definitely want the other gone. They both think they have the same people (I believe in actuality Derrick has those people and not Frankie). They're kind of playing a similar game and probably see each other as their biggest competition.


Frankie told Derrick that he sees himself and Derrick as the smartest people in BS and the two in the middle. The later he told Christine that himself and Christine were the smartest people in BS and the two in the middle. I laughed my ass off at him telling them both the exact same thing.


Christine and Frankie are both like Andy 2.0, but Christine is much better at it than Frankie. I have no idea why, but there are so many people who think Christine is just the bees knees.

Edited by peachmangosteen

The fact that Frankie encouraged Zach to call Devin a bad father leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. That's just a low blow. Didn't Mike Boogie want to do something similar to Kent in BB2? Stuff like that is when I feel like the game crosses over from "mischief" to "malice," and I'm giving Frankie major side eye for it.


I agree. But then everything Frankie does leaves a bad taste in my mouth!


I'm just so confused by why Frankie is doing this with Zach. Zach is actually the only person 100% solidly with Frankie. I guess he can't see that, but still. It's just stupid for him to be throwing Zach under the bus this way. (Or floating him up the river, as Devin likes to put it.)

Edited by peachmangosteen

Does he know that Derrick and Cody have his number? 


Yes! Zach, being an idiot, told him. LOL. I actually think that might've been what caused him to go crazy with going after Zach. He just got paranoid.


Devin is reaching Caleb levels with his new found Brittany obsession. He said he thinks they'd make pretty babies. 


ETA: I feel like something had to have happened between Zach/Frankie that we missed. Frankie is on such a tear over him. He just ranted about him to Christine/Nicole and then he moved on to Devin to rant about him some more. It's so weird.

Edited by peachmangosteen

So, I hate myself for being so 'addicted' to these feeds.  Almost nothing truly good happens before 1-2a BBT, and living in the midwest, that's 3-4a for me.   And I am not a fan of reality TV, I'll be straight up about that right now.  But I just can't help myself.  I have to see what could happen next.


And you all thought the Caleb crushing on Amber was weird and creepy; this thing with Devin crushing on Brittany??   I can't tell if he truly feels that way, or if he's 'playing a game' by making Frankie think one thing, but throwing him off his real move or motive.


I hate that I've been so pulled in - and I realize its all just "game" - but the constant lying, mistaken assumptions, backstabbing, and just general sh*ttyness just makes me feel horrible for finding any kind of curiosity or enjoyment/amusement in all this.

Now that we've gotten to know the HGs is it time to speculate what the Zingbot will say? Please God Devin will still be in the house and Zingbot makes a crack about Devin's insistence on mentioning his daughter at any given opportunity.

Devin + Zingbot would be about an hour straight, it's so much material.  


Hmm.  I wonder if Zingbot would dare do stalker jokes about Crazy Caleb, or if the show is so terrified of triggering him they won't dare.

Devin is reaching Caleb levels with his new found Brittany obsession. He said he thinks they'd make pretty babies. 

Sure.  Except if they got much of Devin's DNA. they'd also be stupid and arrogant too.


Another thing I find personally hysterical is about how a lot of the people talk about getting the 'floaters' out and not wanting someone weak to win.


Uhh, guys, you are ALL floaters.  Don't try and delude the feeders, let alone yourselves.  You will all tell, whoever you are talking to, what they want to hear.  Then run off to tell someone else what they want to hear, even if its the exact opposite.  IE, kissing ass.  Well, by definition (in my book), ass kissing = "Floater", by definition.


That's why Brittany and now Zach are in trouble with a good portion of the 'house'; they - now or most the time - won't put up with blatant dishonesty, call people on it, or when called out will own up to it.  Although, I guess I really can't include Brittany in that (right now), because Devin's forced her to actually play the game the 'winning way' to save herself this week (and potentially in the future).



Frankie said it on tonight's episode in a DR session (paraphrasing);  "This is Big Brother.  Telling the truth is not how you play the game!"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I'm OK with Derrick and Frankie being on the Team America alliance with Donny, especially if it hastens the explosion of The BS.

Some gut instinct tells me that being on Team America is ultimately a ticket to losing the show, unless CBS was smart enough to give them in-game advantages and not just a cash prize per mission.  


It would be interesting to see ultimately where the decision falls with a famewhore like Frankie, to complete a mission that might damage his game.  He won't care about the cash prizes in the least, but wouldn't want to seem to "disappoint America" I bet.  On the other hand he also wants to stay on the show as long as possible and milk it.  Quite a conundrum for a (not-so young) budding reality TV star.

From just a 'drama' standpoint, I'm hoping and praying that Devin uses POV on Brittany and puts Zach up in her place.  Then Brittany blows the horn on the Devin/Paola deal to throw the BOTB comp.  That gets her out anyways, but I think Caleb will 'force' the alliance to keep Zach.  And if neither Caleb/Frankie win the next HOH, then sh*t gets very real for everyone next week.


I want to see Zach blow up the BS if he goes up this week, but I want Paola gone before him, so if put up, bite your tongue as hard as you can Zach, at least until after the Eviction (if you aren't the one sent packing). 


I haven't watched the LFs religiously 24/7, but I know that Brittany doesn't like Devin anyways, but I wonder if she's picked up vibes from Devin and his new 'crush' on her.  She seems to be avoiding him.  She had to feel, if not see, hii eyes on her bikini-clad body in the kitchen earlier. 


I'm waitiing to see if Devin tries to play the "I know we made a 'mutual deal', but I saved you... so how about a little gratitude?" card if there is actually something there to these new 'feelings' he's having about her.


- - - - - - - -

Derrick is such a great player.  He's so easy to 'trust', but he's playing everyone just as much - if not more - than anyone in that house.


He has at least 4 other players wrapped around his finger so tightly [Cody/Zach/Brittany/Victoria] and he's playing Devin & Caleb really well too.  Not sure about Christine, but I'm sure there's a good thing going there too.


- - - - - - - -

Dangit, I missed it.  What was Devin was saying is a "done deal" at the 9:53 BBT mark?


[nvm:  He's figuring out if he's got the votes to get rid of Zach if he pulls Brittany and puts him up]

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I'm OK with Derrick and Frankie being on the Team America alliance with Donny, especially if it hastens the explosion of The BS.


I missed that live - read about it.   I'll be honest, I don't really like Frankie.  I'm not anti-homosexual, he just tries way too hard to be noticed.  And he's this season's Andy.  The gay floater.

I missed that live - read about it.   I'll be honest, I don't really like Frankie.  I'm not anti-homosexual, he just tries way too hard to be noticed.  And he's this season's Andy.  The gay floater.

Does he count as a floater?  More like a "playing everybody else against each other by pretending multiple alliances" player.  There's a big difference (a floater doesn't really promise anyone anything).


Does he count as a floater?  More like a "playing everybody else against each other by pretending multiple alliances" player.  There's a big difference (a floater doesn't really promise anyone anything).


You could say that.  But you could (or I could) say that if he's promising all these deals or being 'true friends' with all these other players; he's still floating.  Its just an aggressive form of it. 


To me, a floater is someone who takes info given in confidence and pretty much immediately uses it against the info giver, to play the sides against each other.  A person who is actually playing the game to have a solid 3-4-5 person alliance, will yes share info, but doesn't do it to aggressively turn sides on each other.  If they can use it well and effectively, that's good, but if not... sit on it until it works best to use it.  That's what makes Derrick so smart and an actual good player.  He's getting all this info and shares it as necessary, tells enough to build and gain trust.  But what is so greart about his game is he's "wicked smart" about how to play the sides.  For instance, as mentioned above, his working Frankie while telling him they are better off working together for a F-whatever alliance and being the actual brains & 'glue' of the BS operation.


Derrick is cerebral in his game approach.  Frankie is just obnoxiously & aggressively floating from person-to-person and setting up all these dramas and hope he's left standing after all the imploding is done, and its down to the F4 or whatever.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I think it's too soon to know for sure what kind of game some of the on-the-fence people are playing. There are those who are clearly playing the game hard (your Devins and your Calebs) and there are your definitive floaters (Nicole and Jocasta) but the rest have a foot in both camps (Paola, for instance, played the game very hard right away and quickly backed off when she realized how terrible she was). 

  • Love 1



I missed that live - read about it.   I'll be honest, I don't really like Frankie.  I'm not anti-homosexual, he just tries way too hard to be noticed.  And he's this season's Andy.  The gay floater.

Does he count as a floater?  More like a "playing everybody else against each other by pretending multiple alliances" player.  There's a big difference (a floater doesn't really promise anyone anything).

To me Frankie is the antithesis of a floater. He's working his personal game and cutting deals to give him cover. A floater has no alliances. I think the reason he's throwing Zach under the bus is that he's come to the realization that Zach is too scattered and volatile to get much further. Since Zach is clueless about his deal with Christine - Frankie has cover if Zach blabs when evicted. Aside from the BS - which everybody involved but Devin and Caleb know is BS - Frankie really only has deals with Zach and Christine. There's a difference between making nice and making an alliance. Just because hamsters confide in him doesn't mean they have a deal with him. I would also argue Frankie is no more "look at me" than several other people in the house (Hayden, Devin, Caleb and Victoria come to mind). Every season there seems to be a certain segment of the fandom that equates flamboyant gay guy with biggest attention whore, and hate him as a result. I've grown more than a little tired of it over the years. On less moderated boards it crosses the line to offensive (and some of the biggest offenders are other gay men). Frankie is flamboyant and a social butterfly, but he is not the bitter, misogynistic,sniveling little yes man that Andy was in any way. It's a false equivalency. 

Edited by SteveAC10
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Best case scenario tomorrow (or whenever it is) during and after Veto meeting;


-  Devin pulls Brittany down and puts Zach up as replacement Nom; but does it in his usual horrible people-skills way and everyone is on to him instantly (why he put up Zach - using the argument against him and turning it around on Zach, ie "the way he talks to the women")

-  Pao-Pao goes bonkers after seeing Devin not use his power to pull her off the block, thus meaning their 'throw the BOTB' deal went out the window, but the reason given for making the deal in the first place was to get Brittany out, and then he not only left Paola on the block, but took down the person he said he was targeting all along.  (can't wait to see her initial reaction on the next TV ep)

-  Brittany starts an anti-Devin/Paola campaign before Eviction (maybe doesn't, if Derrick/Cody/Zach say its in her best interest to keep Zach - assuming Zach is willing to stay)

-  I would like to see Paola gone first, but for the pure drama of it, Zach going off on the BS - and thus ensuring his leaving this week - could make for some epic viewing



I think if Devin goes through with his 'Plan A', which is looking very likely... that Derrick/Cody/(Zach?) get Brittany into an alliance with them.   I would suggest including Victoria, but they only need her as far as using her vote if Devin is up for eviction.  But I think we all know she's down for doing that, regardless.

From Jokers:

07/07/14 02:13 AM

Caleb talking like Cartwright (South Park). Says you ever wake up in your truck at a flea market surrounded by Mexicans? NT


Everyone in the kitchen gets quiet after Calebs comment. Then Nichole changes the subject. 

I guess he held his racist side back as long as he could.  Finally it burst out.


To be clear, the original is broad comedy in a time and place where people understand what it is--it's not racist in that single context.  But what's happens these days with stuff like that is that actual racist pieces of shit get ahold of stuff said on shows like South Park and use it in contexts where they think they're being "funny", but are just laying out racist sounding soundbites without the social contract people understand ahead of time when they watch something like South Park.  It's racist in this circumstance because these shitheads don't care, or want to care, how it affects the people around them hearing it.  


In other words, you sit down and watch an episode of South Park, you know you are getting South Park.  You simply pull South Park quotes out of the air though? People are involved who didn't agree to hear that.

  • Love 3

I'm really struggling to figure out the real motives of a few people. Devin needs to be out of the house asap, he's insane and not someone for anyone to hitch their ride with. I don't see any benefit from going along with any of his madness once he's lost HOH. It's week 2 and there is already so much shadiness going on! Had Devin not had his meltdown and the house meeting, essentially exposing there was already an early allience, the bomb squad could have continued for at least 3 more weeks before the cracks would start to form. When these people start really talking to one another and forming true alliances it's going to be chaos once the betrayals become exposed. Frankie will be backdoored once a couple of more eyes are opened at this rate.

From what you all are posting, Devin should be screwed next week. They should aim to back door him since he is a challenge threat. Not to mention, I wouldn't want to live with him if he was nominated right off the bat. He will go crazy. Maybe they can all hide in the HoH room if he is nominated and keep him out.


Yeah, I don't even mean this as a compliment to Frankie necessarily (because I would say this about a lot of people), but he is nothing like Andy. Andy was awful. 


IMO, Frankie is awful. And I see similarities between Frankie and Andy. No one here has at all suggested that it has anything to do with them both being gay though. Why can't two gay people be similar without it being because they're both gay?


Agreed they def need to Blackdoor him too many chances for him to get off the block. We just have to hope that someone ballsy enough to do it gets HOH and then keeps it.


I fear there really isn't anyone ballsy enough to do it. I'm afraid a lot of people will throw HOH because that's just what always happens and this season it's even more necessary to throw HOHs.


I am so surprised Derrick got Team America. Is he even on the show? He just started making feed appearances this week! I really like him though. I'm afraid Frankie being on it will fuck Derrick and Donny over though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I would like to see Team America form the unusual alliance that some how works out. They have a good financial reason to keep each other in the game, $5,000 a week (assuming one task a week) adds up pretty nicely. Since only one person can win the $500,000, why not increase your take home pay as much as you can?


I like Derrick's game, his undercover cop experience is really evident. He is playing but low key enough to have only really caught Frankie's attention. I have no problem with Frankie right now. I think he is in trouble because he is playing all sides but he has seen things others have missed and is not all that annoying. Donny is just an interesting character.


So the balancing act is trying to decide when to cut off the $5,000 a month because you think that one of the others has a chance of beating you in the final. Donny could get votes because he seems to be friendly and not pissing people off. Derrick is in a good position right now because he sees what is happening and is quietly manipulating things. Frankie is in a hard place because he is going to piss people off when he finally has to pick a side.

  • Love 3

So the Veto meeting will probably be in a few hours this afternoon sometime.   I'm still not sure what exactly Devin will do.  I think he probably does take Brittany off, but does he actually  put Zach up?   I'm probably 50-50 on that.  When it comes down to it, I suspect Devin might really be all talk.

Edited by vb68

It'll be interesting to see what Devin does. Does Frankie have the tightest grip on him or will he actually listen to the entire rest of the alliance? In some ways I hope he doesn't put Zach up because it'll piss Frankie off, but I want Zach up for the drama. I'm good either way, I guess!

Edited by peachmangosteen

I'd have thought home viewers would be up on the pair of Nerd Girls.


I don't know, I feel like America may be smarter than I think.  I was binge watching BB15, and up until the point when Aaryn made it too disgusting to watch I was interested that America kept choosing Elissa as MVP.  To me, it seemed clear that Helen was playing the best game, by far, in the house.  One option was that they chose to give it to Elissa because they really loved her sister, and her by extension.  Or it could have been that they simply didn't want to give it to Helen because putting all that power in Helen's hands would have put a huge target on her back.  She could basically use Elissa every week to put up the strongest player that they wanted to get out.  And so that strong player would be pissy with Elissa, not with Helen.  


If thats the case, America is not stupid.  

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