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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Just reading about a boycott of the CBS broadcast tonight. Why? Because it will show the supposedly rigged BotB? Please. This is Big Brother. A TV SHOW. It's not the frigging Olympics. I couldn't care less if the BotB was "adjusted" because Caleb made it clear he would throw it and Production wanted Frankie to stay.

Why did they do the photobooth thing with Christine, Caleb and Frankie not there?

Edited by TimWil
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I can't stand these things that Frankie is saying. He said the houseguests should let him be in final two because that's the only way any of them could win America's Favorite Player. Also, this thing that anyone who targets him or says anything bad about him will have to deal with his sister's fans.


Frankie is actually saying the same things that other houseguests said when he made his big reveal.  Zach repeatedly stated to several of the guys that the rest of them did not have a chance at Favorite Player (Zach even felt that he would get voted out if on the block against Frankie because of Frankie's charitable plans).  Nicole and Christine compared it to Elissa winning M.V.P because of Rachel, but with someone more famous.  Someone else also felt that Favorite Player was no longer a possibility (maybe Caleb?).  Nicole immediately panicked that Frankie and/or Ariana's fans would make "hate pages" dedicated to her for working against him.  They eventually calmed down a bit, but Frankie probably decided that it would be good to remind everyone of these ideas that were floating around the house.

Lucky you guys. I've got the Teen Choice Awards *barfs*. I used to like it when I was, like, fifteen. Granted I'm only twenty now but I've grown and learned from my mistakes. That 'reality' show is even more rigged than Big Brother is.

For once, being a West Coast Canadian pays off! I have the Teen Choice Awards on my usual Canadian station (Global), but my CBS affiliate from Washington State still has tonight's episode listed for the right time. ETA: Of course, then I switch over to check and get golf but there's still two hours. Fingers crossed.

I haven't even bothered to watch the feeds today. It feels like there's no life in them when I can't hear Caleb making up ridiculous claims and trying to "sing". Is it just me or does his singing/voice exercises/whatever the hell he thinks he's doing sound completely off-key? Yup, big country star he'll be. I was laughing the other night when he claimed he was asked to come sing somewhere in a famous bar/club in California... but he decided not to. Maybe Lowe's needed him again to man the lumber yard. I have this mental image of Caleb in his uniform with a pricing gun in one hand and it never fails to crack me up. He could've had such a career if it wasn't for those pesky shifts at the home improvement store.

Edited by Callaphera
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I'm a bit late to Frankie's whole Ariana Grande reveal so I apologize for bringing it back up again. I just watched it and A) I don't think the guys had any idea who she was. B) I think it will be total bullshit if/when the DR and Julie confirms that Ariana really is his sister. Just the same as them keeping the lie a secret, they should not confirm or deny if it is true. Any of those houseguests could have said, "No way! I'm Miley Cyrus's cousin! OMG is that the twist this season? Are we all related to celebrities? Who are you related to Derrick?" Or something of the sort. But I feel like Julie will mention it, "Victoria, how did you feel when you found out that Ariana is Frankie's sister?" C) When Frankie began his reveal to the guys…I could just picture him being on a set, waiting for the dramatic music cues to go along with his speech. His tone of voice, his pauses and all of that in the beginning almost made me feel like he was lying to them about Ariana. D) WHY is he saying that no one is allowed to say HER NAME? I don't understand that whatsoever. They can say whatever they want about her and talk as much shit about her as they want. She is public domain just like Zac Efron is. D) Blah I don't like Frankie. 


Yes, and 60 Minutes will follow golf. :(


What! YUCK. I blame Frankie. And Derrick too while I'm at it. 


ETA: I forgot to say…FUCK you Frankie for using your grandfather's death as an excuse for lying. That is truly DISGUSTING to me. 

Edited by WiCkedWitCh
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Aww, Rory is lovely. Sorry non-golf fans, but he is and has been lovely. However, they are 4 minutes away from making the West Coast broadcast late now.  I assume they already cut to 60 Minutes on the East Coast, b/c it's still golf interviews here.  Maybe they didn't know what to do with that last 10 minutes.


Also this 60 Minutes episode is great if anyone hasn't seen it.  It's about what a scumbag A-Rod is.


I can't believe it's 6pm and absolutely nothing of note has happened in the house today.  Imagine if Zach and Donny were final 2 (not possible), but if they were they would only overlap about 5 hours a day with sleep schedules.  

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Derrick knew who Ariana Grande was via his sisters. He guessed the name Amanda at first when Frankie started prompting with "Grande?"-the name Amanda sounds pretty close to the name Ariana so Derrick had definitely at least heard of her. Zach later said he knew who she was but he didn't want to give Frankie the satisfaction by acknowledging he'd heard of her. I also think Cody knew who she was but was pissed off that Frankie was introducing a new "twist."

Edited by TimWil

After the big brouhaha last night, Derrick told Victoria he "could be in danger of going up because of all this drama."  Victoria tells him she's sorry.  That's right, Victoria, apologize to the jerk, who has NEVER been on the block, as he's talking to Cody about you going up AGAIN.  He also chastised both Victoria and Nicole, wanting to know why they didn't come directly to him rather than talking to others/each other about what Zach had said about his multiple alliances.  Of course, almost everyone does run and tell him everything, so I can see how he expects it.   

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Derrick knew who Ariana Grande was because his little sisters watched her TV show. Zach also said he knew who she was but he didn't want to give Frankie the satisfaction of acknowledging her. I also think Cody knew who she was but was pissed off that Frankie was introducing a new "twist."



They may have heard of her name once or twice but they didn't even know what she looked like. And I believe them. If Frankie hadn't introduced her as a superstar and just said her name, I don't think they would have gotten it as fast. They all needed prompting. 

I haven't even bothered to watch the feeds today. It feels like there's no life in them when I can't hear Caleb making up ridiculous claims and trying to "sing". Is it just me or does his singing/voice exercises/whatever the hell he thinks he's doing sound completely off-key? 


Once Caleb, Frankie and Christine left the house, the others mostly just slept.


Just reading about a boycott of the CBS broadcast tonight. Why? Because it will show the supposedly rigged BotB? Please. This is Big Brother. A TV SHOW. It's not the frigging Olympics. I couldn't care less if the BotB was "adjusted" because Caleb made it clear he would throw it and Production wanted Frankie to stay.


The same thing happened this season on BB Canada when a contestant confessed on the feeds that she had discussed a plan to cheat that she never actually used.  It turned into a nightmare that ate the fan forums and made me want to kill people, all for a stupid show that has always played fast and loose with the rules.


Anyway, I'm ready for some fun things to happen.  That's the biggest problem with the feeds this season.  They need more booze, rewards that make people jealous, secret missions that make paranoia run rampant, Pandora's Boxes and Zingbots.  And more unitards!  Unitards make everything better.

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Just the same as them keeping the lie a secret, they should not confirm or deny if it is true. Any of those houseguests could have said, "No way! I'm Miley Cyrus's cousin! OMG is that the twist this season? Are we all related to celebrities? Who are you related to Derrick?" Or something of the sort.


Okay, that would have been all kinds of awesome. I have to believe more than a few of them were pretending to be impressed while thinking, "Am I the only one who doesn't know who Ariana Grande is?"

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I believe 'America' helped Dick, but it's because Production edited him as a hero. Dick would have never, ever won or gone far if it weren't for Production/America/Eric. He was a terrible player and an even more disgusting human being.


Their intention was to make him look heroic??  I didn't watch feeds or read forums on Dick's season, and I thought he was an absolutely disgusting man.  He wore more eye makeup than me, looked oily and unbathed, and probably reeked of cigarettes.   He was extremely unpleasant, and I was shocked he wasn't held accountable for burning Jen with his cigarette.  The only manipulation that worked even slightly was his (seemingly) genuine desire to make it right with his daughter.  Of course, he was the reason their relationship was damaged to start with.

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From Jokers:

Zach wants Victoria to get put up, and then Him/Derrick/Cody flip to Donny/Nicole against Frankie/Christine/Caleb


Um, Yes.  That is the first intelligent thing strategy wise that Zach has said.  Now never say it again and see if Cody will put it in motion.  It would be very good, and works well with Hayden coming back.The four of them also have easy number in the future with that 5 to get out Derrick.  I like it.


ETA: Arianna won "choice female artist" (i.e.favorite female artist) at the Teen Choice Awards.  It is a dumb show, but no denying she is kind of a BFD.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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If Derrick's behavior is strategy and doesn't reflect his true character, which is possible, he may find that even winning isn't compensation enough for the real world repercussions given his occupation.


People said this type of thing about Tony - the cop who won Survivor.  I read comments that said every court case Tony was involved with should be re-examined.  I didn't understand all the antipathy.  Cops are allowed to lie during interrogations.  They are allowed to manipulate people and attempt to psychologically outmaneuver.  In fact, that's what makes a good interrogator - they get inside your head.


I think Derrick's biggest concern is that he will now be too recognizable to work undercover.  Otherwise, I think his supervisors and other co-workers are probably seeing a guy who's simply doing another "undercover" operation.  He's taking on whatever persona he deems necessary to accomplish the mission.  In this case, the mission is to win.  Who knows, maybe they take pride in the fact that he's clearly demonstrating the skills it takes to be an undercover officer.  I don't know if demonstrating his on the job skills on a reality show is the basis for losing his job.  I have no idea what it takes to work uncover.  There are law enforcement officers who infiltrate hate groups, gangs, and drug rings who say and do horrible things as necessity dictates.  I would imagine it eventually creates a person who compartmentalizes things and easily adapts and manipulates even off the job.


For what it's worth, I have a cousin who's a cop and a little older than Derrick.  He's old-fashioned, has a temper, and tends to hold sexists opinions (for instance, he sees powerful liberal women  - Hillary Clinton and Oprah, for example - as closet lesbians).  He makes me crazy and I argue with him endlessly - but I would never suggest he should lose his job for these views.  Outside of these views, he shields his family from his temper, dotes on his wife and kids, and is the guy I want to show up in an emergency.  He's disgustingly upright and moral in his daily life, he is respectful towards anyone of any color or ethnicity, and lives for his job - protecting people.

  • Love 7

From Jokers:

Zach wants Victoria to get put up, and then Him/Derrick/Cody flip to Donny/Nicole against Frankie/Christine/Caleb


Um, Yes.  That is the first intelligent thing strategy wise that Zach has said.  Now never say it again and see if Cody will put it in motion.  It would be very good, and works well with Hayden coming back.The four of them also have easy number in the future with that 5 to get out Derrick.  I like it.


It has to be ok with Derrick, to work.  After all, Cody is just D's stoolie.


Cody was all for putting up Caleb in Victoria's place, weeks ago [the week Brittany was evicted], especially after talking with Donny... but 'his boy' Derr worked his "magic" and got Donny up instead.

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I hated Derrick the first couple weeks, mostly because I didn't like how he thought he was running the house. Well, it soon became apparent that he was, in fact, running the house. I begrudingly had to respect him at that point but I've since come to admire him as well. I love this game too much not to and I think he's damn good at it.

Has he said questionable things? Surely. But so did Janelle and she is actually one of my favorites. I don't think Derrick is that bad in the grand scheme of things or history of this show. I am a hardcore feminist but to be honest, most of the women cast this year kind of suck. Not sure I would have wanted to align with them either. Just my two cents.

Edited by delicatecutter
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Well, I'm kind of happy right now. Because that BoB contest was not rigged. It was clearly always meant to be a BoB comp; it would not work for veto (too big for six people). It was clearly always meant for this week, with the NFL tie-in. It clearly should've worked better for two people, but Zach sucks and pulled the same crap he did on his veto comp last week. If he didn't insist on trying to do it by himself, they would've won. So, OK BB, I'll give you this one. Frankie was simply a beast in that comp. he still sucks.

And the two minutes before the comp started was awesome. Lived up to my expectations. Frankie yelling about his grandfather and Ariana and the Grandes when he won was the most scripted thing I've ever seen. I'm sure he was honestly thrilled to death, but it was still so very practiced.

Edited by Katesus7
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People said this type of thing about Tony - the cop who won Survivor.  I read comments that said every court case Tony was involved with should be re-examined.  I didn't understand all the antipathy.  Cops are allowed to lie during interrogations.  They are allowed to manipulate people and attempt to psychologically outmaneuver.  In fact, that's what makes a good interrogator - they get inside your head.


I think Derrick's biggest concern is that he will now be too recognizable to work undercover.  Otherwise, I think his supervisors and other co-workers are probably seeing a guy who's simply doing another "undercover" operation.  He's taking on whatever persona he deems necessary to accomplish the mission.  In this case, the mission is to win.  Who knows, maybe they take pride in the fact that he's clearly demonstrating the skills it takes to be an undercover officer.  I don't know if demonstrating his on the job skills on a reality show is the basis for losing his job.  I have no idea what it takes to work uncover.  There are law enforcement officers who infiltrate hate groups, gangs, and drug rings who say and do horrible things as necessity dictates.  I would imagine it eventually creates a person who compartmentalizes things and easily adapts and manipulates even off the job.


For what it's worth, I have a cousin who's a cop and a little older than Derrick.  He's old-fashioned, has a temper, and tends to hold sexists opinions (for instance, he sees powerful liberal women  - Hillary Clinton and Oprah, for example - as closet lesbians).  He makes me crazy and I argue with him endlessly - but I would never suggest he should lose his job for these views.  Outside of these views, he shields his family from his temper, dotes on his wife and kids, and is the guy I want to show up in an emergency.  He's disgustingly upright and moral in his daily life, he is respectful towards anyone of any color or ethnicity, and lives for his job - protecting people.


I definitely don't think he'll lose his job or anything major like that.  The sort of consequences to which I was referring were of the interpersonal kind.  I assume he has female subordinates and superiors and if they heard the things he was saying about the women in the house, well, it could make those interactions somewhat strained. 


I worked for years in a very male dominated field and I really, really liked the majority of the guys I worked with.  Still do, for the most part.  A few times I was made aware of distasteful things that were said about me or women in general and my opinion of the particular person or people shifted accordingly.


ETA: While I did not care for Tony, I fully agree that the stuff about re-examining his cases because of his gameplay is totally ridiculous.

Edited by forgetmenow
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I am soo mad at Caleb for not participating and fucking up the game! That would have been soooo much more effective than sitting out. Can you imagine if Caleb just pulled the rope and wouldn't let go or something? I feel like maybe halfway through Caleb decided to participate and BB told him he wasn't allowed to since he opted to sit out. That is the only conspiracy I can think of. Didn't someone say that Derrick was blaming BB for the win too?



Edited because I was wrongly autocorrected. 

Edited by WiCkedWitCh
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I am soo mad at Caleb for not participating and fucking up the game!

I recall that several of the others said that they were telling Caleb to play rather than sit out when they saw what the comp was but Caleb wouldn't do it. They thought he might have been swayed by the prize for the winning team.


It was clearly always meant to be a BoB comp; it would not work for veto (too big for six people).

I have no idea if it's true or not but I read a comment online that the same type of game was an HOH comp during BB14.

Edited by NeelyO

It's gone to Fish so I will wait patiently for BBAD to start to find out where the hell Christine, Frankie and Caleb have been. Caleb had better be openly grateful to Frankie for single handedly giving him that experience today.

I wanted Zach to win America's Favorite but after the relentless douchery he's trotted out toward Nicole and Frankie I don't think he's getting it. He has time to redeem himself, I guess, but I doubt it. Donny has my vote now.

Edited by TimWil

The only thing that has really bothered me about Derrick is his cuddling with Victoria because he has a wife and daughter. Also, about the sexist comments Jun from BB4 said last season when all the racist comments happened she said it is very easy because you don't know anything really about the other houseguests except the obvious things gender, race and religion. Not saying I agree with what she said, but I think it does make some sense.

I now hope that they were just taken somewhere for a screening of that football movie, and not to an actual game like they assumed.  Caleb was getting so worked up over it, and even talked about needing time with no cameras to get some drinks in him.  He probably imagined a private booth (?? is that what they are called where you watch a sports game match thing from a room inside the stadium, with windows, TVs and food service?  I have LITERALLY no experience with these things, so the proper term escapes me) with Playboy bunnies as their waitresses, bringing them unlimited food and alcohol, rubbing his arms and telling him how hot he looks and what an incredible guy he is.  To see him come back all pouty and dejected because it was just a movie with no fresh women to interact with would be fun for me.

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I know that this post is related to the broadcast but it needs to be said here. There was no BoB conspiracy. Frankie smoked Zach and Donny, who should have never changed tactics midway. But I think he would have won even if they had stayed the course.


They clearly didn't change the comp itself, but I wonder if there was some re-rigging of the chains to make it easier for one person to do alone when they heard Caleb was parking his ass on the sidelines. I know, probably not, but there's a chance. I wouldn't put it past them.


From Jokers: 


Caleb, inside with Frankie: "Well, back to the slop. That sucks!" NT



Caleb says 4 of 5 different people shouted his name out of 100 people. Zach says more than 9 million people are watching this year

Ah, it's much better now that Caleb is back. Bitching about slop already and probably already counting his fans. I wonder if he was disappointed that it was only 4 or 5 out of 100, or if he's just pumped that he's about to "famous". You know, unless something better comes up. I do appreciate that they weren't allowed to talk game. I can't remember past excursions, whether they were allowed to or not. Unless they're lying and all they did was talk game. 

It sounds like it was a Dallas Cowboys pre-season practice or training camp they attended.

Edited by Callaphera

Poignant moment between Frankie and Zach in the kitchen about 15 minutes ago. Frankie asked "How are we?" Zach said "Good! We're good! How about you?" And Frankie just said "Hmmm..." in a tone that implied "It'll never again be like it was." I'm afraid that's true. Zach's behavior sort of caused that.

Back to the BotB competition-I'm pretty sure none of the other HGs ever mentioned anything about the possibility of it being rigged. Even super paranoid Derrick paid Frankie a lot of compliments for how he pulled out the win single handedly.

Edited by TimWil
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Thank you, Andrea! 


When Caleb was wandering the house alone a few days ago while the others competed for HoH, and said he wants ALL OF US to be his Facebook friends, I said out loud, "You bet your ass I'll be your Facebook friend, Caleb.  I don't want to be cut off from you when the show is over."  Has it already been discussed here and I missed it, when Caleb said something about meeting Ariana and blowing her mind by just, you know, showing her who he is, and Frankie tried to tell Caleb to slow his roll because Ariana is stunningly gorgeous?  Because that exchange gave me so much life.  Caleb said don't worry, he has PLENTY of super hot looking female friends back home, he's used to that, but now, when (not if! when!) Ariana starts singing to him?  Well, then he just might fall in love.  Then he said he might bust out a lick of vocals himself, and she'll be all, "Um, will you please come sing with me on my next album?"


I think if anyone should still be leery it should be Zach of Frankie more than the other way around.  But I suspect if Frankie tries to act like Zach is still on probation, then Zach will try that much harder to please him and prove his loyalty is back to full strength.  Could be a ploy on Frankie's part, he knows Zach is totally in love with him and will use every bit of that to get his way.  For the first time, I might actually feel a little bit sorry for Zach.  This feeling is strange.

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I take it back when I said Frankie probably makes good money based off of his Youtube "celebrity." I was basing that off his claim that he has 1.5 million followers. I took that to mean he has 1.5 million subscribers, but I checked today and he has 260,940. I guess he is combining all his different social media accounts to come up with that number? Which is ridiculous since that does not equate with him having 1.5 million unique followers, since the same people could follow him on multiple accounts. If you think he is narcissistic in the house you should check out his channel. It's pretty awful.

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Frankie and Zach just had a good conversation. It was somewhat telling that Zach said "I forgive you" to Frankie but Frankie didn't say the same back. Hmmm...They seem to be on the same page, though-both want Veronique or Nicole out over Donnie. Neither think Donnie is after them, which is correct.

Just before they had the conversation in the Flame Room Frankie started to sing something from Evita on his way there before the screen went to Fish-the lyric "Why commit political suicide.." from "Dice Are Rolling/A New Argentina." Yes, I know my Evita. I bet Frankie has fantasized his sister playing the title role-and probably himself from time to time.

Edited by TimWil
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What is Frankie referring to when he says that Nicole said "horrible" things about his sister?  I don't believe it, just wondering what he's twisting.



Did Nicole say anything about Ariana? Or is Frankie just making things up to get people against Nicole?

Frankie told Christine he had Victoria in his pocket because of his sister and either she told Nicole or he also told Nicole. Nicole repeated it and now she's a vicious monster for using his sister against him.

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Frankie told Christine he had Victoria in his pocket because of his sister and either she told Nicole or he also told Nicole. Nicole repeated it and now she's a vicious monster for using his sister against him.

Ha!  So her vicious libel of his sister was actually Nicole quoting him directly?  That's more ridiculous than I could've hoped for!


ETA: Hearing Christine talking about Frankie is the first time I've thoroughly enjoyed her!

Edited by forgetmenow
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