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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I'm not sure if Caleb is fickle, or if in his middle-school boy brain he thinks he's making Amber jealous.  It goes without saying that he believes Amber left the house, talked to Julie for a few minutes, went straight home, and instead of spending time with her family and friends, she has been nonstop on the feeds watching and listening to everything Caleb does.  He's just letting her know that she needs to step it up, know her place, start acting right and be ready to apologize to him on finale night, because there is another woman out there waiting for Caleb's love if Amber doesn't prove she deserves it.

  • Love 10

I'm not sure if Caleb is fickle, or if in his middle-school boy brain he thinks he's making Amber jealous.  It goes without saying that he believes Amber left the house, talked to Julie for a few minutes, went straight home, and instead of spending time with her family and friends, she has been nonstop on the feeds watching and listening to everything Caleb does.  He's just letting her know that she needs to step it up, know her place, start acting right and be ready to apologize to him on finale night, because there is another woman out there waiting for Caleb's love if Amber doesn't prove she deserves it.


...and at the end of the day, it is what it is.

  • Love 11

I'm not sure if Caleb is fickle, or if in his middle-school boy brain he thinks he's making Amber jealous.  It goes without saying that he believes Amber left the house, talked to Julie for a few minutes, went straight home, and instead of spending time with her family and friends, she has been nonstop on the feeds watching and listening to everything Caleb does.  He's just letting her know that she needs to step it up, know her place, start acting right and be ready to apologize to him on finale night, because there is another woman out there waiting for Caleb's love if Amber doesn't prove she deserves it.


"She (Amber) doesn't appreciate what I did for her in this game."

"A banana is bruised and ugly on the outside, but inside, its white and perfect."

"She sees you guys differently.  She won't admit her love for me cause she's just shy, because of all the cameras and mics."

"She's getting a bit too big for her britches, in this house.  She needs to remember her place."


Oh Caleb.  Keep shining on, you crazy diamond.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 9


The problem is that production thinks the audience is stupid.


And season 8 would tell me production is absolutely right. Every time they asked who "America's Player" should get nominated/evicted "America" voted as production told them to. It wasn't just about falling for the "rocker dad" bullshit, they hated Jen and turned on Dick's allies as soon as Dick/BB did.

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I don't think that CBS thinks the audience is stupid. I think CBS knows that the vast majority of the audience sees what CBS shows them and that is it. I would guess that fewer then 10% of the people who watch the show, watch the feeds. CBS has even gone to great lengths to reduce what you can see on the feeds so to limit what the feed watchers see and hear. I suspect that very few people who watch the show read any threads regarding what is occurring on the live feed.


Most people are happy to watch the show the three hours it is on and follow that story line so they see what CBS shows them and that is it.


Last year I had to post on some friends posts about what was happening in the house at the beginning of the season because they had no clue what was being said.

Here's a link to a page on Reddit with a list of Caleb's "Achievements."  Hilarious! 


Actually, this is listed in that list "•Posed for Sports Illustrated, with nothing but a fireman's helmet covering his "junk"." 


This one is true.  I've seen this photo.  It's pretty steamy, actually.  I like looking at Caleb, I'm just not keen on him speaking.

It's not looking good for Zach right now but I don't think we'll know for sure if he's going until after the veto meeting. Derrick is going around right now listening to everyone's stories and processing. He has said to Cody/Hayden/Nicole they are voting Zach out but he has not said this Caleb or Victoria yet that I am aware of and he's spoken to them. He even told them that Zach is not targeting them.


Derrick knows he can't trust Donny and is seeing his game and TA is not clouding him. I think Derrick has decided that he needs Frankie for TA more because Frankie will not back down like Donny would to do a task. Derrick has caught numerous people lying to him and he is thinking about the numbers. It's just a matter of who he thinks he can trust the least and it's not looking good for Christine right now in that regard. Cody is so easily manipulated, he knows Christine lied and he still takes what she says about Zach as truth. Cody claims he's calling people out after the veto meeting (this is funny to me).


It's a long way to Thursday. If the nominations stay the same it's difficult at this point know what's going to happen by then.

This one is true. I've seen this photo. It's pretty steamy, actually. I like looking at Caleb, I'm just not keen on him speaking.

Caleb paid a local photographer to take his pic in Dallas, big difference between that and being in Sports Illustrated. Unless Caleb is trying to break into gay porn, I have no idea where he thinks taking a pic like that will lead to.

Edited by Morbs
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Last night Victoria said that Caleb said to her that being on slop for so long he is starting to look like someone from the Holocaust.  WTF is wrong with that guy?!

Yea Zach said something similar when he talked about the time he shaved his head and how it made him look like a concentration camp survivor.  Lack of a filter or sensitivity.

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Please tell me this comment is not referencing Amber's skin colour.


No, it was about people in general and him specifically in that the Chiquita sticker referenced his tattoos.


I think the original pickle-banana was more apt, though.  In that metaphor he was a self-loathing pickle inside a messed up banana peel.

  • Love 2


Is it common knowledge in the house that Victoria is Jewish?

Yes, she has mentioned several times about her Israeli roots, there was a religious discussion that Jocasta was part of that discussed the Jewish religion, and she has mentioned several times the difficulty she has with English due to her first language being Hebrew.


She also mentioned that she would have rather been tied to Cody rather than Caleb, because of Caleb's comments about the Holocaust were gross.  This latter was just pulled from Jokers, so not sure if he said anything else outside of the weight loss comment from above.

Edited by duskyliterati

I would like something interesting to happen also, it is incredibly boring.  I don't really have a favorite, tho I do like Donny, Nicole is ok, but man her voice almost busts my ear drums. 

Would love to see Frankie blindsided, he's the one I find hardest to watch, why can't he just be himself, or can he even remember who he is anymore, with all the fake over the top phoniness.  I hate his hair too, tho it's a matter of choice I guess, and why pink?  Good Lord, there was one overhead shot of him in last night's show, ugh, honestly it looked like he had a used napkin on his head, a feminine one at that, why would anyone think that's a good look?.  Sorry if I grossed anyone out with that comment. 

  • Love 4

Well, from what I can tell from last night, Derrick and Cody believe Donny is the puppet master and they don't believe Hayden and Nicole are being fully honest with them. Derrick and Cody were talking about waiting until after the veto meeting, when Nicole doesn't have any power, to talk to Zach and Frankie and I guess Christine to put everything on the table and hash it out. Sounded like despite all the stuff the other three have pulled, Derrick and Cody plan to go with them. Cody also threw in that Christine is his side person and if Nicole, Hayden and Donny want her out, that's a problem for him. I would kind of laugh if Christine spearheaded Cody's eviction sometime in the future. I think she has a crush on him and loves the attention but I also think she wants to win and wouldn't take Cody to the end because he's too well liked. I know some people might want to see Cody kick Christine out but I think the reverse would be entertaining since it would stun Cody since he's sure he has her completely charmed.


One thing Derrick and Cody were talking about in regards to Zach telling Christine and Frankie that Zach, Derrick, and Cody have a final 3 deal, was that they don't think Zach told them the name of the alliance and that made it less of a betrayal somehow. I didn't understand that. I guess that it's not a real deal unless there's an alliance name?


Also read that Frankie was talking to one of guys saying that he has a terrible temper and says really terrible, hurtful things when he's really mad. Says it takes a lot to get him that mad but when it happens he becomes a hateful person. I feel bad admitting that I want someone to take him there so I can see him lose control and tear into someone, especially after all the "I love you!" crap we have to hear.

  • Love 3

Victoria was complaining that Caleb was just in general a grump so she hated being tied to him, it wasn't just because of his concentration camp joke, which wasn't funny but doesn't bother me at all except it's not a very clever comparison. She thought it would have been better TV if she was tied together with Derrick or Cody because they could have some fun with it, but Caleb just complained the whole time and didn't want to move. Caleb really is complaining about the slop nonstop.

The 1,001 alliances this season are getting so annoying. I doubt anyone in the house can even get them straight at this point.

Edited by Morbs


Is it common knowledge in the house that Victoria is Jewish?

Zach is also Jewish, not as Orthodox as Victoria, though I don't see how Orthodox she can be in the house. Apparently, he also made a Holocaust comment.


I think Victoria would LOVE being tied to Derrick. She seems to really like him. A LOT. I hate when she whispers as she's impossible to hear. I have to jack up the volume on the TV so high that when the Sorrentino's commercials come on it scares the hell outta me. 

  • Love 5

Caleb paid a local photographer to take his pic in Dallas, big difference between that and being in Sports Illustrated. Unless Caleb is trying to break into gay porn, I have no idea where he thinks taking a pic like that will lead to.

Oh I see!  I've seen the picture but I didn't know that he paid to do it rather than SI.


Thanks for the info. :)

I think Victoria would LOVE being tied to Derrick. She seems to really like him. A LOT. I hate when she whispers as she's impossible to hear. I have to jack up the volume on the TV so high that when the Sorrentino's commercials come on it scares the hell outta me.



I think Victoria may be playing for second place and sees Derrick as her best shot to at least get the $50,000.00.  I think she does like him too, but I can't make up my mind if she likes him like a brother or like likes him, although obviously she knows he's married anyway.  I lean toward the former.


That happens to me too with the commercials.  In Canada BBAD airs at 4:00 a.m.  Good thing I don't watch it then or I'd be scaring the hell out of the neighbours as well.

Edited by Newbietunes
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I swear, these people spend more time naming alliances than they do playing the game.  Because of the 597 alliances, I can't keep straight who wants who out, who trusts who, or who is telling the truth/lying to who (or is that whom?).  I mean I get totally lost when I read stuff like "Cody told Hayden and Nichole that Frankie told Christine that he (Cody) wanted to put Zach up, but told Zach that Christine told Donnie that Frankie was his next target."  (This wasn't actually said, but every conversation has someone saying something equally confusing.)

  • Love 5

Zach is also Jewish, not as Orthodox as Victoria, though I don't see how Orthodox she can be in the house. Apparently, he also made a Holocaust comment.


One aspect of Jocasta's memorial service I found somewhat amusing was when she was leading the HGs in a recitation of the Lord's Prayer (which, for those unfamiliar, is strictly New Testament). The camera was panning up the LR couch on camera right and showing several HGs with eyes closed and heads bent - until it got to Zach who is eyes open, head up, and darting looks at everybody around him. Kinda reminded me of a meerkat.

I think Victoria would LOVE being tied to Derrick. She seems to really like him. A LOT.

I think Victoria may be playing for second place and sees Derrick as her best shot to at least get the $50,000.00.  I think she does like him too, but I can't make up my mind if she likes him like a brother or like likes him, although obviously she knows he's married anyway.  I lean toward the former.

In a game sense, I think Vic sticks to Derrick because (a) he obviously knows what's going on in the game better than she does, and (b) he's one of the only people in the House who doesn't treat her like an idiot - not to her face, anyway.

In a personal sense? I think it gets a bit more complex. I believe when Vic first came into the game, she immediately singled out Derrick as the only married man, and therefore the least likely to want to get hung up in any sexual/relational shenanigans. I get the impression, though that Vic began to genuinely like Derrick as a person, and her feelings for him have evolved. IMO her most telling comment was the first night the HGs got alcohol, and both Nichole and Vic got pretty buzzed. Vic and Derrick were talking alone in the KT (most everybody else was in the BY). At one point there was a lull in their conversation, into which Vic suddenly interjected the line, "I hate being single."

I think Vic strongly wants to settle down into a relationship with someone - and among the men in the House, Derrick (as a husband of several years' standing and a father to boot) represents an ideal of sorts. At the very least, he's the only male in the House who has actively demonstrated he's NOT a commitmentphobe. I think Vic would be personally horrified at the notion of being a homewrecker; at the same time, though, I do believe she's crushing on Derrick to an extent, and I think she likes to internally play a little game of "wouldn't it be nice if..." within the context of the House.

  • Love 4

I believe Vic is a flirt in real life.  She flirts heavily with Derrick and knows what she is doing.  Frankie has said that she is VERY aggressive in bed and gave him an erection. 


I feel Derrick's behavior with her is not proper for a married man.  In short, in my opinion Vic plays with men big time.  Remember that she said she wasn't supposed to sleep in the same room with men.  All talk from this Jewish Princess. 


I would be ashamed if my daughter was so shallow that she couldn't pass a mirror without checking herself out.  God forbid if anything happens in her life that would mar her looks.

I get the sense personally the Victoria thinks of Derrick as family. I have never thought she wanted to fuck him. Now, Derrick, IMO, is attracted to Victoria and has made several comments that support this to me. He's so gross, IMO, and I really wish Victoria didn't feel so close to him. But at the same time, I get it, since he really is the only person who protects her in the game. I mean he just does it because he knows she's easily manipulated/easy to beat, but still. I think Victoria craves companionship and Derrick gives it to her, so even though I hate it, I see why she goes to him. However, she absolutely does not 'follow him around' or 'sit in his lap' so these HGs can fuck right off with that.


They can also STFU about how terrible she is at comps since she's won more comps than anyone but Frankie/Donny, I believe, and made it further than Britney/Jocasta in the BOB she lost and further than anyone but Caleb in the veto she won. 


ETA: Victoria is VERY insecure. Some people think that's a reason to hate someone, but I've never understood that. Now, Nicole and Cristine are also very insecure and I hate them, but it's because they let their insecurity causes them to be catty, jealous bitches.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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This is my favorite: Caleb looks at the kitchen and complains it is disgustingly dirty.

Does NOTHING to clean it.

Jocasta has said that she's not going to do dishes anymore. Good for her! Devin, although crazy and controlling, did clean. Frankie also does some dishes. The others are just entitled brats and do nothing!

  • Love 5

Peach you don't watch the live feeds do you?  Vic has laid on Derrick's back when he was lying on a bed.  He has patted her leg up near her butt when she was laying on a bed.  If this is her thinking of him like family  I hope they don't have any family reunions.  And yes she does follow him around and seek him out.  She may be VERY insecure but she knows what she is doing.

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Just figured out that Zach leaves if Derdick wants him to leave, plain and simple. D, including his own, controls 4 votes (Vic, Cody and Caleb) without lifting a finger. Should be easy enough to get Frankie on board and that's 5 out of 8. If he wants Jocasta to stay, then Donny is the fifth.

Derdick is playing a masterful game. Too bad Donny and Nicole didn't put up Der, Cody, Frankie and Zach and force a showdown between those 2 factions. It would be a different game right now instead of the same old crap.

They were afraid of being targeted ? The game is halfway over--everyone is a target!

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".......made him look like a concentration camp survivor.  Lack of a filter or sensitivity.

 With these prime specimens, I chalk it up to simple-minded ignorance.  I wouldn't expect either a filter or sensitivity from most of them. When people like these (and Aaryn)  are raised in a self-righteous, entitled cocoon, and rarely required to take any responsibility for thoughts, words or actions, and trained to parrot the crap spouted by the "adults" around you, this is the kind of bilge they pour out. All these people have to do to "make it" in their worlds is be just like everyone else, and that is no stretch at all. Look at all the news articles about parents "rushing to the rescue of their poor abused kiddies" whenever someone tries to hold them accountable. This, a house full of brain-dead hamsters, is the result.

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Peach you don't watch the live feeds do you?  Vic has laid on Derrick's back when he was lying on a bed.  He has patted her leg up near her butt when she was laying on a bed.  If this is her thinking of him like family  I hope they don't have any family reunions.  And yes she does follow him around and seek him out.  She may be VERY insecure but she knows what she is doing.

his wife...is going to kill him.  Looks wise, his wife looks like a good match for Derrick, so if I was his wife, and I saw my husband on national TV petting some other young, attractive girls butt while they were laying in bed, it would be on like Donkey Kong when he got back.  I mean, if I were married to Cody, I might not have as big a problem because Christine isn't particularly striking, so I would think that Cody was just playing her.

This is my favorite: Caleb looks at the kitchen and complains it is disgustingly dirty.

Does NOTHING to clean it.

Jocasta has said that she's not going to do dishes anymore. Good for her! Devin, although crazy and controlling, did clean. Frankie also does some dishes. The others are just entitled brats and do nothing!

I think that would annoy the ever loving snot out of me.  And I suspect someone like Zach is a prime suspect for just leaving dirty dishes out.  Jocasta better do something so people want to keep her in the game.  And since she keeps getting sick, she has an extra incentive to keep that kitchen clean, and the ants at bay. I mean, I totally understand if someone cooks for the entire house, that that person should not have to do the dishes as well, but if you're cooking for yourself, and eating your own food than how does it seem reasonable to just expect someone else to clean up your mess.

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Jocasta better do something so people want to keep her in the game.  And since she keeps getting sick, she has an extra incentive to keep that kitchen clean, and the ants at bay

Didn't work for Amber or Brittany.  And Amber was called a maid and made fun of for cleaning and doing laundry for them.  So, I don't blame Jocasta one bit.  The only reason I would do it is, is I just can't live in filth and squalor.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 3

I still don't understand why he wants Zach gone though. If he's afraid of Christine and Frankie floundering wouldn't he want to keep someone he as sure knows will vote for him. I guess we will see what happens when everyone wakes up tonight. Lol. He is all about the numbers. Unless he was just yesing Cody to death and is really wants him to stay and will convince him as he usually does.

There is clearly a battle between Christine and Derrick for Cody. It will be interesting to see who he actually stays loyal too.

Cody literally changes his mind every 5 mins when he gets new information. I'm sure Derrick sees this and just kinda goes along with it until he steers him back.

Edited by SiobhanJW

Peach you don't watch the live feeds do you?  Vic has laid on Derrick's back when he was lying on a bed.  He has patted her leg up near her butt when she was laying on a bed.  If this is her thinking of him like family  I hope they don't have any family reunions.  And yes she does follow him around and seek him out.  She may be VERY insecure but she knows what she is doing.


Oh, I watch the feeds. Like I watch the feeds pretty much all day, every day actually. (I haven't the past few days though because this season is the actual worst.) And I can safely say I have never seen Victoria follow Derrick around. And I have never seen her flirt with the guys or use her sexuality. (But I wouldn't give one fuck if she did.)


I have never stopped watching the feeds obsessively this early before. Man, I really hope this DE changes the game up.


The finale was pushed back, so this will now be the longest season ever. Why are they forcing us to watch this boring shit for longer?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The finale was pushed back, so this will now be the longest season ever. Why are they forcing us to watch this boring shit for longer?!

I'm going to put on my tin foil hat and say maybe it got pushed back to leave time to bring someone back who is getting eliminated this week and who is "good for TV"? Just a thought.

Didn't work for Amber or Brittany.  And Amber was called a maid and made fun of for cleaning and doing laundry for them.  So, I don't blame Jocasta one bit.  The only reason I would do it is, is I just can't live in filth and squalor.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

They made fun of her?  Ugh.  But I don't know, both of those women were seen as either physical or mental threats.  I can't live with bugs, so I would probably break down and clean.  I can live with messy (clothes on the floor ,shoes not in the closet) but I can't handle bugs.  Maybe if you're just a floater and you clean you get another week in the house just because everyone is too lazy.

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Cody literally changes his mind every 5 mins when he gets new information.

He doesn't even need new info. He just can't seem to disagree with anyone. And he's just as big an attention whore as Frankie or Zach, he's just quieter about it. If someone isn't petting him he moves on to someone who will. It's like the kid has a pathological need to cuddle. 

  • Love 2
The finale was pushed back, so this will now be the longest season ever. Why are they forcing us to watch this boring shit for longer?!



I know there's a lot of speculation that because Zach's probably going this week, that they extended the finale to one week so Zach has the chance to come back into the house. Honestly, I could believe that. Many people I'm sure aren't happy with the rigging, but it's better than rigging it for Jordan/Rachel, Jeff and Frank. Ok, probably not that much better, but I personally like Zach and it would actually create some much needed drama with Zach being in knowledge of his alliance's betrayal and there's the slim chance he'd just come back to join Donny/Jocasta/Victoria/maybe Frankie as he's being blindsided too to get out Derrick/Cody/Christine/Nicole/Hayden. 


And I'm gonna guess it's gonna be 'America's' Vote, but not for Team America to decide. 

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I'm going to put on my tin foil hat and say maybe it got pushed back to leave time to bring someone back who is getting eliminated this week and who is "good for TV"? Just a thought.


You're probably right. I'm gonna guess they'll start jury now and then bring someone back. The only reason I think this won't happen is because they just did the exact same thing last season.


But maybe, as brought up, they'll have America vote in the jury member to make it different from last season.

But maybe, as jessied112 brought up, they'll have America vote in the jury member to make it different from last season.



This does make it more unfair than last season because at least last season, the four jurors had their own equal chances to come back. This time, it's almost guaranteed Zach will be re-entering the house. Unless he's up against Donny for some reason, then it might be tougher to determine. Again, though, not that I mind because I'll admit I have a major bias toward Zach so I do want him to come back into the house.


The finale was pushed back, so this will now be the longest season ever. Why are they forcing us to watch this boring shit for longer?!

I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Big Bang Theory is getting behind schedule because of contract negotiations. Supposedly the first table reading, scheduled for last week, didn't happen, postponed.  Of course that's only one of three programs, but it's probably the one that pulls the biggest ratings.

This time, it's almost guaranteed Zach will be re-entering the house. Unless he's up against Donny for some reason, then it might be tougher to determine.


I think there's probably a pretty solid chance Donny will go in DE and an even better chance he'll be one of the first 4 in jury. Also, I think he would pretty much be guaranteed to be voted back it over anyone really.


So maybe, if they actually do bring back a jury member again, it is to protect Donny since Production recognizes he's probably going soon.


@Skycatcher, that's actually a good point abut TBBT being behind schedule and maybe that causing them to need stuff to fill the schedule for a bit longer.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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