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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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A recurring theme in Big Brother is the players believing that they will be far more famous than they actually will be once the show ends. The winners of the show are rarely famous. Just a few specific winners (Dr. Will, Rachel, Dan, Boogie, Evil Dick) a few former non-winners (Jeff, Janelle, Marcellas) and even there, we're talking a very narrow definition of "famous."

Famous = Die-hard fans of the show remembering them for more than one or two seasons after their appearance? :)

  • Love 8

I watch BBAD every so often, and this season I've noticed how more or less 'nice' everyone is to each other. They all seem to be a pretty easy going, polite bunch. I know they talk behind each other's back, but even then it's not that bad – especially compared to last season's trash heap. The toss around the so-and-so isn't playing the game, so-and-so doesn't deserve to win, or "I don't think Amber is all that pretty", but none of the God awful swill of last season. They still aren't completely likable (except for Donny IMO), but they aren't so disgusting that you can't even concentrate on the game, which was how I felt last year. I hope they keep this up, because I would much rather see people using their brains to manipulate the situation than sit and watch someone bully their way through the game. That's my opinion so far anyway. 

  • Love 8

I watch BBAD every so often, and this season I've noticed how more or less 'nice' everyone is to each other. They all seem to be a pretty easy going, polite bunch. I know they talk behind each other's back, but even then it's not that bad – especially compared to last season's trash heap. The toss around the so-and-so isn't playing the game, so-and-so doesn't deserve to win, or "I don't think Amber is all that pretty", but none of the God awful swill of last season. They still aren't completely likable (except for Donny IMO), but they aren't so disgusting that you can't even concentrate on the game, which was how I felt last year. I hope they keep this up, because I would much rather see people using their brains to manipulate the situation than sit and watch someone bully their way through the game. That's my opinion so far anyway. 


I would be interested to hear how the "Amber's not so pretty" stuff comes out, because I was telling my sister the exact same thing.  I don't think Amber is all that pretty.  I think she has some things that make people automatically think "drop dead gorgeous" - like the fact that she is light skinned, she has long hair, she is skinny and has green eyes - but I think if you look at her face, something is off there.  And I think its when you see her close up.  Its like in that movie Clueless when Cher calls someone a Monet or something, like they look really good from far away but when you get close you see that its not all that great.  


Anyways, I didn't point this out to my sister in a "I don't know who that girl thinks she is, she isn't even pretty!?!!" way, it was more like "you know whats strange, now that I look at Amber, I don't think she is really all that pretty!  Isn't that odd!?"

  • Love 1

I just said that because people keep talking about the girls trash talking her and obviously being jealous, but I don't know what they actually say. I think she's probably one of those people who is naturally gorgeous in real life, but on screen it's not as obvious. You know how you see someone who just has perfect skin, naturally long dark lashes and rosy lips, hair that has natural highlights, that sort of thing? I've seen people like that in real life, and you can't help but envy it at least a little.

Of course I could be way off and they're saying awful stuff that I'm missing, but still, they seem to at least be making the effort to be respectful to each other. Devin wasn't that great at showing respect, but I don't think the way he acted was intentional. It struck me more as some type of personality disorder. Same with Caleb and how he acts sometimes. Still, even at their worst, I would much rather be stuck in the house with any of them as opposed to the majority of the players from last season.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, despite the occasional tiffs and pettiness, they seem to be getting along rather well for a bunch of strangers and stuck in a house together. The last time I tuned in, everyone was together chatting and making dinner. No one seemed secluded or left out, no one was fighting. I just like being able to enjoy watching the show without feeling terrible afterwards.

Edited by TexasChic
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I watch BBAD every so often, and this season I've noticed how more or less 'nice' everyone is to each other. They all seem to be a pretty easy going, polite bunch. I know they talk behind each other's back, but even then it's not that bad – especially compared to last season's trash heap. The toss around the so-and-so isn't playing the game, so-and-so doesn't deserve to win, or "I don't think Amber is all that pretty", but none of the God awful swill of last season. They still aren't completely likable (except for Donny IMO), but they aren't so disgusting that you can't even concentrate on the game, which was how I felt last year.

Yeah, I don't expect to see Christine and Nichole throwing an anal bleaching party any time soon.

From Joker:

Tue 1:29 PM BBT Brittany to Christine: I feel like a lot of people don't understand my game, and honestly, I don't really understand it either NT - Kayla08

Am I wrong in thinking this may one of the truest statements uttered in BB history?

  • Love 6

I agree that the bashing isn't as bad as most other seasons, especially if Evil Dick is set as the bar, but I'm still uncomfortable hearing people say they hate Amber, or anyone for that matter, because no one in the house has done anything extreme enough to be actually hated.  I've heard Nicole, Christine, Zach, Frankie and Victoria all use that word about Amber, and I really don't get it.  I remember once, really early on, Nicole said she hates the way Amber "lingers", as she herself was laying around in the HOH room while she was not HOH, long before and after Amber was in the room.  And why would Victoria hate Amber?  If they've had altercations, I've missed them completely.  I've also heard Zach, and possibly Derrick, say they hate Victoria, and I think their only reasons are because she is not very smart, and doesn't do much.  It's one thing to find her annoying, but again...hate?  Every time anyone in the house says that word I flinch a little, because I know how much it would hurt me to find out someone hated me, especially if their reason was because they just don't enjoy my company.  And I guess that's the big thing, really...in real life we probably would never find out, but I know that these people will all eventually see this footage and hear people say these things, and no matter what, it will hurt.


I felt that things got a little over the top with Devin, too.  Victoria constantly calling him evil and saying she hated him.  Yes, he was a bad player and acted like a big shithead, but evil seemed a little too harsh.  By the time he was evicted and everyone in the house was cheering and someone said they hoped he got booed, I was really hoping he didn't get booed, because at least he accepted that he was being evicted, admitted he knew why, and calmed his offensive behavior long before he left.  As much as I couldn't stand him at his worst, I felt bad for him in the end, but that is one of many, MANY reasons I could never play this game.  When Amber had to defend herself for sympathizing with Brittany over the really tough punishment she had to endure, I was surprised. If you aren't on the side of the assholes then you don't deserve to be treated like a human being.  It's like "how dare Amber be kind to Brittany while she's going through a hard time?  Doesn't she understand we want to evict her?  Amber is obviously a liar who can't be trusted.  We HATE HER!"

  • Love 5

Yea I don't understand the use of the word Hate either.  Twice now Hayden has said he wanted to throw Amber over the balcony.  Victoria has said she wanted to punch her in the face.


ETA: One reason they say is because she lies -- hello, I think everyone in that house (with the possible exception of Donny and Jocasta) have lied.

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 1

I didn't know they were going around saying they hate Amber. The times I've watched they said she was terrible at the game and things of that nature. You're right that is tacky and mean spirited, but while that does bother me, I have trouble believing they actually hate her. It sounds as if they're being childish and over dramatic. I can't stand that kind of behavior, but as long as it doesn't turn into openly taunting her and making nasty comments about her family (as was done last season), I can tolerate it. I hate gossiping and talking behind a person's back, it's one of my top pet peeves and I refuse to participate in it in real life situations. But I see it as kind of inevitable (with some people) in this type of game unfortunately. I admire the players that don't stoop to that type thing. 

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 1

From Joker:

Tue 1:29 PM BBT Brittany to Christine: I feel like a lot of people don't understand my game, and honestly, I don't really understand it either NT - Kayla08

Am I wrong in thinking this may one of the truest statements uttered in BB history?

Not at all.  Out of the dozens of past players this applies to, I give her credit for honestly admitting it.


I think the "hate" that pops up so easily is a product of being isolated. Something happens to their minds that makes that house seem like their whole world, so someone they dislike becomes the worst person "in the world" to them. In real life, we don't often feel hatred for people we dont like because we have actual rapists and warlords, and so forth, for comparison.

Then there's vilification as a tactic to ruin someone's game, of course, but that's just simple deception. The hatred is intentionally exaggerated. Although, this can easily turn into the warped hatred caused by isolation.

I agree, it's nice that the cast this season seems to have enough strength of character to not become consumed by hatred the way those numbskulls did last season.

Edited by Liqidclark
  • Love 5
I love Derrick getting mad at Christine and Nicole for trying to get on Victoria's good side. That is Derrick to a tee. "How DARE Christine try to play the player that I am trying to play?"​

This is one of my biggest pet peeves on reality shows.  Contestants often get so mad at other contestants who are also trying to play the game.  I don't understand it, and it's maddening!


I think if you look at [Amber's] face, something is off there.


I think it's the dead eyes, the blank 1000-yard stare.

  • Love 1

If I were in that house, I would have the 1000 yard stare, too.  Victoria has it a lot, also.  So much dead time between POV and Eviction, and this particular group seems to talk game 98% of the time, which would KILL ME TO DEATH.  Maybe I'm mistaken, but in past seasons it seemed like even if people didn't get along as well, they managed to talk more about things outside of the house and game.  And make up ways to entertain themselves.  This group does so much sitting around whispering about what they should each do when they win the next HOH, and other speculatory, fantasy crap that has no actual value whatsoever.  When anyone claims they are "really close" with someone else, I wonder how that's possible because all they talk about is game game game game game forever.  I think they aired the Zac Efron conversation mostly because there wasn't much else to choose from in the way of "fun" segments not related to competitions.  It was probably between that and one of the many "jack shack / wet dream" convos that have occurred.

  • Love 3

I don't have much of a problem with them saying they 'hate' someone. I mean I admittedly say I hate these people on a daily basis so I can't really judge them! Now talking about killing or raping people (Dick's fave things), that's another story. And even just seemingly being consumed by 'hating' someone for like no real reason is a bit much. Hayden, Christine, and Nicole are big perpetrators of that. Well, and Zach with Victoria, but I just don't take Zach seriously.

  • Love 1

I would be interested to hear how the "Amber's not so pretty" stuff comes out, because I was telling my sister the exact same thing.  I don't think Amber is all that pretty.  I think she has some things that make people automatically think "drop dead gorgeous" - like the fact that she is light skinned, she has long hair, she is skinny and has green eyes - but I think if you look at her face, something is off there.  And I think its when you see her close up.  Its like in that movie Clueless when Cher calls someone a Monet or something, like they look really good from far away but when you get close you see that its not all that great.  


Anyways, I didn't point this out to my sister in a "I don't know who that girl thinks she is, she isn't even pretty!?!!" way, it was more like "you know whats strange, now that I look at Amber, I don't think she is really all that pretty!  Isn't that odd!?"


I think she's gorgeous but less conventionally pretty and more the type of unusually "striking" looking women that become successful models.  Aaryn was cute-pretty and fairly ordinary, which is why she'll never be seen in a high fashion ad.


As for all the hate, I think it's what happens when you can't get away from people you find irritating.  Even in an office, when you know you can go home at the end of the day, it's hard not to get stabby about dirty dishes in the breakroom, people borrowing your stuff without asking and talking about you behind your back.  Also, some of these people were cast to antagonize each other and it's in the best interest of production and other houseguests' interests to help them clash.  I am pretty easygoing, but I think there's a good chance that if I was in that house, I'd be escorted directly to prison after the first few days.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 7


Amber's putting him and Nichole on the block on Week 2 might have something to do with it....

Yep that's why, but he goes overboard with the fantasies about mutilating her body etc.


Victoria hates Amber because Christine told her that Amber constantly talks badly about her behind her back (which isn't true). Before that she and Amber were close.


They're getting alcohol tonight! I don't wanna get my hopes up because odds are theses idiots won't even be entertaining when drunk, but it might be a fun night. They need to give them more than like 6 beers though. Come on, Production, give us a show!

Edited by peachmangosteen


Are we sure that Hayden is really serious about the mutilating Amber's body stuff?

No one thinks he's going to do that. But it is disturbing that he vocalizes these fantasies out loud. So she put him on the block, that's the game. He needs to get over it and stop being gross. It's not like he can't put her on the block if he wins HOH, he should be fantasizing about that instead.

  • Love 5

I think the "hate"-throwing is the flip side of the "love" ubiquity. I want to punch someone in the face (you can hold me to that one) every time I hear a HG (or person in general) toss out statements like "that is the BEST dinner EVER!", "he is just the WORST!" - "funniest, best, worst, most favorite everrrr!!!!" Puke. I suspect it's a result of the public narcissism that facebook and its ilk have provided; younger generations (speaking as a ripe old Gen X-er) must assume that everything they see/hear/do/experience is superlative. Because apparently no one will pay attention to them if it isn't. All the ridiculously excessive hyperbole has made words like "love" and "hate" as weak as dishwater. The constant "loooooove you!"s thrown around in the house - with people who have known each other for a matter of weeks - puzzles and disturbs me. Yes, it's 24-7 time, but I have over 40 years on this earth and can LITERALLY (ooh, don't get me started on that one!) count on one hand the number of people I truly, wholly, love. I wonder how people like that express themselves when they really do feel something deeply. Or perhaps more likely, they're not introspective or thoughtful enough to experience that.


And oh yes: Get off my damn lawn, hell in a handbasket, tiddlywinks, great googly moogly.

  • Love 10

I'm one of the few who likes Brittany, or can stand her... but goodness, it is so hard and embarrassing to watch her think she has guaranteed votes that are actually guaranteed going the opposite way.


If its anything better than a 8-2 vote count on Thursday, in favor of Donny, I will be absolutely shocked.  Her only chance was Derrick flipping the house on Donny, to help his own game, but its not going to happen, so she's toast.



I know it won't happen, but is the chance of her getting some weird special thing, where she is given immunity (I think I've seen it called 'Coup D'etat'?) gone now, or could it still happen?

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I think the "hate"-throwing is the flip side of the "love" ubiquity. I want to punch someone in the face (you can hold me to that one) every time I hear a HG (or person in general) toss out statements like "that is the BEST dinner EVER!", "he is just the WORST!" - "funniest, best, worst, most favorite everrrr!!!!" Puke. I suspect it's a result of the public narcissism that facebook and its ilk have provided; younger generations (speaking as a ripe old Gen X-er) must assume that everything they see/hear/do/experience is superlative. Because apparently no one will pay attention to them if it isn't. All the ridiculously excessive hyperbole has made words like "love" and "hate" as weak as dishwater. The constant "loooooove you!"s thrown around in the house - with people who have known each other for a matter of weeks - puzzles and disturbs me. Yes, it's 24-7 time, but I have over 40 years on this earth and can LITERALLY (ooh, don't get me started on that one!) count on one hand the number of people I truly, wholly, love. I wonder how people like that express themselves when they really do feel something deeply. Or perhaps more likely, they're not introspective or thoughtful enough to experience that.


And oh yes: Get off my damn lawn, hell in a handbasket, tiddlywinks, great googly moogly.

All of this. Every. last. word.

I hate the "I love you" trend. 

BB specific: It would really piss me off to be forced into those terrible hugs everyone always has to give. Ugh. Why would I hug you after you nominated me? Talked shit to me? And not even for anger/bitterness reasons, but I just don't like a lot of my personal space invaded, especially not for fake stuff. And the forced excitement at seeing the HOH room, i.e. seeing a photo and a snack basket. Again, suppose I'm not feeling pissy, but just don't feel like it? Then the offending houseguest would be demonized, I'm sure. 


Goodness gracious, these folks nowadays!

  • Love 2

So, I'm some minutes behind watching the Zach/Brittany conversation, but god bless him, he's trying to convince her to hold a house meeting tonight to sway votes.  Apparently they are getting alcohol tonight and he's saying that will bring about the truth of where folks votes are.  This week has been so boring since the veto, but if he gets her to do this, it will be wonderful!

Edited by pennben

And naturally all the guys are now freaking out about the potential house meeting.  Oh Zach.  I  honestly think he's as bored as all of us.  I gotta admit he's entertaining, but I really don't expect him to last long-term with these antics.


I like Brittany most of the time, at least compared to most of the others.   I think she got a raw deal with this group, but there usually is a person outside the circle looking in, and this season it just happened to be her.  She's a Mom, and most everyone else is very immature.  Not her fault, but that's the hand she was dealt.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 1

Zach is so great. He's the only hope we have left for entertainment. Him and Donny deserve a better cast this this.

I so wish BB would replace douchenozzle Jeff Schroeder with Donny after this season. I have to think he's at least as if not more like-able (even to non-feed watchers), he seems legitimately kind, and he can be surprisingly quick on his feet with the hokey and apt commentary. Plus, his sussing out of the real dealings in the house show that he's one of the brighter crayons in the box. Sorry, Caleb.

  • Love 5

I like Zach a lot too and I'm surprised that the cast isn't savvy enough to realize he is a fan favorite and probably giving good DR. They seem to think that people will have a backlash against him for his comments about women. I thought it was so funny when he was by far in the lead with the fitbit, since he is always jumping around and dancing.

Caleb, on the other hand has been off the charts annoying today and I don't know how Cody put up with another monologue about 4% body fat. Zach had theorized that Caleb must realize everyone in the house hates him because he spends so much time alone lately, but Caleb has been non-stop talking about how wonderful he is all day long I think he remains pretty clueless to what everyone thinks of him.


I like Zach a lot too and I'm surprised that the cast isn't savvy enough to realize he is a fan favorite and probably giving good DR. They seem to think that people will have a backlash against him for his comments about women. I thought it was so funny when he was by far in the lead with the fitbit, since he is always jumping around and dancing.

Love him. I totally think they are going to make the bottom 4 be Have Nots. I wonder if they will give a prize to the first place person. Maybe make them the first HOH, and then the rest battle it out. I think they would all crap their pants when they find out it's Zach because they all say he sleeps all day. Haha

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 1

Poor Cody. He's asking people what it means to be "saved" (as in the Christian faith) because apparently, Jacosta prayed over him and said he's now saved and in the words of Cody, "But I'm confused."

Jacosta, you're treading in dangerous territory there girlfriend.

Edited to add: Caleb thinks Christmas is on December 24th.

Edited by slasherboy
  • Love 1

I swear I just heard Cody ask Zach if he wanted some pepperoni, and Zach said, "No dude, I'm straight".


So then that sound I heard, shortly afterward, was Frankie's heart shattering? 

I expect Amber to be thoroughly trashed tomorrow by Christine and Nicole, because she is absolutely stunning this evening, and all the guys are commenting on it.


Along with Brittany.  Was reading updates on Jokers, and the guys've all complimented her too.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

FYI, Caleb is planning to keep his body sculpted even after he signs a record deal.


Good.  I was really worrying about that.  Losing sleep, even.  And I say that in all sincerity.


I think the "hate"-throwing is the flip side of the "love" ubiquity. I want to punch someone in the face (you can hold me to that one) every time I hear a HG (or person in general) toss out statements like "that is the BEST dinner EVER!", "he is just the WORST!" - "funniest, best, worst, most favorite everrrr!!!!" Puke. I suspect it's a result of the public narcissism that facebook and its ilk have provided; younger generations (speaking as a ripe old Gen X-er) must assume that everything they see/hear/do/experience is superlative. Because apparently no one will pay attention to them if it isn't. All the ridiculously excessive hyperbole has made words like "love" and "hate" as weak as dishwater. The constant "loooooove you!"s thrown around in the house - with people who have known each other for a matter of weeks - puzzles and disturbs me. Yes, it's 24-7 time, but I have over 40 years on this earth and can LITERALLY (ooh, don't get me started on that one!) count on one hand the number of people I truly, wholly, love. I wonder how people like that express themselves when they really do feel something deeply. Or perhaps more likely, they're not introspective or thoughtful enough to experience that.


And oh yes: Get off my damn lawn, hell in a handbasket, tiddlywinks, great googly moogly.


I have a decade on you - and while I don't LOOOVVVVEEEE YOOOUUUU!!!!!, I'm very fond of you at this particular moment.


There's something ridiculously cute about Zach. He's like a hyper active, mischievous little boy.


Like I said a while back - without Loki, Valhalla would have been a deadly dull place.  :)

  • Love 6

I turn on the feeds to see several of the women dressed all fancy. Victoria looks like she has some kind of catsuit on. Was it a thing? Because it seems weird.

16 beers and 2 bottles of wine. BB knows these people are boring as hell, but until they're willing to up it to a bottle of tequila, these people will still be boring. At least until Thursday.

  • Love 1

Unfortunately I saw more life out of Brittany running to get her beer than  I have in her game playing.


At least she was genuinely excited. 




Edited to add: Caleb thinks Christmas is on December 24th.


Also, I can't be sure, but it was my impression that he thinks Mothers' Day and Thanksgiving are always on his siblings' birthdays.

Edited by vb68
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