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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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No matter who goes home next, I hope Caleb wins an HOH - keeps it after BOB - and BD's Cody.


Cody had a chance to save his individual game - while keeping his place in the alliances fairly solid - by putting Caleb up (& most likely out), but he wussed out and did as he was told to do in putting up Donny, like a good little soldier.  Donny would have been huge to have had a side alliance with, but he totally demolished and burned that bridge today.


Derrick (& Frankie) to Cody; "Dance, puppet; dance!"

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Its uncomfortable watching Derrick attach himself to Cody like a barnacle.  Like his continued "c*blocking" of Brittany with Cody.  What the hell can she do to/with Cody to make any difference?  POV comp & ceremony are over, and she has no way to save herself, other than votes - which Cody can't directly effect, unless there's a tie - so why the need to 'protect his bro'??


If I didn't know better, I'd think there's more than just a 'F2/bros' thing there, on Derr's side of it.

What do we really know about the whole "Team America" rules?  If Donny is voted out, doesn't that break up TA, and Frankie and Derrick can no longer rack up $$$ for accomplishing TA tasks?  Or does a new member get voted in?  I thought part of TA was to create a viewer built alliance, and the TA members had to dance to our* tune--as in be a real alliance and not vote each other out, or nominate each other, and campaign for each other if one of the TA is nominated.  Maybe there is our (Donny's) saving grace.  Watch for DR summons for Derrick and Frankie now, and see if they start subtly campaigning for Donny, that might give a clue.  That might put a spanner in Derrick's works, if he is summarily reminded of his duties as a member of TA is to protect TA.  Thought he and Frankie have been treating Donny as the idiot cousin member of TA...but you've still got to have your family's back, "idiot" or not.  Donny is NOT an idiot, but he certainly plays one on TV...


* I say "our" here, but I have never, and will never (unless I have a blood relative or a very close friend competing in reality TV), vote for anything related to a reality TV show.  Just...no.  Nothing against those who do, just a line in the sand I've drawn for myself.  That rationalizes my very shallow obsessions with shows such as BB, so I can remain a snob in other matters. 

Those rules make TA(FY) even more bogus.  There should be some incentive for them to stick together, so at least stop the $$$ when one is voted out.  I can understand replacing Joey before the thing ever got (barely) off the ground.


If you are pandering to the viewers like this, you should try to keep the people they voted for.  I would guess Donny scores pretty high right now.


I hope Cody lives to regret this chicken-s**t move.

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I for one am glad that TA continues if a member is voted out because I really want Donny to target Derrick/Frankie. But knowing this makes me even more sure Derrick will try to get Donny evicted this week.


The thing is, it really makes the most sense for Derrick to actually get Donny evicted. Donny is the only person who is a) not up his ass, and b) will do something about him being the ringleader. And since I think Derrick is smart and a good player (sadly for me since I hate him), I imagine he knows that.

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Derrick just dropped a truth bomb on Jacosta. Four people never been on the block - Derrick, Frankie, Christine, Cody. He said they never felt the heat. Donny is going to burn that house down.


I hope this make Jacosta and Donny work harder to get HOH so they can make at least 2 of these people feel the burn.  

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Derrick just dropped a truth bomb on Jacosta. Four people never been on the block - Derrick, Frankie, Christine, Cody. He said they never felt the heat. Donny is going to burn that house down.

As much as I live Zach I know he isn't going to win. I hope Donny does, I think he's the only person that knows what's going on. I hope Zach and Hayden work with him.

Edited by SiobhanJW

I for one am glad that TA continues if a member is voted out because I really want Donny to target Derrick/Frankie. But knowing this makes me even more sure Derrick will try to get Donny evicted this week.


The thing is, it really makes the most sense for Derrick to actually get Donny evicted. Donny is the only person who is a) not up his ass, and b) will do something about him being the ringleader. And since I think Derrick is smart and a good player (sadly for me since I hate him), I imagine he knows that.


Derrick knows Donny is a big threat to his personal game.  He's said it before.  He prides himself on reading people, but he can't read Donny.  And there's no way he hasn't heard it back that Donny thinks he's running things now, or in so many words.


So, yes, in Derrick's own best interests - outside of maybe TAFY - he actually needs to see Donny go; even before Brittany.


I have a ridiculously large soft spot for Donny, so I'd hate to see him go.  Yet, Derrick's best play is to get rid of him, although he may have planted a few too many seeds for Derrick to walk through this game unscathed.  I think Derrick is playing a fantastic game, but I'm not rooting for him in the short term, because I want havoc!

Edited by pennben
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Exactly.  That's what I was basing my speculation on.  I've heard him tell a few people that Donny will probably win favorite houseguest at the end. 


But he might be only saying that so that the other HG won't feel guilty about sending Donny home before Jury selection because they know he will be getting the FHG prize. 


Derrick really is playing a great game right now and everyone is helping him. The only problem he has is Donny and if he was smart, he would forget about getting Amber/women out and concentrate on getting Donny out ASAP.


Honestly, the only interesting thing left until Thursday is to see if Derrick actually does try to get out Donny and to see how much influence in the house he really has. He was just sitting alone in the couches with Caleb - who is the first person he should throw Donny under the bus to, since he knows Donny tried like heck to get Cody to put Caleb up - and it felt for a minute that he really wanted to say something, but the closest he got was saying that he didn't want to deal with Brittany, even though she should still campaign to stay, but "even if we voted to keep her, she'd still go". Caleb lazily agreed, and that ended that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm rooting hardcore for Donny to stay and win HOH, but after reading all of this talk of Derrick wanting Donny out, I'm interested in seeing if he actually makes the attempt. Ironically, his biggest obstacles will probably be the women. Because Brittany is a "mean girl" and must be booted immediately. I do think Brittany can be kind of a bitch, but I hate the term "mean girl" so very much, I immediately turn against anyone over the age of 16 who uses it.

ETA: this will make y'all happy (and me too, quite frankly). Derrick was trying to blow smoke up Vic's ass that no one knew who Cody was going to nominate, that he didn't tell anyone and she said she knew because someone told her. He asked her if it was Zach, she said no, he went into full on cop and kept asking who it was, and she said Nicole and Christine! He is not happy about it, and immediately told Cody, but they're playing cool for now. But yeah, Nicole and Christine might just feel the heat.

Edited by Katesus7
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Honestly, the only interesting thing left until Thursday is to see if Derrick actually does try to get out Donny and to see how much influence in the house he really has. He was just sitting alone in the couches with Caleb - who is the first person he should throw Donny under the bus to, since he knows Donny tried like heck to get Cody to put Caleb up - and it felt for a minute that he really wanted to say something, but the closest he got was saying that he didn't want to deal with Brittany, even though she should still campaign to stay, but "even if we voted to keep her, she'd still go". Caleb lazily agreed, and that ended that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm rooting hardcore for Donny to stay and win HOH, but after reading all of this talk of Derrick wanting Donny out, I'm interested in seeing if he actually makes the attempt. Ironically, his biggest obstacles will probably be the women. Because Brittany is a "mean girl" and must be booted immediately. I do think Brittany can be kind of a bitch, but I hate the term "mean girl" so very much, I immediately turn against anyone over the age of 16 who uses it.

ETA: this will make y'all happy (and me too, quite frankly). Derrick was trying to blow smoke up Vic's ass that no one knew who Cody was going to nominate, that he didn't tell anyone and she said she knew because someone told her. He asked her if it was Zach, she said no, he went into full on cop and kept asking who it was, and she said Nicole and Christine! He is not happy about it, and immediately told Cody, but they're playing cool for now. But yeah, Nicole and Christine might just feel the heat.


Similarly to that, I am so over Cody's use of the term "kid".  He uses it to label guys the same age or older than him.   I don't care how slangily 'cool' it sounds, it irks me something fierce....  along with the constant snot-drainage snorting he does.


Is BBAD the same as the Live Feeds, but just a portion of it?




the constant snot-drainage snorting he does.


It literally makes me gag.  I can't stand that!  Just the thought of what it is and where it's going makes me want to vomit.  I could never live with someone who did that, and I am very low-maintenance normally.  

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Victoria talking about what she thinks is going on in the game is PAINFUL!  I know Derrick wants to have her on "lock", but at a certain point it's just a waste of time.  As far as I've seen, there are no other people who talk to her or take her seriously.  But, hey, any amount of time Derrick wastes is good.

Edited by forgetmenow

The way everyone talks so badly about Amber and she is so incredibly disliked in the house, I feel like I must be watching a totally different show on BBAD and CBS.  I've never seen her be anything but very nice to everyone, helpful, always doing stuff in the kitchen and sharing it with others, maybe talking at times with people she trusts about her concerns re: her game or things that upset her, but I don't see how that makes her any different from anyone else there.   How is it possible I've already seen a billion and two hours of footage of this season and never once seen Amber be a bitch or a liar or an overly paranoid annoying freak (and by that I mean any moreso than anyone else in the house)? 


I'm starting to feel myself root for her a little because all the bashing behind her back seems kind of unjustified to me.  I mean, these people actually say they HATE her, and maybe it's just me, but that seems rather strong.  No matter what Nicole says, I think her dislike of Amber comes from a place of jealousy, because Nicole pretends to be a nerd who isn't like other girls, but she is incredibly vain, and it wouldn't shock me at all if she is just threatened by Amber's beauty and not really so much by Amber's behavior.  I pretty much never subscribe to the "she's just jealous" theory, but in this case, I really do think it fits.  I think Nicole came in expecting to be The Hot Girl.   And in a really weird way, I think Christine came in thinking the same thing about herself (that guys would find her cool and awesome and hot because of the tattoos), but then there was Amber, and it became easy for them to bash her together because she actually IS as good looking as they thought they were.

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Why did Brittany and Cody get these punishments?


What kind of school does Frankie want to open?


What's up with Derrick's checkered past?


Every time Christine laughs I want to slap her.


I don't get the feeds, so THANK YOU to anyone who answers my questions.


1) Something to do with the POV comp


2) Probably a dance school, but I don't know for sure


3) Derrick is a cop, but told the HGs he works for Parks & Recs Services


Nothing personal, Christine, but I sadly have to agree somewhat

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

What's up with Derrick's checkered past?


IRL Dreck is a sergeant on the Providence, RI police department, and has reportedly engaged in some degree of undercover work.  He's chosen to keep that a secret, for fear it would put a target on him in the game.  The cover story he's constructed for BB purposes is that of a municipal Parks and Recreation employee.


In various discussions he *has* slipped a time or two in revealing more-than-common knowledge of criminal and police procedures (such as the "prison lighter" trick with a paperclip); however, he had already pre-covered such slips in the game, to an extent.  In some of the earliest (first 2-3 days) discussions with other HGs, he made a point of casually mentioning he knew a lot of policemen back home and would've liked to become a policeman himself, but his "checkered past" (a direct quote) prevented him from doing so.  He cuts off having to elaborate further by saying it's in the past and he'd rather not talk about it, but he strongly implies some youthful indiscretions led to more than one run-in with the law - enough to leave a record which would disqualify him from joining the force.
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Cody talking to Donny, about nominating him.


I straight up wish to God that Donny would "go mean" and just tell him to save it; "Tell yourself what you got to, to help you sleep, but at the end of the day, we've all got to do what we got to do.  Just remember that.  When you're pulling Derrick or Frankie or your alliances' knife out of your back, as you're walking out the door, well before the time you wanted to."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I'm fine with Brittany going. She was recruited at a bar two weeks before Sequester and never really understood the game. She won't be missed.


Why do they do this? Why the hell don't they cast everyone based on knowledge of the game, so we can have a full-out interesting season for once, without half the house just taking a free vacation with free food? Yeesh. That's why I get excited for all-star seasons. Even though I inevitably hate the majority of them, at least they know the game.


If Derek doesn't get backdoored soon, I will lose it. His arrogance is killing me. BB gods, please let Donny survive to win HOH!

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This isn't meant as a personal jab towards anyone, but.......


I don't have a problem with Brittany (and whoever of the others) about not being "a superfan".  Why is it her fault she was given a chance to play a game and win $500K, despite not knowing everything about the game they were recruited for and signed up to play?  Who would honestly turn that offer down??


I look it at as needing to blame the organizers and production, concerning problems about players' selections; not the actual game participants themselves.

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Why is it her fault she was given a chance to play a game and win $500K, despite not knowing everything about the game they were recruited for and signed up to play?  Who would honestly turn that offer down??


I look it at as needing to blame the organizers and production, concerning problems about players' selections; not the actual game participants themselves.

I would say it is more a matter of full disclosure than anything else. Truth is if a player comes into this game blind, s/he doesn't really stand a chance in hell of winning that $500k. And I totally agree it is an issue with the recruiters more than the players; at the very least, it borders on misrepresentation.

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To be honest, I think recruits are needed for the game to be interesting because  16 Superfans like Christine who know the game so well they are afraid to do anything entertaining would be boring.  With that being said in this day in age with YouTube I don't understand why someone would go on a show like Big Brother and possibly give up their whole summer without knowing what they are getting into.

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I think I know how the whole Derr/Cody thing is working, in regard to how Derrick views their combined game...


Derrick is married and has a kid, so he can't be showmancing and flirting with the ladies to play the game that way.  So he uses the one guy who is best at it and rides those coattails to advance his ('their') game in that way.  And I think that's why he wants Brittany out so bad, because she wasn't automatically or continually enthralled by Cody's 'magic'.  Same reasoning for Victoria, and Jocasta is married with kids, so she's an auto-target for eviction by not being 'available' to control or manipulate in that way.


Can it just skip to Thursday? At least with Devin, he did know he was going (though he still tried a little to flip it). But it is just sad to see Brit think she has a chance.

I'm ready for the game to move on, please let Donny or Jo win HOH. Or even Victoria, just to f*&k with everyone else's plans. Watch everyone kiss her ass (and hate themselves every minute for doing so). Even though she would do what they say, they still would have to pander to her.

Did Brit really clean the whole bathroom?

Edited by njbarmaid

I was just catching up on last night's posts from Jokers where Frankie speculated that Nicole is this season's fan favorite.  She's second from last on my list.  They were also discussing how Caleb believes that he's the fan favorite.


If I ever get on this show, I pray to Zob that I'm never that out of touch.


I was just catching up on last night's posts from Jokers where Frankie speculated that Nicole is this season's fan favorite. She's second from last on my list. They were also discussing how Caleb believes that he's the fan favorite.

If I ever get on this show, I pray to Zob that I'm never that out of touch.

I just think it's funny in a lot of the polls I've seen of who is Americas Favorite, its Donny always at number one running away with the votes and then Zach at number 2. No one in the house would expect it not even Zach himself. Even though he did jokingly say it and everyone shot him down.

Caleb makes me laugh everytime he says that he is Americas favorite because he is gentleman and trying to date Amber. Oh delusion.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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No matter what Nicole says, I think her dislike of Amber comes from a place of jealousy, because Nicole pretends to be a nerd who isn't like other girls, but she is incredibly vain, and it wouldn't shock me at all if she is just threatened by Amber's beauty and not really so much by Amber's behavior.


I hate this too, but I agree. I've grown so tired of Nicole. She acts like she doesn't care about looks and how that makes her so much better than the other women, but then she spends 3 million years looking in the mirror and adjusting her hat/hair. I personally don't have much of a problem with vain people TBH, but it's the hypocrisy that drives me crazy. But yea, Nicole and Christine are definitely jealous of both Amber and Victoria, IMO. It's pretty evident when they talk about them.


I straight up wish to God that Donny would "go mean" and just tell him to save it; "Tell yourself what you got to, to help you sleep, but at the end of the day, we've all got to do what we got to do.  Just remember that.  When you're pulling Derrick or Frankie or your alliances' knife out of your back, as you're walking out the door, well before the time you wanted to."


I wish Donny would do this, too. I wish he'd just slay these people!


I love Derrick getting mad at Christine and Nicole for trying to get on Victoria's good side. That is Derrick to a tee. "How DARE Christine try to play the player that I am trying to play?" 


This is why I hate Derrick. I hate players like this.


If I ever get on this show, I pray to Zob that I'm never that out of touch.


LOL! I think about this a lot. I'll be hating someone for talking shit or for thinking they're fan fave and then I'll wonder what I would do if I was there. I too pray I wouldn't be like theses idiots.


Recruits vs. super fans is kinda hard for me. I mean I've liked a lot of contestants that were recruits and I've hated a lot of super fans. Just this season, Frankie/Derrick/Christina/Nicole are all 'super fans' and I despise them.


It might be interesting if they did a whole season of recruits. It would probably be a very entertaining mess.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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A recurring theme in Big Brother is the players believing that they will be far more famous than they actually will be once the show ends. The winners of the show are rarely famous. Just a few specific winners (Dr. Will, Rachel, Dan, Boogie, Evil Dick) a few former non-winners (Jeff, Janelle, Marcellas) and even there, we're talking a very narrow definition of "famous." 

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