LGGirl September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Caleb is a total idiot. As if there was any doubt. Just when you think these people can't get any dumber. Holy crap. I expect them to be dumb and cowards that way I'm not disappointed. If Frankie takes a swing at Derrick, I'd love it. Here's hoping he does. They had their chance to get rid of Frankie a few times and blew it. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-338937
peachmangosteen September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) And the reason Derrick is so good is that he's figured out what drives each houseguest and uses it. Still can't stand him. I don't think Derrick even does this. He uses the exact same tactics on everyone. As the game goes on Derrick's strategy becomes less and less impressive to me. I wonder if he's aware that he is ruining the show for everyone? Probably. LOL!!I think he's been aware of it for awhile really. He's even pretty much said it. He makes no sense to me because on one hand he's so worried about how he's perceived that he lies in DR but then he doesn't care enough to do anything game wise but bullshit, blow smoke, and ruin anything interesting. Caleb is a total idiot. As if there was any doubt. Just when you think these people can't get any dumber. Holy crap.Yea really. And it's not like Derrick made him stupid, he's just stupid. Derrick has just reaped the benefits of a very weak group of HGs.I just really want to see Frankie win HOH now and go after the guys. He's just as dumb as the rest of them though so he won't. I've decided Christine is probably the only person left who might actually try to take out Derrick, but she wouldn't have the votes. Edited September 1, 2014 by peachmangosteen 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-338938
Katesus7 September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) This game would be so much different if they had the nominations, POV ceremony and votes to evict at three o'clock in the morning. I cannot count how many times I read up on the night before to find some "big move" being formed, only for it to die a quick death by the next morning. It was fun, though, reading on Jokers "4:08 - it's agreed, Frankie will be backdoored". "5:08 - it's agreed, Victoria will go up and Nicole will go home". Hee. I think the backdoor Frankie plan came about not through some well thought out strategy on Caleb's part, but from the guy with the megaphone. The more Caleb had time to calm down from that one, the more he went back to thinking Frankie was one of his biggest allies. And quite frankly, I kind of think Frankie is, just because I think Frankie would go after Cody and Derrick before Caleb. Edited September 1, 2014 by Katesus7 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-338951
Vicky September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 The only comfort I have, as we wait for the inevitable but hope for the improbable, is that I know I'm not alone in feeling really really frustrated!!!!! 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-338974
Turtle September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) Feeds are back, but I can't figure out what happened! Everyone is sitting around the table, except for Frankie. Dare I hope???? ETA: Well, Frankie was just in the bathroom. :-( I can't read any of their body language well enough to figure out what is going on. Derrick looks annoyed and/or tired and bored; either way, he's not speaking. Victoria is all smiles, Nicole seems fine, Frankie just licked Caleb's eyelid and is now offering to make lunch for everyone... WHAT IS GOING ON???? ETAA: Well, shit - now they're talking about how boring and predictable they all are, so it's looking like Victoria went up. I really wish they wouldn't tease us with nice things and then break our hearts like this. Edited September 1, 2014 by Turtle 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-338991
WiCkedWitCh September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I'm guessing they either didn't have the ceremony yet, or Victoria is up. Because Nicole just said something about in her DR she will say something about how predictable the house is. But I really have no idea what happened. ETA: Victoria is up. Not Frankie. ETA: I STRONGLY DISLIKE CALEB Edited September 1, 2014 by WiCkedWitCh 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339009
Stinamaia September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Let's see how Derrick likes this when It goes to DE and Frankie puts him on the block. Don't mind me. I just want stupid Frankie to be evicted and go lick his puppy dog Zach in the JH. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339011
Turtle September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) Nicole and Vic are in the FR bitching about how Caleb is afraid to make big moves. He definitely put Victoria up, and apparently said "We all know Nicole is the target, and she's the one going home." Nicole comments that it's like Caleb has never even seen this show, he's so terrible at it. Even Vic thought Caleb was going to put Frankie up. Why, why, WHY didn't Derrick wake up earlier and not let Frankie talk to Caleb??? Damn you, Derrick! ETA: Sorry for all these posts in such a short time - clearly, I have crossed over in to obsessiveness with this. Might be time to step away from the BB Viewer for a bit... Edited September 1, 2014 by Turtle 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339023
Nashville September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 The only comfort I have, as we wait for the inevitable but hope for the improbable, is that I know I'm not alone in feeling really really frustrated!!!!! I gave up frustration for Lent. Lent, of course, being the period of time immediately after Donny's eviction. Now I'm just echoing the sentiments of Elvis (Costello, not the King): "I used to be disgusted - now I'm just amused." 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339051
Vicky September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 ETA: Sorry for all these posts in such a short time - clearly, I have crossed over in to obsessiveness with this. Might be time to step away from the BB Viewer for a bit... HA! You are not alone...I'm going out to enjoy the summer sun...:) "I used to be disgusted - now I'm just amused." Yeah...I'll have to move on to amused as well...:) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339061
PaperTree September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 "Expect the expected" Indeed! 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339062
Wings September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I am amused too Nashville. Onward to Thursday where Cody wins HOH and puts up Victoria and Caleb and they vote Victoria out! Phew, that was a close one but they will get her out this week, finally. It has been a tough ride with this girl. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339071
Rapunzel September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) 11:10 AM Caleb says he would be pissed off if a girl sent him home - especially a girl on buy back (like Nicole) NT But he's completely okay with being sent home by a 31 year old screeching, preening, famewhore who behaves like a Tween girl. I hope his brothers give him some shit over this - especially as they know how much Frankie is full of shit and that America hates him. Edited September 1, 2014 by Rapunzel 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339075
TheRealT September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) What I got from Caleb's conversation with Frankie today is that Caleb's worst fear is to be beaten by a woman. He thinks it's honorable to be beaten by a man whom he deems a worthy competitor (not Donny), but being beaten by a woman is humiliating. Accordingly, he wants to get rid of Nicole and then Christine because there is a remote (to him) chance that they could beat him in the comps, while there's absolutely no chance that Victoria will. In his mind, he's won most of the comps so far and he's going to continue to dominate the comps until the end. In his mind, he's also a master strategist who has controlled the entire game. He's fine with Derrick's plan to go to the end with the four amigos and let whoever wins the comps advance because he's assuming that he'll win all the comps. His only concern is that the jury may not vote on the basis of who won the most comps (which, obviously, they should). Edited September 1, 2014 by TheRealT 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339090
Xazeal September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Yeah, Caleb is not a very complex individual, is he? Unsurprised by the safe play. Torn between wanting Frankie to destroy Derrick's game and wanting Derrick to destroy Frankie, period. Still rooting for a Caleb/Victoria F2. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339133
slasherboy September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I agree with you 100%. Cut bangs and hair to shoulders, change glasses frames to "good nerd stlye," a little makeup and some cutting edge clothes we all would have found her attractive if she had a compelling personality. She has a cute little body. Please don't speak for me saying we all would have found her attractive. I think she's ugly as hell both inside and out. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. For a guy who is acutely aware of cameras.... It amazes me how often Frankie looks directly into the camera. Victoria does it a lot too, but Mr. Broadway does it all. the. time. Do the hamsters know they'll be staying in the house longer than anticipated? How much longer are they staying? Please, please, please send Christine packing. Sorry, Donny, but I believe the jury house is big enough that you can maybe avoid her and her incessant cackling. I despise her laugh. Finally, I've dreamed about Cody the past 2 nights. That's what I get for watching BBAD in bed (no, they weren't sexual dreams). 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339147
parisprincess September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 It's tiresome watching these little hamster wheels turn and turn only for them to go right back to where they started. Caleb has all the clues regarding Frankie (thanks to fan with megaphones and his brother's letter) and yet he's scared to put on his man pants because he doesn't want to be hated by Frankie's 12 year old fans. Yes, this whole game has become circular; round and round and round we go, getting nowhere and achieving nothing (at least nothing to keep an audience interested). All 12 year olds I know have parents who monitor their social media (if, in fact, they're even allowed to be on social media). I know there are those that don't monitor their kids, but I don't think it's in big enough numbers that Frankie could possibly have much of a following among that age group. Besides, most kids that age idolize celebs their own age; they don't follow OLD people - and 31 is old to them). And why would a 31 year old man brag about having preteens as fans anyway? In the big picture, Frankie is a VERY small fish in a HUGE pond, and I don't see him gaining many new fans based on his atrocious behavior in the house. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339187
alt0233 September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I'm so thankful for this thread because it means I don't have to watch the show. As long as they keep being boring and predictable, I'm out. Also, since next week they start cannibalizing themselves, I think they're pretty much out of big moves to make. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339190
TimWil September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 As I posted here I always suspected that ultimately Caleb would never backstab Frankie because he wants those intros to Ariana and other music bigwigs. He's not that dumb. He had to look long term. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339289
HighQueenEB September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) Yes, this whole game has become circular; round and round and round we go, getting nowhere and achieving nothing (at least nothing to keep an audience interested). All 12 year olds I know have parents who monitor their social media (if, in fact, they're even allowed to be on social media). I know there are those that don't monitor their kids, but I don't think it's in big enough numbers that Frankie could possibly have much of a following among that age group. Besides, most kids that age idolize celebs their own age; they don't follow OLD people - and 31 is old to them). And why would a 31 year old man brag about having preteens as fans anyway? In the big picture, Frankie is a VERY small fish in a HUGE pond, and I don't see him gaining many new fans based on his atrocious behavior in the house. Truer words were never spoken. Ten years ago, when I was the tender age of 31, my then 12-yr old niece proclaimed that I was "ancient". I'm not sure how my other niece, currently 12 for another month, views my age, but I'm sure it's something similar to what her older sister thought a decade ago, lol. And neither of them, at age 12, were remotely interested in anything a 31-year old listened to, read or watched. Well, that's not entirely true. My younger niece and I bond over Switched At Birth and The Big Bang Theory. And I turned my older niece onto Alias. But, Frankie Grande? Not someone either of them would be particularly interested in. His sister, a whole 'nother story for the current 12-year old, and this I know because I've endured enough Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows she watches to have heard of Ariana Grande before this summer. As far as the hamsters go... They are the stupidest tools in the world. Why in the world would Nicole have offered her soul to Derrick after what he did to she and Hayden the last time around is beyond me. I'd have been absolutely wary of him and never have promised him my vote because, at the end of the day, I'm still going to be walking out that door a second time around if I let down my guard and trust him to have my back. Edited September 1, 2014 by HighQueenEB 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339297
parisprincess September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 This season could have been really good had they not cast Derrick or Frankie. Derrick is heads and shoulders above the others in smarts, and his ability to lead them all down the primrose path makes for a boring show. Frankie, being the sibling of a pop singer, has turned half the cast into wannabe famewhores. They're so dumb that they think he really has the power to launch them into some career. And the twists have been so lame that they added nothing to the show. With only Derrick playing the game, it has turned into the season of suck. Whoever said "Season 16: Expect the expected" is right. Way to go, Grodner! 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339309
Txfeenix September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) So basically, for the next 74-76 hours...we have nothing to talk about except what a bunch of dummies the HG are, right? See y'all Thursday! :( ETA: from Jokersupdate Mon 2:51 PM BBT Chris, Victoria & Derrick are sitting outside, no talking. NT - serac Apparently they don't either.....HA! Edited September 1, 2014 by Txfeenix 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339339
peachmangosteen September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) Torn between wanting Frankie to destroy Derrick's game and wanting Derrick to destroy Frankie, period. This is where I am. Honestly, I'll settle for either, just let fucking one of these things happen already! It would serve them all right if Christine and Victoria somehow ended up as the Final 2! Idiots!!! I'm gonna wish for this every night. It's the perfect terrible ending! I'm so thankful for this thread because it means I don't have to watch the show. I haven't watched the show or the feeds since Donny was evicted. Yet for some reason I have to know what boring, predictable, awful things have happened, so I'm glad I can just read about it here! Edited September 1, 2014 by peachmangosteen 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339362
Wings September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I like Derrick and want him to win. I don't believe that he would fail with a smarter cast. I think his strategy is sound and would work with other combinations of people. Rachael mentioned, in Robs podcast, that she was one who sat in on casting sessions. Victoria was good in interviews and her bio supports this. They thought she was a spoiled, bitchy, princess who would be a terror and push to get her way. People present themselves very differently. Frankie is an obvious choice and I don't think they regret that. Entertainment is first on the list and he was a shoo in, no doubt. Had I been on the casting team I would have nixed that. Any huge disparity in the group is never good and a very famous sister would be just that. And Mario, I do think Victoria is in love with Derrick but certainly knows there is no possibility there. She ends up in tears too much for it just to be on the block again. She sees she loves a man who will never be. Slasherboy. My humble apologies for using the all inclusive pronoun "we" when talking about Christine's perceived beauty if she had a make over. :-) Edited September 1, 2014 by wings707 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339367
TheRealT September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 This season could have been really good had they not cast Derrick or Frankie. Derrick is heads and shoulders above the others in smarts, and his ability to lead them all down the primrose path makes for a boring show. Frankie, being the sibling of a pop singer, has turned half the cast into wannabe famewhores. They're so dumb that they think he really has the power to launch them into some career. And the twists have been so lame that they added nothing to the show. With only Derrick playing the game, it has turned into the season of suck. Whoever said "Season 16: Expect the expected" is right. Way to go, Grodner! ITA. Once when Derrick was on a Donny rant he questioned why Donny was even cast, but it's way more of a mystery why Derrick was cast. He's not particularly good-looking and he doesn't have a particularly interesting personality. He's good at manipulation and mind control, but in the absence of any real competition that just makes for a boring, predictable show. With Frankie, it pisses me off that production confirmed that Ariana is his sister. Just as they gave no information when he was hiding that fact, they should have remained neutral on the issue after his big reveal. I think it would make the show more entertaining if more people lied about who they are, so I'd be all for a hamster lying and saying they're Miley Cyrus' cousin or whatever. Let the others figure out the truth for themselves. The show has now kind of ruined that possibility by setting the precedent of confirming Frankie's story. Also, his HOH letter where Ariana mentioned opening at the VMAs lended validity to the idea that she is a big star. Without any kind of confirmation from the outside, the hamsters would have only had Frankie and Victoria's word that AG was big. Since most of them had only sort of heard of her if they had any knowledge, they might have concluded that Frankie was lying about being related to her and/or that she wasn't really that big a deal. The way the show handled it has given Frankie an advantage in that the others are concerned about backlash from AG's fans if they go against Frankie and they're interested in maintaining a good relationship with Frankie so that he can introduce them to celebrities afterwards. To be fair, since they've confirmed that AG is his sister, they should announce that Frankie isn't really friends with Justin Bieber and probably can't introduce anyone to him when the show's over [my assumption]. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339397
parisprincess September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I'd love for next season to be either a cast of Derricks so we could see some real gameplay amongst a group of intelligent, clever people or a cast of morons like most of this season's so we could watch them fumble through the season not knowing what the hell they're doing and entertaining us with their shared stupidity. I always suspected that ultimately Caleb would never backstab Frankie because he wants those intros to Ariana and other music bigwigs. He's not that dumb. Nah, he is that dumb. First of all, Frankie has no in with any music bigwigs (he can't even get his own career off the ground), and although he may introduce Caleb to Ariana, she's going to forget his name five minutes later. Misplaced loyalty on Caleb's part because he's never going to benefit from it. Edited September 1, 2014 by parisprincess 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339399
shelley1234 September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I guess I am the only one who thinks Derrick is attractive. If I was in the house, I would be more interested in Derrick than I would be in the supposed "model" types in the house. I like his look, I like his personality and I actually find it attractive that he is a family man. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339409
Wings September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Parisprinces, but Caleb doesn't know that about Frankie. He thinks he may be big enough to open some doors. You have to admit that Frankie sold himself quite well to those who have led a sheltered life. No one else took the bait. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339416
peachmangosteen September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I actually find it attractive that he is a family man. Taking Food Out of My Daughter's Mouth does it for ya, huh?! If Derrick would shave that really gross chin strap thing and always wear a beanie and the black glasses, I would find him attractive. Oh and also he would have to never talk. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339421
ByaNose September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I just don't want Frankie in the Final 2 becasue it would just inflate his ego. I'm guessing if he goes to the Final with Derrick it might be a shutout which would be hysterical. Edited September 1, 2014 by ByaNose 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339440
peachmangosteen September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I don't know, I think there's a pretty strong chance Frankie could beat Derrick. I've taken to thinking that Cody and maybe even Caleb have a shot at beating him, too. But maybe I'm just trying to talk myself into believing there's still hope for this season. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339460
Wings September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I agree that Frankie in F2 would boost an already inflated ego. Out next, please. Edited September 1, 2014 by wings707 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339462
RealityGal September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I'm pretty sure those contracts they sign are iron clad. There is no way her family could sue CBS because of something a houseguest said. If they didn't have something in that prior to BB15 they did after. You can sign an ironclad contract, but there are some rights you have that can't be signed away, no matter what the contract, and many one sided contracts can be voided if they are considered unconscionable in their terms. Most torts though address something that has actually happened, but I guess one could argue that whatever Frankie said was a threat, and allowing Victoria to live there when there is a credible threat of violence is negligent. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339468
peachmangosteen September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I think Frankie is pretty much guaranteed to either win HOH or veto on Thursday. Mostly because this season is the wooooorst, but also just because he's actually quite good at comps. Although, Cody is probably on par with him physically and Christine probably is mentally. But I'm still gonna be in a prayer circle that he does win HOH and puts up Cody/Derrick/Caleb because it would be funny as hell. Edited September 1, 2014 by peachmangosteen 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339469
RealityGal September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Taking Food Out of My Daughter's Mouth does it for ya, huh?! If Derrick would shave that really gross chin strap thing and always wear a beanie and the black glasses, I would find him attractive. Oh and also he would have to never talk. But he doesn't have eyebrows. Maybe if Bosley can find a way to transfer dumb looking facial hair to eyebrow hair..... 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339476
peachmangosteen September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) Shit, you're right. Maybe he should get some eyebrow plugs with his half a mil. Edited September 1, 2014 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339481
shelley1234 September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Taking Food Out of My Daughter's Mouth does it for ya, huh?! If Derrick would shave that really gross chin strap thing and always wear a beanie and the black glasses, I would find him attractive. Oh and also he would have to never talk. Sadly, it does do it for me. I also am someone on the outside watching the game as well, so I can see what kind of game he is playing and how well he is working the fellow competitors, so I am sure that plays a part. I also know he's a cop. As someone who worked in a related field (PO) for a long time....I know the type. There are a few "types" for cops and Derrick is the guy who tends to make everyone feel comfortable and cool...while getting exactly what he needed out of the conversation or situation. I used to work with some cops when some of the people I supervised were working as informants and it was amazing to watch them work. I don't mind his facial hair either. I know, I know. I'm gonna go to my room and think about what I have done. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339484
Wintrygal September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Can you just imagine the over the top histrionics should Frankie make it to final two and actually win, if he makes it to the end? If he does make it, I won't be able to watch the finale either, can't watch the broadcast shows cause just looking at Frankie makes me want to get drunk and play with really sharp objects. These people are sooo stupid. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339486
parisprincess September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 wings707, Frankie himself told them all that he tried to get an agent and couldn't (even though he's a triple threat: acting, singing and dancing), plus Ariana's fame hasn't helped her own brother get his foot in any doors. Therefore, if Caleb had the ability to think logically, he'd realize that meeting Ariana at the finale is probably all he's going to get for his loyalty to Frankie. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339487
peachmangosteen September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) shelley1005, I once found Cody attractive, so we all have our burdens to bear! With you mentioning the cop thing being a plus for you, I'm starting to think maybe my cop aversion is really clouding my judgement towards Derrick. He comes off so transparently phony to me, but maybe it's just because I know (and am related to) a lot of cops who are assholes. Edited September 1, 2014 by peachmangosteen 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339492
TheRealT September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I don't know, I think there's a pretty strong chance Frankie could beat Derrick. I've taken to thinking that Cody and maybe even Caleb have a shot at beating him, too. But maybe I'm just trying to talk myself into believing there's still hope for this season. I'm starting to think that things could go awry for Derrick. His game is not as impeccable as it was a few weeks ago and a couple of wrong bounces could be the end of him. I still think he's in a phenomenal place, better than anyone else, but as the numbers are dwindling his Totally Safe Game isn't really possible anymore, just because there isn't as much fodder and people closer to his inner circle are going to be at risk. I'm also sort of starting to think that it's possible that he'd be beaten in F2 because some of the hamsters don't fully realize how much he's been in control. I could see Caleb voting against him if he felt the other person won more comps, which could happen with Frankie or Cody. Some people may like Cody better/give Cody more credit for making decisions and vote for him over Derrick. If he were in F2 with Frankie, some people might give Frankie equal or greater credit for being in control of the game and some might think production wants the story of Ariana Grande's brother winning and that voting for him will give them entree into Frankie's "celebrity circles." I still think that the most likely scenario is that Derrick will win by a large margin, but I'm starting to see some cracks in his game that could sink him. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339515
Overwhelming No September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I'd like for Frankie to finish in third place. That way, he won't get any of the finale prize money, the jurors won't have to put up with him for long, the dumbasses in the house would have to put up with him for as long as possible, (reap what you sow, bitches!), and America has just that much longer to realize what an insufferable fool he really is. 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339528
parisprincess September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I don't mind his facial hair either. I know, I know. I'm gonna go to my room and think about what I have done. shelley1005, don't beat yourself up over it. Although I don't like him all that much, I find him attractive too. He's not hard to look at, but other things that add to the attraction to me are his intelligence, knowing how to handle and control people and situations, and being goal minded and not wavering in it. Power can be an aphrodisiac and Derrick's power over the lemmings, and them not having a clue, is attractive. Now I'll join you in your room so we can commiserate together. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339529
SiobhanJW September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I honestly don't think Frankie would win against anyone except maybe Victoria. The jury won't give him the money. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339550
Turtle September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I don't think Derrick is unattractive, although he's no Cody-level of pretty. But I can see some charm in him, and I can understand why folks would be attracted to him. He seems like an actual grown man, and despite some of the crap he's said, he generally seems respectful toward others and not intentionally hurting people just for the sport of it. Even if some of his being nice to people is just game-play, he does manage to be nice to them. And I agree that there is something attractive about a family man. These feeds are going to be completely boring until Thursday, aren't they? I hope Frankie wins the first HoH on Thursday, and then is booted in the second elimination. It would be the best roller coaster of ups and downs for him, and he would completely freak out and I would love it. Edited September 1, 2014 by Turtle 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339558
TheRealT September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I honestly don't think Frankie would win against anyone except maybe Victoria. The jury won't give him the money. I hope that you're right because it will be delicious to see Frankie lose at any stage. If he gets to F2, I'd be disappointed that he made it that far, but it would be wonderful to see him get torn apart by the jury and not get a single vote from anyone but Zach. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339569
Txfeenix September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Well a little over an hour ago, after Victoria walked off crying and Derrick told himself he was f***ed, he started working on Christine about Frankie. I think she might put him up if she wins HOH. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339570
shelley1234 September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 I'm starting to think that things could go awry for Derrick. His game is not as impeccable as it was a few weeks ago and a couple of wrong bounces could be the end of him. I still think he's in a phenomenal place, better than anyone else, but as the numbers are dwindling his Totally Safe Game isn't really possible anymore, just because there isn't as much fodder and people closer to his inner circle are going to be at risk. I'm also sort of starting to think that it's possible that he'd be beaten in F2 because some of the hamsters don't fully realize how much he's been in control. I could see Caleb voting against him if he felt the other person won more comps, which could happen with Frankie or Cody. Some people may like Cody better/give Cody more credit for making decisions and vote for him over Derrick. If he were in F2 with Frankie, some people might give Frankie equal or greater credit for being in control of the game and some might think production wants the story of Ariana Grande's brother winning and that voting for him will give them entree into Frankie's "celebrity circles." I still think that the most likely scenario is that Derrick will win by a large margin, but I'm starting to see some cracks in his game that could sink him. I worry about that as well. I think Derrick is playing such a good game that he isn't going to get credit for what he has done. He's gonna have to make a big move himself and then lay it out to people exactly what he has been a part of....soon or it'll be too late. I know that Donny thinks it was Frankie doing the dirty work, etc. He needs to send someone out of that house and into the jury who knows just what he's done and soon. (Let it be Frankie...please let it be Frankie). If Frankie feels wronged and betrayed by someone he thought he could trust, he'd be all up in arms and talking about it 24/7. That might be the best thing ever for Derrick's game. Also, good to know I am not alone with my thinking Derrick might be kinda cute. And of course Cody is cute. He's like a little adorable doll. I'd cuddle with him all night long. I also think Cody isn't as dumb as I thought he was. He seems to be the one who truly gets what a threat Frankie might be and wants him out. Since I am open and proud and free about my like of all things Derrick....I think Derrick for all the jokes should go into the DR and say right into the camera: Victoria sure doesn't think I am all that ugly now does she..... (long pause) ZING!!!! *mic drop* and walk right out. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339573
WiCkedWitCh September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 It bothers me that the "Bomb Squad" is so proud of their alliance and how they lasted this long. Maybe its because I watch the feeds this year, but to me they are not really an alliance especially the way the Brigade was or even the Friendship or others. To me an alliance actually sticks together. They don't have a million sub alliances and they don't seriously contemplate voting each other out so early in the game. Oh and they also don't vote a member out the first week or two after they formed (Devon). Maybe I just feel this way because I can't stand them? Either way, it pisses me off. And in the future, I will not look to them as a "solid alliance." 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339587
duskyliterati September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 So "social media mogul" Perez Hilton has called out Frankie with the following tweet: @ArianaGrande First the rape "joke", then the lesbian comment and now mocking a trans hero! https://vine.co/v/MlPQKeUlt7v%C2'> So disappointing, FG! The trans hero is Cher's son Chaz Bono. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/10679-season-16-live-feed-discussion-keeping-an-eye-out/page/163/#findComment-339621
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