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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I wonder why Frankie went on Big Brother. I've seen speculation that it as to promote Ariana's CD, but that seems a bit of a stretch since his intention at first was to keep it secret. It seems so odd that someone would think that it was a stepping stone to fame, since no one who has been on the show has ever been famous. Even from Survivor, no one has been famous. I'm not sure of his strategy.


Never in a million years will I believe Frankie didn't intend to announce who his sister is.


As to why go on a reality show?  Well,  there have been some reasonable, not A list success.  The lead of Grimm was on MTV's Road Rules.  One of the View hosts was on Survivor. Dr. Will did a string of reality TV shows.  Boston Rob has done like four survivors and 2 Amazing Races.


I could see a combination of examples of mild success after reality TV + a famous sister + his inflated ego, letting Frankie conclude that reality TV can launch him into mega stardom.  Plus, he is not giving money to charity.  I don't care what he says.


But with the Ebola virus outbreak in Africa, someone should really hold his feet to the fire on that one, even if he just gets the Team America money.

I can't relate to the bottom-feeding level of fame these houseguests are after. I'm scared to death a company I apply to will see a picture of me holding a beer on my FB, imagine them seeing me jerk off in the shower or just tons of soundbites of me saying stupid things? They all talk about their Instragram and Twitter followers as if that is where they get all their self esteem.

Anyways, nudes of Cody since everything in the house is so boring http://misterscandal.com/?p=24244


Thanks for that link.  I knew there was a lot of play in the house but missed any reports of things this blatant.


No such thing. I was 50 before I got my first tattoo. :)

Cool beans, I'll be 53 in a couple more weeks.  I love looking at and knowing the story behind other people's tattoos.  It's just something I've never been interested in doing myself.


ETA: So, they've told Christine she's going on the block.  Wonder how well that'll go over.

Edited by duskyliterati
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He wanted to go on Survivor. Survivor rejected him and he's friends with a bunch of Survivors and met Adam from BB13 who told him he should go on Big Brother and introduced him to someone in casting.

I read that. That's why I said not even people from Survivor are famous. Maybe it's more desperation, but he should have a more mature strategy to sell himself.

Never in a million years will I believe Frankie didn't intend to announce who his sister is.


As to why go on a reality show?  Well,  there have been some reasonable, not A list success.  The lead of Grimm was on MTV's Road Rules.  One of the View hosts was on Survivor. Dr. Will did a string of reality TV shows.  Boston Rob has done like four survivors and 2 Amazing Races.


I could see a combination of examples of mild success after reality TV + a famous sister + his inflated ego, letting Frankie conclude that reality TV can launch him into mega stardom.  Plus, he is not giving money to charity.  I don't care what he says.


But with the Ebola virus outbreak in Africa, someone should really hold his feet to the fire on that one, even if he just gets the Team America money.


Ha ha ha ha!  Love the last line.


I think he did it to boost his youtube channel and parlay that into HUGE stardom!. 


Dan has had success, too.  He has written a book that probably would not have been read had he not had some exposure.  Dr Will and his tattoo removal business is benefiting and he has had spots on shows, one was The Doctors.  Brittany from BB 1 got herself into the loop of TV production and though her jobs are not huge, it opened up a line of work she would never have had otherwise.  There have been others that don't leap to mind.  It can open doors certainly that lead to something different and intersting for yourself.  


Survivor got Cochran a job writing for the sitcom The Millers; that is pretty big.  

Edited by wings707
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Cool beans, I'll be 53 in a couple more weeks.  I love looking at and knowing the story behind other people's tattoos.  It's just something I've never been interested in doing myself.


ETA: So, they've told Christine she's going on the block.  Wonder how well that'll go over.

That, if nothing else should tell her where she stands.

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As to why go on a reality show?  Well,  there have been some reasonable, not A list success.  The lead of Grimm was on MTV's Road Rules. 

Holy mother, I never connected who this guy was!  


I always think of Brian Smith, who was on the Amazing Race with his brother and went on to play Zach on the Big Bang Theory as well as numerous commercials.


And speaking of The Doctors, one of those Doctors was The Bachelor before he was TV famous.

Ha ha ha ha!  Love the last line.


I think he did it to boost his youtube channel and parlay that into HUGE stardom!. 


Dan has had success, too.  He has written a book that probably would not have been read had he not had some exposure.  Dr Will and his tattoo removal business is benefiting and he has had spots on shows, one was The Doctors.  Brittany from BB 1 got herself into the loop of TV production and though her jobs are not huge, it opened up a line of work she would never have had otherwise.  There have been others that don't leap to mind.  It can open doors certainly that lead to something different and intersting for yourself.  


Survivor got Cochran a job writing for the sitcom The Millers; that is pretty big.

This all assumes the ability and skill to do some real work. Cochran is a very intelligent guy and has a degree from an Ivy League school, doesn't he? Dr. Will -- a doctor. And they aren't what I would call famous, but maybe getting just some attention is all Frankie wants.

Maybe he thought this You Tube persona that was popular with a niche group had a wider appeal if he just had the platform to showcase it. Survivor would have been better for it. Except for the cold rain.

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The Miz aka Mike from the Real World and a bajillion challenges is a pretty big WWE star these days, which is something he always said he dreamed off when he was on all those reality shows.


Jacinda Barrett was also on The Real World and she has been a pretty successful actress as a result.  She most recently was in The Following, but her acting credits are pretty legit.  


However most people do not become legit members of the Hollywood elite from these types of shows.  I do think Frankie did Big Brother in order to have some name recognition of his own outside of his sister.  I also think Frankie thought America would LOVE HIM and think he is so FUN AND WONDERFUL AND YEAH!!!  However instead America fell in love with Donny and just desperately want Frankie and his fame whore ways to GO AWAY. 

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I thought I was done with this season, but I guess I have a bit more of a dark side than I like to admit.  It's all about the schadenfreude for me now.  Next up:  Christine on the block.  Delicious tears.



I learned a new word today.  I won't remember it though it is a very good one! And it is all about that for me too.  I am ashamed to admit that I am looking forward to it.

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Someone needs to share this with Frankie.




I love this and yes it would be good for Frankie.  He has probably already seen it and cannot apply this to his behavior at alll.

This is too long for just nominations.  I don't think anything interesting or good is happening.  Maybe a medic taking a look at Caleb's knee and all their aches and pains. 

I am not surprised at all with Caleb winning this HOH.  Remember that first competition and what a physical beast he was....he has more power, endurance and stamina than anyone else remaining in the house.  I am surprised Frankie the dancer wouldn't be better.


While I don't like Caleb and feel terrible that he's in pain, the funny (not ha-ha funny) thing is that from most accounts, Christine was was not far behind for second place.  And she didn't totally destroy her body in the process.

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Christine said "I've done so much for the detonators... stupid Bomb Squad. I'm going to start playing for myself, even if that
08/29/14 04:59 PM means Victoria doesn't go home next week"



Is she thinking of throwing the veto in the hopes that Nicole won't win either so Nicole will go?  What else can she do to save Victoria?   Does she not see that she may be the one to go? 


ETA-  She is talking to herself.

Edited by wings707


No afterthought at all.  It is shot from below, a known flattering angle.  Everyone else looked straight into the camera.  Frankie is right on this one!  Ariana is posed. 


That angle is not flattering.  If Ariana set it up to be shot from below, and to appear above the other women, it may have been to express her dominance.  The lighting was horrible, and she obviously didn't have much of a script, so yeah~ it seemed pretty phoned-in to me.  And, of course she posed.  She poses for every. single. shot, regardless of how planned the photo was.  Thanks for your input, though.  As always.


Being shot from above is flattering. From below is not. Try it now on a selfie.


Can you imagine Derrick taking a selfie from below?   



And to keep this post on-topic~  Apparently, everyone is going to bed before midnight.  OF COURSE it's right after Donny leaves.  I hate them all.

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Yep. The only way Frankie would run the house is if someone got Derrick out in the next few days. 


From BigBrotherLeak:


Frankie to camera: "Oh hi! It's me, Private Reynolds!"




Words cannot express my loathing. 


*Shudder*  He reminds me so much of my grandfather's second wife when she was in her 80s.  About the same level of charm, too.


I think, regarding the AFP thing, is that he's always known that title would be much more valuable to his career than winning the whole thing.  I mean, what's the opinion of 9 people in the house when compared to the opinion of 7 million?  7 million is enough to make you a "Superstar!" (said in best Mary Katherine Gallagher voice).


I think he's been trying to keep up what he crafted to be a winning personality amalgam but he's been increasingly over it and it's exhausting him.  All worth it for AFP, tho.  Except, wait - now all of the effort he's expended is for nothing and not only has he not won us all over, he's realizing he has no idea of what makes a person likeable to the general public and he's gone too far to course correct if he could even figure out the correct direction to go.


I predict that all pretense will be gone shortly and he'll settle into what seems to be more comfortable.  He'll be way more vulgar (since we're supposedly not ready for even the super-sanitized version of him, so why not) and he'll be way crueler.

Edited by forgetmenow
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His fans are primarily gay, I assume.  Within that community there are plenty of outrageous queens and some are mean and others who think mean is funny and fabulous.  He is playing to his own personal audience and I am sure there are many who are cheering him on.   He is not going to get main stream fame and I think he wants that.  He has no insight. 

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Who think mean is funny and fabulous.  He is playing to his own personal audience and I am sure there are many who are cheering him on.

IMO this is Zach in a nutshell, which is why I couldn't stand him....snarky is okay in small doses but when you hurt people's feelings intentionally then you are being an asshole.


Um, back to topic.

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Nicole is talking about taking all the rewards if the Veto comp is a punishment/reward one. Um, how about you try for Veto instead and try to take yourself off the block?


According to this, she said that she would take all of the punishments, which would mean she'd have a better chance of winning Veto. 


Nicole is talking to herself about the PoV competition. She says if it's the punishment one, she will take every single punishment.

According to this, she said that she would take all of the punishments, which would mean she'd have a better chance of winning Veto. 


I think she threatened to do both rather close to each other: take the punishments for a better chance at Veto and to take the rewards, because she knew her ass was on its way out the door thing week. She doesn't really have much of a game plan.

As a member of SAG-AFTRA I must correct you: the initiation fee is now $3000 and dues are paid twice a year. I'm pretty sure CBS pays their initiation fee.

Thank you! I was going on a hazy memory of what it was almost twenty years ago. Not sure why I wrote monthly because even when you're a member of the AEA you don't pay monthly dues.

My point still stands, there's no reason for Donny to pay dues. I like the fact that he just wants to go back to Albermarle and be with Kristine and his family and friends. He'll know how much he's loved and can carry that with him for the rest of his life.

I'm just so disappointed people can look at someone who is only 42 and immediately think that person is irrelevant and OLD.

Edited by Meatball
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See...America likes talented, pleasant people.  Oh, they happen to be gay?  that's nice..pass the toast.  America DOESN"T like entitled famewhores who throw themselves at every publicity opportunity and feel a sense that fame is owed to them because their sister is the flavor of the month.  America doesn't like people who mock the disabled.  America doesn't like people who invade others' personal space.  No, Frankie...America just doesn't like YOU!




BeatrixK, a thousand, quadrillion times THIS! It's like your brain is attached to mine only you post way better comments!

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Frankie's audition tape for Survivor is on YouTube it is dated December 2011 so he's been trying to get on a reality show for awhile. I think its a coincidence he ended up on the show the same summer Ariana is getting the most publicity.


Yeah, in the early days I remember Christine and (I believe) Nicole talking about how Frankie said that he had tried out for Big Brother 5 times and how warped your personality would eventually become while trying to mold yourself so many different ways to fit into what they are looking for.


ETA: One of the first conversations I heard Frankie have in the house was about how his first reaction to meeting people was always "I love you so much!" and how he and the other person would proceed to be besties until he got sick of them (shortly) and it switched to "I hate you!"  I thought at the time that this was a particularly cruel way to play with people.  I guess he's getting a taste of it though, with America voting him onto TAFY and then booting him to the bottom of the poles.

Edited by forgetmenow
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Frankie's audition tape for Survivor is on YouTube it is dated December 2011 so he's been trying to get on a reality show for awhile. I think its a coincidence he ended up on the show the same summer Ariana is getting the most publicity.

Maybe that was the plan. If was Ariana's management, I'd want Frankie on ice during this summer. What better way than getting him on BB. Did her ppl cut a deal knowing Frankie wanted to do a reality show???

Makes you wonder.

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Yeah, in the early days I remember Christine and (I believe) Nicole talking about how Frankie said that he had tried out for Big Brother 5 times and how warped your personality would eventually become while trying to mold yourself so many different ways to fit into what they are looking for.

Very Interesting maybe that explains the pink hair. He look so much with his natural hair color.

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Maybe that was the plan. If was Ariana's management, I'd want Frankie on ice during this summer. What better way than getting him on BB. Did her ppl cut a deal knowing Frankie wanted to do a reality show???

Maybe, but it's been confirmed through Eric Stein, Adam Pooch and Eliza Orlins (Survivor) that Frankie is friends with a lot of survivor people. He hosted a viewing party for the premiere of Blood vs Water and the finale of Big Brother 15. I think he got on because of his friends. Just like Porsche got on because of Janelle and Chima got on BB11 because of Marcellas.

Maybe that was the plan. If was Ariana's management, I'd want Frankie on ice during this summer. What better way than getting him on BB. Did her ppl cut a deal knowing Frankie wanted to do a reality show???

Makes you wonder.


I don't know.  I'd think if I wanted him on ice there are a million better ways to do that than to put him on a nationally televised show where he can be watched 24/7 if you so choose.  

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