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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Regarding Christine, Nichole and Cody and their support for Aaryn. I'm not excusing Aaryn's behavior but if you watched the season on just the show over the feeds, you got a whole different take on Aaryn. The show did not show the real Aaryn. Anyone watching the show only would think she got a raw deal. We all know she didn't and deserved worse.


Good point. They certainly didn't show all of Aaryn's horrendous-ness, but they showed enough for me to question people thinking she wasn't racist/didn't deserve that not-actually-that-bad scolding she got from Julie. 


Nicole is actually a feed watcher, which makes her love of 3AM and defense of Aaryn and Amanda really distasteful to me. Still, I hope she wins POV! (ETA: I'm not sure if Christine has talked about being a feed watcher, but I assume she most likely is.)


It seem clear to me Nicole, Christine and Victoria are the next 3 out and that can be in any order. 


If Derrick has anything to do with it (and he has everything to do with it), Victoria is making F4 at least.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Apparently Nicole told Caleb that Cody and Derrick backstabbed her much more than Frankie and he, of course, told them. Now, Nicole sucks as a player, and doing that was beyond dumb, but I love that she just threw Derrick UTB. Nicole for POV! Derrick would be so pressed.

I don't think there was anything Nicole could've said to Caleb that wouldn't have been reported back to Daddy Derrick but she certainly did choose the worst thing to say to Caleb. The only play she could've made was to surrender and be nominated, throw some minor shade at Christine using reverse psychology in a conversation with Caleb (such as highlighting how happy she is that she and Christine have been getting along well since she's come back because, y'know, it was awkward when Christine put her up after that veto meeting) and making Caleb really paranoid about a girl alliance. It might have even tricked Derrick and gotten him to convince Caleb to get Christine up and out.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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I don't think there was anything Nicole could've said to Caleb that wouldn't have been reported back to Daddy Derrick but she certainly did choose the worst thing to say to Caleb. The only play she could've made was to surrender and be nominated, throw some minor shade at Christine using reverse psychology in a conversation with Caleb (such as highlighting how happy she is that she and Christine have been getting along well since she's come back because, y'know, it was awkward when Christine put her up after that veto meeting) and making Caleb really paranoid about a girl alliance. It might have even tricked Derrick and gotten him to convince Caleb to get Christine up and out.



Yes that would have been brilliant.  She was too desperate. 

Nicole just isn't very good at this game. A better tact would have been to appeal to Caleb's ego. Promising him she would vote for him in F2 if he kept her safe 1 more week while backing up the bus over Christine. It might not have worked but she should know by now everything she says gets right back to Derrick.

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In regard to the family situations, I feel bad for Frankie, tbh and I never thought I would. His mother and sister are publicly distancing themselves from him, that has gotta hurt more than anything when he finds out. I don't like him but I think one of the reasons he is the way he is is because of the environment he grew up in, he's a man-child basically. I feel like his family should have told him beforehand that not everything he does is cute/loveable. I understand why what Christine's family did might seem harsh but if I were on TV and making questionable decisions, I know that my family would not approve and if there were certain lines I crossed, I would not expect my parents to lie and pretend that my actions are okay and that's because I know that they love me unconditionally so even if they are disappointed by my actions I would understand that it's because they want me to be the best version of myself I can be. Then again, that's actually something we discuss in my family, we are very open with each other and I know that what my parents tell me comes out of love and that it hurts them when I do things that I know I shouldn't. That's why the Frankie situation seems most hurtful to me, I think he was raised with that he will always be a Grande mentality and that he's a star and nobody else matters, now he's not being treated like a Grande by his family for PR reasons, at least not in public. I understand that fame is what seems to matter most to some of these people but at what cost? It's really sad. Family first, at least IMHO. I hope that like Christine's family, Frankie's doesn't shelter him or make light of some of the things he's said and done so that he can grow. That doesn't mean I think they need to insult him but rather tell him that they love him and always will but that they don't agree with some things. It might hurt a bit at the beginning but I believe there's strength in honesty because IMO the people that you can count on to be honest with you are the same ones that will ultimately have your back and help you struggle through your journey. While it's nice to be sheltered at times and yes, sometimes we need a safety blanket, at some point we do need to go out and face reality.


I'm disappointed that racism is still being accepted as okay by some people.

Edited by willpwr
  • Love 3

You know what would have been a great "prize" for Derrick to have won either last week or this week? 24 hours of solitary confinment. It wouldn't be a prize for him but we would all enjoy it. He'd go crazy not being able to control everyone else and perhaps, just perhaps, they could start talking with each other and shake this darn game up.

  • Love 16


Caleb injured his knee and I have a hunch it is serious, meaning crutches for the duration.  He is in too much pain despite the alleve for it to be just sore.

I have been complaining about that challenge since it's inception. It has always been a "slip and fall" attorney's dream. AND, I am really surprised that no HG has never been seriously injured with a broken arm or leg during it. 


AG has "shit for brains." Any attorney examining that BB contract would be able to find a loophole in it after viewing that challenge and be able to pursue a lawsuit for production negligence in making a decision to allow it. 

  • Love 5

Good point. They certainly didn't show all of Aaryn's horrendous-ness, but they showed enough for me to question people thinking she wasn't racist/didn't deserve that not-actually-that-bad scolding she got from Julie. 


Nicole is actually a feed watcher, which makes her love of 3AM and defense of Aaryn and Amanda really distasteful to me. Still, I hope she wins POV! (ETA: I'm not sure if Christine has talked about being a feed watcher, but I assume she most likely is.)



I don't know, I never watched the feeds and thought the stuff they showed on tv by Aaryn was vile and horrendous.  Some of the feeds stuff went viral on twitter and then it quickly became a focus of the show.  Those scenes with Amanda telling Aaryn she should probably quit her evil talkin' ways because of how she may be perceived and then her continuing it.  And then the confrontation by Julie and the aftermath of it all.  I liked Nicole before I knew she was a fan and a defender of that.  Eww.  She can go home now.  

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My avatar was a custom design for my book blog (unfortunately, not updated since beginning of year).  Formal explanation: The Africanized font and logo of 4 lines and a circle incorporates my Dusky Literati personae as a graphical representation of literati (Dusk + Literature = Face). The lines represent lines of Literature and the circle represents Dusk (the sun below the horizon).

Tattoo too? :)

(Although his periods of rants throughout the night about Donny's clear favoritism by America is truly stellar.  It's seriously eating him up, no matter how much he protests otherwise.  Please, CBS...can we have a camera on him when he finds out Donny is gonna be on B & B?)

I was kinda hoping they'd give Donny a special pass from the JH to film his guest spot.

And then broadcast that episode to the remaining HGs.

YOU know - as a special treat.

Just to break up the routine.

I'm SURE they would enjoy it SOOOOO much.

Especially Frankie.

  • Love 7

In regard to the family situations, I feel bad for Frankie, tbh and I never thought I would. His mother and sister are publicly distancing themselves from him, that has gotta hurt more than anything when he finds out. I don't like him but I think one of the reasons he is the way he is is because of the environment he grew up in, he's a man-child basically. I feel like his family should have told him beforehand that not everything he does is cute/loveable. I understand why what Christine's family did might seem harsh but if I were on TV and making questionable decisions, I know that my family would not approve and if there were certain lines I crossed, I would not expect my parents to lie and pretend that my actions are okay and that's because I know that they love me unconditionally so even if they are disappointed by my actions I would understand that it's because they want me to be the best version of myself I can be. Then again, that's actually something we discuss in my family, we are very open with each other and I know that what my parents tell me comes out of love and that it hurts them when I do things that I know I shouldn't. That's why the Frankie situation seems most hurtful to me, I think he was raised with that he will always be a Grande mentality and that he's a star and nobody else matters, now he's not being treated like a Grande by his family for PR reasons, at least not in public. I understand that fame is what seems to matter most to some of these people but at what cost? It's really sad. Family first, at least IMHO. I hope that like Christine's family, Frankie's doesn't shelter him or make light of some of the things he's said and done so that he can grow. That doesn't mean I think they need to insult him but rather tell him that they love him and always will but that they don't agree with some things. It might hurt a bit at the beginning but I believe there's strength in honesty because IMO the people that you can count on to be honest with you are the same ones that will ultimately have your back and help you struggle through your journey. While it's nice to be sheltered at times and yes, sometimes we need a safety blanket, at some point we do need to go out and face reality.


I'm disappointed that racism is still being accepted as okay by some people.



You make some sense here.  Ariana's grandmother was talking about her on Today this morining.  She took Ariana to audition for a local production of Annie when she was very young; she got the lead.  Show business must have been encouraged and perhaps pushed.  Since Ariana was a gifted singer from a very young age I can see them heaping equal praise on their son for his endevors no matter how questionable.   Counting the raviolis (keeping things even between siblings). 

You know what would have been a great "prize" for Derrick to have won either last week or this week? 24 hours of solitary confinment. It wouldn't be a prize for him but we would all enjoy it. He'd go crazy not being able to control everyone else and perhaps, just perhaps, they could start talking with each other and shake this darn game up.


Excellent idea!  And no one allowed to talk to him through the door.  LOVE this!

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I have been complaining about that challenge since it's inception. It has always been a "slip and fall" attorney's dream. AND, I am really surprised that no HG has never been seriously injured with a broken arm or leg during it. 


AG has "shit for brains." Any attorney examining that BB contract would be able to find a loophole in it after viewing that challenge and be able to pursue a lawsuit for production negligence in making a decision to allow it. 


I have thought the same thing.  My son injured his knee when young and now in his 30s it is giving him problems he cannot ignore anymore.  The doctor said it was not if but when he will need knee replacement surgery. 

  • Love 1

I have been complaining about that challenge since it's inception. It has always been a "slip and fall" attorney's dream. AND, I am really surprised that no HG has never been seriously injured with a broken arm or leg during it.

AG has "shit for brains." Any attorney examining that BB contract would be able to find a loophole in it after viewing that challenge and be able to pursue a lawsuit for production negligence in making a decision to allow it.

I'm pretty sure those are some Iron Clad contracts that CBS makes them sign.

I'm pretty sure those are some Iron Clad contracts that CBS makes them sign.

Agree.  There was some small rumblings during the whole "renom rule"/save Zach campaign about the suing of CBS.  Zach's dad posted some (I thought, idiotic) things on Twitter about how if the rules given to the players are not followed, then they could sue for breach of contract, etc.  He made another comment about a week ago that suggested CBS contacted him to explain... something.  I dunno what happened, but I would bet that CBS has 100% covered themselves in this situation and all situations.  I mean, that guy feel into a fire and burnt his hands off on Survivor S2, and CBS was covered.  Contestants on these shows sign their lives away in a multitude of ways, for injury, for producer manipulation, for trademarks, for everything.  It's like Caleb saying he is going to fight to take ownership of "Beastmode Cowboy".  Um, no you're not.  Not if it's worth any real value (which I suspect it is not).

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I think what happened to Christine is that she's not really ugly, she's pretty average looking. She may even have the potential to "clean up well" if she cut her hair and made a little effort to present herself better.  But the crux of the issue for me is that her personality is so grating, mean, and ugly that I can't see anything but her flaws: her hooked nose, her constant sneer, her stringy hair.  If she were funny and kind and loyal to her husband, I'd think she was adorably cute and quirky.  Personality goes a long way toward coloring the way a person looks, at least to me.


When she was first teamed up with Nicole as the nerd girls alliance, I thought she was passably cute.

Same here. I was prepared to like her at the beginning of the season simply because she wasn't the stereotypical BB wannabe model/starlet. Her personality and comments, though, have turned that around 180 degrees.

Now I know how the world must've looked to Shallow Hal.

I hope Frankie goes in the DE so we don't have to spend a full week with him OTB.

I don't. Donny deserves a longer break from Frankie than that. We saw how Frankie treated Donny in the House, where (a) Frankie knew he was under 24/7 scrutiny and (b) Frankie had no clue America liked Donny SO much more than him. Turn Frankie loose in the JH right now, and Frankie would terrorize Donny for the unpardonable sin of being more popular.

  • Love 1

It isn't charm that Derrick has, it is his ability to lead.  I believe leaders are born with the trait.  I watched my son become a natural leader from an early age.  His kindergarten teacher brought it to my attention.  She said there are some students who she has followed through to adulthood watching to see if her hunch was true on this theory.  She was right most of the time. 


I think we would all appreciate him if he were honest in his DR talks.  Derrick could have gotten Donny's vote and respect had he been honest in his good bye message, as well. 

  • Love 6

5 am HT Caleb and Frankie in HOH with love advice if all the guys Frankie does treats him bad, switch to girls, Frankie thinks he could find a woman like the husband of Christine and not have sex with her, have an agreement that he is allowed to have sex with men.

What twisted and confused thinking.

I have been complaining about that challenge since it's inception. It has always been a "slip and fall" attorney's dream. AND, I am really surprised that no HG has never been seriously injured with a broken arm or leg during it. 


AG has "shit for brains." Any attorney examining that BB contract would be able to find a loophole in it after viewing that challenge and be able to pursue a lawsuit for production negligence in making a decision to allow it.

I think networks have some pretty good lawyers working for them. Also there is a concept in law called "acceptance of the risk." If you go to a baseball game and get hit by a line drive foul ball, you are not going to be compensated no matter the damage because you knew when you went to the baseball game what went on there.


In regard to the family situations, I feel bad for Frankie, tbh and I never thought I would. His mother and sister are publicly distancing themselves from him, that has gotta hurt more than anything when he finds out. I don't like him but I think one of the reasons he is the way he is is because of the environment he grew up in, he's a man-child basically. I feel like his family should have told him beforehand that not everything he does is cute/loveable. I understand why what Christine's family did might seem harsh but if I were on TV and making questionable decisions, I know that my family would not approve and if there were certain lines I crossed, I would not expect my parents to lie and pretend that my actions are okay and that's because I know that they love me unconditionally so even if they are disappointed by my actions I would understand that it's because they want me to be the best version of myself I can be. Then again, that's actually something we discuss in my family, we are very open with each other and I know that what my parents tell me comes out of love and that it hurts them when I do things that I know I shouldn't. That's why the Frankie situation seems most hurtful to me, I think he was raised with that he will always be a Grande mentality and that he's a star and nobody else matters, now he's not being treated like a Grande by his family for PR reasons, at least not in public. I understand that fame is what seems to matter most to some of these people but at what cost? It's really sad. Family first, at least IMHO. I hope that like Christine's family, Frankie's doesn't shelter him or make light of some of the things he's said and done so that he can grow. That doesn't mean I think they need to insult him but rather tell him that they love him and always will but that they don't agree with some things. It might hurt a bit at the beginning but I believe there's strength in honesty because IMO the people that you can count on to be honest with you are the same ones that will ultimately have your back and help you struggle through your journey. While it's nice to be sheltered at times and yes, sometimes we need a safety blanket, at some point we do need to go out and face reality.


I'm disappointed that racism is still being accepted as okay by some people.

You could be right about this, but Frankie is 31. He's had plenty of time to figure out things on his own. I remember distinctly telling myself in my late teens that after age 20 or 21, I couldn't blame anything on my parents. It was strictly my fault what I did or didn't do. But I agree with him being a man child. It seems there is a window of opportunity to grow up, and his window is rapidly closing. It's not pretty when a 40 year old still has a 20 year old mentality.

  • Love 2


As was mentioned, Nicole liked Aaryn, too. In fact, she liked Aaryn and Amanda and doesn't think Amanda said anything racist. She made a tshirt for the Amanda/Aaryn/Andy/McCrae alliance, which is just embarrassing IMO. So, yea, it is very hard to truly root for Nicole. Cody and Caleb also liked Aaryn and thought she was unfairly treated.

Interesting because during her HOH reign the one were Jocasta went out. She was complaining that she did not want to be banned from charity events like Amanda.

It isn't charm that Derrick has, it is his ability to lead. I believe leaders are born with the trait. I watched my son become a natural leader from an early age. His kindergarten teacher brought it to my attention. She said there are some students who she has followed through to adulthood watching to see if her hunch was true on this theory. She was right most of the time.

I think we would all appreciate him if he were honest in his DR talks. Derrick could have gotten Donny's vote and respect had he been honest in his good bye message, as well.

Yes, I agree with you. When Vic biffed it, Nic immediately called for Derrick. She turned to a leader. A parent of these children has a special responsibility because a leader has to be careful to pick the right direction because whether he/she wills it or no, people will follow.

And honesty with the viewer would have gone a long way.

Edited by Stinamaia
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Same here. I was prepared to like her at the beginning of the season simply because she wasn't the stereotypical BB wannabe model/starlet. Her personality and comments, though, have turned that around 180 degrees.

Now I know how the world must've looked to Shallow Hal.

I don't. Donny deserves a longer break from Frankie than that. We saw how Frankie treated Donny in the House, where (a) Frankie knew he was under 24/7 scrutiny and (b) Frankie had no clue America liked Donny SO much more than him. Turn Frankie loose in the JH right now, and Frankie would terrorize Donny for the unpardonable sin of being more popular.


Oh my.  I hadn't thought of how Frankie would treat Donny in the JH.  Not sure he knows how to relate to people who are not potential fans.


He will learn about Donny's walk on part that was offered.  If he is too modest to tell Zach or someone else will tell him!  That may level the field a bit! 

It isn't charm that Derrick has, it is his ability to lead.  I believe leaders are born with the trait.  I watched my son become a natural leader from an early age.  His kindergarten teacher brought it to my attention.  She said there are some students who she has followed through to adulthood watching to see if her hunch was true on this theory.  She was right most of the time. 


I think we would all appreciate him if he were honest in his DR talks.  Derrick could have gotten Donny's vote and respect had he been honest in his good bye message, as well. 


Agree.  I think Derrick is well liked by his house guests, but it is because they see what he is leading them to see, not exactly what is really going on.  I also think more then leading or even being liked, Derrick is trusted by almost everyone in the house.  I think that Derrick has put the work in with almost every house guest so that they not only see bigger, badder targets, but that they think that Derrick is someone who they can trust and help with their game.  


I know he's not well liked, but I gotta respect Derrick's game and I hope he wins.  He's the only one really playing it IMO.  


Edited because well, grammar.  

Edited by shelley1005
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I personally think Donnie will clean up after this is over if he hooks up with an agent and I'm sure there are some who watch these shows. 

I would be more sympathetic to Frankie if he had any self insight.  But every move he makes is so calculating and his mannerisms are so over the top it's often excruciating to watch.  And now if he tries to blame America for homophobic behavior, when even conservative states have passed gay marriage rights laws, it's laughable, or I guess, sad, as others point out. But even given how he presents himself, if he was genuinely nice instead of vile, people would like him more.

In regard to the family situations, I feel bad for Frankie, tbh and I never thought I would. His mother and sister are publicly distancing themselves from him, that has gotta hurt more than anything when he finds out.

I was kinda thinking the same thing regarding Christine. I wonder if she attached any significance to the fact her family video consisted solely of her husband against a blank brick wall - specifically, the absence of Mom and Dad. Frankie's family video preceded hers, so she knew it wasn't a "one family member only" restriction....

What twisted and confused thinking.

I think networks have some pretty good lawyers working for them. Also there is a concept in law called "acceptance of the risk." If you go to a baseball game and get hit by a line drive foul ball, you are not going to be compensated no matter the damage because you knew when you went to the baseball game what went on there.


You could be right about this, but Frankie is 31. He's had plenty of time to figure out things on his own. I remember distinctly telling myself in my late teens that after age 20 or 21, I couldn't blame anything on my parents. It was strictly my fault what I did or didn't do. But I agree with him being a man child. It seems there is a window of opportunity to grow up, and his window is rapidly closing. It's not pretty when a 40 year old still has a 20 year old mentality.



I agree with you.  That said, looking at the family dynamics can explain how your hard wiring was installed.  Not an excuse, not anyone's fault, it is a learning tool as you create your own life.  Just interesting to look at. 

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I so wish Donny is offered more TV appearances, maybe a walk-on or two on some prime time CBS shows.  And lots of appearances on daytime & nighttime talk shows.  Surely, Rosie will invite him on The View.  (I don't know when she's due to come back on--hopefully soon.)  It will eat Frankie alive.

  • Love 1

I don't think Donny is going to be offered much or get an agent.  This soap is just going to write a walk on part for him for when he gets out and is still fresh in the minds of fans.  They must have a fan in the cast!  That will be it.  I can see him being a guest on The Talk, perhaps, since Julie is a host but that is about it.

  • Love 1


You could be right about this, but Frankie is 31. He's had plenty of time to figure out things on his own. I remember distinctly telling myself in my late teens that after age 20 or 21, I couldn't blame anything on my parents. It was strictly my fault what I did or didn't do. But I agree with him being a man child. It seems there is a window of opportunity to grow up, and his window is rapidly closing. It's not pretty when a 40 year old still has a 20 year old mentality.

I definitely agree with you but that requires perception and self-accountability which I believe Frankie lacks and is not going to acquire until his family starts telling him that no, everything he does is not okay and it's not automatically excused because he's a Grande. I also realized it was a cop-out in my early 20's to blame my parents for my actions but I think his situation is different than mine. You're right, the window for growth is closing which is why I stated that I don't want his family to shelter him because this is a big learning opportunity. This is basically the whole nature vs nurture argument and I just think everyone is different.

  • Love 1

Oh my.  I hadn't thought of how Frankie would treat Donny in the JH.  Not sure he knows how to relate to people who are not potential fans.


He will learn about Donny's walk on part that was offered.  If he is too modest to tell Zach or someone else will tell him!  That may level the field a bit!

That, or enrage Frankie further.

In Frankie's mind, what has Donny done to deserve this - to deserve ANY of this? He, Frankie J. Grande, has more talent and star power in his little finger than this - this - this groundskeeper - yet Frankie spends weeks (months? years?) in LA and can't even get an AGENT, while Huckleberry Hound over here is getting acting roles dropped in his lap without even looking! It's just... not right! IT ISN'T FAIR TO FRANKIE, DAMMIT!!!

  • Love 9

I hope they do kind of a makeover with Donny and shave his beard on the show.



I have been saying that for days.  I really, really want him to surprise everyone.  But that soap is not going to want him to do that. 

I'm not so sure, if Frankie knows that Donny is popular (and he does), he's going to be Donny's best friend in the jury house.


Ha ha ha!  Just may happen! 

I think you mean Jamie.  She was a former beauty queen and obsessed with getting into show business.  And really thought she could.


Yes, it was Jamie! I knew I could look it up easily enough, but I was just too tired, so thanks for answering that for me. She was nice enough in the house, but the obsession with fame was alternately annoying and amusing.


When [Christine] was first teamed up with Nicole as the nerd girls alliance, I thought she was passably cute.  



I agree with you 100%.  Cut bangs and hair to shoulders, change glasses frames to "good nerd stlye," a little makeup and some cutting edge clothes we all would have found her attractive if she had a compelling personality.  She has a cute little body. 


Both she and Tim look as if they're frozen in their "rebellious teen" stage. I'm sure dressing and looking alike was important to them in their first years of high school, but they're beyond that, and need to start looking like adults. It's a shame that What Not to Wear is gone, because they would be prime candidates for a Stacy and Clinton makeover. That gif of Christine giving Cody and Nicole the death glare shows that her hair is just too thin and stringy to be that long. Nicole's hair has some body, so piling it up casually on her head looks good on her. On Christine, it does nothing. I thought that she looked really cute in her introductory videos on the first episode, and came across as charming. It would be nice if she could reclaim that. 


I had to laugh at the irony when Christine realized that her wedding rings were still in Cody's jacket pocket and that he left his jacket outside after the comp.  Of course, they were on indoor lockdown after the comp.


Wow. The symbolism, it kills. 


Frankie said it was a unanimous vote to get Donny out. He said "What's America going to do? Hate us all?"


Sure! I am large, I contain multitudes. Hating everyone but Nicole is no problem. 

Donny should go on Bold and the Beautiful with the beard, and then guest on The View and get the beard shaved off. 


Oops, I meant The Talk, of course. 

Edited by Kris117
  • Love 4


Yes, it was Jamie! I knew I could look it up easily enough, but I was just too tired, so thanks for answering that for me. She was nice enough in the house, but the obsession with fame was alternately annoying and amusing.

Didn't she choose 5 minutes with a casting agent over  seeing her mom?

Edited by choclatechip45

Oh, you're right! I think she spun it by saying that seeing her mom would just upset her too much to concentrate on the game, but it was hard for me to imagine what five minutes with a casting agent would do for her. Crazy. 


Now, if they gave Frankie that choice, he'd also pick the agent, but spend the five minutes telling the agent how lucky s/he was to be speaking with Frankie and learning from him. 


They had better show some of Frankie's dramatics about how America hates him on the Sunday broadcast. Like, maybe forty minutes worth. 

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