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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Well there goes Nicole next week.  DE though so there is a chance for some action.  How many times have I said that now?  We could have Christine or Victoria out with the DE.  ugh


Good night and thank you all for keeping up with the feeds!

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Caleb's too close to Frankie to nominate him. I think the house is pretty divided between Caleb/Frankie and Cody/Derrick.

Definitely going to be Nicole and Victoria noms.

The best part is that Caleb isn't even really part of the Detonators. I just don't get why he's hanging onto the whole Bomb Squad thing. Doesn't he realize that they were ready to cut him loose at one point?

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Well, that makes my life easier. I'm spending most of tomorrow at my university's season opener football game and now don't have to wonder about what is happening with the noms (Go Coogs!!). And I can pretty much skip over Saturday with the veto, and actually just forget about this wretched show until the double eviction. Nicole/Victoria noms. One of them gets taken down, Christine goes up. Lots of bashing of all three women, and bros before hos, because the women are all useless and worthless, and it should just be the big strong guys in the end. Mostly led by Caleb, but with all of the other guys happily agreeing.

Have I mentioned lately about how this season sucks?

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I imagine the week prior to veto will play out like this:


Derrick gets Caleb to nominate Nicole and Victoria.

Derrick plants seeds that Christine cannot be trusted (which most of the them feel like she's useless to the alliance anyway).

Plan to backdoor Christine then emerges "organically."

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Well, that makes my life easier. I'm spending most of tomorrow at my university's season opener football game and now don't have to wonder about what is happening with the noms (Go Coogs!!).

Do you go to University of Houston?

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I've got to say I really hate that Derrick took the $$$ instead of working along side his alliance members to win the HOH.  Am I surprised?  No.  However, I hope those guys think about it and how he threw them under the bus to put food in his child's mouth.  (Darling little girl that she is!)  Thing is...he'll talk and talk and justify his actions and they'll all eat it up with a big spoon.  Fools!

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Do you go to University of Houston?

Not so much "go" as "went". Awhile ago. But yes, I am a proud University of Houston alumni!!

So, who does Celeb listen to more this week? Derrick or Frankie? Or does it even matter?

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Not so much "go" as "went". Awhile ago. But yes, I am a proud University of Houston alumni!!

So, who does Celeb listen to more this week? Derrick or Frankie? Or does it even matter?

Haha, small world! I go to U of H, although at 34 I am considered a "non-traditional student." H-town represent. LOL

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They didn't show the ALS Ice a Bucket challenge on the show tonight. Are they waiting until Sunday? Or Next week when they show the Jury house and have them do it too?

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. Sunday maybe? I'm glad they didn't show it tonight. I have to say tonight's episode was the best so far in the season. So much shade from Julie and we finally got to hear from Christine's shamed family! Loved it.

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They didn't show the ALS Ice a Bucket challenge on the show tonight. Are they waiting until Sunday? Or Next week when they show the Jury house and have them do it too?


I'm just playing around here, but I'm kind of hoping they just decided that this challenge was a good excuse to dump a whole lot of cold water on these guys.  I don't need to see it, just knowing it happened is even better than seeing it.

Edited by pennben
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Well, this HOH did appear to do some damage. Caleb does seem to have a legitimate knee issue, and Derrick just came out of the DR saying the doctors said everyone needed to drink a lot of water and take hot showers. Then it went to fish.

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Well, this HOH did appear to do some damage. Caleb does seem to have a legitimate knee issue, and Derrick just came out of the DR saying the doctors said everyone needed to drink a lot of water and take hot showers. Then it went to fish.


Victoria should be passing out from the pain and dehydration in 5 ..... 4...... 3....... 

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Frankie: Obviously, America is obsessed with Donny. He's obviously going to win America's Player.


That's the first intelligent thing that's come out of your mouth this season.


They know. They knowww. Bwahahahaha!

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I know they're sore and as the houseguests keep saying, the worst of it will be on Saturday when they play for veto. Here's to a very physical competition then with lots of running around!

Edited by Meatball
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Derrick and Frankie are going to stick to Caleb like glue, trying to control his nominations. Leave the boy alone.

They are so obvious. You'd think the others would pick up on it. Just shows how stupid they all are.

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Not so much "go" as "went". Awhile ago. But yes, I am a proud University of Houston alumni!!

Eat 'em up, Cougars!

What Frankie is not saying, but is clear from just looking at his face, is that he is pissed off and definitely got Julie's message about his chosen "mission" this week and decision not to save Donny as the mission. Frankie knows what's what, and he is NOT happy.

But what does Derrick think, or does he even care just as long as Donny's gone?
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His head is going to explode when he finds our Donny & Zach are Americas Favorites. And that we all hate him. He is the WORST!

Will that be before or after he finds out Donny is going to have a walk on the soap?

BB must hate Frankie as much as we do.

Now what can production do to torment Derrick?

Frankie is convinced Donny is "somebody".

Well, aren't we all? ;-)

Edited by LGGirl
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Frankie, going on and on about how hot your sister is is NOT NORMAL.


Especially when a couple weeks ago he was making a big deal in a DR about how not cool and freaky it was that Caleb was obsessing over her picture and her in general when Frankie won HOH.  So is he now - in a way - trying to 'pimp out' his sister to Caleb so that Caleb won't throw him on the block, or backdoor(snark!) him after Veto?


Frankie truly is a sick bastard.  And his being gay has absolutely nothing to do with that assessment.

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I hate that some of them are acting like Derrick did them a huge favor by "winning" the incessant shout outs.  I mean, he's clearly not sharing the money with you...



Thu 11:02 PM BBT Fra to Der in KT: I don't even think I have a f*cking shot at America's Fave Player with [Don] sitting out there.


Lmao - dude, you don't have a chance at America's Favorite Player with Devin, Pao or Joey sitting next to you!

Edited by forgetmenow
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Thanks for the info, choclatechip45!


How fucking GLORIOUS is it that Frankie would literally kill to be right beside her now when her music finally goes somewhat mainstream (Macy's fireworks, VMAs, new album)?? I love that he's stuck in a 16 yr. old stage/set with a bunch of idiots. LOL!!


And YES to the suggestion, iRarelyWatchTV36, he's fishing his own sister to Caleb so as not to be nominated. GROSSNESS

Edited by housecat
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I'm going to be purely selfish here and admit that I'm a bit pleased with Donny's exit tonight.  If he couldn't win, it was best to get him out of that toxic environment and leave his tormentors to wallow in bitterness while they look at each other and wonder if they're next.


Besides, "Utopia: US" live feeds start tomorrow so I'll have more time to keep up with their feeds via Jokers.

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Thanks for the info, choclatechip45!


How fucking GLORIOUS is it that Frankie would literally kill to be right beside her now when her music finally goes somewhat mainstream (Macy's fireworks, VMAs, new album)?? I love that he's stuck in a 16 yr. old stage/set with a bunch of idiots. LOL!!


And YES to the suggestion, iRarelyWatchTV36, he's fishing his own sister to Caleb so as not to be nominated. GROSSNESS

Her CD release party was broadcasted by Z100 I was on my way home from the gym and they were talking about her collaborating with Justin Bieber and I was thinking I hope its sooner rather than later.

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From Jokers:

11:34 PM Chris: Im so glad. I dont have to wake up in the morning and DEAL with him. I just wanted the BY to myself in the morning. NT

Yeah, because Donny's pleasant attitude was sooo much to deal with. Ugh.

Edited by Wavesofblue
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chocolatechip45, I could kiss you for that comment!! 


Frankie's missing the very best 'moments' of Ariana's fame. And the schaudenfrade tastes delicious.


Wavesofblue, Christine is in for a giant dose of reality when this is all over. I *almost* feel sorry for her. 

Edited by housecat
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Nicole eating real food and being so happy about it is the best. Bless her heart. And I don't mean that in the smarty southern way, although I am very much a southern woman. I just know how to use the phrase in different situations. And I mean it in a nice way. This time.

Edited by Wavesofblue
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Well, it's official.  I don't have psychic powers, because if I did, then Christine would have stabbed Frankie to death with her glasses just to make him stop loudly proclaiming how TOTALLY EXCELLENT AND PERFECT IT IS THAT CALEB WON, HE LITERALLY COULD NOT BE HAPPIER WITH THE OUTCOME, IT'S JUST SO GREAT!  Why don't you just pee all over Caleb and declare him yours now, Frankie?  Listening to him passive-aggressively try to let everyone else know that Caleb's his personal homie makes me want to kick stuff.  I need for Caleb to backdoor Frankie, or else I might die.


I am just going to take deep breaths and marinate in the juices of Frankie's bitterness and contempt that America "obviously loves Donnie", and enjoy seeing him stew and obsess and fret and be completely bewildered to the point of near tantrums as to why in the hell anyone would like Donnie, of all people, because what's he even done?  Donny doesn't even have a famous sister or a You Tube account!  It just doesn't make sense!  I look forward to him trying to justify out loud, because he can't do anything silently, that he still might have a chance at America's Favorite if he pirouettes and prances and flaps around the house more ostentatiously.  Maybe turning everything up a notch will work!  Maybe he just needs MORE PINK IN HIS HAIR! [aaaaand...cue total meltdown in Diary Room].

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I am just going to take deep breaths and marinate in the juices of Frankie's bitterness and contempt that America "obviously loves Donnie", and enjoy seeing him stew and obsess and fret and be completely bewildered to the point of near tantrums as to why in the hell anyone would like Donnie, of all people, because what's he even done?  Donny doesn't even have a famous sister or a You Tube account!  It just doesn't make sense!  I look forward to him trying to justify out loud, because he can't do anything silently, that he still might have a chance at America's Favorite if he pirouettes and prances and flaps around the house more ostentatiously.  Maybe turning everything up a notch will work!  Maybe he just needs MORE PINK IN HIS HAIR! [aaaaand...cue total meltdown in Diary Room].



Me, too. 


ETA: *purrrrrrrrrrrr*

Edited by housecat
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