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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I agree that Ariana's distancing herself, neither she or her mom have mentioned Frankie lately, they're all about Miley Cyrus right now.

I believe so too. All she did for awhile was post things about him and her new album coming out. Granted she is busy this week promoting her album, but she has been tweeting as well and I have a feeling her PR people have said do not post anything about your brother he isn't getting good press and we don't want that anywhere near you.

I was glad she didn't post anything about voting for the TA task. Hopefully she doesn't comment anymore about BB and voting for things.

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CBS edit aside, Frankie has been campaigning to keep Donny and Derrick is the one who keeps shutting it down.


Yeah? Well then the dipstick should have gone along with Donny's idea for the TA task.  He is the vilest flippiest flopper I've seen on this show.  He disgusts me in a way that even Andy couldn't manage. 

  • Love 8

Yeah? Well then the dipstick should have gone along with Donny's idea for the TA task. He is the vilest flippiest flopper I've seen on this show. He disgusts me in a way that even Andy couldn't manage.

He also should of kept Zach who had his back and would of voted to keep Donny.

I like how Frankie is trying to sell that Cody and Derrick wanted Zach out and that is why he did it. No it isn't. You wanted him out just as bad. Stop lying we know your full of crap.

  • Love 4


I agree that Ariana's distancing herself, neither she or her mom have mentioned Frankie lately, they're all about Miley Cyrus right now.

I read an article written by the parent of a girl who won a contest to be Ariana Grande's guest at the VMAs. She and another boy were chosen. The girl had met Ariana before she became so famous and Ariana was very nice. However that all changed. Ariana did not speak to the winners and they were told not to ask her questions or give the gifts they had brought for her. The gifts were to be given to security. They were told to limit pics to one selfie with her for which she posed in the exact same way with the same smile. When pics were taken, Ariana turned to security and told them to make sure the photos were deleted. It was interesting. There are photos included. Before and after, so to speak.

True. Frankie did this exact same thing with Zach as he's doing with Donny. If he wants to keep someone around, then he better speak the fuck up and not play it as him wanting them out. He could have done the Team America mission and used the excuse of wanting to keep Team America around. He thinks getting Zach and now Donny out is better for his game, but he's actually 100% wrong. I have no sympathy for someone who had the power to keep his allies and, instead, campaigned to get them out. It didn't work with Zach, whatever his plan had been for him since week 2, and it's not working with Donny. If that was his game play, then he's a worse BB player than I thought. He's literally getting rid of people who could have his back over Christine and Caleb, who have actively tried to get him out. 


Fine, Frankie, you're getting the TV coverage that you so clearly want over the money. It's just not good TV coverage. Not anymore, at least. Not since you exposed your secret. 

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From Jokers:

There you have it. Frankies real reason to get Zach out. He is such a frickin' pos.

I agree I think he was starting to realize with Julie asking him questions pretty much every week and twice fans screaming over the fence that they love Zach and being called disgusting (which he totally heard). I think he figured he would get the one threat to his social media empire out. Thinking the fans would think out of sight out of mind. He just doesn't realize how not happy people were that Zach left and I think his epic exit cemented a lot of people's enjoyment of him even more. I think Frankie and a lot of the houseguests are going to be SHOCKED at how well liked he really is.

And I go back and forth with Donny and Zach to win Americas Favorite. But since Donny has already made some extra money I would like Zach to win just to see the look on his face and all of the houseguests faces especially Frankie when he wins it.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Nichole has a better shot at winning HOH and they feel they can control her.  They cannot, but good for them to think they can!  Pinheads.

Unfortunately, they're right. Nichole is overrated. Last night she was alone in a bedroom whispering to the cameras and said she's nervous and her head isn't in the game and will go with the pack to get her further in the game. She said she might look weak but it's a strategy she needs to play. Hate her!

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I'm perplexed by Frankie's choices about how to present himself while starring in a TV show all summer, just in terms of his look (in addition to showing himself to be a horrible and annoying person). Who told him it was a good idea to dress and act like a demented 12-year-old? It's weird and it just makes him look even older (the kiss of death in show biz). He's a very mature looking 31 as it is. I assume that his "cheerleader persona" is a Broadway thing, where (I guess) being really energetic and upbeat can get you chorus jobs or at least gigs on cruise ships or Disneyland or that kind of thing. But Frankie looks ridiculous bouncing around in colorful outfits with his cap askew. It seems to me that that is not his niche, either in terms of being a good aesthetic for him or being a good way to market himself as a performer. No wonder he couldn't get an agent in LA despite his amazing connections and no wonder he was working as a dance teacher or whatever in NY (after his star turn on Broadway ended 3 years ago). It's obvious that he thinks/hopes BB will make him a major star (maybe even bigger than Ariana!), which is hilarious. It shows how dumb he is that he's squandered this major opportunity to build his show biz career, not just by being an ass, but being unfunny and unattractive.

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Unfortunately, they're right. Nichole is overrated. Last night she was alone in a bedroom whispering to the cameras and said she's nervous and her head isn't in the game and will go with the pack to get her further in the game. She said she might look weak but it's a strategy she needs to play. Hate her!


I can see this happening.  If she wants to stay in the game she has to do what will keep her in.  She is better throwing HOH.  Whoever wins will put her up with a "pawn."  This is a way to evict Christine.  Should Christine win POV, then they have to decide to start the game of eating each other now or play it safe and let Nicole go.  We may get some interesting feed action. 


Of course they may take the easy route and evict Nicole, of course.  And sadly, that is the more likely senario.

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I read an article written by the parent of a girl who won a contest to be Ariana Grande's guest at the VMAs. She and another boy were chosen. The girl had met Ariana before she became so famous and Ariana was very nice. However that all changed. Ariana did not speak to the winners and they were told not to ask her questions or give the gifts they had brought for her. The gifts were to be given to security. They were told to limit pics to one selfie with her for which she posed in the exact same way with the same smile. When pics were taken, Ariana turned to security and told them to make sure the photos were deleted. It was interesting. There are photos included. Before and after, so to speak.


interesting ....




Her excuse?  She didn't want the fan to see her 'start to cry.'



I'm perplexed by Frankie's choices about how to present himself while starring in a TV show all summer, just in terms of his look (in addition to showing himself to be a horrible and annoying person). Who told him it was a good idea to dress and act like a demented 12-year-old? It's weird and it just makes him look even older (the kiss of death in show biz). He's a very mature looking 31 as it is. I assume that his "cheerleader persona" is a Broadway thing, where (I guess) being really energetic and upbeat can get you chorus jobs or at least gigs on cruise ships or Disneyland or that kind of thing. But Frankie looks ridiculous bouncing around in colorful outfits with his cap askew. It seems to me that that is not his niche, either in terms of being a good aesthetic for him or being a good way to market himself as a performer. No wonder he couldn't get an agent in LA despite his amazing connections and no wonder he was working as a dance teacher or whatever in NY (after his star turn on Broadway ended 3 years ago). It's obvious that he thinks/hopes BB will make him a major star (maybe even bigger than Ariana!), which is hilarious. It shows how dumb he is that he's squandered this major opportunity to build his show biz career, not just by being an ass, but being unfunny and unattractive.


Did he say on the feeds that he tried and couldn't get an agent?   And that he could be bigger than Ariana? 

Unfortunately, they're right. Nichole is overrated. Last night she was alone in a bedroom whispering to the cameras and said she's nervous and her head isn't in the game and will go with the pack to get her further in the game. She said she might look weak but it's a strategy she needs to play. Hate her!


No, I understand why Nicole has to do this. The only way for her to make it past next week is to appear weak and have the alliance want her to stick around. It's a strategy we may hate, but it's one that works out for her game. Nicole absolutely knows that Derrick has been running the house and how most of the houseguests are pieces of shits. She knows she can only trust Donny and she knows she only likes Victoria. Unfortunately, her game is screwed either way but if there can be a bigger target than her, like Christine/Frankie/Caleb, then why not seize on the opportunity to expose that bigger threat and stay around longer? It's hard to say what we'd do if we were in their situation, because we're not. That's why I give lenience toward certain behaviours. Not ones that Frankie/Christine have been playing, as it's personal, but when it's game play, then I can't hate them. It's why I still like Derrick.



And I go back and forth with Donny and Zach to win Americas Favorite. But since Donny has already made some extra money I would like Zach to win just to see the look on his face and all of the houseguests faces especially Frankie when he wins it.



The satisfaction for me alone will be hearing Donny and Zach's names being called as the top 3 for Fan Favourite, and hopefully someone like Nicole will be the third. Watching the looks on the houseguests fall when they realize they didn't win Fan Favourite? Priceless. I'd love Zach to win, and I do think he has a strong chance, just because he'll never suspect it and Frankie will be crestfallen. Unfortunately, that will mean we'll hear more praise of Zach from him just to get his fans on his side and it'll be all for show. It's already like that with Zankie/Frankie fans trying to give off crap reasons as to why Frankie treated Zach like crap and how 'Frankie's so in love with Zach and it's all for game and blahblahblah'. It just sucks that Zach will fall for all of this and will most likely be best friends with him. Hopefully Zach's family and others show him how badly Frankie really treated him.

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8 emails here, 160 no's from me. 

You are my hero, willpwr.

I know that Julie is going to let TA know whether they won the money or not by code, but I would die of happiness if she announced, "By a vote of a cajillion to thirty-two, Team America's idea has been rejected, and you don't win the money."

I agree that Nicole has a better chance of sticking around in the house after this week than Donny does. Donny's been the Detonators' target for a long time now, and given that Caleb regards him as some cross between Jack Reacher and the entirety of Seal Team Six, I think that he would be regarded as a much bigger threat to them next week. Nicole, while regarded as smart, is also an owner of one of those pesky vaginas ™ and so cannot possibly be as dangerous as Donny. She could benefit from Derrick thinking, "Eh, we can always get her out, and I can use her to get Frankie/Christine/Caleb out." I hope so, at any rate.

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No, I understand why Nicole has to do this. The only way for her to make it past next week is to appear weak and have the alliance want her to stick around. It's a strategy we may hate, but it's one that works out for her game. Nicole absolutely knows that Derrick has been running the house and how most of the houseguests are pieces of shits. She knows she can only trust Donny and she knows she only likes Victoria. Unfortunately, her game is screwed either way but if there can be a bigger target than her, like Christine/Frankie/Caleb, then why not seize on the opportunity to expose that bigger threat and stay around longer? It's hard to say what we'd do if we were in their situation, because we're not. That's why I give lenience toward certain behaviours. Not ones that Frankie/Christine have been playing, as it's personal, but when it's game play, then I can't hate them. It's why I still like Derrick.

The satisfaction for me alone will be hearing Donny and Zach's names being called as the top 3 for Fan Favourite, and hopefully someone like Nicole will be the third. Watching the looks on the houseguests fall when they realize they didn't win Fan Favourite? Priceless. I'd love Zach to win, and I do think he has a strong chance, just because he'll never suspect it and Frankie will be crestfallen. Unfortunately, that will mean we'll hear more praise of Zach from him just to get his fans on his side and it'll be all for show. It's already like that with Zankie/Frankie fans trying to give off crap reasons as to why Frankie treated Zach like crap and how 'Frankie's so in love with Zach and it's all for game and blahblahblah'. It just sucks that Zach will fall for all of this and will most likely be best friends with him. Hopefully Zach's family and others show him how badly Frankie really treated him.

Everything you said is spot on.

In terms of Nicole It's prolly best for her to wait and let some of them take each other put before she moves on D/C but we will see.

And with Zach I think that he has such a strong social media media following and they are pretty loud that he might already have this in the bag. But who knows. I think he would be floored if he won. I hope he tells Frankie to take a hike. ESP after he hears all the crap he said. I also think he's gonna be shocked at how much crap Cody talked about him. He was nonstop sometimes and I still don't get it.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Wow.  Stars much larger than Ariana talk to their fans, take pics with them.  They are posted all over twitter and instagram.  Mylie Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Jenefer Lopez and many more.   She seems to have the hauty gene as does Frankie.  Ugh.

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Yes, he said he tried to get an agent (or maybe manager) in LA, but was unsuccessful. It's my conjecture that he dreams of being a bigger star than Ariana, though I never heard him say it.


I agree with your conjecture!  He has grand delusions, no doubt. 


Again, my fondest wish is the one who nominates Frankie should say that he is impossbile to win against because he is donating his winnings to a school in Africa and no one can compete with that.   He will be soooooo sorry he lied.  I want to see his face!

Smart money says Frankie wins HOH and nominates Nicole and Victoria (telling them they are both safe).  POV winner removes one and he puts up who they all want out and that will probably be Christine. 

Edited by wings707
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I can't wait till they start cannibalizing themselves.  HA!  I'm waiting for Caleb to loose his sh*t when he finds out he's been kept in the dark about their real plans. 


And about Arianna, I guess nasty runs in the family.  If Frankie is any indication, Arianna doesn't have much pretty time left before she turns 31.  She'd better take advantage of that.


Oh, and I hate Christine.

Edited by Biosynth
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Okay so I can't help but feel that this "choose your own adventure" TA assignment was an attempt by production to save Donny. Just got to watch the Sunday and Wednesday episodes back to back and it all felt very heavy handed in making Frankie look like a monster (he said several times that he thought saving Donny was a dumb/bad idea, but they chose to include his DR session where he looked particularly bad while saying it). Derrick looked shady and Donny asked repeatedly for our help. I think the mission was set and the edit was done as it was to get the viewing audience riled up. TA is really the only opportunity for the viewing audience to impact the game.


I wouldn't be surprised if the DR floated the idea to Donny to save himself as the mission in the first place. Donny doesn't have any friends in the house he could confirm that to so we wouldn't know for sure, but I think its a possibility.


Can someone give a little more detail on when they will find out if they completed the mission? Are we for sure they won't find out until during the live show? Who (Frankie, Derrick, Donny) confirmed this was when they'd find out? Will they find out prior to the vote? Enough time to change votes?


This is all my spec and it's probably me overthinking this. I just don't see from a production standpoint why they would suggest TA do its own mission without some ulterior motive. I doubt they went into this season without mapping out all of the potential TA missions and when to assign them and for what reason. At face value this mission is a "take a week off by doing something fun and easy" but production is never "off" until the finale.


At the very least this appears to me to set the stage for Derrick vs Frankie with Derrick looking more sympathetic ("he turned on TA and cost us $5k!") to the viewing audience.

Edited by luvlee2003
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I hope they keep TA together after Donny leaves and America gets to write in a challenge. I would push for Frankie and Derrick to get themselves on the block together. Do you think they'd get the message then?

I would prefer to see Donny win Fan Fav over Zach. Granted Donny has won some money already but I think if he finds out how much America loved him, it would mean everything to him. Zach has his followers on social media. He'll get his love there. Plus I just get a feeling that hell be the breakout hamster this season and we will see more of him after this season.

Ariana did a nice photo op with her fans on the Today Show. Of course it was for all to see. Yup. That apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I'm hoping the applause is deafening when Donny leaves tonight and Derrick and Frankie flips out.

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Is it possible there's still a chance to switch the vote? Like perhaps the DR has heavily hinted they failed the mission, and there's a chance to redeem themselves by going with Donny's idea? Because they only need 3 votes, right? Frankie, Derrick, and if Victoria decides now is the time to do what she wants instead of what Derrick tells her, just tell Christine that for sure, Nicole is coming after her, and also Cody is flirting with Nicole now. Done. I guess I just don't see Nicole as being that much better than Donny about stirring things up.

  • Love 1
Okay so I can't help but feel that this "choose your own adventure" TA assignment was an attempt by production to save Donny. Just got to watch the Sunday and Wednesday episodes back to back and it all felt very heavy handed in making Frankie look like a monster (he said several times that he thought saving Donny was a dumb/bad idea, but they chose to include his DR session where he looked particularly bad while saying it). Derrick looked shady and Donny asked repeatedly for our help. I think the mission was set and the edit was done as it was to get the viewing audience riled up. TA is really the only opportunity for the viewing audience to impact the game.



I think if production really wanted to save Donny, the task could have been something like, "convince the POV holder to use the POV to save someone on the block." Or something blatant like that. I don't remember if they received their non mission before or after Cody won but I think it was after. They have already done really easy missions such as "get the strongest player nominated" when one of TAFY was a freaking HOH. I mean there are so many possibilities for what the mission could have been framed as and that would have saved Donny if that was the point of it. 

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Oh, comments about the play just reminded me. Victoria's jealousy of Amber in her portrayal of Amber couldn't have been more transparent.  She thought she was going to come into the house and be the prettiest girl (and don't get me wrong, she's a pretty girl) and when there were other girls there (Brittany and Amber) who were considered prettier, she hated them.

  • Love 3

No, they pre-announce doubles to ensure viewership. I think it will be DE next week since it's the last Thursday show (see Ratings and Scheduling forum). Maybe we could have a quadruple eviction and get this over with?

I feel like everyone but Nicole or Victoria would nominate Nicole and Victoria as initial noms this week, with a possible wildcard backdoor. Victoria would probably nominate Christine and... Nicole? I know she likes her, but Derrick would probably tell her she has no choice. Nicole I have no idea. Anyone but Caleb and Victoria are on her radar. I hope she wins (of course). If not her, then anyone but Frankie, bc that motherfucker has gots to go (tm James Franco).

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Donny lasted way longer than I ever thought he had a chance to last, and kept his spirit and his Donny-ness throughout.  I know plenty of BB fans, though non feed watchers or readers, and they all love him.  HOWEVER, they think Derrick is truly sad to "have" to evict Danny.   And that he is playing a great game.  But - they don't bother voting for anything, although two of them have said they will vote for Danny for Fan Favorite, if I tell them how.


What can I say  - I travel in an "old" circle.  I only feel young when I visit forums such as this one, and then I appear to be "in the know" with my friends who marvel at my information I hand them, thanks to you guys.  


Christine's hair up is NOT a good look at all for her.  It makes her look older and even less attractive than she already appears.  I would love to see Nichole vote her out next week.  Without Donny to worry about now,  I want to see some revenge.  I KNOW Donny will be having a good time in the jury house  - among friends!

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Ratings were flat last night. Back down under 7 million and 2.3 in the demo. I hope it continues it's downward slope. The first highest rated episode was last Thursdays eviction of Zach (I think it was high rated 1. Because people wanted to see and hope that he wouldn't be evicted and 2. Because of the Juror Comp) followed by Sundays prolly to see what all the hype was about. And now back under 7 million. I'll be interested to see tonight's ratings turn out. And if the producers start scrambling, especially since we have lost 2 fan favorites in a row and then possibly the chance to lose Nicole again. Then all hope is really lost for a shake up.

Edited by SiobhanJW


I had to bite the insides of my cheeks to keep from screaming at the TV screen, "Oh for crying out loud, ya idjut - if you were shooting for the Green Berets, joining the ARMY is one helluva long way around to it!!!"


I don't understand? How would one expect to become a Green Beret without joining the army?

  • Love 1

Ratings were flat last night. Back down under 7 million and 2.3 in the demo. I hope it continues it's downward slope. The first highest rated episode was last Thursdays eviction of Zach (I think it was high rated 1. Because people wanted to see and hope that he wouldn't be evicted and 2. Because of the Juror Comp) followed by Sundays prolly to see what all the hype was about. And now back under 7 million. I'll be interested to see tonight's ratings turn out. And if the producers start scrambling, especially if we have the chance to lose Nicole again. Then all hope is really lost for a shake up.

They should have thought of that. I'm no media mogul but could've predicted that myself. Zach gone. Dismal week with Donny going. What do they expect? The glory this week could have been with Donny or Nichole as HOH.

Maybe they should listen to the fans. Pandora box. DPOV. Anything to save Donny and Nichole. Then ratings would be up.

Oh if they really cared about ratings, then skew the game for Donny to at least go further with Nichole. That would get people watching. Derrick against Donny. A Donny win would mean a ratings bonanza because he is the underdog. Everyone assumes Derrick is the destined winner of this one sided game. No on cares anymore. No one cares to watch.

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If you read the parent's article, that still doesn't explain her not speaking to the winners or even smiling at all until the photos. She didn't even ask their names, she was stone cold before she saw the drawing. Some PR meddling there. http://primalscreaming.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/meeting-ariana-grande-then-and-now/

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Last we know it's Donny. I think it'll stay that way. But your right who the hell knows.


Thanks.  I lost track.  I am fine with this . I think she has a better shot at staying longer and winning a comp when she needs to.  Although last night's veto comp has me perplexed.  She didn't understand the rules nor did she pick up on what was going on.

Edited by wings707

EVERY summer (been watching since season 5, but I don't get the feeds), I say "self, this time you are NOT going to read the feeds forum, you are going to watch the episodes as they air and THAT is THAT."

And I thought well obviously this year, with the death of Tubey, that it would be an easy task to accomplish.

So what do I do? Look on June 1 to see if there is a BB thread, and follow these damn feeds all summer long. I can't help myself! You guys are all so awesome, I really admire your perseverance in putting up with these aholes all day every day. Your highlights are probably better than anything I would see watching live myself anyways.

One question...the pressure cooker comp, is that the one that broke my heart, because my beautiful, beautiful Kaysar is too trusting?

  • Love 3

Victoria's jealousy of Amber in her portrayal of Amber couldn't have been more transparent. She thought she was going to come into the house and be the prettiest girl (and don't get me wrong, she's a pretty girl) and when there were other girls there (Brittany and Amber) who were considered prettier, she hated them.

Victoria was actually pretty close to Brittany for awhile and seemed to really consider her a friend. But then Derrick decided everyone should hate Brittany, so she did. Same goes for Amber, Donny, hell even Christine. Victoria is very weak minded and therefore very susceptible to the group think that happens in this game. She has quite a but if company this season alone though, since basically everyone but Donny has taken part in it.

I wonder if losing the TA challenge would be the push Derrick needs to keep Donny? He is desperate for America's approval (and Canada cause we vote too but I bet he doesn't really care about what we think)

Derrick believes he's manipulative enough to snow America. He's been lying to us in DEs for weeks, so I assume he'll just continue doing that.

One question...the pressure cooker comp, is that the one that broke my heart, because my beautiful, beautiful Kaysar is too trusting?

Yes, that's the comp. I miss beautiful, naive, terrible-at-the-game Kaysar. Edited by peachmangosteen
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