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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Is is possible that Frankie is set on getting Donny out because he sees him as possibly more popular than he is, and this same reasoning being used on backdooring Zach?   I truly want this person out of the house.  


The players do get paid in the jury, right?  I ask because apparently Donny mentioned that this last TA mission will be the last money he makes ... unless he was referring to his last $5K he'll receive.


Also, what does WC mean?  Is there a dictionary for all the room abbreviations?  

I have already started wondering what the hell I'm going to do when the season ends. I minimally post in a few other threads but due to the ever-changing live feed I spend the most time over here. I'm going to go through serious withdrawals when my yearly summer crack supply ends.



First thing I do every morning when I sit down with my phone and my tea:  check the weather report, check the news headlines and make a mental note of which stories to go back and actually read later, then I come here.  Oh, and those nights like Thursday when the HOH comp went late, and that other time a POV went late, when I woke up at 4:00 a.m. to use the facilities, I checked my phone to see who won before going back to sleep. It's definitely an addiction.

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I'm not worried about Derrick losing if he makes it to F2. If he faces Frankie, Cody, or Caleb, at least 5 people on the jury will know he's been running the show: Hayden, Jacosta, Donny, Nicole, and Victoria.

SR = Storage Room

BR = bathrooms

LR = Living Room

BY = backyard

KT = kitchen

DR = diary room

FR = fire room (bedroom with the flames on the comforters)

RR = rock room

BH = bee hive

Edited by ZSweetJane
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I am embarrassed that Frankie is the example of the gay community we are seeing on this show.

I can't remember a gay BB hamster who wasn't some kind of stereotype, usually the more flamboyant, the better. And in some cases, Andy especially, they devolve into embarrassments for any community.  But by the time that happens, most of the hamsters are embarrassments.  Donny seems to be the exception.

Edited by Skycatcher

I know this has been discussed numerous times on various boards, but I have forgotten; what is the weekly stipend for the houseguests?  I think those who leave before jury get $1K (?) per week for each week they're in the house.  Do the jury members just get the stipend for each week they're in the house, or are the weeks in jury included (which would mean they all get the same amount)?  Of course the top two don't get the stipends, and all HGs get additional money that they've won in competitions, "twists" or AFP (if they have it this year).  Am I correct on this?


Being tolerant or accepting of homosexuality doesn't mean you have to happily agree to be mauled by someone on an hourly basis.


Amen!   Frankie said that after the game is over, maybe Zach will realize he's in love with him.  Does Frankie think he's so adorable and desirable that he can turn straight guys gay?   

I think the stipend in 1k per week while in the house, I heard Derrick and Caleb talking about this before they got reprimanded.  They were not even sure, themselves.  It makes sense that the jury weeks would be less but I don't know that.  I would be shocked if the winner is deprived of his salary for being in the house for 3 months.  Certainly they get to keep that.  You have to pay people who work for you and they are basically employees!  That is over 13k! 

Has everyone agreed to do this dumb play? Because I hardly think that Frankie doing a performance is going to fly as a task. This doesn't seem like something Cody, Victoria or Christine will be up for at all.

Eta: they get the same $1000/week whether they are in the house or jury. Many of them were happy to have locked in $15k for the summer when jury starts.

Eta again: the winner does not get a stipend. I remember Will telling Janelle in All Stars

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Oh, this play is supposed to be the Team America task?  I wondered why Donny was going along with it, because I think it sounds kind of mean spirited.  Although he did refuse to play Jocasta because he didn't want to hurt her feelings.  Instead he'll be Devin.   Although I have to question the wisdom of this.  Sure, Jocasta will cry.  Devin has the ability to rip him into to tiny little pieces. 


But anyhow, this isn't a hard task at all.  It is just the kind of thing they do every year, like the dumb Amanda-McCrae wedding, to kill time.  

I think the stipend in 1k per week while in the house, I heard Derrick and Caleb talking about this before they got reprimanded. They were not even sure, themselves. It makes sense that the jury weeks would be less but I don't know that. I would be shocked if the winner is deprived of his salary for being in the house for 3 months. Certainly they get to keep that. You have to pay people who work for you and they are basically employees! That is over 13k!

I don't get that at all. They still have no freedoms what so ever and jack shit to do. Some hamsters lose quite a bit of money being on BB so at jury they have to have an incentive to stay to vote if they know they cant get first or second prize dough or any real screen time.

I heard its the same and I guess Andrea did as well.

It's fucked up the winner doesn't get their stipend money. I'd be really pissed off about that and that's some cheap ass shady shit by cb sucks.

Edited by Petunia13
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If it is true that America votes on this as a a yay or nay if it passed as a good task, it will fail unless TV viewers by some insanity thinks it is good.  I will be shocked if I hear any live feeder like this.


On a side note the TV shows are so behind that it is laughable.  In this fast paced world of technology they really cannot produce a show closer to when thing happen?  Tonight we see the HOHs move into their rooms.  What fun.

Speaking of Frankie's incredible misunderstanding of homosexuality, he's obviously got lesbians and bisexuals confused. A woman who has previously enjoyed an attraction to men and is now dating/sleeping with women (or vice versa) has not chosen to become a lesbian. She has chosen to be with someone of the same sex, but she is still not a lesbian, she's a bisexual who is currently in a relationship with a woman.  Now, everyone is obviously different, and if she was with men for other reasons (like societal expectations, religion, etc.), then maybe she's a lesbian, but she didn't suddenly choose it. She just acknowledged she hasn't been who she was meant to be. Oh, hell. I don't need to tell you guys. You're more enlightened than Frankie Sparkles.


He is incredibly narrow minded for someone in a group of people who know how important open mindedness is.

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 16

I know this has been discussed numerous times on various boards, but I have forgotten; what is the weekly stipend for the houseguests?  I think those who leave before jury get $1K (?) per week for each week they're in the house.  Do the jury members just get the stipend for each week they're in the house, or are the weeks in jury included (which would mean they all get the same amount)?  Of course the top two don't get the stipends, and all HGs get additional money that they've won in competitions, "twists" or AFP (if they have it this year).  Am I correct on this?


It's a huge pet peeve of mine that the prize money hasn't changed in 14 years.   $500K in in 2000 is worth almost $700K in 2014.  I wonder if the stipends have gone up at all for inflation? 


For the most part I've tolerated Frankie, probably because I am rarely firing up the feeds this summer, but last night his "expert" explanation of men being born gay and women choosing to be gay made me want to scream at the screen. I don't know if it was him spewing so much misinformation as fact rather than opinion or the dumbass hgs who took it as fact that pissed me off more.  Ugh. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Oh No They Didn't posted about Frankie's comments, just the vid that was posted here and some Twitter reactions. I've also seen Frankie sneak small kisses on the guys, I remember him doing that to Caleb, and that would bother me too if I was them. The one day Cody was getting a full on rub down from like Victoria, Frankie, and Christine, it was so strange.

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I really hope someone in that house comes to their senses and points out to the rest of the HGs what a ridiculously stupid idea this play is.  Barring that, I really hope Frankie gets all excited about it and puts a lot of effort in to it, and then it gets absolutely zero TV time, not even a mention.  Because the whole idea is just mind-numbingly stupid.  Although, I guess since they want this to be a TA task, they'll air it.  For some reason, I am really pissed off about the whole play idea.  

  • Love 2

I've also seen Frankie sneak small kisses on the guys, I remember him doing that to Caleb, and that would bother me too if I was them. The one day Cody was getting a full on rub down from like Victoria, Frankie, and Christine, it was so strange.

I'm not so sure that it bothers Cody at all.  Or Caleb for that matter.  Notice Frankie never 'snuggles' or cuddled or molests Derrick or Donny or Hayden.  I can't remember about Devin. 

Eta again: the winner does not get a stipend. I remember Will telling Janelle in All Stars


Am I wrong in recalling that  it was small consolation one year that the second place winner actually ended up with more money than the winner because of other prizes won and the stipend?  Or maybe that was survivor.

Notice Frankie never 'snuggles' or cuddled or molests Derrick or Donny or Hayden


.You must not have seen the screencap of Derrick laying in bed, holding Frankie in his arms, headphones on and something that looked like a pacifier in his mouth.  Frankie is looking up at him with adoring eyes and a sickening sweet smile on his face.  I hope Derrick's cop friends make 20 copies of the screencap and post it all over the police station and razz the hell out of him.


eta: Thanks TexasChic for posting that!

Edited by parisprincess
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Thanks @TexasChic and @parisprincess.  As soon as I posted that I realized I shouldn't have used the word never, especially when I've rarely been watching the feeds and only watching BBAD to fall asleep at night.     I stand corrected.  

Am I wrong in recalling that  it was small consolation one year that the second place winner actually ended up with more money than the winner because of other prizes won and the stipend?  Or maybe that was survivor.

I seem to remember when someone ended up with more money than the second place winner of $50K (maybe Jeff?) because they won $25K for America's Favorite Player plus some prize money (or value of a prize) plus their stipend.  If Donny won America's Fav plus his TA money plus his stipend it could equal (or exceed) second place too. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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In Zach's interview with Jeff, he said that he played along and tolerated all the handsy stuff from Frankie because he wanted to win $500K. He said that to win the money, he was OK with letting Frankie kiss his neck. I always got the feeling that Zach was the guy who had the least problem with Frankie being so touchy feely but that Caleb and Cody didn't really mind it because Frankie also tells them how hot they are all the time and those two eat that stuff up. I think it's sort of like Christine letting Frankie have the HOH room all week instead of kicking him out -- just isn't worth potentially upsetting the special snowflake and have him turn on you. The one scene I did catch on the feeds (and I think someone on this forum posted a screen shot from the scene), was Frankie jumping on Zach and sticking his face into Zach's crotch, when Zach pushed him off laughing, Frankie started licking or kissing Zach's nipple. Zach laughed and pushed him off and covered his nipple with his hand. This was in front of a group sitting in the living room and Caleb was laughing it up. That was the one where I wouldn't have blamed Zach a bit if he had gotten a bit rough with Frankie or at least told him to knock it off. I think Frankie was playing it for laughs but I also wonder if Frankie kind of knows he can get away with this stuff  while in the house with these three attractive guys and takes advantage.

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Cody was annoyed when Frankie saved his "man crush", Caleb with the power of veto so for Caleb, I think he's being pretty strategic with Frankie which is shocking to me. He likes being considered attractive plus Frankie is good at competitions then there's the Ariana factor so Caleb probably sees Frankie as very important in him becoming famous.


ETA: No problem, TimWil, bobthefrog had posted it previously :)

Edited by willpwr

I think both Jeff and Janelle got more money than 2nd place by finishing 3rd and winning America's favorite plus bonuses.

That's good. (This is just an aside not a remark for why she deserved it but I wouldn't be surprised that the $1,000 a week was much less than what she earned a week. ) I could see why she won Americas Fave she was funny and most of the season six story revolved around her. Jeff I smell a fix. I hope Donny wins this year and if e doesn't I call shenanigans.


It'll take Derrick hours to get out of the fetal position.  Frankie will burst into dramatic tears with quick checks to make sure his camera angles are good, all while wailing "What have we DONE?"  Caleb will scratch his head and start a rambling story about how this is how he will be welcomed when he leaves (as the winner, at least in his head), and Amber will be there with a huge bouquet of flowers and a key to her hotel room.  Cody will scratch his balls and go to bed, where Christine will join him.  While they mutually masturbate each other Cody will talk about all the times he called Donny out and how he'll do it again when it's all over.  Christine will talk about how horrible and creepy Donny is, and blame him for people thinking she was acting at all inappropriate with a man who was not her husband.  Victoria will wander into the bathroom and reapply her makeup while whining about her bleeding scalp and her extreme oral pain, then go find some potato chips.


OMG!! This is fucking amazing!!! LMAO!!

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It's a huge pet peeve of mine that the prize money hasn't changed in 14 years.   $500K in in 2000 is worth almost $700K in 2014.  I wonder if the stipends have gone up at all for inflation? 


For the most part I've tolerated Frankie, probably because I am rarely firing up the feeds this summer, but last night his "expert" explanation of men being born gay and women choosing to be gay made me want to scream at the screen. I don't know if it was him spewing so much misinformation as fact rather than opinion or the dumbass hgs who took it as fact that pissed me off more.  Ugh. 


I remember that several years ago the HGs were saying that the stipend was $750 per week.  I don't know when it was increased to the $1000 per week that it seems to be now.

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The one scene I did catch on the feeds (and I think someone on this forum posted a screen shot from the scene), was Frankie jumping on Zach and sticking his face into Zach's crotch, when Zach pushed him off laughing, Frankie started licking or kissing Zach's nipple. Zach laughed and pushed him off and covered his nipple with his hand. This was in front of a group sitting in the living room and Caleb was laughing it up. That was the one where I wouldn't have blamed Zach a bit if he had gotten a bit rough with Frankie or at least told him to knock it off. I think Frankie was playing it for laughs but I also wonder if Frankie kind of knows he can get away with this stuff  while in the house with these three attractive guys and takes advantage.


That is what disgusts me about Frankie.  He is the worst stereotype of a gay man, and I'm sure that most people in the gay community would find him as offensive as I do.  I know that my friends would, but I don't think they watch the show (maybe they do watch though; we just don't admit it to each other - lol!)  

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About 15mins ago Derrick and Frankie talking in kitchen about how production didnt seem impressed with their choice in task

08/24/14 05:50 PM

And then Derrick (hilariously) says that he told them that all the Ariana fans will vote for it.

I don't care if it does cost Donny 5k; I'm voting against this thing just because it's lame and because I have no other way if voicing my displeasure with these people.

Edited by Stinamaia
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