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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Sigh. From Joker's:

Sun 1:01 AM BBT Frankie joins Derrick/Donny in the FR. Frankie wonders if America would like a sabotage mission.

He thinks they want something fun, and they want us to win the money.

Donny brings up again that they only need to find one more vote to save him. That America voted for them together. Derrick again says that it doesn't look good for him.

Frankie says that it would be bad for Frankie/Derrick to play a heavy handed role in the vote.

Donny says they should sell Operation Revolving Door, to get out the person who just came in. Frankie says that they need to accomplish this by the VETO meeting, so trying to save Donny won't work.

Donny says that he cleared it with production (we get FISH).

Frankie says that they can worry about saving Donny later. But they should do a play and get $5k tomorrow night.

Sun 1:05 AM BBT Donny: "Yall sent Nicole home before me before, yall can do it again and get 5k" Frankie: "OR we can put on a play"

Let me get this straight:

When Donny balked at one TAFY mission because it would screw up his game, both Derrick and Frankie throw him under the bus repeatedly in the DR and during the votes.

But suddenly it's ok to sacrifice a Team member, because it might mess with THEIR games?

And Frankie wants to put on a PLAY instead? Wassamatta, Frankie? Feel like your camera-hogging is getting cut down below the mandatory 18-hours-a-day minimum?

Glad *I* don't have to depend on either Derrick or Frankie having my back in a bad situation. Bunch of cowering little bitchboys. Neither of these two should've ever been picked for something called Team America. A TEAM doesn't leave a man behind.

Yeah, I'm pissed.

  • Love 8

Knowing four women who've said they were never attracted to other women until much later in life, it does seems to me that there tends to be more fluidity to a woman's sexuality. (Likewise, I knew someone to whom the opposite had occurred and she is still happily married to him.) Perhaps it's the same for men but they are too constrained by societal definitions of masculinity, etc., to be as open to that concept. Or I am just talking out my backside.

One of the aforementioned women I know is my mother, who has been married four times. In her 50s and single, to her surprise she found herself falling for a woman for the first time. They were together for 25 years until her partner, who was the love of my mother's life and her longest and happiest relationship, suddenly died earlier this year. However, although her partner had identified herself as being gay most of her life (even while in a 20-year marriage), my mother has never really thought of herself as being a lesbian. She's said that the person she fell in love with just happened to be female.

Oh, and save Donny! I will be so pissed when he's evicted. He'd better win the America's Favorite prize. Even though he's been my favorite for a while, I also recently realized that he looks a lot like a wonderful stepfather I had when I was young.

I, um, had a dream about Donny a few weeks ago. I'm not particularly attracted to him but it was right after the sweet letter from Kristine about the things she missed. I had just discovered that my feelings were reciprocated--in a bedroom, no less!--but luckily it was just a verbal confirmation and then the dream ended.

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It's like Production actually wants this season to be boring and unwatchable.

LOL - Maybe it's AGs payback for us being so outspoken about last year's antics? As in "How dare you question my......blah-blah-blah. Let's see how you like this, bitches! "

Edited by Skycatcher
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When Donny eventually walks through that door, I want the audience to give him a standing ovation, complete with screams of "We love you Donny!", whistles, and chanting of "Donny!  Donny!  Donny!"  I want it to be loud and long.  And I want Kristine to rush forward into his arms so the crowd can go wild all over again.


Then I want the people still left in the house to feel sick inside, and get a sinking feeling of having just done something terribly wrong.  When Donny's photo goes to black and white, I want the remaining hamsters to realize that Donny's photo is actually 'color splashed' (those black and white photo's that have had some color added back in.  Typically a blush to the cheeks, some subtle lip color, etc.)  Some creative backlighting that almost seems to give him a halo would be hilariously perfect, too. 


It'll take Derrick hours to get out of the fetal position.  Frankie will burst into dramatic tears with quick checks to make sure his camera angles are good, all while wailing "What have we DONE?"  Caleb will scratch his head and start a rambling story about how this is how he will be welcomed when he leaves (as the winner, at least in his head), and Amber will be there with a huge bouquet of flowers and a key to her hotel room.  Cody will scratch his balls and go to bed, where Christine will join him.  While they mutually masturbate each other Cody will talk about all the times he called Donny out and how he'll do it again when it's all over.  Christine will talk about how horrible and creepy Donny is, and blame him for people thinking she was acting at all inappropriate with a man who was not her husband.  Victoria will wander into the bathroom and reapply her makeup while whining about her bleeding scalp and her extreme oral pain, then go find some potato chips.


Within an hour the remaining houseguests will have convinced themselves that the crowd was thrilled to see icky, nasty, evil Donny out because the public hated him.  Then they'll start the process of rewriting history to prove to themselves that they're the righteous hero's that have the love and support of the entire nation.  Yeah, that's it.

  • Love 13

There is no more hope.  Cody is not going to change the nominations so our doctor and infantry specialist  goes out on Thursday.   There are some tortured souls on another board hoping for a Pandora's Box that will save Donny. Not going to happen.  


We can route for Nicole to win the next HOH but that will just help them eliminate one of their own which they are down to anyway.  And she goes the following week.

  • Love 1

There is no more hope.  Cody is not going to change the nominations so our doctor and infantry specialist  goes out on Thursday.   There are some tortured souls on another board hoping for a Pandora's Box that will save Donny. Not going to happen.  


We can route for Nicole to win the next HOH but that will just help them eliminate one of their own which they are down to anyway.  And she goes the following week.

This buyback was a total waste of time and only delays the inevitable eviction of Donny and Nicole. If they had brought back two players - and they could have easily justified it under the Dual HOH/BOTB twist - there might have been some momentum. But as it is, just ugh.


It's also putting off my only hope for any entertainment this year - seeing Christine evicted.

So Donny wants them to evict Nicole? I can't help but notice that Donny has done a great job of stacking the jury in his favor while not making major waves by mostly voting with the house yet having the excuse that he couldn't really do anything because of the numbers but he's a competition beast when it comes to saving himself. He always talks to the people he believes are next to be voted out and makes sure to point out how he doesn't know anything, doesn't have the numbers, etc. Didn't Donny say that he doesn't understand why the others aren't using him to get rid of their friends, that that would be smarter game play? All of Donny' friends are being eliminated, makes me think, if Nicole goes while Donny gets saved she'll go back to the jury not realizing that he played a big hand in it. Don't get me wrong, I think Donny is for the most part, a nice guy, but I agree that he is manipulative and I don't feel bad for him being targeted.  The game is to get ahead so I don't think badly of him for looking out for himself instead of his ally.


At this point, I think whoever wants to win should take Christine (eeeeeewwwww) with them to F2 and they will be guaranteed victory.

Last night, Caleb, Cody, Nicole, Frankie and Christine were in the backyard talking about IQ and ACT scores. Caleb said the first time he took the ACT, he got an 11. Nicole said that was impossible since you get something like 16 just for entering you name on the test. Caleb swears he got in the low teens. Caleb said you can get into his community college with a score of 14 and that's what he got. He then said if he took an IQ test, he would score in the 60s.

  • Love 1

Last night, Caleb, Cody, Nicole, Frankie and Christine were in the backyard talking about IQ and ACT scores. Caleb said the first time he took the ACT, he got an 11. Nicole said that was impossible since you get something like 16 just for entering you name on the test. Caleb swears he got in the low teens. Caleb said you can get into his community college with a score of 14 and that's what he got. He then said if he took an IQ test, he would score in the 60s.

I think that would make him functionally retarded.  


They wouldn't even execute him in Texas with an IQ like that.


No offense meant to the Texans in the house, but there have been some executions of those with low IQ's and Texas it the one state I can remember doing it.

Edited by RealityGal
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That is hysterical! A 60 IQ is a sersiously challenged person!


Donny has done a great job.  His talk with Derrick was very good.  Derrick saw the points he made, as well.  He has just not acted on it, yet anyway.  I don't see him approaching Cody to replace Donny with Frankie at this point though.  Leaving aside my love for Donny, it is a good game move.  Frankie is good at comps and needs to go, as far as Derrick's game goes.  They all keep thinking there is time.  Well, there really isn't. 


When the others were out watching the movie, Christine said, this is what the final 5 will be like.  Right there she eliminated Cody in her mind.  She may have planted a seed.  So okay if this is F5 then what.  They are all good at comps so it will be all about that and you never want to leave strong comp players in the game with you at this point. 

The phrase I coined for her is "Stuporfan".  Someone who hawks themselves as a Superfan, but who is achingly stupid gamewise despite that.


This is perfect. I feel like Nicole somewhat applies, too. I thought she was a live feeder, but she was talking to Cody yesterday about how Amanda wasn't bad and never said anything racist. Although, I guess maybe she watched the live feeds and actually thinks that, which is scarier to me. And then I remembered she actually made a shirt for 3AM and I just started really wishing she'd get evicted instead of Donny.


Well, nobody ever said the misogyny in this season/game was limited solely to the hetero HGs....


Frankie is actually probably the most misogynistic person in there.


So Donny wants them to evict Nicole?

Well of course! It's either him or her!


At this point, I think whoever wants to win should take Christine (eeeeeewwwww) with them to F2 and they will be guaranteed victory.


Yea, everyone should want F2 with either Christine or Victoria. They could probably all beat Caleb too, except for the women, because obviously no woman should ever beat any man.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Frankie said he was "the new Zach; gay and fat." Is he trying to be as awful as possible?


Watch Donny end up staying and then HOH is finally endurance next week and Frankie wins. This season is like my worst nightmare.

ETA: LMAO at Derrick crying about Donny going home. I've give him this, he really is playing everybody, even America! It's so gross to me, but hey, do you, Derrick. What really pisses me off is they'll only show this on the show, not Derrick actively targeting Donny for like 8 weeks. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

Last night, Caleb, Cody, Nicole, Frankie and Christine were in the backyard talking about IQ and ACT scores. Caleb said the first time he took the ACT, he got an 11. Nicole said that was impossible since you get something like 16 just for entering you name on the test. Caleb swears he got in the low teens.

A teacher friend and I were talking about her students ACT scores just yesterday, and she said one of them got a 5. Yes, five. So maybe Caleb is being factual, but still painfully dumb.

Grodner has a staff that keeps on top of Twitter and key message boards, certainly.  Since both are known for haters I am not sure if the messages are something she pays much attention.  That said, there is definately an overwhelming desire to have Donny survive this week.   I think she wants Frankie to stay for the entertainment factor and gay audience.  If that is the case any rumblings of getting Frankie out this week may stop production from helping him.


Just a thought. 

Cody taking both Donny and Nicole on his reward is not only compassionate--since he made them Have Nots for the week--but also very smartly strategic. I'm sure that part was an accident, or Derrick helped him. Taking Donney and Nicole with him ensures that they won't be able to openly strategize and swing votes if left back at the house. If he took his house besties of Derrick and Christine with him, that would leave Donny and Nicole free to influence Frankie and Victoria and Caleb. Any which way you slice it, leaving them behind to do a full court press on whoever else was left behind is too dangerous. This is a strategy that reward winners fuck up all the time on Survivor. Boston Rob never did, he kept his eye on the prize and carefully controlled the conversations--even when he wasn't there. This way the only person Donny and Nicole can influence is Cody, and Derrick can straighten that out right quick when he returns.

So Donny wants them to evict Nicole? I can't help but notice that Donny has done a great job of stacking the jury in his favor while not making major waves by mostly voting with the house yet having the excuse that he couldn't really do anything because of the numbers but he's a competition beast when it comes to saving himself. He always talks to the people he believes are next to be voted out and makes sure to point out how he doesn't know anything, doesn't have the numbers, etc. Didn't Donny say that he doesn't understand why the others aren't using him to get rid of their friends, that that would be smarter game play? All of Donny' friends are being eliminated, makes me think, if Nicole goes while Donny gets saved she'll go back to the jury not realizing that he played a big hand in it. Don't get me wrong, I think Donny is for the most part, a nice guy, but I agree that he is manipulative and I don't feel bad for him being targeted.  The game is to get ahead so I don't think badly of him for looking out for himself instead of his ally.


At this point, I think whoever wants to win should take Christine (eeeeeewwwww) with them to F2 and they will be guaranteed victory.


I get what you're saying.  I love Donny, but he seems to be getting idealized.  He's smart, as sweet and innocent as Forrest Gump, and as morally upright as an eagle scout.  No one can live up to this.  I have a lot of family in Arkansas who are just like Donny - he's not unique, he's just not the fame whore trash we're used to seeing on reality shows.  He seems to be a reasonably intelligent country boy who was raised to be respectful of others.  He's played a heck of a social game and people leave the house loving him and in tears at his goodbye videos, but that's about all of his gameplay.  I don't know if it's because he was immediately approached by Devin and allowed himself to get a false sense of security, or if he's just simply not the type to rally outsiders into an alliance, but he's just not the type that the others are investing their game in.  Maybe he shouldn't have made it so obvious that he sees right through Derrick - that alone put a target on his back.  This game isn't about letting people know how you feel about them.  If Donny is incapable of hiding his disgust, maybe this game isn't for him.


Last night, Caleb, Cody, Nicole, Frankie and Christine were in the backyard talking about IQ and ACT scores. Caleb said the first time he took the ACT, he got an 11. Nicole said that was impossible since you get something like 16 just for entering you name on the test. Caleb swears he got in the low teens. Caleb said you can get into his community college with a score of 14 and that's what he got. He then said if he took an IQ test, he would score in the 60s.


I guess we've finally found something that Caleb isn't good at.

  • Love 3

Caleb & Victoria in the Final 2. I can see it right now. Ugh! I might be checking out this week. I just can't.


I predicted Caleb and Victoria in the final 3 with Derrick to Mr. Callaphera about a week ago. It's really one of the best scenarios for him. If Derrick doesn't win final HOH and get to choose his partner for Final 2, he's still sitting pretty. On the slight off-chance that Victoria wins final HOH (it would be the one she would finally win, wouldn't it?), she'll take Derrick over Caleb, no doubt. If Caleb wins final HOH, a more likely scenario, he'll take Derrick over Victoria because Caleb is that sort of guy that wants to go up against someone who played the game, not someone who floated through. And he can beat either of them in the final vote with one hand tied behind his back. 


He has no real competition. I know we keep saying that, but it's true. Frankie can't beat him in Final 2, I don't think the jury would vote for him versus Derrick. Cody's whole game has been played so far up Derrick's ass that he's practically a part of him. Nicole thinks she won her chance back in the house, but all she did was lose a week with Hayden in the jury house, the door will revolve her back out there. Donny... well, we already know how that's going to go. And Christine has no game, and coupled with her desire to leave "honest" (read: mean) goodbye messages means she's shot herself in the foot. 


The only way I can see it being saved is a long shot. If Donny goes this week, Nicole HAS to win HOH on Thursday and she HAS to evict Derrick. The problem with that is that no one will vote to evict Derrick over anyone else unless the most amazing vote campaign ever happens, which it won't because we can't have anything nice. 


You'd better be a better season next year, Big Brother, because this shit just sucks. 

  • Love 2

Caleb's smart but like turkeys, he's just not book smart.

The first time I went to Pittsburgh for a business trip, I saw turkey tracks in the snow, and I was fascinated, but then was warned that wild turkeys are mean.  I can't believe that Ben Franklin wanted a mean, stupid bird to be on the dollar bill!

We see that Cody is up Derricks ass but the HGs do not necessarily see this.  I have heard at least one claim that Frankie is running the show.  When it comes down to an F2 it is hard to know who they would vote for.  They all seem to really like Cody.  He is cute, sweet and not threatening.


He would get the vote for best game played if it engineered Frankie out this week.  It would be a move that would impress the jury and give him a huge advantage for  votes.  There is no big move left to be made in the house.

After his conversation with Caleb today (and keeping in mind he believes Nicole's targets are Frankie/Christine) where he kept referencing himself and Frankie as Final Two, I cannot help but think Derrick's best play is the following:


1. Make the TAFY! mission "Save Donny" by getting Cody to agree to use the veto on him (and save America from that stupid play).

2. Lie to Frankie that the replacement nominee will probably be Victoria and they'll send Nicole out (Frankie is super worried about her).

3. Convince Cody to put up Caleb.

4. Get himself, Donny and Victoria to evict Caleb.

5. This has protected TAFY! and cut off Frankie's right arm.

6. If Nicole/Donny get HOH, they will (he believes) be going after Christine/Frankie.

7. If Frankie gets HOH, he can play the TAFY! card and get Frankie to target Cody, who is becoming a less and less viable F2 partner with each win.


I'm probably reaching here, because I really want to save both Nicole and Donny (and myself from that damnable play). But, it'd be nice. Of course, I would prefer Frankie go, but...we can't have nice things.

  • Love 3

You'd better be a better season next year, Big Brother, because this shit just sucks. 

Yes it does.  Every year since 2006 I've rushed to pre-order the season pass to the live feeds.  I'm heavily anticipating, and ready every year to plop out my money before I even see who is cast.  I can honestly say, that for the first time EVER, I seriously regret spending the money on the feeds this season.  It has been a complete and utter waste of my time and money...   But I learned a valuable lesson.  I WILL NOT ever pre-order the feeds again.  I will wait and see how the season shapes up first before even considering it.  I know I'm only one person, but everywhere I look and read the refrain is the same; so CBS should take note.  


ETA - I haven't had my feeds on in about a week, and have only checked in very occasionally since the beginning. And not even an Endurance Comp yet! 

Edited by LuvizBlind
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C'mon, Derrick, continue the tradition of sending the returning houseguest right back out the door! Sorry, Nicole, I do like you but not nearly as much. Plus, you and Hayden are totally adorable together.

I have already started wondering what the hell I'm going to do when the season ends. I minimally post in a few other threads but due to the ever-changing live feed I spend the most time over here. I'm going to go through serious withdrawals when my yearly summer crack supply ends.

Edited by Scout Finch
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I think Derrick just figures Frankie is easier for him to manipulate/control than Donny or Nicole.


I was just imagining that Derrick might not actually win considering no one understands just how much he has ran the game the entire season. Frankie and Caleb think they did. Zach thinks Frankie did. I think Christine might also believe it's Frankie or maybe Cody. But then that's probably why he'll take Victoria to F2. And sadly, he's so well liked. So, yea, nevermind, he's totally gonna win. Dammit!

I would give anything to BD Frankie this week. Anything.

I don't care who is in the final three as long it's not Derrick. Yeah. I can dream.

Glad Donnie and Nichole was picked by Cody to go to the premiere. (Remember when they were movies?) Good move on Cody's part. Hopefully Donny and Nichole can work some magic.

  • Love 2

I wouldn't be surprised if Donny and Nicole made an agreement to campaign for themselves because it's about all they can do right now. And neither one is throwing the other under the bus, they're just bringing up why they think they would be a better option to keep. I love that Donny isn't giving up, it endears me to him even more. What a trooper! I also wouldn't mind seeing Nicole battle through the comps and screw it all up for the rest of them. The others are so self centered and smug, I want to see either Nicole or Donny knock the wind out of their sails.

  • Love 5

Cody and Christine were talking about Frankie and his hugs.  Cody said he gives him a "ass out" hug to keep him from pressing his penis against his leg. 


Frankie is always trying to molest one of the guys, and the day is going to come when he puts his face in the wrong guy's crotch and is going to get the shit beat out of him.  And well deserved it will be. 

  • Love 6

Cody and Christine were talking about Frankie and his hugs.  Cody said he gives him a "ass out" hug to keep him from pressing his penis against his leg. 


Frankie is always trying to molest one of the guys, and the day is going to come when he puts his face in the wrong guy's crotch and is going to get the shit beat out of him.  And well deserved it will be. 

This reminds me of the saying that homophobia is the fear that gay men will treat you the same way you treat women. I wonder if Cody bothers to keep his penis from pressing against any of the women when he hangs all over them?


ETA: Just wanted to say I didn't mean to imply Cody was homophobic, just that he fails to see the double standard here. I actually am very impressed with how comfortable all the men are living with an affectionate gay man. It gives me hope that future generations may become more accepting of those who are different.

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 9

I don't really think it's homophobia if Cody is uncomfortable with how physical Frankie is with the guys.  Frankie's pretty inappropriately aggressive with them, and they've all been really good sports about putting up with it. Surprisingly good sports, in fact. Out in the real world, he'd be out on his ass for sexual harassment before the ink was dry on his new job offer. I would feel the same if Frankie were straight and hanging all over the women. Being tolerant or accepting of homosexuality doesn't mean you have to happily agree to be mauled by someone on an hourly basis.


I am a huge proponent of gay rights, and my best friend is a lesbian. I am embarrassed that Frankie is the example of the gay community we are seeing on this show.


ETA: TexasChic, I think you weren't calling Cody homophobic but saying he seems to have a double standard maybe?

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 6

Yes, I wasn't calling him homophobic at all, just that he doesn't seem to see the irony of not liking it when Frankie does it to him, when he's always hanging all over the women. Plus, I may be wrong, but I got the impression his dislike of Brittany stemmed from her not being into his lovey-dovey, touchy-feely shenanigans. 

Edited by TexasChic
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