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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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At this point, I think the rest of them actually like having him there as it gives them a 'live target' to always be against & talk shit about, even if its behind his back - as compared to only having evicted people to badmouth.


And once Donny is gone, they will turn on each other.  That should make things interesting, as they ratchet up the level of hate for the other members of the Detonators and the pecking order comes out into the light of day.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Instead of a Coup D'Etat, how about Pandora's Box? If Cody puts up Donny and Nicole, put PB into play. Convince Cody to open it by hinting at a Zac Efron connection. Once Cody opens PB, he finds out his two nominees come down (and are safe from being re-nommed) and he has to nominate two new ones. Sigh. That would be so fun.

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I would think his plan would be to convince them that the plan is to backdoor Donny, so nominate, say, Nicole and Victoria, but then just hope that the POV isn't won. If Nicole does win it, then they put up and get Donny out. I don't think that's a good plan, though. They should definitely just nominate Nicole and Donny together. 

I was hoping for a Zach win to go back in the house. But I think he left with a great attitude even after all the crap this week. I also was sick of watching crap on Zach weeks so now they can just stuff it. Im glad he took responsibility for what happened to him in the house in terms of being a loud mouth. I'm sure he will be singing another tune about some stuff after he hears more about what people were doing behind his back. But he will have fun in the Jury house with Hayden. And plus I'm sure Hayden will also fill him in. And plus he is going to love it When he is back in the real world.

Donny is prolly a goner this week. But we can still hope for Nicole winning next week and doing something. If she doesn't win next week the show is over for me at least until finale night. Well at least the Live Feeds. It's already no fun with Zach not being there!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Don't even need the "right now", as far as I'm concerned.  He is so awful.  Constantly looking to see which camera is focusing in and then mugging for it is annoying enough, but his apparent total inability to be sincere in any way infuriates me.  I really think he is some sort of sociopath.  At the very least, he is a self-centered famewhore, willing to step on anyone and everyone to get what he wants.  It's not fun to watch.


I. Can. Not. Stand. Him. When he first entered the house, he irritated me because he was always on for the cameras. Then, he kind of mellowed out a bit, and I was able to tolerate him in small doses. Ever since the Ariana reveal, he has been completely intolerable! Every single thing about him makes me rage out now. His famewhoring is just on another level. I can't even... I just can't.


I already noticed that Frankie eats with his mouth open and talks fucking constantly while chewing, but I also caught Derek chewing with his mouth open tonight. These are grown ass men --correction-- a grown ass man and a really haggard looking twelve year old. They look like farm animals. Simple etiquette!


BB Gods, we need a Cootie Taw! You owe us for giving us this shite cast in the first place!

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I already noticed that Frankie eats with his mouth open and talks fucking constantly while chewing, but I also caught Derek chewing with his mouth open tonight. These are grown ass men --correction-- a grown ass man and a really haggard looking twelve year old. They look like farm animals. Simple etiquette!


I can actually tune out the whole open mouthed eating/chewing thing.  Normally.   (if its not egregious and attention stealing)


But when you have the mics sitting there at 'ground zero', picking up and amplifying all that open-mouthed mastication??  It buries the needle on the Rage meter, reaching the levels that shouldn't be gone near; that of Must kill large numbers of tiny kittens & puppies, unicorns, and baby seals!!! to satisfy such rage levels.


How in the frigging world can these "superfans" not know that this happens every year?!  Open-mouthed chomping, and then trying to talk while doing it, sounds ridiculously horrible on the feeds and shows.   And makes the perpetrator look like they were raised by a pack of wild untamed wolves.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Joey posted a video with her opinions of all the HGs left. Inspired by the HGs talking about all the evicted HGs yesterday. She's very complimentary of almost everyone, including Frankie (blech), but calls Christine "a big dick" a number of times during the video. Not that illuminating but her comments about Christine are funny. If you have any interest:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV9l9o1RD2w

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I don't think they hate him. He just isn't part of the alliance and therefore easy to disregard. Once they are out of the house I'm sure they will have no problem with Donny. And I'm sure Donny will be fine either way. He isn't a special snowflake that needs to be protected at all cost, he's a grown man in a game that is more social experiment than a competition. He claims he's a fan of the game so he should know this and just stay focused on the win.

Besides he isn't going anywhere for now since it really is Derrick's game and Derrick's does seem to be protecting him in his own weird way. Every week they all say Donny must go yet when he's on the block by Thursday there is somehow "bigger" fish to fry and he stays.

I don't think they hate him. He just isn't part of the alliance and therefore easy to disregard. Once they are out of the house I'm sure they will have no problem with Donny. And I'm sure Donny will be fine either way. He isn't a special snowflake that needs to be protected at all cost, he's a grown man in a game that is more social experiment than a competition. He claims he's a fan of the game so he should know this and just stay focused on the win.

Besides he isn't going anywhere for now since it really is Derrick's game and Derrick does seem to be protecting him in his own weird way. Every week they all say Donny must go yet when he's on the block by Thursday there is somehow "bigger" fish to fry and he stays.

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Derrick is only keeping Donny around for two reasons.  1) He needs a common enemy for the others to focus on, thereby providing the duel advantages of keeping the others from thinking too much about how Derrick is running things, and providing a sense of camaraderie among them.  2) Derrick doesn't seem to know if TA will continue if Donny's voted out, and he's trying to rake in as much money as possible.

  • Love 11

Derrick is only keeping Donny around for two reasons.  1) He needs a common enemy for the others to focus on, thereby providing the duel advantages of keeping the others from thinking too much about how Derrick is running things, and providing a sense of camaraderie among them.  2) Derrick doesn't seem to know if TA will continue if Donny's voted out, and he's trying to rake in as much money as possible.

On the nosey!

Derrick is only keeping Donny around for two reasons. 1) He needs a common enemy for the others to focus on, thereby providing the duel advantages of keeping the others from thinking too much about how Derrick is running things, and providing a sense of camaraderie among them. 2) Derrick doesn't seem to know if TA will continue if Donny's voted out, and he's trying to rake in as much money as possible.

And that's my point. Donny is still in the game because of Derrick even if it is for Derrick's own game. As far as I know Derrick and everyone else it there to win for themselves. They are not there to help Donny win the game nor be buddy buddy with everyone.

I like this season because the dominat alliance has stayed together this long. Every year it drives me crazy that the dominant alliance picks each other off while people not in their alliance float on by. I spend most of my time screaming at the tv to get the others out before you turn on each other. This year I feel like they are finally listening to me.

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I don't have a problem with people not helping Donny win, and I do think Derrick deserves to win the game. But I don't like seeing a pile on of an especially nice person for no reason whatsoever. And while I think he is playing a good game, Derrick gets so petty and cry baby over people not buying his BS, even though those not buying it are completely incapable of hurting his game at this point. But I think he's probably the least offensive about his Donny bashing than all the others because his anger is game-related, while the others are just mean-spirited children who enjoy bullying and being part of the in crowd. But most of them are young, and hopefully that will change with maturity and experience.

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A poster on Reddit was at the show last night and provides some info on what it was like: http://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/2e93ap/i_was_at_the_live_eviction_tonight_here_are_some/

Thanks for that!!

I think Derrick wants Nicole out more then Donny right now. As long as Nicole doesn't waiver from who she said she wants out then I would want her to stay so she can win HOH next week and put Derrick and Cody up. But getting rid of her first is the smarter move for him since she had proven time and time again she can win HOH comps. Who knows if Derrick could convince Cody that Nicole is the better option. I guess we will see how strong that mist is this week. Cody is gunning for Donny.

Btw the Shade that Donny was throwing at Cody yesterday in the HOH room was hysterical! He just doesn't care anymore!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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So sad to wake up to a Cody HOH.  After 2 months of doing almost nothing.  That HOH bed is going to get very crowded.  Christine will just tie herself to a bedpost or something, she will be parked for the week.


Derrick is playing a good game and deserves to win.  It's not a great game against weak competition.  If Frankie manages to pull off the win I will be very unhappy.  I don't think any of the others stand a chance.  

I will be fine with a Derrick win. You have to play the game that you are given and Derrick has done that. Then again, I fall into the category that I am fine with just about anyone winning because, well, they got to the end and either something they did won it or something the other person did lost it for that person. So float on Victoria, it is not fun to watch but if it gets you more money in the end, then float on.


I prefer it when someone like Derrick wins because he has played the game. He has controlled and manipulated people. I don't care about the lies, that is a part of the game. I don't care about backstabbing, that is a part of the game. I don't like the bashing of other people because it is mean spirited and not a part of the game. It just isn't. And yet, in Big Brother, it seems like it has become part of the game. It seems to serve as a way of justifying why the people who are staying are staying. The people on the outside are bad for X, Y, and Z reason so they deserve to go. We are good and trying to feed our families so we deserve to stay. It is a form of rationalization that makes sense but makes them look petty and mean on the feeds and in their interviews.


Somehow Survivor manages to avoid some of this behavior. Maybe it is because of how the game is structured, not nominating two people to evict but one person or tribe winning immunity. There are petty, mean people on Survivor and personal conflicts, we see that plenty, but less of the group think that the others are evil, bad people group think. The personal dynamics are just different. Maybe the freedom to roam away from camp and take a mental break helps more then I would think.


So yes, the people being offended that Donny is playing the game is silly but I can see why the group gets upset. It gives them another reason to vote someone out who they probably actually like. There was less whinging and the like early in the game because you don't know the people as well. Zack attacks Frankie because it makes him feel better about voting out someone who he likes personally. Victoria acts like a five year old because the others encourage it and it makes her feel empowered when she has to know she has no power in the game. Zack acted like an ass because he liked the power it gave him over people and he thought he would  be dragged along as a goat. Christine is so insecure that she is going to play along with the cool kids because it is probably one of the first time in her life that the cool kids have included her. Cody is a sheep, always has been probably always will be. He is used to people liking him because of his looks and easy going nature. Caleb is not all that smart and has probably got by on his looks and personality and the fact that people kind of pity him but he is not smart enough to know that.


I would never play this game because I fear what I would become after a month stuck in a house with the same people and no place to escape. I fear how I would rationalize my bad behavior and I know that there would be some because, well, stick anyone into a small, enclosed space with no entertainment for this long and people will regress.

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Christine will just tie herself to a bedpost or something, she will be parked for the week.

Well, you can just rock me to sleep tonight, bucko.

The image of Crustine tied to a bed is gonna give me nightmares.

Garçon - another bucket of brain bleach, if you please....

From Joker's:

Fri 4:54 AM BBT Vic: I have this on and off switch and when it's not on, then I can just turn it off.

I was really REALLY tempted to make a comment on how fast Victoria has been flicking that "switch" on and off - but I think Christine and her "blanket caves" have already stolen my punch line.

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From Jokers:

Christine "I was like seriously Julie? I hate your guts." About Julie calling her out on the live show for throwing the BOB. #bb16 #bblf


Girl, the one person you never, ever insult is Julie Chen. Seriously what a dumbass and a total bitch. I really think she doesn't realize people are watching her 24/7. I think Julie needs to rip into Christine again just for saying this. Like, is Julie wrong? No? Then shut up and sit your ass down, Christine. 


The final three is going to end up like last season, isn't it? I mean, if Derrick's in the finals (which he pretty much is at this point), then I guess it can't be so bad. But if the finals end with Caleb, Christine and Frankie, I'm calling them the worst final 3 since GinaMarie, Andy and Spencer. 

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Nicole's best move at this point is to tell everyone the jury plans for voting  Derrick the winner. Start planting those seeds!


They all know Derrick is gonna win. They've apparently just decided they would like to help him win any way they can.


Somehow Survivor manages to avoid some of this behavior.


I think it probably happens on Survivor too, we just don't see it. If Survivor had 24/7 live feeds I'm sure I'd hate everyone on there, too!


They better bring out a 'reset' or 'bring back the partners twists' style rigging this week. Why must they always rig the show for terrible people that don't make the show interesting, but now they have a chance to save the fan favorite and potentially keep the show from being unwatchable and they do nothing? AG must love Derrick.


I have never stopped watching. Not even last season. Not even in BB8. But I'm out. This is just boring. Even once Nicole/Donny are gone there won't be anything interesting happening because everyone will just accept whatever Derrick decides and go along with it, even if it's their own eviction.


I will watch the finale though because I'm masochistic, I guess. I'm pretty sure Zach is gonna with America's Fave though so I won't even get the pleasure of seeing everyone's faces when they find out Donny is loved. 


I wish I could go back in time and actually stick to my promise to myself to not even watch this season. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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From Joker's:

Fri 4:54 AM BBT Vic: I have this on and off switch and when it's not on, then I can just turn it off.

I was really REALLY tempted to make a comment on how fast Victoria has been flicking that "switch" on and off - but I think Christine and her "blanket caves" have already stolen my punch line.

I can't believe how many times I had to read that before I realized you were talking about masturbation.  I need more coffee.  Or maybe...  never mind.

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As far as I know Derrick and everyone else it there to win for themselves. They are not there to help Donny win the game nor be buddy buddy with everyone.


Are they all really there to win for themselves?  Really?  No, they're not there to help Donny win, but they are there to propel Derrick into the winner's circle.  Half of the lemmings are already resigned to the fact that Derrick is going to win, so the morons are going to sit there and let it happen.  Riveting TV, isn't it?


There has been talk about there not being a AFP this year because of the money they've spent on the Team America twist.  That twist is so lame, and it has interfered with the game, so I'll be really pissed if there is not a prize for America's Favorite.  It will be glorious to see the look on Frankie's face when either Donny or Zach win.

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Plus they haven't been doing America's Fave on Survivor either, but I think that's because Sprint doesn't sponsor it anymore. I can see them not doing it because of TA.


Speaking of TA, wonder why we didn't get a new mission choice? I hope that shit is over. Although it would be funny to watch them have to work together. Donny would probably just be like fuck it you bitches can do it or not IDGAF.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Heck, it's not even just the folks in the house that get vindictive towards other HGs at this point in the game; fans do too!  If fans can get so focussed on hating the enemy of their rooting interest while living outside the house, imagine the pressure these guys are under within the house living together in a vacuum.

I don't excuse any of the behavior, but I understand how it happens.  Group think is a terrible thing---we have learned this lesson over and over in the real world.  And yet, it seems when circumstances allow it, within a show or in the real world, it just creeps in over, and over, and over.



Definitely agree with your comments, pennben. I'd also add that too many viewers (of the feeds and BBAD), feel entitled to knowledgably speak about the houseguests mental issues and the state of their marriages. I think this is wrong - we don't really know what is going on within their minds, no matter how obnoxious they may sound. I especially feel strongly that we shouldn't judge Christine and Tim's marriage - much as I and other people here would be very upset at her actions if we were married to her, we're not privy to their relationship at home. It's one thing to disapprove of how one member treats their spouse in front of you, but it's another to conjecture on the state of their marriage actions  based on how they act when apart. It's like running to one half of a couple because you've seen their partner act in ways you don't approve of when you've seen one in a social setting. People should butt out, because we don't know what their own moral values are like - maybe some people are fine with blatant flirting and/or actual physical connections, but they aren't able to express that because they'll be judged as harshly as the flirtee, if they say they don't mind. Of course, speaking out on here is probably harmless, but I think it's very wrong for people to send nasty Tweets to Tim. I certainly don't like Christine and I'd be unhappy if my spouse did something like that, but that would be something I'd want to discuss with him privately, not out in social media. Also feel the same about psychoanalysing houseguests - unless someone is physically violent, I would never conjecture about the state of someone else's mental or emotional health. Psychologists and psychatrists never jump to conclusions or a diagnosis, there's a huge battery of tests to run on the subject before proclaiming any kind of condition and suggested treatment. A massively shared armchair diagnosis, on the other hand, can lead to some negative real life consequences. Who knows how normal any of us would appear, given poor nutrition, poor sleeping conditions, (copious amounts of alcohol in some seasons), very little mental stimulation and the lack of our emotional support systems? It's a wonder Donny comes across as stable and caring as he does.



Donny said he was not going to go the the finale party.  That is sad.  Maybe production will talk him into it.  I believe the camera crew are there along with all the producers so he will not be alone. 


I'm hoping that's not true, and it's just a temporary response to the remaining houseguests. There's a good chance that the reappearance of Nicole will reassure hime that he's well loved within the Jury House, and that may restore his normal optimism and balance.

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Good players don't lose it and freak out when the slightest thing doesn't goes his way. He's surrounded by lemmings that are easy to manipulate. Other than Donnie, did any of them think for themselves? Or think at all? Plus when you are the only one playing the game, what go you expect? Of course he looks like a good player.

If he was playing against HG that were actually playing. Strong women who actually think for themselves. It would be a different game.

Casting was better than last season but casting HG without critical thinking skills is a fail. That's what makes the game interesting for the viewers.

Production needs to do something to shift the power or this season will go down as one of the worst.

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I can't feel too bad for these people because they put themselves out there. If you go on TV and cuddle/stroke/generally be inappropriate with a man when you're married, people are gonna say shit and you know it. I personally would never tweet Tim about it, but I don't care that people did. Honestly, if you go on BB, you should tell your family to stay off social media because no good is gonna come from it, especially if you are a sucky person to begin with!


We're watching these people 24/7, we're gonna speculate about them and judge them. If we didn't why even talk about the show? What are we gonna post about? All the amazing strategic moves? All the times Cody was super bad ass and calling people out?


I completely agree about Derrick, LGGirl. There's no denying he's playing the best this season, but I think his game play is actually pretty terrible in a lot of ways and on another season he'd have been gone a long ass time ago.


The only hope we have now if that they bring out a PB that results in like POV winner being able to remove both nominees, but even then it's not a guarantee. If they wanna guarantee something interesting happening, they need to do a non-eviction week or a Coup D'etat by America's vote. But if the rest of the season is any indication, they're only willing to rig for Frankie and they're all about Derrick never being challenged, so there's no hope honetsly.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I hope that Zach drops his Frankie obsession once he sees who he really is. Zach loving Frankie and thinking he's smart/funny is the reason I can't actually bring myself to fully like Zach.


I hope that Donny/Nicole just spend this whole week shading everyone and calling people out. They're fucked, so it makes no difference, and it would be so much fun!


And since I'm wishing for miracles, I hope Donny poisons the jury against Derrick and Derrick loses to Victoria. That's what this season deserves.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The SHOCKER of the season, I just saw Victoria cleaning (in her half ass way) in the Kitchen!!!!

ETA, don't panic, she just placed her dirty dish in the sink without even rinsing and walked away. whew, for a second thought there was a shift in the space time continuum (sp?).

Edited by njbarmaid
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I hope that Zach drops his Frankie obsession once he sees who he really is. Zach loving Frankie and thinking he's smart/funny is the reason I can't actually bring myself to fully like Zach.



Well, I do fully like Zach, which is why I'm glad he's gone now so I can sit back and just watch, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on wanting him to figure out Frankie's true nature.  Hopefully Hayden will fill Zach in on how long Frankie has actually been after him, and once he gets out I'm sure there will be plenty of people sending him the video clips of just how little Zach actually meant to Frankie.  

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Well, I do fully like Zach, which is why I'm glad he's gone now so I can sit back and just watch, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on wanting him to figure out Frankie's true nature. Hopefully Hayden will fill Zach in on how long Frankie has actually been after him, and once he gets out I'm sure there will be plenty of people sending him the video clips of just how little Zach actually meant to Frankie.

Yeah he doesn't know that Frankie had been after him since Week 2. I think he is going to get a big reality check about what everyone was doing behind his back. They threw him under the bus and made more lies about him then he did. And in terms of personal attacks he was the least vicious. Yeah he didn't like Victoria and did say stuff about her but I don't think it is even close to the crap Cody, Christine and Frankie have said about him and other houseguests. I still don't understand Cody's hatred of him. Zach is going to be so taken aback by it all I think once he is out. But hopefully the outpouring of love from America will trump it. And I honestly hope that his love googles for Frankie waiver a bit.

This I found hysterical this morning!!

@BBFeedster: Victoria to camera: "Hopefully, in one month, I'll be walking out that door with a half a million dollar check." #BB16

Hahahahaha oh girl!! You are not winning this show. I needed a good laugh!!

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I agree that the HGs leave themselves open to any and all kinds of comments. They must all be aware of the attention, both good and bad, that they would get. However, I see no reason at all to involve family members. If families want to read twitter and fan boards, that's up to them, but directly addressing them on twitter or other places is icky.

I can't imagine tweeting Tim to say I don't like his wife or send him pictures of her cuddling with Cody. The same goes for Ariana, who I didn't know existed until this show. I don't even tweet the HGs after the show to say I don't like them.

In other news: Sadly, Victoria has decided to ingratiate herself with the cool kids by joining the nastiness. She's now on the level with the rest of them. I didn't mind her taking her hat back because it was her first chance to bedevil Zach who has been teasing and poking at her all season. But calling a fist bump "disgusting?" That's just descending to the pettiness of the rest of them.

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Tidbits I've read:

Kathy Griffin overheard the HGs talking about her and was pissed. Christine said she hated her (surprise) and Derrick mocked her claim to be a super fan. When they got back outside Kathy said to Derrick, "Not a super fan, huh?"


Nicole said when she won the comp, she accidentally kissed Jocasta on the lips and it was weird. She also said BB made her and Hayden kiss on camera.


Donny made fun of Cody's hair and Cody is pissed about it.


Christine said she hates Julie, the wife of the President and CEO of CBS. 

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And then when he left Zach made sure to tell Victoria he hated her. Neither one is better than the other, IMO. They had a very strange relationship where they both treated each other like shit (well, Victoria didn't until last week), but also had hour long convos about their lives.


If Zach still believes Frankie is the smartest and funniest and best guy of all time now, maybe he just really thinks that. He's heard a lot of the vile shit Frankie has said and he still likes him, so I don't have much hope for him. But it would be amazing if Zach publicly denounced Frankie. Frankie would be so pressed. You know he is gonna try to milk Zankie hardcore all over social media when he gets out.


Christine badmouthing Julie is so hilarious. She's so stupid. I hope Julie continues to fuck with her on live TV.


Cody said to Donny, "You're very, very smart. Osmosis? I'd be here for decades trying to find out what that is." Oh, Cody, I believe it! Seriously, how did he make it past middle school?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Nicole said when she won the comp, she accidentally kissed Jocasta on the lips and it was weird. She also said BB made her and Hayden kiss on camera.

Donny made fun of Cody's hair and Cody is pissed about it.

Nicole was telling them that they are kind of together now and it all happened within the past week. I think Derrick saw through the BS about it being just this past week. But why not admit now he isn't in the house anymore. It's cute.

Donny was full of Sass last night!! He was throwing much shade to Cody it was awesome!!

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