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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Basically Donny and the returning Juror need to win the next 2 HOHs to even have a shot.


I think that they need at least three HoH in a row.  At two they have to get someone to turn and I think they need to get Derrick out for that to happen.  They'll need numbers for that, despite it being insane that he wouldn't get a unanimous vote first time he got put up.


Caleb is the only one I have any shred of hope of turning, just because he's paranoid enough that he is spying on everyone.  That seems to indicate he's not quite as brainwashed as Cody/Vic/Chris.

From Jokers

Why does Zach have Nicole's Sweatshirt? Frankie has reached Dick/Natalie/Lydia/Andy/Spencer levels of disgusting. I really hope production would intervene if he put feces on Nicole's sweatshirt.


I'm surprised that anyone, even Frankie, would say something that vile about/towards Nicole. The remaining HGs generally don't seem to like her very much but this comment was just over the top, even from Frankie. I had seen some of his earlier comments that drew criticism, especially the Jocasta comment (that I didn't actually find to be all that bad given that he just used a more intense phrase than "then she can get over it") but this seems to be markedly worse.

Wow, christine's other blog entry about her history of depression is disturbing considering her current surroundings. She describes in the post how she had a lot of irrational anger that lead to a bout of depression that included a desire to commit suicide until Tim and Jesus intervened.

After watching her irrational paranoia and anger with donny today and zach the rest of the week, she really needs some serious help. With this information posted online about her mental health, shame on Robin Kass for her lack of vetting.

Edited by lalatuni
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The lowly "groundskeeper" has better dining manners than the higher than mighty "media mogul". And of course Frankie has to sit opposite the camera so we can watch him chomp and walk back & forth from the table. Anyone else notice that he walks like he has a full diaper? 

And why is Derrick constantly rubbing his facial hair??? That drives me nuts! Derrick & his facial hair & Victoria with her pony tail. ugh.

Speaking of being addicted to this stuff, my husband was less than thrilled today when I announced only 5 more weeks! Oh, well, he can bore me with baseball while I bore him with BB! Fair trade!

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The lowly "groundskeeper" has better dining manners than the higher than mighty "media mogul". And of course Frankie has to sit opposite the camera so we can watch him chomp and walk back & forth from the table.

Well if you read Donny's girlfriend interview with CBS she did mention one of her biggest pet peeves of Donny was he chewed with his mouth opened. It seems like his girlfriend has had a positive influence in that department.

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Well if you read Donny's girlfriend interview with CBS she did mention one of her biggest pet peeves of Donny was he chewed with his mouth opened. It seems like his girlfriend has had a positive influence in that department.

Maybe he had to start closing his mouth to eat once he grew that beard. Otherwise half his dinner would be in it. Gotta love Donny, though!  <3


So, now Frankie is an expert zoologist talking about leopard spots & polar bear skin! Such a know it all!

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From Jokers 6:49 PM: Caleb says everyone won when they got the key to the house, that there are no losers but there is a winner (of the grand prize) NT


This is why I can't hate Caleb.  He's making the show interesting and he sometimes he even can manage to put things into perspective.

Zach was saying this very thing to Caleb and other people the night Zach knew he was going up so no, Caleb is just parroting others as usual.

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Christine says she's hated by America.


Example #442045 why this is such an odd season. Let's do a recap...


1. Christine thinks she is hated by America

2. She thinks everyone loves Donny

3. She doesn't have a Final 2 deal with anyone

4. She knows she backstabbed her closest friend in the game who also happens to be on the jury 

5. She can't possibly feel secure about her place in her alliance


And yet when approached by Donny, she laughs at how stupid he is to be approaching her. 


Obviously, most of the people who compete on Big Brother are morons. It's just part and parcel of how the show is cast. But even the dumb ones tend to follow some sort of generic "How to play BB" manual, as in many ways the show can be a pretty simple one, really. Stick with an alliance and then, when it is clear that you're not on top of the pecking order of the alliance, split off with the other outsiders to turn the tables on the top of your previous alliance .That's game show 101. Survivor, Big Brother, they all do it - it's not some brilliant strategy now, it's just how these things work. Morons like GinaMarie knew how to do this. And yet Christine, a so-called "super fan," can't put this together. 


If I had to hazard a guess, I can only come back to the move I've mentioned a lot this season as the game-changer of all game-changers - Devin's absurd decision to add Amber and Christine to the Bomb Squad. It made no sense at the time (Amber and Christine weren't even close, so why the hell he chose those two women out of all the women is beyond me) and the rest of the alliance hated the idea, Derrick included. And yet just including Christine with "the cool kids" has changed the whole flow of the game. Instead of being an outsider, Christine has become an outsider who is anti-outsiders. It caused her to be anti-Donny early on as Donny realized that she was with the majority alliance. In a "normal" game, Christine and Nicole remain outsiders and at least consider teaming up with Britney, Jocasta, Donny, Hayden and Amber.


The guys (again, including Derrick) would have gone with a typical "guys alliance," which is tried most every season and typically fails. This season was already unique in that a guys alliance had a huge advantage with the awful, awful HoH twist, but obviously an outsiders alliance would have had a shot at them, at least (like kicking out Zach over Pau Pau, perhaps, or cutting a deal with Devin and kicking out Caleb). But Christine being against them screwed that over. Imagine if Christine and Nicole had won HoHs when they were both outsiders? 


I guess this is a long way of saying that this season has not made sense compared to past seasons (but, of course, with an awful, awful HoH twist and a dumb Team America twist, I guess that's to be expected). 

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I just watched the bizarre scene where Derrick and Frankie deemed Donny evil for playing the game; expressed shock and hurt that he targeted them, claiming that they were the brains behind everything (as if!); and ruefully declared that NOW they'd have to go after him, but they hoped the show wouldn't portray it as them turning on Donny when really he was the one who turned on them. Jiggawhat? Just last week, during their dual HOH they devised and implemented an elaborate plot to get Donny out. They've been plotting against Donny for weeks. Whom do they think they're fooling with this stuff? I can only think that they hope the show is doing a misleading edit painting Donny as some kind of evil, disloyal to America mastermind and they are trying to provide footage to support that. Which is ridiculous. Either that or they're really starting to believe their own lies.


OMGDonnydarestoplaythegame!-gate has revealed, once again, how dumb these hamsters are. When Donny talked to Cody and Christine he explained his reasoning point by point and paused after each point to say, "Do you believe me?" or "Does that make sense?" Every single time, Cody/Chris vehemently replied that s/he totally understood and believed everything Donny was saying, which made sense because everything he was saying was true. When they compared notes they found that Donny had told both of them the exact same thing, which led them to the brilliant conclusion that he was lying. Lying about what? Lying about Derrick and Frankie running things (they are). Lying about Victoria/Cody being in Derrick's pocket (they are) and Christine/Caleb being in Frankie's (less true, but still pretty accurate). Lying about the "masterminds" intentionally voting out all of Cody and Christine's allies while keeping Derrick's pawns (obviously true). The thing is, Christine and Cody KNOW all of this to be true. They have more information on the truth of Donny's statements than Donny does. They themselves noted some of this in their conversations with Donny. They were basically begging Derrick to convince them that it wasn't all true, which he did by spouting bullshit that didn't make any sense and/or was obviously untrue based on Christine and Cody's own direct knowledge. It's mind-boggling and pathetic.

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Jokers - 7:53 PM Frankie joins the fire room Derrick/Christine convo and complains about production stacking the deck for Donny w/ comps. NT


Pssst, Frankie.  C'mere.  I'm about to drop some knowledge here to let you in on a little secret, as to how Donny has really been winning comps. 


Now pay close attention, cause I know its a very tough concept and idea to handle, but with some work, I think you can do it.  He's been winning the comps because of these things called "do or die" attitude, beating the odds, persistence, and perseverance.  Think about that.  If you do ponder it, and then still want to call that "production stacking the deck", then you can keep wearing that big invisible dunce hat.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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It does seem pretty clear that they've begun to make these BotB winnable by one person, so it is KIND of true that they're changing the competitions to help Donny (at least this week - the previous week they did the same thing to help FRANKIE, but of course he doesn't see that).


Honestly, a lot of this is just normal human behavior. He's against them, therefore he must be the bad guy because if he isn't, then that means they must be and since they know they aren't the bad guys, then it must be him. It's the same thing with the Friendship. They believed America liked them even after Kaysar's dramatic return (where Julie let them know how big the percentage was in Kaysar's return). Derrick was smart enough early on (I was really impressed by his self-awareness then) to be a big proponent in "you can't worry about how America perceives you," but he obviously has not practiced now what he preached then. 

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The funny thing is Zach acts this exact same way about her. Talking about punching her in the face and going on and on about how much he hates her and then asking her to go on dates with him and talking about kissing her. It's very bizarre. And thinking about it, Zach is basically the Frankie to Victoria's Zach. LOL.

Zach has an aggressive personality and he has blown a lot of hot air, but to the best of my knowledge his aggression has been limited purely to verbal expression. Victoria getting right back in Zach's face would be a commensurate response. Destroying something he values and trying to create situations so she can taunt him with the pieces, IMHO, is not. It's not on the same level as, say, retaliating for a fight with your neighbor by killing his dog - but it's pointed in that direction.

Honestly, a lot of this is just normal human behavior. He's against them, therefore he must be the bad guy because if he isn't, then that means they must be and since they know they aren't the bad guys, then it must be him.

There are circumstances in which this could be considered normal human behavior. A contest is not one of them. Is it normal - or healthy - for a guy running in a track meet to vilify the other runners? No, because having their eye on the same prize doesn't make a person evil - it makes that person a competitor.

Used to be people could compete without synthesizing ill will in the process; with the exception of Donny, however, that may be beyond this bunch's grasp.

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The lowly "groundskeeper" has better dining manners than the higher than mighty "media mogul". And of course Frankie has to sit opposite the camera so we can watch him chomp and walk back & forth from the table. Anyone else notice that he walks like he has a full diaper? 


I watched some of the fight between him and Zach on YouTube, and he literally™ yelled at him with food in his mouth the whole time. He's disgusting. Is he wearing those shitty diaper pants that's all the rage with the kids these days, too?


It blows my mind (no, not literally™, Cody) how many imbeciles they've managed to gather this season. I knew Christine would run to Cody or Derek and spill the conversation with Donny. I fucking knew it. This might be the most frustrating season I've ever watched.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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I feel like every season is frustrating to watch ever since All-Stars, except for maybe Season  9& 11 because there were'nt any players who were snowballing the other house guests at the end stages. People are scared to make big moves because they don't want to become like the Nerd Herd, Aaryn*, Amanda or Natalie.  Nicole this season is a perfect example of that when she won her first HOH she was scared to make a big move, but said as a fan  she wanted too. Even before Frankie threatened about his Social Media Followers she was scared of not being invited to charity events. Heck, even Devin was scared he would be booed like Aaryn when he was evicted.  The fact it is so easy to attack a houseguest after the game because of social media has really influenced the game in a negative way. Obviously there is no way to fix that, except cast people who really do not care what America thinks of them, but that might be impossible.


**Granted Aaryn was not hated because of her game play, but I think the fact there was so much coverage of her comments really made house guests scared this season.

Edited by choclatechip45
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From BB Leak:

Christine made Cody a heart out of aluminum foil.


Ahhhhh, how adorable - LOL


She's gonna start wearing Cody's clothes, staring at him while he sleeps, and pull off her own version of the bananickle, isn't she?  


Oh Crazy Christine.  You keep keeping on.  (its soooo funny!)

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I am all caught up now.  Thank you everyone, enjoyable read!   No need to read Jokers this morning. 


Hysterical that Donny "the doctor" would have such bad grammar.  Nothing wrong with that but not typical of the profession. 


So, we are back to hoping Hayden or Donny win HOH.  Being a die hard optimist I hope whatever they pelt at them during the endurance is selective to make this a more likely senario.  No one is going to be jumping off knowing they are safe tonight.  Well Victoria will probably be the first down because of her hair. 


I do have some concern that Jocosta could win endurance above Hayden and Nichole because she is so tiny.  Okay, let's not talk about this ever again.  Not going to happen.  Right? 

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Man, the more I hear from or read about Christine, the more unlikeable she becomes. She was saying last night that she hates Jocasta. What was there to hate about Jocasta? She didn't socialize all that much, helped with the cleaning and cooking, and posed no threat to anyone. Apparently Christine was offended by Jocasta's speaking in tongues because she wasn't doing it right. She hates Zach and Frankie and Donny and most likely Victoria. She didn't like Brittany or Pao Pao either. I understand how irritable you could become in that house and be bothered by others' habits and idiosyncrasies but "hating" them is a little over the top, especially considering how committed to her church and faith she says she is. Maybe after the game is over, she'll have a chance to evaluate her behavior and general negative attitude towards other people. I wonder how friendly the cast will be towards her after hearing all this. But then again, she probably doesn't care if any of the females in the house keep in touch with her.


Christine's husband did an AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit. and here are some of his answers

--he'd grade her game so far as a high C

--says she laughs more at home (how is that possible?)

--says his letter that Christine didn't receive was very mushy and only included one very small comment about the cuddling

--previous houseguests and their SOs have helped him deal with twitter comments

--says if he could give her advice, it would be to get Cody and Derrick on the block and get Frankie, Donny, Victoria on board to flip things

--favorite players are Donny and Derrick and least favorite is Cody. Says it's not just the cuddling, it's the fact that he doesn't have to do a thing and is still safe

--said he and Christine have an unbreakable bond and no matter how affectionate she is with Cody, he knows she's committed to him


Also, Victoria is getting feisty. She was calling Donny a big weirdo and for him to give it up because "he's not flipping shit" When she heard he doesn't want to go to the finale party, she said nobody wants him there anyway. Oh Victoria, if you only knew how bad the others are coming off, you wouldn't be trying to mimic them.

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This is my first season watching. Will the audience really boo evicted HG's? I can't wait!

Oh yes they will. Last season Aaryn was really booed (so loud the HG heard it in the house) and Amanda got some boos as well.

Also, Victoria is getting feisty. She was calling Donny a big weirdo and for him to give it up because "he's not flipping shit" When she heard he doesn't want to go to the finale party, she said nobody wants him there anyway. Oh Victoria, if you only knew how bad the others are coming off, you wouldn't be trying to mimic them.

Sad thing is she won't even comprehend what happened to her when she eventually gets out (if she makes it to F2 she will say it's her brilliant game moves that got her there).

When Kathy Griffin zinged her last night, you could literally see the comment flying over her head.

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I think it is very unlikely anyone this season gets boos.  Last season Aaryn and Amanda did because of the pervasive racism in the house and they were seen in that light.  CBS took a lot of heat in the mainstream media (not just reality show media) for allowing that to go on, so they allowed the audience to show their displeasure by booing.


This season there just seems to be the "normal" group think and shitting on each other because of whether you were inside or outside the alliance or finally on the block. 


CBS will not allow these guys to be booed.  In particular, Frankie (or should I say Ariana Grande's brother)  will not be booed. I guarantee that without hesitation, even if I'm wrong on the rest, which I don't think I am.

Edited by pennben
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Agreed, NeelyO.  That's the usual measure---the amount of applause when a HG leaves. Boos were an abberation prompted by a huge backlash on CBS last season.


And, even if they have to do an applause-track (I made that up, but mean it like a laugh track), Frankie (I mean Ariana Grande who CBS is sucking up to) will be cheered wildly.

Edited by pennben
Last season Aaryn and Amanda did because of the pervasive racism in the house and they were seen in that light.



But pervasive misogyny's ok?  Frankie and Christine displayed new lows in character, in game play and in general, this season.  I'm not saying the whole TV audience will boo, there's no accounting for taste when it comes to the American public, but I'm hoping for a few boos.

BB even manipulates the audience.  There was a posting online by a guy who went to one of the eviction ceremonies.  He said that he and his friend were given 'handmade' signs to hold up praising one of the HG's.  As it turned out, the HG in question was someone he didn't care about one way or another, but the audience was instructed on how to behave (lots of energy and high spirits).  The audience members who were given signs were told to be alert to when the cameras were on the audience and hold up their signs to make sure they got on camera. 


IIRC, the poster said he and his friend jumped up and down with their signs the first time the camera panned that audience, then folded them up and ignored them.  He posted screenshots from the show showing them jumping around.  It's all very fake.

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But pervasive misogyny's ok? 

Sadly, yes. It's been a problem in several seasons, and is rarely (if ever) shown on the actual show. It hasn't become nearly as big of a deal as last year's racism, so CBS can get away with pretty much ignoring it, and they will make sure the audience doesn't boo Frankie. They may just fill the studio with mannequins or puppets.


I can't believe it's Thursday already. I'm praying for a pedicab-related HOH comp, followed by hedge-trimming trivia comp next week.

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I ran into Heather, the Victoria of BB Canada 2, and while I thought that her game was lame, I didn't say anything rude.  People behave a lot more boastfully and rudely online than they do in real life.  You would probably have reach Aaryn-levels of despicableness before anyone would start shouting at you on the street.


I have a feeds question because I rarely pay attention to these jerks during the daytime.  Is anyone working out nowadays?


But pervasive misogyny's ok?


According to this show, yes, yes it is.  The most disheartening thing about this is that the executive producer is a woman.  It appears that she casts towards women who are weak gamers and edits the storyline to show women as weak. I guess she's just doing what she thinks the audience wants?!  I assume there is ratings analysis and research behind these decisions, but they are disappointing nonetheless. 

Edited by pennben
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I have a feeds question because I rarely pay attention to these jerks during the daytime.  Is anyone working out nowadays?

Donny is the only one that has been consistently doing his routine when the backyard is open. Cody maybe ran once in the past week? None of the group workout sessions that Frankie used to organize (that I've seen). Last night at dinner Christine talked about her daily 3 mile runs at home (really? but manage to stop all kinds of activity in the house?). I don't know how Caleb is still remaining fairly defined (I know this by how many times he lifts his shirt up to look in the mirror)cause he hasn't lifted weights that often recently.

Unless they are doing all their working about between 1am and 8am est (which is when I sleep).

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There are circumstances in which this could be considered normal human behavior. A contest is not one of them. Is it normal - or healthy - for a guy running in a track meet to vilify the other runners? No, because having their eye on the same prize doesn't make a person evil - it makes that person a competitor.


But people don't run in a track meet for 75+ days straight cooped up in a house with nothing else to do but conspire against the other runners. 


I agree it would be nice if this didn't happen year after year where one person is seriously vilified because they decide to play their own game. I can't remember the last time someone was self-aware enough to even say "you know what? They're just playing the game. He/She's still cool, no need to get upset over it when you think about it" and stick up for someone even if they aren't aligned with them. That I would like to see, just once. Or even someone to come out of the house and publicly say "hey [so-and-so], I can't believe how poorly I treated you. I'm sorry and ashamed."

  • Love 2

Christine's husband did an AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit. and here are some of his answers

--he'd grade her game so far as a high C

--says she laughs more at home (how is that possible?)

--says his letter that Christine didn't receive was very mushy and only included one very small comment about the cuddling

--previous houseguests and their SOs have helped him deal with twitter comments

--says if he could give her advice, it would be to get Cody and Derrick on the block and get Frankie, Donny, Victoria on board to flip things

--favorite players are Donny and Derrick and least favorite is Cody. Says it's not just the cuddling, it's the fact that he doesn't have to do a thing and is still safe

--said he and Christine have an unbreakable bond and no matter how affectionate she is with Cody, he knows she's committed to him




To me, it seems Christine's husband is on track to being a famewhore. He seems to be all over the internet. I'm beginning to think they both planned this controversy before going into the house.

Edited by JerseyGirl
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But people don't run in a track meet for 75+ days straight cooped up in a house with nothing else to do but conspire against the other runners.


Heck, it's not even just the folks in the house that get vindictive towards other HGs at this point in the game; fans do too!  If fans can get so focussed on hating the enemy of their rooting interest while living outside the house, imagine the pressure these guys are under within the house living together in a vacuum. 


I don't excuse any of the behavior, but I understand how it happens.  Group think is a terrible thing---we have learned this lesson over and over in the real world.  And yet, it seems when circumstances allow it, within a show or in the real world, it just creeps in over, and over, and over.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 5

I am tired of the physical competitions posing as endurance. They should do a how bad do you want it straight endurance challenge. Stand on stumps, keep your finger on a button, etc. Something without a dumb set and water cannon!

Oh, I do want to see this. Another Pressure Cooker comp, please. You know Cody would start crying within the first hour. 


ETA: Have they done the counting veto yet this season? Doesn't that usually show up fairly early? Did they replace it with *gasp* a new idea?

Edited by Xazeal

According to this show, yes, yes it is.  The most disheartening thing about this is that the executive producer is a woman.  It appears that she casts towards women who are weak gamers and edits the storyline to show women as weak. I guess she's just doing what she thinks the audience wants?!  I assume their is ratings analysis and research behind these decisions, but they are disappointing nonetheless.  



She also cast Rachael, Amanda, Janelle, June, Brittany and more who do not leap to mind at the moment.   The strong women do not necessarily win but they do play the game.  Men dominating is more a condition of our society. 

I am tired of the physical competitions posing as endurance. They should do a how bad do you want it straight endurance challenge. Stand on stumps, keep your finger on a button, etc. Something without a dumb set and water cannon!


I loved the holding the button challenge when they were just standing inside a cage type enclosure.  They socialized with each other and the ones who failed, plenty of distractions.  I agree about the endurance that pelts them with water and horrible things.  They are not as interesting.

Edited by wings707
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