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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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You can now vote on whether to give them the money for the Team America task



20 votes against.  I love Donny - but I can NOT give Frankie one ounce of validation.  (And WTF was Victoria thinking with her Amber thing?  That wasn't even mildly entertaining.)


If I could just vote on Donny's Derrick impression - which was actually really good - but no...was not entertained, and Frankie's idea sucked!


Option 2, I was NOT amused.

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20 votes against.  I love Donny - but I can NOT give Frankie one ounce of validation.  (And WTF was Victoria thinking with her Amber thing?  That wasn't even mildly entertaining.)


If I could just vote on Donny's Derrick impression - which was actually really good - but no...was not entertained, and Frankie's idea sucked!


Option 2, I was NOT amused.

Same here. 20 votes against!

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Re:  Donny's game play.  From when I watched the feeds (I can't handle Christine and Frankie any longer on the show...let alone the feeds.  Those two are just repugnant to me.), I think Donny was sunk the minute Pau left the house:  I think they could have aligned beautifully - and she was one of the few who seemed open to actually getting to know him.


The 'Mean Girls' left just shun him.  I don't know if it's his age, the fact he's a decent human being and they are fame-whoring twatwaffles, or that he's just not as interested in backstabbing, or, more my theory, Derrick's control of the groupthing assists the Donny Shunning because Donny is the only one who has got Derrick' s number in spades.  Derrick knowing Donny is onto him helps him steer his flock of mindless sheep away from Donny, and the other differential factors with why he's 'shunned' come into play.


So I think Donny could have had a good game, but he limited his options too early and he was sunk from them on.  Had it not been for Team America, I think he would have been gone a lot sooner.


I will be glad, for him, for him to be out of the house.  The way they treat him is just abysmal, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

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Just voted at CBS as well. All 20 votes against awarding the money.  Sorry, Donny.  As much as I like you, Frankie needs to realize how awful his "mission" was.


And for anyone on Twitter, you can tweet to #SaveDonny with any show of support you feel like sharing. Thank you kindly.

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I'm sure if they lose the TA challenge, Frankie will just convince himself it was due to poor performances by the others.  And Derrick will congratulate himself on knowing it was a stupid idea in the first place.  And Donny will go to jury.  Sigh.

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I actually registed and voted all 20 against. I was going to have to do it anyway to powervote for America's Favorite if there is one, so I guess I just got it out of the way early. I may even see if I can scrounge up my long dormant Twitter password and try that. I just want to see Frankie's face when he hears they didn't win. I don't care how he rationalizes it later, I just want to see that instant flash of realization before the talking starts. Sorry, Donny.

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From Jokers:


6:32 PM Der, Fra, Don in FR discussing TA mission. Fra says if they failed, he will lose it. NT




I've never been so inspired to vote against something in the history of EVER!

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I know Derrick killed someone, so maybe that was in the media and it prevented him from doing undercover anymore. And of course now he couldn't possibly!


That was in April 2007 - very early in his CFPD career.

I think even Donny wanted us to vote against it!! I voted no!!! Apparently Julie will tell them via code word tomorrow if they won or not during the live episode.


Glad I could support his wishes.  BB High School Musical going DOWN.

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From Jokers:

6:32 PM Der, Fra, Don in FR discussing TA mission. Fra says if they failed, he will lose it. NT



Well then, that decides it.  Sorry Donny.




Okay, that did it for me too.  20 more votes here.

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Oh geeze we might have another Flip tonight. Caleb is speaking to Derrick about keeping Donny.

Derrick will shoot that down.  I hold out no hope.  But it's so very cute how Cody keeps trying to think on his own.  Some day, little man...some day!

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Derrick will shoot that down.  I hold out no hope.  But it's so very cute how Cody keeps trying to think on his own.  Some day, little man...some day!


Yeah, he might be getting his big boy pants any day now.  Maybe they'll have a pair waiting for him in the JH.

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I just checked Big Brother's Facebook page where it says:  Vote now to decide whether or not each ‪#‎TeamAmerica‬ member deserves $5,000.


Ha ha..I read the comments and haven't seen one that liked it and was voting yes!!!  They all want to save Donny!!!!

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Ha ha..I read the comments and haven't seen one that liked it and was voting yes!!!  They all want to save Donny!!!!


There are some voting yes...because of Frankie being awesome and people being 'haters'....or some nonsense.


Just inspires me to vote harder tomorrow morning with my 20 votes against.


But yeah...the overwhelming consensus on the FB page is that there was some major suckage and too easy an out.

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I think there is a good chance that whoever stays is safe next week even if they don't win HoH and get nominated.


The alliance is showing signs of 3 (Frankie/Caleb/Chris vs. Derrick/Cody/Victoria)  and that Derrick/Cody at least think that.  I'm less sure that the Frankie side realizes it.  Next week is the time to try to get numbers if they think the alliance is going to split.

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I definitely contributed to voting no. I honestly think they won win this mission, and hopefully Frankie realizes that it was a shitty move to not save Donny and they lost money because of it. Of course, he won't say that on the feeds and he'll just go 'oh, we weren't funny enough. But next time, guys'. I understand him wanting to live in denial, but I think the votes will make him think twice about America from now on.


I want Donny to go, like I've said. There's no use in continuing to, as Frankie would probably put it, euthanize him and let the drip slowly make its way through Donny by torturing him longer. He's already lost so much and they're just going to vote him out next week. It sucks because I want Donny to make it, but I know he has no chance, as nobody will take him to the finals. Plus, Derrick and Frankie won't get to earn more Team America money (granted, I'm betting on TA ending once Donny goes, but I could be totally wrong).

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Caleb, talking to Derrick a few minutes ago:   "Biggest question is - who's the biggest threat to winning. Donny's only won HOH. Should we look at it that way?"


Ummm, hasn't Donnie won an HOH, a couple of vetos and a couple of BOBs?  Caleb has made statements like this before.  Why doesn't anyone correct him?

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I put my 20 votes towards no as well. I felt what Donny said meant he wanted people to show they didn't like the way they shot down his idea of keeping TAFY together. I haven't completely given up yet on Donny, and I won't until Julie says his name.

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If Derrick decides to keep Donny, that's his vote, Frankie's (I think), Caleb's and Victoria's (assuming she doesn't suddenly develop a spine). Christine would be the only one against him.

And then, Christine would vote to keep Donny because "it's what the house wants" and besides, she thinks she's Nicole's #1 target should Nicole win HOH.

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I like Donny, but I don't know if I want him to stay. If he stays he has no friends and it will be like the week Zach was evicted its hard to see Donny so depressed. At least with Nicole she has Victoria and Cody who treat her well on a personal level.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I put in my 20 votes against.  Frankie deserves no praise for that dreck.  


Waiting for midnight to rack up 20 more.


Is that midnight Eastern time, or Pacific Time?  The terms&conditions say "maximum of twenty (20) votes per person per day", but doesn't state what their basis for a day is.

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I hope they decide to go against Cody and Christine's wishes!!! All it would take is Derrick, Caleb and Frankie to keep Donny. I know the chances are slim, but I'm still holding out hope that Donny wins the whole freaking thing and makes his time being miserable worth it.


Jokers 08/27/14 08:05 PM

In poll, Caleb and Derrick said they'd go with group. Fr wanted Nicole gone. Cody wouldn't budge. Caleb said OK send Don home NT

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From Jokers:


6:32 PM Der, Fra, Don in FR discussing TA mission. Fra says if they failed, he will lose it. NT




So, in other words, he's gonna get 'teary', then remember to center himself in the camera's sights, and then throw himself on the ground screaming & crying like a hysterical little 4 year old girl.  "How can America not possibly like me??  I'm a social media mogul and Ariana Grande's brother!  Where are you when I need you most, YouTubers, media acct followers, like-givers and my -I mean- Aris's fans?!  I mean, who doesn't love the most important part of Zankie?!?!?!"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I like Donny, but I don't know if I want him to stay. If he stays he has no friends and it will be like the week Zach was evicted its hard to see Donny so depressed. At least with Nicole she has Victoria and Cody who treat her well on a personal level.


I really think they are going to turn on each other next week and take the opportunity to blindside someone who thinks they are just up because someone has to be against whoever stay this week.  If they don't start turning on each other next week, they have to the week after.  I don't think the next HoH can ignore that, especially because they cn't compete for HoH the week after so if the alliance is going to split, they have to work the numbers next week and not wait.


Even Derrick says that Victoria is "starting to think for herself."  BTW, what a jackass.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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So, in other words, he's gonna get 'teary', then remember to center himself in the camera's sights, and then throw himself on the ground screaming & crying like a hysterical little 4 year old girl.  "How can America not possibly like me??  I'm a social media mogul and Ariana Grande's brother!  Where are you when I need you most, YouTubers, media acct followers and like-givers?!  I mean, who doesn't love the most important part of Zankie?!?!?!"

I love the most important part of Zankie....ZACH! 

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I really think they are going to turn on each other next week and take the opportunity to blindside someone who thinks they are just up because someone has to be against Donny.  If they don't start turning on each other next week, they have to the week after.  I don't think the next HoH can ignore that, especially because they cn't compete for HoH the week after so if the alliance is going to split, they have to work the numbers next week and not wait.


Even Derrick says that Victoria is "starting to think for herself."  BTW, what a jackass.

 I agree I think whoever out of Nicole/Donny has a shot at least final 5 depending on competitions win. You can really see the fractions with Cody and Frankie/Caleb.

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I have 2 personal email addresses, one business email address, and one family email address that we never really use but we've had it for something like 15 years so we keep it because...I don't know why.  Anyway, my point is, that I am going to use all of these addresses to vote against Team America this week.  Losing this one will punch Frankie so hard, right in the ego, and I need for that to happen.  I hope Frankie's suffering is consolation to Donny for losing the reward.

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I put my 20 votes towards no as well. I felt what Donny said meant he wanted people to show they didn't like the way they shot down his idea of keeping TAFY together. I haven't completely given up yet on Donny, and I won't until Julie says his name.

Amen!!!  ;-)

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