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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

That wouldn't be enough to "clean house".

It seems that they have to travel quite a distance to any fresh water supply, which makes sense.  They wouldn't want to contaminate the water with human waste.  Still, I do wonder what they use to sanitize their hands.


“Cleaning house” doesn’t strike me as a No1 priority, if they just dump in a ditch and don’t bother covering with soil, even dogs try a few flicks with the back paws, thoughts of hygiene are obviously lacking.

As for sanitising their hands, I’m sure she’s content with rubbing it off in Negan’s hair 🤢10B275B3-51DA-4846-9C7A-F252D8637597.thumb.jpeg.aee12c2d6be7ad08132927724b930da3.jpeg

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1 hour ago, jackjill89 said:

It was interesting they actually, after how many years, showed someone going to the bathroom.

That is something I can do without. There are things we just assume people in a movie do, like eat, or brush their teeth or take a pee and we don't need to see it all the time when it's mostly gratuitous. I hate that. Vomiting is at the top of my list for "No" things.

1 hour ago, OoohMaggie said:

As for sanitising their hands, I’m sure she’s content with rubbing it off in Negan’s hair

What IS that black on her hands? Was she using them to dig in the dirt, but if so, why are they utterly filthy on the backs? We know that under the mask she has a ring of dirt or something around her mouth and whatever it is, Negan is sucking it in. I'm pretty sure medieval peasants had a higher standard of personal hygiene and they didn't even know what germs are.


1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

He kept trying to help her and all she could do was ramp up the histrionics in an attempt to reel him back in to the 'good old days'.

Carol doesn't really give a shit about Daryl. She's made it clear what he says means nothing to her and that she'll do whatever she wants with or without him. If he wants to tag along like a faithful dog, fine. Otherwise he can go fuck himself.

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It's nice to see that Alpha has enough self-awareness to know that sex with her would be "crass", although she's playing really fast and loose with the word "reward".

Also, Ew. EW.

Shouldn't the very human smell of a giant Shit Pit attract walkers? 

Hopefully, if or when Connie is rescued this will allow some character growth for Daryl in perhaps allowing himself to be close to her. Like, man+woman close.

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I couldn't follow the freakin' dark cave scenes, so maybe I'm missing something.  But what did Carol think she would accomplish by throwing dynamite into the pit anyway?  That one stick would have to blow up the brains of every walker in order to wipe them out.  Otherwise, they're still mobile with just some missing arms and stuff.  And even if that happened, the Whisperers would still be alive.  They'd just go out and get more walkers... since there seems to be an endless supply of herds 10 years after the apocalypse.  The whole plot was just stupid. 

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Such clumsy character assassination. Alpha lured Carol into that cave like she was some dumb walker. Alpha even flashed that dastardly look making the whole sequence as annoying as a twisted ankle ploy. After everyone initially survives acting like lemmings, Daryl gives Carol a talking to and Carol reveals her hatred towards Alpha about Henry. Well big whoop. Perfectly legitimate emotion and I don't see any reason why Carol couldn't have shared any of that with Ezekiel or Daryl. They did the same with Siddiq. Instead of telling Rosita he was having episodes and just watch his back, he choose to stumble around in his angst and put everyone at risk.

Then after having a heart to heart with Daryl she pulls that stunt. She didn't tell anybody but what was the point of having her climb so precariously to ignite a short fuse? There was no indication she was going on a suicide mission, so why did they suddenly write Carol Betty Boop stupid with a plan to light that short fuse, skedaddle back down the cavern side, meet up with the others still in the process of finding an escape route and say "hey guess what!"

The wailing "just say it" at the end was stupid because they just had this conversation. 


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I think TWD and I may be dunzo. After 10 1/2 seasons, I'm throwing in the towel. I didn't even realize TWD was back on Sunday, and now it's Wednesday and I still can't force myself to watch the latest episode. Also, I'd read the spoilers, and I didn't want to end a lovely weekend by having to witness THAT sex scene. Yuck. Fuck no. Goodbye TWD, it's been.... well, it's just been.

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2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I think TWD and I may be dunzo. After 10 1/2 seasons, I'm throwing in the towel. I didn't even realize TWD was back on Sunday, and now it's Wednesday and I still can't force myself to watch the latest episode. Also, I'd read the spoilers, and I didn't want to end a lovely weekend by having to witness THAT sex scene. Yuck. Fuck no. Goodbye TWD, it's been.... well, it's just been.

At least AMC posted a warning about disturbing content before showing Negan and Alpha naked....

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I never used to read these threads until after I saw the episode. But my "don't care" about this show has reached a point I am even fine with spoilers.

That said, I am so grateful I read these posts. I was pretty sick last night. I was going to catch-up and watch this episode. Based on what everyone said here, I did not. I'm pretty sure if I had, I'd have lost my supper at the Alpha/Neegan scene.

Thank you. From the bottom of my stomach.

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15 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I don't even think about watching this show anymore, but I remember the days when an episode thread was at least 6-pages deep by now  [3 days after it aired].

I recall I used to have to watch this show the day after everyone else did and by the time I got to the comment thread the very next night there was no hope of being able to catch up. By the time I'd read the first hundred or so comments, there'd be another hundred.

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On 2/24/2020 at 12:53 PM, AngelaHunter said:

After forcing myself to watch that scene again, Alpha appears to pull a gun on him? Hard to see, but do they have weapons and ammo? I forget.

I no longer follow the series, so I can’t speak as to current events - but the very first time we were introduced to Awful (S9E9 - “Adaptation”), she was toting a little sawed-off shotgun when the Whisperers captured Alden and Luke.


Edited by Nashville
Added imagery
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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

I recall I used to have to watch this show the day after everyone else did and by the time I got to the comment thread the very next night there was no hope of being able to catch up. By the time I'd read the first hundred or so comments, there'd be another hundred.

Along the same lines, I recall when I would have to watch the show a day or two later, the need to avoid spoilers. Whether it was a bunch of You Tube vids, Google News items, or reading the papers, I would need to dodge spoiler articles. Now, nothing shows up....no one cares about this show anymore, but I guess enough people still watch which keeps AMC satisfied.....

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I fast-forwarded through most of the cave scenes since I could barely even see what was going on and of course they were going to get out so it wasn't even like there was much suspense there. The only part I really watched was when they had to squeeze through the tunnel.

Now I wish I had simply turned it off so I didn't have to see naked filthy Neegan & Alpha. 🤮

I really have no interest in continuing watching or care about any of the remaining characters. For some reason I thought this was the final season so I thought, "Oh I might as well stick it out," but it appears that is not true and I can't take another few years of this crap.

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19 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I think TWD and I may be dunzo. After 10 1/2 seasons, I'm throwing in the towel. I didn't even realize TWD was back on Sunday, and now it's Wednesday and I still can't force myself to watch the latest episode. Also, I'd read the spoilers, and I didn't want to end a lovely weekend by having to witness THAT sex scene. Yuck. Fuck no. Goodbye TWD, it's been.... well, it's just been.

I think that I will have to go to the spoiler room to see if the whisperer pack is ending this season or not,  I can't stand them anymore.  The only thing still keeping me in is the hope to see Negan kill them all.  the rest I don't care.  If they bring back the helicopter soon enough it could change something... I guess? 

I watch it on fwd from the beginning of the season anyway...

Edited by heisenberg
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2 hours ago, heisenberg said:

The only thing still keeping me in is the hope to see Negan kill them all.

Negan could have killed her as they were locked in their sordid, grimy embrace. No one else was around. I mean, he's the guy who threw a doctor, alive, into a fire yet he couldn't snap that grubby little gremlin's neck? Or maybe he'll do it after... y'know...they do it. Ew.

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3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Negan could have killed her as they were locked in their sordid, grimy embrace. No one else was around. I mean, he's the guy who threw a doctor, alive, into a fire yet he couldn't snap that grubby little gremlin's neck? Or maybe he'll do it after... y'know...they do it. Ew.

Those Whisperers are like cockroach! 🤣  They should have been all dead in the first episode they got in.

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13 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Dogs also lick themselves, and occasionally drag their asses on the rug.

You had to mention it, I can’t not play this famous UK clip 🐶



9 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Or maybe he'll do it after... y'know...they do it. Ew.

Speaking of gross, Im wondering what precautions the loving couple took, we all know how Princess feels about the patter of tiny feet, or did Smiley convince her he’s been firing blanks? We know he likes a ‘hip dip’, maybe the rhythm method.

Edited by OoohMaggie
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4 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Speaking of gross, Im wondering what precautions the loving couple took

Yeah, I mentioned that. I kind of think Negan might be a dud, but who knows. Proud parenthood may be in their future, assuming one doesn't kill the other in the meantime.

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

She doesn't have any impulse control.. 

and doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself and then the "headless turd". She never has that I can remember. She doesn't even look at Daryl most of the time when he's talking to her. He's just background noise.

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So Negan walks up on Alpha while she's "in the latrine," and she says something to the effect of "the latrine is meant for hygiene, not privacy." Hygiene? Are you kidding me? These people are walking around in dead skin masks covered in dirt head to toe and are eating worms and bugs off of the ground. Don't tell me they care about hygiene.

So long, Connie and Magna, we hardly knew ye. Nor did we want to. I wonder, do the writers think we care? They can lose the other two as well and I'll never miss them - Connie's sister and the chubby one who plays an instrument. I can't even remember their names.

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On 2/25/2020 at 11:03 AM, mightysparrow said:

Do the people who put this show together bother to watch dailies?  Did ANYBODY realize that most of the episode was too dark to see?  The carelessness was shocking.  It's like tptb know they're not getting any new viewers and they figure the old guard will watch any old shit so why bother. 

I came on here only to find out if ANYONE COULD SEE anything that happened in the cave.  How they let that onto a network?

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I came on here only to find out if ANYONE COULD SEE anything that happened in the cave.  How they let that onto a network?

I could see what was going on after I turned up the brightness on my TV as high as it would go. Between this and Game of Thrones my plasma is going to be fried in no time.

Someone upthread pointed out that they seem to be filming with new technology for 4K TVs or whatever in mind. Us peasants with older TVs are shit out of luck.

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I totally forgot that the show had come back. I wish I hadn't remembered.

The saddest thing for me was my husbands's response. He wasn't hate watching it (like me). He was still trying to be a fan. His reaction? "I HATE what they have been doing to Carol. They are assassinating her character the same way they did Rick's. Oh, let's make her totally crazy for awhile, then sane and badass, then crazy, then strong, then crazy, on and on and on...I hate it."

Lather, rinse, repeat.

You have a new hate watcher show. If he bothers to keep watching, he was a huge Carol fan (me too).

What "talented" show runners... ( is there an emoji for "dripping sarcasm"?)

Edited by shanndee
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2 hours ago, shanndee said:

Oh, let's make her totally crazy for awhile, then sane and badass, then crazy, then strong, then crazy

They make everyone have multiple personality disorder.

2 hours ago, shanndee said:

They are assassinating her character the same way they did Rick's.

By the time they got done destroying Rick I wanted to kill him myself. And they think people will want to watch a whole movie about a character who ended up being detestable?

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54 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

They make everyone have multiple personality disorder.

By the time they got done destroying Rick I wanted to kill him myself. And they think people will want to watch a whole movie about a character who ended up being detestable?

Wait...are they still planning on doing that?? I kind of assumed the drop in ratings (and the "meh" response to Rick's exit) would have put an end to that foolishness. They really believe that people will PAY to watch a character they destroyed? 

Wow. 😮 

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3 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

They're only "trying"? Gee, watch any old movie from th 40's, 60's etc and you'll see they figured out how to make night scenes, or even cave scenes, visible. Maybe TPTB on this show could Google to find out how.

10 hours ago, shanndee said:

I kind of assumed the drop in ratings (and the "meh" response to Rick's exit) would have put an end to that foolishness.

I have no idea if they're going ahead with it. I get all my news on this forum and never look for it elsewhere. "Foolishness" indeed!😄

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You know what I never wanted to ever think about? Negan and Alpha having sex. Just...nope. The biggest nope to ever nope in the whole long history of nopes. 

Seriously, what has happened to Carol? I stuck with her for awhile, and felt really bad about everything that happened with Alpha, but...its just getting to be too much now. Her stupidity and selfish obsession with revenge is not only putting herself in danger, its endangering others, even people she supposedly cares about. Even her yelling at Darryl about her most recent fuck up, she was still making it about her and HER angst and HER guilt, not about Connie or Magna or Darryl losing someone he really cared about, and instead of trying to be comforting or try to help see if they could still find and save them, she just screams at him to do stuff for HER, even the stuff she wants is for him to feed into her self loathing. Melissa McBride is still doing really good work, but I just cant deal with Carol. 

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Somewhere around season 5 between fun with cannibals, the road trek from hell with doggie on the menu, and finally settling in Alexandria where they were so freaking paranoid they were ready to destroy the place to "save" it, (I just now realized we've been stuck in Alexandria for FIVE seasons, which may explain a lot of this.) the showrunners decided their leading man should start each day by spinning the big wheel of crazy to determine just what his level of insanity vs. competent decision making was going to be on that day.  You can certainly argue that everything up to that point broke Rick and made him that, which often resulted in making him the loser in a battle of wits with Negan!, seriously fucking Negan, but the end result was a character a lot of us were just exhausted by by the time he finally left the show.

Now they're doing the same thing with Carol.  A lot of her difficult personality and very internally focused thinking makes a fair bit of sense to me, given her tortured history, and the actress has always really sold it, but the show is trying to pound her into the Rick-shaped hole it was left with.  Because despite the hype and fat pay raise and top billing, Norman Reedus is not a leading actor.  While he's a great scene partner who makes nearly everyone he shares screentime with look even better, it's really noticeable when he's not paired with a "star."  So now she's the new Rick, even though that plot cycle has been done to death with her and she's a lot easier to take when she's in her wheelhouse of being acerbic as hell and ruthlessly competent.  I'm one who's usually willing to take a wait and see where a storyline goes before immediately screaming that it's shit, and I've loved Carol for years, but exhaustion is setting in.

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5 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

the showrunners decided their leading man should start each day by spinning the big wheel of crazy to determine just what his level of insanity vs. competent decision making was going to be on that day.

I didn't mind !crazy! Rick, as long as his craziness made sense (if THAT makes any sense). I started hating him when he turned into a bumbling idiot as he tried a zillion times to kill Negan and whined to his only sympathetic ear, Michonne, that "I tried to kill him.I couldn't". NEGAN(!!) who is the most not-bright adversary ever, but he didn't have to be very bright to outwit Ricky. But it was when he decided to protect Negan, even though Carl would have been murdered by Negan if not for a magic tiger, and made a decree like some petty tyrant that no one else could harm a hair on his head either that I really wanted him dead. It's just too bad that Maggie or Daryl couldn't have taken him out.


5 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

Now they're doing the same thing with Carol. 

Yes, and the "I'm gonna kill you"x 10 AGAIN is so damned tiresome, particularly when you know this to-the-death vendetta is over Prince Henry, of all people, about whom no one gives a shit. That everyone else follows her like lemmings as she leads them over a cliff (or into a cave)aided by Daryl the Follower, is ludicrous. Does no one have any functioning brain cells anymore?


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12 hours ago, Nashville said:

I think you just hit upon the reason I lost interest in TWD;

I have no interest anymore since it turned into some dopey video game, other than a mild curiosity over what outlandish nonsense will be presented next. If it weren't for this forum and the live chat thread, both of which are way more intelligent and enjoyable than the show is, I would never watch.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

How many people would still be alive if people weren't running after that headless douche nozzle (Henry) all of the time?

True, but why is everyone still so damned naive and gullible - so willing to believe anything anyone says - all these years post-ZA? Have they learned nothing over the years?


2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

She is like that friend that makes everything about themselves and doesn't remotely give a shit about anyone else.

An apt comparison. She never really looks at anyone, never shows any concern about others - ever - and everything she does is only for her. Even the tragedies of other people are only processed by how it might affect her. If it doesn't directly affect her, she shrugs it off, kind of like Rick did. It's as though no one else is real to her.

2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

And how many people would have given two shits about Henry if he wasn't being raised by Carol and to a lesser extent Ezekiel? 

Even with him being heir to the throne I highly doubt anyone gave a shit about him and probably would have forgotten all about that weasly little nuisance by now if Carol didn't keep invoking his name to justify all this crap going down.

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