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On 6/12/2021 at 9:34 AM, geauxaway said:

I am not the original poster but I don’t care for her, either.  Last episode at the party she involved herself in the fight that didn’t concern her and tried to insert herself physically for no reason.  She was all up in their business and aggressively so.  The others were arguing but she took it to a whole other level and I was like back off, girl.   I think she is probably trying to become part of the main cast not just girlfriend of.   It’s a no from me, dawg.

Geauxaway, thank you for explaining better than I did about the loathing of Pooja [SP]. 

I had wanted to address the comments of the posters who had teased me about why I had such a strong dislike of her, but I was unable to recollect the specifics of the scenes that she appeared in where she was inappropriately insinuating herself while making horrific comments about Vishal (I don't have the episodes DVR'd so was unable to rewatch).

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On 6/17/2021 at 8:09 AM, Sheenieb said:

I was OK with this. They're both in their 30s, so no need to beat around the bush. 


This goes back to what I mentioned before about this show having holes in the story. Brian let it slip that Monica and her boyfriend have been together for 2 years. So, the whole storyline about him liking her last season was clearly fake. Then he said, "you ever wonder why we didn't work out?" Which I also found surprising because that confirmed that they dated previously. The narrative last season was Monica liked Brian years ago, he curbed her, and then he had a change of heart, but now she was no longer interested. 

I get that it's reality tv, so everything is contrived, but at least get the story straight. 

I may have to soften how I feel towards Richa. Getting her side of what happened with Vishal made me understand why she's upset. I still think that they're ridiculous, but her issue is that Vishal isn't pulling his weight in the relationship. She flies to Miami to see him, but he barely comes to Memphis to see her. They've been engaged for what, 2 years? and there's been no talk of setting a date or buying a home? 

Since I don't follow any of them off the show, I have no idea if Richa and Vishal are currently wedding planning, or if it's new year/same shit. I don't know, I think Richa may have to cut her losses here. If your partner doesn't step up before you're married, I doubt things will change once I do's happen. 

Ditto.  This was a "softer" (love this word of Jextella's) side of Richa.  I don't believe we've ever before seen this side of her, which is perhaps the side that Vishal is drawn to, and he may perhaps be the only person (or one of very few people) who ever sees this version of Richa.

When Lopa Auntie talked about listening to her crying in her room many times, that blew me away, because we've only thus far ever seen tough Richa.

Top that off with her saying about herself being something like traditional, and thus why she kept working at maintaining her relationship with Vishal, at that moment I thought to myself that she really does love him (the devil on my shoulder, however, says that it's not love but control, and she likes being able to control him, and when she finally gave the ring back to him it was because perhaps he's finally been standing up to her and she can no longer control him)  That being said, I'd prefer to think of her as really loving him.  I may be one of the few/only viewers who always prefers happy endings and getting along relationships to the fighting and hatred that BRAVO loved and encourages.

Speaking of rings, I noticed it was said "rings" plural.  Does anyone know if it's an Indian custom, to give more than just one engagement ring?

Edited by Xebug67
Added wording
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Jeez, Richa is just a negative, toxic person.  When she walked in on Vishal getting his Halloween makeup done, within 60 seconds we hear:

What’s did you do to yourself?  He had something going on from shaving his chest. 

What happened to your belly button hole?

She does have the insight to say, aren’t you glad I came over.

“Will you kiss Lucifer tonight? I might find another Lucifer.

That woman needs to take a good look at herself.  She seems to think very highly of herself.  I find her just “cute” on the outside but ugly on the inside.  As others have asked, why does she keep saying he has to get shit together?  If he would dump Richa and move on he would be just fine.

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I thought this episode was kinda dull. Hopefully, the Vishal/Dillon 3rd grade drama has been put to rest. It was silly when it happened, and it was even sillier that everyone kept harping on it. 

Same for the Anisha/Monica thing. Anisha is so unpleasant and sour. She says snarky things, then she wonders why Monica doesn't like her. 

Speaking of Monica, I see that she's really revealing herself this season. First, she debuts the boyfriend that she kept under wraps last season, and now she's drinking! I guess she wanted to make sure that she got a good edit last season before she let her hair down.

Bali's boring so far. What does she have going on? Maybe she should've sat season 2 out. Same for Anisha. Besides freezing her eggs and zoom dating, what's going on with her clothing line? 

Amrit better get it together and lock Nicholas down. It doesn't bode well that he's waffling. I hope they don't become the next Vishal and Richa. Together for 9 years but not taking it to the next level. 

I did like the scene with Brian and his mother discussing his career insecurity around Dr. Monica's family. Now, I know it depends on specialty, but when Brian's mother said that she knew women who would only marry doctors because they want to "marry a rich man," I was thinking, uh, it may take a long time before a doctor sees a financial return on their investment. Most doctors aren't making bank straight out of med school. 

Edited by Sheenieb
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19 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Amrit better get it together and lock Nicholas down. It doesn't bode well that he's waffling. I hope they don't become the next Vishal and Richa. Together for 9 years but not taking it to the next level. 

Amrit and Nicholas are not like Vishal and Richa.  A&N just bought a property together.  They live together.  Amrit's parents like Nicholas.  Amrit's committed to Nicholas,  he's just not committed to the idea of marriage - yet.  It was poignant when Amrit shared his feelings about possibly being the first married gay couple of their generation.  I suspect after he comes out to his grandmother, his perspective on marriage may shift.

  • Love 11

A housewarming party at the outdoor common pool area. Ok, Amrit. Just call it what it is.  A Halloween party.

I must be crazy because I think Vishal is looking sexy this season with the hair on his face and his great body. 

As usual, the Aunties are the best and make the show.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Amrit and Nicholas are not like Vishal and Richa.  A&N just bought a property together.  They live together.  Amrit's parents like Nicholas.  Amrit's committed to Nicholas,  he's just not committed to the idea of marriage - yet.  It was poignant when Amrit shared his feelings about possibly being the first married gay couple of their generation.  I suspect after he comes out to his grandmother, his perspective on marriage may shift.

I didn't mean that Amrit and Nicholas are rocky like Vishal and Richa. I meant it in terms of being together for a long time without taking the next step in their relationship. Amrit and Nicholas definitely have a better foundation and family support, which is great, but Nicholas is clearly ready to get married, he said he was ready 5 years ago, but it's Amrit that's dragging his feet. Really, "promise cufflinks"? I get that he hasn't come out to his grandmother yet and he wants her blessing, but if he wants to marry Nicholas, although the signs are pointing to no because he's comfortable with the way things are, he's going to have to step up or Nicholas will either have to accept the status quo or move on. 

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

A housewarming party at the outdoor common pool area. Ok, Amrit. Just call it what it is.  A Halloween party.

No one brought housewarming gifts!  Not a potted plant in sight!

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I must be crazy because I think Vishal is looking sexy this season with the hair on his face and his great body. 

He and Nicholas are probably the cutest gay couple on Bravo.

1 hour ago, Sheenieb said:

Really, "promise cufflinks"?

I hate to quibble, buuuuuut it's promise cuffs, not cufflinks,  ;)

  • Love 2

Amrit’s mom is the sweetest thing - Gah, I adore her.

I think I know why Anisha can’t stand Monica. Monica pretends to be this perfect Indian girl to impress all of the aunties and uncles so they put her on a pedestal as the star child. Behind closed doors she’s probably sleeping around and having a good time and doing everything she says she doesn’t. I knew so many Indian girls that put on this facade. Anisha is real and can’t stand the bullshit.

Dillion is so annoying! He talks nasty about someone and then expect an apology - F off. We all know Vishal Is gay  and Rischa is an involuntary beard - you don’t have to try and out him 

Edited by TheCouchPotato
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I still plan to rewatch all of this season because new stuff keeps coming up and it seems to put other stuff in context.

Dillon annoys the crap out of me - he's a self-important little snot who loves to run his mouth at the expense of other people and I have a feeling that any 'adversity' he has suffered socially is directly attributable to his big mouth and lack of boundaries more than anything else. I don't feel that either dillon or his know-it-all older brother deserved any apology, they were definitely totally insincere in their comments to and about Vishal.

Anisha really needs to stfu and listen before she goes off on one of her self-righteous tangents. No wonder she likes dillon.

Monica may be a bit hypocritical, but she also directly addresses whomever she feels has dissed her rather than playing telephone ad nauseum.

Bali still stirs the pot - apparently she has no function other than that and continually reminding us how hot and young she is. If I were Vishal's mom, I would be very irritated at someone less than a decade younger than I referring to me as 'auntie'.

I like Vishal and Richa together. They seem to balance each other. I don't care if they choose to bend traditional gender roles to to suit their relationship it shouldn't be such a big deal. Naturally Lopa is concerned - but she was rather disingenuous when she flipped Vishal's question about Lopa telling Richa to not tell him where Lopa was living into Vishal sticking his nose into her financial business.  I never heard him mention her money or how she spends it (other than having heard that she bought a condo, etc), but rather that he was feeling a lack of trust. Nice deflection, Lopa.

I was surpried to hear that Richa cries at times - but who's to say whether it's Vishal or Lopa who is the cause of it. Richa's stuck in the middle but I suspect she hears a lot more negative comments from Lopa than she does from Vishal.

I was also surprised Vishal's mom hasn't contacted Lopa to include her in any family events - that does seem out of context given all that's been said about it being as much a union of two families as of the couple. Then again, Lopa didn't mention issuing any such invitation to Vishal's  family. I should watch those conversations again. 

I like Amrit and Nicholas, but think Amrit is a bit of a user. Kind of like the person who claims to be committed to their SO, but doesn't want to formalize it so they can still half-way legitimately play the field/flirt.

Does Brian have any real purpose? His mom is pretty neat.

Sometimes I think the show should have been developed as Aunti Karma - they really carry everything and there's not a nasty vibe among them - something the 'real' housewife franchises could learn from. I love the TH segments that include the parents and kid as a unit.

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1 hour ago, becauseIsaidso said:

I like Amrit and Nicholas, but think Amrit is a bit of a user. Kind of like the person who claims to be committed to their SO, but doesn't want to formalize it so they can still half-way legitimately play the field/flirt.

He's all hung up on the fact that his old grandma doesn't know he's gay so that's his excuse for not wanting to formalize anything with Nicholas yet. He has to tell grandma and get her approval first. Or so he says.  

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4 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

I still plan to rewatch all of this season because new stuff keeps coming up and it seems to put other stuff in context.

Dillon annoys the crap out of me - he's a self-important little snot who loves to run his mouth at the expense of other people and I have a feeling that any 'adversity' he has suffered socially is directly attributable to his big mouth and lack of boundaries more than anything else. I don't feel that either dillon or his know-it-all older brother deserved any apology, they were definitely totally insincere in their comments to and about Vishal.

Anisha really needs to stfu and listen before she goes off on one of her self-righteous tangents. No wonder she likes dillon.

Monica may be a bit hypocritical, but she also directly addresses whomever she feels has dissed her rather than playing telephone ad nauseum.

Bali still stirs the pot - apparently she has no function other than that and continually reminding us how hot and young she is. If I were Vishal's mom, I would be very irritated at someone less than a decade younger than I referring to me as 'auntie'.

I like Vishal and Richa together. They seem to balance each other. I don't care if they choose to bend traditional gender roles to to suit their relationship it shouldn't be such a big deal. Naturally Lopa is concerned - but she was rather disingenuous when she flipped Vishal's question about Lopa telling Richa to not tell him where Lopa was living into Vishal sticking his nose into her financial business.  I never heard him mention her money or how she spends it (other than having heard that she bought a condo, etc), but rather that he was feeling a lack of trust. Nice deflection, Lopa.

I was surpried to hear that Richa cries at times - but who's to say whether it's Vishal or Lopa who is the cause of it. Richa's stuck in the middle but I suspect she hears a lot more negative comments from Lopa than she does from Vishal.

I was also surprised Vishal's mom hasn't contacted Lopa to include her in any family events - that does seem out of context given all that's been said about it being as much a union of two families as of the couple. Then again, Lopa didn't mention issuing any such invitation to Vishal's  family. I should watch those conversations again. 

I like Amrit and Nicholas, but think Amrit is a bit of a user. Kind of like the person who claims to be committed to their SO, but doesn't want to formalize it so they can still half-way legitimately play the field/flirt.

Does Brian have any real purpose? His mom is pretty neat.

Sometimes I think the show should have been developed as Aunti Karma - they really carry everything and there's not a nasty vibe among them - something the 'real' housewife franchises could learn from. I love the TH segments that include the parents and kid as a unit.

I love that the aunties are only a part of the show because hopefully it’ll keep it from devolving into Housewives nonsense. We have enough of that, they don’t need to be corrupted!

2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

He's all hung up on the fact that his old grandma doesn't know he's gay so that's his excuse for not wanting to formalize anything with Nicholas yet. He has to tell grandma and get her approval first. Or so he says.  

Grandma is part of it, but it’s also what he said about putting himself and his sexuality out there in the community. These folks identify themselves by not only family & friends, but by their community. I imagine it’s like coming out all over again and it’s anxiety producing. The reason why (I suspect) that he hadn’t experienced harassment like Dillon is because he is far more reserved and not as obvious about it as Dillon.

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1 hour ago, DeeplyShallow said:

I love that the aunties are only a part of the show because hopefully it’ll keep it from devolving into Housewives nonsense. We have enough of that, they don’t need to be corrupted!

Grandma is part of it, but it’s also what he said about putting himself and his sexuality out there in the community. These folks identify themselves by not only family & friends, but by their community. I imagine it’s like coming out all over again and it’s anxiety producing. The reason why (I suspect) that he hadn’t experienced harassment like Dillon is because he is far more reserved and not as obvious about it as Dillon.

I see/acknowledge the point about the aunties as being more valuable as the authentic moms/wives they are...but I have a sense that these women, who have been so outspoken for as long as I've been watching this show, have a far more secure sense of self worth than those on any of the other shows and would NOT devolve into the horrors of bicki gunvalson or teresa jooodicheeee or ANY of the bitchard sisters....or, for that matter, any of the famehoos I used to watch.

I find the 'aunties' refreshing and want more of them.

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19 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

 Yet Dillon continues to go on and not compromise who he is.  Hard to characterize that kind of person as silly and flighty.  I'd call him brave.

I'd call Dillon a shit-stirrer who runs his mouth inappropriately and then plays the victim and cries when there are repercussions. There's nothing brave about that.

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6 minutes ago, Rahul said:

I'd call Dillon a shit-stirrer who runs his mouth inappropriately and then plays the victim

On that we agree.

6 minutes ago, Rahul said:

and cries when there are repercussions. There's nothing brave about that.

I don't know.  I think the crying might connected to the fact that all feminine gay men are subject to the threat of physical violence, so fear is an everyday part of life.  That the threat of violence, albeit ridiculous, came from within his family/friend circle might've been a factor.  I still stand that an effeminate gay men living his truth in this sometimes homophobic world is brave, even if said person is an asshole.

  • Love 4

Amrit’s mom is the sweetest thing - Gah, I adore her.

I think I know why Anisha can’t stand Monica. Monica pretends to be this perfect Indian girl to impress all of the aunties and uncles so they put her on a pedestal as the star child. Behind closed doors she’s probably sleeping around and having a good time and doing everything she says she doesn’t. I knew so many Indian girls that put on this facade. Anisha is real and can’t stand the bullshit.

Dillion is so annoying! He talks nasty about someone and then expect an apology - F off. 

Indians aunties are truly cluelessness Ladies, Raj wouldn’t pick any of you. He wants a Ladaka (man).

  • Love 8

Such a truly raw and real moments like Amrit's parents in the car, or he and his family walking Nani through his coming out. I truly loved her journey in the conversation and the turning point being, he feeds you right. But the per attached chicken sandwich was also a highlight, I think that having these two very different kinds of very real down to earth highs and lows all mixed together elevates the show. I do have to say though that the show is better when it focuses on the parents, as some of the kids just aren't as interesting. It's Brian, I mean Brian.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, dosodog said:

Anisha's grandfather. 

I need to see more of the man who sends his daughter a message about bringing vodka and a Wendy's Spicy Chicken.  With an attachment of a picture of the chicken sandwich.


That was EVERYTHING. I love these people, and especially Amrit’s parents. I was sobbing for him. Thank you bravo for not stretching this out the whole season and also not jumping back-and-forth between other people and his conversation with his grandmother.

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The conversations between Amrit’s parents in the car, and then the whole family with Amrit’s grandmother are why I am a sucker for reality tv. Both were so honest, vulnerable and loving it was lovely and plucking on my heartstrings.

Raj is my favorite in that family; I liked Monica last year, not so much this year.

I love the close-knit families and friends.

  • Love 13
13 hours ago, NYCFree said:

The conversations between Amrit’s parents in the car, and then the whole family with Amrit’s grandmother are why I am a sucker for reality tv. Both were so honest, vulnerable and loving it was lovely and plucking on my heartstrings.

Raj is my favorite in that family; I liked Monica last year, not so much this year.

I love the close-knit families and friends.

The conversation Amrit's parents had in the car was my favorite part of the episode. To tell you the truth, I was surprised that Lavina (is that Amrit's mother's name?) was so in her feelings about the engagement since she clearly loves Nicholas. I'm glad that she acknowledged how she was feeling and asked if she was being fair.

Raj is still my favorite dad. I see why Monica wanted to live with him and not her mother.

I don't know if Brian and Dr. Monica are still together, but for his sake, as well as for their relationship, I hope he's checked his insecurity about not being a doctor. Dr. Monica obviously doesn't care about that. If she wanted to date a doctor, I'm sure she had her pick. She chose you, Brian.

I still think that Bali should've sat this season out. She doesn't have anything going on.

  • Love 13

I assume some of it with Amrit is that his mom genuinely loves Nicholas, intellectually accepts it, but is still worried how he will be received by the larger community, some of it has to be she is worried for him, she knows being openly gay can make you a target, whether that's violence or mere ostracization/judgment from their community and larger family. But some is, yes, still her being disappointed about the life she imagined for him, and how SHE will be judged/ostracized, but it's very healthy to process this openly and to be honest about where she is at and it's admirable for her to interrogate why she still has reservations and want to find a way to stop feeling that way.

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23 minutes ago, blixie said:

but it's very healthy to process this openly and to be honest about where she is at and it's admirable for her to interrogate why she still has reservations and want to find a way to stop feeling that way

Right, it's interesting to see someone smack dab in the middle of that process.  Amrit was right, it's not just the LGBTQ+ person in the family that has a coming out process.

  • Love 11
On 7/1/2021 at 1:43 PM, bichonblitz said:

Omg, Right? I love all these parents and grand parents. They give me life! I swear this show should win an emmy award. The convo between Amrit and his parents. The convo between Amrits parents in the car. Amrit and his lovely grandmother Nani. This show is so far above all the other BRAVO shows that have turned in to crap. 

Amrit was on WWHL last night. He is genuinely a lovely, classy person. His boyfriend was behind the bar. Also very sweet. I wish these two the best. They are the real deal. 

Completely agree. This couple is the complete antithesis of Reza and Adam. 

  • Love 15
On 6/26/2021 at 9:32 AM, becauseIsaidso said:

I like Amrit and Nicholas, but think Amrit is a bit of a user. Kind of like the person who claims to be committed to their SO, but doesn't want to formalize it so they can still half-way legitimately play the field/flirt.

Quoting myself because I think now that I've done Amrit a bit of an injustice. I still think he's a bit of a player, but in the sense of being a flirt rather than a serial cheater - and it's all because of this last epi. I just don't see anything fake in the scene with his Nani and the rest of the family supporting both of them as Amrit gave his Nani the (what must have been confusing and disturbing to her) truth about not just his orientation, but that he has a chosen partner as well. I'm impressed. I've tried to find something in that scene that didn't ring true, but couldn't. Major kudos to these folks for not compromising their cultural nuances for a tv show. Props to Bravo for actually not messing with something so lovely. The younger generation is Americanized enough to have lost some of that and I really wish they would look more to their parents and the aunties - there's a reason the have become such honorable people. I cannot see dillon ever reaching that level.

  • Love 13

"Family Blessings" was perhaps one of my favorite hours of reality television ever. The whole ordeal of Amrit coming out to his grandmother was so raw, unfiltered, un-produced. As a somewhat closeted bisexual Sindhi guy myself who was raised by his Nani, that scene hit me so hard. There was no one on earth I loved more than my Nani and I don't think I would have ever had the courage to come out to her the way Amrit did. And the icing on the cake was all the Sindhi that was being spoken on national television!! (Although I must say, Amrit does not understand noun-gender agreement as he kept referring to Nicholas as "muhinji dost" my friend, feminine when it should be "muhinjo dost," my friend, masculine). 

Anyway, I watched this past hour with my mom and she was in tears. This really is a show that appeals to many generations and is infused with so much culture, humor and heart. I'm loving this season and hope Bravo protects it and keeps it around for years to come.

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Did Amrit's grandmother get blindsided on national TV by Amrit's announcement, or did the family prepare her? I didn't like the way her children were looming over her and instructing her what to think and say as she tried to process what she was hearing.

However I appreciated Amrit's demonstrated care for her  She seemed quite frail.


16 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Did Amrit's grandmother get blindsided on national TV by Amrit's announcement, or did the family prepare her?

Did she really need that much preparing?  He's been out to his immediate family since college, he's been in a relationship with Nicholas for years.  It's not like he's been actively deceiving her.

16 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I didn't like the way her children were looming over her and instructing her what to think and say as she tried to process what she was hearing.

I didn't see it that way.  I saw her children trying to explain what Amrit what really was saying to her.  I don't think Amrit's command of the native tongue is as accurate as his mother and uncle's.

16 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

However I appreciated Amrit's demonstrated care for her  She seemed quite frail.


Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 6

Amrit does not understand noun-gender agreement as he kept referring to Nicholas as "muhinji dost" my friend, feminine when it should be "muhinjo dost," my friend, masculine)

Ah, maybe that contributed to his Nani confusion? She seemed to understand who Nicholas was, but if he was saying essentially I am marrying my friend the girl, it could be her reaction was more your friend Nicholas is not a girl, so like who is the girl possibly as much as well he must not mean Nicholas because he can't marry a boy.


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I hope Brian got back on his feet since being laid off. It's odd to hear IT people get laid off, but since he's a consultant, which I'm not sure what an IT consultant does, maybe he was freelance. 

That said, Dr. Monica is going to have to leave Brian behind. He clearly isn't ready to take things to the next level. Whenever you have to wait for someone to catch up to where you are, it rarely works. She has her shit together, and she knows what she wants. He's going to let his insecurity, as well as his immaturity, ruin his relationship. 

What's going on with Anisha's business? Does it still exist? If the dress she wore to friendsgiving was from her line, she should've mentioned that. It was a great color and it flattered her well. 

Nicholas is such a good dude. I wish him and Amrit the best. 

  • Love 11

The biological clocks on this show are getting so loud that it seems to be hard for people to hear what's actually being said. Dr Monica needs to find someone older than Brian; he's not ready. 

I loved the scene with Nicholas and Amrit's grandmother and mother.  The WWHL episode with Garcelle and Amrit was the first one worth watching in a long time. But I did notice that Nicholas was not wearing a ring.

  • Love 6

Everybody bugging Brian  about getting married was getting on my nerves. Leave the guy alone, he's only 29 and he's not ready. If his girlfriend is ready then that's her problem. Maybe she needs to find someone else.  Why aren't they on Anisha who is 36 and not married? 

This show. One week I'm madly in love with it, the next I'm annoyed with all of them. 

  • Love 3

I want to know about the “financial compatibility conversation” Monica and Brian referenced. It was talked about as an expected step with an engaged, or about to be engaged couple. Is this only for the groom and the bride’s father? The both spoke about it like this was a completely normal and expected event.

I was horrified that Nicholas felt it was “progress” with his parents that they no longer leaned away from him physically, or cringed when he was around. How heartbreaking.

Edited by NYCFree
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2 hours ago, NYCFree said:

I want to know about the “financial compatibility conversation” Monica and Brian referenced. It was talked about as an expected step with an engaged, or about to be engaged couple. Is this only for the groom and the bride’s father? The both spoke about it like this was a completely normal and expected event.

Same here.  I guess it is a completely normal and expected event for them.  I just wish they elaborated more.

2 hours ago, NYCFree said:

I was horrified that Nicholas felt it was “progress” with his parents that they no longer leaned away from him physically, or cringed when he was around. How heartbreaking.

To be fair I believe Nicholas said they cringed if they saw him being affectionate with Amrit, but still.  As long as organized religion is around, homophobia will be around.  The good thing is Nicholas is creating his own family with Amrit, that's when his parents will stop being his family and start being his relatives.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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