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S01.E11: The Past and the Furious

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With Sue Lynn's help, Dex works to find a fellow veteran's birth parents after he discovers that he's adopted. Meanwhile, Ansel creates a birthday bucket list for turning twenty-one and enlists Grey's help to complete each item. Elsewhere, Grey continues to work with Hoffman and goes undercover to infiltrate a car ring operation.

Airing Wednesday, January 15, 2020.


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That was a nice scene at the end, of Jeremy reuniting with his biological family. And if I’m understanding right, his biological mother didn’t actually die from an overdose? That church kidnapping Native American children and selling them to white families is despicable, and also not remotely surprising. His adoptive parents are just as much to blame. 

I adore Grey helping Ansel complete his list, while also helping him to understand the most important thing is being there for the people you care about. 

It seems Grey and Hoffman have an understanding, but you know something is bound to go wrong with the undercover work. 

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Yeah, it sounds like bio mom only got into drugs after her child was stolen from her. Which is a heartbreaking revelation, because that's just a horrible way to go. But I did really enjoy the case. I felt bad for Jeremy when his bio dad also abandoned him, and I appreciate how Sue Lynn got involved. 

Dex's stuff in this episode was well done. Poor girl just misses her brother, and rightfully so. He was kind of helping to keep her grounded and now that she's gone, she does have more time and freedom to do stuff. 

Grey helping Ansel out is great to watch. I appreciate their friendship/mentorship moments.

As for Grey/Miles...something's going to go wrong, I just feel it. Now that Grey's in deeper than he thought possible, he could be in some trouble. I do appreciate Miles trying to warn him about the dangers of undercover work. Hopefully, Grey doesn't slip too far in, and he can't get out, and I hope Miles continues to look out for him. 

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Was Bio-Dad the sleazy guy from that other zombie series? Z-Nation....the guy with the blood mutation that had semi-immunity from turning...

So the writers just built a new triangle that does NOT include Dex...Leo, Max, Grey


[Interior: Chopshop of Evil]

Leo: You know some people?

Grey: Yeah. Some of my best friends are dirty cops....like this dickhead Hoffman....

20 hours ago, phalange said:

His adoptive parents are just as much to blame.

Law & Order had a lot of shady adoption cases, but Stone & McCoy always seemed to let the illegal adoptive parents skate... maybe the Portland D.A. will be sympathetic like the ones in NYC....

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I liked Dex's case of the week, really liked the complete lack of love triangle drama, and was meh on Grey/Miles' teaming up.  Glad that food truck guy reappeared, now just need a little more of Camryn Mannheim and him chatting about food to make me happy.



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I totally did not get the adopted man's hate for his adoptive parents. WTH was that about. Seems he got raised with love, he's healthy, got an education (I guess), and he pays them back with full-bore hate because they didn't tell him he was adopted? WTH! He didn't know he was part of the buying-a-kid scheme until Dex found out and told him. He was just a hateful, hateful, ungrateful snot to his parents, who were obviously heartbroken at being treated like criminals by the child they raised.

What was that locker where bio mom's stuff was all kept? If the tribe loved her so much, wouldn't her belongings be with the aunt or gramps or someone in the tribe? The tribe people are so tight knit, yet when one of them dies, their possessions go to some public locker somewhere?

I have a friend who gave up her baby at birth. He found her 35 years later after adoption records were opened. He loves his adoptive parents and he now also loves his bio mom. No need to hate anyone, adopted kids.

Somehow, I think adopted man will be a new squeeze for Dex. Love triangle, quadrangle, polygon ahead!

Besides the ultra-stoopid COOW, the rest was pretty good. I like Grey's new eye-candy partner in crime, but of course that's not going to go well for any of them. I also still like Ansel, and Dex was even pretty good (in her Eric Clapton t). That, plus Tookie!

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21 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I totally did not get the adopted man's hate for his adoptive parents. WTH was that about.

This would have made more sense if either they were terrible parents and/or if he found out that they knew he was kidnapped from his mother. But I've seen enough other stories like this on TV to assume it is a common syndrome among some adoptees, even though, as you described with your friends:

21 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I have a friend who gave up her baby at birth. He found her 35 years later after adoption records were opened. He loves his adoptive parents and he now also loves his bio mom. No need to hate anyone, adopted kids

my adopted cousins also have had loving adult relationships with bio-parents and adoptive parents.

Or maybe I'm mis-remembering the TV trope? I also seem to recall a lot of story arcs in which adopted kids resent or feel abandoned by their bio-parents, even though I have always assumed mothers give up children out of love to others who can provide for them what they cannot 
--but not, of course, in cases like in this episode in which children are stolen from "vulnerable" women.


Edited by shapeshifter
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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

As for Grey/Miles...something's going to go wrong, I just feel it. Now that Grey's in deeper than he thought possible, he could be in some trouble. I do appreciate Miles trying to warn him about the dangers of undercover work. Hopefully, Grey doesn't slip too far in, and he can't get out, and I hope Miles continues to look out for him. 

I'm still pretty pissed at Miles for blackmailing him into it, though I guess that 13% makes Grey a willing participant at this point. Still, if he gets hurt, or hurts someone else, or falls back into criminal activity, that never would have happened if Miles hadn't forced him in the beginning. He basically blackmailed an alcoholic into going to the bar. I'm hoping that Ansel moving in with Grey was also partly intended as a way to keep Grey grounded and not legitimately slip back into his old lifestyle. 

54 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Somehow, I think adopted man will be a new squeeze for Dex. Love triangle, quadrangle, polygon ahead!

I wondered about that, too. That scene where they were searching the storage area seemed like there was some attraction, at least on his part. 

I do feel like they're setting up a surprising number of events for a show that only has 2 episodes left this season: possible new love interest for Dex, possible new love interest for Grey, Ansel transitioning into living independently, and an undercover scenario that seems pretty long term. If this season ends with a big cliffhanger, I really hope it gets renewed...

I'm also curious about why they keep setting Grey up with other women but Miles doesn't get another love interest, especially when Grey seemed like he was finally consciously acknowledging his feelings for Dex before the hiatus. I guess Miles is still hung up on Dex, and Grey decided that if he hasn't re-crossed that line with Dex yet, they can keep on not crossing it?

Edited by LaMatadita
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I was thinking, since Dex is bummed about living alone and it sort of freaks her, Liz would make a great room mate. She might be looking for a place to stay for a while.

That would be awesome IMO! Another corner added to the love quadrangle.

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That was a heck of a party at Dex's place.  Have we ever seen anything suggesting that Dex has that many friends?  When Tookie asked her who all the people were, I was genuinely expecting a punchline and was curious what it would be.  But she said it was all her friends.  Okay...

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Adopted Man - i.e. Jeremy - would be a bad fit for Dex. He is a lot younger, has his own PTSD issues, seems like he is moving to the Inland Reservation so double down for Benny flashbacks. (I know Benny was from a different reservation) and he seems to know that Dex is really messed up....

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I figured some of the party attendees were random people Dex had flings with. Also if you like to drink to excess it's a skill to find people that will join in.

In the space of 2 eps the show has succeeded in making me really really dislike Miles. Kind of a shame, I think it was more interesting when he was a decent guy 

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2 hours ago, Orbert said:

When Tookie asked her who all the people were, I was genuinely expecting a punchline

  • Classmates from private detective school
  • Online friends that also recently did not need to be caregivers anymore
  • Used car buyers with bad audio equipment
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The CoTW was so heartbreaking, Jeremy's poor mother. White people stealing native children from their families has a long and horrible history, so seeing it happening still in modern day is infuriating. From what was gathered, it seems like she didnt do drugs until she had her baby stolen, then that led her to becoming a drug addict for real and dying. He was so close to getting to meet her! That adoption lady was so terrible, I hope she gets locked up for a good long time, or at least has to face the wrath of Sue Lynn. At least now Jeremy gets to meet some of his bio moms family, that was at least some silver lining to all of this. Sue Lynn was so happy at the reunion, and even smiled a bit at Dex as she left, it was really quite endearing, I am really liking their relationship improving. 

Dex just misses her brother, he really provided her a lot of stability, and without him she is kind of whirling around unsure of what to do. Plus she just misses him and having him around, and knowing he wanted to leave must be tough, even if she understands why he left. Glad that she at least had Tookie around to talk with! I am always happy to see Tookie, he just has this natural warmth to him. 

I hope that Dex takes Jeremy up on doing to his super chill support group. 

It seems like Grey is a bit more willing now that this 13% has been thrown out, but I still think that Miles basically blackmailing him into going undercover is messed up. Grey really does seem to want to leave his life of crime behind (even when it tries to pull him back in) and him being forced back into that kind of environment is a recipe for disaster. If something goes wrong, its going to be on Miles. At least Miles did offer him some good advice on going undercover, even if Grey will probably end up ignoring it.

I always love Grey and Ansel, they have such a nice friendship/mentorship. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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3 hours ago, Orbert said:

That was a heck of a party at Dex's place.  Have we ever seen anything suggesting that Dex has that many friends?  When Tookie asked her who all the people were, I was genuinely expecting a punchline and was curious what it would be.  But she said it was all her friends.  Okay...

When my brothers were 20 and 16, and my dad was out of town for a weekend, the 20yo decided to get a keg and have a small group of friends over. The 16yo invited a couple of friends, and apparently it was a quiet weekend elsewhere, because it turned into the rager of the weekend; ‘sheriff’s deputies chasing kids into the fields behind the house’ kinda crazy. They made the news in the area. So I can totally believe the house filled up with people, and I think it’s in character for Dex to call them ‘friends’ even if she just met them ten minutes ago.

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7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Tantoo Cardinal/Sue Lynn's smile of joy added a lot to the reunion scene.

Tantoo Cardinal had a sibling taken in the Sixties Scoop, so she knows about the pain of having a loved one taken from her, and (hopefully) the happiness of reuniting.

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I found the case of the week interesting, and really enjoyed Grey helping Ansel with his list.  The undercover operation was less interesting to me. 

I think they missed an opportunity to level the playing field between Miles and Grey when Miles backed down about dismissing Grey.  This should have been more about them getting a feel for each other than about Grey meeting the redshirt car thieves.  Michael Ealy at least got to smile this episode while Miles was sitting in his car listening to jazz and about to eat a tasty burger.

I think Jeremy was reeling a bit from all the new information, first that he was adopted, then that he could never know his mother, than that he was stolen, then that the theft might have contributed to her addiction, and so on.  His adopted parents were the most visible reminder of all that injustice, so I can understand why he would initially be angry.

10 hours ago, paigow said:

Was Bio-Dad the sleazy guy from that other zombie series? Z-Nation....the guy with the blood mutation that had semi-immunity from turning...

It was indeed Keith Allan, who was Murphy on Z-Nation.  I gave up after 3 seasons, but it did have its moments.  He was also an Enterprise guest star as a Suliban once upon a time.

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8 hours ago, LaMatadita said:

I do feel like they're setting up a surprising number of events for a show that only has 2 episodes left this season: possible new love interest for Dex, possible new love interest for Grey, Ansel transitioning into living independently, and an undercover scenario that seems pretty long term. If this season ends with a big cliffhanger, I really hope it gets renewed...

The show got an additional episodes pick-up this season beyond its original 13 episodes. So, it's 18 to 20 episodes this season.

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Adopted kids being angry that their adoptive parents kept their adoption a secret is not uncommon. It's just like any other secret that comes out after 20+ years in that there's resentment about being lied to for so long. Most adopted kids do eventually get over their anger but it sounds like this guy found out very recently so the wound is still pretty fresh for him.

I was really hoping Grey would call Hoffman on his bluff when he threatened to pull him from this case. Dude, you're the one who forced him to do this! He said very clearly multiple times that he didn't want to do this so it seemed ridiculous that Hoffman was later warning him not to get sucked back into doing illegal stuff. That's like putting a recovering alcoholic in a bar and telling them not to drink. You put him in that situation!

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10 hours ago, paigow said:

Adopted Man - i.e. Jeremy - would be a bad fit for Dex. He is a lot younger, has his own PTSD issues, seems like he is moving to the Inland Reservation so double down for Benny flashbacks. (I know Benny was from a different reservation) and he seems to know that Dex is really messed up....

I didn't really think the age difference was a big deal--Liz was quite a bit younger than Grey too--but I don't really disagree with anything else. He was quite attractive and was very caring toward Dex, though, so my mind still wondered if we might seen him again down the road.

2 hours ago, CooperTV said:

The show got an additional episodes pick-up this season beyond its original 13 episodes. So, it's 18 to 20 episodes this season.

That makes a lot more sense, thanks! I had checked on IMDb, and it still just says 13 episodes, so I didn't realize they'd been given more. That bodes well for a second season, at least!

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11 hours ago, LaMatadita said:

I'm still pretty pissed at Miles for blackmailing him into it, though I guess that 13% makes Grey a willing participant at this point

I must’ve missed something. I heard the bits about Grey expecting 13% based on his what he heard from other convicts in prison, but that made it sound to me like Miles would be paying Grey by holding back stolen money from evidence. 
Somebody please tell me I’m wrong and explain what the 13% is. 
Otherwise I will be expecting Grey to eventually turn in Miles for it. 

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8 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I must’ve missed something. I heard the bits about Grey expecting 13% based on his what he heard from other convicts in prison, but that made it sound to me like Miles would be paying Grey by holding back stolen money from evidence. 

I didn't make the connection, but maybe that is indeed what was being hinted at. If that's true, then either Miles is now a dirty cop, or he blackmailed Grey into it and has no intention of delivering on the promised reward (which just makes him more of an asshole, I guess).

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4 hours ago, LaMatadita said:

I didn't make the connection, but maybe that is indeed what was being hinted at. If that's true, then either Miles is now a dirty cop, or he blackmailed Grey into it and has no intention of delivering on the promised reward (which just makes him more of an asshole, I guess).

I doubt that Cosgrove would have approved a shady mission like this (she obviously approved Grey going undercover for Miles, or else he wouldn't have been at the police station multiple times). So no, I think the 13% is merely the pay that someone like Grey would get. You see, I thought that Miles had initially implied that he would be granting a favour to Grey by paying him, because it sounded like he wasn't even planning on paying him at first.

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Just to clarify, this is exactly what was said:

Grey: What do I get out of it?
Hoffman: You're kidding, right?
Grey: I'm not kidding. I did time with a couple of snitches so I know how it works. I get a 13% cut of the bust.
Hoffman: How about this? You do your job and I'll make it worth your while. Deal?
Grey: 13%. And we shook on it.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Just to clarify, this is exactly what was said:

Grey: What do I get out of it?
Hoffman: You're kidding, right?
Grey: I'm not kidding. I did time with a couple of snitches so I know how it works. I get a 13% cut of the bust.
Hoffman: How about this? You do your job and I'll make it worth your while. Deal?
Grey: 13%. And we shook on it.

Thanks for posting the dialog in question, @ElectricBoogaloo

So. WTH does it mean, and more importantly, how is the audience supposed to interpret it?

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Yeah, that was weird.  Hoffman never agreed to 13%, but Grey said it twice "and we shook on it".

I suspect that that's going to be a problem later when Grey demands his 13% and Hoffman says "I never said that; I said I'd make it worth your while."  At least it "should" be a problem, because otherwise why script it that way?

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15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

If something goes wrong, its going to be on Miles.

So big deal. Grey gets murdered and Miles feels bad about it and goes on with his life. Hardly even-steven IMO.

I didn't get the 13 percent thing either. 13 percent of what. And if it IS stolen money (which these guys don't do, they boost cars), does the police department take cash out of its coffee fund to pay Grey? Does law enforcement have a snitch fund they all contribute to?

And yeah, the owners of that coke are going to be looking for their stolen haul.

So Dex can walk unannounced into Grey's apartment whenever she likes? That could be ... AWK-ward  to put it mildly. Especially with Ansel meeting up with his upcoming soccer girlfriend. Plus dudes don't always dress "the best" in the morning. Dex either needs to learn to knock, or Grey need to learn to put a lock on his door.

Does Grey live above Bad Alibi? So multi doors are open for anyone to walk through? Yikes!

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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So no, I think the 13% is merely the pay that someone like Grey would get.

I think this is accurate.  Grey has an official position as an informant with the department.  Paperwork was signed.

Informants in the real world can receive pay based on news articles I've seen.  Here's a quote from an interview with a retired FBI agent about ending an informant's employment:


Sometimes they’re no longer useful in a case, or sometimes they’ve fulfilled the goal, accomplished what you wanted to accomplish, and you no longer need to pay them. I mean, a lot of these guys make a lot of money.


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There are so many things about the Grey/Hoffman story line that tick me off and have pretty much ruined Hoffman for me. He blackmailed Grey into going undercover, and even though he knows the dangers Grey's facing. He's dismissive to Grey about not having the right car - even though this is Grey's initial trial into being accepted into the gang. He puts a tracker on the car and doesn't tell him. Which he's got to know will put Grey in danger if it's found, and puts him in further . THEN  is all "hey pal, let me tell you how undercover works, just so you won't get sucked in." The ease with which he used Grey  turned me off of Hoffman, and I really liked him. Plus, um, isn't he a homicide detective?

Now we know that Dex and Ansel's parents split from Portland while she was abroad and dumped him in a family home. So, Dex's parents have disappeared - makes me wonder if they were on the lam, were killed, or just assholes. There's a lot to work with there. I'm sure it will be coming up.

I liked Dex's comment that the silence at home reminded her of this dangerous area overseas. It ties into her PTSD, and why she's no good alone. Though I might have suggested she turn on the television so that it wasn't silent.

The reunion with the lost family was touching. Had our own reunion of a similar nature recently, and it's life changing. But especially for those children stolen from a  community with such rich traditions and strong identity.

Edited by Clanstarling
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I've thought the show has been hinting for a while that Dex may have had a baby that she put up for adoption, likely with the dead ex, and this episode seemed to me to be strongly hinting at that again.

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Earlier in the season. we saw that Hoffman's previous CI was killed undercover, and Hoffman was really still very upset about it. It feels now like he's TRYING to get Grey killed. He seems not just unconcerned, but downright callous and even reckless about it.

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13 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

There are so many things about the Grey/Hoffman story line that tick me off and have pretty much ruined Hoffman for me. He blackmailed Grey into going undercover, and even though he knows the dangers Grey's facing. He's dismissive to Grey about not having the right car - even though this is Grey's initial trial into being accepted into the gang. He puts a tracker on the car and doesn't tell him. Which he's got to know will put Grey in danger if it's found, and puts him in further . THEN  is all "hey pal, let me tell you how undercover works, just so you won't get sucked in." The ease with which he used Grey  turned me off of Hoffman, and I really liked him. Plus, um, isn't he a homicide detective?

I've struggled a bit with Hoffman as a character. I want to like him, but he just seems kind of... dull. I think part of that is the writing, because both Grey and Dex just have more interesting backstories, and on top of that, I personally find their relationship dynamic much more complex and interesting than what Dex has going on with Hoffman. An alcoholic veteran with PTSD and a reformed ex-con who are not romantically involved but are co-parenting a young man with Down's? It's kind of hard to compete with that.

Maybe this is the writer's realizing that Hoffman is fading into the background and trying to course-correct by giving him some layers, but damn, now I just don't like the guy.

1 hour ago, possibilities said:

Earlier in the season. we saw that Hoffman's previous CI was killed undercover, and Hoffman was really still very upset about it. It feels now like he's TRYING to get Grey killed. He seems not just unconcerned, but downright callous and even reckless about it.

This has me a bit confused as well. It really does play like he's trying to get Grey out of the picture because he resents his relationship with Dex, which is a little extreme. I think the reality is more like he was playing softball with Grey before because he was trying to start a relationship with Dex, but since she shut that down, he's not pulling punches anymore. But there's a fine line between "I'm treating you like any other ex-con now" and "I kinda secretly want you to die so the woman I'm carrying a torch for might become emotionally available." The writers need to make it clear which one we're dealing with, because both options suck, but one is still the lesser evil.

I also have to assume that Dex doesn't know the details of how they came to be working together. I can't imagine she'd be cracking jokes if she knew that Hoffman coerced Grey, and I actually do find it to be in character for Grey to not divulge that information. When he was coerced into helping Wallace Kane earlier in the season, he didn't bring that up in his defense, from what I remember. I think that was partly because it was unspoken but understood, and partly because he knew it wouldn't mean shit, legally-speaking, but a lot of people still would have said it just to defend their own honor. It's like he doesn't want to make excuses for himself, but that impulse just keeps snowballing and knocking him into deeper shit.

Edited by LaMatadita
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11 hours ago, Elbow said:

I've thought the show has been hinting for a while that Dex may have had a baby that she put up for adoption, likely with the dead ex, and this episode seemed to me to be strongly hinting at that again.

That's an interesting idea - not sure it works with the timeline (how young she was when she enlisted) - but that timeline's a bit vague, so maybe.

3 hours ago, possibilities said:

Earlier in the season. we saw that Hoffman's previous CI was killed undercover, and Hoffman was really still very upset about it. It feels now like he's TRYING to get Grey killed. He seems not just unconcerned, but downright callous and even reckless about it.


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When Miles started yelling at Grey at the precinct about Grey being a bad CI, I thought it was coming from the place of fear and self-loathing. Miles had already lost that other CI, and now he attempts to prevent Grey's untimely death and his back-sliding into the criminal lifestyle at the same time. I think it could be a really generous interpretation, though, because at the same time Miles himself was actively making Grey's life hard under cover. I'm sensing that writing issue I'd talked about last episode. The characterization for Miles is a mess, and this storyline isn't doing him any favours.

I do think that the GTA shenanigans was the best part of the episode, by far. That, and Grey's relationship with Ansel.

Dex founding herself in the role of an outsider in that relationship is a weird writing choice as well. It's not like she can't hang out at Grey's whatever she likes or anything. I get what the writers are going for, with Dex seeking for an anchor and her attempts at self-reflection and self-actualization. But they do that very awkwardly, as her situation hasn't changed that much, compared to the last six years.

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I'm surprised this hasn't been pointed out yet, but Max's hair and introduction are verrrry similar to Angelina Jolie's character in Gone in 60 Seconds.



Needless to say, I'm on board with most folks about the Miles and Grey story line. It's not good...

I did enjoy Dex's case of the week. It was nice to have a happy ending.

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Now that Grey can solve the heroin problem, he will do his Nic Cage impression when talking to Max....


On 1/19/2020 at 4:22 PM, Clanstarling said:

Plus, um, isn't he a homicide detective?

Somebody will die...so his involvement can be justified on the super Homicide Robbery Narcotics team. Where they all find out that Max and the My Cousin Vinny fanboy are undercover cops......

Edited by paigow
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I was wondering if that story line was in the comics, or if the writers did it to bring more of a story to Grey, as well as give him time with Hoffman. 

I don't understand why they had him practically order Grey to help him, and then he's suddenly warning him about what can happen undercover. He seems like a decent guy, so I don't think he initially did it, thinking he wouldn't worry about him. I didn't see anything about him wanting Grey to get killed. (? Did I miss something?) 

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37 minutes ago, Anela said:

I didn't see anything about him wanting Grey to get killed. (? Did I miss something?) 

Hoffman put a tracking transmitter on the Porsche. Grey found it and placed it on an ice cream truck. Hoffman yelled at Grey for that. Grey replied that the tracker was so poorly hidden, the gang would have found it and immediately kill him. Hoffman needs an arrest more than dead Grey, so likely bad judgement as opposed to an intentional burn notice.

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On 1/20/2020 at 7:14 AM, LaMatadita said:

I think part of that is the writing, because both Grey and Dex just have more interesting backstories, and on top of that, I personally find their relationship dynamic much more complex and interesting than what Dex has going on with Hoffman. An alcoholic veteran with PTSD and a reformed ex-con who are not romantically involved but are co-parenting a young man with Down's? It's kind of hard to compete with that.

I actually don't think Dex as an alcoholic, do other people think this? Yes, she likes to drink, to excess at times, and yeh, probably in a misguided attempt to deal with PTSD now and again. But I still don't feel it's alcoholism. Curious if I'm alone in this? 

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15 hours ago, hookedontv said:

I actually don't think Dex as an alcoholic, do other people think this? Yes, she likes to drink, to excess at times, and yeh, probably in a misguided attempt to deal with PTSD now and again. But I still don't feel it's alcoholism. Curious if I'm alone in this? 

I’m guessing the writers aren’t quite sure yet if Dex is an alcoholic. I’m currently watching 1980s Cagney and Lacey in which a lead character finally deals with alcoholism in the 6th season (youtu.be/o3WNLAhGN2g) with the character having been shown throughout the earlier seasons drinking like Dex does in Stumptown. 


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On 1/30/2020 at 6:21 AM, shapeshifter said:

I’m guessing the writers aren’t quite sure yet if Dex is an alcoholic. I’m currently watching 1980s Cagney and Lacey in which a lead character finally deals with alcoholism in the 6th season (youtu.be/o3WNLAhGN2g) with the character having been shown throughout the earlier seasons drinking like Dex does in Stumptown. 


I think they started out with the idea that she definitely was an alcoholic and changed their minds about taking that seriously, for the time being. Once she hits bottom, the doors close on a lot of convenient plot options and maybe she hasn't caused quite enough damage yet for a redemption arc.

Also, in general, this show chooses to sanitize many things that would benefit from a grittier portrayal. Happy Go Lucky Delirium Tremens just doesn't work.

I think the show runner really needs to decide what this show is supposed to be. As of now: it's not a drama because there's no emotional depth; it's not really a crime procedural because there's no suspense or mystery or even clues being followed to big reveals or through clever plot twists; it's not a comic action series because it's not funny and the action is minimal and entirely realistic, when it's even present; it's not a family drama nor an evening soap romance because the two family members never do anything together beyond having brief affectless exchanges and Dex is in love with a dead man no matter how many people she dates or sleeps with. As with Dex's drinking, those in charge seem unable to commit to the type of story they're actually telling.

If you want to see a good alcoholic, female detective, I'd suggest Holly Hunter in Saving Grace, though the show, itself, has a ridiculous premise.


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