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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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to my knowledge @Sake614, there are only two episodes available that were not shown in US. Don't know if Canada will run any more new ones or run re-runs, which they did yesterday. That link I sent will post up any new episode as they become available. 

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On 1/26/2020 at 7:14 PM, bannana said:

I cannot figure out why  it is not on my On Demand on City TV.

I watched it City TV's website last week and City TV said it would only be available for 5 days, I think. It's no longer there.

And the website still says there will be a new episode today, which I'm kind of doubting.

I don't know whether this was because I watched it on my computer rather than the TV, but the editing seemed to be awful. Long silent pauses all over the place. I mean, I know there are frequently long silent pauses at the end of the scene, but these seemed more random.

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From the Citytv site



Weekdays, 2:00pm ET  ALL-NEW Airing: Wednesday January 29th, 2:00pm ET 

I don't know if it means last Tuesday's which was on their site or last Thursday's ep because they had  Wednesday's up also.

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1 hour ago, xfuse said:

From the Citytv site

I don't know if it means last Tuesday's which was on their site or last Thursday's ep because they had  Wednesday's up also.

Probably Tuesday's episode.

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13 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

They showed an entire ‘encore’ episode yesterday.  Why not a new episode?  😡

I'm assuming you mean on TV.  Best guesses would be either because they weren't sure they wouldn't be interrupted, or they didn't have time slot for all time zones.

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General Hospital

We're picking up where we left off! An all-new episode of #GH is coming your way today. It will air in areas not impacted by the ongoing news coverage and be made available online for those which are. All you'll need to watch is an internet connection. Come back here after 8PM EST | 5PM PT for direct access. See you then!

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This was supposed to air last Tuesday, correct? I watched this on an, uh, alternative platform.

Jason blathering about how terrible he feels about how he treated Alan would mean more if we saw him spend time with Monica, instead of just dumping his kids on her all the time. Ugh. 

All of those hit men are terrible at their jobs. I loved seeing the bullets hit the wall five feet above where Michael and Sasha were hiding. Way to aim, dude. And why didn't they just run toward everyone on the dock and at the warehouse? The shooters were the only ones with guns there. 

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Jason blathering about how terrible he feels about how he treated Alan would mean more if we saw him spend time with Monica, instead of just dumping his kids on her all the time. Ugh. 

For real.  Not to mention when Jason was voicing his regrets Sonny's response was, basically, that Alan was a big meanie to Jason so he was justified.  Jason nods, and then blows smoke up Sonny's ass about how great he is to Mike and Sonny nods like an old sage.  I mean...

Re: the shootout.  I'm LOL'ing that Sonny's employee, upon seeing the gunman, throws Gladys and himself down and leaves Carly standing in the middle of the warehouse like a big bulls eye.

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So Sonny's wife, son, step-daughter, the mayor and incidental people like Sasha, the waitress and workers were almost killed, not to mention his alz stricken father was severely traumatized and will now not be able to do the medical trial  --all because Sonny chooses to be a mobster. I don't care if he has some fucked up mobster ethics about guns and drugs not being his "merchandise". I really want to the people around him (and the writers) to wake the fuck up!!! ...but it will not suprise me if they just blame the whole thing on evil Gladys (or whomever is behind it) and go into "poor honorable Sonny is under attack" mode.

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1 minute ago, TVbitch said:


So Sonny's wife, son, step-daughter, the mayor and incidental people like Sasha, the waitress and workers were almost killed, not to mention his alz stricken father was severely traumatized and will now not be able to do the medical trial  --all because Sonny chooses to be a mobster. I don't care if he has some fucked up mobster ethics about guns and drugs not being his "merchandise". I really want to the people around him (and the writers) to wake the fuck up!!! ...but it will not suprise me if they just blame the whole thing on evil Gladys (or whomever is behind it) and go into "poor honorable Sonny is under attack" mode.

  1.  You is behind! @Sake614 posted the first upthread and in the media thread!
  2. No one cares because the showrunners and writers don't care. Mooby will forever be genuflected upon and deified until some AWESOME WRITER comes in and writes him off as the whiny, petulant, aging, wannabe be Vito/Michael Corleone, murdering THUG he is. Or kill him off. But that will only happen IF Maurice decides he wants to leave. Which he won't.
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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

IF Maurice decides he wants to leave. Which he won't.

why would he? Where would he go? It's not like primetime or feature directors are knocking down his door looking to hire him. He's got a good, steady job at GH where all he has to do is show up and say his lines. For that, he gets paid handsomely (if not as handsomely as 20 years ago). He's a mediocre actor at best and every showrunner/HW genuflects before him. The one who didn't, RC, was summarily dismissed. I mean, his work wasn't great but at least he put the mob on the backburner.

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3 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

why would he? Where would he go? It's not like primetime or feature directors are knocking down his door looking to hire him. He's got a good, steady job at GH where all he has to do is show up and say his lines. For that, he gets paid handsomely (if not as handsomely as 20 years ago). He's a mediocre actor at best and every showrunner/HW genuflects before him. The one who didn't, RC, was summarily dismissed. I mean, his work wasn't great but at least he put the mob on the backburner.

He won't. Which is why I put "if" in large caps. This show has suffered so much, so many good actors sacrificed at his altar. It's mind boggling. He was a stutterbarking fool even when he first showed up.

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

So Sonny's wife, son, step-daughter, the mayor and incidental people like Sasha, the waitress and workers were almost killed, not to mention his alz stricken father was severely traumatized and will now not be able to do the medical trial  --all because Sonny chooses to be a mobster.

But, see, he gives money to an AIDS charity, so bygones.

And he's a really great Dad. (tm GH writers for last 2 decades)

Also, have you had his spaghetti carbonara?  I'm just sayin.'

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I'm posting on the assumption that everyone is able to watch the episode that aired today.

Isn't Brando supposed to be dead? This dude is dressed like Jason, has blue eyes like Jason, saves Carly, bickers with Carly while having a hole in his side. But I'm sure nothing's gonna happen there.

Also, I can't hear the name without thinking of Jon Hamm's commercial for Skip the Dishes with his poor abused assistant Brando.

And because it cannot be said enough, go away, Valentin!


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29 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Isn't Brando supposed to be dead?

Well yes, but no one ever stays dead on GH. 😉 I think the bigger question is why do we need another new character tied to Sonny and the mob? 

Edited by Sake614
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51 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Maybe this is a way to get Dev off the canvas. He's pointless.

There are a lot of pointless characters, like professor Dusty, who showed up out of nowhere to chase away the dude shooting the gun, so that Joss can crush even harder on him.

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"I get my family being angry, but Epiphany?" Wow, Nik, selfish much? I can't get over how he thinks everyone should just get over their anger at him. He's alive! Doesn't that count for anything? What an asshole.

LOL that the shooters ran out of bullets. Amateurs!

Shut up, Sasha. Chase is doing his job.

The actor playing the NYPD detective is terrible. 

I guess I'm supposed to feel sorry for Mike that his gangster son's presence in Brooklyn caused a shootout and made it impossible for Mike to get into the trial, but I don't.


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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

She introduced herself 3 times, I cannot even remember her name.

Detective Fiona Harlon, NYPD.  She seemed like she was on tranquilizers, lol.

Oh, look, Jason killed another guy and his heartbeat never got above 60.  Just like Hannibal Lecter.

Elizabeth's hair looks cute--and kind of like Hayden's. 

ETA: OMG, sit the hell down, Sasha.  Chase isn't ~harassing Michael, he's doing his job. 

And speaking of jobs, did the ambulance drivers stop on the way to the warehouse for a quick bite to eat?  Brando's bleeding all over Sonny's dark roast.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

The actor playing the NYPD detective is terrible

She’s seen one too many episodes of Law & Order. The waitress was also terrible with her accent.  It was like Brooklyn meets Boston meets Fran Drescher (who’s not even from Brooklyn)

So glad we’re back! .... kind of.

BTW, if you have Comcast you can see the episodes On Demand now.

Brando’s kinda cute.  I hate mob stories but if Carly is attracted to him and Sonny gets his little ego hurt, I’m all for it.

Is Hayden coming back?  If so, she’s gonna be mad that her sister stole her haircut.

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I hope Brando turns out to be a deep undercover cop or something (which is why the story is that he is dead) and not a rival gangster. 

Sonny will really be slumming if he sleeps with that detective from the bar. 

Fake Nina's daughter is ready to take her place as a mob moll. 

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STFU, JOSS Mini-SheBeast! And you too, Willow. I'm no fan of Brad's, but he's ALSO Wiley's father. He didn't marry Lucas AFTER Lucas adopted Wiley. No, they BOTH adopted him. So he's stressed and spiraling--reasons that NONE of you know about. But because he let Nelle in, he's a crappy father? Oh, please look to your own FUCKING MOTHER and the shit she's pulled. And take a million gazillion FUCKING SEATS.

And Willow's acting like LUCAS was going to be a single parent. She can also just go away now.

STFU, Sasha. God, I hate all of them.

Just the way SLS was hemming and hawing with Laura, about the piers, is just proof he doesn't deserve to be CEO of ELQ because his 100% loyalty and interests are with Mooby.

That had to be the lamest, stoopidest, most loooong drawn out shootfest I've ever seen. Everyone kept saying "shooting this afternoon" yet it was pitch dark when Chase showed up, as well as the horrid detective in Brooklyn. The actress who played the waitress was also very bad. She couldn't decide if she was Irish or just a girl from Brooklyn, the accents were all over the place.

Nelle is supposed to know SheBeast's history, right? I'm no fan of Nelle's either, but I'm TeamNelle when it comes to Shebeast. Why didn't Nelle bring up Shebeast's OWN FUCKING PAST, while standing there on her own high horse?

Man, if Anna and Robert had been there, the shooting would have been done in a matter of five minutes.

The whole thing was just awful. Especially the slow motion. I mean, Laura should have stayed put. But even when she moved to get behind another crate, she did it. And only then was she hit, when ideally, she should have been safe, because she was BEHIND the crates. But this show, this FAKAKTA show, still thinks it's some bad ass Motion Picture levels of a gritty show, so this is what we get. And since it appeared that Jason shot his hit man in the face, where was the blood that we usually see seeping under the head, to spread out over the floor? Oh, right. Cheap ass production values. No moolah to do that, OR to show blood where Laura and Brandooooo were shot.

God, but Nikolas is a major asshole. Was he this narcissistic during Tyler's last run?

So, is Charlotte setting Neenaaaah up? Or does she hate Sasha? Or both? Her Cassadine side...oh, wait. She's NOT a Cassadine. Okay, she's showing that she is from Helena's bloodline.

And I know, I know, PLOT! But Ava only had TWO martinis before Lawyer Sanders took her up to the parapet. In a good show, the cops/EMTS would have tested to see what her blood alcohol content was. 

It's all so very, very, very STOOPID.

I'm just waiting for Liz to SLAP Nik.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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now @GHScorpiosRule stop trying to make GH make sense! This is a show where they charge someone for shooting another person without EVER testing for GSR. Evidence? We don't need no stinkin' evidence!

And FYI, they did show Laura bleeding but there's no way a soap is going to show the results of someone shot in the head.

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12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Oh, look, Jason killed another guy and his heartbeat never got above 60.  Just like Hannibal Lecter.

I think 60 is too high. Try 25, which is only this high because it takes effort to scowl the way Jason was. 

3 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Brando’s kinda cute.  I hate mob stories but if Carly is attracted to him and Sonny gets his little ego hurt, I’m all for it.

Of course Sonny's little ego would get hurt. Everything always has to be about him. He was put out when Carly and Jax had their dumb secret about Nik being alive.

I wouldn't mind Carly cheating on Sonny except that the fallout would be way too predictable and boring. 

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28 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

now @GHScorpiosRule stop trying to make GH make sense! This is a show where they charge someone for shooting another person without EVER testing for GSR. Evidence? We don't need no stinkin' evidence!

You're right! I don't know what I was thinking!😆

28 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

And FYI, they did show Laura bleeding but there's no way a soap is going to show the results of someone shot in the head.

I should have been able to see said blood, since I now have a brand new 55" TEEVEE!!!!! But I didn't. I swear, for one millisecond, I thought Laura was going to murmur "Luke" when Kevin went to see her and told her he loved her, and that they all loved and needed her. Don't ask me why.

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I held off on watching those two episodes from last week, even though I had a way to do so, because who the hell knew when there would be another new one. If I were going to have a long wait at some point anyway, I preferred to watch them when I knew a new one would be following the next day. 

I'm glad I did, and I see why they wanted to air them properly. They were eventful shows with some promising things being set up. Yeah, the first of the two was way too taken up with Guza-throwback gun porn, but within the strictures of General Hospital, it was suspenseful and not badly executed. And I do like the episodes in which half the cast ends up in the hospital waiting area.  

I like the chemistry between Maura West and Marcus Coloma. He's hit it off pretty well with all of the actors who play Nikolas's usual scene partners, but the Nikolas/Ava relationship could have some life in it. I didn't see much of anything when MW was working with TempNik back in '16.  

I wish Gladys's son were named something else, because "Brando" as a television character's name makes me think of Michael Cera as Andy and Lucy's son on the Twin Peaks miniseries, and then I can't take the scenes seriously. Maybe it will pass.  

That place Mike, Jason, and Sonny visited, with the friendly waitress...that was just the Kelly's set slightly adjusted, right?

Josslyn gets worse the more stories she horns in on. She's like a Scrappy-Doo version of the She-Beast.  

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They’ve been making Joss and Michael particularly insufferable lately. I don’t know who they are supposed to be appealing to right now except maybe Carly fans. I feel a little bad since EM seems like a sweetheart in real life but Joss is significantly less enjoyable to watch right now compared to Cameron and Trina. 

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

STFU, JOSS Mini-SheBeast! And you too, Willow. I'm no fan of Brad's, but he's ALSO Wiley's father. He didn't marry Lucas AFTER Lucas adopted Wiley. No, they BOTH adopted him. So he's stressed and spiraling--reasons that NONE of you know about. But because he let Nelle in, he's a crappy father? 

And Willow's acting like LUCAS was going to be a single parent. She can also just go away now.


Just the way SLS was hemming and hawing with Laura, about the piers, is just proof he doesn't deserve to be CEO of ELQ because his 100% loyalty and interests are with Mooby.

Nelle is supposed to know SheBeast's history, right? I'm no fan of Nelle's either, but I'm TeamNelle when it comes to Shebeast. Why didn't Nelle bring up Shebeast's OWN FUCKING PAST, while standing there on her own high horse?

I'm just waiting for Liz to SLAP Nik.

A) Joss needs to shut up, but Willow did not give up Jonah to Lucas and Brad. Brad has known all these many months that Willow's son is deceased. He has been lying to her face that the baby she entrusted to him and Lucas died while in his care. Yes it was a tragic accident, but that's not going to matter by the time the truth comes out. He has allowed and then encouraged Willow to get attached to the baby she thinks she brought into this world. She gave up her child at birth to protect him and went to jail because she thought she was protecting that baby she gave up, so she is absolutely entitled to think he's a crappy father for letting Nelle in. If his husband Lucas had been there, Nelle would not have been allowed in.  Brad is allowing Nelle to do what she wants because he is a coward; he's certainly not protecting "Wiley." Whatever you may say about Willow's flaws, being a coward who wouldn't protect her child isn't one of them. Brad is a low-life like his sister-in-law.

B) I agree that he truly doesn't deserve to be CEO of ELQ because of his loyalty to his thug "father."

C) Not sure if Nelle knows everything.  She knows the basics about the custody battle for Michael, but probably not the details of Carly's extensive scheming.  When Carly has compared her young self to Nelle, Jason and Jax have dismissed it with "you learned from your mistakes."

D) I also want to see Elizabeth slap Nikolas. Anyone know where/when that's going to air?



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2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

That place Mike, Jason, and Sonny visited, with the friendly waitress...that was just the Kelly's set slightly adjusted, right?

To me it looked more like Delia's bar in NYC that was slightly tweaked, but everything is something else, heh.

57 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Joss is significantly less enjoyable to watch right now compared to Cameron and Trina. 

Wow, you all are a heartless bunch. Don't you know Joss is GRIEVING?! Her TRUE LOVE DIED. SHE'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN.

Add me to the hate-Brando's-name list. 

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9 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

but Willow did not give up Jonah to Lucas and Brad. Brad has known all these many months that Willow's son is deceased. He has been lying to her face that the baby she entrusted to him and Lucas died while in his care. Yes it was a tragic accident, but that's not going to matter by the time the truth comes out. He has allowed and then encouraged Willow to get attached to the baby she thinks she brought into this world. She gave up her child at birth to protect him and went to jail because she thought she was protecting that baby she gave up, so she is absolutely entitled to think he's a crappy father for letting Nelle in. If his husband Lucas had been there, Nelle would not have been allowed in.  Brad is allowing Nelle to do what she wants because he is a coward; he's certainly not protecting "Wiley." Whatever you may say about Willow's flaws, being a coward who wouldn't protect her child isn't one of them. Brad is a low-life like his sister-in-law

Sorry. I should have separated my original comments between Joss and Willow.

Yes, I do agree that Brad has brought this on himself. But I was more or less coming from the view that Willow now seems to be saying that Brad was a non-entity/wasn't even considered when she decided that yes, Lucas would get to adopt Wiley. Of course, I wasn't watching then, or was watching sporadically, and wasn't the adoption all done offscreen?

It just seems to come off to me that Lucas character was the only thing that she took into account/considered and never liked Brad, and pinned all her hopes that Lucas would be the stable parent; that she never conceived anything would happen to him. I'm having a difficult time trying to explain, but, since I wasn't watching, until this sudden spiraling of Brad's, was he also a good father? Or has he been squirrely and "flakey" ever since he accepted Jonah from Nelle?

This show is FILLED with crappy fathers. The ONLY exception is Mac!Fucking!Scorpio!

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh, please look to your own FUCKING MOTHER and the shit she's pulled. And take a million gazillion FUCKING SEATS.

I was amazed (at Shiloh's memorial) how quickly Willow got over what her mom did, didn't she mention allowing Harmony into Wiley's life when she spoke about looking after him?  Suddenly Harmony was on the "good" team, against Nelle. 

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Just now, ciarra said:

I was amazed (at Shiloh's memorial) how quickly Willow got over what her mom did, didn't she mention allowing Harmony into Wiley's life when she spoke about looking after him?  Suddenly Harmony was on the "good" team, against Nelle. 

Just to be clear, my post that you quoted? That was toward Joss.

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I feel like this episode was filled with people saying ridiculous things:

Elizabeth: "Nikolas wouldn't do that."  Nik has done a ton of shady stuff, Elizabeth. Where have you been?

Carly basically said, yeah, yeah, your son saved my life, but the bullet wound wasn't that bad, so chill out.  It's more important that I figured out why you lied.  Because I have never lied about anything in my life so I find the behavior odd.

Jordan: "If I have to, I'll take you and Sonny down, too."  Shouldn't you be trying to do that anyway?

Carly (again): Joss will be much safer at our house since we know there are people who can coordinate multiple shootings targeting Sonny.  But, to be fair, they didn't have much of a success rate, so I might give her that one a bit.

Carly (yet again), right in front of Gladys:  Thank God nobody was hurt.  And Gladys didn't slap her?  At first I thought Jax's look of incredulousness and "haven't you heard" was going to be about Brando.

MIchael: "My father is a powerful businessman."  No, Michael.  Your father is a mob boss.  Sasha knows this

speaking of Sasha, I liked her reaction.  I hope she tells Michael to hit the bricks.  No, Michael can't help what his father does for a living, but he can help how much time he spends around him.  And, that very well may not have prevented an attack on him, but it would make him morally more upright in my book, at least.

Loved Taggart.  

Edited by Katy M
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3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I like the chemistry between Maura West and Marcus Coloma. He's hit it off pretty well with all of the actors who play Nikolas's usual scene partners, but the Nikolas/Ava relationship could have some life in it. I didn't see much of anything when MW was working with TempNik back in '16.  


I'm not sure I see romantic chemistry, but there's a ton of sexual chemistry.  If these two aren't hitting it in the next couple months it will be criminal.


Josslyn gets worse the more stories she horns in on. She's like a Scrappy-Doo version of the She-Beast.

Holy crap, she is insufferable.  The bossiness, the feelings of entitlement, the "every is about meeeeeeeee"ness.  Are we sure she didn't just sprout from Carly's head and there's no Jax in her DNA?

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Carly was awfully snippy to Gladys when Gladys saw Brando. If it had been Michael, she'd have been screeching just as much.

Jason sure got to the warehouse quickly, especially since he was in police custody.

It was really gratifying to watch Finn give it to Nikolas. Nik has been a total asshole about the wreckage he's caused.

I also loved Jax's suck-it expression after Nik said, "I suppose I have you to thank for this."

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3 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

oly crap, she is insufferable.  The bossiness, the feelings of entitlement, the "every is about meeeeeeeee"ness.  Are we sure she didn't just sprout from Carly's head and there's no Jax in her DNA?

I'm thinking any Jax DNA was SUCKED out of her when she got the kidney transplant. The cute bebes that played Josslyn circa 2010 had his DNA.

What? This is a soap that had someone with a machine to freeze the world, an alien, and back from the dead characters who had donated organs, not to mention the stupid and beyond beyond suspension of disbelief that memories can be saved to a flash drive and imprinted on other humans and removed. So I'm content in believing any Jasper Jacks' DNA was sucked out this petulant, narcissistic twat.

4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It was really gratifying to watch Finn give it to Nikolas. Nik has been a total asshole about the wreckage he's caused.

Finally! He's been hemming and hawing about it; But the more important thing for me is: Does Liz now know Nik's the one who scared Hayden away? And did she wallop him?

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Does Liz now know Nik's the one who scared Hayden away? And did she wallop him?

Yes, Jax told her. (I edited my post.) And yes, Elizabeth slapped Nik. She should have kicked him in the nuts.

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I also loved Jax's suck-it expression after Nik said, "I suppose I have you to thank for this."


I swear, this version of Nik is no better than Mooby, who expects everyone to just be happy he's not dead, and just ignore every shady and reprehensible thing he's done.

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

wasn't the adoption all done offscreen?

 never liked Brad, and pinned all her hopes that Lucas would be the stable parent; that she never conceived anything would happen to him. I'm having a difficult time trying to explain, but, since I wasn't watching, until this sudden spiraling of Brad's, was he also a good father? Or has he been squirrely and "flakey" ever since he accepted Jonah from Nelle?


The adoption was off-screen except for a couple scenes of meetings with Alexis or Diane. Alexis placed newborn Wiley in Brad's arms; Lucas and Brad did not meet Willow during the adoption process.

It's not that Willow disliked Brad; she just focused on the fact that Lucas was a doctor, a stable person. Brad has been squirrely since he accepted Jonah from Nelle. He has not been flakey in terms of leaving the baby behind at Kelly's, forgetting to feed him or some other kind of neglect, but his behavior with everyone has not been super sketchy, he trusted Shiloh with important details about their lives when he barely knew the guy and then got nasty with Willow for maligning Shiloh, and kept his mouth shut about the truth when Shiloh kidnapped the baby. So in my mind, he has endangered "Wiley"/Jonah. He is just very lucky the baby was not hurt/killed or disappeared with Shiloh. 

I didn't know there would be a new show today!! I missed the part I really wanted to see, but I did enjoy Ava getting in Valentin's face and Nikolas and Ava appearing to be a united front against Valentin. Valentin's smug attitude that no one else can love Nina like he does made me roll my eyes.

OF COURSE Carly wanted to stay behind at the hospital to try to figure out what she could about Gladys lying/what the deal is with Brando...instead of staying close out of concern for her cousin's mother/ Rocco's grandmother/Sonny's friend who got shot because she was near Michael!! So much for her recent claim to Nikolas that  she and Laura have grown close!

I call bullshit on that police officer not sensing/seeing Carly maybe a foot away from him, removing a photo from Brando's back of personal stuff!!  

I liked the last Elizabeth/Finn scene. 

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