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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I'm back to wanting to kick Michael in the face. All is right with the world.

Dumping bodies in the Pine Barrens and cleaning up after Sonny does not mean Jason has the skills or know-how to navigate a volatile situation like Somalia and I doubt the warlords there know who Sonny is, much less tremble at the Corinthos name.

Natalia could give part of her liver to Lulu, save baby Ace from a burning fire, and give Tracey the Hemlich and I will never like her homophobic ass. 

Poor, poor Lulu. Are we sure she's not willing her liver to die because people keep fighting around and dumping their problems on her? 

I think the little robot playing James is very realistic looking.

Edited by Mirabelle
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3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

If I recall correctly, Carly demanded Jax hire Lulu as one of Kate's assistants because she wanted eyes in the office as she was jealous of Kate.  And that's when Lulu was at her most obnoxious brattiness and being a real asshole to Maxie.  So, yeah, no thanks, I don't miss "that Lulu."

Also, how does Carly make everything about herself?  


Lulu became very annoying when they decided Lulu=Luke (who was fun and edgy) also meant Lulu=Carly. Yes, younger cousins can hero worship older cousins, but Carly had just helped hid Spencer's paternity from Nikolas for months. SORASed Lulu established that while Luke checked out of the parenting thing, Nikolas and Lucky looked out for her. She never said a word about Spencer to Carly.

6 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Carly: I miss that Lulu, the one who got me, the one I got into trouble with. I miss my cousin, I want her back


IIRC, Lulu and Carly were close for maybe 5 years on the show max but they weren’t peers palling around. Carly was more of a mentor or had an aunt type relationship with her given the age difference with Lulu being a teen/very YA during that time period. They weren’t close during the last decade before Lulu went into a coma so I guess we’re going to get a massive rewrite. 

Carly also encouraged Lulu's worse impulses like interfering with Georgie's and Dillon's relationship.

One huge issue with this show is how inauthentic they present characters like Carly and Sonny. The minute that Lulu stepped out of line, she went after her and never apologized for it. Her being at Lulu's bedside would meant something if she  apologized to her for her revenge scheme, especially after who close they had become. 

5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It's so aggravating that the women of Deception are acting as if Tracy is completely off-base for being sure that Sonny murdered Wagger. Natalia barely knows him, so okay, but the others have known Sonny for decades and what he's capable of. It's ridiculous and insulting and I hope Tracy gets to say a gigantic "I told you so" to everyone who sneered at her.

5 hours ago, KittyQ said:

So true! They all acted as if the idea that Sonny killed Cates was the most improbable thing they ever heard. Why, he was just at the Q's house to have a "reunion" with Carly, not kill someone! Just because there was no real reason for Sonny to be there, even if he wanted to talk to or be with Carly, and he rarely ever went there and he's a mob figure with a history of violence (and this is when he is back on the right meds), there's no reason for anyone to assume that the thing that looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck is actually a duck.

Also, Sonny killed her nephew and only spent a few months in prison because of that idiotic governor and his daughter. I would be truly shocked if Tracy got the "I told you so," even though she not only right, but is using real world logic. 

If they came at her with "why would Sonny do something so stupid" she could retort "because you all keep covering for him"


Alexis put Sonny in an impossible position? Could Sonny be more self-involved? 

Oh, I'm sure that Sonny could be more self-involved. 

9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Or Mooby. They trashed and vilified AJ so that he would appear the better father to the SLS.


Except first Guza and now Frank are just petty arseholes and it's how they roll.

Well, at least SLS is all Sonny and Carly, and little AJ's influence.

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I'm fine with Action Man Jason being thrown into the Lucky rescue. While Lucky has no great love or trust of Jason where Liz or Jake is concerned, I am sure he would be happy to see him show up in his current predicament. I can say plenty about Jason but he's a rational actor unlike the folks holding Lucky. And the two were friends back in the days before the Angry McYellerson recast.

Edited by Grinaldi

I'm glad others mentioned the scene with Tracy and the harpies mocking her for thinking the murderous mobster who suspiciously showed up in a place he never is, at the same time a federal agent he hated was murdered, committed that murder.  And then Lois, who was dressed like a clown, asks BLQ if that's what is bothering her, and BLQ airily waived it away, pshhh of course not! It's a conversation I had with an 8 yo that's bothering me.

I knew there was a reset coming, so I've been hanging in, but it looks like the reset is back to 2002 and everything is the holy trio again.  And the Spencer children are being brought back on not for Laura, but for the real matriarch, Carly.  I really can't believe it, but this must be what they believe will reinvigorate the ratings.   

It's soooo bad that I'm starting to wonder if we aren't being played, and Kristina actually did shoot Jagger from behind.  Like we are going to see that scene again from a totally different angle.  And Sonny will once again be off scott free.  Something incredibly weird is going on, and I don't believe they will show Tracy, whom they have zero respect for, as having been right all along. 

It's beyond awful and I thought it had already hit rock bottom.  Boy was I mistaken. 

Edited by CeChase
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1 hour ago, ljr said:

Sasha went from being a glamorous model to making quiche for the quatermaines.  How boring?

Why is bigoted Natalia so welcome at deception? Why is she still on this show ?

I don't know.  The pod bros say she is on the show for a reason, which will come out.  They said it's a really stupid reason, but there is a reason coming.   I am sure it will be stupid!

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1 hour ago, CeChase said:

It's beyond awful and I thought it had already hit rock bottom

Not sure how much lower it can go, at least for the ratings. GH averaged only 1.8 million viewers this week (down 97:000 over last week) and has been at 0.2 in 18-49 ratings for 6 months straight.

17 minutes ago, CeChase said:

I don't know.  The pod bros say she is on the show for a reason, which will come out.  They said it's a really stupid reason, but there is a reason coming.   I am sure it will be stupid!

She’s going to be Sidwell’s ex, isn’t she? Or secretly the head of the Puerto Rico mob…🙄

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8 hours ago, graight said:

So Jason just crowned Carly the new Family Matriarch. Lila has to be rolling over in her grave.

Everyone should be rolling over in their graves. Carly is no family's matriarch. And even if she is, it's certainly not for Jason, of all people, to say she is. My head nearly exploded.

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This episode was all bad plotty plot plot.

Brennan, Carly is fine watching other people going off to fight her battles. That's all she does. But colour me shocked that she phoned Luara to tell her the latest Lucky information.

The show really doesn't know what to do with Brook Lynn and Chase. Now  they're going to have a baby because ... why not? Tracy is 100% right that it's hard to juggle job and parenthood, and Brook Lynn has a demanding job when Lucy lets her do it. . Brook Lyn looks stupid. Everyone other than Tracy looks stupid.

How is Chase allowed to interrogate Kristina without her lawyer present? Who authorized arresting Alexis on no evidence?

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36 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Tracy is 100% right that it's hard to juggle job and parenthood

It's absolutely none of Tracy's concern when Brook Lyn has a baby, even if Tracy is right about the juggling. I hate they're making her a meddler in other people's private business like this. And why isn't anyone telling Violet to STFU? Again with the using kids (even offscreen!) to move a plot point.

Mac, stop being an asshole about Tracy. Good lord, that woman gets no break from anyone. She doesn't make it easy, but she's not evil incarnate. That's supposed to be Ava.

LOL at Michael pretending to be some sort of protector of any sort. Why Chase let him in the questioning of Kristina is ridiculous, but no one can say no to Michael Corinthos. *rme*

How many people are going to go after Lucky? We've got Laura, Kevin, Jason, Anna, Felicia. Why not have the whole town go and just be done with it?

Edited by dubbel zout
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2 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I get why the others might go after Lucky? But why is Drew? Needs to play hero to another woman he can then hit on and make out with?

I removed him from my list in the meantime, but originally the thought was that when Brennan mentioned he didn't have a Seal team at his disposal, there was a very deliberate reaction shot of Carly, who happens to knows a Seal. I'm not sure that's going to happen anymore, though, given how many other people are involved now.

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I think that Jason is supposed to be Anna's team. So we can have more inappropriate looks.

16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It's absolutely none of Tracy's concern when Brook Lyn has a baby, even if Tracy is right about the juggling.

Tracy is Brook Lynn's grandmother so if Lois gets a say, Tracy should took. She's also Brook Lynn's boss because Brook Lynn accepted running Deception for her.So there is an expectation of Brook Lynn's time and energy for the job.

Anyone who cares about Brook Lynn should be concerned because couples who have babies within the first two years of marriage are more likely to get divorced than those who establish their relationship before throwing the chaos of a child into it.

This show loves its baby rabies.

2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Carly didn't, though—she left a message saying she knew where Lucky was but didn't give Laura the actual information. Just told her to call when she had service.

Presumably she would have told Laura if Laura had picked up the phone.  I was shocked, I assumed that Carly would think that Jason would handle it all by himself.

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Brooklyn and Chase haven't even gone on their honeymoon yet, and they want to have a baby now? like. just enjoy being freaking married first. geeze marie. Man I remember when a baby on a soap meant something, on this show it's legit all they know what to do. "we need drama insert baby"

3 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Sonny is complete scum

there. that's all you needed. 

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Unless the actress playing BL is pregnant IRL again, I don’t get why they’d be writing in a pregnancy for them. They already ended up with Violet and Molly/Kristina, Sasha, and Michael/Willow have all had extended baby related SLs within the past 3 years so I can’t think of anything new they could cover for BL/Chase, especially given how boring they are. A cheating/WTD story would be the obvious trope to go with but if they wanted to do that, Willow is already set up for that storyline. 

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39 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Anyone who cares about Brook Lynn should be concerned

Concerned, fine, but it's still no one's business but Brook Lyn and Chase's when/if they have kids.

39 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

This show loves its baby rabies.

That it does. I think this might be the thing I hate the absolute most about this fakakta show, and the list is pretty long.

39 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Presumably she would have told Laura if Laura had picked up the phone.

If Carly is so desperate for Laura to know the location, leave a message so Laura doesn't have to waste time trying to call Carly back. But it's a dumb soap trope, I know.

Edited by dubbel zout
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13 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

If Sam can have a baby after being shot in the uterus, then Lucky can be a viable donor.

But it's that everyone is taking it as a given that's bizarre.

The really soapy thing to do would be to have Lucky rush back, get tested, NOT be able to do it...and then Sam gets killed in a motorcycle accident and is a match.  

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32 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I have no doubt Lucky would be willing. This is his baby sister. One he loves.

Yeah, but IRL, should a sister be comatose for 3 years, I would think one would carefully consider whether they want to donate to them. 

I recently read a sad case where a woman was dying from liver failure, due to alcoholism, and her boyfriend was willing to donate.  She was ineligible based on her alcoholism.  $450000 was spent on hospitalization for her final year, $70-100000 was the cost of a transplant. 

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26 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

But it's that everyone is taking it as a given that's bizarre.

True. Show is being so heavy handed and ham-fisted it about it.

3 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Yeah, but IRL, should a sister be comatose for 3 years, I would think one would carefully consider whether they want to donate to them. 

Have you forgotten what show we're watching? The same one that knows DICK about law enforcement, business, AND medical stuff. So I will accept that Lucky is viable because he's full brother to Lulu instead of half like Nik. And they keep retconning and changing shit, so I don't care that the reason Nik wasn't viable was due to his drinking, but most IMPORTANTLY-PLOT! To open the door for Lucky to return.

Anna grins like a school girl when Jason shows up. Next she'll probably give him a hard time, while twirling her hair around her finger. She needs to grow the fuck up and start making smart decisions for her life. 

Of course, Carly having Jason go solve her problem again is seen as actually more difficult and heroic than actually doing something herself. 

So Mikey is a big bad boss and fixer now. LMAO. He and Willow deserve each other. 


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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Have you forgotten what show we're watching?

That's why I said IRL.  I know people who say they would not donate bone marrow, let alone part of an organ.  And that's for someone who is up and walking around, not a coma patient.

In real life,  there also would probably be an ethics review before a transplant was granted. 

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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

But why is Drew?

Drew is an ex Navy Seal so it would make sense for him to go,which is why he isn't.  Instead we have the mayor, her psychiatrist husband, the police commisioner, and the coffee importer.  

Speaking of Anna, I love that she can just leave her job to run across the pond to find Lucky because "Luke was good to Robin and she owes him".  Although I guess with Mac back and Jordan taking out mercenaries in stairwells, Anna isn't needed.  

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13 hours ago, CeChase said:

It's soooo bad that I'm starting to wonder if we aren't being played, and Kristina actually did shoot Jagger from behind. 

This is why it should have been a whodunnit and not another Sonny dunnit but will get away with it. 

5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

How is Chase allowed to interrogate Kristina without her lawyer present?

Why didn't Kristina bring her lawyer with her seeing as Chase told her he would be asking her questions.  Just to show us MIchael throwing his weight around like the douche that he is.  

5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Who authorized arresting Alexis on no evidence?

Kristina was driving Alexis' car and she told MIchael that she went to the mansion because she knew Jagger was there but then left.  I'm guessing that the only camera on the Q property is at the end of the driveway and caught Alexis' car coming and going.  There certainly aren't any cameras near the boathouse.  

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Why didn't Kristina bring her lawyer with her seeing as Chase told her he would be asking her questions.  Just to show us MIchael throwing his weight around like the douche that he is.

They called Diane but she was busy (eyeroll) and that is why Michael went with her. Because CD needs more screen time.

I like your idea of Alexis' car being spotted at the Quartermaines but it's probably smarter than the writers are.

Which leads me to ask, how did Kristina know that Cates was going to be at the Quartermaines?  Wasn't that arranged over the phone with Sonny?

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Poor, poor Isaiah. Kidnapped and held hostage. Forced to be in the same room as Lucky's horrible hair. Escapes to PC, a town as lawless in its own way as Somalia, and gets hit by a car. Ends up at General Hospital and now is stuck in the hospital where Carly feels she can barge into his room and badger him whenever she wants because she's CARLY!

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1 hour ago, ljr said:

Is Isaiah related to someone from one life to live? His last name is Gannon.

There’s lots of speculation but we don’t know anything about him yet except that he’s a transplant surgeon and knows Lucky.  Which means he’ll automatically be given credentials at GH and will perform the liver transplant on lulu, thus bringing her out of the coma and earning him a place in everyone’s heart.

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One thing that is bugging me is not seeing JJ in the opening credits!

Again SHUT UP, Anna. You didn’t give any bludilly FUCKS about finding Lucky a couple weeks ago-your ass was after Brennan to give you Valentin’s location so you could find Charlotte to see if she’s a viable donor. Then again those two being gone is YOUR fault to begin with.

Spare me about owing Luke. You OWE LAURA.


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On 9/12/2024 at 3:46 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:
On 9/12/2024 at 2:10 PM, jsbt said:

Jonathan and Tony Geary rewrote almost all of their material together dealing with this in a more adroit way in some very good scenes once they returned to Port Charles, but the implication remained.


As to the bolded, the same thing was done--when Tyler left; both he and JJ rewrote their last scenes, and those scenes were the better for it.

Wouldn't be interesting if the current crop of actors got re-write authority? Would we get a better, more entertaining soap?

Re: a potential Anna/Jasus pairing - how's that going to work exactly, the Police Commissioner and Mob Enforcer? Assuming of course Mayor Collins let's Anna keep her job after the Valentin lie is revealed - and it will be. The writing seems to be positioning Jordan to get her old job back.

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 "Falling in love" is a disturbing/creepy way for the Show to refer to a son's feelings about his father.  Even when alt. Sam (actress LH) is saying it. KeMo just had a scene recently with NLG and KM, so why is LH on-screen again?

Nice of alt. Sam to snarkily project her issues with Jason onto Elizabeth, Lucky and Aiden. But the Show trying to re-write history now is b.s. because a) Lucky was devoted to his kids while sober when they were little, unlike Jason; b) Sam was determined to have Jason's child whereas Elizabeth's Jake and Aiden pregnancies were unplanned; and c) Lucky never deliberately let Elizabeth or Aiden (not to mention Cam and Jake) think he was dead.

I'm glad that the Show finally let Elizabeth express resentment for Lucky missing out on all of Aiden's life so far ... even if it's only to alt. Sam.

Nice of Jason to (off-screen) text Danny good-bye from the plane.

First MB/RH brother scene was all Ric projecting his feelings toward his late mother onto Alexis for "choosing" Sonny's daughter over his daughter and Molly not getting the love/devotion she deserves despite doing everything right in life.

I thought Ric was once a loving stepdad to little Kristina? In the face-to-face with Sonny, he talks like she has been a miserable bratty screw-up her entire life and Sonny and Alexis have always cleaned up the messes. 

Molly basically just confirmed to Kristina she doesn't really care about the truth - she wants Kristina to pay for her decision to "steal" the baby and for not focusing on Molly and TJ's pain and loss during the funeral and in the cemetery. 

 The Tracy-Sasha scenes did not make me side with Sasha. Tracy's right that Sasha should want more out of life than cooking for the Qs and making Cody happy.  Sasha may be a tiny bit right about Tracy's attitude, but only because Tracy has recently lost Finn and Gregory's friendships.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I hope whoever's in Lulu's bed is enjoying the hand rubs with lotion.

I had to stop and think why Cody would visit Dante and Lulu at GH. That relationship has been completely ignored.

Michael E. Knight is returning as Martin, and I bet he'll become Alexis's lawyer. For a town with so much crime, PC has a real dearth of defense lawyers, heh.

Maybe Sam getting bumped off isn't such a bad thing for her right now. She has to deal with one son's deadbeat dad, her partner's comatose ex-wife might come back to consciousness, her mom is likely to be charged with murder and is pressuring her to look after one of her unstable sisters... That's a lot for one person to deal with.

11 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Nice of Jason to (off-screen) text Danny good-bye from the plane.

I wouldn't expect otherwise. Jason doesn't care about the damage he's doing to his kids. His attitude is it's basically too late, so why start now?

12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I thought Ric was once a loving stepdad to little Kristina?

He was. They're really leaning into the animosity between Ric and Alexis. It wasn't at this level when he left, and there was no reason while he was gone for things to escalate.

13 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Tracy's right that Sasha should want more out of life than cooking for the Qs and making Cody happy. 

What's wrong with cooking for the Qs? Sasha has said more than once how much she pleasure she gets from seeing people enjoy her food. Being a private chef is not a demeaning job. Tracy is being a terrible snob by thinking it is. (I know there's more going on there, but it's still gross.) And wanting to make Cody happy? That's Sasha's choice to make. 

I love how Alexis's mess is now somehow Ric's fault. Sonny is such a jerk. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

What's wrong with cooking for the Qs? Sasha has said more than once how much she pleasure she gets from seeing people enjoy her food. Being a private chef is not a demeaning job. Tracy is being a terrible snob by thinking it is. (I know there's more going on there, but it's still gross.) And wanting to make Cody happy? That's Sasha's choice to make. 


having not seen the scene [and knowing tracy] it probably came out Tracy but she's probably saying maybe you know instead of a private chef (which is not a demeaning job) - maybe open a restaurant or something (or run Bobbie's or something). so it's more "THIS IS ALL MINE" vs. thhem waking up one day and realising they don't need a private chef. 


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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