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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Anna's eyes are full of tears, her voice is shaking. 

Emma: I know something is wrong, grandma.

Anna: You're so perceptive!!! 

Me: When did Anna become such a blubbering mess? Go away, Pod!Anna. Just go away!

Am I the only one who thinks that Lucas is going to keep his mouth shut about Wiley's paternity? Nelle is on the loose and there's a mob war brewing and Michael was just used as target practice. Laura, innocent bystander was shot.

Carly, Julian can stay in his son's room if he wants to stay in his son's room, so go walk off a cliff. 

Sam's tiny bit of brain that she had left is very clearly going to rot.

I should light candles for Cyrus Renaud to trample Sonny, but that would be a total waste of time. Go back to mob school, Sonny. You're not scaring anyone, you blubbering moron.

I don't even mind that there's a new player in town. I mind that we already know that every mob war comes with the clause "Sonny and Jason must win." I feel bad that they're wasting a good actor on MB.

I don't even understand why Taggert and Jordan are lying to Curtis. 

Bob took what we did to his grave. Dun-dun-dun! Oh, yay! A mystery! Except that I don't care. Jordan is so effin' boring. Her scenes have the same effect as ambien.

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Well, Finn folded fast.

So far Emma is not showing that her acting has matured any better than Spencers. 

So Sonny had an opportunity to make a deal that would avoid violence and, as mob deals go, it sounded like a pretty fair deal, but no, Sonny wants what's his and just threatens to murder the guy. 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I would genuinely like to see Sam try to PI without Spinelli and without having a gun. She probably would have no idea what to do.

She would a.)put her hair up in a bun and speak with an accent.

or b.) put on 6 inch stilettos and a corset.  Then fall down stairs so Jaaysin can catch her.

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All I want to know is: What does Lucas remember, if anything? Or does he have FULL ON Convenient Amnesia?

12 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Me: When did Anna become such a blubbering mess? Go away, Pod!Anna. Just go away!

When HACK!!Frank and his nimrodic gang of "writers" decided to give Anna a child by her stalker/kidnapper of her daughter, Faison.

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46 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Am I the only one who thinks that Lucas is going to keep his mouth shut about Wiley's paternity? Nelle is on the loose and there's a mob war brewing and Michael was just used as target practice. Laura, innocent bystander was shot.

I'd really like that actually, someone on the Corinthos side showing a bit of brains. It would also keep Wylie out of Corinthos hands for a while longer.

But I'd put the odds as very low. Everyone just cheerfully sent Wylie off with Michael to the house where Nelle is.

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't even understand why Taggert and Jordan are lying to Curtis. 

Bob took what we did to his grave. Dun-dun-dun! Oh, yay! A mystery! Except that I don't care. Jordan is so effin' boring. Her scenes have the same effect as ambien.

Ugh, it's all so stupidly manufactured. WE NEVER CARED about Bob.

Nice that Sam is so concerned about her brother that she's at the facility along with everyone else. 

Where is the bodyguard that was lurking in the corner of Kelly's? Is he gone because Sonny knows who did the shooting? How does he know something else won't happen? Ugh, SO STUPID.

Brooklyn Silzer has really grown up! She looks older than 13.

Why is some rando telling Michael that Lucas is awake and not, say, his mother? His grandmother? 

Sonny should be arrested for negotiating mob deals in a federal prison. There is no assumption of privacy between two mobsters.

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Everyone just cheerfully sent Wylie off with Michael to the house where Nelle is.

I know, right? Way to solve that problem!

The show was especially idiotic today, and that's saying something.

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53 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


The show was especially idiotic today, and that's saying something.

I know! So many tone-deaf statements by so many!

The first one by the Borg himself! Telling Micheal that Renault has “a long arm...reputation for violence.”🙄🙄🙄😆😆😆😆 Like he and Mooby are law abiding citizens who don’t commit violence? Like Jason doesn’t have a reputation for killing?

Oh Laura! Did the bullet kill some of your brain cells? Mooby likes to “avoid violence when he can”? That Renault is “forcing his hand”?

Mooby looked so...ineffective in his scenes. Like a has been. Renault looked more menacing and dangerous by just smiling. Too bad he’s gonna lose and die in this war.

SHUT UP POD!Anna! And you too, Emma, with all these “Uncle Peters”!!!😒😒😒 You’ve only known him for two years! And via fucking Face Time! UGH. It’s so gross.

But yeah, Brooklyn looks at least 15!

Wait. Taggert is retired? Or was that part of the lie?

And FUCK YOU Show, for making Taggert dirty!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Jordan has the worst poker face.

And Sam? STFU!!! Finn doesn’t have to HELP you do anything! And could she have been more irked at learning Lucas was awake?

Typical SheBeast, walking around, telling people what to do, and taking Wiley as if she owns him. Took him away from Lucas when he told HER it was fine and he wanted to hold his son!

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57 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Typical SheBeast, walking around, telling people what to do, and taking Wiley as if she owns him. Took him away from Lucas when he told HER it was fine and he wanted to hold his son!

Carly knows better than anyone. It's been 20 years. You should have learned this by now.

That's about the only thing that's consistent with the show. Carly knows better than anyone, Sonny is a good mobster, Jason is a hitman, but he's not a killer, Sam's life is summed up with one word. Jason.

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So to keep Wiley away from Nelle, Michael said Nelle could stay at the Q's.  Then Michael takes Wiley home with him?

Aren't prison conversations recorded?  Why would Sonny discuss mob business with Cyrus?

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh Laura! Did the bullet kill some of your brain cells? Mooby likes to “avoid violence when he can”? That Renault is “forcing his hand”?

Everyone on this show has to get a turn at being the Sonny/Jason apologist.  Genie drew the short stick today.

Also, Michael looked less-than-thrilled when he got the call that Lucas was awake.  And then immediately appropriated Wiley as soon as he could.  Would serve that obsessive dunce right if Nelle got her hands on the kid. 

Sam to Finn: "Whatever you know about Peter, you HAVE to tell me."  Back off, bitch, not everyone thinks the sun shines out your ass and gives a fart about your love for Jason. 

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17 hours ago, TheMediaHo said:

Come on, guys, it's obvious that Nelle was surfing on Spyder-Finder, came across a site called "Port Charles Celebrity Dirty Laundry," and learned all the ancient Quartermaine and other history!

Or maybe she read Lucy’s weird Port Charles travel guide that is somehow full of gossip about its residents 😂

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My discovery of today: If you watch General Hospital online and adjust your video player settings so that it's running at 1.5X or 2X the default speed, most of the actors (notably Finola Hughes and Laura Wright) sound as though they're on coke or speed...but Kelly Monaco just gets corrected to a normal energy level.  

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Yeah today's show was just infuriating.

Sam demanding dirt on Peter from Finn. (I guess she's just too tired to move from Kelly's so she's gonna harangue anyone who comes in)

Carly giving Julian the stink eye when he didn't follow her out of Lucas' room. His son just woke up from a coma, maybe he wants to be with his son- you heartless bint.

(also, if she's so anxious about her family, what the hell was she doing there, anyway? I swear they just stick her places for no rational reason)

Also, I know its a soap-- but Julian wants to have a private conversation with Brad about 'getting their stories straight" and that's not a conversation they could have had in the car on the way to the long-term care facility??? Did they take separate cars? 


Aren't prison conversations recorded?

All I know is what I learn on Law & Order, but yeah. more stupid. Discussing criminal activity in a prison visiting room. Totally recorded. 

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The ONLY thing I'll give this show credit for was the realistic way Lucas was acting. Groggy, uncertain, tired, confused, when someone wakes from a coma. Unlike other shows, where they are all alert almost immediately after waking up.

And WHY in HELL is Anna telling Emma, her grandchild, who isn't even an adult, about how MEAN people are being toward this "paragon" of a son that's not even hers. Sorry, not buying it. He is Alex's SPAWN. Man, if Robert hears about his, I want him to RAIN down on Anna like a WRATH OF GOD. Let Anna keep her delusions about Heinrik, but keep them to her damn self.

I'm SO ANGRY over this.

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6 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:
17 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Carly, Julian can stay in his son's room if he wants to stay in his son's room, so go walk off a cliff. 

Is this too many words for a T-shirt?

"Carly, go walk off a cliff." There!

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1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

(also, if she's so anxious about her family, what the hell was she doing there, anyway? I swear they just stick her places for no rational reason)

That's another thing about this Wiley story that bugs: they're actually trying to sell that Carly is a loving sister to Lucas, when, the reality is that before this storyline she barely interacted with him.  Same goes for Michael and Sam (who, btw, "when are you getting out of here?" Girl, he JUST woke up from a months long coma and you're already expecting him to be discharged?).

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They are clearly setting it up to have Carly front and center once the baby switch is revealed since she has no actual storylines. I’m already dreading the months we’ll have to watch her yelling at Nell, Brad, and Julian about this. 

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Honestly, the only person who looked and acted like he was excited that Lucas had woken up was Brad. Julian had a stone/deadpan expression; SLS just had this confused look, mouth half-open; Sam looked irritated; and Willow definitely didn't look happy.

Surprised that the Chase fans didn't mark on his shaving his beard.

Now I'm wondering if something is wrong with Réal Andrews. He was walking funny, when approaching Curtis to shake his hand. Was he in some accident?

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8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Now I'm wondering if something is wrong with Réal Andrews. He was walking funny, when approaching Curtis to shake his hand. Was he in some accident?

I noticed that, too. RA is 57; it might just be the stiffness of encroaching age.

I was also wondering if he thought about the oddness of seeing a younger Taggert in Curtis. They're basically the same character 25 years apart.

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I noticed that, too. RA is 57; it might just be the stiffness of encroaching age.

Well IMdB was no help. But it did state that he's very active--owns 3 gyms, and is experienced in martial arts or something similar; my brain is swiss cheese today--I can't recall exactly what it said.

Back to the show: why did he lie about being retired? I thought he was now a Lieutenant for the NYPD? And that stupid lie about just bumping into each other that day? In the words of Sam (Quantum Leap, y'all!): "Oh Boy."

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30 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

why did he lie about being retired? I thought he was now a Lieutenant for the NYPD?

And I thought he said something about being FBI lol! Either way, I really don’t give a flying fig what this secret is between him and Jordan. Or why it’s so important that she needs to lie to her husband about it.

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18 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, it's all so stupidly manufactured. WE NEVER CARED about Bob.


I don’t care about half the regulars on this show never mind some dude we never met.  Taggert and Jordan lying to Curtis-1:  Why??  And number 2:  They were horrible at it.  “Oh what a blast from the past”.  Oh stop it Marcus you can lie better that that.

I felt for Anna.  Only because she has started to get attached to Violet and it was just sad to see her trying (horribly) to put on a brave face for Emma.  Unpopular opinion but I like Finn and Anna.  Although they started out like awkward high school teenagers I actually enjoy their relationship.  I find it very mature and easy, which is refreshing.

I also think Lucas will remember and will keep the secret.  I love how no one seemed particularly happy Lucas was awake save for Bobbie, Carly, and Brad.  Sam again just made me shake my head when she was talking to Finn and said she didn’t have to answer her phone because nothing was more important that what Finn was about to say.  Umm, you have two children lady!  Get your head out of your ass!


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15 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, Michael looked less-than-thrilled when he got the call that Lucas was awake. 

Because he enjoys thinking of himself, the "godfather" as Wiley's savior while Uncle Lucas (the responsible one of Brucas) is incapacitated.  Jason and then Sonny thought of themselves as Michael's saviors when he was baby/little kid, so he has learned all about acting inappropriate from them as well as his mother.

I feel the worst for Willow in all this. She is the one who was traumatized, then saved herself and eventually faced down her rapist in court and went to jail, and is now very worried and feeling more and more attached every day to a kid who is not her biological child ... ALL because Brad is a low-life who won't tell the truth and feels he and Lucas are the only people in the world who matter (besides his friend Britt). Brad better watch out when Chase finds out the truth. 

I feel bad for Lucas, too. I don't feel anything for Michael, so I guess that is a fail for the writers.

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10 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Sam again just made me shake my head when she was talking to Finn and said she didn’t have to answer her phone because nothing was more important that what Finn was about to say.  Umm, you have two children lady!  Get your head out of your ass!

I wish that phone call had been about the kids, and Sam was too stupid and selfish to answer it because it was more important to find out what her thug boyfriend needed to know.

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I really need an eyeroll button for this show.

As much as I enjoy Nina and Ava teaming up, it still doesn't ring true given their history. But I'll take it because it doesn't include the terrible four or their off spring.

Finally some payoff for Brooklyn and the creepy record producer. But I don't understand why Ned is threatening him with lawyers. Instead just cut off his suppliers. ELQ is a multinational company, if he tells the companies he works with to cut Creepy Guy off, it's better than trying to do it through lawyers.

I also don't understand why Ned is playing nice with Michael instead of making a move on ELQ right now. Edward Would Not Approve.

1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

Sam again just made me shake my head when she was talking to Finn and said she didn’t have to answer her phone because nothing was more important that what Finn was about to say.  Umm, you have two children lady!  Get your head out of your ass!

But nothing is more important that what Jason wants!

If there ever were characters who shouldn't have children, Jason and Sam. Also Michael right now. #SaveWiley.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I also don't understand why Ned is playing nice with Michael instead of making a move on ELQ right now. Edward Would Not Approve.

After his talk with Tracy, I think Ned is going for a sneak coup so he can make his move and SLS won't see it coming.

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Dear writers;

Please stop trying to make Valentin relevant. He isn't. You made sure of that the day you paired him with Nina and turned him into a snotty, crying mess over her.



And how is it that this lawyer knows every greasy sleezebag out there? Now he also knows BL's sexual harrasser? What do we need this guy for? He has great skin, but otherwise, please, go away.

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1 minute ago, YaddaYadda said:

You made sure of that the day you paired him with Nina and turned him into a snotty, crying mess over her.

He was a snotty, crying mess long before Nina entered the picture. Remember all the sobbing over "I was a teenage hunchback"? Ugh.


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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

He was a snotty, crying mess long before Nina entered the picture. Remember all the sobbing over "I was a teenage hunchback"? Ugh.


and don't forget how Anna hurt his feeeeeeelings when she supposedly kissed/slept with him and dumped him (I'm a bit confused on what Anna did vs. what Alex did, but either way, Valentin was crying about it)

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

He was a snotty, crying mess long before Nina entered the picture. Remember all the sobbing over "I was a teenage hunchback"? Ugh.

A snotty crying mess is always a very attractive quality. 

My daddy never loved me and I also obsess over women. 

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Do Nik and Ava really have to fake their marriage? It was legit, so who cares if they're only in it for the codicil and money? 

LULU. YOUR MOTHER WAS JUST SHOT. How about you dial things back by about a thousand percent? 

I just shake my head whenever Ned—or any Q, really—brings up Michael's connection to Sonny being bad for ELQ. This is not new.

1 hour ago, Tenshinhan said:

  I hope Lucas is totally playing them both and remembers everything. 

I would love this. This story needs something to happen.

Why is Nik still shocked people are angry with him? Is it really so hard to understand? People aren't going to fall over themselves that Nik is alive after being lied to for three years. Ugh, Nik sucks.

Previews: "We were totally exposed, Jason!" LOL. We all know Sonny's crack security is terrible.

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11 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I just shake my head whenever Ned—or any Q, really—brings up Michael's connection to Sonny being bad for ELQ. This is not new.

I did appreciate how one of the writers in yesterday's episode, via Ned, inferred that ELQ is not currently a publicly traded company by not mentioning stockholders.  There's no way with that Michael Corinthos Quartermaine's relationship with Sonny would be viewed as anything but a material risk by an independent auditor during a required audit of a publicly traded company that could be not overcome with any additional safeguards. It's just so absurd (and sad) that Michael doesn't even use the Quartermaine name and remains the head of the Quartermaine biz.

Sonny and Jason wake up each morning and spend their days intimidating (at best) people for a living.  As someone who started (re) watching in 2012, I just can't fathom how far this show has gotten from its roots.  This week while the good mother Sam was lecturing a surgeon/doctor (just coming off of the graveyard shift SAVING lives at the hospital) how one of the world's top law enforcement officers was just the same as her murderous thug of a husband was beyond the pale.

This mob stuff is such a waste of resources and a self-inflicted ratings killer.  The Mayor of Port Charles was SHOT but the previews seems to be more concerned about adding cast (Spinelli) and Jason/Sonny's standing in the mob world.   More cognitive dissonance from a soap opera called General Hospital.

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On 2/6/2020 at 8:42 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

SHUT UP POD!Anna! And you too, Emma, with all these “Uncle Peters”!!!😒😒😒 You’ve only known him for two years! And via fucking Face Time! UGH. It’s so gross.

And Sam? STFU!!! Finn doesn’t have to HELP you do anything! And could she have been more irked at learning Lucas was awake?

My gut says Emma being all positive about "Uncle Peter" is a set-up for Anna's poor judgement to come crashing down on her when the truth comes out.  I expect Robert and especially Robin will be furious that Anna has been protecting Peter and ignoring the obvious out of guilt instead of giving Robin the heads up to protect Emma and Noah from getting attached to someone who should not be a role model/a trusted family member.  I chalk up Emma's "attachment" to Peter to her worship of her grandmother and also a misguided attempt to fill the void of lack of family on the West Coast. She always had extended family to love and protect her when she lived in Port Charles.

Seems like Violet playing with Anna and Peter, then Maxie stupidly beaming as Peter spoke about being a part of Anna's family is also a set-up for Anna and Peter to be taken down/lose loved ones by their own actions being revealed.

Weren't you at all amused by the bitchface Sam gave Finn as he was leaving Kelly's and made the "how's that working for you with Jason" comment. I'm sure it's rather inconvenient to her delusional self-image that she does in fact endanger her two children by choosing the relationship with Jason. I rolled my eyes that Jason and Sam seem to think that they can pressure/manipulate Finn into helping them take down Peter.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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22 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I rolled my eyes that Jason and Sam seem to think that they can pressure/manipulate Finn into helping them take down Peter.

The sad thing is, they probably will succeed, given that Peter is OMG TEH EVUL right now, or at least until the Wiley sekrit comes out and Julian takes his usual spot.


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24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The sad thing is, they probably will succeed

If so, it would be something like Sam shows up at Anna and Finn's place with Scout or both kids, and claims she would love for them to have a play date with Violet. While the kids are off playing, Sam starting snooping around looking for evidence against Peter while Anna and/or Finn are out of the room for whatever reason.  And then if she finds what she wants, turns around and yells at Anna 'how dare you protect your son, with his history, when he continues to endanger other people?" ... because I'm not lucky enough for a bolt of lightning to come down and strike Sam as soon as she opens her hypocritical mouth. 

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1 minute ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I'm not lucky enough for a bolt of lightning to come down

LOL. The entire town of Port Charles would be dust if that ever happened, given how rampant hypocrisy is. 

I don't really mind hypocrisy; what I mind is the utter lack of self-awareness that surrounds it. 

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The flimsy gauze wrap around Lucas's head was cracking me up. What exactly was that about. The accident was months ago!  

Willow, you could maybe wait a moment before totally disparaging Brad to the just recently conscious and still disoriented Lucas.

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6 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

My gut says Emma being all positive about "Uncle Peter" is a set-up for Anna's poor judgement to come crashing down on her when the truth comes out.  I expect Robert and especially Robin will be furious that Anna has been protecting Peter and ignoring the obvious out of guilt instead of giving Robin the heads up to protect Emma and Noah from getting attached to someone who should not be a role model/a trusted family member.  I chalk up Emma's "attachment" to Peter to her worship of her grandmother and also a misguided attempt to fill the void of lack of family on the West Coast. She always had extended family to love and protect her when she lived in Port Charles.

Seems like Violet playing with Anna and Peter, then Maxie stupidly beaming as Peter spoke about being a part of Anna's family is also a set-up for Anna and Peter to be taken down/lose loved ones by their own actions being revealed.

Weren't you at all amused by the bitchface Sam gave Finn as he was leaving Kelly's and made the "how's that working for you with Jason" comment. I'm sure it's rather inconvenient to her delusional self-image that she does in fact endanger her two children by choosing the relationship with Jason. I rolled my eyes that Jason and Sam seem to think that they can pressure/manipulate Finn into helping them take down Peter.

Yes, I know. Show isn’t subtle AT ALL. But  hoping Emma will say something to Robert, (as in preview we saw him seeing her) opening her mouth. I really need someone to shake Anna out of this! If not Robin, then Robert! I hope he finds that file that shows Heinrik and assassin were at the same facility.

Regarding the bolded: yes I was. But then he had to ruin it when he came back and whine to HER, of all people.

23 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

The flimsy gauze wrap around Lucas's head was cracking me up. What exactly was that about. The accident was months ago!  

Willow, you could maybe wait a moment before totally disparaging Brad to the just recently conscious and still disoriented Lucas.

I laughed at that as well. By now, it should have been removed.

I know! Every time I see the actress, and the conversation is about Wiley, she gets this calculating look in her eyes. And I don’t think that’s what she’s trying to convey. That half smile that appears on her face only enforces the impression.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I know! Every time I see the actress, and the conversation is about Wiley, she gets this calculating look in her eyes. And I don’t think that’s what she’s trying to convey. That half smile that appears on her face only enforces the impression.

She's either trying to signal that Willow is going to ask for Wiley back, or misdirect the audience that she is. Either way, it's not entertaining.

As much as I hate the Peter plot, at least it isn't about Wiley or the mob.

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I know that Peter is supposed to be all evil and everything since he dared to frame Sam and sent her to prison for a few months, but Jason has bigger fish to fry at this time. Cyrus' three prone attack could have killed Sonny, Jason, Carly and Michael if any of Cyrus' men hadn't gone to the Storm Troopers Academy for Shooting.

So Valentine is making a play for ELQ. He is trying to Nelle's maybe shares and is using the sleazy music producer to get Brook Lynn's shares.

Edited by nilyank
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3 hours ago, TVbitch said:

The flimsy gauze wrap around Lucas's head was cracking me up. What exactly was that about. The accident was months ago!  

Didn't he have a bruise on his face, too? 

I doubt someone comatose in a long term care facility would be wearing a skintight tshirt.  Are the attendants supposed to wrestle him in and out of that for a spongebath?

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