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S03.E09: Jeff & Megan

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Oh ye of little faith!  I'm sure she's the very same hottie depicted in the pictures, and it's 100% true that her webcam/phone is broken and she or an immediate family member has a dire health condition that prevents her from having the time to meet up in person. ;)

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Oh ye of little faith!  I'm sure she's the very same hottie depicted in the pictures, and it's 100% true that her webcam/phone is broken and she or an immediate family member has a dire health condition that prevents her from having the time to meet up in person. ;)

You know, you're right, this time its gonna be different.  This time she will be a real woman who just has bad luck with an IPhone, but somehow has a ton of selfies of her in a bikini that she posts to facebook.  None of her facebook friends will let her use their laptop either, I'll bet, bitches!

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Red flags make a man question his relationship with a woman he met online.


I wonder whose job it is to think of the show descriptions. Since what happens on the show is pretty much the same exact thing every week (someone meets someone else online & feels they might be lying) it must be a bitch to come up with a different way of saying it every week.

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I liked this show. Instead of the reveal of some variant of social misfit to a shallow individual punching above their weight, there were a lonely boy and a lonely girl connecting.

She wasn't Hollywood thin, but she was a pretty girl all the same. Jeff knows he's no Adonis.

It was kind of sweet.

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I thought Brandy was beautiful. When she first came out I thought maybe she had gained weight and was using older pictures of herself. She had some real sadness in her eyes though. She lit up when Jeff told her she was pretty. I think that was probably the last thing she expected.


They seem like a nice couple, I hope it works out for them. If nothing else, she got herself into therapy (a Catfish first?) and seemed genuinely happy on the follow-up phone call. 


The bromance is just too adorable with Max and Nev. I liked that Max got the important job though. 

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I didn't think she was fat. Overweight, yes, but not huge. She really looked a lot like the fake pics she was using. I thought she was pretty. She's awfully sad.

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I liked Brandy. She seemed genuine in her apology and why she did what she did. I am glad that she went into therapy. She looked like a happier person in the follow up. I was glad that she and Jeff are still speaking, whether they stay friends or something more I feel like Brandy needed a friend or a positive guy in her life. She seemed so sad when she first showed up to talk to Max. I am glad she is in a good place now. 



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And she can still go to nursing school, right?


I think the part I'd have the most trouble forgiving is that he traveled to see her and she stood him up. I don't think I could get over that level of inconsiderate, humiliating, expensive, cowardice-- it's beyond shy and into recklessly cruel, even if she didn't mean it to be.


I don't like the bits they do where Max is telling Nev not to touch him and threatening to call HR. it's just not funny to me.

Edited by possibilities
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Aaaaand she's fat! Such a twist ending!


As soon as they showed her face, I knew the rest of her was going to be heavy. Gosh, aren't we all shocked?


When they first looked up Brandy's name, they showed a profile with a pretty brunette girl, did they ever explain whose picture that was?

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I just watched the untold stories show after this, & I hope Kennedy in the “Jessica” story was given fake teeth as part of a disguise, because they were truly disgusting. Every time they show a close up of her face, I had to look away.

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I have not seen every episode of this show, or even half - but this was my favorite Catfish ever! I felt really badly for Brandy. She wasn't some disturbed individual, getting off on screwing with other people. She really felt awful about what she did. And Jeff proved that she was right about him being a very supportive, understanding guy. I just loved them together, I kept saying "aw!" and smiling throughout the show. I hope they can make things work. 

Edited by ghoulina
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I felt really badly for Brandy. She wasn't some disturbed individual, getting off on screwing with other people

She was still lying and deceiving - so she was no different than most.  She made the poor guy travel all the way to TX to meet her, only to stand him up. 


Her motive behind the fake profile was basically like most other catfish.  And most were apologetic when they are found out.

Edited by twilightzone
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I liked Brandy, she seemed like a nice girl, but if I had paid to travel all the way to another state and then gotten stood up, there is no way I would have continued talking to the person (no matter how nice they seemed).  I enjoy watching the train wrecks on this show, but it IS nice to see a kind of happy ending one once in a while.  Jeff and Brandy seemed like genuinely nice, likeable people.  I hope they do take things to the next level, if that is what they both want.

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This episode was all kinds of WOW to me.


I could tell initially Jeff was a bit taken aback but...WOW.  Once she apparently quite sincerely explained her actions, the change in his demeanor was absolutely palpable, and the way he looked at her slowly and visibly changed.


I thought Brandy looked amazing for the next day's meeting in her jeans, sweater and boots.  I thought it was a much more flattering outfit than the dress she had worn the day before (and damn did I feel bad for her when it was raining buckets when they got there and the back of her dress and hair were soaked).


Again, WOW...I was so impressed when Jeff told her how very pretty she looked at the second meeting.  Another WOW out of my big mouth when he told her she had 1000 amazing qualities and there was no need for her to have pretended to be someone else.


And a series of WOW reactions from me at the conclusion when Jeff said he did want to pursue a relationship with Brandy but was being deployed in a week and would have to wait until he returned.  And Brandy going into counseling and working on her self-esteem issues, and wanting to pursue a relationship with Jeff, too, after his deployment.  And again that they had been in contact every single day since the filming.




I think probably Brandy had every intention of meeting Jeff when he came to Texas but then, at the last minute, got cold feet and couldn't go through with it.  I doubt she had any malicious intent but instead her fear of rejection stopped her from showing up.  Which is no excuse but is on a different level than Catfish past who have actually deliberately stood up the other party (like that asshat who sat in the restaurant watching the guy waiting for him but never said anything).  Unlike a lot of past catfish, I didn't get a malicious vibe from Brandy at all.  


I'm normally not a fan of happy endings, such as the episodes where everyone is (presumably) exactly who they portrayed themselves to be but this was, to me, a more realistic "happy" ending in that I think Jeff was honestly smitten with the real Brandy and she obviously was smitten with him as well.


My little heart of coal is actually hoping for the best for Jeff and Brandy.  I hope they do an update on their status at the reunion.  I'm curious to see if they made it for the long haul.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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She was still lying and deceiving - so she was no different than most.  She made the poor guy travel all the way to TX to meet her, only to stand him up. 


Her motive behind the fake profile was basically like most other catfish.  And most were apologetic when they are found out.

Yep, once again it's the "I am fat" motive. You would think that if you're catfishing someone for years because of your looks, & you actually mean to tell them about it, you would try to lose weight at some point. 

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Yep, once again it's the "I am fat" motive. You would think that if you're catfishing someone for years because of your looks, & you actually mean to tell them about it, you would try to lose weight at some point.


I never heard Brandy say she created the profile because she was "fat". I heard her say she created it because she had just gotten out of an abusive relationship, where some pretty messed up things happened, and she just didn't want to be herself anymore. 


Somehow I missed the part about him going to TX once before (my kids ask to go potty a ridiculous number of times after they're in bed, so maybe that was it?), that is pretty shitty. But if Jeff wants to forgive and move on, I'm not going to judge him for that. A lot of times I think it's stupid of the catfished to trust the catfisher, but I really don't think Brandy's behavior in this situation is an indicator of a major character flaw. Plus, she is getting therapy. I think she made a mistake based on being in a very dark place, and it's not something typical of her nature. I think she knows that and is seeking to try and get herself in a better place. I have high hopes for these two,

Edited by ghoulina
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I never heard Brandy say she created the profile because she was "fat". I heard her say she created it because she had just gotten out of an abusive relationship, where some pretty messed up things happened, and she just didn't want to be herself anymore. 




No, she never actually said it, but look at the pictures she stole & pretended that they were her. A blue eyed blonde with a killer body, there was even one picture with the girl wearing a tiara, kind of implying she was a beauty queen, not to mention bikini shots. Brandy didn't have to post full body shots, but she did, & she didn't have to use pictures of someone with that body, but she did. She never said she had a problem with her weight, but her actions all say she did.

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No, she never actually said it, but look at the pictures she stole & pretended that they were her. A blue eyed blonde with a killer body, there was even one picture with the girl wearing a tiara, kind of implying she was a beauty queen, not to mention bikini shots. Brandy didn't have to post full body shots, but she did, & she didn't have to use pictures of someone with that body, but she did. She never said she had a problem with her weight, but her actions all say she did.


I understand all that, but I still don't think she did it JUST because she was heavy. She didn't go into a lot of detail, but I did get the impression that part of the abuse she suffered in her relationship was due to her looks. Maybe this person constantly beat her down about her weight and criticized her - hence needing to pretend she was someone with a "perfect" body to get away from those horrible feelings. I just think it was a lot more complex than "I'm fat". 

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I like these two as a couple, and believe Jeff still really liked her after he met her in person. Facially, she was not too far off from the pictures in her fake profile, and many guys care more about the face than the body, so her being heavier may not be an issue at all for him.


I do think he should tread slowly, though, and look for signs that this girl doesn't have other patterns of being deceptive. The fact that she chose to go into therapy is definitely a good sign.


I love the fact that they both have huskies for some reason- both of their dogs were adorable.


I actually think these two could end up in a good relationship with each other. For some reason, they seemed very compatible to me.

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And truly, I've seen a lot of military girlfriends/wives that are way fatter and way less attractive than Brandy.  And in that part of Florida, IIRC, she might be like a Jacksonville 8.  

Edited by RealityGal
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I actually think these two could end up in a good relationship with each other. For some reason, they seemed very compatible to me.


I think one of the big things that stood out to was that besides her looks and job, she didn't really invent anything else. This wasn't an entirely fake persona.Some of the people who engage in this activity get really invested in having an alter-ego and ACTING very differently than their natural self. But Brandy said that everything she told him was her - from the dog love to the abusive relationship. So he really did know her, and I think the connection they had was very real.

Edited by ghoulina
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So ummm...are we all still pretending that Nev and Max aren't lovers?  I'm just sayin'....inquiring minds want to know....

Didn't we see Nev's girlfriend briefly a few episodes back? Not that that means anything.


I'm glad Jeff and Megan seem so compatible; they make a good couple. But it pains me to say I seem to enjoy the show more when the catfisher is a real loose cannon. I'm looking at you Kidd Cole!

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I think one of the big things that stood out to was that besides her looks and job, she didn't really invent anything else. This wasn't an entirely fake persona.Some of the people who engage in this activity get really invested in having an alter-ego and ACTING very differently than their natural self. But Brandy said that everything she told him was her - from the dog love to the abusive relationship. So he really did know her, and I think the connection they had was very real.

She lied about being a nurse too. There was absolutely no reason for her to lie about that except to make herself look better.

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Didn't we see Nev's girlfriend briefly a few episodes back? Not that that means anything.


I'm glad Jeff and Megan seem so compatible; they make a good couple. But it pains me to say I seem to enjoy the show more when the catfisher is a real loose cannon. I'm looking at you Kidd Cole!

Yeah, we saw Nev's "girlfriend" but I think she is a red herring.


I enjoy Catfish more too when it all goes horribly wrong....

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Max is married!

gay men have married women for years!  The only names I can think of off the top of my head right now are serial killers, but I know that non serial killer gay men have done it too.

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The only names I can think of off the top of my head right now are serial killers, but I know that non serial killer gay men have done it too.

Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence in gay people who get married before they figure out they're gay.  They're not ALL serial killers!

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She lied about being a nurse too. There was absolutely no reason for her to lie about that except to make herself look better.


Right, I said her looks and her job. I think she really wanted to be a nurse. I don't think it was so much about making herself look better to others, but about escaping from the person she was was and hated - because of her abusive relationship. I am not saying it's okay to deceive people, I just could empathize a lot more with this girl and I think Jeff also really understood her motivations and forgave her.

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I didn't think Magan was bad looking. I loled when Jeff saw her for the first time. You could read the disappointment on his face that she wasn't he hottie he had envisioned. I didn't really understand her backstory. So she was dating a guy, got dumped or broke up and decided to be someone else? She sounded depressed more than anything else. She definitely seemed to need counseling. I thought it was interesting that Jeff signed on for another tour after realizing that Magan was not the girl in the photos. 

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I didn't think Magan was bad looking. I loled when Jeff saw her for the first time. You could read the disappointment on his face that she wasn't he hottie he had envisioned. I didn't really understand her backstory. So she was dating a guy, got dumped or broke up and decided to be someone else? She sounded depressed more than anything else. She definitely seemed to need counseling. I thought it was interesting that Jeff signed on for another tour after realizing that Magan was not the girl in the photos. 

I don't know.  I can't ding him for that.  I don't even know if it was all about her looks, because he didn't seem like a shallow guy in any way.  In fact, he had said it was her love of dogs that first attracted him, and while that is generally a big fat lie, she accidentally added him, its not like he was on the lookout for a girl online.  And I know that guys in the service generally aren't dating hotties, for a girl dating a guy in the service, she is at least a 7, when she is done up, and 8.  And he was lonely, so I don't think he was necessarily looking for a hottie.


However, like he said, he opened up to her about everything, and she clearly lied about a lot of things.  Even if she is nice, thats a betrayal of trust.  He may be someday forgive that, but I would have been shocked if he had decided to move to another state, or give up his job for a girl who had betrayed him, even if she looked exactly like the picture.  I mean as far as she has said, she hasn't lied about anything else.  But I think it would be hard to know if thats the truth.  So I don't think its so much that she wasn't pretty, I think its more that he had completely opened up to her, and she lied to him.


If he had been my friend or brother I would have told him to re-enlist.  I wouldn't want my brother or friend to be in that situation, because while she is a nice girl, whats going to happen when times get tough again?  Will she resort to lying or creating other profiles when her relationship gets stressful?

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Right, I said her looks and her job. I think she really wanted to be a nurse. I don't think it was so much about making herself look better to others, but about escaping from the person she was was and hated - because of her abusive relationship. I am not saying it's okay to deceive people, I just could empathize a lot more with this girl and I think Jeff also really understood her motivations and forgave her.

Sorry, my brain apparently didn't process the part of your post that said "her job" :-)

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Brandy lied about two things her looks and her job; everything else, her love for dogs, etc was real.  I actually thought she WAS the girl in the pictures but had just gained weight.  Brandy said she was a dispatcher, she probably thought if she said she was a dispatcher no guy would talk to her?  


I can see Jeff being in a relationship with her because apparently whatever Brandy's ex boyfriend did to her, she told Jeff, but we the audience don't know what that was.  Maybe something really bad happened to her and that's why she started the fake profile.  Interesting that they blocked out Brandy's last name.  

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Brandy lied about two things her looks and her job; everything else, her love for dogs, etc was real.  I actually thought she WAS the girl in the pictures but had just gained weight.  Brandy said she was a dispatcher, she probably thought if she said she was a dispatcher no guy would talk to her?  


I can see Jeff being in a relationship with her because apparently whatever Brandy's ex boyfriend did to her, she told Jeff, but we the audience don't know what that was.  Maybe something really bad happened to her and that's why she started the fake profile.  Interesting that they blocked out Brandy's last name.  


I feel like its more a situation of Brandy has TOLD us she has only lied about two things.  I think over two years, she and Jeff have discussed a lot of things, there is no telling how many things she may have lied or fudged about.  I can't blame Jeff for not wanting to go full steam ahead with someone who has at least lied to him about two pretty big things.  A lot of Catfish will say things like "well, I only lied about how I look, everything else is true" "I only lied about being a man, everything else is true"  If he were my brother, I would tell him to take it VERY slow and to approach anything she said with a jaundiced eye.


Sad thing is, I think if she had just been honest with him, he would have still liked her and probably would be in a full relationship with her by now.  He seems like a shy, lonely guy who isn't hung up on looks.  My ex-boyfriend was like that, he truly, truly didn't care about looks, and in fact preferred someone less attractive so he could be sure that they weren't cheating on him.

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I thought it was interesting that Jeff signed on for another tour after realizing that Magan was not the girl in the photos.

I don't recall them indicating when he re-enlisted. It can take over a year for the producers to get to someone, so even though Jeff said in his letter that he wanted to know where he stood with Megan first, he might have decided he couldn't wait and gone ahead anyway.

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Brandy: she's a fine girl. What a good wife she would be. But Jeff's life, his love, and his lady is the sea.


LMAO!  I wish I could give your comment 10 thumbs up.  I love, love, love that you quoted that song, how very fitting given that he is in the navy.


I think Jeff looks exactly like the actors Hollywood casts in war films as the down-to-earth career navy guy (often called "Chief").


Oh yeah, that guy is the war film equivalent of a red shirt.  He always dies in the hero's arms and basically drives the hero into doing the heroic things he was always meant to do.  Oh Chief...how many heroes have you inspired, how many summer epics can we lay at your dead/dying feet....

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