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12 hours ago, Jsage said:

She also often has materials come in the wrong color or the measurements are off. I always thought it was scripted into her show but since it's happening here too, I'm not sure anymore who's at fault.

That sounds like that show Stay or Sell, I swear, in every single episode, something in the wrong color gets delivered. 

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Well, Jasmine won as predicted. I consider that a pity win. The pool was nice, but way too small and those lockers were horrendous. She has got to stop doing ridiculous things in the name of creativity. The person who buys that house would immediately toss out that piece of junk if it came with the house. 

I have to admit that I would have given the win to Allison. I don't care if that living room was Chicago style that is the kind of transitional sophisticated/formal style that appeals to me and I think most of the people who could afford that house.

Mina was okay, kind of bland, but I think a lot of people would like her comfortable casual style.

Leanne' style is bland and boring. I want to throw a can of red, blue or purple paint over everything she designs. I hope she dresses her kid in colors other than white.

Edited by SimoneS
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I wonder is the Chicago pieces came out Allyson's budget. Isn't that cheating?  Even though the black wall wasn't in direct line of the Windows wouldn't the black soak up the heat?  I love green walls but a faux green wall, ugh.

For Leanne the honking lamp and the the fire pit vent got in way of the view.  And a yard of pea travel doesn't sound good on the feet. And removing baseboards.

I liked most of Jasmine but the wall of logs seemed to be a waste of money. I'm surprised they got the pool in but it didn't look like it was much more for babys splashing.  Also aren't there strict fencing requirements when you have a pool so kids don't sneak in and drown?I loved the ceiling and the outdoor bar.

I liked Mina's the best but understood the judges thought about having a focal light.  I thing some wood and close to the ceiling would


I hadn't seen the judges but liked their feedback on what adds value and the return on investment.

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14 hours ago, Booney said:

I agree with this. She's always cramming a huge master suite on the first floor at the expense of a family room. And a huge kitchen island, but then there's no place to put a proper kitchen/dining table. The small space at the top of the stairs that she tries to pass off as a den or family room doesn't cut it for me. I like Mina and Good Bones but IMO, most of her house designs are just not practical for the way most families live.

Btw, I just read an article in WaPo about kitchen islands which said that many designers are moving away from them and replacing them with a kitchen table instead. The table still provides a work surface, but is more conducive to sitting down for a meal with the family.

A table only works as a work surface if you are short. The rest of us would have permanent back issues if we tried to use a standard height table as our prep space. And trying to work around chairs? No thank you. Island all the way. Mine even has a raised section (my friends call it a spoiler because it is very racecar-esque) to keep people on THAT SIDE and away from my cooking space.

Regarding this episode, I liked Jasmine's ceiling the best of all the added things, liked Alison's fireplace, liked Leann's porch floor, and liked the overall vibe of Mina's room. I am surprised this wasn't a 5 episode show so each could get a win and then there would be a final winner. Process of elimination says it is Mina who wins next week (and the whole shebang?) but at least wins the "rest of the house" part. I'd be okay with that. She's made good choices mostly throughout regarding flooring and layouts and the difficult to change things. Leann's lack of real flooring and trim (and did they not paint the walls down to the floor after taking off the baseboards? It looked very uneven. And they were lucky the drywall installers did an even job, each sheet in my basement is installed at a different height and no way could you just opt out of baseboards) might work when you have a client commissioning a job but probably won't work on a spec house.

I'll be honest, there isn't anything I've seen on this show that I would want to copy if I were redoing a space. Other than the slab shower walls and I was already planning on that. Nothing that says "ooh, I want that!"

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I’m glad Jasmine won! I loved the look on Alison’s face when it was announced! Poor loser. 😏 I liked the vintage lockers. Funky.

Laughed when Leanne said her house would be for a young family. Yeah, what young parents wouldn’t want their tots learning to walk on a concrete floor and playing in the gravel backyard. BTW, I don’t consider white to be “warm.”

Hated Alison’s plastic plant covered fountain. Didn’t like the black wall either.

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None of the designs wowed me. But if I had to choose the room I wanted as my living room, it would be Mina’s. It felt warm and cozy— someplace a family would actually like to spend time. You don’t need a huge, fancy chandelier to make a room look elegant. The overhead recessed lighting was beautiful. And I’d have reading lamps all around the room anyway. For me, a large and possibly gaudy light fixture—like Alison’s butt-ugly rope lights— would be too much. 


9 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Well, Jasmine won as predicted. I consider that a pity win. The pool was nice, but way too small and those lockers were horrendous. She has got to stop doing ridiculous things in the name of creativity. The person who buys that house would immediately toss out that piece of junk if it came with the house. 

So true. I love Jasmine, but most people in million dollar homes don’t want flea market gym lockers in their living room as a furniture statement piece. I certainly wouldn’t. 

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OMG, Alison is such a b!tch!  The look on her face when her room wasn't one of the top two contenders...priceless!!  

Mina's room:  I agree about not having a huge hanging light fixture because it would block the view to the back.  Her backyard was definitely the most family friendly and I noticed she was the only one that installed a ceiling fan.  However, the great room and outside space seemed kind of meh.  Her room looked like something a "wanna be" designer would put together.  

Leanne's room:  The beams were nice and I love Leanne's carefree attitude when it comes to criticism.  That horrid light fixture!!  It was way too low and it definitely was the focal point in the room...and not in a good way.  Luckily, it can be replaced easily. I didn't see the point of removing the baseboards; they made the room look unfinished.  Her area rugs always look like blankets that someone has tripped over more than once.  On the plus side, seeing the great room finished makes her kitchen not look so bad since it's all tied together now.  I loved the stenciled the patio, but the rest of the backyard was just awful!  I understand wanting a low maintenance backyard, but having the entire yard with nothing but pea gravel was a bad decision.  She could have a made inexpensive planters or did some defined areas with furniture, edging and landscape, etc.  As it is, the backyard looks like it's in the beginning stages of construction.  Also, I didn't like the fireplace centered in the middle of the patio - I think Mina was the only one who put it off to the side.  I'm curious if the HOA is going to allow the vent cap to be so tall.

Alison's room:  Let me begin by saying stfu Alison!  No one in So Cal wants a "Chicago city vibe" look in their house! The beams didn't go with the rest of her "Chicago look".  The outdoor fireplace would have looked so much if it was double sided and maybe stacked stone.  It looked cheap and the other side looked stupid.  The pier mirror fountain would have looked way better without it being covered with foliage.  The rope lights were ugly, but can be replaced.  I guess Alison didn't care about the sides of the yard since the planters abruptly stopped and it looked like a bunch of mulch was thrown down and forgotten. 

Jasmine's room:  She deserved to win.  Hers definitely is the one that will appeal to most buyers.  Comfortable and family friendly inside and out and any negatives can easily be changed. The horrid lockers can be removed and taken to the curb; a nice custom bookshelf would look lovely in it's place.  She should have installed the shelves like she mentioned instead of the stacked wood because there was no point to having all that wood with an electric fireplace.  Unlike Alison, Jasmine knows the California market.  Pool, outdoor kitchen, different seating areas, no outdoor fireplace, etc.  I'm surprised she didn't go with artificial turf since she just needed a small area to be covered.  The real grass looks like it's already dying. 

From looking at the yards, all of them sloped on one side.  I'm really surprised no one built a retaining wall.   All that mulch, pea gravel or dirt is going to be a big mess the next time there is a heavy rain.  

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11 hours ago, MaKaM said:

A table only works as a work surface if you are short. The rest of us would have permanent back issues if we tried to use a standard height table as our prep space. And trying to work around chairs? No thank you. Island all the way. Mine even has a raised section (my friends call it a spoiler because it is very racecar-esque) to keep people on THAT SIDE and away from my cooking space.

I'm short and I totally agree with you. An island or countertop is the right height for working. A table is the right height for sitting.  The two are not interchangeable no matter what the "designers" say. Sometimes (most of the time) I think designers just want to do something different just to be different, never mind practicality (as is seen in this show a LOT!)

So I was right to predict that Jasmine would win this week. Her designs on her show always incorporate some nice outdoor area, whereas the other three don't really do that as much.  

I liked the pool, but agree that it was way too small to be really useful and add as much value. It's the same amount of work as a big pool without the added benefit of, you know, actually being able to SWIM! lol

I love lockers, but they don't belong in the living room. They go in a mud room, and wrapping them in wood doesn't make them look like furniture, imho.

I liked Mina's design for the backyard best mostly because she put the fireplace over to the side so you could see the view out back.  I really hated Alison's HUGE hulking fireplace making a big dark place to block the yard. I loled when the judge said it gave you privacy. I guess so, but it also blocked light!

I love Mina. Her personality is just so cute and fun. She's the most likable with Jasmine close behind (although she seems so insecure it annoys me).

I just don't know what to say about Leanne. Someone, I'm sure, will love the distressed look of that house, but I hate it. And I hate the ugly basket light fixture. It was way too low!  But it does go with the other ugly light basket things she put in the bathroom.  I mean, I have to give it to her. She sticks with her style like glue.  She even wears it.

Question: They said the couple that judged this week are HGTV stars, but I've never heard of them or seen their show. What was it called again? I thought they said 100 Day something, but when I searched for it I couldn't find it.  Is that show still on?

Also, Is anyone else shocked that this show only has one episode left? I guess I thought they'd do week 4 where Mina would win and then a week 5 recap and review episode where the evaluations would take place and an overall winner would be announced.

Or do you think that next week they'll say Mina wins this portion of the house and now here's the overall winner?

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34 minutes ago, SusanwatchingTV said:

I love lockers, but they don't belong in the living room. They go in a mud room, and wrapping them in wood doesn't make them look like furniture, imho.

I thought the lockers would have been a useful addition to the covered outdoor area where they could have held pool supplies and other things. That's where they belonged--not in the great room.

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58 minutes ago, CruiseDiva said:

I thought the lockers would have been a useful addition to the covered outdoor area where they could have held pool supplies and other things. That's where they belonged--not in the great room.

YES! I didn't think of that, but you're right. Jasmine should have thought of that. She could have painted them a fun color and put them on the back porch and it would have added function and style. Maybe there wasn't a good place for them? If they weren't covered they would rust, and I can't remember the layout of the porch well enough to remember if there was enough wall for that.

Perhaps if she hadn't done the wet bar they could have gone there?  I liked that, though.  We here in Texas love an "outdoor kitchen" where we can grill, though, and that was just a small sink and fridge, so not really as useful.

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Jasmine's outdoor "kitchen" looked clunky to me. She junked that whole patio up with too many Rose Bowl purchases. She needs to learn how to edit.

I don't think Leanne is that casual about the criticism. She's always leaning away from the group during the judging with a "too cool for school" attitude, like Why am I here with these lowly peasants. Heh. I had the same reaction as above when she said her house would be great for families. With concrete floors everywhere? And the lack of baseboards made it look like a converted garage.

Allison also had too much stuff, and what she did to her antique mantle hid it in a mess of plywood. Painted plywood still looks like plywood. And those brass handles looked cheap and tacky. Why didn't she put succulents in her wall fountain thingy? They're low maintenance, and don't look stupid.

Edited by carrps
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The guest judges said the next session would be for curb appeal, the rest of the house and touch up. Does that mean they can make changes in the previously decorated rooms? I also wonder if they were given specific restrictions. I think there are two bedrooms and two bathrooms left. However there is also the laundry room and garage.  I'm making a wild guess that without prompting Mina and possibly Jasmine would include storage, organizations and maybe a folding table but the other two .wouldn't since can only show off in their houses not live in it.

For next week, I am assuming, unless they do an hour and half, that the first 3/4 of the show will be the final room competition and the last 15 would be the overall winner.

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Not to sound petty, but after looking at pics of the model home, I'm really not impressed with the designers.  With the exception of Leanne, most of their "custom, original" ideas can be purchased as an upgrade from the builder and probably cost less than $175K.  Additional kitchen cabinets that go to the ceiling - check. Wine/coffee bar - check. Decorative ceiling beams - check.  Door in master closet that goes to the laundry room - check.  Sliding glass doors to the backyard - check.  Great room fireplace and outdoor fireplace - check, check.  Even though Leanne's style is not for everyone (me included), at least the inside of her tract house can be described as "custom designed."

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So Jasmine just calls the pool people up, and they come and put in a pool and fill it in a couple of days?     

I hated Alison's black wall, and virtually everything she did.     I didn't like Leanne's no baseboards, and other industrial stuff either, that room was beyond minimalist.    Mina's room and yard was very nice, but it was Jasmine's turn I guess.   

Nasty look on Alison's face when she 'lost' too.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 hours ago, carrps said:

Jasmine's outdoor "kitchen" looked clunky to me. She junked that whole patio up with too many Rose Bowl purchases. She needs to learn how to edit.

I don't think Leanne is that casual about the criticism. She's always leaning away from the group during the judging with a "too cool for school" attitude, like Why am I here with these lowly peasants. Heh. I had the same reaction as above when she said her house would be great for families. With concrete floors everywhere? And the lack of baseboards made it look like a converted garage.

Allison also had too much stuff, and what she did to her antique mantle hid it in a mess of plywood. Painted plywood still looks like plywood. And those brass handles looked cheap and tacky. Why didn't she put succulents in her wall fountain thingy? They're low maintenance, and don't look stupid.

I think that will be Leanne’s tack if she doesn’t win — I’m so cool and edgy that people don’t get me. My designs aren’t for the proletariat. 🤨

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2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

So Jasmine just calls the pool people up, and they come and put in a pool and fill it in a couple of days?      I hated Alison's black wall, and virtually everything she did.     I didn't like Leanne's no baseboards, and other industrial stuff either.    Mina's room and yard was very nice, but it was Jasmine's turn I guess.   

Nasty look on Alison's face when she 'lost' too.  

I think Jasmine mentioned a pool the first week so it was in the plan from the start and likely the legwork started for getting everything lined up. And we only have the show's word that it has been a week for each part--they could have started the pool in the first week and just pretended it was only in the third week. But she should have gone at least for a lap pool. Not sure how much that would have changed the budget but it would have been worth it for the usefulness alone as the current kiddie pool really isn't going to appeal to a million dollar budget.

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7 hours ago, SusanwatchingTV said:

I'm short and I totally agree with you. An island or countertop is the right height for working. A table is the right height for sitting.  The two are not interchangeable no matter what the "designers" say. Sometimes (most of the time) I think designers just want to do something different just to be different, never mind practicality (as is seen in this show a LOT!)

I agree 100%. Besides once I'm done preparing food, I want to sit with my guests someplace uncluttered with food prep and food service dishes so I can eat.

Mina -  Basic white walls made me itch for color. I love the personality that a great chandelier adds to a room and she didn't have one. She could have at least painted the ceiling. Loved her outdoor fireplace with the artwork from the flea market.

Leanne - No moldings and concrete floors make the room cold. Really liked her outdoor fireplace, it was like a work of art and you could see through it to the backyard. Loved her bi-fold patio doors but the back yard was a bust. Also liked the stenciling on the concrete patio and the ceiling beams in the family room.

AV - More trash talking and piss poor attitude. Liked her fountain even with the fake plant living wall. Liked the outdoor table, chairs and planters along the back wall. Her patio doors were too formal for a California home or any contemporary home.

Jasmin - Her big gamble with the pool paid off and made sense for a California back yard. Wish it had been bigger. Loved, loved, loved the chandelier and the wood ceiling pattern. I also liked that she put wood on the patio ceiling also. Didn't care for the patio doors that couldn't be hidden or pushed to one side. Why have logs stacked up for a electric fireplace? The lockers belong outside or in the garage.

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I thought all the great rooms/back yards were awful. I thought Alison had the best idea for landscaping, but didn't care for the giant fireplace blocking your view and two lonely lawn chairs hidden behind it. The black wall was also too dramatic for me.

Jasmine's "pool" was hilariously small, especially when they showed the guys sandwiched in there like sardines while they dug out the hole. The rusty lockers was not a great choice either. It definitely felt like she won because it was her turn.

Mina's room was forgettable, and her backyard looked like it was graded so that water would run into the house (not her fault, and I guess California doesn't really worry about those things...) The turf looked really cheap, as did the lawn furniture, which was just kind of there?

I really wish Leanne would stop using drop clothes as area rugs, as someone already said, it looks like someone in the crew keeps tripping over it. I didn't like her basket light, but liked the big industrial studio lights she put outside. 

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18 hours ago, MaKaM said:

I think Jasmine mentioned a pool the first week so it was in the plan from the start and likely the legwork started for getting everything lined up. And we only have the show's word that it has been a week for each part--they could have started the pool in the first week and just pretended it was only in the third week. But she should have gone at least for a lap pool. Not sure how much that would have changed the budget but it would have been worth it for the usefulness alone as the current kiddie pool really isn't going to appeal to a million dollar budget.

Remember in SoCal, a million dollar house is still a middle of the road middle-class house...well, maybe high end of middle class. 😏 My sister was watching an HH ep in the other room yesterday, and I heard the couple talk about the house and then say it was too expensive at $270K. I yelled WHERE THE HECK ARE THEY? They were in Grand Rapids. My house price sense is so distorted by living here.

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4 minutes ago, carrps said:

Remember in SoCal, a million dollar house is still a middle of the road middle-class house...well, maybe high end of middle class. 😏 My sister was watching an HH ep in the other room yesterday, and I heard the couple talk about the house and then say it was too expensive at $270K. I yelled WHERE THE HECK ARE THEY? They were in Grand Rapids. My house price sense is so distorted by living here.

Every so often, a California HH will say, "I know 500K seems really expensive to the rest of the country, but that's not very much here." Or if they have a $1 million-plus budget, they'll say, "I cringe even saying our budget is a million dollars." I like those HH immediately.

4 hours ago, absnow54 said:

I thought all the great rooms/back yards were awful. I thought Alison had the best idea for landscaping, but didn't care for the giant fireplace blocking your view and two lonely lawn chairs hidden behind it. The black wall was also too dramatic for me.

Jasmine's "pool" was hilariously small, especially when they showed the guys sandwiched in there like sardines while they dug out the hole. The rusty lockers was not a great choice either. It definitely felt like she won because it was her turn.

Yes, none of the designs wowed me. 

I will say that a friend of mine lives in Las Vegas and has a small pool/hot tub in her backyard. It's not big enough for lap swims, but it's perfect for her family to splash and lounge in on hot days and to host gatherings with friends.  It's not big enough for a hip-hop video to film there, for example, but my friend has never complained about its size. 

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2 hours ago, topanga said:

I will say that a friend of mine lives in Las Vegas and has a small pool/hot tub in her backyard. It's not big enough for lap swims, but it's perfect for her family to splash and lounge in on hot days and to host gatherings with friends.  It's not big enough for a hip-hop video to film there, for example, but my friend has never complained about its size. 

My problem with the pool, besides it being itty-bitty was that it was in the middle of the yard, limiting other things you can do there besides take a bath. Yes, I said take a bath. An uncovered pool that small in CA probably won't stay very cool and refreshing for very long in the summer. The thing should've come with a soap dish.

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4 hours ago, topanga said:

Every so often, a California HH will say, "I know 500K seems really expensive to the rest of the country, but that's not very much here." Or if they have a $1 million-plus budget, they'll say, "I cringe even saying our budget is a million dollars." I like those HH immediately.

It's still better than Toronto where 1 million buys you a tiny house built in the 1920's. There are lots of Property Brothers episodes featuring those homes.

One factor that contributed to the  fairly high price of the Rock the Block houses is the fact that they are one story homes.  That means bigger lots and that is a huge expense. Plus, one stories have bigger slabs and roofs, which are the most expensive components of the build.

Edited by 3 is enough
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1 hour ago, mojito said:

My problem with the pool, besides it being itty-bitty was that it was in the middle of the yard, limiting other things you can do there besides take a bath. Yes, I said take a bath. An uncovered pool that small in CA probably won't stay very cool and refreshing for very long in the summer. The thing should've come with a soap dish.

I am not sure about CA, but I live in Vegas, and despite temperatures well over 100 every day from mid-May to mid-September, the water temperature of our uncovered pool has never gone above 85.  I think it is due to the fact that there is constant evaporation, so there is a steady trickle of cool water into the pool.

I lived in Texas for a while, and our pool there did get lukewarm and was less than refreshing.

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2 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I lived in Texas for a while, and our pool there did get lukewarm and was less than refreshing

I can imagine—a lukewarm pool does not sound like fun. I have another friend—this one lives in Florida—whose outdoor pool gets bathwater hot in the summer. Gross. They can’t even use it. She says that’s why most Floridians with pools have glass enclosures around them. 

I like how much discussion this show is generating. The outcomes of the challenges might be rigged, but it’s nice to watch a flipping and designing show that has a different format from what I see week after week. 

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55 minutes ago, topanga said:

I like how much discussion this show is generating. The outcomes of the challenges might be rigged, but it’s nice to watch a flipping and designing show that has a different format from what I see week after week. 

I like that it shows how you can take a basic, builder grade house, and personalize it. Obviously, I wouldn’t take ALL of the ideas, but I really liked how Jasmine put the wood trim on the ceiling. Even Alison’s headboard idea, though not the stroke of genius she claimed it was, still is an easy idea that most homeowners could do. 

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2 hours ago, irisheyes said:

I like that it shows how you can take a basic, builder grade house, and personalize it. Obviously, I wouldn’t take ALL of the ideas, but I really liked how Jasmine put the wood trim on the ceiling. Even Alison’s headboard idea, though not the stroke of genius she claimed it was, still is an easy idea that most homeowners could do. 

I agree.  I think they should do another season of this show or something similar.  However, I would like to see designers that aren't "famous" yet - something similar to Design Star, but with tract homes.  I would love to see Eric & Lindsey from Desert Flippers, Ken & Anita from Flip or Flop Atlanta or Ben & Erin from Home Town evaluate their work instead of Tarek, etc.  

6 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I am not sure about CA, but I live in Vegas, and despite temperatures well over 100 every day from mid-May to mid-September, the water temperature of our uncovered pool has never gone above 85. 

Agree.  When I lived in LV, there were a few times I covered it in the summer and it got way too hot! Now that I live in the Midwest, I have to cover it every day otherwise, it's freezing!!  

I think Jasmine's pool would be considered a "splash pool." It's smaller and shallower.  Michael Phelps isn't going to train in it, but it's ideal for people who just want to cool off or have a small backyard or don't want to deal with the cost and upkeep of a larger pool. 

Edited by juliet73
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On 11/4/2019 at 11:30 PM, LittleIggy said:

I loved the look on Alison’s face when it was announced! Poor loser.

This is the third week of the show and every week, I dislike Alison more and more!

On 11/5/2019 at 9:28 AM, juliet73 said:

OMG, Alison is such a b!tch!  The look on her face when her room wasn't one of the top two contenders...priceless!! 

She knows that people will love her Chicago "look" even if it is definitely a look for a cold area.

On 11/5/2019 at 2:12 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

So Jasmine just calls the pool people up, and they come and put in a pool and fill it in a couple of days? 

Can a pool  be built in a week, even a teeny tiny bathtub sized one? They had to have used the entire 4 weeks(and I think that is pushing it) to do that pool. I am going to have to look again to figure out where all the pool equipment was(or maybe they drain it every night like a bathtub-just kidding!)😉

On 11/5/2019 at 2:12 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Nasty look on Alison's face when she 'lost' too.  

This cannot be said enough! She seems like she is cold and hard-hearted....not someone I would like to be around or have designed something for me!!!

I am hoping Mina wins! Overall she seems to have the fewest "cons" and the things that might not be liked are easily changed. You can add paint for color and her herringbone flooring is the best thing anyone has added. It encompasses the entire house and makes it looked cohesive. Of all the houses, I like hers best!

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I am not sure about CA, but I live in Vegas, and despite temperatures well over 100 every day from mid-May to mid-September, the water temperature of our uncovered pool has never gone above 85. 

Hopefully your pool is at least twice the size of Jasmine's. That little bit of water will heat up quickly.

@suebee12, I think Mina's floors are the best, too. Her home and Jasmine's will probably have more appeal to the masses, who may not appreciate expensive toilets, walls with no trim, and black (or dark) paint.

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I think Mina will win the whole thing.  She made some nice upgrades that will appeal to the average buyer, but nothing too outrageous that will cost big $$$ to change.

I'm on the fence about Jasmine's pool.  Here in Las Vegas, it is definitely a selling point- when you fly in you see just how many houses have pools. Having said that, there is upkeep, electricity to run the pump, and water to keep it topped up.  And unlike colder parts of the country, we don't shut it down for the winter so those expenses are year round. Also, since the equipment is running year round it has to be replaced more often.  We don't use ours as much as we did when our kids were still home, and if I had to do it again I probably would not get one.

California has a ton of rules and regulations.  I wonder if the buyers would have to put an enclosure around the pool for safety reasons.  That could be a significant expense, and not something people would necessarily want to have to do when purchasing a new turnkey home.

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The outdoor fireplace would have looked so much if it was double sided and maybe stacked stone. 

I was thinking the same thing about the need for a double sided fireplace. Her fireplace was so bulky and blocked the natural sunlight. 

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56 minutes ago, Jsage said:

I was thinking the same thing about the need for a double sided fireplace. Her fireplace was so bulky and blocked the natural sunlight. 

Then Alison had that stupid fake mantel stuck on the outside wall! 🙄

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I haven't seen a real spoiler about the ending, but my suspicion is that Mina won't win.   Her show has already been renewed I think, and she doesn't need the publicity.      I hope that when the four houses sell, that Mina's goes for the highest amount, because it's a livable, lovely space.    The few things I didn't like (the bathroom wallpaper, and mirrors) are easy to change.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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The dough bowl above the fireplace looked dumb. I love a good dough bowl (I have one from Pottery Barn) but it looked so dumb nailed to the wall above the fireplace. I wasn't really impressed with any of the backyards. They looked so empty.

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Allison is quite a pill, isn’t she? Every reality show needs a villain & I guess she’s all for it. Why anyone would want to be portrayed like that is beyond me though. I think they’re pointing to a Mina win. It doesn’t matter who wins each round it’s who’s house sells (projected to) the most right? Leanns house seems the most unrealistic for a family to buy. It’s so empty. Heck! she even got rid of the baseboards. LOL!!! Allison’s house is really has an east coast vibe. It’s not a horrible thing but it doesn’t scream out West. It comes down to Jasmine and Mina’s houses. I’m leaning more towards Mina but I’m okay with Jasmines, too. 

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20 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Allison is quite a pill, isn’t she? Every reality show needs a villain & I guess she’s all for it. Why anyone would want to be portrayed like that is beyond me though. I think they’re pointing to a Mina win. It doesn’t matter who wins each round it’s who’s house sells (projected to) the most right? Leanns house seems the most unrealistic for a family to buy. It’s so empty. Heck! she even got rid of the baseboards. LOL!!! Allison’s house is really has an east coast vibe. It’s not a horrible thing but it doesn’t scream out West. It comes down to Jasmine and Mina’s houses. I’m leaning more towards Mina but I’m okay with Jasmines, too. 

You wouldn’t want your kids to frolic in the pea gravel backyard or run around on concrete floors? 😏

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On 11/8/2019 at 5:21 PM, MaKaM said:

So has anyone figured out who the heck the two judges were? I've watched nearly every HGTV show (including the obnoxious Boise Boys) and couldn't place them.

3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Who were the judges this week?   I never heard of them or their show. 

I asked the same question. I even googled and it looked like the show was not 100 day something, but 90 day something and it isn't on the schedule.  

I found it very weird that they were judging.

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1 hour ago, SusanwatchingTV said:

I asked the same question. I even googled and it looked like the show was not 100 day something, but 90 day something and it isn't on the schedule.  

I found it very weird that they were judging.

Yeah, geez, they couldn't get the other property brother twin to show up for a round of judging? Even the wife of Drew (?) is more recognizable from being on the various twin shows. Hell, bring on the hot older brother. If they had the pair on to pimp their show, they really messed up by not even having it in the upcoming schedule or even having commercials on about it. They might as well have picked people off the street for all we know about this set of judges.

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1 hour ago, MaKaM said:

Yeah, geez, they couldn't get the other property brother twin to show up for a round of judging? Even the wife of Drew (?) is more recognizable from being on the various twin shows. Hell, bring on the hot older brother. If they had the pair on to pimp their show, they really messed up by not even having it in the upcoming schedule or even having commercials on about it. They might as well have picked people off the street for all we know about this set of judges.

Hilary or David from Love It or List It would have made more sense than that couple.

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58 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Hilary or David from Love It or List It would have made more sense than that couple.

I had no clue who these judges were. Were their names even mentioned? Hilary & David really would have been perfect for this type of show. Constructive criticism with a good dose of snark.

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Ignoring my irritation that this show is simply a weekly hour-long HGTV promo, I'm watching for Leanne and Mina, who are polarized opposites and whom I like. Leeanne is clearly the better designer, and Mina is basically a contractor who stages houses. I like that both are from "regular" cities (not LA or NYC).

Someone excavate a deep pit and let the loathsome Alison stumble into it. She can take the Magic Marker eyebrows and sourpuss attitude with her. Hopefully the code violations in Chicago will get her off our TVs.

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The realtor/builder judges from Fla evidently have a new show on HGTV--90 Day Dream House.    There is an episode online at HGTV under HGTV Sneak peaks.  It looks like it aired originally in April.   No idea when the show will start.


I also watched the interview show with Orlando--it was interesting-  Alison does TM?    Also glad to see that the partner on her show is not her boyfriend---they showed a pic of her with her real boyfriend and it is not that red haired guy.    Also liked hearing more about Leanne--she was in fashion before someone asked her to design their house.   She seems way more laid-back than I expected.   Orlando does a really good job with the interviews.

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She seems way more laid-back than I expected. 

In the forum for LeeAnne's own show, I speculated that she and her brother are stoned all of the time. However he occasionally stomps around when she expects him to execute her arty-farty ideas. I love what the two of them did for his own residence.

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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Ignoring my irritation that this show is simply a weekly hour-long HGTV promo, I'm watching for Leanne and Mina, who are polarized opposites and whom I like. Leeanne is clearly the better designer, and Mina is basically a contractor who stages houses. I like that both are from "regular" cities (not LA or NYC).

Someone excavate a deep pit and let the loathsome Alison stumble into it. She can take the Magic Marker eyebrows and sourpuss attitude with her. Hopefully the code violations in Chicago will get her off our TVs.

And her ombre hair. I am just hate-watching her. Watching her lose is the only fun thing at this point. She's sooo incredulous that they don't recognize her obvious superiority and brilliance, it's hysterical.

I love Mina, but she's just not cut out for this show. What flies in Indianapolis doesn't cut it in California. 

Leanne and her hippy-dippy head-cocked Diana Keaton smile, sheesh. And the white overalls with the upturned shirt-collar and black socks and shoes. *rolleyes*

I've never seen Jasmine's show but she's so needy she makes me nervous. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or is she always this way?

If AV wins, I will FLIP OUT in anger. 

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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

In the forum for LeeAnne's own show, I speculated that she and her brother are stoned all of the time. However he occasionally stomps around when she expects him to execute her arty-farty ideas. I love what the two of them did for his own residence.

The thing I liked about Leann was that she talked a lot about creativity, and not being afraid to fail---she said she tries not to take on projects with homeowners who expect something other than her aesthetic--that other people approach her, but she knows she would not be able to do the style that they want.   The quote I liked best from her was that she believes that you work to live--not live to work.   That you do your job to support having a good life.  I'm not sure what I expected, but a lot of things Leanne talked about were things I didn't know about her--and I've watched their little online family show as well as their regular one, so I thought I knew quite a bit about them.

Both Mina and Jasmine talked a lot about how driven they are--that they work all the time and don't have a lot of work/life balance, and it seemed like Leanne has that.  I think her brother Steve seems the same way--so maybe it is just how they were raised, but I do enjoy the fact that on most of their jobs they don't have a lot of drama-both of them seem to be that way.

Alison said she was driven and competitive but that she does take time to get completely away from her work--she definitely seems different--both from the persona she has on the shows and from the other 3 women.   She seemed to be more interested in talking about the big $ jobs she's done, etc.    

I felt like Mina and Jasmine, who are both GC's and who did not have formal design backgrounds before going into this kind of work--seemed more similar in their personalities--still working to build their business---Mina talked about the fact that a lot of her family now works in their business so she feels really responsible for making it work so they all have their jobs.   

I wish HGTV would pick up that Philly Revival show from DIY--I read an interview that they are on hold and don't know if they will be renewed because the networks are not sure yet what the new Magnolia network is going to be doing yet.  I feel like that designer would have been a good fit for this show and would have been more enjoyable to watch than Alison.    I am just not sure why they are so invested in her--between her personality and her business issues.

I just caught up with episodes and I have no idea who will win this show---none of the overall designs blew me away.   Some features in all of them are nice, but really I would not be able to pick one whole house that I think is the best.  I agree that Mina is out of her zone --she works with much more modest properties and budgets, and I think a lot of the decor stuff on her show must come from Karen--the staging/furnishing she's done seems to be really basic (which in the real world would probably be fine).   Her rooms have been ok--nothing wrong, but none of them have stood out for me.   Except for adding the pool, I feel the same about Jasmine's altho I think she has a better feel for California style.   

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Maybe they changed the name of the show from pilot to full show (whenever it airs) but they definitely called it 100 Day not 90 Day.

On rewatch, Jasmine paid $60 for hammocks but Leanne paid $200? Did they end up being different hammocks? Looked like the same ones from the same place... Jasmine as almost too good a bargain finder and ended up with too much in her space. Allison overpaid for everything.

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