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Josie and Kelton: They Have Employable Skills

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Josie made the first post (drew first blood 😂) they are on their way to breakfast with Trace, Lydia, Jackson, and his girlfriend (what is her name?).  Now it's Carlin's move, quick, find something fun to do and take as many reels as possible making sure everyone knows you are not missing out at all. 😝

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Josie using botox and fillers????....at her age? If she is doing "age defying" things with her dermatologist, (which I hope she isn't), what will she be doing in 10 years with herself? Some of those Bates daughters are so vain.

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7 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Josie using botox and fillers????....at her age? If she is doing "age defying" things with her dermatologist, (which I hope she isn't), what will she be doing in 10 years with herself? Some of those Bates daughters are so vain.

Insane as it is, it's pretty common nowadays. Josie's had an eye lift done as well, it's been a hot topic of discussion on the sub-Reddit. 

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Insane as it is, it's pretty common nowadays. Josie's had an eye lift done as well, it's been a hot topic of discussion on the sub-Reddit. 

Is there any proof she's had cosmetic surgery? 

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20 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Is there any proof she's had cosmetic surgery? 

It's definitely noticeable if you look at pictures of her before her wedding and now. Her eyes were really slanted and hooded, and now they're big and open, with lots of lid space. 

Before and After:Screenshot_20230122-180425_(1).png.3ed97669a1594a149937b8b45fc6ed37.pngScreenshot_20230122-180530_(1).png.513607d096f539ba7dd89fb19b2b577f.png


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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's definitely noticeable if you look at pictures of her before her wedding and now. Her eyes were really slanted and hooded, and now they're big and open, with lots of lid space. 

Before and After:Screenshot_20230122-180425_(1).png.3ed97669a1594a149937b8b45fc6ed37.pngScreenshot_20230122-180530_(1).png.513607d096f539ba7dd89fb19b2b577f.png


Still speculation, not proof. Not to mention that Josie makes abundant use of filters and Photoshop. 

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Today is Willow ski day. She’s so cute and ready to wipe out (kidding). Josie said Kelton taught her all his “tricks.” If Kelton is a competent skier it bodes well for the girls to learn and have yearly trips. 



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Josie posted a video of Willow skiing, with Kelton holding her. It's definitely not Kelton's first rodeo on the slopes.  He did say his back was burning this morning from the strain.  Willow had a good time and I really hope they keep it up with Hazel. I admire those who can ski, actually anyone who can do any winter sport. I'm hopelessly uncoordinated, plus I don't want to break something I may need later. 

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

The Balkas and T&L got stuck at I think Dallas airport overnight. They must’ve opted for a hotel because their post this morning was captioned “back to the airport.” 

I saw that. Willow was too freaking cute when she said the "plane doctors" were going to fix the mechanical issue. That's why I always take the first flight in the morning. If you run into any snags, you have a greater chance of being rebooked on a later connecting flight. It sounds like by the time they landed in Dallas, the last flights had already gone out. 

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Hannah Duggar (sinner twin’s wife) spent a few days with bestie Josie. I recall Hannah at a Bates wedding holding a Bates baby grandchild during the ceremony. I don’t think it was Josie’s wedding though. Has it ever come up before they are BFFs? Did Katie hurt Josie’s feelings and now Josie is firing back? Only half kidding. These Bates women are high maintenance. 😂

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I just watched Josie's reel. The way she said, "last project on this house" makes me think they might be getting it ready to sell.

I bet her house will be bigger and better than Carlin's. 🤣🏚️🏘️

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

I just watched Josie's reel. The way she said, "last project on this house" makes me think they might be getting it ready to sell.

I bet her house will be bigger and better than Carlin's. 🤣🏚️🏘️

Also just watched and had the same takeaway. 

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It definitely sounds like they're going to be upgrading in the near future. I think Kelton's business is booming. Someone on the sub-Reddit who lives in their area said she sees his billboards and trucks everywhere. Josie's mentioned teaching classes and doing lectures at the beauty school, so combining her various hustles, I think she brings in a tidy amount as well. 

With regards to Hannah, the friendship is so random, but I think they've known each other a while. I can't recall if there were pictures of them together at one of the cult conferences when they were younger or what, but I remember it being discussed on another forum.  

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Good for J&K if a bigger and better house is next for them. They delayed gratification, bought a house below their means to invest in their businesses. What a freaking concept. Now they are reaping the benefits of being financially responsible. 

Does anyone know if J&K shill a financial app like C&E and W&Z? 

What are C&E going to do with the house and affluence envy? Cut a CD? Sign up Layla with a modeling agency? The possibilities are endless. OK, not really, they are a one trick pony. 

Edited by SMama
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Josie has said before that when they moved in, they focused their renovations on the family room/open concept and the kitchen, but had to let other things go like the master bathroom bc at the time they were pouring money into their businesses. Imagine that - delayed gratification and living with things even if they aren't perfect.

I'm sure there is a bigger house in their plans, though I doubt they are buying right now; only because if they wanted to move in a few months, unless their master bath is a disaster, I doubt they'd sink money into it just before moving.

They have said before they want 5 kids. I'm pretty sure their current house is a 3 bed, so yeah I can see them upgrading. Not to mention they are actually both working hard and making money, so they seem like the rational types who'd gather some equity in this house, save up additional money to put down, and buy a bigger home. Imagine the jealousy from C&E - especially if they build a custom home. When he was still a student C&E were PANICKED about not having a house RIGHT THAT INSTANT in the hottest market ever, Evan was crowing about how he wanted to build a custom home and they were going to see McMansions under construction - AS A STUDENT.

C&E would def take it the hardest if Josie/Kelton got a new McMansion. After all K&T are already well to do; A&J already have a fairly sizeable home with a pool; Z&W got their house with the huge amount of land they wanted; and it appears that Erin/Tori/Michael have just accepted where they're at financially. C&E are the climbers always eye-ing others' homes, Teslas etc.

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Originally J & K said they wanted 5 kids but after Hazel they did say that they might have to rethink that. I expect they will try for another but if they have another complicated pregnancy/birth I can see them stopping the baby train, especially if they have a boy. Not a fan of Kelton but he does seem to adore his wife and after his mother died after childbirth I am pretty sure he would not want to repeat that experience.

I think that Kelton has a much more realistic grasp of financial matters than his Bates in-laws. While I tend to be dismissive of his alma mater, he did get a degree in business which appears to have served him well.

Can definitely see them upgrading to a larger home in the next few years.

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Kelton is not my favorite, but he seems to be involved in his kids lives as more than just props or photo opportunities. He seems to have a business plan and is successfully executing it. He and Josie as best we can tell, are hardworking and growing their businesses. 

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While I'm not a fan of K&J - something about his seems asshole-ish and she seems snotty, when it comes to business he definitely learned and executed on the idea of scaling up - i.e. invest as much $ as possible to hire as many guys as possible + buy as many trucks/equipment as you can + keep all those guys busy. Bc yeah then you're on the hook for salary for 20 other people, but you only pay them a % of amount the company charges for jobs, so the rest of it is $ in your pocket/reinvested in growing the co. more.

At one point was talking about scaling Josie's business too, which is what she's done. She works very few weddings herself now - I don't think it's even one weekend a month anymore. But she has other make up/hair people working for her, making her $ and she pays them a salary. More difficult for her to scale up than him though bc it is costly for someone to just say ok well I'll go out and buy my own trucks and equipment and set up my own plumbing co. so I can keep all the profit, whereas a makeup/hair person can do that with a $1000 worth of supplies. But hey her business brings in some $ even if she is prob constantly losing employees and hiring new grads from Crown.

Evan is too dumb/lazy to understand the same thing can be done in electrical too. But first you have to learn the trade and learn it well bc no one is hiring anyone who shows up at a job and says gee I saw this in school but IDK I've never worked on this kind of problem before. Kelton did that learning through high school and college as he apparently spent all his down time working in his uncle's plumbing co, getting the trade license etc. Evan isn't willing to put in that 5+ yrs to get real experience and then another 2-3 yrs of starting a company and busting ass until it's big enough that other guys go out on jobs and $ comes to you. He's the moron who'd think he could start a company today with no hands on experience and people would still hire him even if he didn't understand what to do.

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Josie and Kelton not only put in the time to learn their trade, they put in the time to actually work in their businesses. They avoided the worst mistake that so many make that is  to start a buiness and sit back and hire managers to run the busness while they goof off. Josie and Kelton are head and shoulders above the rest of the Bates when it come to running a business and managing to have a happy family. 

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I'm no fan of their beliefs and I think Kelton is a strange bird in some ways, but they seem to be the only ones in this family with some maturity and brains.  I suspect that grates on some of the other siblings because they know on some level that these two are outperforming everyone else in the family.  Josie does still have that mean girl silliness with her latest bestie Lydia, but she does seem to be putting in the work and delaying gratification where she should.  I genuinely hope they stick to their plans and don't disappoint us like Zach quitting a job with benefits or Evan throwing away five years of training to be a lazy grifter.  I also notice that Josie has stayed far away from the boutique drama even though she could have potentially tied her barrette business in with it.

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Josie's barrette business, and likely her wedding service business, were built on her fame. Everything the barrette business sells can be bought on Amazon or in a dollar store. Once her fame is gone, I'm going to guess her businesses will be gone too.

Kelton on the other hand has the potential to keep the business he built going for years and years to come. That doesn't mean though, they will always have the money they have now. Owning a business does not mean being rich. Owners of most mom & pop businesses take home average to slightly above average pay.

The overhead on Kelton's business is likely huge - vans, van maintenance, gas, auto insurance, inspections, renewals, liability insurance, his warehouse, rent/mortgage, utilities, supplies, payroll, payroll taxes, license fees, etc. So I doubt Kelton will ever be in a position where his employees are doing all the work and he's sitting home spending all the money. 

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Josie's barrette business, and likely her wedding service business, were built on her fame. Everything the barrette business sells can be bought on Amazon or in a dollar store. Once her fame is gone, I'm going to guess her businesses will be gone too.

Kelton on the other hand has the potential to keep the business he built going for years and years to come. That doesn't mean though, they will always have the money they have now. Owning a business does not mean being rich. Owners of most mom & pop businesses take home average to slightly above average pay.

The overhead on Kelton's business is likely huge - vans, van maintenance, gas, auto insurance, inspections, renewals, liability insurance, his warehouse, rent/mortgage, utilities, supplies, payroll, payroll taxes, license fees, etc. So I doubt Kelton will ever be in a position where his employees are doing all the work and he's sitting home spending all the money. 

I'd argue that Josie's businesses are also built on her looks. I don't want to be even more snarky than usual, but here goes -- if she gets to a point where she looks like some of the older fundie women, or where she has too many kids to devote as much time to her appearance, interest in her might tail off quickly. 

Not to mention there will always be a newer "reality" "star" to hog all the attention. 


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7 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

Josie is doing an unboxing in her current IG story. The dress she’s trying on looks just like something BSB might sell, only she didn’t get it from them. 😁

Josie: 🧨🔥

Carlin: 🚒🧯

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Josie's businesses are definitely going to fizzle. I'd venture to guess the barrette business already has for the same reasons as BSB - people buy that crap cheap from Amazon and Walmart and given food/gas inflation, people are cutting back on unneeded shopping.

As for the wedding hair/makeup business, reality is if you're going to work in anything wedding related + have kids, you need a super supportive spouse and while I think Kelton is a more hands on dad than most fundie types [cooks; reads to the girls etc.], he seemed annoyed and was complaining a few yrs ago with only 1 kid when Josie had 3-4 weddings a month. I think he's fine grilling up some steak and playing with the kids for a few hours on the weekends, but when it comes to nap time, potty time, entertaining 2 kids for 8 hrs -- he seems like he has the attitude of "uh I have a wife for those things."

I mean now Josie barely works 1 wedding/month and often it'll be some random wedding on a Friday -- i.e. Kelton isn't bothered bc he's at work and Josie gives the kids to Michael. Reality is makeup/hair is not a capital intensive business like Kelton's, so people can take biz out of Josie's hands easily. Right now Josie's employees are getting the bride and all her bridesmaids ready at each wedding and in doing so are chatting it up and learning that 2 ladies in the bridal party are engaged with weddings this yr. Great so chat it up with those 2 engaged gals, do a great job on their hair, tell them to call you directly for a better price for their own wedding hair and slip them a number -- and bam your employees now have their own clients and all they need in terms of equipment is make up, curling irons etc.

But this probably works out the way K&J want. Sure she has a business - it brought in a decent $ at first when they needed it bc Kelton was starting a business, they had just bought a house. Then she'll lean out, focus on mom life and producing kids 3-5, and her business brings in something but not tons and meanwhile Kelton's own biz has grown.

Whether Kelton ends up rich or not is anyone's guess - some skilled trade co owners are rich, some are middle/upper middle class. It'll depend on a lot of factors - as at any time 3 more young guys in town could start companies like his and split the market as Knox isn't a huge city. Yet still they will be middle/upper middle class with consistent effort, seem to have a good understanding of saving/delaying gratification, and don't seem to spend insanely whether it's on dining out, non stop vacationing, furniture, or Teslas -- so that is LIGHT YEARS ahead of how Josie grew up and how many of her siblings are doing things.

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Josie’s business has outgrown their current location and they are moving to a larger space. She seems very excited in her story and will be practically next door to Kelton’s business. 

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9 minutes ago, SMama said:

Josie’s business has outgrown their current location and they are moving to a larger space. She seems very excited in her story and will be practically next door to Kelton’s business. 

Which business does she have an actual brick & mortar space for? I had thought her businesses were on-site (the wedding hair and makeup) or online only (the barrettes).

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I agree about Josie's employees possibly undercutting her since they are the ones actually doing the work.  So, if I'm an engaged bridesmaid and really like the hair and makeup the stylist working on me did, I am more likely to work directly with them than to reach out to Josie and get whoever is available for my wedding.

As for Kelton, anyone can start up a plumbing business, but not everyone can do a good job for a fair price.  If I need plumbing help, I am going to go on reputation and Kelton has worked hard to build his.  I had a leak that needed to be fixed and I went with a long-standing plumber who knew what they were doing.  I wasn't going to go with someone who just tried to undercut on price because getting what you pay for when fixing plumbing is not a great outcome.  My guess is that unless something goes wrong for Kelton, he should be able to fend off competition for the most part.  No, he won't get super rich, but he won't be living off love offerings either.  It seemed that his father was pretty solidly middle class, so Kelton may just want to get to and stay at that point and be content.

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30 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Which business does she have an actual brick & mortar space for? I had thought her businesses were on-site (the wedding hair and makeup) or online only (the barrettes).

Stock 'warehouse' for storing, packing and mailing the barrettes, etc.

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27 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Which business does she have an actual brick & mortar space for? I had thought her businesses were on-site (the wedding hair and makeup) or online only (the barrettes).

She said it has not yet been a year since she moved her business, most likely hair accessories and jewelry to a brick and mortar. I have no idea where or the size. I do recall Kelton helping her set up shelves and boxing/shipping space. It’s just funny there’s discussion about the possibility or not of expanding, and boom we get this update. FWIW she’s absolutely thrilled, whatever she is doing. 

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Just now, SMama said:

She said it has not yet been a year since she moved her business, most likely hair accessories and jewelry to a brick and mortar. I have no idea where or the size. I do recall Kelton helping her set up shelves and boxing/shipping space. It’s just funny there’s discussion about the possibility or not of expanding, and boom we get this update. FWIW she’s absolutely thrilled, whatever she is doing. 

Josie is thrilled about everything: I'm soooo excited! The BIGGEST news! You guys will not BELIEVE this!

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Just now, Salacious Kitty said:

How much space do you need for barrettes and other hair pieces? Even the packing material wouldn't tame up much space, maybe a spare bedroom would work.

IIRC Josie borrowed one of Kelton’s trucks to haul a shipment to the warehouse. It stuck with me because Josie had to call Kelton for help on how to get the truck into certain gears. It’s a good size truck and I think she said she made two trips. 🤷‍♀️ 

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40 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

How much space do you need for barrettes and other hair pieces? Even the packing material wouldn't tame up much space, maybe a spare bedroom would work.

The space they were in looked a lot like a spare bedroom. In fact I thought it was until Josie mentioned driving to it. This holiday season Josie showed a reel of her staff getting stuff ready to ship it looked like maybe they split a 12 x 12 room in half. Half a storage closet, half a 'shipping' area. At the time they inventory area was not completely filled.

Maybe she's going for a BSB look, with a quasi store front. I can't imagine other than the holiday season, when they did look a little cramped getting packages ready to ship, that they would need all that much room. But Josie is very bougie.

I'm sure Kelton's trucks aren't empty, so I'm not sure how much empty space they have in them to move them to one place to another. More than an SUV with seats, but likely not as much as a pick-up truck.

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I'd never looked at Josie's store before and what thought I'd given it was that it would be something at least a bit unusual or offer some custom work.  Not so.  I'm very disappointed as it is truly Walmart or Target type items.

I made custom scrunchies for my daughters growing up along with custom barrettes.  It isn't hard and it was so nice for things to match exactly.  

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She's also selling that hair curling device. However, people are posting that what they received is Mich smaller than the one Josie uses. She says the large one isn't in stock yet. People replied to the effect of, why aren't you selling the one you're using? There's no size differential noted. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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Josie and the girls took lunch to Kelton. What is fundie’s obsession with Chick-fil-A? Weird. Anyway, Willow and Hazel are Kelton clones. I keep trying to find Josie’s features, but other than the blond hair I have nothing. 

Thanks for the screenshots about Josie’s merchandise vs others. My go to would be Amazon, unless I had an affiliation with a small business. Guess hair accessories are money makers. 

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Anybody want to make a bet that BSB feels the need to "expand to a bigger space" very soon? 

Bougie is right -- not just for Josie. 

I do give Kelton credit for working hard as a plumber. That's not easy, or often pleasant, work. My aunt was a plumber in the Air Force for eight years. She said she learned quickly not to put her fingers in her mouth. 🤮 (She became a nurse after she left the military, and still didn't put her fingers in her mouth.) 

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23 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Anybody want to make a bet that BSB feels the need to "expand to a bigger space" very soon? 

Bougie is right -- not just for Josie. 

I do give Kelton credit for working hard as a plumber. That's not easy, or often pleasant, work. My aunt was a plumber in the Air Force for eight years. She said she learned quickly not to put her fingers in her mouth. 🤮 (She became a nurse after she left the military, and still didn't put her fingers in her mouth.) 

A plumber/nurse, your aunt can take care of almost anything with those skills. I bet she’s very popular. 

On topic, I hope Kelton keeps his fingers out of his mouth, and changes his clothes as soon as he gets home. 

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3 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I had no idea she had so much inventory. How well can she do selling overpriced hair ornaments when you can get them so much cheaper on Amazon?

I think it's like any other celebrity business. Fans will buy, even if the same product can be found cheaper elsewhere. Josie's followers want to identify with the young, hot, impossibly skinny Christian mom, so they dish out $40 for a heatless hair curler that could be purchased off of Amazon for $10. The only problem, as noted above, is that it's extremely hard to keep things going once you age out of your fanbase and your appeal dwindles. As far as her expansion, who knows. She could be making a killing or she could've lucked out in finding a cheap rental and nabbed it. 

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