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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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25 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Does Michelle actively list properties and show them? I had an inkling that Michelle is the listing agent for properties that Boob or their LLCs list and she gets part of the commission when it sells. That's a pretty good game they have going on there.

This family claims that women aren't allowed to 'work outside of the home' in a traditional job, yet Michelle has real estate listings???? What misleading liars they are.

only Jim Bob and Joseph are listed with a current license in arkansas.

A guy named Tom Joseph markets most of their properties. -including a new build house on property owned by Jason Duggar.

to stay on topic - the fundies with TV shows certainly have more money.  the flying lessons and the private planes with sons who have pilot's licenses who seem to have nothing more to do just fly them around for photo ops and vacations

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22 hours ago, floridamom said:

Does Michelle actively list properties and show them? I had an inkling that Michelle is the listing agent for properties that Boob or their LLCs list and she gets part of the commission when it sells. That's a pretty good game they have going on there.

This family claims that women aren't allowed to 'work outside of the home' in a traditional job, yet Michelle has real estate listings???? What misleading liars they are.

Their excuse and that of the Bates too (usually) is that the woman supports the man's efforts and the man supports the family spiritually and financially. Therefore, if Jim Bob has his license then Michelle has hers to be of assistance to him. They wouldn't do something where Michelle had her own business and Jim Bob had his own that was different. 

The Bates girls seem to be a little more free in that line of thought. However, they still emphasize that their outside jobs not interfere with their child raising, housekeeping duties overall. As their families grow in size, I'm sure their outside projects will shrink. 

Most of us have to balance home and outside work to make things happen. It's the way life works. After I adopted my oldest daughter I was given the opportunity to present at a national conference with one of my heroes presenting after me. I agonized over that and ultimately chose to do the conference while my parents cared for my daughter. I felt guilty and sick about it, but I knew this wasn't an opportunity that would happen again. I don't regret it and don't see any issues arising from it now.

I can't imagine that I would even have such a choice as a Bates or Duggar girl.  

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Carlin posted an Instagram story today showing Evan and Layla lying on a bench at a store while she shopped for clothes.  What the hell is wrong with these people?  Let's take the baby with a pre-existing condition out to a store during a pandemic.  What could possibly go wrong?

ETA: Tennessee had a record number of positive cases yesterday.

And of course, Evan had no mask.

Edited by 3 is enough
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Do people do baby showers for second babies? We don't around here, other than a baby gift when you get to meet the kid. If the kid comes a decade after the last, yea we have done one then because they don't have baby things anymore. In fact not having a shower for a second baby is why my step-monster wouldn't speak to me again when we didn't have one for my baby brother. Ha, jokes on her, he won't even speak to her anymore.

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15 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Carlin posted an Instagram story today showing Evan and Layla lying on a bench at a store while she shopped for clothes.  What the hell is wrong with these people?  Let's take the baby with a pre-existing condition out to a store during a pandemic.  What could possibly go wrong?

ETA: Tennessee had a record number of positive cases yesterday.

And of course, Evan had no mask.

Layla's parents' behavior during this pandemic has been appalling. Many of the Bates really but AFAIK E&C are the only ones with a baby with a heart condition. I'm really trying not to judge what people are doing bc we all live in different places that were affected differently, personal risk tolerances differ. But IDK anyone who'd say that it's ok to have a high risk tolerance when you have a 4(?) mo old WITH A HEART CONDITION!?!

C posted that dumb IG to brag about how HER MAN is SUCH a hard worker that he only slept 4 hrs the night before and STILL met his wife and baby girl out for shopping after work. Cue pic of Evan lying down on those benches they have near the fitting rooms of what I think was an Old Navy with Layla lying on top of him. Ok gross enough to lie down on those yourself even in regular times  -- people put their feet up on them to try on shoes; ppl pile their shopping bags and purses that they may have put on the floor 2 seconds prior on them. But whatever he's a grown man, but to have his baby with a HEART CONDITION on him while he's lying down on a public bench??

Though I guess that's still better than last week's Stew Crew or Stew Fam or whatever the eff they call themselves video. They start off going to church -- a mega church we've seen before so I think some of the siblings have gotten married in that one -- one of those typical 2 tier southern churches that is like a high school auditorium. Didn't see the baby so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they left her with Michaela who lives 5 min up the road. I was too charitable too soon bc then they go on later in the video about how they have CHOIR practice at night and it's the minister's wife bday so there's a little church party so they're back WITH THE BABY. 

I assume that church thinks it's social distancing -- bc there seemed to be some space btwn Carlin and the next singer, but like 1 chair's worth of distance, no where near 6 ft. And then cue them eating cupcakes -- or resisting cupcakes bc the theme of the video was Keto -- from a communal buffet in the church lobby. And THEN they go out to dinner with the minister/his wife and a few other friends from church at Waffle House -- which I can't imagine has an outdoor dining thing going on!? I mean I guess they've missed the memos that one of the first super spreader events in Wash State was a church choir -- on the theory that people are projecting voices indoors and then that gets carried around the entire room; and indoor restaurants with a dozen or even half dozen others!?

And then today Kelly is posting pics with all the grandbabies bc apparently G&K had them all over a few days ago -- bc Law was posting videos carrying them around. And there's Layla with all the other kids!? I know they're saying this isn't as big a deal for kids etc. BUT they're also saying that for cardiac conditions they just don't know yet in terms of cardiac effects beyond just a fever or whatever. 

I mean many/most of the Bates seem like they've decided the pandemic is over and that it never really even happened -- though I've heard that's the view in Tenn generally, maybe outside of the big cities like Nashville. I mean Josie bragged about her man taking them on an ice cream date last night -- cue sitting indoors in a fro yo shop where you serve yourself from the machines and then help yourself to communal topping touched by 8000 other ppl (though maybe the biz isn't self serve anymore - though in rural Tenn who knows); but do you REALLY need to sit indoors and have daddy and daughter sharing a spoon and coo about how cute it is?? But then maybe it's fine for Josie's kid, but does that make it fine for E&C's kid?

And they really need to get together with John and Abbie? NW Arkansas also has a growing number of cases -- should anyone be traveling to/from there??

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It's not Carlin and Evan's stupidity that gets to me. We all know stupid people. We know people who cannot grasp even the most basic of concepts. 

The problem with these two is their blatant disregard for anything that doesn't "look cute." Carlin and Evan to some extent consistently refer to Layla and other babies and children as being cute. It is as though they can't fathom that a child might be smart, humorous, talented, etc. Yes, Layla is a baby and probably won't show any signs of talent, etc. However, how about coming up with some adjectives that describe her that aren't based on being cute? When my goddaughter was Layla's age, I was impressed with how well she gripped things and how she already had favorites. I called her smart because I saw her that way. The way they talk about Layla and their lives just continues to perpetuate the idea that they are simply playing house. 

They go out of their way to remain uninformed and ignorant to the world around them. I guess that makes them happier to be that unaware. It would drive me crazy. Carlin bucked the trend in the family and actually graduated from an accredited school - albeit one with a horrible doctrine and history of discrimination. She behaves as though she's never picked up a book in her life. 

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Knowledge isn't valued by the parents. Faith is the only thing they value even though they themselves went to college. Guess all that "learning" stuff went right over their heads and they handed their kids a bunch of crap which didn't prepare them for life at all. I know people with faith and they are fabulous people who value their faith and getting a good education. These people are not those.

Zach is the only one who has learned and he did it all on his own evidently. 

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They view babies/kids as props to bestow status in their fundie society. A baby is a prop to be dressed up looking cute and carried around like a sack of potatoes the way that others carry around Versace bags or wear Louboutins. A baby is status in a society where you need to show the world -- you got a man to marry you, he can get it up, and you can carry a pregnancy and push.

I mean I don't think they even want their kids to be smart esp the girls. With the babies like Carlin and Josie's (sorry can't remember all the baby names), it's hard to know what they're really like. But we've seen time and time again when these people do birthday messages to their kids (or on the show "birthday praises" given verbally) -- it's always this person loves the Lord, wants to love the Lord more/spread the gospel, or is sooo helpful. And for a girl child -- she had better be helpful. I mean it'd be one thing if G&K did this bc with 19 kids, they don't know them individually (they're slightly better than the Duggars but that doesn't say much). But we've def seen Erin, Alyssa, John, and Whit say these kinds of things -- like they'll go on about how their 2 yr old or 5 yr old daughter is soooo helpful at home and loves to do housework . . . . Like a little girl could have no other interests besides helping mommy fold laundry and clean up her brother's toys.

But honestly they don't even want a smart (or witty or whatever) girl. What would they do with that? How would she catch a husband? They 100% believe you NEED to be dumb to flatter a man and then he falls in love with you. I mean remember the show Carlin put on when she and Evan and Gil went to go get the marriage license. OMG Evan you KNOW your social security # -- ALL of it -- OMG I could NEVER do that, it's soooo long, you're soooo smart. And dad wait your full name isn't GIL and mom wasn't born in Knox, OMG I didn't know that -- wait Evan you know your dad's name AND where your parents were born -- OMG you're a genius . . . . And then even at the wedding Gil goes on about how Carlin should praise Evan, it works for every guy -- tell him how smart he is and how hard working he is and he'll turn into super man. Basically you women are just here to suck the man's dick. I mean what on earth would they do if Layla or Allie or whoever wanted to be a dr or an engineer -- who would marry that?!


Edited by cereality
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19 hours ago, cereality said:

They view babies/kids as props to bestow status in their fundie society. A baby is a prop to be dressed up looking cute and carried around like a sack of potatoes the way that others carry around Versace bags or wear Louboutins. A baby is status in a society where you need to show the world -- you got a man to marry you, he can get it up, and you can carry a pregnancy and push.

I mean I don't think they even want their kids to be smart esp the girls. With the babies like Carlin and Josie's (sorry can't remember all the baby names), it's hard to know what they're really like. But we've seen time and time again when these people do birthday messages to their kids (or on the show "birthday praises" given verbally) -- it's always this person loves the Lord, wants to love the Lord more/spread the gospel, or is sooo helpful. And for a girl child -- she had better be helpful. I mean it'd be one thing if G&K did this bc with 19 kids, they don't know them individually (they're slightly better than the Duggars but that doesn't say much). But we've def seen Erin, Alyssa, John, and Whit say these kinds of things -- like they'll go on about how their 2 yr old or 5 yr old daughter is soooo helpful at home and loves to do housework . . . . Like a little girl could have no other interests besides helping mommy fold laundry and clean up her brother's toys.

But honestly they don't even want a smart (or witty or whatever) girl. What would they do with that? How would she catch a husband? They 100% believe you NEED to be dumb to flatter a man and then he falls in love with you. I mean remember the show Carlin put on when she and Evan and Gil went to go get the marriage license. OMG Evan you KNOW your social security # -- ALL of it -- OMG I could NEVER do that, it's soooo long, you're soooo smart. And dad wait your full name isn't GIL and mom wasn't born in Knox, OMG I didn't know that -- wait Evan you know your dad's name AND where your parents were born -- OMG you're a genius . . . . And then even at the wedding Gil goes on about how Carlin should praise Evan, it works for every guy -- tell him how smart he is and how hard working he is and he'll turn into super man. Basically you women are just here to suck the man's dick. I mean what on earth would they do if Layla or Allie or whoever wanted to be a dr or an engineer -- who would marry that?!


Absolutely. On Callie's last birthday her message on social media from Gil was that she would be a good mom someday. The child actually has talent with the piano from what we saw on that one episode. Yet they have already started grooming her for her role as wife and mother. This season she was asked by the producer why everyone gives Lawson a hard time about being single and she said essentially that it was odd for him to be single at his age. Those aren't her own thoughts. She has been fed them over and over again by her parents and siblings. It's sad to me. They suck the potential right out of any of them to make them the perfect wives and husbands to carry on the family brand. 

It's sad to me that someone like Carlin seems to have only gotten the positive attention she craved from her parents when she found a man. Kelly Jo only seems to realize she had individual children and not just this nebulous 19 when they get married or have a baby. I saw the re-run episode the other morning where Kelly Jo and Whitney threw Carlin a party for graduating college. Mind you it was a thrown together after thought because her wedding was only two or whatever weeks away. Even it was thwarted for the gender reveal and pregnancy announcement for Whitney. No wonder Carlin is such an insufferable attention seeker. She and her siblings are ignored unless it is some occasion where Gil and Kelly Jo can rule the roost as the parents of 19. 

All of the girls are herded into Crown College with the only opportunities whatever Crown has on the roster. Want to be a doctor? An engineer? A lawyer? An actual teacher in public schools or accredited private schools? An accountant? Too bad. What about cosmetology, music ministry, or biblical education? Carlin left Crown for Liberty, but it wasn't as if she did it to actually do anything with her life. She did it so that she was more available at home and had an easier time of it with her traveling (read: filming) that was interfering with class time. 


1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

It's really just a matter of time...

Yes. With so many in the family--both Duggar and Bates, the odds are good that at least one of them may contract Covid-19.  If I were Carlin and my baby with a heart defect contracted the virus, I'd never ever forgive myself.  That baby should be home every day.  No reason for her to get out of the the house at all, unless for a doctor's appt. or something like that.  These 2 could give up trips and vacations for the sake of their child.  Everyone else is.  My husband and I celebrate our 30 year anniversary this year.  We planned a great vacation, but instead we're having a change of plans and postponing until next year.  My husband and I try to avoid being selfish douchebags as much as possible.  

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4 hours ago, zenme said:

My husband and I celebrate our 30 year anniversary this year.  We planned a great vacation, but instead we're having a change of plans and postponing until next year.  My husband and I try to avoid being selfish douchebags as much as possible.  

I hear you! Our 40th is next month.  We had talked about a big trip too, but that's not happening now.  If things calm down enough MAYBE we will go out for dinner.  Or not.  We will see.

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13 hours ago, zenme said:

Yes. With so many in the family--both Duggar and Bates, the odds are good that at least one of them may contract Covid-19.  If I were Carlin and my baby with a heart defect contracted the virus, I'd never ever forgive myself.  That baby should be home every day.  No reason for her to get out of the the house at all, unless for a doctor's appt. or something like that.  These 2 could give up trips and vacations for the sake of their child.  Everyone else is.  My husband and I celebrate our 30 year anniversary this year.  We planned a great vacation, but instead we're having a change of plans and postponing until next year.  My husband and I try to avoid being selfish douchebags as much as possible.  


8 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I hear you! Our 40th is next month.  We had talked about a big trip too, but that's not happening now.  If things calm down enough MAYBE we will go out for dinner.  Or not.  We will see.

My brother's and sister-in-law's 20th anniversary was a week after they closed down everything. No going out to dinner or movies or a game or flowers. But unlike Kelton and Carlin they understood the last thing they wanted to do was go out and risk getting sick or getting their son sick. So they picked up takeout and stayed home watching Netflix. 

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Yikes — as much as I snark on them I’m glad it was negative. His exposure couldn’t be helped. He’s an electrician apprentice — if his program has decided it’s business as usual then he needs to go to work to provide. But after it turned out negative you’d think it’d put enough fear in them to lay low and stay home - not bc it’s required but bc why take the risks of car shopping or flying to Arkansas or being around another family including staying in their home all weekend when I’m fairly certain Austin has also been working outside the home as a contractor so he’s also having some interaction w people.

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7 hours ago, cereality said:

Yikes — as much as I snark on them I’m glad it was negative. His exposure couldn’t be helped. He’s an electrician apprentice — if his program has decided it’s business as usual then he needs to go to work to provide. But after it turned out negative you’d think it’d put enough fear in them to lay low and stay home - not bc it’s required but bc why take the risks of car shopping or flying to Arkansas or being around another family including staying in their home all weekend when I’m fairly certain Austin has also been working outside the home as a contractor so he’s also having some interaction w people.

They will assume he is immune and therefore the rest of them will be too. Idiots. 

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So I watched the video and I am confused.  Evan said he was sent home from work and could not go back for 14 days.  He went out and got tested immediately, and found out 2 or 3 days later that he was negative.  But there is a 14 day incubation period, so shouldn't he have stayed home for the full amount of time, because, conceivably, he could still test positive at any time within the 14 day window?  

I asked my daughter, who is an infectious diseases doctor, about this and she said I was correct.  So unless they misrepresented the timeline they had NO BUSINESS leaving home before the 14 day period was up. Getting a negative test on day one does not guarantee that you will not test positive before the 14 day incubation period is up.

So not only did they leave quarantine, they took a baby with health issues on a commercial flight to another state and visited a pregnant friend.  There were no masks or social distancing going on when they were with Joy and Austin. 

The stupidity and total lack of awareness is just mind boggling.  

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14 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

So I watched the video and I am confused.  Evan said he was sent home from work and could not go back for 14 days.  He went out and got tested immediately, and found out 2 or 3 days later that he was negative.  But there is a 14 day incubation period, so shouldn't he have stayed home for the full amount of time, because, conceivably, he could still test positive at any time within the 14 day window?  

I asked my daughter, who is an infectious diseases doctor, about this and she said I was correct.  So unless they misrepresented the timeline they had NO BUSINESS leaving home before the 14 day period was up. Getting a negative test on day one does not guarantee that you will not test positive before the 14 day incubation period is up.

So not only did they leave quarantine, they took a baby with health issues on a commercial flight to another state and visited a pregnant friend.  There were no masks or social distancing going on when they were with Joy and Austin. 

The stupidity and total lack of awareness is just mind boggling.  

I was actually wondering about work bc he said while seated in the car before the test that he was off for 14 days -- no matter how the test went; so I wondered why he couldn't go back as soon as it was negative. I assume work (and the guideline writers which are ppl like your MD daughter) did NOT mean for that time to be used as a vacation. I wonder if they even told J&A before arriving or if it came up incidentally during the weekend. And forgetting the test even -- OMG is it necessary to get on a commercial flight right now?? With your baby who is higher risk?? And IDK if social distancing with J&A would even mean anything given that they stayed in the same house with them; but yeah Friday night there were pics of all 4 of them cozied up on the same couch watching a movie, lots of Joy and Carlin hugging pics etc. so yeah they weren't even trying to maintain some space.

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I am assuming that Evan's workplace is following established guidelines for when an employee tests positive.

 A co-worker (let's call him Tom) tested positive.  Everyone who came into contact with Tom was told to stay off work for 14 days and get tested. The one detail missing is how long it had been since Evan had had contact with Tom. If Tom had been working with Evan the day before he tested positive, and Evan turned around and got tested immediately, then Evan's negative result may have been premature, because the 14 day incubation period after his exposure was just beginning. However, if Evan had not been in contact with Tom for a week or more, then he was well into the incubation period and his negative test would be more definitive.

I hope that makes sense.  At the end of the day, if he was told to stay home from work for 14 days, then they should have stayed home for 14 days.

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A colleague who works in a similar industry as I do was exposed to a co-worker with COVID-19 four days before the person tested positive. She was told to stay home for two weeks and be tested in that time. She tested negative and then a week later tested positive. During that time she had no symptoms. She's had a horrible time of it with her breathing and pain in her limbs. Even now (months later) she is still having issues. 

I get that they want to see their friends and family. I've struggled with the loneliness of not being able to hug my mother who was going through chemo this spring. When she had a medical emergency I was going nuts trying to keep it together. She was alone at the hospital and in the ICU. My father wasn't allowed inside and neither was I. Another friend's father fell and broke his hip. He too was taken to the hospital alone and died during surgery. She never got to see him or say goodbye. 

I just cannot fathom that it was smart or safe to take off to see a very pregnant friend and her family during this time. I don't know if I could live with being someone who spread this to someone else (not that I have it) and cause them issues or even death. 

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@RebeccatheWriter:  You managed to make the point more eloquently than I could.  

I asked my daughter and she said that people can definitely test positive before they have symptoms but testing positive a day after being exposed is possible but not probable.  Even if you test negative at the beginning of the 14 day period there is a chance you could be positive before the 14 days are up.  If I was Evan I definitely would have had a second test, just to be sure I was in the clear.

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At this point they have to be telling people, no? J&A maybe not -- it had just happened, so I can see them being the types who casually mention it once they arrive and are sitting down to dinner with J&A. But now having returned from there and calling up his parents and saying hey we're coming to Nashville, I'd imagine his parents would say -- sure but how come you're coming on a Tuesday, don't you have to work this week? At which point I imagine they're saying -- oh E's work said don't come back for 14 days so party-time. At that point you'd think some of the people who he's wanting to visit would give him some side eye and bow out. Maybe not his parents -- I feel like parents (even normal ones who believe in science which his fundie parents may not) end up in tough situations because they don't want to tell their baby not to come; his brother probably doesn't get a choice because he lives in his parents' home I think. But the sister and BIL they could easily just not stop by, not go golfing with them etc. and could be pretty clear about -- glad mom and dad want you to visit, but we're still social distancing and not going to public venues like Topgolf. At this point I think LOTS of people have moved on, whether it makes sense or not.

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15 hours ago, cereality said:

And they’re back in Nashville. Chilling at Topgolf with his parents, brother, sister and BIL complete w Layla crawling on the Topgolf grass/turf.

Awesome. The downtown area has the highest concentration of Covid cases in the Nashville metro area right now, and Nashville is also under a mask mandate. Of course, we have a big concentration of "Mah rights!" people who are ignoring the mandate. I'm assuming no masks were worn?

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2 hours ago, Turquoise said:

Awesome. The downtown area has the highest concentration of Covid cases in the Nashville metro area right now, and Nashville is also under a mask mandate. Of course, we have a big concentration of "Mah rights!" people who are ignoring the mandate. I'm assuming no masks were worn?

No masks at Topgolf for anyone in their party. His brother seemed to have like a gaiter around his neck but it was around his neck not on his face. The parties at the neighboring tees also weren't masked (though looks like maybe the company is social distancing bc they weren't RIGHT next to another party). But there were def masked people in the background -- I assume they were mostly Topgolf employees. I know everyone has different views on this but IDK a Topgolf type of place where you're using communal golf clubs that have been used by others wouldn't be high on my list. I'm sure the employees are wiping them down but still IDK all it takes is a slight mix up where some employee thinks someone else wiped down those clubs or oh I don't think anyone has used these ones in weeks, they're fine and now you're handling something just touched by others and in between hits you're touching hand to mouth as most people who go there order food and eat while they aren't hitting.

I just looked it up -- the only Topgolf in Tenn is IN Nashville; so clearly they went into the metro area, close to the touristy parts of town for entertainment. And looking at their website it says that guests are required to wear a mask in the venue. Guess it isn't being enforced so the Stewarts took advantage.

Edited by cereality

Now they have an Instagram story up that makes it look like he just got tested today.  I guess they aren't getting enough clicks.  

I watched the video Joy put up about the weekend.  Carlin and Evan did not bring Layla.  They were going to buy a car in Arkansas so I guess they drove back.  I assume they flew out of Nashville and left Layla with his parents.  They drove back to Nashville to pick up the baby, which explains the Top Golf pictures.  

They are so ignorant and irresponsible.

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13 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Now they have an Instagram story up that makes it look like he just got tested today.  I guess they aren't getting enough clicks.  

I watched the video Joy put up about the weekend.  Carlin and Evan did not bring Layla.  They were going to buy a car in Arkansas so I guess they drove back.  I assume they flew out of Nashville and left Layla with his parents.  They drove back to Nashville to pick up the baby, which explains the Top Golf pictures.  

They are so ignorant and irresponsible.

Yes, I saw those Insta Stories from her with him walking to the car to go get tested again. It is so reckless the way they treat this whole thing. If I remember, one of the pics they took showed Nathan. So I am guessing Nathan flew them out to Arkansas. 

I am disappointed in his parents who don't seem quite as over the top as Gil and Kelly Jo. I'm also disappointed in Top Golf, which seemed via the video to have plenty of customers. I work for a city that is debating making masks mandatory. Businesses here are begging us to do that. The businesses here are being so careful and more strict than the state law requires. 

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I don't think Evan got tested a second time this week. I think Carlin is posting to direct hits to the YouTube video. They must not have hit their targets over the holiday weekend.

eta: Just checked, and last week's video is the most recent. It has almost 80k views, so I don't know why they're trying to pimp it out now. It falls about in the middle in terms of video views compared to their other videos.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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As suspected they HAD to go to Arkansas to buy Carlin's car because they bought from the Duggars -- apparently Jed gave them a good deal. And it was Joy's baby shower so of course that can't be missed even mid pandemic; it's not like there won't be 87 more Duggar baby showers. 

Their recent video was as cringe worthy as ever. E&C going on and on about how they were leaving the kid with his mother because "with everything going on in the world" they didn't want to expose her. Fantastic. But they don't seem to understand that it's still a risk to Layla if THEY go place to place and then come back to her; I mean at this point it's safest for Layla if she were to go live with someone who isn't coming and going all the time -- like Brandon & Michael. 

Then as they leave Evan's parents' house -- cue the ridiculous sobbing by Carlin outside their house about how she was sooooo sad to leave Layla and then sneaking back in to see her again. Uh -- sweetie you're going for a party and to buy a used car you could find locally too. You don't HAVE TO go. This isn't like when your employer sends you on a week long business trip and if you don't go, you'll be fired. Though I'm sure it'd blow Carlin's mind that there are women who travel for work and do actual real work on the road -- something besides traveling for a weekend to do some fundie bride's makeup or photography.

I honestly think they don't fully understand what's going on with the pandemic. They were in masks at the airport and I think Evan said something about how it was required on the plane. Ok good. Except Carlin's mask was like 3 sizes too big -- so she wasn't even wearing it under her nose on purpose, it was just so wide that it was loose and basically never covered her nose or half her mouth. And then they hit the airport Sbux -- where Carlin opens the cup, reaches in with her fingers and touches the bottom of the straw that sits inside the cup. I hope -- ok she's done and she's playing with the ice like a kid or maybe kinda "washing" her hands -- nope she then takes those fingers out of the cup and sticks them in her mouth!? And they didn't show pics of Joy's shower which'll be the next video, but from the few pics posted -- it looks like a standard fundie baby shower indoors. Even if they kept it small and JUST invited the women in Joy and Austin's family + bestie Carlin, you're still looking at a 20ish person indoor party. Fine maybe it's within the rules but given Layla, is it NECESSARY??

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