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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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I still have my doubts that they can use their words with the dr. If the concern is fear of going off the meds before the test, well have they clearly said that and asked if that's necessary. Very possible they stop the meds when she gets to the hospital w med professionals. If it is necessary maybe the dr can agree to dose down the meds but not stop them in advance of the test. Hell maybe they don't even need to mess with the meds bc she says she's having episodes anyway - just that she feels them coming now, so maybe that's enough for them. 

Did they think to ASK and discuss it with the dr like adults?? Or is it simply "easier" in Aug to be like OMG they're booking in Oct. In Oct OMG they're booking in Dec. In Dec OMG it'll be next yr - and now damn the dr is acting like WE aren't a priority.

I definitely think as @Notabug says economic reality is hitting HARD. We've all seen that BSB is stacked to the ceiling with inventory. We've seen their brilliant marketing moves like doing Cyber Monday sales starting actual Cyber Monday when the whole world had been shopping the entire week prior. Or doing deep discounts for Christmas starting last Thursday - you know when people STOP buying online bc things are not going to get to you in time.

And as far as YT goes HOLY HELL their views have fallen off. In the last 4 wks not counting this wk bc Christmas, their views/$made = 104k; 154k; 130k; 112k. That amounts to weekly payouts [bc it's a fairly known formula on YT] = $520; $770; $650; $560.

I mean great they're bringing in $500-750/wk with boring ass content but honestly who the hell gives up a union job for that?? They got so cocky about getting 200k-400k views/wk bringing in $1000-2000/wk that they really thought that gravy train wouldn't end. And now there's a mortgage to pay, CFA/fast foods and snacks for meals [which end up being more expensive than cooking], gas driving to and fro all day plus Nashville twice/mo, utilty prices have gone up most places esp in the South and it's a colder winter thus far etc.

And I'm pretty sure they got dropped by or at least demoted by Cuts. Better make those $100 pants last bc you ain't getting any [or many] freebies now Evan - which sucks bc you got your a$$ so used to the softness of $100 sweatpants and now you're gonna be stuck with Old Navy pants.

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I continue to have extreme doubts about Carlin's episodes because...

  • I find it so odd that Carlin has had 3 or 4 episodes at medical appointments. Most folks go a lifetime never presenting with episodic symptoms during a 15 minute office visit or even during an hour long medical test visit.
  • I find it odd that Carlin never seems to have episodes at parties or on vacation. I find it odd that Carlin only has episodes when she's done shopping or leaving work.
  • I find it odd that she says she sleeps off an episode yet we seen them document their days after a reported episode and Carlin is present and accounted for.
  • I find it extremely odd that Carlin would continue to carry her kids around when she has a history of passing out.
  • I find it odd that neither Evan or Carlin have scheduled the inpatient EEG.

A 5 day EEG would make for some 'great' footage. Carlin is not "sick" so she certainly can have visitors. From the looks of her appointments it seems even the TN medical community have moved past the pandemic. I'm guessing Evan and the kids could hang out in her room for as long as she wants. I'm sure KJ&G would even show up for an hour or two during that time. Michaela would likely jump at the chance to have the kids for a day or two. Carlin can still shill products, head gear and all from her hospital bed and the rest of the time she can facetime everyone.

So the only reason I can see, for not doing the 5 day EEG, is because Carlin, or Carlin and Evan, know an episode is not going to happen.





Edited by GeeGolly
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For me personally, I would go ahead and have the EEG done this year because you know they have hit their deductible; yes, I think about insurance which I'm sure isn't anything C&E think about.  I think the reason why she hasn't had it is because she knows there really isn't anything wrong with her at this point in time. I know if I have something medically going on, I don't want to wait around; I want to go ahead and seek out any possible testing.  

Edited by Lisa418722
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7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I continue to have extreme doubts about Carlin's episodes because...

  • I find it so odd that Carlin has had 3 or 4 episodes at medical appointments. Most folks go a lifetime never presenting with episodic symptoms during a 15 minute office visit or even during an hour long medical test visit.





I find that odd aswell.  I've had epilepsy for most of my life and I've had only one seizure in front of a doctor. And that was a period in my life when I was having a lot of seizures, like weekly. Having three or four episodes during medical appointments seems staged to me.

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I have been suspicious of this as well.  I have a couple of friends with chronic health issues and none of them present like this.  I'm sure my friends would love it if their health issue just magically absented itself during vacations or other fun things, but that's not the way it works.  One friend after finally getting a diagnosis was thrilled that he and his wife could plan a three day trip and were able to pull it off without incident.  Of course they had to make sure to plan in rest periods for him so that he wouldn't aggravate his condition.  They certainly weren't running around like loons and staying up half the night.

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28 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Changing topics a bit for comic relief, they're shilling a budgeting app. Do the marketers of said app do any research regarding their influencers? Because these are the last people I picture on a budget. 😂😂😂😂

Lulz! Is it the same one that Travis and Katie shill? They crack me up with their "budgeting" as well, like Daddy Clark isn't funding their entire lifestyle. 🙄

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Fear not per Carlin financially 2023 means "game on" 🙄. I think this is the same app Z/W and K/T shill as well but we'll know for sure as they continue to shill it and show us the features. Why is it that none of these couples have DIFFERENT IG sponsorships? Just too hard to get them? Bc it's always one couple after the other that does Navy haircare, Cuts, Rocket Money - and then they do it for a few months and you never hear about it again as I assume these companies move onto other bigger influencers who can drive sales.

If Carlin actually needs the 5 day in hospital EEG AND budgeting mattered - yeah they would've pushed to get it done in 2022 bc I'm sure they've met their out of pocket max w Carlin's episodes + Z's birth. 

And actually given how much they're struggling for content, you'd think they'd do it just for that reason - making me feel like maybe drs are now saying it isn't necessary bc they've found the right drugs but they just don't want to tell viewers that? Bc come on hysterical scenes of Carlin crying leaving her babies for 5 days though they'll visit daily and hang out all day; but then more crying when the kids leave each night; G&K stopping by; Michaela stopping by to visit and bringing them a home cooked meal?

Which kid is screaming during their Rocket Money infomercial? Bc if your kid is screaming maybe deal with that and film your infomercial later. Interesting though that they're filming it at the gas station - maybe a bit of privacy from Evan's parents as his parents may eye roll that this Evan's work now.

And how much time do these people spending sitting AT gas pumps?? The other night when Law walked up to them, they were sitting AT the pump but were done re-filling and Carlin had Z in the front seat with her. Today - filming the Rocket Money infomercial. Maybe it's just me but get your gas and MOVE so the pumps are open to others. You want to hang out filming IG all day at gas stations, great, pull away from the pumps into the parking spaces.

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11 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


  • I find it odd that Carlin never seems to have episodes at parties or on vacation. I find it odd that Carlin only has episodes when she's done shopping or leaving work.
  • I find it odd that she says she sleeps off an episode yet we seen them document their days after a reported episode and Carlin is present and accounted for.

The person I mentioned does the same thing. Doing something she wants to do for which she gets lots of attention? No episodes. Going to work after whining about how many shifts she'd have to take? OMG, emergency, must take time off work now. Someone else getting attention? OMG, emergency. 

Topic: A thought just crossed my mind that Alyssa and Katie are getting lots of attention for being pregnant, and Erin is getting attention for moving to Floriduh. I'd bet Carlin is jealous. 

Also topic: When I was still having seizures, I had mostly tonic-clonic, what used to be called grand mal. For a few days or a week after, I would feel like I went nine rounds with a heavyweight champ who was mad at the world. I missed school, work, and meeting birth relatives because of it. I certainly wasn't out "partying" all night, or going shopping, or visiting my long-suffering in-laws (whom I see every two weeks), after a seizure. 

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Maybe she hasn't scheduled the EEG because they don't have insurance right now. Was it through Evan's employer? 

And now they wait until the next wave of COVID will hit in the coming weeks and then nothing will be available.

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The running to the inlaws timing seemed even more bizarre to me given that she had an episode at the drs THAT DAY? Apparently she was feeling weird at the drs office that day [and the dr just said ok fine go home? uh dr doesn't seem concerned] and then felt terrible when they got home and had to sleep it off for a few hours, delaying their trip. Normal people would've been like a 3 hr trip with an impending storm - so it could easily take 5 hrs or who knows how long [ended up taking 7] with someone who has had an episode TODAY. Uh we're not going. What happens if we get stuck on the road and she has an episode?? We can just do Christmas here and if we're still desperate to see my family, leave on Dec 26.

Like what normal person would be risking traveling in a storm with someone fresh off an episode going to a place where yeah they can rest bc they can hand off the kids and get meals served to them but there will be commotion; I mean Evan's ENTIRE family was there so this was by no means a quiet home.

Unless the dr who is saying the in hospital test isn't urgent is also saying go live your life with these episodes, you don't need to stay home bc we're certain you're fine enough??

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I can't believe I'm typing this. I've watched both C&E and K&T shilling the budget app. K&T, although looking like they are barely 17 years old, come across as more grounded than C&E. That says a lot about the latter's maturity. They should have remained childless until their early 30's.

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On 12/26/2022 at 1:26 PM, zenme said:

God help me, but that kid is not cute. He looks like a chubby alien.

Thank you!  I thought I was the only one.  I don't think either one of her kids are cute.  They may grow out of it, but I don't think Carlin is attractive either....as people love to point out that she looked like her kids when younger.  Hopefully Evan's genes will come through, as he isn't that unfortunate in the looks department.  Cute or not, I would be annoyed by kids hopped up on sugar, and spoiled.

Edited by So unbelievable
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Let's hope they at least were smart enough to ask what Evan's mother wanted in terms of COLOR. I saw white paint but it could just be primer. I'd be very upset with a white room. I think Evan's sisters would do a better job since I can't imagine them being as self absorbed.

Evan mentioned the guest room was practically for him and his family. Then added only he and his brother use it when they visit. What happened to Evan's old room? Does Evan’s brother also live out of the area? 

They are painting at night. Where are they sleeping? They can't be exposing the kids to paint fumes. 

If Carlin and Evan are so bored they have to force their decorating services on others perhaps Evan should think about returning to work as an electrician. They can definitely work out rotating help for Carlin and the kids while he is at work. 

Edited by SMama
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1 minute ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I saw light gray.

This is a good time to admit that I have difficulty distinguishing colors. If I didn’t have kids my socks would never match. So light gray it is. Whatever the color let’s hope Mama Stewart is OK with it. 

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4 hours ago, SMama said:

Apparently Carlin was up painting until 4:00 a.m. I was surprised to see color, light green, with white trims.

Staying up until the wee hours -- splendid idea for someone who claims to have seizures. Or "episodes." Or whatever TF she's calling them now. 

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So nothing says - we’re painting/fixing up a room in your house for OUR purposes (IG) than making it a SURPRISE for the in-laws?? WTF? Who does that? What if they like that room and don’t want it re-done or don’t want it re-done to C&E’s preferences or even their daughter’s preferences as it seems like one of E’s sisters is involved. And say you really wanted to do something for them to pay them back for your 26 wks of mooching per yr, might it not make sense to ask what they want done, as maybe there are home improvement priorities that aren’t a spare bedroom they don’t use?

Seems like desperation for content too, as they’ve told MIL/FIL to stay out of that part of the house so MIL/FIL suspect something and a big reveal will happen on Sat - prob to air on YT the following week. I guess they’re like hmm HGTV is popular, maybe an episode like that gets us some hits.

And while I’m not suggesting that eating well and resting is a cure all, these two appear to take the position that eating well and sleeping on a schedule will affirmatively harm Carlin so don’t do it. Much better to stay awake until 4 am, sleep most of the day away, roll out at 5 pm afternoon for a couples massage - (Evan’s gift to Carlin so I imagine C wouldn’t let another woman massage him so hope he didn’t feel any feelings w a guy all up on him), followed by DQ frosties before dinner.

And Nini needs them to GO HOME. The woman was sleeping hard on the couch while holding Zade - sometime after dinner. Don’t these ppl want to spend any time in their own house - you know the one Carlin was crying for and having anxiety over a year ago? What are they even doing at the in-laws? They appeared tonight to be sitting there are Layla played and the in-laws rested likely having cooked/cleaned up - no cousins in sight for Layla or anything. It’s been a wk - give up the ease of cooked meals and childcare and go home.

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9 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

They're STILL in  Nashville? 

They should have just stayed in the apartment. It would have saved them a shit ton of money. 

Keeping up with the Joneses. Or the other Bateses, Websters, Balkas, and Paines. 

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Wtf?!!! They still haven't gone home?! Mrs. Stewart must have the patience of Job, because there's no way I could deal with houseguests that long, especially after all the work that goes into shopping, cooking and prepping for the holiday. It's one thing if Carlin and Evan flew cross country to visit in-laws they only get to see a couple times per year, but good grief, they're at his parents house every other week. Give these poor people a break. 

The obsession with camping out at the Stewarts is starting to get a bit weird. Carlin and Evan are not college freshmen. They're mid-20s. They have a new house that's so barely lived in it looks like an abandoned dental office, and two kids who don't realize an SUV isn't supposed to be your primary residence. I'm genuinely curious as to why they can't function without a crowd? Do they not like being alone together? Short attention spans? Anxiety? Boredom? Even for high-energy, extroverts, this sort of lifestyle is extreme. 

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22 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Ha! The Paines are renters. Replace with the 21 year old homeowner Travis Clark. 🙄

My point is that the Paines live in a house -- not a lowly apartment -- and Carlin can't handle the jealousy. I think even Evan can realize that Travis didn't buy his own house, regardless of what the Clarks claim on social media. 🙄

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34 minutes ago, Heathen said:

My point is that the Paines live in a house -- not a lowly apartment -- and Carlin can't handle the jealousy. I think even Evan can realize that Travis didn't buy his own house, regardless of what the Clarks claim on social media. 🙄

That's why I put an eye roll after calling Trav a homeowner. I think we all know who financed the home and its gutted makeover. 

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Do they not like being alone together? Short attention spans? Anxiety? Boredom? Even for high-energy, extroverts, this sort of lifestyle is extreme. 

Responsibility.  They can’t cook, clean, work, and act their age.  They certainly can’t parent.  By staying at the Stewarts, mom and dad do everything for them.  I’m sure they will be the ones to potty train Layla.  

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Is it possible the Stewarts worry about those children and even though might be inconvenient want to keep an eyeball on them at least when they are there?  They could be the adults that are there for those children and give them what their parents can't.  My Grandma served that purpose for us.

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9 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Is it possible the Stewarts worry about those children and even though might be inconvenient want to keep an eyeball on them at least when they are there?  They could be the adults that are there for those children and give them what their parents can't.  My Grandma served that purpose for us.

I think that's a strong possibility. They love their grandchildren and can see that they are needed as reliable caregivers. Clearly C&E are not able to handle adulting. 

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4 hours ago, SMama said:

Evan said they were staying until the new year.

I wonder if that was news to his parents. 

Do they take their dog with them to Nashville? Does the dog stay home? Or have they just given up on her and use a stuffed version as a prop? 

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If one has to nap to stay up past midnight, maybe they should just skip it. If you're under 10, maybe you should just skip it no matter what.

In case anybody (Carlin) needs to know - the new year comes, even if we're sleeping.

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Just came here to post that - parents of the year right there, posting about getting extra rest to be able to stay up until midnight including Layla. But then these are the idiots who had their 2 yr old with them "partying" at the inlaws' at midnight last yr - kid was stripped down to her diaper, out like a light, and they kept trying to wake her up; when she wouldn't wake up NBD they were kissing her and screaming happy NY in her ear to show how much they love celebrating as a family. So of course with a 3 yr old, now she's expected to be up at midnight.

Has it not occured to them that toddlers don't care about this? Or if they somehow want to introduce this tradition, has it occurred to them that Disney, Nick, and about 10,000 channels on YouTube have kids' countdowns at noon, 8 pm etc. so little kids can feel like they "celebrated" but still go to bed at a normal time??

Can they just hire Michael to be their full time nanny for the next 18 yrs to raise these kids? Not bc Michael has nothing better to do bc because their kids need an adult who'll feed them, enforce bedtimes, etc.

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Latest vlog reveals that they bought a new bed and dresser for the bedroom they painted. And this was in ADDITION to whatever they gave the Stewarts for Christmas. Carlin was seen standing on a chair cutting trim above a door. Evan said a couple of his nieces were with her in case she fell. They said that since the new med change, she had a "pass out" episode at Target, and didn't feel well Christmas day.

Anyway, they're spending money like water. I wonder how they're liking that budgeting app? 😂

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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It depends on the model. Some are more expensive than others, but there are always sales going on. 

Maybe I should pimp my cats out on YouTube so that I can afford the "Stew Crew" lifestyle. Surely, I could make enough to afford manicure and Starbucks chai latte? 

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QVC often has KitchenAid Mixers on sale, but they're still not cheap. I wonder, was the Mixer a gift from Evan and Carlin only, or was it a combined gift where each sibling chipped in? The reason I ask is because my mother was one of seven, and she and her siblings used to pool money to get my grandparents one big ticket item rather than a bunch of small stuff they may/may not use. 

If they bought it on their own, I must be seriously underestimating how much they're pulling in from YouTube and that crappy boutique. 

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My family went splits on a bigger gift too. I remember trying to make it to midnight by the time I was five or so, but in fairness we always scheduled a sleep in pyjama day (plus The Sound of Music) for the first. Also, my bedtime was much earlier and more routine the other 364 days a year.

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They not only kept a 3 yr old up until midnight but also a 6-9 mo old?! There’s a clip of the entire family watching the ball drop at midnight. I guess Z cared deeply and wanted to see the countdown like everyone else. Weird how awake their kids are at midnight - most other kids would be half asleep. I guess that’s the benefit of no bedtimes.

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