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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show

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Next week's schedule:


11/26: It's My Husband's Fault Our Honor Roll Student Is on a Downward Spiral

Jake, 16, says he prefers to play video games 24/7 to keep his mind from his family's troubles, including the vicious divorce battle between his parents; they say he is refusing to go to school and is getting violent with the family. [This is a repeat from September 27th but most people didn't see it because of the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing.]

11/27: My Wife Cannot Stop Being Unfaithful and It Is Destroying Our Family

Despite their picture-perfect family life, Angela says she has cheated on her husband with nearly 20 men, claiming that, because of a "sex addiction," she just can't stop being unfaithful.

11/28: Bad Parenting or Bad Teen? Who's Really to Blame?

BeVee and Steve say they are on constant high alert, as they never know when their 15-year-old daughter, Taylor, will be triggered into a violent outburst, punching holes in walls and hitting her mother.

11/29: Dr. Phil: Should I Divorce My Narcissistic, Angry Husband?

Jenn claims her husband Seth's anger is out of control and destroying their marriage; her mother says she is afraid of her son-in-law when he rages and has even had to call the police on him. [An episode with this exact title was supposed to air last season but was replaced with something else.]

11/30: Unmasked but Still Unhappy

Depressed teen Brandon transitioned into a beautiful young woman named Diamond, who says she lives a glamorous lifestyle; her mother says Diamond is a jobless, homeless and emotionally unstable escort who has been kicked out of 13 shelters and homes.


Edited by iHateAmpersands
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20 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

Next week's schedule:

11/27: My Wife Cannot Stop Being Unfaithful and It Is Destroying Our Family

Despite their picture-perfect family life, Angela says she has cheated on her husband with nearly 20 men, claiming that, because of a "sex addiction," she just can't stop being unfaithful.

11/29: Dr. Phil: Should I Divorce My Narcissistic, Angry Husband?

Jenn claims her husband Seth's anger is out of control and destroying their marriage; her mother says she is afraid of her son-in-law when he rages and has even had to call the police on him. [An episode with this exact title was supposed to air last season but was replaced with something else.]

Oh honestly, why are these even episodes?

Both shows should take 30 seconds where Phil tells the people to leave the relationship.  Neither of these shows merit an hour except to pull ratings with shock value.

17 hours ago, Intocats said:

I swear I saw Phil’s head expand a bit every time hoarder mom batted her eyes and fawned all over him in today’s episode. I thought it was hilarious that her name is “Robin”. 

I couldn't stomach this show.  When Phil started pointing out the dog with the broken leg? It was too much for me.  Stupid human behavior towards other humans? Not good but I can handle it.  Pushing stupid human behavior onto animals who can't escape the situation and can't ask for help? Not Okay.

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There was an older rerun this morning on OWN, where the future mother-in-law wasn't welcome at the wedding, and everything centered on the future daughter-in-law instead of some of the revolting things MIL said.    This is one case where the son supported his fiance.    Dr. Phil invoked the old argument of 'what happens when your mother dies, and you can't fix anything?"    Well, what happens in the middle of the wedding when Mom objects in the middle of the ceremony?   Or when Mom demands he pick up jewelry for her while he's buying the engagement ring?  (that actually happened).     I love how mom was sobbing, and not one tear.    I bet the fiance is the only woman Mom didn't run off.   

 I'm betting if the couple actually married that either they divorced after Mom stuck her nose in, or Mom is cut off permanently.

Note to Phil: Invoking the you'll be sorry when they're dead routine, just means that people put up with a lot of garbage because of that, and then when the person actually dies, it's a relief.     

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On 11/24/2018 at 8:23 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

There was an older rerun this morning on OWN, where the future mother-in-law wasn't welcome at the wedding, and everything centered on the future daughter-in-law instead of some of the revolting things MIL said.    This is one case where the son supported his fiance.    Dr. Phil invoked the old argument of 'what happens when your mother dies, and you can't fix anything?"    Well, what happens in the middle of the wedding when Mom objects in the middle of the ceremony?   Or when Mom demands he pick up jewelry for her while he's buying the engagement ring?  (that actually happened).     I love how mom was sobbing, and not one tear.    I bet the fiance is the only woman Mom didn't run off.   

 I'm betting if the couple actually married that either they divorced after Mom stuck her nose in, or Mom is cut off permanently.

Note to Phil: Invoking the you'll be sorry when they're dead routine, just means that people put up with a lot of garbage because of that, and then when the person actually dies, it's a relief.     

I hate it when Phil uses this as an excuse for terrible behavior.  


I often feel like people who say this have never had to deal with really toxic people in their life and don't know what it is like when every time you try to declare a truce or be nice to someone, they are absolutely awful to you in return.  The best solution is to walk away and refuse all contact.  

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What amazes me is from what I've read, Dr. Phil did not have a good relationship with his father at all.   Dr. Phil has admitted his father was an alcoholic, and had other issues.   The Wikipedia article on Phil is very interesting, with some of the failed lawsuits, and past actions that hit the news.    Just because he put up with his father's abuse, doesn't mean anyone else should have to associate with their abusers. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Sometimes, Phil, when toxic people in your life die, it’s a relief. Thank God, that awful relationship is over forever. I don’t ever have to listen to or deal with or suffer from that horrible excuse for a human being. That’s not been the case in my life, thank goodness, but I’ve had close friends who have suffered from those kinds of people in their lives. Letting go of the hope of a good, loving and caring relationship has been the most difficult thing they’ve ever done. Some people are just less than human and will never be any more or better than that. Read the news tomorrow. You’ll see multiple examples of those kinds of people. Shut up, Phil. Time to retire for you and plastic Robin. 

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Exactly right.    Look at the recent obituaries with the truth about deceased relatives, and there was a total uproar because some people said what people are really like, and the ones they hurt shouldn't be told.    

I'm watching the rerun on OWN with the two women who claim the other is stalking them, and Phil must have never heard about other talk shows that had people like this confront each other, and it went terribly wrong after the show.     Nothing will be solved by having these women meet, and he never finds out the truth behind the stories, so it's just a pointless rating grab.

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On 11/21/2018 at 5:57 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

Next week's schedule:

11/26: It's My Husband's Fault Our Honor Roll Student Is on a Downward Spiral

Jake, 16, says he prefers to play video games 24/7 to keep his mind from his family's troubles, including the vicious divorce battle between his parents; they say he is refusing to go to school and is getting violent with the family. [This is a repeat from September 27th but most people didn't see it because of the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing.]

Would someone just please push the father off of a very tall building? And I'm really, really disappointed in Phil.  He sat there and let that father make all sorts of unfounded accusations about the mother's 'drug use' etc and essentially gaslight her.   I'm sure the son listening to the father do that to the mother for 10+ years is part of why he is the way he is. 

Not that the mother doesn't have ownership of the son's issues. She does.  But this is something else entirely.   It was highly unprofessional behavior from Phil. 

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5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Exactly right.    Look at the recent obituaries with the truth about deceased relatives, and there was a total uproar because some people said what people are really like, and the ones they hurt shouldn't be told.    


I'd have to write a novel not an obituary.   In the end, I opted to give up and move on. Easier that way.



I'm watching the rerun on OWN with the two women who claim the other is stalking them, and Phil must have never heard about other talk shows that had people like this confront each other, and it went terribly wrong after the show.     Nothing will be solved by having these women meet, and he never finds out the truth behind the stories, so it's just a pointless rating grab.

I saw this a few months back and this is some crazy, scary level stalking.  One of them was not sane if I remember right. 

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I think both women were a few sandwiches short of a picnic.    I favored the woman with the blog, because it outlined the other woman's long history of crimes, identity theft, and other interesting activities, but I still think they're both in need of real help. 

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1 hour ago, kitcatkitcat said:

Would someone just please push the father off of a very tall building? And I'm really, really disappointed in Phil.  He sat there and let that father make all sorts of unfounded accusations about the mother's 'drug use' etc and essentially gaslight her.   I'm sure the son listening to the father do that to the mother for 10+ years is part of why he is the way he is. 

Not that the mother doesn't have ownership of the son's issues. She does.  But this is something else entirely.   It was highly unprofessional behavior from Phil. 

He was exhausting to watch.  And I only watched him for an hour - I can't even imagine what it must have been like living with him for years.  When he started to justify buying more video games for the kid by explaining that it doesn't matter whether he has one game or a hundred because the problem isn't that he has too many games but that he spends too many hours playing them (which doesn't even make fucking sense!) I wanted to slap the smug off his face.

And, really, if she's such a bad mother (and I'm not saying she is, that's just his point of view) and all the problems are because of her or are things that she's imagining, then why doesn't he ask his son to move in with him?  Son and mom aren't getting along and she's worried for the safety of the other kid in the house, he's old enough that he can (in the Canadian family court parlance) "vote with his feet," so what's stopping him from moving in with dad? I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that dad is shutting that down because he strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't actually do anything (except stir the pot between the kid and the parent who is parenting) but freely expresses opinions on everything.

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Actress Tracy was a little off-putting for me, with how hard her mother's obvious mental health issues are on HER.  

"I'm the one who has to walk here and...."  Please.  If you got dealt a rough hand as a child, and it seems like she did, either cut ties or grow up. There is a person in my life that only ever sees a situation as it pertains to him, as if no one else exists except to hurt, help, or annoy him. I saw a little of that in Tracy.

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On 11/21/2018 at 5:57 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

Next week's schedule:

11/27: My Wife Cannot Stop Being Unfaithful and It Is Destroying Our Family

Despite their picture-perfect family life, Angela says she has cheated on her husband with nearly 20 men, claiming that, because of a "sex addiction," she just can't stop being unfaithful.

So if the person claims they were abused early in life, they get a pass on one of the absolute relationship dealbreakers? 

So, dealbreakers aren't dealbreakers? 

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I liked Coach Mike too-I thought he did a good job with asking Taylor to create an 'ideal self'. I noticed Phil was not as abrasive as usual with the parents and wondered why that was. He did throw in his catchphrase "How is that working for you?"  Which annoys me because whenever someone is going to a therapist it is because things are not working. Most people don't seek help because things are going great. I am tired of the wild teen stories though because there is nothing educational for the viewer on these. Just saying to the parents you are doing everything wrong and then sending the kid for therapy might help the teen, but it doesn't give any useful information to the public. If a parent tries removing privileges, therapy and medication I don't know what else they can do. Yet Phil will still say they didn't handle it right. 

I do have to comment on the many times people say, "Just throw them out on the streets and they will learn to get a job and be successful". They may have been true at one time but not now. You cannot get a job without a fixed address, access to a computer, transportation to job interviews and clean clothes. If you are a teenager with no experience, you will not get anything but a minimum wage job. You cannot get an apartment without a job, credit history or co-signer, first months rent and security deposit. The old days of getting apartments and jobs with a handshake and a promise are long, long gone. I used to volunteer with an organization that helped homeless teens. Almost all of them end up working as prostitutes or selling drugs or end up in jail for theft or loitering. If you live where I do (Chicago), you would probably freeze to death on a park bench before you would get a job and apartment without someone helping you. Stores and restaurants padlock their garbage bins because they don't want to face a lawsuit, those that don't pour chemicals on top of food so no one can eat it. Homeless shelters are few and far between and most won't let you stay more than a few days. Most churches will not help homeless people at all. I'm not saying I know the answer, I don't but I don't think Phil does either. 

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4 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I do have to comment on the many times people say, "Just throw them out on the streets and they will learn to get a job and be successful". They may have been true at one time but not now. You cannot get a job without a fixed address, access to a computer, transportation to job interviews and clean clothes. If you are a teenager with no experience, you will not get anything but a minimum wage job. You cannot get an apartment without a job, credit history or co-signer, first months rent and security deposit. The old days of getting apartments and jobs with a handshake and a promise are long, long gone. I used to volunteer with an organization that helped homeless teens. Almost all of them end up working as prostitutes or selling drugs or end up in jail for theft or loitering. If you live where I do (Chicago), you would probably freeze to death on a park bench before you would get a job and apartment without someone helping you. Stores and restaurants padlock their garbage bins because they don't want to face a lawsuit, those that don't pour chemicals on top of food so no one can eat it. Homeless shelters are few and far between and most won't let you stay more than a few days. Most churches will not help homeless people at all. I'm not saying I know the answer, I don't but I don't think Phil does either. 

I still read/hear people try to give advice that people should go 'door to door' looking for jobs. I think Phil even tries to give that advice and very few businesses will even take applications in person anymore.  

About fifteen years ago I had to take a job in retail for a few months while I was looking for a job after moving.  Hey, gotta pay the bills!  Anyway, the store I worked at didn't take applications in person only online.  Now I work in tech and that industry doesn't even have the ability to deal with someone walking in off the street to apply for a job.  They'd probably consider the person a security risk and have them arrested.  

And yes, you're right - no credit history and no address means no job no apartment and no way to get started.  You might be able to explain it away if you make as far as an interview but in most cases, they're going to ask for that information prior to the interview and you'll get screened out because you won't pass the background check.  Even ridiculous retail jobs run background checks now. 

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22 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I got about halfway through the Wife Cannot Stop Being Unfaithful and had to give it up.   What did she think her life was going to be after 3 or 4 kids?  She is a mother now.  I feel sorry for them.

I do not agree with anything Phil did on that show. I do not agree with him implying the husband should keep supporting the wife. I believe she is a damaging influence on her kids and he should get them away from her as fast as possible.  

Sometimes Phil makes really, really bad calls. 

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What's on tap next week?

A Butt-dialing husband caught in a lie (Monday):


My Husband Butt-Dialed Me and Unknowingly Revealed He Blew His Secret Inheritance

Angie's husband of 25 years kept his inheritance a secret and spent more than $100,000 without her knowledge; despite being caught red-handed, he refuses to admit what or who he blew the money on, until he reveals the full extent to Dr. Phil.

A daughter who chooses a car and her girlfriend over her child (Tuesday):


Our Lying Daughter Would Rather Live in a Car Than With Her Own Child

Nancy and Lance say their daughter left her baby with them in order to live in a car with her girlfriend; Lance says he's been waiting to confront her until they get on Dr. Phil's stage.

A cat hoarder (Wednesday):


My Cat-Hoarding Obsession Is Ruining My Marriage

Pamela is consumed with anxiety about the welfare of her 15 cats and rarely leaves her home for fear that something bad might happen to them; her husband says something needs to change.

A dozen kids full of problems (Thursday):


12 Kids, One on the Way and Too Many Problems

Michelle says her family of 12 children is full of problems from addiction, to clutter, to finances, and many of the children say they feel neglected by their parents; Dr. Phil proposes a new parenting plan, but Michelle doesn't agree with all of it.

And a superficial teen obsessed with her looks (Friday):


A Teen Obsessed With Beauty and Perfection

Tamara, 17, claims nothing is more important than looking perfect and says she spends $7,000 a month maintaining her appearance.

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On 11/21/2018 at 5:57 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

Next week's schedule:

11/30: Unmasked but Still Unhappy

Depressed teen Brandon transitioned into a beautiful young woman named Diamond, who says she lives a glamorous lifestyle; her mother says Diamond is a jobless, homeless and emotionally unstable escort who has been kicked out of 13 shelters and homes.


Brandon was unlikable.  I think I was supposed to feel sorry for her but it was impossible between the laughing about not 'needing' a job and taking her mother's money to buy a $2000 wig while living in a car and having no ambition while being a glorified prostitute and being a general smart a**.

Being transgender doesn't mean you can't be an awful person. 

Edited by kitcatkitcat
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On 11/30/2018 at 2:55 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I wonder if anyone told Phil that inheritances aren't marital property?     As long as you don't co-mingle assets, the partner can't claim the inheritance.   

From the preview I saw on Friday, it looks like he blew the inheritance on strippers and gambling.  This might not be a case of him hiding the money away and it's still there so much as he was terribly irresponsible with it and he has a problem with gambling.

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I'm not even going to watch the cat hoarding episode. Hoarding animals is a sick psychological disorder that requires more than Phil's "knowledge". I can't watch any shows with animal hoarders. And Phil is a dog lover. 

Is it my imagination or is Phil's head becoming more misshapen? 

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On 11/29/2018 at 12:52 PM, Madding crowd said:

I do have to comment on the many times people say, "Just throw them out on the streets and they will learn to get a job and be successful". They may have been true at one time but not now. You cannot get a job without a fixed address, access to a computer, transportation to job interviews and clean clothes. If you are a teenager with no experience, you will not get anything but a minimum wage job. You cannot get an apartment without a job, credit history or co-signer, first months rent and security deposit. Homeless shelters are few and far between and most won't let you stay more than a few days. Most churches will not help homeless people at all. I'm not saying I know the answer, I don't but I don't think Phil does either. 

PREACH! I have had to change my views on this too. Very few job interviews start in person. Services are not plentiful and not accessible to most. I don't know what the answer is but I do know that times have certainly changed. 

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41 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

PREACH! I have had to change my views on this too. Very few job interviews start in person. Services are not plentiful and not accessible to most. I don't know what the answer is but I do know that times have certainly changed. 

Every public library provides free access to computers, and almost every municipality has some type of job program.  There are resources.  It may not be easy, but no one is promised easy, nor are there guarantees.  Those who work at finding employment are more likely to find it.

(For the record, I'm a mom who had to shut down the Bank of Mom and Dad to two adult children.  One ended up with nowhere to live as a result of his dependence on drugs.  Once he realized he had to succeed or fail on his own, he chose success.  Had he chosen failure, there's nothing I could have done about it, other than continuing as an enabler.  

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19 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I'm not even going to watch the cat hoarding episode. Hoarding animals is a sick psychological disorder that requires more than Phil's "knowledge". I can't watch any shows with animal hoarders. And Phil is a dog lover. 

Is it my imagination or is Phil's head becoming more misshapen? 

I love animals too.  But I am looking forward to the cat hoarding episode.  Dr. P always reports when animals are not being kept appropriately.  He will probably give her a choice.  I already don't understand the husband.  That many cats produces a horrible odor.

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5 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

 I already don't understand the husband.  That many cats produces a horrible odor.

I agree.  We own a house and the most cats we've ever managed were four and that's because I moved in with two and he already had two.  Taking care of four cats was a lot of work and the vet bills when they started to get older and sick got very, very expensive.    We now have two cats adopted as kittens from the same litter and they are more than enough.  


Fifteen sounds like a collection.

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48 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Every public library provides free access to computers, and almost every municipality has some type of job program.  There are resources.  It may not be easy, but no one is promised easy, nor are there guarantees.  Those who work at finding employment are more likely to find it.

(For the record, I'm a mom who had to shut down the Bank of Mom and Dad to two adult children.  One ended up with nowhere to live as a result of his dependence on drugs.  Once he realized he had to succeed or fail on his own, he chose success.  Had he chosen failure, there's nothing I could have done about it, other than continuing as an enabler.  

Job Service isn't really that helpful all they are really there to do is process and audit unemployment and if you're looking for work, you need to be able to check and reply to your email on the quarter hour and no library is going to allow you to use a computer all day 7 days a week. You're competing with students who also need to use those resources. 

Plus, you still need a permanent address for a background check and you need a permanent address for the last 5 years.  


And you are missing the point completely!  We are pointing out that people are out of touch with what it takes to look for a job in 2018 as opposed to 1988.  


PS.  RE: no one is promised easy. No they aren't but it is disingenuous to continue to pretend that it is easy to get a job without these resources. 

Edited by kitcatkitcat
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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

 Dr. P always reports when animals are not being kept appropriately.  

That's good to know. As long as the hoarded animals go to a NO KILL shelter thats great. But most likely they'll go to a county kill shelter and be euthanized. Most no kill shelters are not equipped to accommodate that many animals at once. 

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5 hours ago, kitcatkitcat said:

Job Service isn't really that helpful all they are really there to do is process and audit unemployment and if you're looking for work, you need to be able to check and reply to your email on the quarter hour and no library is going to allow you to use a computer all day 7 days a week. You're competing with students who also need to use those resources. 

Plus, you still need a permanent address for a background check and you need a permanent address for the last 5 years.  


And you are missing the point completely!  We are pointing out that people are out of touch with what it takes to look for a job in 2018 as opposed to 1988.  


PS.  RE: no one is promised easy. No they aren't but it is disingenuous to continue to pretend that it is easy to get a job without these resources. 

And no one will give you a job if you have no address, references or experience and if you have no access to clean clothes or a shower. Say you throw out your 18 year old with no money. How would they get to their job, take showers, where would they sleep at night? Wash clothes?

I wasn’t talking about 25 year old who may have experience in jobs and bank accounts. For example, I live in the suburbs of Chicago. There would be no jobs in walking distance, a train ticket costs 7.00 one way to the city and ad soon as you stepped off the train you would be approached by sex traffickers. You could apply for food stamps but it would take time to get and you would still need an address. 

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On 11/25/2018 at 9:20 AM, kitcatkitcat said:

I hate it when Phil uses this as an excuse for terrible behavior.  


I often feel like people who say this have never had to deal with really toxic people in their life and don't know what it is like when every time you try to declare a truce or be nice to someone, they are absolutely awful to you in return.  The best solution is to walk away and refuse all contact.  

Absolutely. I have been in a situation where I've cut off abusive family members. Two of them have passed away in the nearly two decades since that decision was made, and I have zero regrets. I'm not sorry just because they're gone. How does that change things?

Friends don't understand (at least if they haven't been through it), but any "closure" I needed, I got when I realized that nothing those people could give me would be what I needed. It wasn't in them to not be abusive. The cycle of trying to get them to be decent to me was endless and futile. They would never value me the way I deserved (and by that I mean just basic human decency, nothing special. Just things like don't yell at me, don't call me names, don't steal from me, don't lie about me, etc. Little things like that.). But what I had to realize was that that was because of them, not me, and the best thing I could do in the situation was value myself enough to protect myself from their bullshit.

Sure, there was pain associated with cutting out those relationships. Also drama from people who didn't understand the decision. But there would have been pain and drama in my life if I'd kept them in it, too. That's what people don't get. When you have abusive and toxic people in your life, pain and drama are inevitable. The only thing you have control over is which kind.

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@auntiemel . . . WELL SAID.  Standing ovation for you from Arizona.  Those of us who have "been there, done that" are sometimes raked over the coals by those who say, "But it's your (fill in abusive family member here)."  Blood/marital relationships are not a free pass to mistreat people. 

I really loved this quote:  "They would never value me the way I deserved (and by that I mean just basic human decency, nothing special)."

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32 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

@auntiemel . . . WELL SAID.  Standing ovation for you from Arizona.  Those of us who have "been there, done that" are sometimes raked over the coals by those who say, "But it's your (fill in abusive family member here)."  Blood/marital relationships are not a free pass to mistreat people. 

I really loved this quote:  "They would never value me the way I deserved (and by that I mean just basic human decency, nothing special)."

We'd better not tell Dr. Phil about it, though! :D

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18 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

I should have figured that a parent giving away pets was the reason why she "collected" cats.

Tomorrow's show gives me a vibe that Mom of 12 Plus One On the Way is angling for a reality show since it appears that she's not going to like his advice.

Her poor uterus!  Sooner or later it is going to revolt.

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4 hours ago, auntiemel said:
4 hours ago, auntiemel said:

Also drama from people who didn't understand the decision.


Yep.  People are really odd about protecting assholes.   A few times over the years when told some toxic jerk died, I've replied with "Good".  OMG, the shock and "you don't mean that!"  Yes, yes I do.   Being dead doesn't change your assholiness status, it just means you quit wasting oxygen.   I LOVE the occasional obits, where a family tells it like it is.

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7 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

Yep.  People are really odd about protecting assholes.   A few times over the years when told some toxic jerk died, I've replied with "Good".  OMG, the shock and "you don't mean that!"  Yes, yes I do.   Being dead doesn't change your assholiness status, it just means you quit wasting oxygen.   I LOVE the occasional obits, where a family tells it like it is.

I wrote my Dad's obituary with much love and devotion.  In his earlier life, he had been a real asshole in certain areas, but had changed completely in his later years.  I wrote a factual, loving obit with a few humorous points (one of which was his love for his "Horrible dog, Apples", an irascible,  ancient chihuahua).  I didn't write any of the nastiness that happened over the years, but I don't hesitate to talk about it if asked.  I sure do miss him!

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On 12/3/2018 at 6:09 PM, chenoa333 said:

Is it my imagination or is Phil's head becoming more misshapen? 


Love this!  I thought the same thing.

Had to turn off the 13-kid family.  Mom kept saying "they're so cute, they're so cute!" as if her kids were  . . . uh, kittens.  She was not a good mother, and her porn-addict husband wasn't a good father.  I give him props for the three jobs to support his family.

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This mom with the 13 kids isn't there for the good Doctor's advice.  She's there for her 15 minutes!  She just hopes to God TLC is watching!

Plus was there a Supernanny episode about her?  I seem to remember a mom with 10 kids an a alcoholic husband.

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5 minutes in and the mention of YouTube channel and I already hate this breeding famewhore.

Schill is always getting played by morons looking for their exposure.

AND...I don't get the fascination with large families.  So, you can whelp.  Big deal.

Edited by zillabreeze
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Oh my Jeebus, today's family of 13 kids and no one has mentioned the grab bag of names?

Iron Rod?



Tuesday, okay, I kinda like that one.

And, OF COURSE, she's looking for a TLC-type series. 30% of Phil's guests these days are looking to cash in in some way.

Maybe with Peak TV, she'll wind up on those little TVs at the Wal-Mart checkout. 

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10 hours ago, torontomeridith said:

Oh my Jeebus, today's family of 13 kids and no one has mentioned the grab bag of names?

Iron Rod?



Tuesday, okay, I kinda like that one.

And, OF COURSE, she's looking for a TLC-type series. 30% of Phil's guests these days are looking to cash in in some way.

Maybe with Peak TV, she'll wind up on those little TVs at the Wal-Mart checkout. 

I was trying to figure this family out...at first I thought they might be Mormon then when the father was outed for his alcoholism, gambling and porn addiction I crossed that guess out. The kids names were wacky...especially Iron Rod...good grief...what the hell was that? And the mom was so crazy and hyper. Both parents are awful..and irresponsible. He should get a vasectomy or she should get a tubal ligation. I would be curious to know how severe the Down’s syndrome was with her baby...no way they are financially or emotionally prepared to take care of a child that will have lifelong mental and physical disabilities.

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13-kid parents shut down sending the kids to public school because it is too much work. Can you imagine getting 13 children to school each morning or having to help them with homework? Parent conferences would be a logistical nightmare.

Why did they move so much? Was it easier than cleaning the house? I wonder if the many piles of clothing and crap is seen on her recordings. Many of these people offering online advice are so duplicitous. The food bill alone is enough reason to stop having so many children. 

I hope that Dr. Phil did not end up providing services in the end,. 

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41 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

13-kid parents shut down sending the kids to public school because it is too much work. Can you imagine getting 13 children to school each morning or having to help them with homework? Parent conferences would be a logistical nightmare.

Why did they move so much? Was it easier than cleaning the house? I wonder if the many piles of clothing and crap is seen on her recordings. Many of these people offering online advice are so duplicitous. The food bill alone is enough reason to stop having so many children. 

I hope that Dr. Phil did not end up providing services in the end,. 

First off...not all of the 13 children are school age anymore...5 or 6 of them are adults. She would have several that are teenagers and would be able to handle themselves. The younger ones would need help and she would have to have a very organized morning plan. It would be better than trying to home school them and educate them properly...also, these kids need socialization with their peers. No wonder they all have depression...what a mess they live in.

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