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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show

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2 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Robin sounded like she was slurring her words at the end today. And sorry but your grief at losing your son is not going to be better because of face cream.

Haha! I was hearing the same slurring too! Her veneers are so long she can't even pronounce certain words without sounding like she's got a mouthful of hot mashed potatoes!

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I think you can have the same slurring with injectibles, like botox, and fillers, especially when they're done recently.  

I watched the rerun on OWN about the woman with the young daughter, and she was dating or living with (I think living with, but I missed the beginning) a man that it turns out he served 18 months in prison for child porn.      Dr. Phil says if an offender is in a treatment program, that they almost never reoffend.    Is he crazy?  Many of his sample are in treatment behind bars, and of the rest they certainly do reoffend.      And many child porn offenders are making their own, with children they know.     So Dr. Phil is stupid, and wrong, and the woman with the kid didn't seem all that impressed with the man's record either.  

I lived in New Mexico when the priest sex offender scandal was starting to unfold.   The head (psychiatrist) of the Paraclete (Spelling) Center that exclusively treated priests for all types of addictions, and offenses admitted that they never 'cured' any priest who molested children.    The only ones who didn't reoffend were never around children again, and they had the same dismal results with all other types of sex offenders.    If a man who actually has worked with people like this for years says there is no treatment, then maybe people like Dr. Phil should rethink saying sex offenders don't reoffend.     I bet many of the child porn people who get released just learn how to cover their tracks better.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I wonder if something happened with the FB story, and they had to pull it. 

This Monday-Scott Peterson's Sister-in-law says he's innocent, and she has proof.     I'm definitely skipping this one.   His own sister said he did it, and had a lot of information about his sleazy ways too, so the sister-in-law is just trying to get her face on TV.      

The Peterson family is still whining because Lacy's mother didn't let them come to her funeral, so that tells you the level of delusion in that group.   At the time Jackie Peterson, his mother, wanted the funeral delayed until after the trial, so her son could attend after he was exonerated. 

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I wonder if something happened with the FB story, and they had to pull it. 

This Monday-Scott Peterson's Sister-in-law says he's innocent, and she has proof.     I'm definitely skipping this one.   His own sister said he did it, and had a lot of information about his sleazy ways too, so the sister-in-law is just trying to get her face on TV.      

The Peterson family is still whining because Lacy's mother didn't let them come to her funeral, so that tells you the level of delusion in that group.   At the time Jackie Peterson, his mother, wanted the funeral delayed until after the trial, so her son could attend after he was exonerated. 

When I hear that Peterson is the subject of any of the dozen or so shows Phil has done on this topic, I turn the channel and don’t look back.  The case has put him away and it’s time to let the wounds heal.

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On 12/12/2018 at 8:13 PM, Chippings said:


I check the Dr Phil website on Saturdays to see what the lineup is for the next week, and it's pretty much all out-of-control teens and I let them go.  Like others mentioned above, I'm really done with those. 


Agreed.  And his "future show" request during the advertisement was a plea for more "out of control" teen parents to write in to be on the show. 

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But wait....there's more: today's show features Scott Peterson's sister in law: Janey explains why she thinks little Scottie is INNOCENT!! LOL AND HAHA TO THE FUCK NO!. But I'll give it 5 minutes just to see what a moron this Janey is.

Scott also has a half sister (?) who wrote a book many years ago proclaiming Scott to be guilty. DUH! Phlub is just promoting some shit that Janey is saying because she's probably writing a book. 

Without a doubt Scott murdered Lacey. Let her rest in peace and let Scott live in hell.

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Was this Janey woman married to Scott’s brother? And who was that attorney who was all about Scott’s innocence? Scott was guilty as sin. Innocent people don’t die their hair, drive to the border with Mexico (or within 30 miles of it), have thousands of dollars in cash in their duffel bag and 12 viagra pills in there too. Yeah, sure Scott. That’s what all innocent husbands do when their pregnant wives are brutally murdered and thrown in the bay. Piece of shit.

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And Scott had search info on his computer for the exact times of the tide flows coming and going in the marina area where he dumped her pregnant body. He said he was just out there fishing for Marlin (?) which was proven by experts that it was NOT the time of year for catching Marlin. 

Scott deserves to never be mentioned again by anybody. 

Edited by chenoa333
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I turned into the end waiting for Judge Judy. I was shocked there were that many brain dead audience members who raised their hands to say he needed a new trial!

In the words of the infamous Mugatu, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! 

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People keep saying they saw Lacey walking the dog that day, and it's a total lie.   If you have a neighbor that walks their dog every day, then why would you note if they went by that day or not?    

 Then there is the van of the so-called burglars, and it wasn't there that day, and it wasn't a burglar's vehicle.     The stupidity of people who believe him is mind boggling.   

I'm just glad I don't have to see his mother and her lame excuses (she died quite a while ago).     

The half-sister that the sleaze lived with for a while after Laci disappeared is the one who wrote the book.     Ann Bird was adopted out by Jackie Peterson (there were two kids, but I don't know if the other one ever came forward, or knew they were related), had a good family life, was reintroduced to her biological mother, and knew Scott and Laci, and Scott lived with her family for a while when the search was on.    She wrote the story detailing how he was guilty,  Blood Brother by Ann Bird is the book.

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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3 hours ago, LunaMia said:

I turned into the end waiting for Judge Judy. I was shocked there were that many brain dead audience members who raised their hands to say he needed a new trial!

In the words of the infamous Mugatu, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! 

This is due to delusional women thinking Scott is their perfect man.  I thought he was cute for a minute, too.  I guess he still has groupies. :(

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The Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez, who looked like Satan himself had a ring of faithful groupies that wrote him, and sent him money.    Scott Peterson skated by on his looks for years, and I'm sure Amber the girlfriend who came forward to the police, wasn't his first relationship.     

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1 hour ago, OpalNightstream said:

In addition to being a psychopath murderer, Chris Watts is not exactly the most articulate person. Every other word is “Like” “like” “like” 

I'm glad I bumped Schill off VCR today for a Walton's rerun.   My ears bleed with people that use "like", "basically" and "you know" excessively.  

Schill is trying to be relevant and it ain't working.  yawn.

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20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I recall some former jurors hearing about this ludicrous evidence later, and they said they should have been told about so-called evidence that was disproven before the trial even started.     

Lots of life or death trials have evidence/prior crimes by perp not allowed to be presented at trial.But who the f needs more evidence in this particular case? It's just unfathomable that people who do jury duty are SO damn stupid! 

I just hope the jurors who are selected in the trial of Chase Merrit (the scumbag that killed the McStay family 7+ years ago in San Diego CA) get it right. 

And I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I LIKE Nancy Grace. 

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50 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Lots of life or death trials have evidence/prior crimes by perp not allowed to be presented at trial.But who the f needs more evidence in this particular case? It's just unfathomable that people who do jury duty are SO damn stupid! 

I just hope the jurors who are selected in the trial of Chase Merrit (the scumbag that killed the McStay family 7+ years ago in San Diego CA) get it right. 

And I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I LIKE Nancy Grace. 

I like NG too.

Is there anyone in the Universe who doesn’t know Doc Shill’s credentials by now?  Does he have to repeat them on each and every episode??  Damn... 🤯

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Not only was their Christmas display for their grandkids an example of excess to the nth degree, they somehow manage to fit in a commercial for robin’s skincare box. Because that’s what Christmas is all about. Giving privileged kids even more “Christmas magic”  they will never appreciate and selling overpriced false promises to the masses who they rely on to fund all of it. Not one mention of goodwill....oh wait they did throw in a “free” ornament when you purchase robins stuff.

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I’m not sure I’ve ever been as appalled as I was today seeing how “Robin” decorated their whole house all by herself at enormous expense and then she and Shill shilled her skin care line AGAIN.  What the hell is wrong with these people?! If she said the word “I” once, she said it 65 times. She didn’t do that decorating by herself and she didn’t develop these products by herself, manufacture them herself, market them herself, ship them herself or anything else. I truly cannot stand this self-absorbed, narcissistic plastic woman. 

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I think that guy next to Robin is on staff there. He does the placements for all of the treatment places that Shill sends almost every person who appears on his show. If I’m wrong about this guy, please feel free to wise us all up.

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14 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I'm done with this show, all these permissive enablers of bad behavior.  Sometimes a spanking is warranted. 

Dr. P's advise to aways make a positive statement first and refrain from humiliation and encourage empathy was interesting.  Child bullies on school bus.  "Now Snowflake, I love you so much.  That video of you acting like a sh*t on the bus was wonderful.  You cleared those seats like an olympic athlete.  Those were the best curse words ever when you called the bus driver a MF.  But you won't have a way to get to school if the bus driver quits.  He won't have any way to feed his family.  Now you think about that and try again tomorrow."

I knew when I was a kid my parents would whip me good if I acted like an idiot, so I rarely did.  It didn't hurt my self esteem one bit.  And if I had pulled this sh*t these kids did, I would have been back handed into next week.  

We are raising a whole generation of snowflakes.

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15 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I'm done with this show, all these permissive enablers of bad behavior.  Sometimes a spanking is warranted. 

Have to respectfully disagree. I never spanked either of my children. Did I punish them? Of course. Truthfully my kids were more worried about losing TV than anything else. I raised my kids before PCs. That would work too. My philosophy of discipline is when you spank a child you are teaching them  to be afraid of the person they should trust and receive comfort from. My mom was the spanker in my house and I hated that someone who loved me would hit me. I didn't get hit often. It was when my mom would get really angry. Having TV or a toy taken away worked better. My husband was also raised with spanking and we both decided we would not spank our kids. They are not spoiled, they are both hard working adults. My daughter is raising her son without spanking also.

15 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

So, Schill's dad made him paint the speed limit poles.  #1 defacing public property is a crime.  #2 haven't we heard that Schill's dad was a rip roaring drunk?

So hate watching at this point.

It was the judge who gave him the punishment. Community service.

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I admire anyone who can rear a well adjusted, respectful, unentitled feeling child without spanking.  I do believe children need and want discipline, even if they don't realize it at the time.

I am so glad I did not have children.  I would have given them everything they wanted and would have been a total failure at it.

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19 hours ago, Brattinella said:

From watching a tiny bit of Orlando Brown's interview, his MAIN objection to getting help is not having HIS PHONE.  Not that he is homeless, and drug-addled.  Jeez.

I turned it off before it began. No interest in the subject.

Glad I missed the Christmas nonsense.  I am sure someone thought it was a good idea, but I don’t know who would.

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The lack of any mentions of Raven-Symone during the Orlando Brown episode were glaring, he's been obsessed with her to the point of getting a giant Raven tattoo on his chest.  The show must have received requests that Raven not be brought up during Dr. Phil and Orlando Brown's sit down.

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34 minutes ago, junemeatcleaver said:

The lack of any mentions of Raven-Symone during the Orlando Brown episode were glaring, he's been obsessed with her to the point of getting a giant Raven tattoo on his chest.  The show must have received requests that Raven not be brought up during Dr. Phil and Orlando Brown's sit down.

I'm not familiar with any of these people, but dude clearly needs help.  His contacts alone were Yikes!

Has there been trouble with his stalking Raven?  If she wasn't mentioned, wouldn't that just be a courtesy if the previous trouble was public knowledge?

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49 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

Has there been trouble with his stalking Raven?  If she wasn't mentioned, wouldn't that just be a courtesy if the previous trouble was public knowledge?

I don't know about stalking, but I remember Raven was asked about him and got super flustered when his name was brought up.  Orlando is also incapable of mentioning her without saying they had a sexual relationship.  Even if there is no physical stalking, his behavior and remarks are enough to make anyone nervous.

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Shill is advertising his podcast like crazy. Does he really need to be doing this or is this a replacement for his TV show that has become an embarrassment? How many of us would listen to his podcast? Not me.

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On 12/21/2018 at 4:06 PM, parrotfeathers said:

I admire anyone who can rear a well adjusted, respectful, unentitled feeling child without spanking.  I do believe children need and want discipline, even if they don't realize it at the time.

I am so glad I did not have children.  I would have given them everything they wanted and would have been a total failure at it.

Ditto to everything.

On 12/21/2018 at 6:36 AM, parrotfeathers said:

Dr. P's advise to aways make a positive statement first and refrain from humiliation and encourage empathy was interesting.  Child bullies on school bus.  "Now Snowflake, I love you so much.  That video of you acting like a sh*t on the bus was wonderful.  You cleared those seats like an olympic athlete.  Those were the best curse words ever when you called the bus driver a MF.  But you won't have a way to get to school if the bus driver quits.  He won't have any way to feed his family.  Now you think about that and try again tomorrow."

I knew when I was a kid my parents would whip me good if I acted like an idiot, so I rarely did.  It didn't hurt my self esteem one bit.  And if I had pulled this sh*t these kids did, I would have been back handed into next week.  

We are raising a whole generation of snowflakes.


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