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S03.E02: Sink or Swim

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1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

I wonder if the cast had fun in the water at least?

Being/staying wet probably got old pretty fast. I love the water but I wouldn't want to spend hours in wet clothes.

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29 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

All of that water and there weren't any sharks.  I was so hoping that there would be sharks.

No way would that boat have held together.   A tsunami like that should have sunk it and ripped it to shreds in the process.   Even the S.S. Minnow had a huge whole in it when the skipper and his little buddy and the rest of the folks landed on the island, and that storm wasn't a tsunami.

I know I posted it earlier, but I don't think anyone responded.  I would have expected that cutting torch to have heated up that antenna so much that it would have cooked the old dude in the boat from the inside out.   Is there some torch that they use now that doesn't cause heat to be transferred up the antenna like that?

I would assume that sharks are smart enough to see the tsunami coming and swim for their lives.  But what do I know. 

And yeah, none of them would have survived a real tsunami.  Only the people who managed to get far enough inland or who could get to high enough ground.  You know those that saw the water begin to recede and took off running might have had a chance.  I was cussing at Buck when he thought the game booth was far enough away and left Christopher there.  But Buck got punished enough for that mistake. 

As for the torch, maybe heating the pole cauterized the wound and he won't bleed out as much. 

Otoh, they rescued a shark from a highway complete with a daring rescue via firetruck.  So physics and natural laws don't really apply here.

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58 minutes ago, kirkola said:

I was cussing at Buck when he thought the game booth was far enough away and left Christopher there.  But Buck got punished enough for that mistake. 

Well, it wasn't the stupidest thing Buck did in the moment, actually. It was smart of him to put Christopher behind something to protect him as much as possible, since they very well couldn't have outrun the tsunami. They would have been swept up, anyway. 

Buck stopping to turn and look at the tsunami, however? C'mon, man. You go behind the booth with Christopher, duck down, and hold him as tightly as you can. 

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

All of that water and there weren't any sharks.  I was so hoping that there would be sharks

The sharks would have definitely been a Fox move, but I get the sense that they're trying not to go too far overboard (no pun intended) here.


No way would that boat have held together.   A tsunami like that should have sunk it and ripped it to shreds in the process.   Even the S.S. Minnow had a huge hole in it when the skipper and his little buddy and the rest of the folks landed on the island, and that storm wasn't a tsunami.

Well, maybe the budget didn't include the wholesale destruction of a huge boat.


I know I posted it earlier, but I don't think anyone responded.  I would have expected that cutting torch to have heated up that antenna so much that it would have cooked the old dude in the boat from the inside out.   Is there some torch that they use now that doesn't cause heat to be transferred up the antenna like that?

I'd go with the water temp and cauterization of the wound. The one thing that they can be thankful for is that that antenna wasn't a broadcast station still under power. 50,000 to 100,000 Watts at RF, and a tsunami would suddenly be the least of your worries. Most broadcast stations have standby generators which cut over in seconds, but SWR foldback when the antenna hit the drink would probably (hopefully?) fault out the P.A. stage. Also L.A.'s FM/TV broadcast antennas are nowhere near the shore (height above average terrain, etc), and the AMers are south of the city for the most part. 

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I know I posted it earlier, but I don't think anyone responded.  I would have expected that cutting torch to have heated up that antenna so much that it would have cooked the old dude in the boat from the inside out.   Is there some torch that they use now that doesn't cause heat to be transferred up the antenna like that?

Metal is a good conductor of heat, but nothing beats an ocean of cool flowing water. Basically a few inches away from the cutting the rod is cool. Google plasma cutting under water. Without small air pockets next to the flame you couldn't heat the bar up enough to cut it under water.

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7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

All of that water and there weren't any sharks.  I was so hoping that there would be sharks.

I knew it, its a Sharknado! Everyone grab a chainsaw! 

That was so intense, the production values were really excellent, both the main cast and the guest actors were great, and I was really engaged the whole time. The people who do the sound effects on this show are evil geniuses I swear. *squish* 

Buck and Christopher really were the stars of the show this week, their scenes were all dynamite together. Christopher no! I am guessing that Buck will save him, as I dont see them killing off the cute kid of one of the main characters (that would pretty severely change Eddie and Buck forever) but its still nerve wracking as hell. I love that Buck was just full on screaming in horror and fear when he was yelling for Christopher, Oliver Steak was just hearbreakingly real. No attempts at sounding "manly" or whatever, he just sounded scared out of his mind. 

Its probably a good thing for the rescue crew that none of them know that Buck and Christopher are in danger, I cant imagine how much harder it would be to do their jobs knowing that they could be dead for all they know. 

I guess we have had a lot of wins lately, so we had to get the episode off to a super dark and tragic start. Poor Jonas and poor Mattie. What an awful way to go, drowning in your own attic, especially after surviving so many dangerous adventures climbing. JLH did great with that scene, going from calm and kind of amused by her banter with Jonas, to scared to crying and heartbroken, to professional again when she got it together to talk to the next caller. And then leading the other directors and coordinating with Chim, even though now things are going to get worse before they get better. 

So I guess next week we will check in with the drone girl, the harbor master, and the artist guy? Will THEY be fighting the Sharknado? 

On the plus side, May will have an awesome college admissions paper now. Glad that Vicki survived, as well as the family on the boat. It takes more than that to take down Mr. Mathews! 

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On 10/1/2019 at 3:43 AM, The Ringo Kidd said:

I just hate when shows put children in jeopardy. It’s cheap and nasty and emotionally manipulative. Bastards.

I thought I was the only one who felt this way.

Many people say that this show just keeps getting better and better. I have a completely different opinion.

Loved this show last year. And then they started hurting the main characters in every episode. I thought it was cheap and repetetive but there are still good things about the show. But this episode. I'm done with the show in a way that i lost the respect I had for the writers. The obvious emotional manipulation is sickening. They're using a special needs child to try to shock the viewers. It's ok that they put Christopher in danger and give Gavin, the actor who plays him a chance to shine. But the thing that happened at the end... using him like this to keep the viewers engaged? gross imo. Cliffhanger: Is the adorable special needs child going to live or die? How in the hell is that the writers and show creators don't see anything wrong with this? Cheapest move from the show ever. The death of Christopher's mother was unnecessary too, I hate it when writers get lazy like that. This cliffhanger tho, is something other than 'lazy writing'. Gross writing. Sorry for my rant. I hate that I feel this way because i used to LOVE this show. 

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Seriously, did Mattie and Bucks parents offend some kind of wizard and have a curse put on the family?! I know that pretty much everyone on this show has had bad stuff happen to them, but the amount of trauma and struggles that they have dealt with in a rather short amount of time is pretty staggering! I mean, Buck has all of this crap happen to him and his dreams are seemingly killed, and then when he starts feeling just a little bit better...BOOM!

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3 hours ago, CJBinATX said:

Here's a post from the site on 9-1-1 using the Titanic water tanks in Mexico to film the water scenes. 

Thanks for this, I hadn't seen this article. Some of it was new information for me. I admire that they went all out balls to the wall on the effects and didn't try to go cheap.

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21 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Wait, how did she die? I barely remember that. 

Just looking back over my older post in season 2 episode 17 it seems she was almost cut in half and/or pinned and when acting Captain Chimney arrived he made the decision not to start treatment so that husband and wife could say goodbye.

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12 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Wait, how did she die? I barely remember that. 

She died in s2e17 - Careful what you wish for is the title of the episode

she got hit by a car [after she decided she wanted to divorce Eddie] the whole storyline was a mess. It was just some random shock factor crap, just like this cliffhanger with Christopher [imo] I hate myself for feeling this way while almost every single 911 fan seems to be crying for that little boy right now and really worrying about his fate. It just feels like emotional manipulation for me.

2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Seriously, did Mattie and Bucks parents offend some kind of wizard and have a curse put on the family?! I know that pretty much everyone on this show has had bad stuff happen to them, but the amount of trauma and struggles that they have dealt with in a rather short amount of time is pretty staggering! I mean, Buck has all of this crap happen to him and his dreams are seemingly killed, and then when he starts feeling just a little bit better...BOOM!

where are Buck's parents? their son almost died like 4 times already [when he choked on a piece of bread, when the firetruck fell on him, blod clots and the tsunami] and he's going to [almost] kill himself again in the next episode based on what Oliver Stark said. I guess they'll show up when they kill off Buck for real. Yes, i said i'm done with the show, but i'm still interested in the family stuff lol. 

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7 minutes ago, DisplayyName said:

she got hit by a car [after she decided she wanted to divorce Eddie] the whole storyline was a mess. It was just some random shock factor crap, just like this cliffhanger with Christopher [imo] I hate myself for feeling this way while almost every single 911 fan seems to be crying for that little boy right now and really worrying about his fate. It just feels like emotional manipulation for me.


Yeah, the whole Shannon stuff (I can't believe I even remember her name smh) was a mess, but she wasn't received well so they decided to get rid of her (showrunner confirmed this as the reason in an interview after that episode aired). And I guess they thought that killing her was better than having her abandon Christopher again? 

I mean, this whole Christopher goes missing cliffhanger is definitely emotional manipulation. I'm not a huge fan when shows go this route. I just thought that it was well acted and that's why I don't exactly hate it. 

9 minutes ago, DisplayyName said:

where are Buck's parents? their son almost died like 4 times already [when he choked on a piece of bread, when the firetruck fell on him, blod clots and the tsunami] and he's going to [almost] kill himself again in the next episode based on what Oliver Stark said. I guess they'll show up when they kill off Buck for real. Yes, i said i'm done with the show, but i'm still interested in the family stuff lol. 

Apparently, they're still around? I mean, don't forget that Maddie's also almost died once as well (crazy psycho ex) and they didn't show up for that either. 

I guess that'll be explained in the (eventual) Buck Begins/Maddie Begins episode that has to be coming up at some point.

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13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:
Apparently, they're still around? I mean, don't forget that Maddie's also almost died once as well (crazy psycho ex) and they didn't show up for that either. 

I guess that'll be explained in the (eventual) Buck Begins/Maddie Begins episode that has to be coming up at some point.

Yeah, I remember in the finale Bobby told the kid with the bomb that Buck has parents and a gf so he really shouldn't kill him. It was also mentioned that Maddie took care of him like a mother would, she gave him baths when he was 2 and she still ' has her hands full with him '. So i guess his parents don't care about him? I don't remember Maddie almost dying tho, I remember that she killed her husband, but she didn't have a near death experience like Buck or Chimney had. I hope we get a Buck begins episode, Maddie already got a Maddie begins episode when the whole thing with her husband happened and they showed scenes of their marriage etc.

28 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:
I mean, this whole Christopher goes missing cliffhanger is definitely emotional manipulation. I'm not a huge fan when shows go this route. I just thought that it was well acted and that's why I don't exactly hate it. 

It's well acted [but I still hate it], I feel Buck's pain, people constantly leave me with their kids because i'm a woman and I can watch them so why not. I can't even imagine losing someone else's child... The situation Buck's in right now is hell on earth.

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3 hours ago, DisplayyName said:

I hate myself for feeling this way while almost every single 911 fan seems to be crying for that little boy right now and really worrying about his fate. It just feels like emotional manipulation for me.

I'm not worried about his fate because there's absolutely no way they would kill him off. Too predictable. But it's completely unrealistic that he survives something like that. That's what bothers me more, they should have just let him be on that truck. He didn't need to go overboard again.

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On 9/30/2019 at 11:48 PM, meatball77 said:

She was also very worried about all the other people who were dying when the firefighters were spending all the time working on the boat people.

I was thinking the same thing. They kept talking about triage but I am not sure it would be good triage to have 3 highly trained first responders working on that guy who had a giant antenna through his abdomen along with probably a bunch of other injuries, whose heart then stopped.

On 9/30/2019 at 11:57 PM, NJRadioGuy said:

FEMA and/or other federal agencies would have had boots on the ground with a coordinated triage plan within an hour or less. No way that'd be handled exclusively by municipal services.

I was wondering about that, wouldn't the coast guard be one the scene?  Then again if the earth quake was in Alaska wouldn't California have gotten alot of advanced warning about a tsunami.

Also I wonder if we are supposed to assume that the emergency alert on people's phones is what caused the car accident.

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39 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I was thinking the same thing. They kept talking about triage but I am not sure it would be good triage to have 3 highly trained first responders working on that guy who had a giant antenna through his abdomen along with probably a bunch of other injuries, whose heart then stopped.

I was wondering about that, wouldn't the coast guard be one the scene?  Then again if the earth quake was in Alaska wouldn't California have gotten alot of advanced warning about a tsunami.

Also I wonder if we are supposed to assume that the emergency alert on people's phones is what caused the car accident.

As a society we have come to accept that there will be circumstances where medical crews will just move on to the next person. I don't think we have set protocols where a Fire Captain just looks at a scene and decides to drive on to the next potential victim as he judges too much time will be spent there. It is more the luck of the draw of which victim had a crew dispatched to him first.

I am sure the Coast Guard, Baywatch, military flight crews, etc and all hands were on deck. Just not on the street where the one fire department company we are following was working

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8 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Children in jeopardy is the sign that you are a talentless hack.

Disabled children in jeopardy is a sign that you should be taken off the air.

My problem is that they put him in jeopardy twice in the episode, making the 2nd time a cliffhanger. I'll see what happens but so far I feel like the show lost its heart and now it's all about *trying to shock the viewers with the most horrible things possible*. Like putting this adorable kid in jeopardy AND making it a cliffhanger, killing his mom, dropping a whole ass firetruck on Buck or have Athena's son almost open a mail bomb. It's sad because they're only in their 3rd season. I mean, s1 was crazy too when Chimney got a rebar through his head and Athena's daughter attempted suicide but it didn't feel like emotional manipulation unlike some of these storylines.

6 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Although I do agree that Christopher is probably not dead.   Buck losing him is there to either manufacture guilt for Buck or put a wedge between Buck and Eddie.

I hate both.

I would love to see that. It would be realistic. Yeah, it's obviously not Buck's fault what happened but people are dumb, emotional beings, not rational beings with logical thinking. 

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I enjoyed the episode. 

The one thing that struck me instantly when Athena decided to use May was that maybe she could have checked her pockets or something for gloves and then have a moment of debating if she should have her child go hands-on with a stranger's blood. Maybe she could have given her 17-year old daughter a choice of helping or not helping.

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13 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I was thinking the same thing. They kept talking about triage but I am not sure it would be good triage to have 3 highly trained first responders working on that guy who had a giant antenna through his abdomen along with probably a bunch of other injuries, whose heart then stopped.

I was wondering about that, wouldn't the coast guard be one the scene?  Then again if the earth quake was in Alaska wouldn't California have gotten alot of advanced warning about a tsunami.

Also I wonder if we are supposed to assume that the emergency alert on people's phones is what caused the car accident.

I could be completely wrong, as I am recovering from surgery on both eyes, but I could swear I saw a quick view of Athena's car being hit by a low (maybe 4 ft) wall of water (coming from the cross street at the intersection).

Edited by connieinnc
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18 hours ago, DisplayyName said:

I don't remember Maddie almost dying tho, I remember that she killed her husband, but she didn't have a near death experience like Buck or Chimney had.

Her husband nearly killed her when he kidnapped her. I forget how (I remember he shot at her but I can't remember if he hit her; I remember she had pretty severe injuries), but there was a point when they were lying in the snow and she was fading out, and she remembered that he told her they'd die together. She was like "Yeah, fuck all that" and mustered up the strength to keep going and kill him.

(I would also argue that her entire marriage was a near-death experience, but that may be a stretch.)

I could buy that Maddie was estranged from her parents, as it's a classic tactic of abusers to isolate their victims from their support systems (and wasn't Buck unaware of how bad Maddie's marriage was until she showed up in his life?), but it's odd that Buck doesn't mention their parents.

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Also I wonder if we are supposed to assume that the emergency alert on people's phones is what caused the car accident.

I wondered about that too. They didn't really specify what happened. 

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42 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I wondered about that too. They didn't really specify what happened. 

At first I thought that maybe people who were on the beach drove away in a panic and caused the accident, but then I figured that wouldn't fit with the timeline and also assumed people got the alert and maybe someone going: "Oh shit my daughter is there!" ran a red light (I think someone said in the beginning that's how it started?). Maybe we'll find out in the next episode.

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I get the first time putting Christopher in jeopardy.   It was in large part to show his strong connection to Buck and even injured Buck is one hell of a rescuer.   

I was half expecting the team to come boating around the corner only to see Buck and Christopher sitting comfortably on the fire truck.   Or Buck to find one of those handy water proof phones under a dead body and call Maddie for help.

Those two examples I would have happily accepted.

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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

I get the first time putting Christopher in jeopardy.   It was in large part to show his strong connection to Buck and even injured Buck is one hell of a rescuer.   

I was half expecting the team to come boating around the corner only to see Buck and Christopher sitting comfortably on the fire truck.   Or Buck to find one of those handy water proof phones under a dead body and call Maddie for help.

Those two examples I would have happily accepted.

I didn't understand why Buck didn't go under the water to the radio that is inside the truck to see if it was still working.  He couldn't have talked under water, but he could have sent an SOS or something (assuming the radio works underwater).

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I hate myself for feeling this way while almost every single 911 fan seems to be crying for that little boy right now and really worrying about his fate. It just feels like emotional manipulation for me.

Given that reaction, it would be equally fair to say that it's emotional manipulation just having a special needs child on the show, at all, full stop. And if you go down that road there should never be any characters the audience is too fond of, and if there are, they should be kept in glass cases, and the only characters that should ever be affected by any kind of drama are guest characters nobody cares about. Which means . . . no drama.

I'm sure everyone has their emotional trigger, whether it's a child, a pet, or anything else. If the show took a hands-off approach to every character that's a potential emotional trigger for someone in the audience it wouldn't be a drama. It wouldn't be anything, really.

Chicago Fire just killed off one of its original characters and I was pretty pissed off, but not because I found it to be emotionally manipulative. Indeed, the story gave some of the other actors a real chance to shine. What I hate is when the show uses that tiresome excuse that a character's storyline has come to an end - i.e., they can't think of anything else to do with them. This is fiction. A character's only limit is the writers' imagination. 

So if a show puts a popular character into some sort of danger to create drama, I just consider that doing its job. It's when they actually kill them off that I'm prone to examine the motive. 

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On 10/3/2019 at 12:51 PM, iMonrey said:

I wondered about that too. They didn't really specify what happened. 

Yes, they did. They said that a transformer was down, thus causing the stop lights not to work. That was a half-hearted excuse to me because if I came to a stop light that didn't work, I would instinctively slow down and look all around. I wouldn't just assume it's a free-for-all and I'm good to go. 

I will admit that I had to pause this halfway through and take a breather. You don't realize how hard that job is until you see it played out for you. The Jonas guy in the attic really got to me. Deep. And of course Buck and Christopher! I was finally settling back down and assuming all was right with the world again, and then CHRISTOPHER GOES OVERBOARD and the show ends. What the actual? Why are you causing me this much anxiety, show? 

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Yes, they did. They said that a transformer was down, thus causing the stop lights not to work.

Oh, I thought the transformer came down as a result of the crash, not the other way around. We saw a utility pole fallen on top of one of the cars.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Given that reaction, it would be equally fair to say that it's emotional manipulation just having a special needs child on the show, at all, full stop. And if you go down that road there should never be any characters the audience is too fond of, and if there are, they should be kept in glass cases, and the only characters that should ever be affected by any kind of drama are guest characters nobody cares about. Which means . . . no drama.

I'm sure everyone has their emotional trigger, whether it's a child, a pet, or anything else. If the show took a hands-off approach to every character that's a potential emotional trigger for someone in the audience it wouldn't be a drama. It wouldn't be anything, really.

Chicago Fire just killed off one of its original characters and I was pretty pissed off, but not because I found it to be emotionally manipulative. Indeed, the story gave some of the other actors a real chance to shine. What I hate is when the show uses that tiresome excuse that a character's storyline has come to an end - i.e., they can't think of anything else to do with them. This is fiction. A character's only limit is the writers' imagination. 

So if a show puts a popular character into some sort of danger to create drama, I just consider that doing its job. It's when they actually kill them off that I'm prone to examine the motive. 

I already said that it doesn't bother me that they put Christopher in danger and gave the actor who plays him a chance to shine. But they put him in danger twice in the episode and made the 2nd time a cliffhanger. Hey this adorable innocent child is possibly dying, come back next week and watch the next episode. 

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I already said that it doesn't bother me that they put Christopher in danger and gave the actor who plays him a chance to shine. But they put him in danger twice in the episode and made the 2nd time a cliffhanger. Hey this adorable innocent child is possibly dying, come back next week and watch the next episode. 

The same is true of Buck so may I correctly assume you have the same issue with Buck? And would object equally regardless of which character was subjected to the same situation? I'd venture to say there have been instances where a particular character has been in jeopardy more than once an episode, or has been left hanging at the end of a cliff-hanger. It seems like more people care it's about this particular character. Which is fine, but emotional manipulation is an inherent part of drama. If this were about some rando extra it would be met with a collective shrug.

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37 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The same is true of Buck so may I correctly assume you have the same issue with Buck? And would object equally regardless of which character was subjected to the same situation? I'd venture to say there have been instances where a particular character has been in jeopardy more than once an episode, or has been left hanging at the end of a cliff-hanger. It seems like more people care it's about this particular character. Which is fine, but emotional manipulation is an inherent part of drama. If this were about some rando extra it would be met with a collective shrug.

I hate the kind of cliffhangers where a character is in danger of dying.  I think, I hate feeling the desperation of the show creators when it comes to keeping the viewers engaged. The *playing with the life of an innocent child* kind of cliffhanger is where I draw the line. They cannot be this desperate.

i enjoyed the first season.
I absolutely loved 2x01-10.
2x11-14 was great too, i mean, Chimney was in danger of dying and his flashback episode was sad but it was a great opportunity to learn about his past and the crazy ex storyline was interesting (for me at least).
But after that there was a mad bomber after Bobby, a firetruck fell on Buck and Eddie's wife died after asking for a divorce. So OTT. I was waiting for them to give Athena or Hen's child cancer or something. If a writer of the show or someone else is reading this [you never know] i'd hate giving them ideas.

I think, I loved this show when it was more simple. Buck struggling to let Abby go, Eddie raising his adorable child alone, Hen had to decide whether or not her father, whom she never knew should stay on life support, Maddie couldn't sleep because of her crazy ex, Bobby proposed to Athena. It was all great stuff. 'Small[er]' but meaningful storylines. I was watching the show because I really liked the characters, they were all different but they made a lovely team, not because another crazy cliffhanger left me wondering whether a character we've grown to love is going to die or not.

The show would be good but imo they need to calm tf down when it comes to hurting the characters. Each on their own. Sorry if i'm being too negative and annoying.

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Oh, I thought the transformer came down as a result of the crash, not the other way around. We saw a utility pole fallen on top of one of the cars.

I thought they said the tsunami had hit earlier (than the car crash) causing a transformer to fail, causing the lights to stop. I thought the power pole crashing was a result of multiple cars hitting it. I could be wrong. 

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The show would be good but imo they need to calm tf down when it comes to hurting the characters. Each on their own. Sorry if i'm being too negative and annoying.

No, you're not. It's a fair judgment. After all, subtly is not Ryan Murphy's forte. It seems like Season 1 was way more over the top than Season 2 but most of the craziness was reserved for the rescue victims rather than the main characters (with the exception of Buck, who stole a fire truck to hook up with some random girl in the pilot episode). The show is probably never going to find a great balance.

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On 10/1/2019 at 11:33 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

Her boss did mention Maddie having ER/triage experience, which *I think* implied that she would be more effective than some in deciding which calls they could help and which they had to let go?

Which, I think, is a fair reason based on the history of the character. The other reason might be, which was part of my take, that she was distraught at the loss of the attic guy, so she was removed to give her some time to calm down by giving her a doing a job that needed to be done.

On 10/1/2019 at 10:09 PM, Sarah Heart said:

I thought this episode was a little OTT. Message to Buck, find Christopher, my heart was in my mouth when he couldn't find him..and then it was TBC!! nooo

I grew up around water, I find it calming, but you couldn't pay me to live near water anymore. What a fraidy cat..lol

When I moved to here (pacific northwest state), I loved going to the coastal towns -  until I saw all the Tsunami Zone signs. I still go, but there's always just a touch of anxiety in the back of my mind, and I pick places to stay that are high up on cliffs.

On 10/2/2019 at 1:23 PM, DisplayyName said:

Yeah, I remember in the finale Bobby told the kid with the bomb that Buck has parents and a gf so he really shouldn't kill him. It was also mentioned that Maddie took care of him like a mother would, she gave him baths when he was 2 and she still ' has her hands full with him '. So i guess his parents don't care about him?

I wouldn't take anything Bobby said to defuse the bomber as gospel. I imagine they're trained to lie in those situations.  Besides, though I might be mis-remembering, I think Bobby's relationship with Connie's character was clearly over by then.

On 10/2/2019 at 6:40 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

I was wondering about that, wouldn't the coast guard be one the scene?  Then again if the earth quake was in Alaska wouldn't California have gotten alot of advanced warning about a tsunami.

Not sure their boats would have managed to get there in the time period of the episode. Copters, maybe. As for the advanced warning - I think it depends completely on the fault lines where the quake happened. I wasn't entirely sure a tidal wave the way it was shown would be the result of an Alaskan quake. But I'm not seismologist.

On 10/3/2019 at 7:35 AM, mojito said:

I enjoyed the episode. 

The one thing that struck me instantly when Athena decided to use May was that maybe she could have checked her pockets or something for gloves and then have a moment of debating if she should have her child go hands-on with a stranger's blood. Maybe she could have given her 17-year old daughter a choice of helping or not helping.

Every time anyone touches a person who's bloody, I get just a touch freaked out. Yes, it does seem like Athena should have actually checked - cops are trained for that, and they use gloves all the time.

26 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I would be more worried that the kid might possibly drown if his name were Bob.

I have no clue how that Ferris wheel is still standing.  

Laughed on the Bob reference.

I imagine the Ferris wheel would still be standing because the engineering requirements to keep it stable for earthquakes would probably also work for Tsunamis (and tsunami safety regulations would likely be included in the requirements).  My recollection as a former California resident, is that there are very serious regulations for things like that.

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On 10/5/2019 at 2:01 PM, Clanstarling said:

I wouldn't take anything Bobby said to defuse the bomber as gospel. I imagine they're trained to lie in those situations.  Besides, though I might be mis-remembering, I think Bobby's relationship with Connie's character was clearly over by then.

Firstly, I think you mean Buck's relationship with Abby. And secondly, this was the second season finale, correct? I believe Bobby was referring to Buck's girlfriend at the time, Earthquake girl who recurred. I can't remember her name.

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9 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Firstly, I think you mean Buck's relationship with Abby. And secondly, this was the second season finale, correct? I believe Bobby was referring to Buck's girlfriend at the time, Earthquake girl who recurred. I can't remember her name.

Well, yes, Connie Britton's character's name was Abby - a name I forgot - and I wasn't sure (as I said) that I was remembering the status of the relationship at that time - since Buck went off in search of her for awhile and I don't remember when that was. Totally forgot about earthquake girl.

However, the point I was making (the existence of Bobby's parents being the particular subject of discussion) which was that whatever Bobby said to the bomber was intended to defuse the situation and didn't have to be the truth still stands.

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