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Six Feet Under - General Discussion


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I just started watching this show on prime a couple of weeks ago. Just started the second season. I was hooked within the first 10 minutes of the piolet episode!

I liked parenthood but think Peter Krassue was so much better in six feet under! This role seems to suit home better. So far anyways.

Edited by Spicymustard
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I'm particularly intrigued by Nate, as he seems to be loathed on this board as the series goes on, but I generally liked on my earlier views.

I finished up the series on Amazon a few months ago. I loved Nate in the beginning and hated that he was with Brenda, I thought he was way too good for her. As the series went on, I did a complete flip-flop and loved Brenda and thought she was way too good for him!

I also LOVED those uber creepy commercials they used to show for mortuary "supplies" in the beginning of the series.  I hated that they stopped using them :(

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Alright, I just finished it up.  I'm glad I made a post here after watching the pilot, so I can see exactly how long it took.  Shade under 60 days, so just over an episode a day.  Seeing as I've had a few weekend getaways in June/July, that's watching it at a pretty good clip.


I must say, that the ranking of my favorite show ever is still more than valid and justified.  Words can't do justice to how amazing this show is.  It's not perfect, but when you've got 63 hours of content, there is bound to be a tiny misstep or two along the way.  It seems every season has one plotline that, well not necessarily a bad concept, just drags on too long.  Season 1 is Billy's continued downward spiral into insanity.  Season 2 is Brenda's quest to sleep with every guy in southern California.  Season 3 had Arthur.  While I enjoyed Arthur as a character, Ruth's infatuation with him is so utterly ridiculous, and proof that the writers just didn't know what to do with her character in that season.  Maybe James Cromwell wasn't available during shooting until the last few episodes and they had to vamp until bringing him in?  I would have rather them build up that relationship a bit more before the abrupt wedding.  And season 4 has Claire's sophomore class storyline, which I couldn't bring myself to care about, especially Edie.  Season 5 I actually find rather consistently good.


Nate.  We have to talk about him.  I said I was curious how I'd react to him several years later, knowing that much of the audience despises him.  Well, here goes:  I'm on Team Nate.  Sure he turns into kind of a dick in season 5, but I just love the character.  Lest we forget, Brenda was pretty brutal to him in the first 2 seasons, whether it's constantly defending her crazy brother, having random Australian guys naked in her room, or sleeping with half of Los Angeles.  And Lisa was quite the bitch as well.  After Lisa goes undercover to get the massage from Brenda, she comes home and says "You're lucky I love you, you really are" or something like that.  Um...what the hell?  He's ended it with her!  And yet you are the one who keeps dragging it out.  I couldn't believe that.  And she was ALWAYS harping on him for random, stupid shit.  "FATHER and Husband!"  He really tried to "settle" for Lisa, and genuinely cared for her, but eventually discovered it just wouldn't work because she wasn't satisfied unless she had it all.


As I said, he admittedly turns into a bit of a dick in season 5, with claiming Maya as his own far too often, and building up to the obvious hook-up with Maggie.  But there's plenty of times where Brenda is asking for it as well, or not running things by him that she should be (such as trying to tell Maya about Lisa right out of the blue).


And then there's the final stretch.  Ecotone, All Alone, and Everyone's Waiting are pretty much the greatest episodes ever.  And we all know what the final 10 minutes does to us every time we watch it.  All in all, just a spectacular show.  It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you jump, it's exciting, it's stressful, it's as close to perfect as I've ever seen a television show get.


Bring on the criticisms or discussions!

Edited by TheRabbi
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As I said, he admittedly turns into a bit of a dick in season 5, with claiming Maya as his own far too often, and building up to the obvious hook-up with Maggie.  But there's plenty of times where Brenda is asking for it as well, or not running things by him that she should be (such as trying to tell Maya about Lisa right out of the blue).


Yeah, Brenda was way out of line when she did that. But to her credit, when they discussed it later, and Nate called her out for overstepping, she conceded that she had been wrong to charge into that without talking to him about it first. S1 or S2 Brenda would have rolled her eyes and reminded Nate of her superior intellect. I haven't done a rewatch in quite awhile, but if I recall correctly, at the end of that episode both Brenda and Nate are showing Maya a photo album with pictures of Lisa, and telling Maya about her.


I agree that the Arthur/Ruth short-lived romance was a terrible idea, and probably the most unrealistic storyline on the show. I liked parts of Claire's art school storyline, but her "experimenting" with Edie felt contrived, as if the writers were trying to force Claire's character development into what they thought it should be, instead of letting it progress naturally. I did like Edie...I thought she and Claire were great as friends.


For me the worst misstep of all was the "That's My Dog" episode, when David was carjacked. I never believed that he would have stopped to pick that guy up in the first place. S1 David, who was full of self-loathing about being gay, would have done that. But I found it out of character for S4 David, who by that time had come out, accepted himself, and even put, "We can't come to the phone right now because we're too gay!" onto his and Keith's answering machine.

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I personally loved That's My Dog.  I guess I don't understand the logic: if David was more accepting of himself in season 4, why would he be less likely to pick up a hitchhiker?  I would think that season 1 David, who hated himself and who he was, would be more afraid to pick up someone for fear of that person seeing he's gay and judging him.  I thought it was great episode to mix it up a little bit, and was genuinely suspenseful.


I guess for me the biggest misstep (besides Ruth/Arthur) would be the Rico/Sophia thing.  Rico was always such a family man that I never quite bought that he would betray Vanessa like that, even if she was depressed.  And it did drag out with him being stupid for too many episodes.


I think one of my favorite random scenes is the siblings singing "I'm a lonely little petunia" to Maya.  It's just so perfect, and real.  The show is filled with moments like that.

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10 years later, is the 'Six Feet Under' finale still the best drama ending ever?


Ten years ago tonight, "Six Feet Under" aired its final episode, "Everyone's Waiting." The drama had seen better days, but there was still enough affection for one of HBO's early trailblazers that a lot of viewers came back for it (or simply paid more attention than they had of late), and were rewarded with a stunning closing sequence that took the show's exploration of death to its logical conclusion.


For a long time, this finale was held up as the no-doubt best conclusion to a TV drama (and by some as the best TV finale of any kind), particularly as lots of the era's other great dramas went for endings that deliberately confounded the audience.



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I'm rewatching to show for maybe the fourth time and it's still as good as always. At the end of season 3 now.

One thing I'm wondering about is what went down with Rico's cousin(?) Ramon, because it seems nothing really comes from him catching Ramon having sex with a man. He yells homophobic slurs, Vanessa tells Ramon's wife (off screen) and that's that. Was the storyline simply dropped? I know Rico seems to accept David being gay eventually but it's kind of a silent thing. I don't remember them discussing the issue later on (after his jerk reaction to David coming out to him). I don't think Ramon is ever mentioned again. Is there something I'm missing?

Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love Margaret. I wouldn't want her in my life but I love watching Joanna Cassidy playing her and think she's entertaining as hell. Her laugh is the most infectious laugh I've ever heard.

Edited by joelene
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Im really late here but i just finished watching this series and it was really an amazing series. Up there with breaking bad for me as best show ever.


The ending bought out all sorts of emotions, it was really well done. yea some of the makeup looked silly but getting a glimpse of their future lives was great, watching David was great. And seeing Claire live 102 years and seeing her at the end was both sad and amazing.

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I personally loved That's My Dog. I guess I don't understand the logic: if David was more accepting of himself in season 4, why would he be less likely to pick up a hitchhiker? I would think that season 1 David, who hated himself and who he was, would be more afraid to pick up someone for fear of that person seeing he's gay and judging him. I thought it was great episode to mix it up a little bit, and was genuinely suspenseful.

It's funny how people can watch the same thing and take away completely different things. I saw David's picking up a hitchhiker as very reckless, self-destructive behavior, reminiscent of Season 1 when he picked up the male prostitute and ended up getting arrested. By Season 4 I felt David had moved past that.

I get that his abduction was supposed to be the starting point for his storyline and character development (or devolvement, depending on how you want to look at it) for the remainder of the series. But to me it seemed contrived. Whatever else David did, he always took his job very seriously, and went out of his way to treat families, and their deceased loved ones, with care and respect. When he picked up that hitchhiker, he was transporting a body. So I didn't find it at all believable that he'd decide to take a detour to give a stranger a ride while he was taking a body back to the house to be prepared for a funeral. It was uncharacteristically irresponsible of him. During Season 1, he got very angry with Nate for stopping to have lunch with Brenda instead of going directly to the house while there was a body in the van, and gave him a lecture about what happens when a body starts to decompose. Then all of a sudden he decides to do essentially the same thing? It did not ring true to me at all.

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I'm with TheRabbi on the hitchhiker sitch. I think he saw a cute guy in need of help and figured it would be a good deed at worst, at best a hook-up. David and Keith were having an open relationship, Keith was away, so what the hell, who knows? Not that he wasn't always a professional but I think he was more rigid about something like transporting a body in season one when he had just taken over the business, and especially about his brother, who at that point he didn't take seriously, transporting a body. Plus he's always been self-important, so I don't think him fucking up a transport (hook-up or not) would ever enter his mind.

Edited by joelene
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"That's My Dog" was disturbing as hell. I didn't find it too out of character for David to pick up a hitchhiker. It turned out to be a horrible decision though - one of many. His later recurring visions of the demon in the red hoodie annoyed me. I did love the episode where he confessed to Claire the details of what happened, being doused by gasoline, etc. It was his birthday and Claire gave David a picture she'd taken of him the night they had the bonfire and were burning the left over yard sale items - reminders of their past. The picture was of David surrounded by flames. It was tender yet so ironic.

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I just found the show on one of those free weekends. I like it and my sister does too.  We are still in the first season.  I was able to tape through S2, Ep. 8.

I hardly recognize MCH.  Wow, and someone thought he could play a serial killer.  It really shows what a great actor he is.  And I loved Dexter.

Didn't read many of the other posts in this thread.  Don't want to be spoiled. 

I'll post more thoughts as I watch.

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Stop reading now, @Jordan27, if you don't want to be spoiled.


I'm on "Death Works Overtime" and it's making me more anxious than it originally did. Lisa car's just been located, David & Keith have broken up for umpteenth time, Claire is still reeling from Russell's admission w/Olivier - and she takes a pregnancy test, Ruth's in denial about Lisa's possible fate, Billy & Brenda are stressing w/Margret about where to scatter Bern's ashes and Fisher & Diaz has 3 death intakes. We see George for the first time.

Great scene when Claire & David show up at Nate's motel room.

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I was watching this show off and on over the weekend marathon, still a great show. I forgot how many up and comers were on this show. Chris Pine, Jenna Fischer, Chris Messina and many others. Also, I forgot how irritating Ruth was. It was also interesting to hear them talk about the wars, especially Iraq, back in 2005.

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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I just finished binge-watching this show and MAN.  I wasn't really familiar with Michael C. Hall before this (haven't watched Dexter, though I'm considering it as the next show to binge-watch) and I have fallen in love with his acting.  I also felt like, similar to Breaking Bad, that the story really ended with Nate's funeral in All Alone - the last two episodes felt more like an epilogue to me rather than the true end of the story.  (Also, I was spoiled for the flash-forwards to the family's respective ends and looking forward to how they would be handled, a lot of the poignancy of those moments was lost for me with how TERRIBLE the wigs and makeup were - I felt like the wigs especially reminded me of nothing more than Billy Crystal and his wife's character in The Princess Bride, they were that bad.)

Just finished binge watching this myself, after meaning to for ages. I really enjoyed it, though maybe not quite as much as I was expecting to. But considering how long the episodes are, they never felt like they were dragging, which is always a good sign for me.

Since Nate is such a hot topic in here, I have to add my voice to mostly disliking him. However, considering I just disliked him as opposed to hating him, which I expected going in since I absolutely loathed Peter Krause's character on Parenthood, I guess that's a win? He was okay to start, but by season 5, I was happy when he died. Also weirdly satisfied that he and Brenda ended on a sour note for some reason.

I was surprised by how awful Keith and David's relationship was. I hadn't really seen much in the way of fan reaction to characters or relationships before watching, but for some reason I thought their relationship would be something I'd root for, but boy was I wrong. The actors had great chemistry, but they hardly seemed like they liked each other most of the time, if their bickering was anything to go by. They seemed to get it together by the end, but that might just have been because their storyline was focused more on their new kids than their relationship issues for once.

Rico was also insufferable. He was good for some comedy here or there, but then he'd act homophobic and sexist or whatever else, and I'd be reminded of why I hated him. His affair storyline was also frustrating, because once Vanessa found out, he was so adamant that he never did anything with her, and in the end, admitted that what he did was wrong regardless. But did she not give him a blowjob the first night they met? That was never addressed or admitted and for some reason that really bugged me.

Claire could be frustrating, but I don't think I ever hated her the way I hated most of the others. I think her and David were my favorites.

I'd heard so many amazing things about the finale, particularly the end, but I think I liked it more in theory than how it played out. It might just be because it was dated now, but the aged up make up was so jarring, all the clips moved too fast, and I felt like almost everyone living fairly long lives and dying from strokes or heart attacks or whatever, was kind of boring. More tragic deaths like Keith's mixed in there would've been more impactful, I think.

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I certainly can't think of anything that gives it a serious challenge. I've only watched Breaking Bad once through, so that is on my list of things to rewatch. It had a good finale, but I remember the episodes prior were much more intense and the finale being a serviceable epilogue. (some have mentioned similar feelings towards nates death with a few episodes to go).

But some of my favorite shows, the finales range from serviceable (Lost, Chuck), to horrific (Dexter, 24). I'm only counting shows that had a chance to tell a proper finale (I'll forever be bitter about that Pushing Daisies cancellation). But the SFU finale works for me on every level, not just the ending montage.

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On 5/24/2017 at 6:23 AM, spiderpig said:

I just clicked onto this forum but have to state, unequivocally, that the last episode was the best series finale ever.  Period.

I agree.   I am re-watching this series now.  Still on season one and plan to knock it out and watch the second today.  

Edited by wings707
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1 thing I find utterly baffling are the comparisons between Nip/Tuck and SFU. I just can't even process how any critic would find a soapy, hyper-sexist, lowest common denominator show like Nip/Tuck to have anything in common with an intelligent, sensitive masterpiece that treated women like human beings (SFU)... What the hell is wrong with people??!

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Just dropped by to see the feelings about this show. It was one of my favorites and actually my first time watching a series on a pay channel.  I'm considering watching it again from season one, to the finale.  I know it'll be hard, though. I recall saying goodbye to those characters.  The article really sums it up. 


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6 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Just dropped by to see the feelings about this show. It was one of my favorites and actually my first time watching a series on a pay channel.  I'm considering watching it again from season one, to the finale.  I know it'll be hard, though. I recall saying goodbye to those characters.  The article really sums it up. 


It's just as good the second (or eve third!) time around.  I'd watch it again.

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On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2014 at 8:13 PM, ShellSeeker said:

I just recently re-watched the whole series via OnDemand. I had not done that for quite awhile. I was so tempted to skip to the finale, but I made myself watch each episode in order. Every time I see it, I tear up, and I remember when I watched it for the first time. When they flashed Ruth's name, and I realized what they were doing, I started to cry. It was just such a perfect way to end that show. Best finale ever.

Yes amazing, the only show in history to kill off every character yet still have a happy ending, 

On ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2014 at 1:12 PM, BizBuzz said:

Ok...so I am the self-proclaimed president of the Peter Krause fan club, but I just might need to relinquish my title as I never saw one episode of Six Feet Under.

OMG, I started watching on Friday night, and I just completed episode 4 and I am so hooked it's not even funny.

Why the heck didn't I give this a chance LONG before now?  Who knows, just glad I found it. 

I envy you, you get to watch them all virgin. 

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On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2014 at 1:06 PM, BizBuzz said:

Thank you @Queasy-bo - I am almost embarrased to say that I am now on Season 3, almost half way done.  OMG - I am addicted to this show!  Everyone plays such a great role, and what I like is that it is so consistent so far throughout the seasons. 

I am actually quite entertained with people that are showing up that ended up on their own shows later on.  The one I am in the middle of right now is Rainn Wilson, OMG, you just had to figure he would play an undertaker perfectly!  ::giggle::

One of the dead guys was Josh Radnor from HIMYM - I was like, man, I know this guy, who could miss those eyes!  HA!

Ohh, didn't know that, must watch out on my rewatch. 

On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2014 at 3:16 PM, Boots said:

Almost 9 years later and I still mourn this utterly brilliant show. 

Is it THAT long?

On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2014 at 3:10 AM, Fisher King said:

"And fuck you, too, Robbie for not letting me have a Snickers bar!"

This show...my GOD. It's still my favorite all-time series in terms of writing, acting and sheer originality. Each episode started with a death but each one ended leaving a life lesson, including what to appreciate, how not to take people for granted and that there's a little crazy living in all of us. It still amazes me that a show set squarely in the reality of death could breathe so much life. That seems like a simple concept now but it took the brilliance of Alan Ball to bring that to us. This show...my GOD.

Absolutely, never watched it on its' initial run because the premise didn't appeal to me but now....

On ‎7‎/‎7‎/‎2014 at 9:48 PM, paramitch said:

I have to chime in here on the finale. I was writing up a piece on another show, and the SFU finale came up in the discussion, so I jumped back over to take a look again after many years, and if anything, I found it more moving and resonant even than before. And needless to say, I ugly cry every freaking time. (sniffle)

I didn't love the entire show -- it was beautifully done, of course. But I had a hard time caring about most of the characters, and I found the opening sequences increasingly bleak and depressing (but I was caring for a terminally ill relative at the time so it probably simply hit too close to home for me).

But man, that finale. One of the best final episodes of TV I've ever seen, if not the best, and one that completely managed to sum up the crux of the show in a way that felt personal, gentle and human. The gorgeous use of Sia's "Breathe Me," the light, the beautiful luminous images as we lose each of those characters while the dead wait patiently (it kills me when we see Nate in Claire's rearview, or when we see Nate Sr. smiling into Ruth's eyes during her last moments)... just incredibly moving and poignant.

Just watching the clip on YouTube is enough to make me bawl

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so, rewatching the series beginning with the pilot, please pop along;

The Pilot

Well, hello and goodbye Nathaniel. We have Billy here but I don't think he has a single line, he just blubs to Brenda (their intimacy obvious from the start). The funeral satire ads are funny although you're glad they didn't keep them up, the joke would have been strained in the long run. You really, really should never deliver a death message over the phone and I don't think anyone does in real life. Claire's drug use must have been shocking at the time and is still a little disturbing now. Eric Balfour, so SFU to Buffy in one (and plenty more Sunnydale alumni to turn up in future seasons). You forget about the fantasy scenes, they come as a shock at the start. You forget Claire fancies Keith from the start which may explain a little bit of David's jealousy in later seasons.  

Reputedly they commissioned a multi season episode order purely on the strength of the pilot and you can see why, it's very strong 8/10

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Unfortunately I missed The Will so here's the next 2.

The Foot

Such a long time since I watched this show I'd quite forgotten about the foot storyline or burning down the house (and I actually genuinely can't remember whether it is ever established who did? Don't ruin it for me). We have a nice scene with Claire and Keith and discover she knows her brother is gay or at very least suspected it. The pre title killing scene where the guy get's cut up with the bread mixer is truly the stuff of nightmares and the black comedy of Nate struggling with his shapeless corpse bleakly hilarious. And now we all know what a 'casket climber' is. 



Whilst we've had hints before this is our first introduction into the Genowith family and we get to see how batty they really are. Again I'd forgotten that Claire and Billy were a thing right from the off. The sequence where Brenda arranges for Nate to have dinner with her parents but not be there herself is a masterpiece in comic discomfort. Love David and Keith shopping, they seem so real, my favourite gay couple on TV still, beating Willow and Tara. Also in terms of acting kudos how terrific is the little girl playing the young Brenda being interviewed by the psychiatrists? Strong scene between Frederico and the gang leader and the circle once more surprises us in a way the show regularly defies expectations.


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Wade Williams, boy SFU is really full of Buffy alumni. Love Claire's Scanners fantasy and love her approaching the 3 girls in the library, the scenes with Hiram and the kids imagining him with Ruth are hilarious and the central story about the Gulf War vet is interesting. I think this is really where you see the Brenda and Bill subtext take shape, not so much him walking in on her and Nate but when she's leaning on him in just her bathrobe and you're thinking 'That's a little too much for a brother and sister'. Nate catching David watching incredibly cheesy gay porn is utterly hilarious but the church stuff is actually quite fascinating too, as David says you never realised there was so much politics involved. Also Ruth is very clearly making her first moves upon Nikolai, in her normal subdued manner.


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Topher refers to Buffy/Dawson's Creek and Nate refers to Will & Grace and gaydar, nice. Even after all these years I find the nudity with Brenda's Aussie friend pretty shocking. Love Ruth and the 2 men in her life, she is a great character, an older woman with such passion. David's date refers to being a 'beeper boy' which ages the ep somewhat but at least he's finally getting some. Like the way that Claire who is such a cynic is just taken in and fooled entirely by Topher, it actually turns out to be a great exercise in humility for her as she admits to David, the world is not really as she perceives it. But she does make friends with 'Compulsive liar danger slut' (great name for a superheroine). You know Nate is really flipping out when Billy turns out to be the voice of reason? An ep with no input from the corpse (maybe because she's not at the Fishers?), hard to watch this poor lady die and if Fredericco can really restore her like that he really is a miracle worker.


Life's Too Short

Just couldn't bear to watch Gabe's little brother shoot himself, the very thought makes me shudder. As for the rest of it this episode is so absurdly funny it made me howl with laughter! Ruth's order at the flower shop is hysterical, I love that she's still practical, selling him the yellow flowers for his cheating partner but letting him write the card himself. David in a gay club is brilliant too, talk about a fish out of water (and you just knew he'd run into Keith and Keith would have someone hotter) and then we have Brenda and her twisted tour of funeral parlours with Nate, just his expression when Brenda comes in from the bathroom mocked up as a cancer patient is priceless, you wonder which is the madder of the Genowith twins? I just love the fact that David borrows Claire's clothes and you can't go wrong with slipping drugs to someone who would never dream of taking them (shame we couldn't have had Ruth techno dancing). You do feel sorry for Hiram as Ruth laughs and he laughs with her not realising she's laughing about something very different. And Police Academy/LA Confidential's Matt McCoy as the shyster undertaker.


The New Person

Ruth at the show is brilliant but her at the Russian restaurant is even better, That said Nikolai is such a walking Russian cliché you keep expecting to find out he's an ex-KGB agent who deals in stolen nuclear weapons. I love her heart to heart with where she explains how much she enjoys her job and how it means so much more than simple employment to her. I actually love the new embalmer she's such a ray of sunshine in the dour Fisher house (although a funeral home should be dour?). Amazing how Claire who is such a cynical and sometimes spikey character genuinely cares for people in trouble. Lovely heart to heart between her and Nate, interesting contrast between Brenda and Billy. David and Keith great as always, David is just so soppy.



The Trip

Oh, the baby, yep, they really went there, I wondered if they would, at least it's a very peaceful passing, the scene where David and Nate try to get the shell-shocked parents work through the practicalities of the situation is terrific, as David comments, they're just kids themselves (although happily that means they can have more children). Really sick of the Claire/Gabe storyline although the gang is Vegas is terrific, David's speech is great and the face off with Billy not before time. The stand out scenes however for me are between Frederico and Vanessa, he's overprotective and she sees right through him, knowing where this is coming from, they never come across more as a married couple. Mary Gross as the flower arranger, always loved her on Sabrina as Mrs Quick. And Jennete Goldstein as the obstetrician, a long way from Vasquez in Aliens. 


Edited by Joe Hellandback

Knock, Knock

Well Ruth dumps Hiram and good riddance, he was wetter than a lactating mermaid! Interesting how they did it, you think she's going to be devastated but instead it comes as a relief to her and she decides to celebrate it with dessert. Instead now she had Nikolai and his Russian fire, he sees the woman of passion lying beneath the façade. Sane Billy is a 100% different person to what we've seen before, now it seems to be Brenda who's the irrational one. Nice little scene of Claire and Ruth bonding over being fired. We have a vision of the corpse from another ep straying over into this ep which I don't think we've ever seen before. Not sure how much of David's sermon was real or not but did he have to do it on the one day Ruth wasn't there? Also Frederico standing up to the hysterical client and our first indication of Nate's brain condition, never realised it dated almost from the start of the series.


In the Game

The actress's death and the reaction of the rest of the cast and crew is hilarious, you can absolutely imagine that happening in Hollywood just as you can imagine them making that horror film. First time we meet Rico's sister in law, the dinner party scene is hilarious although how much more comedy can you mine from a single bottle of aspirin? Of course the real stand up scene here is David's appearance as 'Mr White Ass Cracker', a gag which still makes me howl with laughter all these years later. Also like the scenes with Ruth trying to come to terms with David being gay, buying a self help book is such a Ruth thing to do and Claire realises she's honestly trying but doesn't have a clue. Interesting scene with Nate at the beach when we consider season 5.


Out, out brief candle

Interesting opening and a clever mislead, you genuinely think it's the other player for a moment. My brother had a very similar experience playing rugby, 18 year old drops dead from a previously undiagnosed heart defect. Love Claire's little turn as the coffin display spokesmodel and about time she got rid of oxygen thief Gabe. Who else thought David and Keith would end up adopting his niece from his troubled sister? For a show that seems to endorse drug abuse (or at least give a realistic depiction of it) we finally start seeing the downsides. Nice to see Ruth standing up to her sons and Mitzy is entertaining. Best bit of all however is where Brenda is throwing her dinner party and her old flame asks Nate what happened to Billy? So when Nate replies "He's in a hospital" he doesn't say anything but you can just see on his face he's thinking "GOOD!".


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