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Everything posted by captain1

  1. Even though I am a woman, I enjoy going to Hooters - never been to any of the other "breastaurants". Hooters does have delicious wings and always seems clean. I believe they have fairly strict rules about what the customers can do or say to the Hooter girls. And the Hooter girls themselves always seem well groomed and well spoken. At least at the few I have been to. After seeing this episode, I don't think I would be caught dead in a Bikini's, no matter how awesome their food might be ( and somehow, I don't think it is LOL). Even my husband said it looked too trashy and he wouldn't want to go there.
  2. Stumbled upon this last night right after the Call the Midwife Christmas episode. My brother and his husband were visiting - none of us had even heard of the series before, but we laughed till we cried!
  3. Prevailing Wind, I have a friend who refers to Wachovia Bank as "Walk All Over Ya Bank"!
  4. My must sees: A Christmas Carol (Patrick Stewart version only), It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and A Christmas Story - anything else is a bonus!
  5. As I have said before, Jenna W used to bug me until I realized that Lester adores her - and that was good enough for me! I miss her on Weekend Today, but I am enjoying her segments on Today when I get to see them.
  6. Wow just realized I somehow missed all the comments about the party - that would've gotten me banned on TWoP!
  7. Was I the only one who really enjoyed the Christmas party episode? I thought Ladd looked at ease and seemed to be enjoying himself. And the food looked really good (as well as the space)!
  8. A few of my favorite things from the Christmas special - the nearly raw pig (how embarrassing for Tickle!); Cutie Pie all dressed up (priceless) and Tickle dressed all in jaunty white!
  9. I don't think I've ever seen the Alistair Sims or George C. Scott versions somehow (don't hate) but I love, love, love Patrick Stewart's version of "A Christmas Carol"!
  10. Finally got around to sitting through all of this so here's my thoughts whether y'all want to hear them or not! First a disclaimer - Peter Pan is one of my least favorite musicals of all time. Just don't care for the story or the songs. I thought Allison Williams did a perfectly serviceable job. Like others, I am kinda worried about Christopher Walken. He didn't look well. The thing I took the biggest issue with was the damn flying apparatus. In the later scenes on Hook's ship, it looked like they took absolutely no steps to try to camouflage it. In addition to the wires, which didn't bother me too much, you could actually see the clips and the rigging on Peter. I know it would be difficult, but it seems to me they could have designed it to blend in better with the costume, or something. I wish they would do "Camelot" - my all time fav (I am showing my age, I know!)
  11. Think the mystery may be solved! Out to dinner and a Christmas concert with friends tonight and related my tale of woe. My friend's husband, who owns an Ace hardware store, said "I bet your bottom oven element is burned out". Will check tomorrow but I bet he's right!
  12. Yes that could be it - bad turkey karma! I definitely didn't turn the oven off, so it wasn't that. Next year maybe I will try the technique of roasting him bottom side up for a while first, then flipping breast side up. In the end, it was all good as we had plenty of everything!
  13. Maybe y'all can help me out - I have been roasting a turkey for years without incident, but this year came close to disaster. Here's what happened: I had procured a fresh 14 pounder. He said he would take 3 3/4 hours at 325. I shoved butter under his skin, rubbed more butter, salt, pepper and herbs on him, shoved a quartered onion and a cut in half stalk of celery in his cavity, same as my mother before me. Tucked his wing tips under, and put him on a rack in my roaster pan. Put him in the oven, basted twice, saw that he was browning nicely and tented him with foil. All the same as I have always done. His pop up timer said he was done a full hour early. I was sceptical so checked with my trusty instant read. Breast read 180, meatiest part of thigh (not touching bone) read 175. I took him out of the oven, removed him to a platter to rest, and covered with foil. 45 minutes later, when DH went to carve him, bloody juices were overflowing the platter. We ended up with just the breast meat - didn't feel safe to serve the dark meat. When we turned him over, his whole underside seemed not done. What gives?
  14. Sue gets a lot of flak on here for being doom and gloomy and paranoid, but on Facebook she is charming and very interactive with her fans. She posts a ton of cool pics as well.
  15. Thought I'd start a catchall topic for the new season. Hope this is OK!
  16. I like the Planters Peanuts Christmas party commercial with all the animals and the nutcracker. Makes me LOL every time!
  17. I thought this was a particularly beautiful episode. I don't think the thunder was added later, because the sky looked pretty threatening at the time. The Masai people are fascinating.
  18. What's up with Joe's hair these days? It just keeps getting taller LOL
  19. Boy the music on this show is SO far superior to country music radio now. I never listen to country except on this show, but my favorite radio station that I listen to in the car abruptly changed format to top of the charts country so I have been listening for a few days now. Every song just seems so interchangeable - hot girl, alcohol, pickup truck. Lather, rinse, repeat. Blech!
  20. She is just not appealing AT ALL and the interactions with her husband are so fake and stilted. At least IMHO Ina and Jeffrey seem so sweet and loving, and Jeffrey is so much more natural than Mr. Farmhouse (sorry don't remember his name).
  21. Le sigh...... I love Joy but I see how she didn't stand up for herself to her teammates. Oh well, FoodE is just up the road. It is tiny and they don't take reservations. I hope I can still get in!!
  22. I agree potatoradio it seems quite inbred to me too. I mentioned on the spoiler thread that I would be rooting for Joy. She is the African-American chef who said she owns a small farm-to-table restaurant. Her restaurant is Foode in Fredericksburg, VA, and I have dined there many times. It is amazing! She seemed so nervous a first, but the judges seemed to like her fried chicken skins over grits and greens, so I'm hoping she can settle in and stay awhile!
  23. I missed the first season of this show - loving it now, however. I have a question as to how they select the guests and combine the segments. My theory is that the solicited a bunch of "interesting" people, got permission to study their family trees, and then decided whose stories would juxtapose nicely with who else's. Does anybody know for sure?
  24. This is probably the wrong place to post this, but I am going to be pulling for Joy. I have been to her restaurant, Foode, in Fredericksburg, VA many times and it is amazing. I know she is a great chef, but it sure looked like she had a major case of nerves. Hope she will survive and calm down!
  25. I love Dead Mouse Theater!! Does Pillaging Mouse call the other mouse "Eggnog"?? Makes me LOL every time.
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