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Everything posted by captain1

  1. I guess I am once again going against the grain here, but I thought this season was fantastic. I am a semi book reader, having made it through "A Feast For Crows". I thought much more happened than the last couple of seasons and that disparate story lines are starting to come together. The violence, rape and killing doesn't bother me. I mean, it's a work of fiction, FFS, and depicts a world where life is short and brutal. Not so much different than some times and places in the real world!
  2. I always wonder about Andy's dogs - you'd think that tied up to their houses like that they'd be sitting ducks for some passing predator!
  3. My DVR cut off the end of the fake vandalism episode - how much money did they end up making on it?
  4. I know I'm in the minority when it comes to Chip, but I really like him and his family. They always seem so upbeat, and seem so happy working with one another. And he seems to take genuine pride in Agnes and their daughters. I loved the scenes of him and his daughter going out to secure the furthest cache.
  5. I don't understand all the Jeff Rossen hate on this thread - he seems likeable enough and his segments seem to me to be some of the more interesting ones on this train wreck! Far better than the hosts sitting around asking stupid questions about each other.
  6. Not a fan of Aunt Sandy's shows, but I certainly wish her well on this difficult journey and pray for a complete recovery.
  7. I agree Tonypitt - and I wouldn't mind seeing a gargantuan flop once in a while!
  8. I was wondering if she had left him or something- haven't seen her on screen lately.
  9. I loved the scenery and the wildlife and I agree it was wonderful to see a different side of Africa. On a completely shallow note, though, what is up with all the women gagging and carrying on about the meat - I'm a woman and I love a good thick rare steak! I feel like I must be weird in some way after watching this bunch.
  10. I had DVR'd A. D. - The Bible Continues and was watching the first episode just now. I recognized Kevin Doyle (Molesley) more by voice than looks as Joseph of Arimathea.
  11. Yeah I know, but I'm still glad to see them back!
  12. I am enjoying the new season so far. Glad to see Joe and Tommy are back, but I wonder why they aren't shown in the credits? also loving "Nuncky" and "Holdy".
  13. I'll be glad when the ad for the "big hunk of love" bear or whatever it's called is gone. I would NOT be happy if my hubby spent $100 for a damn four foot tall teddy bear (and it isn't even a particularly cute bear - they couldn't even be bothered to put a red bow on it or anything)! And the undertone of "just buy the little woman this ugly ass bear and you are guaranteed to get laid." Just. Go. Away.
  14. I just think it might touch a raw nerve in light of the recent horrific burning alive of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS.
  15. Uhhh, Progressive Insurance - you MIGHT want to pull the ad showing Flo getting burned at the stake.
  16. I agree - if that horrible excuse for a human being Ann Coulter ever shows up on set, I won't be able to turn the TV off fast enough!!
  17. This episode was just so sad. My hubby and I often remark to each other that we are so grateful that our home is a refuge of peace and calm. Even when our son was a teen, and we dealt with all the teen stuff, it was still, by and large, calm. I cannot imagine living like these people do day in and day out. Even though they created the problem themselves I feel for them.
  18. I don't watch Dr. Phil very much at all - just happened across it as this episode began and got sucked in. My question is - is there anyplace on his website that provides an update on how this family might be doing? I know I know - I could go there and look it up myself but I'm feeling lazy!
  19. I loved how incredulous the teen monster looked every time the audience laughed at her - like how DARE they!! And I agree - terrible parenting skills (or lack thereof).
  20. I also don't see how these places could possibly sell enough candy and sodas to pay the rent in a shopping mall.
  21. Man - Bill sure looked wasted in the episode before last - but thanks to the editing monkeys he was all sobered up in no time!
  22. I love this oldie but goodie that Sears Optical has resurrected: "Please come snuggles with Momma!"
  23. Cooksdelight I love all your inside scoop! Keep it coming, please!
  24. Even though I am a woman, I enjoy going to Hooters - never been to any of the other "breastaurants". Hooters does have delicious wings and always seems clean. I believe they have fairly strict rules about what the customers can do or say to the Hooter girls. And the Hooter girls themselves always seem well groomed and well spoken. At least at the few I have been to. After seeing this episode, I don't think I would be caught dead in a Bikini's, no matter how awesome their food might be ( and somehow, I don't think it is LOL). Even my husband said it looked too trashy and he wouldn't want to go there.
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