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Everything posted by captain1

  1. O holy heck - are they wearing complementary Christmas jammies this morning? And Mika is accenting hers with an Episcopal scarf (tm Oakville?)
  2. Isn't it amazing that we can see the same thing and react to it so differently?
  3. Damn if Mark and Digger's cranberry orange 'shine didn't look quite tasty! I love the holiday specials!
  4. I hadn't seen the Kroger one this year, xls, but I love it! The guy in the wheelchair looks so kind, and I have invented a whole backstory for it in my head. They are all workplace friends (maybe professors at a small, liberal arts college) who genuinely enjoy one another's company. OK, I have clearly thought about this too much!
  5. Oakville you crack me up everyday with your recaps and especially your comments on our intrepid hosts' wardrobe! But on a point of technical order, as an Episcopalian who gets into such things, I will just point out that the word for the scarfy things is "stole" - and here is more than you ever wanted to know about them LOL! Stole A stole, called a epitrachilion in Orthodox churches, is a long, narrow rectangular garment that is worn around the neck so that it hangs down in front of the wearer’s legs, ending below the knees. The stole merges the functions of two different things. First, ancient government officials wore a stole, just as today a policeman wears a badge. Second, slaves used used to wear work cloth around their necks, for polishing things, and for wiping sweat from their faces. In the church, the stole functions as a badge of office to mark the wearer as ordained clergy. It can also function as a cloth that the celebrant uses to clean the Communionware as part of the service. For those reasons, the stole became a Eucharistic garment. Modern stoles are usually the appropriate color for the season. Only ordained clergy wear a stole. A deacon can also wear a stole, but it is customary for a deacon to wear it over the left shoulder, tied at the waist on the right side, so that the stole hangs diagonally across the chest. A stole can be worn over a robe, an alb, or a cassock. If an ordained minister combines a cassock, surplice, and stole, the cassock goes on first, then the surplice, then the stole on top. If an ordained minister combines an alb, stole, and chasuble, the alb goes on first, then the stole, then the chasuble on top. (There are stoles that are designed to be worn over chasubles, but that is not common.) If a deacon combines an alb, dalmatic, and stole, the alb goes on first, then the dalmatic, then the stole on top. http://cdn.opentip.com/Home-Kitchen/Rj-Toomey-Ts-Coronation-Clergy-Stole-p-7787339.html?gclid=Cj0KEQiAyuPCBRCimuayhb3qqvwBEiQAgz62kQOxf2M6jylOZna6c7_r0FlPGdeP09-uCrvm5P2EQnsaAjiY8P8HAQ
  6. Never thought I'd say this but my respect for Donny D. grows daily (or should that be bigly?). He was making a lot of sense this morning and evidently really gets under the bloviator's skin judging by Joe's reaction to him.
  7. I guess Dylan still hasn't had the baby yet?
  8. No subtitles needed here either! I like all of the personalities of the 'shiners on this show (even Josh because he loves Cutie Pie) except Chico - he just grates on my last nerve. His girlfriend seems like she has a lot more going for her than to be with him.
  9. Goodness - how reliable is TMZ? Seems so unlike Tarek. I'll be very sad if this is true.
  10. For a split second there when you said "doing flips together" I had a mental picture of them actually doing backflips?
  11. I find lots not to like about these two assclowns, but I have never viewed them as objective reporters. They are political commentators with points of view, even though their points of view are dangerous to my blood pressure. To that extent I guess I'm not that upset about their access to and fawning over Trump, if that makes sense - never expected anything different?
  12. How many bottles to you have to go through to make it all the way through the show, oakville? (just kidding! But I'm sure vino helps bigly!)
  13. I guess nobody watched this sh*tshow this morning? Oakville where are you? I need my snark fix.
  14. Lord knows I am a meatatarian - I love the stuff! But all that meat didn't seem to have any different seasoning on it - and I was multitasking while watching, but I don't recall any discussion of any rubs, marinades, or anything. Seems like it would all taste the same after a while.
  15. I don't get the new Audi commercial at all. The one where a guy is fishing in a lake in waders and a girl comes along and sticks the toe of her ice skate in the water and some boys are waiting to play ice hockey and the lake starts freezing up and then all these Audis drive across it - just WTF?? https://www.ispot.tv/ad/A_QZ/season-of-audi-sales-event-lake
  16. In the Xfinity commercial I love how the one granddad pronounces "bruh" - that made me LOL!
  17. The commercial that has grown on me is for some sort of auto dealer - it features a song with the words "that didn't suck" and "I kinda liked it" - makes me chuckle! OK - just saw it again - it's for something called "Carvana"
  18. Thanks for posting - I hadn't seen it. Wonderful ad.
  19. Why the hell does Joe think it's cute to pretend that he doesn't know about stuff and that he's hearing it from Mika for the very first time on the air? He pulled that crap again with the whole Hamilton thing. It is beyond irritating to me. And then of course both of them thought it was so horrible. GAH!
  20. I think we need a forum member who lives within a fairly close distance of the Merc to go take one for the team and check it out!
  21. Just noticed that Consumer Reports has given her line of pots and pans a pretty favorable rating. I am awaiting the flying donkeys as we speak.
  22. Bastet I am a lawyer also - I am a public defender. Proud to be a very small cog trying to give a voice to the marginalized, but your job sounds awesome.
  23. If you want to read something truly frightening, read Christian Nation by Frederic Rich - it's on Amazon. It is an alternative history that has as its premise that McCain narrowly defeated Obama in 2008. Then shortly after his inauguration, he has a heart attack and dies, leaving Sara Palin in charge. Then there is a huge terrorist attack, bigger that 9-11, and the people are ready to go along with her on anything. The author is a lawyer, and it can read sort of like a scholarly article at times, but what makes is truly terrifying is that all of the things that are enacted into law are things that have been proposed but didn't go through, and all of the people she taps for various positions are real, and quoted verbatim. And now it all seems far more real. Think Judge Roy Moore as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  24. Gah! They are still analyzing the fucking polls! Wy don't they talk about the markets tanking or something.
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