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Everything posted by captain1

  1. Saw an ad this morning for Cottonelle toilet paper that really made me go ‘ewww” - parents who are going to a long-awaited kid free Caribbean resort vacation and the wife is recommending Cottonelle toilet paper. Because she wants to be extra fresh and have all of the nooks and crannies extra squeaky clean. I was immediately reminded of anal sex and just nooooo. ETA: Not that I object at all to two consenting adults having whatever kind of sex they want to, I just don’t need to be thinking about it when I buy Cottonelle!
  2. I have a question - do Alaskans actually call winter "dark winter" or is that just a show thing?
  3. The actor who played Spratt plays a similarly annoying lawyer in Mary Poppins Returns.
  4. Minority opinion, I know, but I actually like the show. Although I'm still disgusted by their treatment of Trump after he announced his candidacy, at least the scales have fallen from their eyes now. And it appears their ratings have been pretty good: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2018/08/28/trumps-troubles-bring-big-ratings-boost-to-msnbcs-morning-joe/#495241c193f1
  5. Did anyone catch this year's holiday special? We love Mark and Digger. They always look like they're having fun. The storyline with Tim was too contrived, even by this show's standards, but still fun to watch.
  6. I did the same thing! I loved Steve too. And his funeral introduced me to the wonderful music of John Williamson. His album, "Anthems" is a celebration of all things Australian. I enjoy seeing how well Terri has raised the kids - Steve would be proud! I think Terri lost her true soulmate and will never marry again.
  7. Ha! I've been rewatching Downton Abbey and every time she is introduced I think of Mabel Lane Fox.
  8. I found the salmon and broccoli clip on The Chew’s Facebook page! You have to scroll back to June 6.
  9. I'm sad - I was missing the show so much so I decided I would watch Carla's salmon thing again - and the link gives a page not found now. So I tried to find it on YouTube and couldn't. If anyone has better luck than I do, please share the linkie!
  10. I do not eat at Chik-Fil-A anymore for the reason others have mentioned, but I sure used to love it! I think that ad might be referencing that with kids that age, they often have after school activities such as practices and clubs, which might keep them from being able to get there in time.
  11. I have a new theory this morning - I know I was on the "they're still together and all is well" train but maybe not. To me, this morning it looked like at least three, maybe four, of the disembodied heads might have been on the set of Morning Joe, judging from the backdrops. My new theory is that if they are shown together at the table, the cameras have to pan back, and we would notice the absence of a ring on a certain finger?
  12. I'm waiting to see whether or not things get back to "normal" on the set after Labor Day. Who knows - maybe they all have contracts that give them a ton of vacation days. In the country at large after Labor Day there is a general feeling of "summer's over so it's back to work". If it's still weird then I have no idea.
  13. IMHO if J and M have broken up, they wouldn’t have included those clips of Sen. McCain teasing Mika by saying to her “it’s not too late!” and “Joe finally found someone who loves him as much as he does!”
  14. I loathe the commercial for some prescription drug where a woman breaks out in some ungodly rash and bugs swarm all over it - can’t even watch!
  15. A rare Mika sighting this morning!
  16. It was a new episode - about the opening of their new project “The Boarding House”. They turned an old boarding house in awful shape into a high-end 8 room hotel in downtown Pawhuska. I’m sure the people who were guests there had come to Pawhuska primarily to go to the Merc so I’m thinking they had to have been pretty excited to see her. The recipes for the appetizers looked pretty toned down and actually edible which was a nice change!
  17. Possibly very late to the party with this (I did go back quite a few pages and didn't see it) as I think it's already out of rotation, but I love the Carvana commercial with the blow up dancing thing (don't know what you call them). He gets disgusted with all the extra hidden charges at the dealership where he works and goes home and orders himself a car online from Carvana. The "people" are so cute and the music is so peppy!
  18. I laughed so hard at the episode (last season, I think it was) when the two of them were together and Tony was saying that people would mistake him for the Ripper and compliment him on the meal they had had at Le Bernardin and Tony would fake a French accent and tell them "All ze feesh is frozen!"
  19. Did a nice moment happen today with Jenna Bush Hagar? Saw reference to it on Twitter, but couldn’t find it.
  20. I'll just venture out here with my unpopular opinion - I actually like Morning Joe and don't hate watch it. I think you just have to take it for what it is - not a news show, not even necessarily sharp political commentary, but more like having your crazy, quirky family in your den every morning - you know some of them are smarter than others, some are weirder than others, but your love them all the same. You accept them, warts and all. And as for Joe and Mika being happy? Good for them! By far not the worst thing that's ever happened. I'll show myself out now.......
  21. Forgive me but he reminds me of a young, male Rachel Maddow (and I think he’s adorable)
  22. Ming Tsai would be awesome! Also, on another subject, I didn't get what Clinton was trying to accomplish with that French Onion Casserole - it still looked like soup to me.
  23. Did anybody else think that maybe Sue’s footage was from years ago? I thought she looked younger - like maybe they had footage that she couldn’t stop them from airing. In any case, I was glad to see her.
  24. I love Mark and Digger - they crack me up!
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