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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Archer review James Bond movies. He seems to be more of a fan than he was in How to Archer.
  2. Sigh of relief, even with the specter of gimmick seasons and the 30th edition looming. I'm thinking CBS will keep TAR on Friday nights, though. ETA: Is anybody else ticked off that CBS has farmed the Sunday regional finals to cable? If TAR was still airing on Sunday nights, there wouldn't be a lag waiting for the game and 60 Minutes to end.
  3. I'm giving it a grade of C, and I'm being generous. A Batman who brands his victims, more collateral damage in Metropolis, plot device to turn Zod into Doomsday, Wonder Woman thrown into the mix (not hating her, just feel she's the Colossus/Negasonic Teenage Warhead of BvS), dream sequences that tie into upcoming movies (was that Flash trying to reach Bruce? Cyborg? I couldn't tell), and I think "MOURNING" was misspelled on the front page of the Daily Planet. Yes, I'm a nitpicker, and I probably should have waited until the movie came out on DVD to get it from the library for free, but I want to stay abreast of the memes to come. Anybody else think there should have been a scene where Warner Brothers presents Frank Miller with sacks of money? It's okay to crib Dark Knight Returns, but the movie was sampling it like crazy. Not hating Affleck or Gadot. Somewhat impressed that Superman/Clark is "dead." Warner Bros can do things a lot better, movie-wise. Don't they see the competition, be it Disney or Fox? Or have they seen their own shows, which manage to lighten up on the darkness for the most part? That's especially true with The Flash. At least there's still Suicide Squad to look forward to seeing. Bad sign: The projector was down when I got to the theater, and we had audio only for that trailer.
  4. I'm not too hard on Ino. Girl is walking on water. That's a thing with these ninja . . . it's not even a special move. You don't shout "JESUS NO JUTSU!!" before doing it. You just have to have chakra control. Which reminds me . . . how does Rock Lee do that, when he's supposed to be a putz at ninjutsu and genjutsu? Or is it just that big of a badass that he can overcome his shortcomings?
  5. Mira is kind of cute when she's scared. She's a nice contrast to Dorothy over on The Big O. Now . . . shots of Mira naked? Not so good. Or maybe I'm not in the fanservice fandom. It's weird to see a robot shower, especially when she has a "tail."
  6. I was thinking of "reairing" posters for the upcoming season of Archer . . . but then Toonami announced that they're working on two new seasons of FLCL. So for the two or three people who are familiar with the show and reading on this thread . . . this is for you. (here's the video for "Ride On Shooting Star" by The Pillows)
  7. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Yeah, that was weak-looking. I got my Sports Illustrated today. Wound up with the regional cover of Harvey/deGrom/Famiila. The preview issue has the Mets winning 95 games in 2016, but they would fall to the Dodgers in the NLDS. Also, the Astros beat the Cubs in the World Series.
  8. Huh??? FLCL is perfect at six episodes. Why mess with what has worked?
  9. Looks like I'm going to have to listen to a podcast. Susie Meister and Sarah Rice had Sarah Greyson on their show. First thing that went through my mind when I saw the blurb on my blog where I link to SPS: "Is this a trap?" ETA: Just my luck . . . the link on the podcast's site takes me to the previous episode. ETA2: Found it here. Only disappointment was that the Sarahs didn't find my blog post that profiled them. And I wound up finding Sarah's website and Twitter. Not as informative as her old site (sarahsfiasco.com), but I'm happy to have unearthed it.
  10. Quick note: There will be a half-hour follow-up show following tonight's episode. Also, this week's installment might be the last one I see "live," because I figure Archer is a higher priority for me to watch on Thursday nights. ETA: Drag? In Las Vegas?? In 2016??!? Dude, even with Dean not wanting to be ridiculed when he gets home and Chris overthinking it, can you really get drama out of guys dressing like girls? Also, I went into this season thinking everybody would have to participate in the missions. Sabrina having to reach out to her birth mother is a little dubious. The rest of the episode was a shitshow, with Dione and Kailah (is that the right spelling?) hooking up being the main highlight . .. and it joins the weirder hookups in RW history, if Nessa is to be believed. Totally blocked out Bronne sucking the mother's face in Cancun. ETA2: If you want to be pedantic, it was 2015 when the footage was shot. My point still stands.
  11. For anybody who cares, the second season resumes on April 17.
  12. As fun as the pool game must have been . . . would it have been better than Jon coming back in a white wig, fanning himself with one hand while holding a mint julep with the other? And he'd have the accent to boot. Wow . . . Congressman Sean Duffy is not a Trump fan. So much for the idea of an all-reality "star" ticket.
  13. Anybody else feel a wave of nausea seeing Scot and Jason together in the preview? Unless the show is changing things up, we're going to be stuck with at least one of those losers for the long run.
  14. Heh. Peter's a dumbass, and a conceited one to boot. There's probably not much difference between him and Debbie in terms of reading a situation, but I'm glad he's gone and she's still in the game. The bad news: if the other tribe had lost, maybe they could have voted Jason out. Even with minimal screentime, he's still a pantload. And I hate that the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos survives another week. I'm guessing that the challenges don't take into account whether the ex-NBA player is in the game. Still bullshit, though. At least force the tribes to alternate between shooters. And I hated "Winning." What a jackass. Scot got his ring without coming off the bench for the Celtics. I could have contributed more, and I'm unathletic as hell. Fuck that guy. How funny would it be if Julia winds up winning because Aubrey changed her vote? I was wondering if the releases she signed forbade her from suing the producers, even though she had the same 1-in-13 chance of getting boned. But she stays in the game. Good for her. I probably can't pick her out of a lineup, though. ETA: Are there any fans of The Boondocks here? I keep thinking of comparing Debbie to Uncle Ruckus, at least in terms of jobs held.
  15. "On next week's Arrow . . . John and Thea call Oliver a schmuck. FOR THE ENTIRE EPISODE." The boy's heart was in the right place, but his decision-making skills still need work. Not only is he out one son, he also lost Felicity. You think he would've told her about William if he knew this was going to happen? What a putz. No wonder Dark didn't say a word . . . he was hiding what is no doubt a power ring. And I'm guessing his mouth was the most logical place to keep it without getting the network into trouble. Still going "whatever" to the flashbacks. I'm kindasorta hoping we'd see Flash zip in, realize he's on the wrong show at the wrong time, and zip back out. Now I feel bad that I deleted the episode, because I missed "OLICITY." Probably for the best . . . this was a dreary ep.
  16. Oh, dear God, no. Not safe for work. I think there's a trailer, but I was too hellbent on coming here to warn people about it.
  17. Almost forgot . . . WTF was up with Barry breaking the case to get to Jay's helmet? Might have been less messy if he just opened it up.
  18. I'm certain the spinoff will be picked up. Or maybe Bobbi and Hunter will get picked up by Kang and/or Immortus in Marvel's Heroes Of The Future 2099. Dare to dream, right?
  19. Manpain! Man, it's going to be good to see Barry leave his angst behind on Supergirl. Hated seeing him salute Nancy Reagan to say no to Velocity 9. Trajectory (did we get a naming scene?) wasn't so lucky. We did get a nice Crisis On Infinite Earths homage with her disintegrating and leaving her costume behind. Speedster with a spilt personality was a nice twist, but I won't cry if we don't see her again. Anybody else hoping that Jesse hooks up with Jack Knight? Or Shade? Remember, he was a nemesis to Jay Garrick in proper canon. Bringing in an amoral immortal could be fun. "Whatever" to the editor. For Iris's sake, I'm hoping he doesn't end up shooting himself.
  20. Bumping up because the sixth season is going to be rerun on Adult Swim starting tonight at 1 a.m.
  21. Tonight was eventful for advancing plots on geek-friendly shows. Gotham jumped four weeks, and Supergirl managed a major shakeup. Not that I'm expecting Alex and Hank ("H'ank"?) to stay away for long, but I was genuinely surprised. Nice that Kara is still dealing with ramifications from her exposure to Red K. And Siobhan's big revenge plan was . . . sneaking into CatCo and writing a scathing letter in Kara's name. Did Cat really need Win's geek expertise to solve that mystery? On some level, I'm not surprised Jeremiah is still alive. You can't waste Dean Cain on a Super-show. And he's with Project Cadmus. Anybody else hoping for Dubbliex? Or does J'onn max out the CGI/makeup budget? Kara doesn't have to drive it. She could have flown and made the bike appear to be moving. Can't wait for next week. Gonna watch the episode "live" and DVR Gotham.
  22. Nice recap. Did not occur to me that Oswald's new family may be imaginary. I imagine a scenario where Tabitha had to use airplane glue to stick the feathers onto Oswald, and he is tripping all sorts of balls. I'm still willing to bet that the fam is made up of cannibals. Or con artists.
  23. Damn. Helluva plot development. Hard to believe it was so easy for Ed to frame Jim so effectively. I would've wanted the build to Riddler to last longer, but I guess the pace demanded things move faster. Also: I'm probably going to miss Barnes when he's brutally murdered at the end of the season. No spoilers . . . just total speculation on my part. And damn, Bruce can take a beating. Nice audible with the drugged-out goon. I wonder if he's picked up any skills in the timeskip. More speculation: Oswald's new family? Cannibals. Gotta be. And it's kinda weird that Pengy!Daddy acts like Oswald. Good acting from Paul Reubens. ETA: I'll probably DVR next week's episode. The Supergirl/Flash team-up takes priority.
  24. Found this coming out next week . . . World's Funnest collection from DC Comics. There are short stories collected, but the main content is the one-shot written by Evan Dorkin where Bat-Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk destroy the multiverse. Ton of artists involved in that one, including a scene from The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller (before DK2), and another set in Kingdom Come by Alex Ross.
  25. Here's a preview of the Fourth Doctor's first issue, with all sorts of variant covers. I don't know if I'll see a blank cover right away, but I'll probably get one because I'm weak. Here are two sketches I've gotten of Four in the past.
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