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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. More freaking out from Usopp, Nami and Chopper. Nami gets assaulted in the bath by an invisible man. Not fun. The rest of the crew disembarks, and Luffy tames Cerberus. Robin finds him "cute." I'm waiting on the scene where they meet the zombies.
  2. I don't remember how many old-school handheld games I had as a kid. I'm thinking two . . . three, tops. Damn, this show makes me feel old. The Barbie sketch was based on Gone Girl, right? Haven't seen it. And now I no longer have to wonder why the Ninja Turtles had a vehicle that shot pizza. Thanks, Robot Chicken! And now I don't have to watch any more Star Wars. Apparently, Episode 9 is going to be "wall-to-wall tits."
  3. I hope that's not the case. I want to like Chris. I don't believe sexuality is a choice. I liked him going heart-to-heart with Jenna last week, lapsed Mormon-to-Mormon. If he's the leak, then he sucks, and we're down to only one dependably cool roomie in Ceejai. At least Dean and Sabrina are fringe cases. I'm still rooting for somebody to shave Dione's head and stuff the hair down his throat. He's not as bad as Scot and Jason on Survivor, but I want him to get stomped.
  4. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Heh. The Braves can't be that bad. Not like the locals are urging them to move back to Milwaukee, right? Watching Phillies/Mets. Apparently, the Mets will be wearing 1986 throwback jerseys on Sunday home games. I think they included the 25th anniversary patch, which is a nice touch.
  5. Finale. Moral arguments. Migi goes away. The serial killer almost offs Shinichi's girlfriend, and it looks like she's dead from a rooftop fall. Except Migi may have manifested to save her. Oh, and the other parasites go away. Except for Joe, who is still under Uda's face. I liked Parasyte, but I feel that I could have liked it more. There's an anime con I'm hitting next month. I'm thinking of getting a sketch of Shinichi and Migi. Oh, and if you didn't see the beginning, Parasyte will be running at 3 a.m. starting next week.
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Missed some of the Mets game. Did not see Bartolo lose his helmet swinging, though I did catch him going over-the-shoulder on a popup, followed by a behind-the-back toss.
  7. Fell into a mild coma. Might have forgotten to DVR tonight's new episode. Does CN bother rerunning episodes, or do I wait for it to go On Demand?
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    If only Rodney Dangefield were still alive. John Oliver probably would've put him in all three days. And at the end of every game? "Hey, everybody! We're all gonna get laid!!" Actually, Rodney might have been a Mets fan . . . he did an introduction for the team's 25th anniversary tape, and he was the guest of honor for "Opening Day II" at Shea.
  9. From ComcsAlliance: anthology from Eastern and Western creators to be published in October. This includes Evan Dorkin and Gail Simone, so I might have to boy it. If only there was a better wau to read the previewed material.
  10. I set up a "Past Seasons" thread for the purpose of talking about the "Love" episode. In news closer to the show . . . I think I hate Dione. I mean, I couldn't really give a shit about Kailah one way or the other, but I want Dione shaved down to the scalp. Such a douchebag. I'd say he was the "leak" that everybody is probably going to freak out about in the next ep, except 1. I don't think he really cares about Jenna, and 2. I doubt that he can read and/or write. Seriously . . . as bad as Jenna can be, slagging off about her online has to be just as low, right? It's like BMP wants to channel The Mole in the douchiest way imaginable. Also, I'm not getting what Dean sees in Jenna. He's probably going to look like Chris does this week . . . like a schmuck for liking her. Blobbing? Meh. Didn't Jackass do something similar, with the cast firing paintballs at the loser in the air?
  11. "And yes, they are taking the midnight train to Georgia." Uncharacteristic quip from Phil. I approve. I'm happy Scott & Blair are out because I feel Tyler & Korey bring a better energy to the game. Also . . . eliminated teams still do the rounds with the press, right? Because I'd like to know the rationale of Scott taking the Roadblock. Blair must be the biggest spaz alive, but she and Scott would still be in the game if she had done the Roadblock. You can also make a case that she screwed up by taking both bags, leading to Scott taking Tyler's stuff. BTW, if I'm coming off a flight with Tyler, I will wait for him to find and pick up his luggage before retrieving my own. Not a good look for Tyler, even though 99 percent of people (including Phil) would've flipped out as well. When was the last time a team did a "Double Bald Snark"? Lucky for Dana & Matt that the Roadblock had dancing. Otherwise, they might have gone out, and we wouldn't have lost much. It's negative energy . . . nowhere near as bad as friggin' Logan & Chris, but it's there. Roadblock looked brutal. Not exactly Mark almost dying under the sun in India, but it looked complex. In addition to Scott & Blair, I wonder why Sheri took the Roadblock. Maybe she's more limber than her son. BTW, that's her fourth Roadblock to Cole's three. I'm not seeing any major discrepancy between them. TV Anonymous . . . I think that if you're doing a leg immediately after completing one, the Speed Bump is waived off.
  12. Spoiler alert about "The Power Of Kroll": It's not about Nick Kroll. How funny would it be to see a Doctor have to deal with Bobby Bottleservice? But seriously, that's the weakest link of the "Key of Time" saga.
  13. It's Dr. Hogback. He's the second character with a distinctive laugh ("FO HO HO HO!!"), and he's about as credible as he looks. We'll find out about Cinry's backstory later, and why she hates plates. I'm used to the freaking out. Gotta love it when Chopper's hat leaves his head, and you notice his antlers are gone as well.
  14. We got to hear Archer get an erection again. I wouldn't want that in every episode, but it is pretty funny. It's also amusing for the gang to wait for Archer to break into his usual joke. I would have figured they would have put two and two together after about a minute.
  15. As least we didn't have to deal with a ginger with a "D" on his chest. And now I know how to pronounce "Per Degaton." Did parents name their kids "Per" in the Forties? Semi-decent episode. Didn't see Sidney Palmer coming. I guess that makes Ray the Phillip Fry of the team. God knows he's already dorky enough. And the romance between him and Kendra continues with bumps in the road, which is a cute nod to Atom/Hawkman canon. Anybody else want more team members to seriously kill Per outside of Rip and Snart?
  16. Is Rogue One in the current trilogy or the original? Forgot to mention . . . I got this watercolor commission of Rey this past weekend.
  17. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    It's raining in the city. Don't know if the Astros/Yankees finale will happen, and if LWT's latest winner will be in attendance.
  18. Before I begin . . . no, I'm not "feeling" The Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos. Fuck them both. Just because Scot has an ailing mother and Jason has an autistic daughter doesn't mean I have to let up on his hatred of those two assholes. We're three weeks into the game, and I'm supposed to be rooting for them? Man, fuck that. While I enjoyed Nick's downfall, I never truly hated him. I do enjoy Blindside Season, though. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Awesome that the Brains still have a fighting chance. Granted, the winner will be somebody I don't really know . . . but as long as it isn't Scot or Jason, I'll be a happy camper. I'm ready to give Tai immunity for the next few episodes on his showing at IC. Cydney didn't look like she was going to break. Meanwhile, Tai's struggling and invoking his own experiences and Buddha, and he pulls through. Great effort. Now if only he didn't blab openly about Super Idol . . . In the lopsided RC, did Probst say that one of the woman "takes a dump"? Or did I imagine that?
  19. When you wish upon a staaaaaaaaar . . . Actually, I'm happier with next week having a repeat, because I can go out and only worry about DVRing Survivor. I mean . . . Laurel seems to be okay. She has what appears to be a meaningful/poignant talk with Oliver. We cut to outside the window as they talk. And then . . . Laurel dies? Seriously?!? Yes, I had a smile on my face that the show didn't swerve into a less annoying character, but I reckon that the cutaway might indicate that Laurel isn't dead-dead, and that we're being trolled. Total speculation on my part . . . I am not privy to spoilers. Oh, and Dark's powerful again. I know he's witty and all, but it's a drag for him to be in God Mode again. Thanks, Andy! Just for that, John isn't naming his nextborn after you. Still hoping/wishing there is a point to the flashbacks. At least they'll stop by 2017. Yes, I expect the show to last that long. Remember, it's the same network (more or less) that aired Smallville for ten years. ETA: Anybody else expect Chris Hardwick to pop up at the end? "It's 11:59 and 59 seconds. This just happened tonight in Star City . . . BLACK CANARY DIED! Okay, it was actually Laurel Lance, but I never saw them in a room at the same time."
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Apparently, a unicorn and shark are at Yankee Stadium today. And the Ninja Turtles are getting all sorts of press.
  21. Normally, I wouldn't start a topic on all seasons, given that the chatter has been confined to season-specific threads. However, MTV will be airing a special on RW hook-ups following Thursday night's episode, and I figured now would be a good time for general discussion. So . . . hook-ups and/or showmances. What do you think will get covered? I'd like to see the old school stuff . . . Pedro & Sean Sasser, the Miami threesome, David & Kira ("YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!!"), and Amaya & Colin. We'll probably get more recent scenes, as well as the Vegas threesome, even though Brynn (remember her?) would rather forget it. And who could forget the epic romance of Steven & Trishelle? *eyeroll*
  22. Took a quiz on the Pokémon page to determine what type I am. I wound up with Poison, and the example they provided was Ekans. So it might be a bit bullshit.
  23. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    For anybody who has SNY . . . they got an hour-long special focusing on the Mets' turnaround last year. It's titled "Five Days In Flushing." I'll have to sit down and see the whole thing.
  24. I liked it enough to get a sketch of the Pirate Captain. I'm not a Douglas Adams superfan, but it was pretty fun. I'm guessing that "City of Death" is a better example of Adams' work on the show.
  25. Credit to ABC . . . we didn't go past 10, even with the interruption. Still unnecessary to cut into the episode, where a rolling banner would have been just as affective. Unless a candidate is taking hostages, I'm not interested. So . . . Charles was Christopher Walken in The Dead Zone, except the other person shared the vision? Okay, then. It was okay. I'm dealing with a lost tooth, so my attention was a little diverted. We'll see Andrew again . . . five seconds after Lash gets killed. Total speculation on my part. I was trying to pay attention . . . was there any spoilers from Captain America: Civil War hinted at? I heard that was supposed to happen, but once again . . . lost tooth. Not a fun day for me.
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