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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. More like Kylo Tai. Half the calories, a quarter of the taste. And props to those who suggest the girls kill Tai's best friend in retaliation.
  2. The Mount Rushmore of Survivor Suck: Jon Dalton, Russell Hantz, Colton Cumbie, Kyle Jason and Scot Pollard. I know, the real thing has four faces, but Scot and Jason are in a class by themselves. Would that be an accurate gauge into how bad the casting department is running things in the past, or are there more loathsome pieces of garbage?
  3. Damn. That sucked. I wonder if the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos jerked off after their grandstanding play, or if they did that to each other. Then I realized . . . there probably aren't any tweezers available at camp. Fuck Scot Pollard. Fuck Kyle Jason. Fuck Tai for throwing in with those two, to the point of putting the fire out. And fuck the ladies for voting out Debbie, who may have been playing with her heart, but she was pointing at the right targets, Sure, she's crazy, but it's an acceptable kind of crazy. If the "three wankers" make it to Day 39, here's hoping Debbie skips her jury question and punches each of the finalists in the throat. Seriously, I feel like punching something. Those two ugly motherfuckers make me so mad . . . ETA before a new post pops up . . . I bet Jason can't spell "psychological." Asshat.
  4. Finally caught up with the "Love" episode on DVR. I had forgotten about most of the pairings, including Mike-Mike/Naomi and Knight/Jemmye. Too much "new school" stuff for my tastes, and I felt a lot of stuff was whitewashed. Another demerit: not pointing out that Sean Sasser died a few years ago. I'll give Judd & Pam this . . . they're pretty normal people. I'm still waiting for Judd to do mainstream comics again. Or maybe Barry Ween.
  5. The Ninth Doctor ongoing was released today. I had to stay home and oversee things, and the closest shop to me didn't have it. I'll have to check another place tomorrow.
  6. Honest Trailers takes on The Jungle Book. At the end, the narrator wonders how exactly it sets up TailSpin. Apparently, he doesn't watch Robot Chicken; otherwise, he'd know that it was the other way around
  7. I know, I'm a few days early, but I want to get this repeat poster out: (The Boondocks)
  8. Al Gore never struck me as a mascot. Joe Biden, Dick Cheney and Dan Quayle on the other hand . . . Curious . . . anybody try to call or text Ronnie?
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Been there twice, once closed and once opened. It's probably a nicer place when more fans show up. Also, from the CN Tower observation deck, it looks like a jewelry box. Noah strikes out 12, but the Mets fall to 2-5. For fans more invested than me, I have to ask: is it time to panic?
  10. Main takeaways from this episode: The Malicks are a family of punks, and "Secret Warriors" only works in print. Say it out loud, and you sound stupid. I know there was a critically-acclaimed book where Nick Fury (the original) ran things, but it's so clunky when it's voiced. I'd rather hear Lincoln talk about how he almost killed his last girlfriend.
  11. Nice clip. On the downside, you have to start with Jason's ugly mug on the screen before you click it. That's a face that can drive a man to drink.
  12. So she would be worse than Siobhan?
  13. In regards to the dog . . . yeah, that bothered me as well. I try to reassure myself by figuring that the dog was an asshole as well, and that his going #2 on Oswald was cut for time.
  14. So would I. I just figured that if Dreamz had honored Yau Man's agreement, Yau Man would have won. He didn't, Yau Man got booted, and Earl got the 9-0-0 vote. For that season (unfairly maligned by Probst), Earl would be my #2 after Yau Man, especially for his chin-stroking reaction to the fall of the Horsemen. I'm thinking Sandra just wanted a free trip to Los Angeles. Why would she jeopardize her 2-for-2 record?
  15. I don't have one for "U." I'm thinking of doing a "101" post on how to get sketches. ETA: Here's what I got so far.
  16. From RealityBlurred: a list of returning finalists for S34. Quick prediction: no way does Earl come back. He's way too normal for this show, even with the "He got lucky winning his season" angle.
  17. For anybody who missed the commercial from Toonami, here it is:
  18. That's my bad. I read "3 Supergirls" and figured they were all separate from this show's version. Anybody else expecting Kara to save the day by cracking open the Autobot Matrix of Leadership?
  19. For all its faults, I find Gotham to be more fun than Supergirl, and I'm happy the finale of the latter is next week. No more tearing through forums so I can get to the DVR to watch what I miss. Not like we can expect Barry to pop up in every episode. Did not think about how we saw all four Supergirls in one episode. I'm still unimpressed by Indigo in general. And Myriad. Granted, Max's "eight percent" solution would be less drastic than either big screen Superman movie. And I like to think that this Superman figures that Kara has this, and he faked getting mind-controlled. And he probably saved Kelly the Redshirt and faked her death. Too much to expect? I know, I shouldn't poke at the holes this show displays . . . like how Max gave the plot device to Cat. Huh? If this was happening in the real world, would he mail the earrings to Oprah? Liked the interaction between Ma Danvers and J'onn. Don't know what was up with Maxima. I'm guessing she's going to play a role in the finale, and that she will be sorely lacking compared to her S:TAS counterpart.
  20. Jim. James. Buddy. You just got through an ordeal where you had to risk your life even more so than in your regular job. Why, why, WHY don't you check the peephole before answering the door?!? Seriously! I feel as if the show was on the cancelation bubble, given how fast the plots are getting tied up. Totally expected "Jim Gordon: Fugitive" to last at least a few more weeks. But we have to get Ed to Dr. Strange, so that gets wrapped up. On the other hand, I'm happy that Oswald snapped, even if he had to kill an innocent dog to do it. I don't know how much more "Oswald Gets Abused By His Stepfamily" I could have taken. Points are given for the sinister revenge, but he loses a few for now drinking Whatshername's tears of unfathomable sadness. Another disappointment: Bruce not screaming "I MAKE IT WAYNE!!!" when he threw out the money. Sucks to see him part from Selina, but the Waynes murder plot has to go beyond Matches Malone.
  21. Seasons to forget. And damn, is CBS hitching their wagon to a runner-up on Dancing With The Stars two years ago? I mean, Amy & Daniel probably would have gotten far in the game had they not collapsed in the second leg.
  22. Naruto is trapped in the belly of the Three Tails. The possessor of a Tailed Beast is trapped within a Tailed Beast. Is this the anime version of a turducken? Anyway, he and Guren fight, talk, and end up trying to escape mini versions of the Beast. Kabuto gives the remaining supporting villains a deadly power-up. It looks like his version of Orochimaru's Curse Mark. And I kinda hate Toonami for showing GIFs of Rock Lee in action, only for that footage not to air this week.
  23. In case you didn't catch the MTV Movie Awards . . . Deadpool won twice, for Best Comedic Performance and Best Fight. Before Ryan Reynolds could accept his award, we got dozens of dancing Deadpools and Salt-N-Pepa performing "Shoop."
  24. DVRed Fear The Walking Dead so I could see the "sneak preview" of Preacher. And I got . . . Tulip fighting a guy in a moving car? Meh.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Saw Last Week Tonight. They showcased the "winners" of their contest. Included media coverage with an anchor referring to John Oliver as "Jon Stewart."
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