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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I don't think vampires exist in this world. Boy-reindeer, cyborgs and animated skeletons, sure . . . but not vampires. Eiichiro Oda has to draw the line somewhere. And Brook's shadow was stolen, not his soul. Anybody got a clue of what Brook was going to play before the "ghost" interrupted him? I'm thinking "Them Bones" by Alice In Chains.
  2. I don't remember bombs in Nick Arcade. Worst case, your character would get jumped by the bad guy. Damn, Muppet Babies went dark. Darker than the I Know What You Did Last Summer sketch explaining why we never saw Skeeter on The Muppet Show. Right now, there's a writing enclave debating whether they could use the show's "SkyNet goes back to the very beginning" premise. ETA: Mr. Bill was awesome. "C4, motherfucker!!!" ETA2: Forgot about the Speed Racer/Inspector Detector bit. I'd say they managed to capture the show's essence. And they didn't have to resort to a gag involving the Mach 5's trunk, which can house a small boy and a monkey.
  3. Clancy! Motherfucking Brown!! Okay, so we don't have a satisfactory conclusion to the plots. Blue Morpho is still not dead, Girlfriend/Sheila doesn't know she's married to him, and Rusty hasn't sunk his company into the ground yet. Also . . . isn't the big science conference coming soon? And what is "O.S. Sparkle"?? The OSI/GCI hoedown was pretty neat. Haven't seen them working together since the Henchman Zero caper. Like the elaborate masquerades, particularly Watch and Ward as Hank and Dean. And who was HELPeR? I'm thinking it'll be eighteen months before we get anything TVB-related. See you in September 2017!
  4. Checking to see who else saw "The Thin Yellow Line." Basically, the Banana Guard has talents. Just not in the realm of guarding. I liked the commenter on the AVClub review saying that Princess Bubblegum had to repeat to herself that she wasn't going to dissect Guardsman #39. Also: Finn and Jake undercover. Very cute.
  5. Hope y'all like Brook. I know, the "SKULL JOKES!!!" can be annoying, but the guy was adrift without human contact for who-knows-how long. It's amazing he can still speak . . . and that's without going fully into the backstory, which ranks with Nami and Robin in terms of being depressing. Next time, we'll see one of the fringe benefits of being all bones. In the meantime, here's a sketch of Brook I got in 2012.
  6. Any word on whether TPIR crew is reality savvy? Or who will show up? "JONATHAN BAKER, COME ON- . . . no, wait. Stay in your seat. Sorry for the mix-up. Sit down."
  7. I took on a list from CBS.com.
  8. Turns out I have one useable poster based on The Venture Bros. to post in honor of the sixth season ending this Sunday.
  9. CBR did a profile on Rachel Stott, who works on the Twelfth Doctor comic. I met her at New York Comic Con last year. Got this freebie sketch of Captain Jack from her.
  10. I keep wanting Obama to knock Mitch on his back and spin him around until Mitch vomits. I don't think "Third Month Mania" can match what Larry Wilmore did on TNS last year. Having teams hooked up to dares made the tournament a little more intriguing for folks who wouldn't care about basketball otherwise. And Larry wound up dressed in a onesie, which was funny.
  11. In case you didn't see my post on the Media thread . . . MTV will be following the episode with a "meet the cast" special. I don't know if the network will be bringing out "after shows" for every RW episode. ETA: An hour after the premiere, and no responses? Bad sign. Basically, we got a big box of crazy and Ceejai, who seems too normal for this show, and who will probably be going home. I'm thinking the casting department will get bonuses for unearthing Jenna. I'm betting she's not a fan of the show's older seasons. Remember Mike bringing up his racist uncle to Coral? That was just a relative . . . Jenna is being upfront with her prejudices, and she's gonna get her ass kicked for that. And my theory about BMP willing to kill their cast members gets some evidence . .. not with the hot air balloon bungee jump, but by throwing in Hoverboards. I hope the fire department has a station nearby. ETA2: Not impressed by the potential replacements. Dylan needs to be smacked harder than the incumbent guys.
  12. Just checking to see if anybody checked out the Eighth Doctor miniseries. Next week, Titan launches a Fourth Doctor mini with Sarah Jane. And the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine released in the States has a one-shot story written and drawn by Roger Langridge, which is always fun to see.
  13. . . . and now I can't get Whitesnake out of my head. Why, Debbie?!?
  14. Here's a teaser for the upcoming season . . .
  15. Shino: It's interesting to see that a stranger knows more about me than you do, Naruto. Naruto: Aw, who put a bug up your bu- . . . oh. Geez. Sorry about that. Shino: I keep a capsule up there to ease my discomfort. Of course Lee can weaponize heart. And we get new end credits. Not as much fun as the preceding set, but it's still interesting.
  16. I'm more interested in Joe pushing Peter up against the wall.
  17. Ugh. The good news: The Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos is spilt up. Bad news: They've infected others while getting into power positions, and the odds of them reuniting to make S32 suck ass are still constant. Oh, Tai. Why didn't you save Anna? I know you're not tight with the Beauty women, but an idol play would have given you two alliance members . . . three if you count Scot The Bal Boy. Didn't like the split. I don't care for Julia either way, but the twist should have happened after Caleb was booted. Alecia may have been a headache, but I would have liked to have seen her in a new group, putting the screws to Scot and/or Jason. It would have served them right. At least Peter isn't long for the game. Here's hoping President Obama calls him after he gets booted to tell him how much he sucks.
  18. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Buy? No. For free as part of a promotion? You bet.
  19. Nothing learned in the clip, aside from both tribes probably thinking of Alecia as "Blondie." I'm guessing Syndey had nightmares where Kyle and Jason made her get ugly tattoos of her own. I'm hoping those two assholes get separated and picked off soon.
  20. "Legendary Threesome" . . . wasn't that Mike/Melissa/Melody, with Dan, Flora and Sarah snooping? Heads up: MTV will be running a half-hour "Meet The Cast" special following the season premiere. ETA: Latest RW makes the Tolerability Index at AVClub. Three guesses as to where it lands.
  21. Forgot about that. You think Kara could actually pour bleach on her eyes to get rid of that image?
  22. I think Luffy was almost as insistent for Sanji to come on board the Merry as the ship's chef. We'll find out more about the skeleton in the next episode . . . his name, abilities, weaknesses, etc. He's voiced by Ian Sinclair, who played Space Dandy. ETA: Can the skeleton's hair be considered an afro? Looks more like curly hair to me.
  23. Didn't know Talbot had an Inhuman son that could be exploited. I hope his power is not having his father's hair. On the plus side, Glen and Phil make for a nice couple. I'm confused about Hive/Ward. He can suck regular humans to the bone, but not Inhumans. And he's impervious to Inhuman powers. Am I close?
  24. I'm guessing that the world's use of Dimension W directly affects the Earth from another universe. Or would that be too obvious? In other news, Mira knows how to keep her head even after losing it.
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