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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Looks like the plot was closer to the title than I figured. Of course the Gang would sink a Christian-themed cruise ship. Of course Dennis would use his "implications" to scare a young woman into sex. Of course Dee would punch somebody. Of course Frank and Charlie would dress like a ship captain and Gilligan. The part where Mac discovers he's gay? That was surprising. Just so I'm clear . . . is this the first two-part story since the high school reunion?
  2. How soon can we start speculating about who gets medical attention next week? I wasn't paying close enough attention with the teaser. I think the three tribes are still intact, though. Oh, and Tai's crying, but that's probably his thing, and he's okay. I hope he goes far and doesn't become a headache.
  3. Decent episode. A Brawn loss probably would have resulted in Cydney getting voted out, because they're fucked up that way. In a weird way, Scot, Jason and Alecia deserve each other. What sucks is that the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos are poised to go deep into the game . . . barring a twist, of course. Or a medical emergency. It's not in poor taste to root for somebody to be Colton'd out of the game, right? How is Tai not a member of Brains? He lost his fetching tool, but he improvised and got the idol. And yeah, I'm wondering where he would hide it. I suck for thinking, "I don't have an idol, Caleb, but I am happy to see you." Whatever to the Brains' dysfunction. Pete does appear to be an egomaniac. On the other hand, Neal wears ice cream pants. Gotta love how the camera zoomed in on those for a few seconds. What is interesting is how much Debbie's brain will disintegrate. Right now, she's Shirin at Day 24. I figure she'll be Shirin on Day 36 next week, trapped with Dan, Rodney and Will.
  4. Sometimes, I think there should be a system for runners who complete the course even when they don't win or have to finish . . . but the 1-1-2 format works for me. mlp . . . I'm thinking NBC will air the season in late May or early June. I reckon it's the best show they have during the summer.
  5. Anybody else disappointed that the plot doesn't have the Gang dying and going to hell? Maybe the guys are saving that for the series finale.
  6. Fitting title to this episode. The big bad gets hers, Peggy gets her guy, Jason gets a stable job and status quo, and Jarvis continues to be funny. Oh, and Jack ends up getting shot. But come on, he was going to get shot sooner or later. I'm hoping we'll get a third season. Or maybe Agents of SHIELD can step up its game.
  7. Holy shit, you guys. You gotta check this out. Team Ronin sweeps Team TNT, Then Team Midoryama sweeps Stratis Faction. The Ronins wind up running Flip first, and he and Tiana win the first two heats against Stratis Faction. But then JJ Woods stumbles on the Dancing Stones, and the score is tied. Ryan follows that up by beating Flip to the buzzer, advancing the wild cards to the Relay. Onto Midoryama vs. TNT. They spilt the first two, and Meagan Martin powers past an overmatched Grace Jones. But Travis Rosen beats Ian Dory in the last heat. The two teams that got swept in the first round muscled their way into the final. As for the Relay? Ryan whiffs on the Warped Wall, and Travis cruises to a win. And apparently, next week's episode is the finale, meaning TNT will face the winners of the other semifinal.
  8. Heads up for anybody who hasn't seen the commercials on Cartoon Network . . .Adventure Time will have new episodes on Saturdays at 7 p.m., starting with "The Hall Of Egress."
  9. Cthulhudrew . . . I know about the Silver Age Superman putting his key out in front of the Fortress that needed the strength of a hundred men to carry. In All-Star Superman ("must" reading, IMHO), he had the superdense key right in front of the door that only he could lift.
  10. Messy, messy episode. Would have been great if Lucy figured out Kara is Supergirl on her own. But then she would have pointed out that Supergirl was a Kryptonian that Jimmy could kiss. Maybe that's for the best. Hated Indigo. I was a reader of Outsiders in the mid-2000s. I like Indigo as the overgrown blueberry of the team. Here, she's basically Internet Mystique. What a waste. I see the writers cribbed Grant Morrison's idea of Superman leaving a key under the mat. Pity the key we got didn't look like a normal key. ETA: What would Kara do with booze? I'm assuming her biology wouldn't let her get buzzed.
  11. No. Different guy who's going to pop up on One Piece in a few weeks. I just thought Kyouma (always copy-and-paste) had some of Dandy's moves.
  12. People getting flash-frozen? Must be Monday. Good episode to come back to the show. And I think Victor is more menacing a bad guy than Captain Cold over on Legends of Tomorrow. When was the last time you saw Snart actually freeze a guy? Nice to shoehorn the motivation from B:TAS with Nora. Bottom line: don't fuck with a dude that has a dying wife. Gotham's Worst Pharmacist found that out the hard way. Poor Oswald. Penguins never go to Arkham in traditional canon. And now he's in the hands of Dr. Hugo Strange, who has the absolute worst name for a mental health professional.
  13. Aw, I think Shar-Peis are cute. I visit two Instagram sites featuring the wrinkly guys: Duncan and Paddington.
  14. Interesting premise. I'm probably going to refer to Kyouma as "Zoriccolo" because Christopher Sabat voices him. He seems no-nonsense, but guy can move like Space Dandy. Dunno what to think about the robot girl. What's up with the tail? It seems weird and off-putting, even for anime. Sandman87 . . . man, Kyouma does look like Kiba. Good catch.
  15. Saw this episode on DVR delay due to the Oscars. Felt weird to fast-forward past the commercials. Another series of misunderstandings? Brock playing buttmonkey again? I like the series, I think it's the best thing to come out of Adult Swim, but I'm not finding myself being drawn by the current story. On the other hand, I might ask for a Blue Morpho sketch on Saturday to go with my Monarch. Anybody else think Rusty might not live to see the next season?
  16. Esquire posted a sneak preview of the first semifinal, with Team TNT (Travis Rosen) taking on Team Ronin (Flip Rodriguez), with Team Midoryama (Ian Dory) and the wild card Stratis Faction (Ryan Stratis) waiting in the wings. The Ronins wind up sweeping the first match, 4-0, but the last heat was dramatic. Much like Flip's first run against Karson Voiles, he trailed through most of it. Ryan wound up making it to the Warped Wall first, climbed it first . . . but Flip ran so smoothly, he beat Travis to the buzzer, which led to a shot of Matt and Akbar going apeshit in the booth. It's a "must-see" even if the rest of the episode turns out to be a dud.
  17. I'm not watching DBZK, but I got a laugh from Toonami's Tumbr page. All I can hear is the Team Four Star version, where Goku exclaims, "Oh, no! Yamcha's been Yamchaed!!!" Any word as to what will replace Kill la Kill when its run finishes at 3 a.m.?
  18. kitkat343 . . . you too, huh? For those who were wondering . . . Tyler had the title quote. He and Korey were being tongue-in-cheek, so I'll allow it.
  19. Interesting leg. Sucks for Darius & Cameron to come close to surviving, only for Darius to not understand how to get to the vendor. The bright side about Zach & Rachel making it this far is that we might get more of his Vines. Is he excellent as an editor, or would he be considered average at best? Still liking Tyler & Korey. Starting to compare them in my head to Oswald & Danny, though I have to tell myself it's too early to do that. Still no obvious villain team, a la Logan & Chris. Still think the parent/child teams will be reuniting with Marty & Hagen soon, I'm still having trouble dredging up the need to tell the teams apart . . . but aside from being a little loud, I'm okay with this field.
  20. I finally got to writing about The Eltingville Club, which I got a few weeks ago. I threw in the Welcome To Eltingville pilot. It's worth a look, but I'm pretty biased.
  21. "Hand abuse." Sounds like something Scot and Jason would be familiar with.
  22. Just caught @Midnight. Theo wasn't hitting the buzzer fast enough, and he was eliminated before the final round. Then he took a gratuitous potshot at Derrick's height. Just kidding. Turns out Theo has a comedy special that's available on Netflix tomorrow. Oh, and he's got a goatee now.
  23. It's still a good poster, Sandman87. Two episodes into the latest Survivor, and I already hate the second-biggest friendship (after Caleb & Tai) . . .
  24. No hiatus for the show? Nice. It should help me go through Flash/Arrow withdrawal. I know Grant Wilson is a canon character, but I kept thinking of him as "Kylo Stroke." John/Conner seemed cool, though. I wonder if Sara Diggle is still around. Oh, right . . . nothing ever goes right in Star City, so she's probably dead. Aw, Leonard and Mick had a tiff. Heat Wave seemed at home there. In other news . . . a love triangle? Really? I would think that Kendra wouldn't be on Ray's radar because she doesn't have a high IQ like Felicity. Looks like she'll be taking a break from love . . . much like Iris, come to think of it. And part of me "ships" her with Cisco. Since when does Kendra have recall about her past lives?
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