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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Checking to see if anybody else has seen the Honest Trailer for TFA . . . Hopefully, we'll get trailers for Empire and Jedi in the near future.
  2. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I mentioned that in the previous page. John is selling premium seat for a quarter each for the next two games. Maybe I should go home and fire up YES to see if they're on camera, or if the ushers beat them up.
  3. Sarah's expression in the still matches mine. And Johnny still hasn't let go. Fuck him. scrb . . . I think GBOGH was filmed during this Challenge.
  4. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Found this on Penny Arcade. They don't do sports much, but the concept is pretty funny.
  5. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    At least the Mets didn't go out like punks. That has to count for something, right? Harvey going 5 2/3 means he can go deeper in September. And nice to see Bartolo again, though it's not an official experience unless he bats. ETA: I got bored around 11 and tuned into HBO. Oh, man. John Oliver did a thing about how a Yankees exec is frowning upon people reselling tickets for premium seats, and he's offering six seats -- two per game -- for the Astros/Yankees series to people who are willing to NOT look like they've been in a premium area. If you got HBO, check out Last Week Tonight. So funny. ETA2: Here's the hashtag on Twitter. Can't wait to see who won!
  6. Anybody else remember that particular commercial for Simon? I swear, this show can be hit-or-miss with me, and then it takes me somewhere I haven't been in decades. Of course the Simon expert would wind up working in what appears to be a Chipotle. I think the "Micronauts Go Mountain Climbing" sketched worked better than what we got to end tonight's episode. Or maybe I feel that way because I never got into Micronauts.
  7. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Half-watching the game. Amazing that David Wright needs three hours of warming up to combat his condition. If the Mets win the World Series, he'd probably pack it in, getting his number retired and a cushy commentator gig. Starting a game at 8:30 isn't too bad. Back in 1999 or 2000, I had to get up at 5 a.m. to watch the Mets open their season in Japan. Wound up writing about my early morning experience for the local newspaper.
  8. I hear good things. I heard a rumor that Toonami was going to plug in Ergo Proxy, which aired on G4 ages ago. Aside from both sets of credits being set to Radiohead and a game show-themed episode, it made no impact on me. Any word on what will air at 3 a.m.? I'm hearing either Parasyte or Totally Spies!
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Sounds nice, but it's too long a trip for me to go. Right now, my priority for tomorrow is freeing up enough DVR space so that I can see Mets/Royals without distraction. Also: I think this is the first time two World Series teams have met on Opening Day in the following regular season.
  10. According to Wikipedia, Sheri & Cole have spilt the six Roadblocks equally. And I'm okay with this edition, mostly because we don't have any gruesome motherfuckers like Jason and Scot over on Survivor. Heaven help us if CBS forces the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos onto Elise and Bertram.
  11. I think Cerberus has a fox's head, not a fake one.
  12. Good leg. Would have sucked if Tyler & Korey went out because they couldn't find the clue guy. Also would have sucked for Sheri & Cole to be eliminated because "Righty tighty, lefty loosey" is reversed in Armenia. I'm happy with the results. Can't be bothered to tell Brodie & Kurt apart. Their attitude isn't wearing on me yet. I could see them burning out within the next few legs, but they're not total assholes, Justin. Do you have to be that aggressive while playing Frisbee? I feel bad that I missed Conan O'Brien's trip to Armenia. It seems like a nice place. I would like to try their national bread. Slapping the dough on the side of an underground oven? Sure . .. why not? Don't know how to feel about the theater task. Vacuum Guy should have been decked out in red and yellow. I did get a good laugh at errant Racers checking the dancers, the musicians, and hidden compartments.
  13. Have to share . . . Penny Arcade takes on BvS.
  14. And bumping up again because AS seems to be airing the episodes in order, starting with "Dia de los Dangerous." Interesting to see the Monarch's origin, though I don't know if it holds up to the latest continuity. And we got 24. Poor Speedy, though.
  15. Fucking hell. I forgot about it. AGAIN. It's 12:37, and AS is playing ATHF. Did I miss the gag? ETA: Checked the AS boards. Apparently, nothing has happened yet. I'll keep it on before I go to bed. I got the DVR to record the 4 a.m. block, so maybe something will pop up there.
  16. Nobody looked good this week. Well, maybe Chris, but I think his coddling of Jenna is misplaced. And the damn hoverboards are so distracting. I keep waiting for somebody to break an ankle. Jenna is so not going home. Producer Matt will probably let her slide due to her injury. She's too good at attracting drama. And penis. Sorry . . . couldn't resist. I'm sure her bf (best friend? boyfriend?) will see the episode and know that she didn't want the lapdance.
  17. Good start for the new status quo. Nice that "Furlock Bones" has a name. That's a sad-looking dog. Probably knows he's promoting a detective agency headlined by Cyril, of all people. Anybody else get Springfield Gorge flashbacks seeing Archer fall?
  18. I've been blogging more often. I'm going to try and keep it up for the month of April, as I take part in the A-to-Z Challenge.
  19. shelley1005 . . . You mean Tami, right?
  20. Good episode. Nice that the writers are open to forcing characters through long periods of time . . . two years for Sara, Ray and Kendra, an eternity for Mick. And a round of applause to those who figured Mick would be Chronos. That's "Chronos" with an "H," BTW. Anybody else liking Ra's al Guhl this time around? Vandal Savage makes him look awesome by comparison. I know the Arrow version pales to other counterparts, but I liked him here. And we get the door left open for Talia -- one of Batman's fiercest femme fatales -- coming back down the road. Maybe when Savage is killed for good, Rip can take Ra's to 2016 Star City to meet his successor. Speaking of dudes with one hand . . . damn, Cold can't do things the easy way, can he? I was getting ready for him to have to fire his cold gun with the other hand, but the Waverider has regenerating tech. Of course it does. We got to hear Rory Freakin' Williams say "regenerate." That's nerd baiting, isn't it? I'm okay with Kendra and Ray being a couple. I still consider Ray to be a prize-winning schmuck, but it's nice to see Hawkgirl have her own destiny for once. And I'm willing to bet Ray would get over 1960 once he got online. Commercial . .. . wait, so Jax is played by a Brit? Damn, who isn't these days?
  21. There's an image I don't need, azshadowwalker. I keep flashing back to the episode of Family Guy where Peter stuffed Stewie in his pants. Given the size differential between Scot and Tai, I can't help but make that comparison.
  22. There will be no "After Show" tonight. As promised last week, I'll be watching Archer, but I'll pop to the DVR afterward because Comedy Central's late night lineup is in repeats this week.
  23. MarkHB . . . glad you liked it. Archer begins a new season tonight with a shiny status quo. You can also check out past episodes on Comedy Central, back when the show had the cast working at a spy agency called ISIS. No, really.
  24. Like I said, we'll be getting a new season of Archer, starting Thursdays at 10 on FX.
  25. What are the odds that Cydney would turn on Scot and Jason? I really need something to get me to keep watching this turkey of a season.
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