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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. "Ultimate betrayal"? Why are the promo monkeys making Tai the bad guy?
  2. Forgot to mention the silhouettes of Pam. Ray and Cheryl at the end of the first act. Ray's smoking, Pam's drinking and holding her finger up (which is an Archer pose, but whatever), and Cheryl seems to be having fun with glue.
  3. Another fun episode. Nice that Barry is back, now wearing an ill-fitting Cyril mask. Because Krieger, that's why. And aside from getting shot in the leg, Archer doesn't get hurt too much or learn anything. Bad that Barry didn't bother doing his homework on Malory. Gotta love how she hijacked a truck on her way to murdering everybody in her way. ETA: Also gotta love out Archer still shoots in enclosed spaces. "Mawp! Mawp!"
  4. She's baaaaaaaaack. Good episode from her tonight. The stuff with the Betsy Ross "hip hopera" went over my head because I'm not interested in seeing Hamilton. The bedroom bit was funny . . . cool that you could get Chris Parnell on two shows at the same time. And she's no longer doing interviews out in the cold. The interviews at the end of the episode stay, though . . . this week, it's the woman who waxes her.
  5. Watched the latest episode again on DVR. I'm struggling to remember most of it. "Doug as Dice" does stand out, especially since I keep seeing commercials for Dice often. Too often.
  6. That was . . . oddly touching. The episode may have tried too hard to jerk tears, and the "timey-wimey" aspect is still insane, but I thought it was a good hour. For the record, I like Quentin with hair. I'm guessing he went bald between seasons two and three of Arrow ripping it out of his head. I also liked how Pilgrim targeted Quentin and not Laurel. She probably wouldn't have bothered even if she knew Laurel was going to (apparently) kick the bucket in 2016. I would have guessed Lil Mick started the fire. Turns out it just gave him pyromania. And all babies are cute . . . even sociopaths like Snart. I was waiting for him to look up at Kendra and Sara and say "Goo, goo" in the condescending tone the adult version has perfected. On the downside . . . no quips about Pilgrim not wearing buckles. I feel cheated. Damn, Lil Rip was a bastard. Nice plan from Adult Rip . . . have Pilgrim so focused on the heroes, she forgets to check her captive. Even as ash, I'd say this isn't the last we'll see of her.
  7. I checked MTV's schedule online. Ridiculousness is slated to air now, not Purple Rain. In other words, there's a chance that Prince's death may put off the shitshow for a week. I could use a break from Chris, Dione and Jenna, to be honest. ETA: Checked StopBeingPolite. There will be no new episode tonight. Awesome for me . . . I get to watch Archer and Inside Amy Schumer on the same night. I mean, it's a shame that a legend died, but I'm okay with this outcome.
  8. I had to make this poster, in light of tonight's results on Survivor: Here's Tribal Council in all its glory. Enjoy!
  9. Sweet . . . Doom Patrol shoutouts! Negative Man and Robotman!
  10. The Brotherhood . . . is no more. And that's all most of us wanted. Jason isn't going to win, and neither will Tai. The season is looking up! Seriously, if Scot or Jason knew how to get ink done, they would've inducted Tai into their ranks. But between the angels and the devils on his shoulders, Tai chose to fuck Scot over. That was beautiful. Granted, there will be repercussions . . . Jason will probably smother Tai in his sleep, and Tai has no shot at winning the million. But the big ugly ogre is gone. And he didn't give his idol to the fat ogre before leaving. And Jason can't luck into winning every immunity challenge through Day 39. This is awesome. This is the Dan/Rodney/Will threesome getting broke up. Once again, this is the warden finding the hole behind the poster of Raquel Welch. So awesome. And Scot kept waiting for Tai to hand him the idol! HA! I wonder how many times Probst asked Scot to step up. Good riddance to Super Idol. Even if a new idol is put into play, no way the big nuke will be played. Fuck you, Scot. Fuck you, "Champion." Probst will probably give him a lapdance at the Reunion, but tonight was so worth it. ETA: Who got the title quote?
  11. Catching up . . . 1. I went to MoCCA for the first time in three years. Got to write about that as well. Here's the prelude, Saturday and Sunday. I'm about two weeks away from Anime Fan Fest in NJ. I'm hoping it'll be as fun as its predecessor. 2. This month, I'm taking part in the A-to-Z Challenge. I'm writing about sketches I've gotten at conventions and events. Check it out.
  12. How soon do episodes go "On Demand" on cable systems? I should have expected the cutaways to New York primary results from ABC . . . but then the local station had to do their own coverage, wrecking the episode for me. I didn't get to see Lincoln seemingly betray the team, I didn't get to see the Secret Warriors (seriously?) implode, and I missed a lot of the run-up to Daisy betraying the team. At least I got to see FitzSimmons kissing . . . which was nice, until the ceiling started falling on them. Is it a trope for characters normally associated being good look really cool acting bad? Daisy was killing it in the end. Too bad her future will be with Hive, and it will be icky. Also . . . does anybody else associate the word "Hive" with DC Comics? I figure they would have the general patent with HIVE in Teen Titans and Arrow. I'd suggest "Swarm" for Ward, but I'm willing to bet they're saving that name and concept for a future season. Fucking primaries.
  13. Introducing this year's "event" from Titan: Supremacy of the Cybermen.
  14. "Dear Kyle. I'm leaving you and I'm taking the girls. Can't believe you didn't ask me why I was packing when you were doing the same thing. Seriously, you're a dumbass. The only person you would ever truly love would be somebody as ugly as you, if not more so. I'm not even signing my name, so Mark Burnett can't look for me. Fuck you."
  15. Sucks if you're a fan of Jay Garrick, whether it's the guy in Earth 2 or the canon guy in the sweet helmet. So there was never really a "Jay," but rather a psychopath with speed powers who posed as a hero to take away hope from people. And I'm ignoring the "time remnant" talk because I don't think anybody on The Flash or Legends of Tomorrow can write a proper time-travel story. Seriously . . . Eobard-as-Harrison terrorizes Barry, and Eddie kills himself in order to negate Reverse Flash's existen- . . . see, I can see all of you trying to shake off the headache. It's a mess. At least Wally and Joe got to bond before Wally got kidnapped. I think the odds are even that Wally will be inducted into Team Flash by the finale. At least he's not as bothersome as he was when he first arrived on the show. Hard to believe that Warner Brothers doesn't have Star Wars the way Cisco was talking about it. I've always regarded him as a putz, but he was never a whiny little snot like Anakin was in the prequels. Now he needs to figure out Reverb's offense-minded powerset. To the DVR with Agents of SHIELD! Nobody tell the lawyers!! I'm going with canon and saying that Wally-2 is Iron Mask.
  16. Alumni sighing . . . Christina from Battle Of The Sexes on Not Safe With Nikki Glaser. Warning: it's really not safe for work. Or certain homes.
  17. For the 3 a.m. slot, it'll probably be a repeat running of whatever wrapped up. I'm thinking either Dimension W or Samurai Champloo. I'm not revisiting Parasyte. It was good, but I need my DVR space.
  18. "I think the man who killed your parents used his real name." "My God. What was it?" "Hugo Strange." "Okay, so we're looking for 'The Philosopher,' then." DVRed this so I could watch the Supergirl finale "live." I'm dumbfounded about why this neck of the woods is as barren as Kris's temporary resting place. As dark and as silly as it can be, Gotham is worth watching. That said, we could have used a little Oswald and Ed this week. I guess they needed a breather. . . particularly Oswald, who fed his father's wife her own kids before killing her. I took it as a nod to the Sixties series, where Mr. Freeze's henchmen would wear parkas. That was funny. Parkas are not badass. Not even Leonard Snart over on Legends of Tomorrow can make that work. Hi, Missy! Bye, Missy! And I can live with the "Is she crazy?" plot with Barbara.
  19. I'm caught up. Mystified as to why Lady's parents would be using their translator devices in flashbacks. I thought they only broke those out when they met Finn and Jake. And "Beyond The Grotto" was trippy. Well, trippier than usual. Ubiquitous . . . I don't think Jake's kids have gotten the spotlight recently. I think the focus has spread out amongst those five since "Jake the Dad."
  20. In the pod? I'm thinking either Kara Zor-L or baby Kal-El. I wasn't thinking Krypto. I know Streaky was an Earth cat, but canon has been screwed with on this show. Okay finale to an okay series. Kinda gagged on Cat bringing up Working Girl because Harrison Ford was the closest to a male lead in that movie. Nice that Cat finally got "Kara" right . . . assuming "Kira" wasn't on purpose. Also nice that J'onn will be operating out in the open. They're not recasting, are they? I like the "Hank" model, even if the original comes back. Anybody else feel bad for Winn? I mean, he's part of a family that doesn't involve a psycho dad, but he probably feels like a fifth wheel. I kept expecting him to say to Kara, "Touch it. Squeeze it. Just once. I don't care if it turns to diamond . . . it would mean a lot to me."
  21. UniqBlue69 . . . Coral never took to the Internet while the show was filming to announce that Mike was a racist. This season, Chris is lucky he got a mere warning for violating confidential papers. One bright side to his being exposed . . . he'll probably never get to do a Challenge. Nobody would trust him. No big loss there.
  22. The show likes to go the WTF route . . . similar to The Venture Bros., but in a different, more horrific direction. Like finding out a coma victim wanted to sex up her stepson in a faux Disney backdrop. On the down side, "shit" still gets bleeped and unbleeped. Still annoying.
  23. I DVR the 12:30-3 a.m. block. I skip Dragonball Z Kai because I prefer Team Four Star's abridgement. And I'm a bit stunned that the guy behind Hunter X Hunter was behind Yu Yu Hakusho. Is Gon truly the anti-Yusuke? I have to ask again . . . when a slot gets opened up on the schedule, what would you want to fill the void? When I found out that there was an anime special featuring characters from DBZ, One Piece and Toriko, I wound up picking up several volumes of the latter's manga. Interesting premise . .. imagine Pokémon, only the main characters seek to capture and cook their catches. Few of the animals are as adorable, but it is a neat hook. And Toriko himself is as big a chowhound as Goku and Luffy.
  24. Only caught a bit of last night's episode. Apparently, the scene where Luffy shows how to deal with zombies made it to Toonami's Tumblr. That's what The Walking Dead is lacking! ETA: I think the 600 Million Berry Jackpot was a double-paged spread in the manga. On the downside, this scene from Tumblr wasn't in the latest episode. Does anybody else have "Single Ladies" running through the head? Oh, and I think the big boss of the arc gets introduced in the next ep.
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