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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Thought I'd show what [as] is running in the 4 a.m. slot this week: While I'm at it, here's the goofiest late night entry that isn't "Too Many Cooks."
  2. Found this on Bill Simmons' Twitter: THING NOBODY HAS EVER SAID WATCHING THE CHALLENGE - "Oh great they added more 'Are You The One?' cast members this season!"
  3. Anybody else into Doonesbury? I remember when BD and Boopsie couldn't find a sitter for their baby daughter, so BD would take her to work. He was a California Highway Patrolman. Boopsie was not happy when she found out. Anyway, that's where my mind went seeing John and Sara spending quality daddy/daughter time.
  4. Found this on YouTube. Spoilers, naturally . . .
  5. Bumping the thread up because Johnny is a giant crybaby. Yes, still. Apparently, he keeps leaving out the part where he and Nany lost in the endgame of Battle Of The Exes II, only to come back via the lameass "Battled Of The Ex-Iled" games. No, he leaps to the part where Judas Sarah stabbed him in the back. He and Nany could have stuck it to her and Jordan, but they lost. Again. Seriously, fuck this guy.
  6. Nobody to root for yet. Well, except for Sarah, but only to smother Johnny in his sleep. What a baby. And I still can't give Wince an iota of credit. What's the deal with Brandon? Is he AYTO Wes? Shut up, Johnny. Shut up, Johnny. Shut the fuck up, Johnny.
  7. I should be celebrating, what with Fat Ogre gone. The thought of Jason getting $100K from Scot angered me, and the game is legitimately wide open with him gone. So how come I'm not ringing on doorbells and high-fiving strangers? Nice to see Mark is going to make it to Day 39. I really hope that he survived Second Chances. His buddy Tai is okay, though I think he's got too much power. I don't think it's turned him into an asshole. Maybe an asshat, but he's going to get a lot of love when the game is over. Tired of team-based Reward Challenges. Whatever happened to everybody playing for themselves? I did like the reward. Nice to see Jason with his intellectual superiors. Nice Immunity Challenge. First of all, it should be difficult to spell backwards after 32 days, even if the blocks are arranged in the correct order. I'm hoping that Probst apologized to Cydney for ranking on her gameplay. She was so slow, just about everybody wiped out twice. Very impressive. Joe got interviews! I think that's as big an upset as Leichester City winning the Premier League.
  8. Interesting episode. Seeing how the production number is "420," I would've expected more funkiness. Maybe the CW could've had Kevin Smith direct this instead of The Flash. Hooray for no flashbacks! Getting plagued by darkness doesn't count. Cheesy how Oliver needs Felicity to repel darkness, but you can't argue with the results. I might miss Dark when he's inevitably killed. Out of the DC/CW shows, he's better to watch than Zoom or (ugh) Vandal Savage. Speaking of getting capped . . . sucks to be Andy. I would have gone for the leg or foot, but I'm an only child. Guy went over the line. Good riddance. Hi, Malcolm! Bye, Malcolm! Wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't sneaking on the lot of The Truman Show, trying to keep watch over the daughter that cannot stand him.
  9. I'm not clicking that. "Prison rape origin story"?!? Did DC Comics ever think of vetting movie-runners before giving out their priceless toys?
  10. The Challenge made the headline for the "What's On Tonight" column on the AVClub. What's better for the show: being labeled "America's true national pastime" or the Bananas Backpack clip?
  11. I missed the heads. I still have the episode on DVR . . . where does the moai pop up? I'll have to rewatch again to see if the main bad guy resembles Medusa. I kinda miss Soul Eater. Well, except for the Excalibur episodes. Only three more episodes left? I'm hoping that Kyoma treats Mira a little better by the end, but I'm not counting on that.
  12. I dunno which show lays on the rated-PG misery porn harder . . . AoS or The Flash. Hard to watch those back-to-back. PreHive looked nice. Shame the Kree had to fuck him up on a genetic level. At least Hive has more motivation than Zoom . . . if everybody is Inhuman, he can control the world. I think the misery porn is harder to watch here. Watching Lincoln endanger himself and others trying to get his ass into the game is brutal. If Lincoln gets killed in the next few episodes, would that be a huge loss? I did like Hydra Lackey May. I hope she doesn't die. Anytime you think she's contributed everything she's got, she brings something new.
  13. Now I got an image in my head about the real reason Harrison/Eobard had the wheelchair. I guess nobody checked it for . . . removable components.
  14. In all fairness, the comic introduced folks to the concept of two Earths. The Flash is just taking it back.
  15. "His name was Barry Allen. Now, he's a charred briquette." At least Zoom hasn't resorted to kill any main players. And Singh. Sucks to be a redshirt cop in Central City. At least Cisco got closer to his brother. And we see the horror of what happens when a Cisco turns evil and doesn't name all the villains. Seriously . . . "Rupture"? Ugh. ETA for CletusMusashi . . . Wally likes going fast. Just not all the time.
  16. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Mixed night for baseball's big guys. Just found out Pablo Sandoval is out for the season. On the flip side, Bartolo Colon went eight scoreless innings in the Mets' 4-1 win. Also, he hit a line drive foul ball, which gave some fans a thrill.
  17. CBS throws fans of Mark a bone:
  18. I am convinced that the most fun place to be in the television industry is the script readings at Gotham. The actors and writers probably have to keep bets as to how long they can go without laughing. Or drinking. Fuck it, what else am I going to do between 8 and 9? So . . . Theo is Azrael, and Azrael is Jim's mortal nemesis. Sure, why not? No flaming swords or complex armor, but the insanity is preserved in spades. And you know Strange whacks it to footage of his rampages, while Ms. Peabody shakes her head and rolls her eyes. Nice to see Ed adjusting well in Arkham. He'd be ready for a grisly death if he wasn't a canon character. Can't believe Barnes might still be alive. I guess an intact sword would have done the job. Man, that was telegraphed, but I didn't turn away. I guess my tolerance to the bullshit is higher than normal for me.
  19. Lantern7

    Keanu (2016)

    It was okay. Like I said, I probably shouldn't have shelled out $10 on popcorn and soda.
  20. Lantern7

    Keanu (2016)

    I got around to seeing Keanu today. Basically, I paid $19 ($9 ticket + $10 on small popcorn and soda) for an uncensored episode of Key & Peele. Don't get me wrong . . . Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele make for a great tandem, playing cousins posing as gangstas in order to retrieve a kitten. I just didn't laugh too hard like the ads said I would. I probably could have done without the snacks. I wound up chuckling over little stuff, like how the guys came out of a Liam Neesan movie before going home. Also, if you're not into George Michael, you might get hives seeing Key getting thugs into stuff like "Freedom (1990)" and "Father Figure." And there's about as much usage of the n-word as your typical episode of The Boondocks. Keanu himself? Cute little guy, and I say that as a dog person. Peele's character winds up taking pictures of him reenacting famous movies for a private calendar. You get to see it in the closing credits.
  21. Too much Hulk. I don't have much else to add. I only know about Walt Jr. through the Honest Trailer for Breaking Bad. I noticed the show got Bryan Cranston. That's an impressive "get."
  22. No description as of May 1. Also, the episode is scheduled to run until 11:34 p.m.
  23. K.M. . . . . there's a thread about "suggesting" stuff for TAR. I like the idea of a U-Turn with a puzzle.
  24. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm thinking of going to the Mets' celebration of the '86 team. It's on a Saturday, and the game starts at 7:10. I'm thinking that I wouldn't make it back home until after midnight, but it's on Memorial Day weekend. I would have wanted to get a replica ring the following day, but that's an ESPN 8 p.m. game.
  25. Heads up: new episode airs this Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Hooray for boredom-fueled schedule searches! While I'm thinking about it . .. . where can I see the short episodes?
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